. Satanath Records

Reviews: SAT316

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The last time we wrote about Funebria was almost six years ago, in connection with their second album, Dekatherion: Ten Years of Hate and Pride. We wondered if we had missed something in the many years since then, but no, there has been nothing new from this Venezuelan horde (now based in Colombia) — until now. And now they are looking ahead to April 17, when their third album, Death Of The Last Sun, will be released by Satanath Records in collaboration with Dark Terror Temple.


Based on what has been released from the album so far — including the track we’re premiering today — the music of Funebria is still a furious (and blasphemous) union of black and death metal, but even more dynamic, multi-faceted, and technically impressive than before. Today’s song premiere, “Dawn of Black Inericon“, is great proof of that.


This new song is a fine hybrid of experiences. It’s fast-paced, turbulent, and assaulting, yet still manages to propel the listener through changing moods. In its opening movement, the song inflicts bursts of battering drumwork and jolting riffage interspersed with weird mewling guitar tones, and it then unfolds into a mix of roiling and jarring sensations. But then the music settles into a seething yet melancholy melody augmented by roaring malevolence in the vocal department — and then begins bludgeoning and jabbing again.


The drumming and the agility of the fretwork continually seize attention as the song cycles again through that feeling of oppression and anguish, and then erupts in wild, dissonant, darting exuberance, with intense screaming melded with those gruff growls. The releasing labels recommend Death Of The Last Sun for fans of Behemoth, Hate, Decapitated, and Svart Crown.




Funebria  are  a  band  from  Venezuela  that  has  had  music  reviewed  before  in  this  zine  and  on  this  recording  plays  a  very  aggressive  mixture  of  black  and  death  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2021  album  "Death  Of  The  Last  Sun"  which  will  be  released  on  April  17th  as  a  joint  effort  between  Satanath  Records  and  Dark  Terror  Temple.




  A  very  dark  and  ritualistic  sounding  intro  starts  off  the  album  before  going  in to  a  very  fast,  raw  and  brutal  direction  which  also  utilizes  a  great  amount  of  tremolo  picking  and  blast  beats.  All  of  the  musical  instruments  on  the  recording  also  have  a  very  powerful  sound  to  them  and  the  vocals are  a  mixture  of  death  metal  growls  and  black  metal  screams.




  Throughout  the  recording  you  can  also  hear  a  decent  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts  while  the  solos  and  leads  are  done  in  a  very  dark  yet  melodic  style.  Most  of  the  music  also  brings  in  a  very  modern  blackened  death  metal  style  along  with  some  dark  sounding  melodies  also  being  added  into  some  of  the  guitar  riffing  as  well  as  most  of  the  music  sticking  to  a  brutal  direction.




  On  this  recording  Funebria  focuses  les s on  the  black  metal  side  of  their  previous  releases  and  expands  on  the  the  blackened  death  metal  style  of  their  recent  albums  to  take  their  sound  to  another  level.  The  production  sounds  very  professional  while  the  lyrics  cover  Darkness,  Blasphemy,  War  and  Armageddon  themes. 




  In  m  opinion  this  is  another  great  sounding  recording  from  Funebria  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  blackened  death  metal,  you  should  check  out  this  album.



Venezuelan band Funebria is out with the album "Death of the Last Sun" to the possible joy of extreme metal fans. Raspy, dark spoken-like vocals are applied on this one, with hammering rhythms and staccato guitar patterns dominating the more intense parts, where the latter features a combination of quirky riff movement, subtly fluctuating riff patterns or a subtle fluctuating harmonic overlay for motion, contrast and tension inducing purposes. Slower, more monumental sounding phases occurs at regular intervals. Mix and production have something of an old school tinge to it, for those who appreciate such aesthetics. The band is referenced as both black and death metal, and I'd hazard a guess that those who enjoy bands of those categories that appreciate albums with an old school aesthetic in the sound department will be the ones who'll get the most out of this album.





Funebria, the name of a rare manuscript “Carmina Funebria in Obitum Clarissimi” of influences in opus “Cantiones Profanae” and a fascination for funeral processions, is also the name of Venezuelan Black Metal horde Funebria, founded in 2004 in Maracaibo, a city in northwestern Venezuela and the capital of Zulia state (but currently based in Bogota, Colombia), having started following the path of pure old school Black Metal with their debut demo Manifiesto Al Esclavo, released in 2005. Currently comprised of Daemonae on vocals and guitars, Blackmiroz also on the guitars, Perverssturm on bass and backing vocals, and Naberius on drums, the band is unleashing upon humanity their third full-length album, entitled Death of the Last Sun, highly recommended for admirers of the music by Behemoth, Hate, Decapitated and Svart Crown, among others. Recorded mixed and mastered at DAE Home Studio by Ranndy Garcia (aka Daemonae), known for his work with Black Metal act Theurgia, Death of the Last Sun is an invocation to darkness in the most tight and raw way imaginable, positioning the band as one of the driving forces of the South American extreme music scene.


The tolling of the bells darkens our minds and hearts in the intro AIN, before all hell breaks loose in Ominous Armaggeddon, a visceral, straightforward Black Metal feast spearheaded by the infernal beats by Naberius while Daemonae roars and barks like a true demonic entity, also presenting progressive and groovy elements to spice the whole song up considerably. After such intense start to the album, more of their venomous fusion of Black and Death Metal is offered to our avid ears in the obscure tune Upheaval & Decadence, with hints of Doom Metal added to its already somber vibe, not to mention how ruthless Daemonae and Blackmiroz are with their riffage; and there’s no time to breathe as those South American beasts keep smashing our skulls mercilessly in Bleeding Sacrament, another brutal display of Black Metal infused with Daemonae’s trademark Death Metal growls that will put a grim smile on the faces of fans of extreme music.


Ethereal Form Of Saints sounds and feels as doomed as its predecessors, with Perverssturm firing low-tuned, bestial bass punches straight to our faces, therefore supporting the headbanging riffs by his bandmates, resulting in a massive tune where every single space in the air is filled with sulfur and hate. Dawn Of Black Inericon might be the shortest song of the album, but that doesn’t mean it’s not as dense, bold and Mephistophelian as all other songs, with Daemonae once again taking the lead with his deep roars supported by Naberius’ massive drums, whereas closing the album there’s more evil and hatred in the form of Black Waters Caesar, a lecture in old school and modern-day Black Metal full of breaks and variations, scorching riffs, bass jabs and the always demented beats by Naberius. Put differently, what a pulverizing conclusion to Death of the Last Sun, leaving us all eager for more of Funebria’s infernal creations in a not-so-distant future.


funebria-2021If you want to have a much better taste of all the darkness and wrath flowing from Funebria’s music, you can enjoy their new album in its entirety on YouTube and on Spotify, but of course you should definitely purchase the album from Dark Terror Temple’s BandCamp page, from the Satanath Records’ BandCamp page, from Apple Music or from Amazon to show your utmost support to such distinguished South American horde. In addition, don’t forget to follow the band on Facebook for news, tour dates, plans for the future and so on, proving you’re indeed a servant of the underworld as you like to brag about. Funebria are one of those bands whose sound is always evolving in the best way possible without abandoning their roots, and Death of the Last Sun is indeed a fantastic representation of their talent, their passion for Black Metal and their loyalty to this always brutal and captivating style.




Jamás supo cuál fue el momento exacto en el cual perdió el control. Ya no le importaba el equilibrio entre la vida y la muerte, tan solo deseaba cosechar el mayor número de almas posible. Su presencia se hizo tan visible como gigantesca, y si alguna vez hubo el más mínimo atisbo de piedad o compasión hacia cualquier ser mortal desapareció dentro del maremágnum de su propia locura. Tan solo el mismísimo Todopoderoso podía plantarle cara. Desde luego, cuando llegase la contienda, intentaría arrancarle el alma a tiras, mientras tanto, procuraría de un solo tajo, cortarle la cabeza con la guadaña que una vez le fue entregada para realizar el trabajo más horrible de todos….

Bienvenidos al universo de Funebria.


Los Black Death metaleros Funebria, lanzaron el 17 de abril de 2021 su tercer Elepé «Death of the Last Sun» gracias a Satanath Records y Dark Terror Temple.




El line up de la agrupación es: Daemonae (guitarra y voz), Blackmiroz (guitarra), Perverssturm (bajo y voces), Naberius (batería).


Últimamente, no sé si es que soy yo que estoy muy quisquilloso, o son las bandas que escucho, pero la verdad es que ninguna consigue llamar completamente mi atención. Tristemente, en el caso de hoy, es eso precisamente lo que me ocurre. Lo mejor de todo, que los de Venezuela emanan personalidad propia, y eso es de agradecer en los tiempos que corren. Sin embargo, creo que les falta un último empujón para despuntar de verdad dentro de su propia escena. Metiéndonos en lo que es el álbum en cuestión, todo está en su sitio. Ni sobra ni falta nada. Los aproximados 31 minutos de música que ofrendan, son una experiencia que tal vez a más de uno no le hará saltar del sillón para hacer headbanging, pero desde luego le proporcionará un rato cuanto menos agradable.




Los riffs, siempre macabros resultan ser toda una cosechadora de almas. Asimismo, he tenido la sensación de que puntual y anecdóticamente se coquetea con el Thrash, dándole más matices a la propuesta. Si os preguntáis si usan dobles armonías y tremolo picking, la respuesta es un claro y rotundo sí.




Violencia y agresión, eso es lo que transmite el registro vocal de Daemonae. Obviamente, no hay moderneces absurdas ni clean vocals.


El bajo brilla un poco más en ‘Ethereal Form of Saints‘. Lástima que en el resto de las todas pase más bien desapercibido.


Cambiante y dinámica es la percusión. Naberius nos da de todo, desde up y mid tempos desgarradores, hasta «golpes relámpago», y todo ello, por así decirlo, sin despeinarse. Buena labor la que hace tras su kit de tambores sí señor.


Recalcaría la final e incendiaria ‘Black Waters Caesar‘ como lo mejor de la acometida sónica.




Independientemente de la opinión de cualquier redactor o medio especializado, lo mejor es que catéis por vosotros mismos el Long Play. Así que hacedme caso, y dadle la oportunidad que claramente merece.





The last flicker of a dying light is snuffed with the return of this Blackened Death entity from Columbia. It’s been six years since the release of Dekatherion: Ten Years of Hate & Pride, and now FUNEBRIA emerges with their third shadowy manifestation titled Death of the Last Sun. This new offering unleashes the raw fury of previous outputs while further honing the darker aspects of their craft. Arcane undertones creep through as FUNEBRIA conjures malevolent energies that overshadow our putrid existence, and Death of the Last Sun expresses apocalyptic intent along with the dreadful and infernal essence of the underworld.


            A foreboding introduction comes with the cryptic emanations of “AIN” before a direct assault of blast beats and raw tremolo riffing on “Ominous Armageddon.” Desolation is produced by this rugged sound as death growls echo its ruinous effects, and the gloom intensifies with a break leading to the arpeggiations of a sinister groove. Another transition follows with melodies that build toward a wailing solo, and seething despair rages on through riffs that evoke bleakness before fading into “Upheaval and Decadence.” Heavy progressions and drum fills burst into tremolos melodies and blasting that relents for the combined intricacies of muted riffs and cymbal taps. It moves into brooding territory with eerie clinging notes that develop into a dissonant mass after more riffing fury, and this malignancy continues on “Bleeding Sacrament” while merging with blackened riffs and blast beats. A visceral tremolo melody surfaces as the riff progresses toward a frenzy of pummeling heaviness, followed by a tremolo murkiness that enhances the overarching atmosphere.


            “Ethereal Form of Saints” shows a melodic groove and then drops into utter despair with vocals paralleling the depressive anguish. A menacing force builds as blackened riffing continues, and a dreary hook expands into melodies that lead to “Dawn of Black Inericon.” Striking riffs precede the imposing misery conveyed through tremolo melodies, and a melancholic splendor manifests as they progress with alternations of discordant chugging riffs. A dismal end approaches with the brooding arpeggiated notes on “Black Waters Caesar,” and they permeate the track as layers of vehement riffs carry this tone with sporadic bursts of speed picking. This develops into driving melodies and blast beats while doom is continuously foreshadowed by the lurking arpeggiations. The mysteries are briefly glimpsed in eerie breaks with ritualistic chants, and a conclusive blast of extremity ensues before passing into the abysmal notes of finality.


            Various shades of darkness weaved through infernal imagery are related in lyrics beginning with emptiness and futility on “Ominous Armageddon.” It describes the creative force behind a manifestation declaring “I complete the existence, but what I see is blackness,” and ultimately “it all ends in our extinction.” Other apocalyptic visions appear with the “toxic venomous, rising seas” that lead to the “World’s greatest downfall” on “Black Waters Caesar.” Disease and decay are rampant, with portrayals such as “My sickened and leprous flesh” on “Dawn of Black Inericon,” which also searches for “the massive crucifixion of gods.” These blasphemous topics recur with god being force-fed crosses on “Upheaval and Decadence,” and a condemnation of saints described as “false shapes of power” on “Ethereal Form of Saints.” Spectral imagery continues while venturing into the abyss on “Bleeding Sacrament” with “Lead the dragged ones to the void, pour ye fears into my underworld,” and a description of “Anaemia conceived in astral womb.” These lyrics all maintain an obscurity that’s consistent with the shadowy netherworld along with allusions to eternal power and existence.


            FUNEBRIA have delivered a strong effort for 2021 with Death of the Last Sun. It directs the chaotic fury of their style into a work that seems more focused, and there are many compositional textures along with energetic expressions of anguish, despair, and raging ferocity. The rough production gives the sound an organic quality that enhances the overall atmosphere while the songwriting possesses an expansion of their blackened influence. Death of the Last Sun is a welcome addition to the Black/Death Metal pantheon, and its tenebrous depths will easily appeal to those who explore the infernal underground realms of Metal.




Video review.





Nie od wczoraj wiadomo, że metalowe środowisko w Ameryce Południowej jest niezwykle hermetyczne i znane na świecie z tego, że się, krótko mówiąc, „w tańcu nie pierdoli”. Fani metalu w Brazylii, Chile, Kolumbii czy innych krajach kontynentu są tak oddani muzyce, że często graniczy to z szaleństwem. Na potwierdzenie tych słów zachęcam do wysłuchania relacji o trasach koncertowych zespołów z Europy czy Stanów. Idzie za tym również mnogość świetnych kapel na światowym poziomie. Pomijam już klasyczne przykłady jak Sepultura, Krisiun czy Sarcofago. W głębinach tego dzikiego świata istnieją czarne perły, które powinien poznać każdy szanujący się fan gatunku. I właśnie dziś przedstawiam Wam jedną z nich. Wenezuelska Funebria przedstawia się ze swoim najnowszym albumem „Death of the Last Sun”.




Egzotyczne przykłady ekstremalnego grania zawsze mnie ciekawiły. Zespoły czerpiące z najlepszych wzorców dodają zawsze do swojej muzyki mnóstwo smaczków rodem ze swojego kraju. Dodatkowo w większości krajów Ameryki Południowej sytuacja polityczno-gospodarcza jest na tyle zła, że jeszcze bardziej motywuje do tworzenia wściekłej muzyki. W przypadku Funebrii wszystkie te czynniki tworzą siermiężną mieszankę black/death metalu naprawdę wysokiej próby. Blasty, growl i tnące powietrze, surowe riffy – wszystko tu jest. Na domiar tego album zaczyna się klimatycznym intrem „AIN”, aby po niecałej minucie wjechać na grubo. Całość składa się z siedmiu utworów trwających trzydzieści jeden minut. Słuchając zawartej na nim muzyki, nie kalkulowałem niczego, tylko dałem ponieść się znanym, lubianym przez siebie dźwiękom, które słyszałem już setki razy w wykonaniu innych zespołów. Nie sposób wyróżnić tu jednego utworu, gdyż wszystkie są równe i tworzą jedną logiczną całość. Jest diabelsko, antyreligijnie, bez udziwniania i skoków w bok. Zespół z ekstremy w wielu momentach lubi przejść do kutego w ogniu piekieł doom metalu, a następnie zaraz wrócić do chamskiego i brutalnego naparzania po uszach. Zmiksowany norweski chłód z brutalnością amerykańskiej sceny oraz dzikością prosto z dżungli.


Płyta „Death of the Last Sun” to album, który brzmi, jakby został nagrywany w sali prób. Nie ma tu wysokobudżetowej produkcji. Oczyma wyobraźni widziałem czterech muzyków w ciasnej kanciapie, odzianych w koszulki swoich metalowych idoli i wczuwających się w ekstremalne brzmienia. Ale wydaje mi się, że w zamyśle ta płyta właśnie taka miała być i jestem przekonany, że Funebria na pewno ma już oddane grono fanów w swoim kraju, jak i na kontynencie. Dla mnie, miłośnika gatunku, ta płyta to miła ciekawostka, jednak nie wiem, czy zostanie ze mną na dłużej. Życzę chłopakom, aby dalej robili swoje w imię rogatego, bo wychodzi im to doprawdy zacnie. Dobrze było posłuchać i poznać.




Ascoltando i primissimi secondi del brano "Ominous Armageddon" si può puntare a credere che i Funebria siano l'ennesima band polacca che segue le orme di Behemoth e Hate - oltre che Belphegor e Azarath... i soliti nomi insomma -, ma si cadrebbe in errore. Sì, le influenze sono palesemente quelle, ma i Funebria sono tutt'altro che europei, essendo venezuelani (rilocati in Colombia); co-prodotto da Satanath Records e Dark Terror Temple, "Death of the Last Sun" è il terzo studio album per i Funebria, a sei anni di distanza da "Dekatherion: Ten Years of Hate & Pride":un concentrato di Black/Death che percorre i sentieri tracciati dalla scuola centro europea di cui dicevamo. I Funebria insomma non s'inventano assolutamente nulla di nuovo, ma dimostrano di aver ben imparato la lezione impartita dai colossi della scena polacca, mettendoci sul piatto un disco compatto e quadrato in cui violenti blast beat e cupe atmosfere maligne la fanno da padrone lungo le sei tracce (+ intro) che compongono la tracklist di "Death of Last Sun"; "Upheaval & Decadence" è la perfetta fotografia del sound dei Funebria: brutali accelerazioni ed improvvisi rallentamenti scanditi da sinistri arpeggi, formula magari un po' ripetitiva ma che nonostante questo non fa calare il livello qualitativo dell'opera. I fans di queste sonorità, infatti, sapranno sicuramente apprezzare la mezz'ora circa di questo lavoro, che magari non brillerà per originalità ma è comunque di certo un disco Black/Death ampiamente soddisfacente. Complice anche una durata tutto sommato esigua - poco più di mezz'ora, come dicevamo - ed una buonissima produzione, "Death of the Last Sun" potrà essere facilmente dell'ottimo intrattenimento per gli amanti degli estremismi sonori.





Video review.





Funebria ist eine Band aus Venezuela, die bereits seit 2002 dabei ist. Nach einem Demo, einer EP, einer Split und zwei Alben legte man in 2016 eine kurze Pause ein. Wenn ich es richtig überblicke, ist von der Originalbesetzung keiner mehr dabei. Zumindest sind sie wieder stark aktiv und zusammen mit Satanath Records und Dark Terror Temple bringt man nun das dritte Full Length heraus. Der Basser Perverssturm war bei den Black Metallern Horncrowed aktiv, keine Unbekannten in der Szene.


Ein sehr düster und rituell klingendes Intro leitet das Album ein. Kurz und knapp, könnte aus einem Horrorfilm sein. Nach 50 Sekunden ist Ain auch schon vorbei und die ersten dunklen, bösen und schnellen Töne erklingen. Ominous Armageddon legt wie beschrieben los, wartet mit blackigen Riffs auf und entwickelt sich zu einer bösartigen Mischung aus Death Metal und Black Metal, sowohl musikalisch als auch gesanglich. Dabei bedient man sich der Tremolo-Technik und wechselt das Tempo. Blastbeats dürfen nicht fehlen. Über allem schweben ein dunkler Sound und eine dunkle Atmosphäre. Ja, schockt wohl, muss man sagen.



Langsam, schleppend, finster und drückend legt man bei Upheaval & Decadence los und erhöht das Tempo. Das Riffing ist wieder sehr blackig, dafür die Vocals eher growlig. Ab Minute 01:40 wird ein sehr düsterer Part aufgebaut. Sehr atmosphärisch, aber das folgende technische Riffing macht die Stimmung ein wenig kaputt. Hätte man sich sparen können. Man zeigt sich hier sehr verspielt und vertrackt. Ist mir dann zu viel des Guten, obwohl der Song sehr gut angefangen hat. Der düstere Part wird zum Ende hin noch einmal verwendet und langsam und bedrohlich lässt man den Song ausklingen.


Bleeding Sacrament geht da einen ähnlichen Weg. Sehr Black Metal lastig erschallt es zu Beginn und mit einem melodischen Riff kämpft man sich durch das Universum. Klingt alles sehr roh und rau, aber trotzdem ausgetüftelt. Überwiegend bewegt man sich im langsamen und mittelschnellen Tempo und wechselt dort hin und her. Gesanglich klingt man hier sehr bedrohlich. Klingt gut.


Und so kämpft man sich durch die Bergnebel-/Regenwald-Gebiete Venezuelas und bietet eine gute Mischung an. Überwiegend agiert man im langsamen und mittelschnellen Tempo, erhöht dieses aber gerne mal und holt dann auch den Blastbeat aus der Schublade. Soli und Leads klingen sehr dunkel und düster und immer wieder blitzen melodische Elemente auf. Klingt alles nach Gruft und Verderben. Der Modergeruch ist zu hören. Immer wieder kommen richtig geile Ideen zutage, so wie z.B. bei Black Waters Caesar. Am Anfang erklingen langsame Töne und bieten dann richtig leckere Riffs an. Immer wieder werden chorale Klänge mit eingebaut. In der Konstellation echt ein Ohrenschmaus. Geiler Abschluss eines guten Albums. Überwiegend ist man zwar brutal unterwegs, aber man lässt genügend Spielraum für atmosphärische Geschichten. Der Orinoco transportiert viel dunkles Wasser und vom Pico Bolivar hört man Stimmen, die von Dunkelheit, Blasphemie, Krieg und Armageddon berichten.




De seis em seis anos é ano bissexto. De seis em seis anos, os venezuelanos Funebria actualmente a residir na Colômbia editam um álbum. Este é já o terceiro e demonstra um cimentar da identidade da banda onde trazem a brutalidade do death metal em conjunto com o espírito blasfemo que é preciso ter para justificar o rótulo “death/black”. Não só o espírito blasfemo como uns arranjos melódicos aqui e ali (muito suaves) que demonstram apetecem do que ir para além do óbvio. São nuances que podem passar despercebidas para quem à cabeça não gosta do género mas para quem o aprecia e encontra com frequência barreiras na forma de lugares comuns, é uma boa surpresa. Não os evita mas usa-os a seu proveito. E a nosso proveito.




An infernal invocation to darkness by a ruthless Colombia-based horde, positioning the band as one of the driving forces of the South American extreme music scene.


funebria-death-of-the-last-sun-2021Funebria, the name of a rare manuscript “Carmina Funebria in Obitum Clarissimi” of influences in opus “Cantiones Profanae” and a fascination for funeral processions, is also the name of Venezuelan Black Metal horde Funebria, founded in 2004 in Maracaibo, a city in northwestern Venezuela and the capital of Zulia state (but currently based in Bogota, Colombia), having started following the path of pure old school Black Metal with their debut demo Manifiesto Al Esclavo, released in 2005. Currently comprised of Daemonae on vocals and guitars, Blackmiroz also on the guitars, Perverssturm on bass and backing vocals, and Naberius on drums, the band is unleashing upon humanity their third full-length album, entitled Death of the Last Sun, highly recommended for admirers of the music by Behemoth, Hate, Decapitated and Svart Crown, among others. Recorded mixed and mastered at DAE Home Studio by Ranndy Garcia (aka Daemonae), known for his work with Black Metal act Theurgia, Death of the Last Sun is an invocation to darkness in the most tight and raw way imaginable, positioning the band as one of the driving forces of the South American extreme music scene.


The tolling of the bells darkens our minds and hearts in the intro AIN, before all hell breaks loose in Ominous Armaggeddon, a visceral, straightforward Black Metal feast spearheaded by the infernal beats by Naberius while Daemonae roars and barks like a true demonic entity, also presenting progressive and groovy elements to spice the whole song up considerably. After such intense start to the album, more of their venomous fusion of Black and Death Metal is offered to our avid ears in the obscure tune Upheaval & Decadence, with hints of Doom Metal added to its already somber vibe, not to mention how ruthless Daemonae and Blackmiroz are with their riffage; and there’s no time to breathe as those South American beasts keep smashing our skulls mercilessly in Bleeding Sacrament, another brutal display of Black Metal infused with Daemonae’s trademark Death Metal growls that will put a grim smile on the faces of fans of extreme music.


Ethereal Form Of Saints sounds and feels as doomed as its predecessors, with Perverssturm firing low-tuned, bestial bass punches straight to our faces, therefore supporting the headbanging riffs by his bandmates, resulting in a massive tune where every single space in the air is filled with sulfur and hate. Dawn Of Black Inericon might be the shortest song of the album, but that doesn’t mean it’s not as dense, bold and Mephistophelian as all other songs, with Daemonae once again taking the lead with his deep roars supported by Naberius’ massive drums, whereas closing the album there’s more evil and hatred in the form of Black Waters Caesar, a lecture in old school and modern-day Black Metal full of breaks and variations, scorching riffs, bass jabs and the always demented beats by Naberius. Put differently, what a pulverizing conclusion to Death of the Last Sun, leaving us all eager for more of Funebria’s infernal creations in a not-so-distant future.


funebria-2021If you want to have a much better taste of all the darkness and wrath flowing from Funebria’s music, you can enjoy their new album in its entirety on YouTube and on Spotify, but of course you should definitely purchase the album from Dark Terror Temple’s BandCamp page, from the Satanath Records’ BandCamp page, from Apple Music or from Amazon to show your utmost support to such distinguished South American horde. In addition, don’t forget to follow the band on Facebook for news, tour dates, plans for the future and so on, proving you’re indeed a servant of the underworld as you like to brag about. Funebria are one of those bands whose sound is always evolving in the best way possible without abandoning their roots, and Death of the Last Sun is indeed a fantastic representation of their talent, their passion for Black Metal and their loyalty to this always brutal and captivating style.





Jižní Ameriku jsme si několikrát vzali pod lupu, ale kapela z Venezuely se u nás objevuje poprvé. Je to vpravdě výjimečný okamžik, a to nejen z důvodu geografického. FUNEBRIA totiž nejsou žádnou béčkovou kapelou, která čeká na to, co zbyde po první lize, ale sebevědomě si říká o pozornost undergroundové komunity v globálním měřítku, a to ani tak ve smyslu revolučního přístupu k death metalu, jako v ohledu autenticity výrazu a síly altmosféry, která z „Death Of The Last Sun“ vyvěrá jako chmurný proud řeky Styx.


Mám rád takovýto přístup k death metalu, s úctou k tradici, plný smrtelné tísně, zatuchlého odéru a chorobné beznaděje. Možná, jak pomalu ale jistě přicházím do krize středního věku, u mě sílí nostalgické tendence a častěji se vracím nazpět k tomu, co u mě vyvolávalo euforické stavy, když jsem poprvé vyslechl zásadní death metalová alba. Ta mi způsobují ty samé stavy jako před třiceti lety a je tomu tak i v případě alb, vznikajících nyní. Záleží především na síle atmosféry, přesněji řečeno na síle ducha skladeb a v konečném důsledku i kompletního alba. Nepotřebuji „full HD“ zvuk, hyper super produkci, bezchybnou techniku ani krkolomné výkony, ale naopak vyžaduji album, které zabíjí, seká, spaluje, případně rozkládá na základní prvky. Pak je naprosto jedno, zdali takovýto zabijácký kus vyplodí kapela světového věhlasu nebo naprosto neznámá kapela z druhého konce světa. „Death Of The Last Sun“ je právě tím albem, které dostává maximum silné atmosféry ze syrové produkce. Zvuk je nádherně zašpiněný a přesto pohodlně čitelný, ve spojení s tradičně pojatými riffy vzniká přesvědčivá smrtelná řež, dostatečně osobitá na to, aby snad došlo k tomu, že si FUNEBRIA  spleteme z někým dalším. K autenticitě silně přispívá stylová nejednoznačnost, FUNEBRIA se seriózně ohlíží po black metalových hlubinách, citlivě zasazených do not tetky s kosou.


„Death Of The Last Sun“ neplýtvá hracím časem ani počtem skladeb - sedm kousků včetně intra se může zdát poněkud málo, ale vzhledem k síle obsahu vidím spíše jako kontraproduktivní album zbytečně natahovat a rozmělňovat jeho devastační potenciál. Na albu lze těžko hledat něco navíc, obráceným pohledem lze dojít k závěru, že „Death Of The Last Sun“ obsahuje vše, co má - smrtelnou a vražednou atmosféru, což lze říci i o porci temné energie, způsobující mi očekávaný a potřebný neklid. Co musím vyzdvihnout kromě silného vnitřního ducha je zvukové zpracování alba. Tam, kde mnoho dalších bude prskat a nadávat na nekvalitní zvuk, já tvrdím pravý opak. Nečistý zvuk je přesně to, co tohle album potřebuje. Bez něj by ta hydra, co se skrývá za riffy a palbou bicích, vypadala jako dráček z disneyovských kreslených pohádek. Takhle do sebe vše podstatné dokonale zapadá a tvoří smrtelnou kombinaci, kterou je radost poslouchat…tedy pro mě, komerčňáka do dozajista porazí na první pokus. „Death Of The Last Sun“ nepřestavuje nic revolučního a už vůbec ne inovativního, jedná se „pouze“ o kvalitně odvedené temné metalové řemeslo, které nepotřebuje exhibovat na titulní stránce prominentního magazínu, jeho cesty se ubírají jinými cestami, kterými se ke správným uším dostane i bez toho.




Video review.

