Milicia Oscura

New full-length release of Milicia Oscura from Mexico out on 30 June 2013 by Satanath Records!
Musicians told about the biography:
Milicia Oscura is the evolutionary result of two previous projects. Our beginnings go back a year 2003; the first project, with which there were no excellent achievements. In the year 2004 we change members and name, and begin to touch in many other places; beginning this way, acceptance on the part of sympathizers with the genre. For economic motives, one does not manage to extract any recording, once again it changes the alignment and we incorporate an additional guitarist (Quo-Vadis), who in the year 2005 it goes out for personal motives. In the year 2006, it is decided to adopt the name of a song of ours, since the previous (Gólgota) was already much used by many bands more (even of Christian character in addition), and this way he is born: MILICIA OSCURA, name that we have up to today (obviously). Our subject-matter and philosophy is concerning the darkness, the big force mysterious and afraid by many up to the actuality. This way we express by means of the music our sentires and perspectives of this life, our hate towards the churches and to its religious leaders; to its hypocrisy and falsity, our repudiation towards all them tint with the Christianity and everything refined one towards the light god. In the year 2007 salt the first home-made demo: "La sangre de Cristo", in which we included the most significant topics in that one then. Of this alone demo some copies went out, since it was not maquilado in mass. In the year 2008, after several events and absurd experiences, we begin to be betados for some circles not sympathizers, and for internal problems, the baterista goes out of the band (In-Ikuo, now baterista of Black Blasphemy), but thanks to our Allied Forces, immediately a new element joins in the drummer (Beshart of the band Demonic Hordes), and also one more guitarist (Luciferous of the band Nox Ater of Jalisco, who were visiting our grounds). This alignment lasted a few months, without managing to record anything new. Time later they would leave the city Nox Ater and Demonic Hordes. In the year 2009, after so many stagnation, one manages to recruit a new drummer, who offered immediate help. After several essays, we return to the scene and keep on interspersing our message. After informing and heading several events in Tijuana and Mexicali, we manage to compose more topics and this way it goes out in 2010, the demo: "Perpetua Oscuridad", of independent production, but with better quality than the demo predecessor. Of this demo, only 100 copies were extracted. Time later, in the same year, for personal motives there goes out of the band the third drummer (E. Eddieh, who is a member of the band Miseria Humana) and the band hibernates again, meanwhile, Gesthas composes nuevomaterial and begins to recruit new elements and by the end of 2010, surprisingly it turns to reform MILICIA OSCURA with its new members: Demonium (guitar leader) and Infernum (drums, and Gesthas brother), the most revealing promise for the band. In 2011, we have returned to the stage to challenge, ar what is ours, our music has matured, and the new alignment has been consolidated. There are many projects ne mind in the same year, we will keep on blaspheming, destroying and profaning; let's like or not we all or to nobody, for the enemies, the war continues, Eternal revenge! Infinite revenge towards the traitors! To trample and to destroy the one who intervenes in the way of the MILICIA OSCURA!
Kahifas - Bass
Infernum - Drums
Demonium - Lead Guitars
Gesthas - Vocals, Guitars
Check Facebook and little piece of one track!