. Satanath Records

Reviews: SAT325

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Quel groupe plutôt étonnant qu'Osiris : naissance au milieu des années folles et glorieuses du metal extrème en 1996, démo, single à la suite, puis plus rien. Nada. « La shayy ». Retour, dix ans après leur premier single en 2017, avec… un autre single, enchaîné d'un autre, pas moins d'un an plus tard. Et puis plus rien, à nouveau, jusqu'à cette année 2021, sortie de leur premier et unique album, Meanders a Soul, reprenant d'ailleurs les deux singles de la décennie précédente. Le groupe des débuts comptait cinq membres dont il ne reste plus qu'Isfet, l'âme pensante, auquel s'est joint Scott pour poser sa (ses) voix. Bon, c'est quoi, alors, Osiris?


Outre ces genèse et histoire des plus chaotiques, fait peu commun, Isfet est à demi égyptien et à demi japonais, né à Tokyo (d'où le patronyme peu égyptien de « Shinshi »), et son partenaire au nom anglophone est, comme ce nom l'indique, égyptien (selon les sources disponibles). Ce melting-pot temporel et humain peut probablement expliquer le mélange musical qu'Osiris nous offre dans cet album. Je me retrouve comme devant Noctem, à savoir devant un dilemme de genre que mon esprit cartésien a besoin de classifier sans réellement y parvenir de manière satisfaisante. En fait non, c'est pire que devant Noctem, car le panel n'est pas restreint à choisir entre black et death metal, mais entre certains des sous genres de ces derniers. En ajoutant à tout cela qu'Osiris n'oublie absolument pas son orientalité ("Seasons of Flooding Chaos", "Tears of Isis", "Night Sky") et la distille par touches subtiles plus que par passages réellement folks.


Le Growl de Scott peut en effet moduler en black et/ou en death à la demande (le growl typé death n'est cependant pas « gras »). Viennent ensuite les blast beats plutôt death mais sachant se faire oublier, quelques gimmicks de black symphonique comme le piano de "Endless Sand", quelques chœurs de death mélodique ou encore un chœur féminin en intro de "Tears of Isis", sans oublier les quelques riffs et soli pas du tout black, ni réellement extrêmes ("Self Destructive Nature", "Endless Sand", entre autres). On pourrait aussi faire quelques parallèles célèbres, comme vers In Flames dans les riffings de "Of Hate, Passion and Eternity" ou "Our Essence", cette dernière offrant une intro qui peut faire songer à Samael. L'ensemble de l'orchestration et l'album dans son entièreté m'ont également rappelé Septic Flesh (assez visible sur "Tears of Isis" d'ailleurs).


Osiris aurait sorti cet album dans les années de sa naissance, il eut été forcément culte, j'aurais même crié au génie. D'autres groupes ont défriché les codes des sous-genres depuis, d'autres groupes moyen-orientaux ont émergé également entre temps. Il n'en reste pas moins que le groupe maîtrise ces codes et fait preuve d'une maturité réelle qui fait que Meanders a Soul est excellent mélodiquement, avec une seconde moitié sans faute, d'une fluidité remarquable, d'une grande richesse sans jamais flirter avec la caricature. Finalement, c'est pour le moment la meilleure sortie de 2021 en ce qui me concerne, factuellement.






 Osiris  are  a  band  from  Egypt  that  plays  a  very  melodic  and  symphonic  form  of  black  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2021  album  "Meanders  A  Soul..."  which  will  be  released  on  April  26th  by  Satanath  Records.




  Symphonic  sounds  and  orchestration  starts  off  the  album  along  with  a  brief  use  of  nature  sounds  and  cries  while  also  mixing  in  with  the  heavier  sections  of  the  songs  at  times.  Vocals  are  mostly  high  pitched  black  metal  screams  as  well  as  adding  some  death  metal  growls  into  some  parts  of  the  recording.




  When  the  music  speeds  up  a  great  amount  of  blast  beats  and  tremolo  picking  can  be  heard  while  all  of  the  musical  instruments  also  have  a  very  powerful  sound  to  them.  Throughout  the  recording  you  can  also  hear  a  decent  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts  and  some  songs  also  add  in  a  small  amount  of  clean  playing.




  Spoken  word  parts  can  also  be  heard  briefly  along  with  the  riffs  also  adding  in  a  great  amount  of  melody.  When  guitar  solos  and  leads  are  utilized  they  are  also  done  in  a  very  melodic  style  as  well  as  the  songs  also  adding  in  a  lot  of  90's  influences,  a  couple  of  the  tracks  are  also  very  long  and  epic  in  length  and  as  the  album  progresses  a  brief  use  of  clean  vocals  can  also be  heard  on  a  couple  of  tracks,  female  vocals  can  also  be  heard  briefly.  The  production  sounds  very  professional  while  the  lyrics  cover  Ancient  Egyptian  Civilization,  Warfare,  Hate,  Pain,  Anger,  Passion  and  Fear  themes.




  In  my  opinion  Osiris  are  a  very  great  sounding  melodic  and  symphonic  black  metal  band  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre,  you  should  check  out  this  album. 



Egyptian band Osiris recently dropped their album "Meanders a Soul...", and this is a production for those with an interest in extreme metal bands with a dynamic and progressive spirit. Many of the songs are delightfully dynamic, incorporating changes and alterations in tempo and intensity, often including but delicate and more atmospheric laden sequences in addition to the harder, intense and uptempo arrangements expected. Liberal use of the piano as well as orchestral arrangements in all facets of their style further adds depth as well as a symphonic character, and some by European ears exotic tones and timbres used here and there further adds and builds character. The vocals are mainly gruff and barked, adding a bit of emphasis to the extreme metal side of things. An album for those looking for music on the progressive and sophisticated side of the extreme metal universe.





Una delle band che può raccontare le storie antiche della splendida terra d’Egitto, sicuramente prende il nome di Osiris. Duo che prese forma nel 1997 con un demo tape “Storms From The East”. Sono trascorsi ben ventiquattro anni da quel momento e adesso finalmente dopo tre singoli pubblicati in quest’ arco di tempo possiamo oggi ammirare il loro debutto ufficiale, “Meanders A Soul”. Questo nuovo sigillo musicale ha un qualcosa di assolutamente speciale e vibrante, vuoi per i temi trattati che sono e saranno sempre una fonte di ammirazione, fascino e in un certo senso anche devozione verso una cultura unica. Musicalmente ci troviamo di fronte un symphonic black metal dalle tante sfaccettature, che non mancherà di lasciare l’ascoltatore col fiato sospeso, annichilendolo fin dai primi istanti dell’introduzione strumentale e orchestrale di “Seasons Of Flooding Chaos”. Si entra nel vivo di questo spettacolare album con “Of Hate, Passion And Eternity”, dove Ali Zeid Shinshi e Scott Taylor mettono in luce quello di cui sono capaci, ovvero creare delle atmosfere uniche che riportano indietro di migliaia di anni. Non si può non ammirare un gioiello fatto in musica come Forgotten Stone Of Time, brano di assoluto valore artistico, nonostante la sua ferocia che lascia scampo ma anche pregna di tanta melodia particolarmente personale e atmosferica. Continuando con Faceless Men possiamo anche apprezzare un grande lavoro di chitarre soliste da brividi, segno questo che Ali Zeid sa il fatto suo su come si usa la tecnica in favore della musica senza fare prevalere la voglia di apparire a tutti i costi. Ogni traccia ha un mood unico nel suo genere, che pesca a piene mani ovviamente dall’extreme metal di stampo sinfonico, ma che riesce a incanalare diverse sfumature tratte dalla propria terra di origine, tra l’altro la formazione della band è avvenuta tra il Cairo e Alessandria d’Egitto, due importanti città di cui non c’è bisogno di presentazioni. Probabilmente essendo affascinati in modo quasi morboso dalle storie degli antichi egizi, questo “Meanders A Soul” è recepito come un qualcosa di speciale, unico e maledettamente affascinante in maniera maniacale. Tutte le nove canzoni presenti sono da vivere dalla prima all’ultima nota, perché capaci di far nascere all’interno della propria anima delle sensazioni che raramente si provano ascoltando album del genere. La potenza e la carica delle varie “Self Destructive Nature” e “Nightsky” unite alla melodia e particolarità, non priva di brutalità, di Our Essence ed Endless Sand non ha paragoni. Non sappiamo come andranno le cose nella vita, ma una è certa: questo Meanders A Soul è un album da avere assolutamente nella propria collezione dei migliori album di sempre.





Much like Osiris in the ancient Egyptian myths, the band has been resurrected from the dead releasing their first full length album after their demo Storms from the East, an epic and theatrical album that tells a tale of the ancient Egyptian kingdom and its myths.


Typically this type of metal doesn't really interest me. I always find bands who go for the symphonic approach to be a bit over the top and really phone in the theatrics up a bit too much for my liking. Now, black metal does have its fare share of theatrics, Gorgoroth's live shows are a good example of such things. But it stops mainly on the surface. The music is still a very harsh and hard hitting as any other black metal. But, Osiris, taking after such bands like Emperor, Nile, and other such bands that break out the synths, turn on the strings mode, and back up the guitars.



Now, since Osiris is of Egyptian origin, its only fitting that the music thematically matches their traditional roots. Having really cool and epic middle-eastern sounding guitar pieces, that are supported by the strings, super tight and fast drumming, and a really cool guttural screams for the vocals. The album as a whole is just really well produced, sounding very clean and slick, and adding onto the whole epic atmosphere that it builds. Even the synths that play the symphonic parts fit in really well with the much heavier parts.

Its a very progressive album as well, definitely taking more influence from more prog style black metal and death metal acts, especially when it comes to the slower and more symphonic parts of the album. The guitar work is really neat, almost methodically so. Personally, I've always liked a bit more of a sloppy and enthusiastic solo, but if you prefer the cleaner and much more well produced approach you'll find plenty of it in here. Tracks like Faceless Men, Forgotten Stone of Time, Our Essence, and others take a page from the prog/technical death metal text book and lay down some very finely crafted solos.


Coming from their original demo work, this is almost night and day. Meanders A Soul, being the day, since their image of what they truly wanted has come to light. And listening you can truly tell they put care and passion into what they've released. While, I may not be the biggest fan of this type of sound, I can say that for others would enjoy this greatly. An epic, dark, and sometimes mournful adventure truly awaits those who listen.





Se vi dico "metal + Egitto", sono sicuro che il 99,9% penserete immediatamente ai celeberrimi Nile ed al loro disumano death metal tutto incentrato sull'Antico Egitto ed i miti ad esso legati. Eppure, nel sottobosco delle tantissime realtà underground, è possibile trovare altri gruppi che trattano il tema in questione in maniera del tutto personale peraltro. Questo è il caso degli Osiris, una delle pochissime band egiziane che propone un symphonic/melodic black metal veramente d'impatto e particolarissimo tutto incentrato - ovviamente direi - sull'Antico Egitto. I Nostri, dopo una demo nel '97 e alcuni singoli, giungono al 2021 con il qui presente "Meanders a Soul...", album di debutto del duo licenziato da Satanath Records.

Che dire, a parte l'enorme stupore per aver messo mano per la prima volta ad una band egiziana? Semplicemente un grandissimo applauso ai nostri! Questo "Meanders a Soul..." è una vera e propria rivelazione nella quale il black metal prende il via per poi dirigersi su dei lidi che mai avrei pensato di ascoltare. Elegante, sontuoso ma per nulla stucchevole, ricco di sfumature e di innesti provenienti dal metal sinfonico. E, soprattutto, per nulla maligno. Mi spiego. Durante tutto l'ascolto la musica degli Osiris tende ad essere sì aggressiva, ma mai incentrata sull'incutere quel senso di glaciale furia tipica del black primordiale. La loro è una proposta rotonda, morbida, quasi commovente. A tratti potrebbe ricordare gli Harakiri For The Sky o addirittura qualche passaggio alla Alcest. Il tutto imbastito su una struttura che da vicino ricorda molto il black metal bruciante e fiero degli inglesi Winterfylleth, con la differenza che gli Osiris spingono molto di più sulla sezione melodica grazie anche a diversi ospiti che si cimentano in cantati in clean vocals veramente godibili. Sinceramente pensavo, a primo impatto, che i nostri proponessero delle sonorità che si rifacessero molto all'Egitto. Eppure così non è, il che rende questa opera ancora più originale e stratificata. L'intro infatti potrebbe trarre in inganno, ma già da "Of Hate, Passion and Eternity" si capisce subito che il duo egiziano cerca sempre e comunque di rifarsi ad un certo modo di intendere il black metal aggiungendo un tocco personalissimo alla sua proposta. Unico difetto è forse un sound tendenzialmente ovattato che potrebbe dare il senso di piatto al tutto, ma presumo sia una scelta dei Nostri.

In generale "Meanders a Soul..." è un album imponente che mostra una band validissima al suo primo debutto. Soprattutto, riesce ad ammaliare, a commuovere e a far venire la pelle d'oca in alcuni punti, risultando di fatto un'opera ricca di pathos e di sentimento. Due caratteristiche che rendono gli Osiris tra le band più interessanti di quest'anno.




You and I both know there’s a killer Gojira album out today, so I want my top pick to highlight one of the other outstanding releases from more underground artists being released this week, of which there are many!


The pick of the bunch for me though is Osiris’s long awaited debut album Meanders a Soul… When I say “long-awaited,” I mean really long awaited. This Egyptian two-piece originally formed all the way back in 1996, broke up a few years later, and then reformed in 2014, since when they’ve been carefully crafting this singular record.


It was certainly worth the wait! Meanders a Soul… perfectly pulls together elements from Dimmu Borgir-style symphonic black metal and Enslaved-esue progressiveisms, mixing them with some epic folk-tinged sections that remind me of something like Wintersun or even Wilderun in their more Edge of Sanity-sounding moments, without ever sounding as bright or cheesy as any of those acts can be at times.


Although these guys have essentially been around forever, this album has seemingly come out of nowhere to challenge the best of what 2021 has to offer.


See Also: Screaming Banshee – Pierceive (progressive tech death); late-period Death-style progressive tech death with a bit of a thrasher riffing style than you usually get from this sort of thing. A worthy successor to some of the greatest albums of all time.




La historia de los egipcios Osiris ha estado marcada por un comienzo muy poco infructuoso con apenas una demo y un single en 1997 (su primera formación data de 1996 en Alejandría), para luego un año más tarde terminar su actividad de forma indefinida. Esa fecha de vuelta no tuvo lugar hasta algo más de quince años después, cuando en 2014 decidían volver. Pero no fue hasta 2017 cuando demostraron esa vuelta con otro single, “Forgotten Stones Of Time”, esta vez con vistas de un lanzamiento futuro como debut de larga duración. Un año más tarde sacaron otro tema, “Of Hate, Passion And Eternity”, el mismo que ha sido utilizado como videoclip en la promoción de este debut, lanzado el pasado 23 de abril a través de Satanath Records, bajo el título “Meanders A Soul…”.


Su estilo presenta un black metal con diversos toques sinfónicos y orquestales, con algunos arreglos melódicos dado en ciertas ocasiones por guitarras, piano y mezcla de varias voces. En letras se destacan los temas históricos y mitológicos de su propia y cultura egipcia, en la que los antiguos dioses juegan un papel protagónico muy interesante. Cincuenta minutos llenos de machaqueo oscurecido con voces de ultratumba mezcladas con otras más melódicas, con temas como los dos singles mencionados antes, así como otros cortes muy acertados como la extensa “Self Destructive Nature” y la directa y potente “Night Sky”.


Este disco seguramente haga el favor a muchos seguidores de contemplar un producto innovador con el que las ganas de ampliar los horizontes del estilo más oscuro del metal están garantizadas.





Of all the styles that I’ve come across that have the most obvious potential but we never really see it executed in a way that the more extreme ends of metal can really eat up, symphonic metal is easily the first thing that comes to my mind. Oh, sure, bands like Carach Angren and Fleshgod Apocalypse have done wonders for the world of extreme symphonic metal, but it’s apart from them that we simply don’t see the concept done with much consistency whatsoever with quality examples even fewer in between. Coming back from a lengthy hiatus, it is Egypt’s Osiris that shows the underground exactly how it’s done in a manner that cannot be considered anything other than godly.


I cannot express enough how much Osiris blew all my expectations out of the water with this release. This is a far leap from your typical, run-of-the-mill symphonic metal where everything feels glossy, overproduced, and a glorified version of power metal. This is a work made for the extreme metal world that brings together so much of what symphonic metal is capable of without compromising in the slightest when it comes to creating an epic overtone that permeates the very soul of the work to the crushing intensity that it’s all performed with, and that’s just the very tip of what “Meanders A Soul…” brings to the table! You could pick any one of these tracks to stand on their own as singles and all nine of them would work perfectly as it’s in each and every one of them that Osiris blow us away with an addicting combination of calculated musicianship, the knowledge of what they’re going for right out of the gate, and the passion to pursue such a sound with tenacity that amplifies “Meanders A Soul…” to quickly become so much more. From cascading pianos to unbridled riffage to guttural vocals to fantastical orchestrations, Osiris has captured the imagination like very few other bands out there with an imagination that is only matched by the band’s unquestionable skill with every moment providing something that you will not see elsewhere in the album which provides us with a genuine sense of grandeur and know-how with “Meanders A Soul…” never treading the same area twice to keep the listener not just engaged but utterly enthralled in what is constantly unfolding.


If there are to be more attempt at bringing the a more extreme vibe to symphonic metal that we simply haven’t gotten enough of at this point, it should be customary that “Meanders A Soul…” should be held as one of many standards for those wishing to achieve any sort of success. It’s in every feasible way that Osiris has succeeded with uncompromising talent the likes of which I doubt we’ll see in another new band any time soon, making this effort all the more spectacular.




Egyptian Black metallers Osiris, offers to your soul an emotional journey from the black deserts to the top of pyramids with their comeback album Meanders A Soul…


When you will be in need of a little bit of water, wind, or direction to find a path; some fascinating melodies, solos riffs in the Meanders of Soul will serve your purposes.


Our journey begins with Seasons of Flooding Chaos (Akhet Nw Isfet), some '’poo-tee-weet?’’ noises then symphonic melodies greet the birds with some war-chant drums. But as we said this journey is not about full of joy, you will be aware that when you hear some mourning screams. Great interlude from beginning to end.


Crushing riffs welcomes us alongside great vocals in Of Hate, Passion, and Eternity, high tempo riffing continues with some moody piano melodies. As with its name, the song divides itself in half by lowering the tempo and letting the symphony talk. Building up the feelings with sick vocals.


The Huge Stones appear before us like a tornado while we sitting at the top of the pyramid.  Forgotten Stones of Time, take the tempo to clouds with blasting riffing with some blast beats in company with great symphonic melodies. 


Stones go below to the ground, tornado stops and welcoming, soothing riffs surround us with a great leading pattern. Faceless Men, in addition to having almost like Moonspellish riffs, holds our hands and lead us through to half of this glamorous journey.




We are continuing and starting to discover the secrets of the pyramids with Self Destructive Nature, soul-crushing drums with dark symphonic melodies. Awesome riffs clean the dust of our hearts while a melancholic lead pattern and almost Wasp like a sorrowful solo make us to getting lost around the brightest stars.

The most heavy metal-ish song Our Essence, which I fell in love with it, is a genius track from a musical way. It is a perfect combination of heavy metal-ish guitar riffs with sick vocals and wonderful melodies.


While we are closing to the end Night Sky, take the tempo to the clouds again, and get the things darker after half of it. Harakiri for the sky-like piano melodies expands the dark territory, ends with classic black metal-ish vocals and soul-crushing outro.


The journey getting completed with technically vicious Endless Sands, is a crushing track with softer symphonic melodies. Overall, even so, the drums sometimes sounds too much machine-like, this album is a perfect example of a combination symphony and black metal.




Viajamos a un país que cuanto menos es cautivador, al menos para mí, desde pequeño siempre he sentido atracción por el antiguo Egipto, por las pirámides, por sus dioses, por su historia… y por supuesto, siempre me agrada conocer bandas que proceden de dicho país, más aún, cuando ofrecen unos trabajos tan exquisitos como el que nos ha ofrecido este año la banda Osiris, la cual debuta con su primer trabajo de larga duración, y lo hacen a lo grande.

Para empezar la portada ya llama la atención y a mí en lo personal, ya me ganó. La banda nos proyecta su Symphonic / Melodic Black Metal donde se forjan y conviven elementos de oscuridad y de luz, siendo dos polos tan opuestos y a la vez casando de manera perfecta. El trabajo en piano esta desarrollado de una manera elegante, presentándonos momentos llenos de luz que se van deslizando con suavidad por encima de la destrucción y oscuridad con la que nos golpea la banda.

Las partes sinfónicas están muy bien implementadas en la composición, fluyendo de manera suave y elegante sin saturar en ningún momento al oyente. La combinación de Symphonic / Melodic Black Metal junto con letras que nos hablan de la historia antigua de Egipto es algo que me fascina. Las guitarras nos golpean con riffs agresivos, pero son capaces a la vez de envolvernos con solos que son una auténtica delicia. La batería es una maldita locomotora que impulsa a la banda hacia delante mientras el bajo le otorga profundidad y consistencia a este entramado musical. Las vocales por su parte son agresivas, prácticamente como si el dios Seth nos hablara, también encontramos vocales femeninas y masculinas limpias que hacen un contraste magnifico con las vocales agresivas.

Sin duda estamos ante un grupo que literalmente ha lanzado un álbum que entra de cabeza en lo mejor del año, y es que este álbum es una auténtica maravilla. Mi nota es uuuffff, le iba a poner un 9.5, pero es que cada vez que lo escucho me gusta más y más, mi nota es un 10.




Quel groupe plutôt étonnant qu'Osiris : naissance au milieu des années folles et glorieuses du metal extrème en 1996, démo, single à la suite, puis plus rien. Nada. « La shayy ». Retour, dix ans après leur premier single en 2017, avec… un autre single, enchaîné d'un autre, pas moins d'un an plus tard. Et puis plus rien, à nouveau, jusqu'à cette année 2021, sortie de leur premier et unique album, Meanders a Soul, reprenant d'ailleurs les deux singles de la décennie précédente. Le groupe des débuts comptait cinq membres dont il ne reste plus qu'Isfet, l'âme pensante, auquel s'est joint Scott pour poser sa (ses) voix. Bon, c'est quoi, alors, Osiris?


Outre ces genèse et histoire des plus chaotiques, fait peu commun, Isfet est à demi égyptien et à demi japonais, né à Tokyo (d'où le patronyme peu égyptien de « Shinshi »), et son partenaire au nom anglophone est, comme ce nom l'indique, égyptien (selon les sources disponibles). Ce melting-pot temporel et humain peut probablement expliquer le mélange musical qu'Osiris nous offre dans cet album. Je me retrouve comme devant Noctem, à savoir devant un dilemme de genre que mon esprit cartésien a besoin de classifier sans réellement y parvenir de manière satisfaisante. En fait non, c'est pire que devant Noctem, car le panel n'est pas restreint à choisir entre black et death metal, mais entre certains des sous genres de ces derniers. En ajoutant à tout cela qu'Osiris n'oublie absolument pas son orientalité ("Seasons of Flooding Chaos", "Tears of Isis", "Night Sky") et la distille par touches subtiles plus que par passages réellement folks.


Le Growl de Scott peut en effet moduler en black et/ou en death à la demande (le growl typé death n'est cependant pas « gras »). Viennent ensuite les blast beats plutôt death mais sachant se faire oublier, quelques gimmicks de black symphonique comme le piano de "Endless Sand", quelques chœurs de death mélodique ou encore un chœur féminin en intro de "Tears of Isis", sans oublier les quelques riffs et soli pas du tout black, ni réellement extrêmes ("Self Destructive Nature", "Endless Sand", entre autres). On pourrait aussi faire quelques parallèles célèbres, comme vers In Flames dans les riffings de "Of Hate, Passion and Eternity" ou "Our Essence", cette dernière offrant une intro qui peut faire songer à Samael. L'ensemble de l'orchestration et l'album dans son entièreté m'ont également rappelé Septic Flesh (assez visible sur "Tears of Isis" d'ailleurs).


Osiris aurait sorti cet album dans les années de sa naissance, il eut été forcément culte, j'aurais même crié au génie. D'autres groupes ont défriché les codes des sous-genres depuis, d'autres groupes moyen-orientaux ont émergé également entre temps. Il n'en reste pas moins que le groupe maîtrise ces codes et fait preuve d'une maturité réelle qui fait que Meanders a Soul est excellent mélodiquement, avec une seconde moitié sans faute, d'une fluidité remarquable, d'une grande richesse sans jamais flirter avec la caricature. Finalement, c'est pour le moment la meilleure sortie de 2021 en ce qui me concerne, factuellement.




Eita capa mais manhosa. Os meu olhos não estavam preparados para algo deste calibre. Não em 2021. No entanto a mesma é indicadora de uma certa ingenuidade, própria do primeiro álbum de originais mas também de uma banda que nos chega do Egipto, que não tem uma enorme tradição no metal – apesar de ter lá alguns dos fãs mais fervorosos. No entanto, apesar de ser o primeiro álbum, a banda também não é propriamente novata, já que começou nos anos noventa ainda que tenha apenas durado dois anos, até voltarem em 2014. Curiosamente a sua sonoridade até é mais própria da década de noventa, com aquele feeling sinfónico e melódico que tanto florescia na altura. Bons riffs e boas melodias, algumas previsiveis mas eficazes mesmo assim. Talvez a parte que precisa de mais desenvolvimento são os samples orquestrais que soam demasiado a midi. Um bom e importante primeiro passo dado numa banda que pode vir a dar muito mais.





Kapel inspirovaných starým Egyptem jsem zaznamenal hnedle několik, ovšem aby některá z nich byla „domácí“ a řekněme u zdroje, k tomu nedošlo ani v jednom případě. Až teď…ne, nekoukal jsem špatně, OSIRIS mají jako domovskou základnu uveden Egypt. Na pohled zajímavá kombinace témat a symfonického black metalu (co ještě je co už není black metal by vydalo na dlouhý elaborát), na poslech dynamický a razantní nášup se solidní působivou atmosférou opatřený špičkovým zvukem, po technické stránce nemám co vytknout a v čem se šťourat. Že by se OSIRIS chtěli svézt na trendové vlně, to už taky neplatí přes dvacet let, symfonický black metal jako stravitelnější a přístupnější forma black metalu už dávno není středem pozornosti, takže se mohu obejít bez mnoha předsudků.


OSIRIS vycházejí z podoby stylu, v jaké se nacházel na přelomu milénia s příměsí death metalových vlivů (především charakter některých riffů a zahuštěný zvuk. U OSIRIS ovšem převládá temná náladotvornost po britském způsobu, sympatickým na nich budiž shledáno neopičení se a cesta spíše syrovější cestou. OSIRIS  tolik neujíždějí na symfonických prvcích, kytary se nekompromisně drží své dominance ve vyváženém poměru k řekněme lehčím pasážím. OSIRIS nejsou přístupnější postupy cizí, nakládají s nimi však s respektu hodným citem a nenechali se jimi strhnout do té míry, aby z alba vytvořili podbízivou sladkost. „Meanders A Soul“ je každopádně zvukově špičkově zvládnuté album na profesionální úrovni a z technického pohledu mu neschází vůbec nic. Zvuk je křišťálově průzračný, že je slyšet i cinknutí špendlíku o zem, stále je dostatečně přirozený, dost daleko od digitální sterility. Co OSIRIS oceňuji především jsou svěží nápady, které poměrně ohranou a notoricky známou šablonu činí bez problémů poslouchatelnou bez pachuti vyčpělosti a okaté inspirace slavnými alby. Stopy kupříkladu „Cruelty and The Beast“, případně „Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia“ lze na „Meanders A Soul“ nalézt bez větších obtíží, nejedná se však o strategii na jistotu přebraných tvůrčích matric, ale pouze o jakousi stylovou příbuznost, kdy mě to nijak netahá za uši a už vůbec aby mě styl OSIRIS nějak iritoval. Ba naopak, líbí se mi muzikantská šikovnost OSIRIS - lehce mohli sklouznout do bažiny vlezlých a fádních klišé a zařadit se mezi stovky nevýrazných a bezejmenných, nicméně tohle album leze bezvadně do uší i po větším množství poslechů, což jsem věru nečekal.


Navzdory tomu, že OSIRIS nepřiházej s ničím prudce originálním a už vůbec ne revolučním, ale tohle album mě vcelku chytilo pod krkem. Zachovává si základní hrubost a neurvalost, které bývají často melodikou a symfonickými výlety mimo temné území zadupány do prachu. Cesta to není vůbec marná a nebyl bych proti, aby OSIRIS ještě trochu přidali na důrazu a zesílili emotivní rovinu. Pak by melodika prostoupená skrz na skrz jejich muzikou doslova trhala dlažební kostky a zbavovala okna skel. Nepřekvapili mě formou, ale silou a nápaditostí obsahu. Zdá se, že tam, kde na první letmý pohled už není kde brát a bylo vyžráno vše co šlo, lze stále najít dost na to, aby z toho šlo dát dohromady nadprůměrné a kvalitativně vyrovnané album. OSIRIS se to evidentně podařilo.





Like Crescent and Odious, Osiris belong to Egyptian black metal’s inaugural class. Their first demo dropped in 1997, and already, they were lyrically fixated on the ancient civilizations of their homeland. It took until earlier this year for project leader Ali Zeid Shinshi to finally release a debut full-length, but Meanders a Soul was worth the wait. A maximalist, symphonic sound emerges on the album, and the synthesized piano, strings, and woodwinds help Shinshi render a vivid vision of the time of the pharaohs.




OSIRIS, a grand name for a band. Fitting that they are named after the Egyptian god of the dead, ruler over the resurrected in the afterlife. After their initial hiatus in 1998; OSIRIS returned in 2014 and following a spree of single releases in 2017 and 2018, have dropped their full length album “Meanders Of A Soul” and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited for what this could be. So, without further ado, let’s get stuck in.


The artwork plays into the band’s Egyptian heritage, with Anubis holding up the severed head of some poor soul, I’m sure that none of us would wish to be in that position! Opening is “Seasons Of Flooding Chaos (Akhet Nw Isfet)” and it is an introduction full of grandeur, suspense and tension that builds into an eruption as “Of Hate, Passion And Eternity” explodes into life. Full of electric energy, intense riffs and a drum tracking that just reverberated deep within my core. The melodic additions added so much depth to the music, whether it was the subtle traditional stylings, or the more grandiose in your face sections that just served to act as a statement.


But the music continues to grow, to develop before our eyes, well… ears. The melodic guitar sections are just delightful. Scott’s harsh vocals the perfect accompaniment to the instrumental tracking. There is an undeniable beauty to the music, there is depth and emotion, pain and anguish, but more than anything else there is an unwavering passion to Heavy Metal that no one can dispute.


Structurally and I guess in length, it feels as though “Self Destructive Nature”, at 7 minutes, towers above the rest of the tracking. But musically it just feels larger than life as well, as though it rises up and blots out the sun, oppressing down on you as a listener. In the best of ways of course. Because of this effect it had on me, I have to say that this felt like the most complete track of the album. And I say that loosely, as the rest of the tracking was not lacking anything, and indeed the album was not incomplete. But if I had to recommend a singular track to introduce someone to OSIRIS, then undoubtedly it would be “Self Destructive Nature”.


 Whilst there is plenty of intense and dense sections. Take a minute to enjoy the stripped back vulnerability of “Tears Of Isis”. The track delivers a much more delicate and gentle experience, but at the same time, it does not sacrifice the intensity and strength of the tracks that have come prior. “Tears Of Isis” is another stand out track of this album for me.


Something that will not go amiss to any listener is the carefully composition of the orchestrations. As they delicately weave a tapestry of melodic finesse and deliver some cultural heritage of the band. With an ambience at times created that were reminisce for myself of sometime that I spent working in the desert in Oman and getting to know the locals and their music, and the track that delivered this the most for me was “Endless Sands”. It might just be from the name of the track, but I can remember being in the desert reading next to my vehicle and something about this track just transports me back there, it is exquisite. The undertones transported me back to there and it was wonderful. But something that stood out to me, even more so, was the guitar mastery that was on display track after track.


The album is just an utter masterclass in Melodic Metal and Symphonic Metal, the musicality is sublime, the structure impeccable and the overall flow of the album seamless. This is one of the best, if not the best, album I have had the utter pleasure of reviewing in my time at Metal Temple. And I honestly mean it when I say that it was my pleasure.




Группа Osiris выпустила свой первый полноформатный альбом под названием "Meanders of a Soul". Это эпическое и насыщенное мифами полотно о древнеегипетском царстве и его легендах, сочетающее в себе симфоническое звучание и тяжёлые метал риффы. Альбом был записан на лейбле Satanath Records, отлично спродюсирован и отличается весьма приятным, чистым и сглаженным звучанием, что придает ему ещё большую эпическую атмосферу. Это отличный прогрессивный альбом, изобилующий сложными гитарными соло и симфоническими партиями, которые прекрасно гармонируют с тяжелыми ударными ритмами. В целом, "Meanders of a Soul" - это поистине захватывающее, торжественное и мрачное произведение, заслуживающее внимания всех ценителей жанра.

