. Satanath Records

Reviews: SAT308

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The prolific Swiss artist Bornyhake Ormenos has assumed many musical guises in a career that now spans more than two decades — more than 25 past and current bands and projects according to Metal-Archives, including Borgne, Enoid, Ancient Moon, My Death Belongs To You, and The Path Of Memory. One of those projects is Pure, a solo black metal endeavor that was born during 2013 as a result of “a tormenting and egregious experience painfully born” by Bornyhake.


Since then Pure has released four albums, and now a fifth one is on the way, following the last by roughly four years. Entitled Seeds of Despair, it will be co-released on March 30th by Satanath Records and Obscure Abhorrence Productions. It is described on behalf of the labels as music “for loners and secluded people who have the habit to follow the mind-stultifying smoke to some ineffable fields close to Judas Iscariot, Horna, Gorgoroth, and Lifelover…” And today we present one of the new songs, fittingly named “The Boundary Between Light and Shadow“.



The moods channeled by the song are dark and depressive, but the ways in which those feelings are kindled, and then blaze, are gripping. Its principal momentum is fueled by rapidly hammering drums and thrusting bass, coupled with absolutely incinerating screams (which later turn into a deep and ominous recital). Surrounding all this in an all-enveloping way are raw, wailing guitar harmonies that are abrasive to the mind but also shine like a celestial phenomenon, and their sound is somehow both despairing and electrifying (and maybe even resilient).


Those immersive vibrating melodies become captivating despite how disturbing they are. The drum rhythm ultimately changes to a kind of frantic skipping cadence, allowing the bass to surface even more prominently, and the riffing eventually becomes more grim and desolate in its sound, just in time for a guitar solo to quiver and contort like a supernatural manifestation. The intensity of the music never really relents, but only seems to follow an ever-upward, spine-tingling trajectory — until near the end, when the rhythm section vanishes and the twin guitars sink into an anguished isolation.



Seeds of Despair was recorded and mixed at Chaos Studio by Bornyhake. The drums were performed and recorded by Krzysztof Klingbein. The album features artwork by Bornyhake and layout by Jane Orpheus.



Swiss artist Pure is out with the album "Seeds of Despair", and here we are presented with a dynamic and varied form of extreme metal. Just about all the songs provide multiple alterations in tempo, intensity and overall arrangements, ranging from atmospheric laden fragile sections through majestic soundscapes and into high paced, relentless guitar and rhythm driven passages. Twisted shouts and shrieks makes up the vocal component, and are by and large placed down in the mix, allowing the instrumentation to dominate. Melodies and a gentle touch are present throughout, with a good example being plucked guitar details adding support and contrast to otherwise intense guitar riff barrages. There is a lot to like and enjoy on this production, and fans of dynamic, sophisticated and well made black metal  should find a lot to enjoy on this album.





Swiss occultist Bornyhake has made his rounds across the Swiss black metal underground. Known for acts such as Borgne, Ancient Moon, Enoid, My Death Belongs To You, and The Path of Memory, but there's one act that I've come across of his that I have grown to really enjoy. Being a fan of one man black metal bands, this one is a given. Pure, his solo project, is a introspective and dark band with cold and depressive riffs, it reminds one of bands like Leviathan, Horna, Nargaroth, and other such depressive classics.

His latest album coming from his solo act Seeds of Despair continues that cold sound. This album takes a similar approach as the others, taking it slow for the most part with hypnotic riffs and cold drumming,but instead the production style is a lot more cleaner and robust, not so much going for the raw and lofi sound. What I also enjoy about this album is how the songs are different from one another. A lot of times when you listen to more atmospheric and depressive black metal bands, they tend to fall into the habit of keeping the same rhythm through out the whole album. But Bornyhake's creativity shines on the album as many of the songs change in terms of timing and song structure. Faster break-neck blast beat style songs to even the slower and more ambient guitar centered pieces. One of my favorites Is the fourth track Somewhere in the Night, Loneliness Dwells, a song that can be broken up into 3 parts, with the slow creepy ambient guitar intro, the furious and angry blast beats in the middle, only to return to the same guitar riff to close out the song. Its a great way to really showcase the range of the album and I think a great solo-track on its own.


All the instruments and vocals are performed very well. There's no slacking on any part. The best part in my opinion are the vocals, keeping the original style Pure started out with. Very raw and lofi high pitched screams. They're mixed very well into the instrumentation and blend well to create that harsh wall of sound we all know and love. On top of that, the bass on the album is really gnarly. Incredibly heavy tone that gives the instrumentation a fuller more robust sound that is perfect for this style of album. It keeps the coldness but makes it heavy.


There's very little for me to complain about on this album, I enjoyed it very much from front to back. Definitely a recommendation from me if you enjoy the more traditional second-wave black metal sound with a more depressive and introspective tinge to it.





Sentado en el suelo con los ojos cerrados, usaba todo su poder para mantener el contacto con el cuervo. Podía ver a través de los vivarachos ojos del para muchos aterradora ave. Necesitaba explorar la zona para encontrar los asesinos de su familia. Los malditos rostros pálidos habían llegado para arrebatarles la vida y la tierra que por derecho era suya, además de la conexión con la naturaleza y los animales que la conformaban. ¡Estaban arrasando con todo! Pero habían cometido un error: darlo por muerto. Una cosa tenía clara, aunque la vida se le fuese en ello, conseguiría vengarse, y con un poco de suerte, se llevaría por delante a un buen número de mal nacidos. Los extranjeros, estaban a punto de conocer el auténtico poder del shaman más poderoso que la Tierra había conocido….

Bienvenidos al universo de Pure.


Satanath Records, junto con Obscure Abhorrence Productions, lanzaron el 30 de marzo de 2021 el quinto trabajo de de la One Man Band de Raw Black Metal Pure. El disco fue bautizado con el nombre de «Seeds of Despair».




El hombre encargado de darle vida al proyecto en cuestión, encargándose de todos los instrumentos y las voces es: Bornyhake.


La reseña del susodicho trabajo me va a costar lo mío escribirla. No es que me parezca malo, pero…. Mirad, mejor me dejo de rodeos y comienzo la review. A ver, de entrada, el disco me ha parecido poco sólido. Es innegable que el sentimiento de maldad y oscuridad que emanan todas y cada una de las 6 tonadas que lo componen es digno de ovación. No obstante, podríamos decir que hay dos caras de una misma moneda a la hora de la estructuración y composición de los tracks. Por un lado, tenemos la vertiente más veloz y agresiva, que es la que patea traseros a troche y moche, siendo la que personalmente me gusta y consigue que haga headbanging cual poseso. Y por otro, existe una vena…¿cómo decirlo?… atmosférica y obsesiva que acaba resultando repetitiva y algo aburrida. La unión de ambas cualidades, hace que la escucha completa no sea todo lo satisfactoria que debería, al menos para el que os escribe. Si Bornyhake le hubiese dado más cancha a la mala baba otro gallo le hubiese cantado.




Las «hachas» compuestas por gélidas dobles armonías y embistes de tremolo picking os destrozarán el alma. Asimismo, también degustaréis de instantes pausados y otros excesivamente alargados y reiterativos.




¿Sorpresas en el apartadovocal?, bueno, en realidad no demasiado. Unos predominantes shrieks conviven sin problema o temor alguno con pinceladas de clean vocals maquiavélicas.


La percusión es cambiante, teniendo la sensación de que tienen más espacio los mid tienen más espacio que los up tempos. Eso sí, ni por un segundo penséis que los «golpes relámpago» no aparecerán, porque lo hacen.


Mis canciones predilectas son: ‘Into Darkness‘ y ‘The Boundary Between Light and Shadow‘ por ser tan increíblemente salvajes. Aunque si buscáis un giro de recorrido que os deje asombrados, poneos ‘Somewhere in the Night, Loneliness Dwells‘.




Blackers del mundo, independientemente de mi opinión, creo que no podéis perderos este álbum.





Pure official es un proyecto de un solo hombre nacido de las cenizas blancas de una experiencia atormentadora y atroz dolorosamente soportada por Bornyhake Ormenos (de las bandas Borgne, Enoid, Ancient Moon, My Death Belongs To You, The Path Of Memory) en medio de 2013, PURE es un proyecto que lo ayuda para hacer frente a su terrible oscuridad interior.


PURE presentó este pasado 3o de marzo del presente año lo que es su quinto trabajo de larga duración el cual esta titulado Seeds Of Despair el cual está conformado por solo 6 tema que hacen una duración de 45 minutos aproximadamente, la mayoría de los temas promedian una extensión de 7 minutos un trabajo que tiene muy buena estructura musical en cada pieza.


El tema que comienza la dosis de oscuridad y maldad es “Into Darkness” la pieza más corta de este trabajo pero la cual muestra un escencia de lo que es el black metal puro con esos riff y las vocales rasposas una buena manera de comenzar y algo les comento esta es una de las piezas que más sobresalen de este disco, “Speak In Silence” esta pieza baja la brutalidad, iniciando con unos acordes limpios posteriormente se incorpora la guitarra más distorsionada, el tema se va desenvolviendo en un medio tiempo junto con unas voces llenas de agonía, “Expressionless Eyes, Shattered Bones” comienza con una guitarra acústica muy sutil, después llega todo lo que envuelve este trabajo de black metal , el doble pedal en la batería junto a los detalles melódicos son algo muy relevante de esta pieza.





Ultimamente il black metal sta vivendo quella che potremmo tranquillamente definire una seconda rinascita. Da una parte ci sono tutte quelle giovani realtà che, sulla scia della scuola polacca e islandese, propongono la loro visione del genere, tendenzialmente più atmosferica e ragionata. Dall'altra, poi, ci sono i nomi più grandi e coloro che sono devoti alla vecchia scuola, la cui proposta vuole riprendere i canoni ancestrali tramite sonorità freddissime ed un songwriting asciutto e crudo. In una parola: raw black metal. I Pure appartengono sicuramente a questo secondo filone. La one man band svizzera nasce nel 2013 ad opera di Bornyhake, all'anagrafe Sergio Da Silva, un nome piuttosto di rilievo nel panorama europeo. L'artista infatti è già membro e compositore di diversi gruppi, tra i quali citiamo Borgne, Enoid e My Death Belongs to You, ed i norvegesi Manii. Insomma, una carriera dedicata a 360 gradi al black metal ed alle sue infinite sfaccettature. Ma è certamente con i Pure che l'artista può dare sfoggio della macabra e vera essenza ancestrale di questo genere, ed il qui presente "Seeds of Despair", quinto album all'attivo, ne è un esempio lampante. Un disco che sa di viaggio solitario, di morte, di terrore quasi Lovecraftiano... di maligno.

Affidato alla doppia produzione da parte di Satanath Records e Obscure Abhorrence Productions, l'album è un freddo e gelido tuffo in tutto ciò che è malvagio, eretico e cattivo nel mondo, quasi fosse concepito con il solo scopo di racchiudere dentro di sé il concetto stesso di "negatività". Merito di questa sensazione quasi dolorosa è certamente una chiarissima impostazione, che fa della crudezza e del songwriting frenetico, velenoso e glaciale i suoi punti di forza. Siamo ben lontani dal quel black metal più ragionato e rotondo, come potrebbe essere quello dei polacchi Mgła. Qui siamo nei territori più grezzi e stantii del genere, con il palese intento di proporre una musica primigenia, istintuale e feroce che ritroviamo nei primi Gorgoroth, nei Judas Iscariot, nei Behexen o negli Horna per intenderci. Non mancano sicuramente quei lontani sentori atmosferici e melodici, come in "The Boundary Between Light and Shadow" o in "Expressionless Eyes, Shattered Bones", le quali rendono l'ascolto pervaso da una nota di frenetica follia. Ma a fare la differenza è tutto il contesto, a cominciare dal già citato sound. Merito di tutto ciò è certamente una produzione per nulla invasiva ed anzi attenta a lasciare intatto il crudo sapore di autenticità di questo album. Qualitativamente siamo al di sopra rispetto al precedente "J'aurais dû" il quale risultava maggiormente ovattato e impastato, seppur la produzione volutamente low-fi sia quasi un canone e la norma in questi ambiti. Ma a detta di chi scrive il sound più pulito e limpido rende questo "Seeds of Despair" molto più godibile e paradossalmente più mortifero. Ciliegina sulla torta, infine, lo scream di Bornyhake che emerge dal sottosuolo di questa landa morente messa in musica, a testimonianza di come l'artista sappia perfettamente muoversi in un contesto solista. Anzi, sembra proprio che sia la sua vera vocazione.

Se amate un certo tipo di black metal, spogliato di qualunque abbellimento e di ogni contaminazione esterna, allora siete capitati in un signor disco che fa della genuinità e degli antichi fasti i suoi punti di forza.




Pure  are  a  solo  project  from  Switzerland  that  has  had  music  reviewed  before  in  this  zine  and  on  this  recording  plays  a  very  raw  and  depressive  form  of  black  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  his  2021  album  "Seeds  Of  Despair"  which  was  released  as  a  joint  effort  between  Satanath  Records  and  Obscure  Abhorrence  Productions.




  A  very  fast  and  raw  sound  starts  off  the  album  along  with  a  great  amount  of  tremolo  picking  and  blast  beats.  Melodies  are  also  added  into  some  of  the  guitar  riffing  while  the  vocals  are  mostly  high  pitched  black  metal  screams  as  well  as  most  of  the  tracks  also  being  very  long  and  epic  in  length.




  Throughout  the  recording  you  can  also  hear  a  great  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts  while  the  music  also  shows  roots  in  the  90's  and  2000's  era  without  sounding  outdated.  When  guitar  solos  and  leads  are  utilized  they  are  also  done  in  a  very  dark  yet  melodic  style  along  with  a  couple  of  the  tracks  also  introducing  clean  playing  and  acoustic  guitars  onto  the  album.




  Clean  vocals  can  also  be  heard  briefly  along  with  the  music  also  adding  in  some  depressive  elements  at  times  as  well  as  all  of  the  musical  instruments  also  having  a  very  powerful  sound  to  them,  as  the  album  progresses  a  brief  use  of  spoken  word  parts  can  also  be  heard.  The  production  sounds  very  dark  and  raw  while  the  lyrics  cover  pain,  darkness  and  desturction  themes.




  In  my  opinion  this  is  another  great  sounding  recording  from  Pure  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  raw  and  depressive  black  metal,  you  should  check  out  this  album.





One-man band de um músico com mais cento e quinhentos projectos, Logo a lembrar ramos de uma árvore, capa e estética monocromática, black metal. Uma série de lugares-comuns, nada de bom pode resultar daqui, certo? Errado. Pure tem uma sonoridade que vai bem mais além do raw black metal com que nos é apresentado. A prdoução é ríspida mas perfeita, até porque ajuda a criar um ambiente fantástico. Longe de ser básico, “Seeds Of Despair” tem um impacto tal que até vai fazer com que este escriba queira ouvir os anteriores állbuns. Uma estética inteligente onde os temas salientam toda a sua excelência. Recomendado para quem gosta de black metal cru ou mal passado. Tanto faz, marcha tudo.





Swiss occultist Bornyhake has made his rounds across the Swiss black metal underground. Known for acts such as Borgne, Ancient Moon, Enoid, My Death Belongs To You, and The Path of Memory, but there's one act that I've come across of his that I have grown to really enjoy. Being a fan of one man black metal bands, this one is a given. Pure, his solo project, is a introspective and dark band with cold and depressive riffs, it reminds one of bands like Leviathan, Horna, Nargaroth, and other such depressive classics.

His latest album coming from his solo act Seeds of Despair continues that cold sound. This album takes a similar approach as the others, taking it slow for the most part with hypnotic riffs and cold drumming,but instead the production style is a lot more cleaner and robust, not so much going for the raw and lofi sound. What I also enjoy about this album is how the songs are different from one another. A lot of times when you listen to more atmospheric and depressive black metal bands, they tend to fall into the habit of keeping the same rhythm through out the whole album. But Bornyhake's creativity shines on the album as many of the songs change in terms of timing and song structure. Faster break-neck blast beat style songs to even the slower and more ambient guitar centered pieces. One of my favorites Is the fourth track Somewhere in the Night, Loneliness Dwells, a song that can be broken up into 3 parts, with the slow creepy ambient guitar intro, the furious and angry blast beats in the middle, only to return to the same guitar riff to close out the song. Its a great way to really showcase the range of the album and I think a great solo-track on its own.


All the instruments and vocals are performed very well. There's no slacking on any part. The best part in my opinion are the vocals, keeping the original style Pure started out with. Very raw and lofi high pitched screams. They're mixed very well into the instrumentation and blend well to create that harsh wall of sound we all know and love. On top of that, the bass on the album is really gnarly. Incredibly heavy tone that gives the instrumentation a fuller more robust sound that is perfect for this style of album. It keeps the coldness but makes it heavy.


There's very little for me to complain about on this album, I enjoyed it very much from front to back. Definitely a recommendation from me if you enjoy the more traditional second-wave black metal sound with a more depressive and introspective tinge to it.






Album nummer vijf van de Zwitser genaamd Bornyhake, wiens band Borgne een vak apart heeft in mijn verzameling. Ook Enoid staat daar bij trouwens. Pure niet, Pure sprak mij in het verleden iets minder aan. De rauwe black en doom weet mij niet even hard te pakken namelijk. Het album J’aurais dû en de split van Pure met Horna uit 2018 waren echter wel werkstukken die meer dan welkom zijn in mijn collectie. Bitterzuur en ijzig, melancholisch en vol wanhoop. De titel Seeds of Despair deed hetzelfde vermoeden.




En zo geschiedde. Opnieuw niets dan treurnis en zwartgalligheid, in een iets milder klimaat, met huilbuien die uit elkaar getrokken worden door relatieve rustmomenten vol doom en deprirock aandoende akoestische stukken (denk Lifelover, Apati, …). Drummer Krzysztof Klingbein heeft een behoorlijke range aan stijlen in de voeten en wist die ook degelijk op te nemen, zowel de Triptykon-trapjes als de oldschool Noorse blaststukken zijn degelijk ingeblikt. De nadruk ligt echter op het grimmige gitaarwerk, de schrikwekkende vocale uitbarstingen en de continu aanwezige pijnlijke psychose van voorman Bornyhake. De plotwendingen zijn talrijk, je wordt meegenomen doorheen de creepy verbeelding en belevingswereld van Bornyhake, doorheen verschillende moodswings, scenario’s, neerwaartse spiralen en geschrankte gelaagdheid. Muzikaal wordt dat vertaalt in grote ritmeveranderingen, priemende solo’s, echo’s, volumewijzigingen, … alles binnen het speelveld dat begint bij oude Noorse en Finse black (Satyricon, Sargeist, Tulus, Gorgoroth, Baptism) langs de blackdoom en DSBM van oude Shining en Lifelover tot het laatste album van Celtic Frost en Tryptikon.

De zes nummers zijn samen goed voor drie kwartier psychologische marteling. Lange nummers dus, waarin ruimte genoeg is voor de reeds vermelde plotwendingen, opbouw en variatie. Het nummer The Boundary between light and shadow is daarin ietwat de uitzondering, met zijn rechttoe rechtaan uptempo verhaal. Ik vind het persoonlijk niet de sterkste/meest aangrijpende Pure-plaat, al verdient ook deze een plaats in mijn collectie.













Der werte Herr Bornyhake, der sich hier für das Ein-Mann-Projekt PURE verantwortlich zeigt, scheint im positiven Sinne musikalisch hyperaktiv zu sein, denn seit der Gründung im Jahre 2013 erschienen mit dem mir hier vorliegenden bis heute fünf Studioalben und die beiden ersten sogar innerhalb von 2014. Des Weiteren, so zumindest meine Recherche, steckt er u.a. auch hinter Ancient Moon und war wohl Live-Musiker bei Schammasch oder ist es heute noch und vielleicht habe ich ihn ja am 11.01.2020  mit Schammasch im Zwischenbau Rostock live erlebt, wer weiß. Wie genau auch meine Detektivarbeit war, sei dahingestellt. Fakt ist aber, der Schweizer hat jede Menge zu tun, denn die beiden vorher genannten, ebenfalls schweizerischen Bands, sind nur ein kleiner Teil von allem aus seiner Vita.


Nun gut, widme ich mich mal dem Werk, was im März diesen Jahres erschien und eine Länge von 45:31 Minuten aufweist. “Into Darkness” beginnt wuchtig, treibend und schneidend in seiner ganzen Darbietung und gesanglich erwachen Erinnerungen an Onielar im mir, obwohl hier ein männlicher Part vokalistisch unterwegs ist. Was mir sehr gut gefällt, sind die immer wieder auftretenden kreativen Richtungswechsel und dieses in seiner ganzheitlich dämonisch anmutenden Gesamtheit. “Speak in Silence” eröffnet fast still und leise, bietet Platz für nachdenkliches, ruhiges, schwarz romantisches und wuchtet sich dann schwer an den Pfaden, mit wehmütig und schmerzerfülltem Gesang entlang und ungezügelt bricht er immer wieder mal aus.


“Expressionless Eyes, Shattered Bones” eröffnet gitarrenlastig akustisch, geht dann robust seinen Weg und gibt immer wechselseitig der Gelassenheit das Zepter in die Hand, “Somewhere in the Night, Loneliness Dwells” führt das Akustische beginnend fort, entlädt sich dann morbide schwer, dem schreiend aus der Kehle kommenden möchte ich nicht nachts im dunklen Walde begegnen und während das Rasante die Fahrt aufnimmt, sehe ich mich in dieser Geschwindigkeit durch knackende Äste sprinten, um dem höllischen zu entkommen. Der längste Song mit genau 9 Minuten Spielzeit ist nach meinem hören gut gefüllt mit allerlei unterschiedlichster Atmosphäre.


Nach der doch viel in Ruhe getauft vorherigen Fahrt, kehrt mit “The Boundary Between Light and Shadow” das frontal Ungezügelte zurück, kraftvoll, robust und gnadenlos wird ausgeteilt und das Kreative bleibt nicht auf der Strecke liegen. Mit “Seeds of Despair” geht es drückend, ausbrechend und energiegeladen dem Ende entgegen und ich genieße diese letzten Minuten.


Fazit: Die Schweiz kann nicht nur Käse und Schokolade vorweisen, sondern auch exzellent geschwärzt musikalisch teuflisch besessenes!

