. Satanath Records

Reviews: SAT277

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Hailing from Leipzig, Germany, Hadopelagial is a two-man black metal strike force (vocalist/lyricist Ghoul and C.C., who does everything else) whose members were once bandmates in Humanitas Error Est. In their new formation they’ve recorded a self-titled debut album that will be released on March 18th by Satanath Records, and today’s we’re presenting one of its eight tracks, a wonderfully dynamic song named “Amunre“.


The tone of the song’s opening riff is as dismal and bleak as a mass grave, and the music methodically stomps and stomps as Ghoul utters his proclamations in a vicious and imperious voice. But while the oppressive qualities established by that opening movement don’t disappear, the music soon becomes a white-hot melee of turbocharged percussive obliteration, seething, swarming riffs, and unhinged vocal ferocity.


Images of an attack by schools of piranha spring forth. One would expect that nothing concentrates the mind like the prospect of being eaten alive from every direction, and the frenzied violence of this song’s sudden assault has a similar electrifying effect. The melodic quality of the riffing morphs into sounds of sorrow and anguish as the rhythm section continue to go flat-out, but more changes lie ahead.


Backed by a head-moving rocking cadence, the riffing creates a sorcerous, mesmerizing aura as Ghoul savagely roars and shrieks — and suddenly things change again, the music becoming lighter and softer, with keyboard notes creating a seductive allure that contrasts sharply with the allure created by unhinged intensity. The music soon soars again, creating a feeling of grandeur as well as bleakness, with a reprise of that softer passage drawing the track to a close.


It really is a fascinating experience that repays closer attention in subsequent listens. And as you’ll discover from the previously released song “Helios“, “Amunre” isn’t an outlier. “Helios” is also spectacular, blending off-the-hook drumming, vibrant bass work, completely possessed vocals, and a knack for infiltrating an array of transfixing melodies. And it too is a dynamic creation, one that pulses, punches, ravages — and creates dark images of sweeping, panoramic vistas.



Después del sortilegio, las propiedades del mismo sol comenzaron a cambiar tornándose completamente negro. Los rayos, transformaron la mitad del hemisferio donde alumbraba en un paraje estéril, iniciando una mutación espeluznante a todo ser viviente que allí se encontraba. En tan solo 12 horas, la humanidad al completo desaparecería para siempre. La Tierra se estaba transformando en el mismísimo Infierno…

Bienvenidos al universo de Hadopelagial.


El proyecto de Black Metal llamado Hadopelagial, lanzó el 18 de marzo de 2020 su primer L.P homónimo por medio de Satanath Records.

El nivel de agresión del debut del dúo alemán, podría compararse perfectamente con zambombazos de la talla del mítico «Panzer Division Marduk» de los suecos Marduk por poner un ejemplo claro. El pie, se levanta muy poco del acelerador tanto en lo que respecta a la percusión como a las perpetuamente diabólicas seis cuerdas. Puedo asegurar que cualquier fanático del mejor «Metal Negro» quedará gratamente sorprendido con el disco que os comento hoy. Hacía mucho tiempo que mis oídos no cataban algo tan descarnado dentro del género en cuestión.

Como no podía ser de otra forma, la producción es sucia, aunque sin llegar a alcanzar cotas de absurdez sonora. La portada me ha resultado completamente insípida. Lo que sí agradezco es que al menos no hayan usado bosques nevados y demás tópicos.




Perpetuamente disonantes y gélidos son los riffs. Las melodías, creadas la mayoría de las veces a golpe de tremolo picking son adictivas a más no poder. Asimismo, tropezaréis con dobles armonías cuando la ocasión lo requiere.


Ghoul tiene un registro macabro y más bien grave, alejándose por completo de los típicos shrieks agudos.


Como ya os he relatado un poco más arriba, los parches van a mil por hora. Los mid tempos son más anecdóticos que otra cosa.


Debido a sus giros de dirección, destacaría ‘Leviathan‘ y ‘Return of the Black Death‘. Pero si lo que queréis es celeridad de principio a fin no os perdáis ‘Hadopelagial‘ o ‘For the New Path‘.




Solo voy a decir una palabra más que hará que concluya la review: ¡DISCAZO!





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Here we have 40 minutes of highly-aggressive modern black metal. Strap yourself in tight, because this is powerful, searing stuff.


If your take the sheer intensity of some of Anaal Nathrakh‘s work, remove the blunt brutality and inject a hyper-energetic melodic approach instead, you’ll have a rough starting point for this album. It is only rough, however, as there’s a lot more on offer here than that overly simplistic description might lead you to believe, (I’m also reminded of bands like Enoid and Emancer, for example).


This is black metal of the ferociously intense variety, but not exclusively; Hadopelagic know enough about their chosen musical medium to occasionally insert variety of delivery. The importance of atmosphere is not overlooked, as is the need for the occasional respite from the band’s furious aggression. Melody is used to create depth and texture, and keyboards add further layers where necessary.


These additional elements really only serve to ensure that the intensity levels feel even higher once the mayhem returns. The bulk of this album is sharp and fast, with razor melodies, pummelling drums, and savagely inhuman screams. It’s a wild ride, but one worth taking.


For those times when you want to feel the cosmic darkness right up close and get ripped apart by it, while also embracing the darkened grandeur, choose Hadopelagic.


A recommended listen.




Hadopelagial  are  a  duo  form  Germany  that  plays  a  very  dark,  aggressive  and  melodic  form  of  occult  black  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  self  released  2020  album  which  was  released  on  Satanath  Records.


  Dark  soundscapes  start  off  the  album  before  going  into  a  very  fast  and  raw  musical  direction  which  also  uses  a  great  amount  of  tremolo  picking  and  blast  beats.  Vocals  are  mostly  grim  sounding  black  metal  screams  while  the  solos  and  leads  are  done  in  a  very  melodic  style  and  a  couple  of  tracks  are  very  long  and  epic  in  length.


  Clean  playing  can  also  be  heard  in  some  parts  of  the  recording  while  the  songs  also  add  in  a  decent  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts.  Dark  sounding  melodies  are  also  added  into  some  of  the  guitar  riffing  along  with  the  music  also  adding  in  a  decent  mixture  of  both  modern  and  old  school  influences.


  A  touch  of  the  Swedish  style  can  also  be  heard  in  some  parts  of  the  music  along  with  all  of  the  musical  instruments  on  the  recording  also  having  a  very  powerful  sound  to  them  and  as  the  album  progresses  a  brief  use  of  clean  playing  can  also  be  heard  and  the  album c loses  with  an  acoustic  instrumental.  The  production  sounds  very  professional  while  the  lyrics  cover  Satanism,  Luciferian,  Occultism,  Darkness  and  Death  themes.


  In  my  opinion  Hadopelagial  are  a  very  great  sounding  dark  and  aggressive  occult  black  metal  duo  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre,  you  should  check  out  this  album.




Detrás del nombre de HADOPELAGIAL encontramos a este dúo con base en Leipzig (Alemania) que se fundó en el año 2017, quienes en su momento fueron miembros de HUMANITAS ERROR EST. Me refiero a C.C., encargado de todos los instrumentos y también antiguo miembro de VALGALDRAR, y el vocalista Ghoul, dos tipos que tienen la fuerza suficiente como para desatar una auténtica tormenta de Black Metal oscuro y rápido que destila influencias de la escena sueca. La prueba es este primer larga duración de título homónimo que ha visto la luz a través del sello ruso Satanath Records que cuenta con ocho cortes capaces de helarte la sangre.


“Hadopelagial” comienza desplegando su negrura sin piedad con el tema homónimo que da nombre al álbum y a la propia banda, mostrando también cual es la concepción musical del dúo germano. Estamos hablando de un Black Metal que recuerda mucho al sonido sueco de bandas como SETHERIAL o DARK FUNERAL, solo que algo más contemporáneo que podríamos comparar a lo que hacen ANAAL NATHRAKH. De hecho hay que reconocer que la instrumentación en algunos momentos suena un tanto artificial, más próximo a lo que sería el sonido Industrial que el clásico Raw Black Metal, pese a que las composiciones sí que recuerdan más al rollo gélido y de melodías oscuras de toda la vida.


HADOPELAGIAL presentan un debut poderoso y evocador que hará las delicias de cualquier seguidor del Black Metal más frío y oscuro gracias a ocho cortes que te arrastran al abismo. Es cierto que hay cosas que podrían mejorarse, lo cual deja margen para que la banda en el futuro alcance cotas más altas en su sonido, pero con lo que hay en este primer larga duración ya es más que suficiente como para que el dúo se gane el respeto dentro del Black Metal underground. De modo que si quieres experimentar las sombras de “Hadopelagial” y perderte en el oscuro océano cósmico de su música te recomiendo que apagues las luces y subas el volumen, solo así comprenderás lo que un álbum como este puede ofrecer.




Vom Westen Deutschlands gehts heute in den Osten, denn die Leipziger Band Hadopelagial (nicht zu verwechseln mit Hadopelagyal, ebenfalls aus Leipzig) machen Radau als sie kürzlich ihr Debütalbum veröffentlichten. 2017 von zwei ex-Humanitas Error Est-Mitgliedern gegründet, überspringt man das obligatorische Demo und geht mit einem selbstbetitelten Album gleich in die Vollen.


Wie nicht anders erwartet, beschert uns das sächsische Duo mit klassischem, schnörkellosem Black Metal der alten Schule. Gewaltsam und mit viel Druck ballern sich die Herren durch 8 tiefschwarze Stücke. Das Drumcomputer rast regelrecht durchs Set und lässt einen durchgängigen Double-Bass-Reigen vom Stapel von dessen Geschwindigkeit so mancher Drummer neidisch werden dürfte. Pausen? Fehlanzeige. Mit druckvollem, kraftvollen und relativ klarem Sound gehts hier in die Vollen. Zur Raserei der Drums gesellen sich Gitarren, die einen düsteren, dissonanten und monotonen Reigen aus Tremolo-Picking und leicht melodischen Riffs kredenzen. Obendrauf gibts noch typisch grimmiges Gekeife, das hier und da etwas knistert und schon hat man das Grundprinzip der Band verstanden. Dafür ist das Songwriting kompetent genug, dass nie Langeweile aufkommt. Hier mal ein kurzes langsames Intro, da ein melodisches Zwischenspiel und selbst in den direkten Nach-vorne-Parts immer genug Abwechslung an den Riffs um Spaß zu machen. Aber gut, trotzdem bleibt es fraglich, ob es das Album wirklich gebraucht hätte, jedes Riff hat man schon hundert mal gehört und auch sonst bietet das Album eigentlich nix um sich von dem Einheitsbrei des Genres abzugrenzen.


Hadopelagial sind eine Band für die Black Metal-Puristen und liefern dem Hörer genau das, was er erwartet: düstere Riffs, Tremolo und Blast Beats, dazu dreckige Screams. Frischen Wind sucht man vergebens, aber schlecht ist das Album auch nicht. Mir persönlich hats gefallen, aber wirklich mitgerissen hats mich dann doch nicht. Geht trotzdem schön ins Ohr.




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Švédská urputnost zapustila hluboký kořen i u našich západních sousedů. Black metalový extrém, reprezentovaný MARDUK, případně DARK FUNERAL s důrazem na primární agresi sice nemusí vonět každému, nicméně lze i v tomto sevřeném a útočném stylu nalézt řadu zajímavých spolků, o nichž rozhodně stojí za to ztratit pár písmenek. HADOPELAGIAL (v tuto chvíli nemám tucha, zda máme co dočinění s regulérní kapelou nebo se spontánním projektem dvou kámošů) jsou rozhodně jedněmi z těch black metalových kapel, které mají našlápnuto správným směrem. Zdroj inspirace nelze přeslechnout – švédské vichry jsou příliš typickou ingrediencí, aby si jich nešlo okamžitě nevšimnout. K tomu však HADOPELAGIAL účelně pracují se zvukem a atmosférou, čímž se výsledný pocit a dopad na posluchače posouvá o notný kus jinam. Démoničnost alba byla vůbec první věc, která mě omlátila o stěny mého skromného příbytku, silná atmosféra a skvělá instrumentální úroveň ve vyrovnaném poměru dělá z „Hadopelagial“ nevšední záležitost.


„Hadopelagial“ je bestiální přímočará smršť, o tom žádná. K brutálnímu monolitu bez orientačních bodů je neustále velmi blízko, ale to je úskalí, se kterým se potýkají naprosto všichni. Pokud nemáte předem byť jen trochu z black metalu naposloucháno, dovoluji si tvrdit, že s tímhle albem budete mít jistý problém a zpočátku nenajde o nic kromě erupce bestiální energie. V rámci žánru se ovšem jedná o velmi nápadité album které se sice pevně drží žánrových definic, lze na něm najít značné množství zajímavých momentů, spolehlivě zahánějící zívačku za hranice frontové linie. Ať už dochází k žádoucímu střídání temp a HADOPELAGIAL úplně nelpí na permanentní kulometné palbě, ve střední rychlosti jim to náramně sekne a klasické střední tempo skladbám dodává koňskou dávku podmanivé atmosféry, precizní rytmika a nápaditá až hravá kytara – to jsou solidní vnadidla, kvůli kterým se vyplatí investovat do HADOPELAGIAL čas a energii navíc, než proniknete pod pancíř agrese a začnete se více orientovat.


Jakmile si zvyknete (já už pravda tolik nemusel, s black metalem jsme kámoši řadu let, ovšem stále mám v paměti své pocity na začátku) na příval drtivé energie, v ten moment se začnou objevovat zdánlivě chybějící záchytné body a zdravě nakažlivé nápady, kterých není zrovna málo. Parádní zvukový kabátek je už poslední významný dílek do celkového temného puzzle. Titulní „Hadopelagial“ odpálí nálože a sonické inferno může začít. Skladba je zajímavě členitá a naprosto strhující, vražedná délka přes sedm minut dovoluje rozvinout strukturu skladby do atmosféričtější polohy, která je nadmíru působivá nejen proto, že dojde k dočasnému uvolnění brutálního sevření – z atmosféry doslova mrazí. Brutální, chirurgicky ostrý výplach „Helios“ má i přes agresi vybičovanou do krajnosti dostatek prostoru pro nápadité kytarové fígle a promyšlenou výstavbu skladby jako takové. Jen mám trochu obavy, jak to bude pokračovat dál, riziko vystřílení munice na startu je zřejmé. „Leviathan“ otáčí o sto osmdesát stupňů, odvaluje se o poznání pomaleji a démon ožívá v plné síle, erupce nastává až v půli skladby s razancí útoku tankové brigády, jedoucí na plný knedlík vstříc pozicím nepřítele, opět dochází na excelentní kytarový fortel, které se jeden jen tak nepřežere.


A takto bych mohl pokračovat a mlel bych pořád to samé dokola. HADOPELAGIAL mě dostali i s chlupama, jako když zajíc lišce nezdrhl. Nabyvše dojmu, že zde jsou karty rozdány již dávno předtím, než tento zplozenec pekel vůbec vyšel, na tuhle parádu čučím jak to tele s otevřenou hubou. Tomuhle já říkám sofistikovaná zbraň hromadného ničení, poctivě sestrojená pěkně postaru těmi, co sakra dobře vědí, jak na to!!!




Пройти мимо группы с таким необычным названием было решительно невозможно… В реальной жизни гадопелагическая зона – это так называемая зона глубоких океанических траншей, располагающихся ниже дна окружающего океана. В мире музыки Hadopelagial – это немецкий блэк-металлический дуэт, базирующийся в Лейпциге и состоящий из Гоула (Ghoul, вокал, экс-Humanitas Error Est, экс-Goatfuck) и C.C. (все инструменты, экс-Grabak, экс-Humanitas Error Est). Если описать “Hadopelagial” языком образов, то достаточно будет всего одного слова – океан. Нажимаешь кнопку “play”, закрываешь глаза – и на 40 минут оказываешься в бескрайнем водном пространстве, то погружаясь глубоко вниз и соприкасаясь с силой подводных течений, то выныривая на поверхность и вступая в схватку с волнами и безжалостным штормовым ветром. Открывающая альбом титульная композиция – торжество контрастов. Полторы минуты сумасшедшей бластбитовой гонки, затем короткая умиротворяющая передышка, напоминающая покачивание на волнах, и слушатель снова ныряет в неистовый вал барабанной пульсации, на этот раз позволяющий оценить болезненный мелодизм гитарных партий… На пятой минуте его опять настигает тревожный среднетемповый фрагмент, сменяющийся очередным стремительным забегом с похожим на ветер скримингом и гудящими риффами. Надменно мчащийся “Helios” – словно полёт над волнами, но в этот раз, невзирая на навязчивую молотьбу ритм-секции, внимание полностью завоёвано развитием гитарных рисунков. “Leviathan” оказывается обманчив: на первый взгляд, это глубоководный дрейф, поначалу неспешный, но довольно быстро тебя, не способного вырваться, подхватывают безумные вихри бластбитов – и, перемалывая, выплёвывают прямиком в “The Cosmic Ocean”. Первая половина «Океана» в точности повторяет финал «Левиафана» с подавляющим шквалом бластбитов, зато вторая убаюкивает среднетемповой обречённостью, позволяя перевести дух. Нервный маршевый ритм и отстранённые гитарные запилы на “For the New Path” выпевают-выстукивают горестную мелодию – и, всё-таки не выдержав, срываются сперва в ритмичный галоп, а затем в привычное бластбитовое крошево, сопровождаемое назидательными декламациями Гоула. “Amonre” скроен по схожим лекалам – неистовый забой, потом величественный замедленный фрагмент, потом снова испытание скоростью и хрупкий, оглушительный финал. “Return of the Black Death” – повторение пройденного, всё то же чередование и отстранённо-мелодичных запилов под неспешный голосовой шелест… Здесь, правда, среднетемповых пассажей больше, нежели в других композициях. И эпилогом – двухминутный акустический инструментал “Dana”, ровная водная гладь… то ли выплыл, то ли утонул, но – всё кончилось. Разумеется, никаких хит-листов и фаворитов не будет – ибо как вычленить кусок океанского простора?.. Да, альбом этот непрост для восприятия, он не для всех и каждого и, возможно, потребуется некоторое время, чтобы понять и оценить его по достоинству. Но то, что запоминается он сразу и надолго – пусть не конкретными песнями, но атмосферой, настроением и образами – факт. Да и с технической точки зрения всё реализовано безукоризненно – чистейший саунд, лаконичная, но броская обложка… ну, разве что буклет слишком куцый, всего один разворот и без текстов. Хорошая работа.




A Satanath apresenta a estreia dos Hadopelagial, e como vem sido hábito ultimamente, é mais uma banda/projecto que queremos acompanhar. Black metal com tomates, mas sem deixar de ter espaço para a melodia – que surge sempre de formas macabras. As dinâmicas são boas assim como os temas em si, no entanto, a sensação que se tem é que é poderia muito bem ser instrumental. A voz surge carregada de efeitos que poderão até se enquadrar na coisa (demoníaca e tal…) mas em termos práticos não acrescenta valor acrescentado às músicas em si. E claro, já ouvimos este registo antes, apenas parece que aqui não funcina bem. Um pequeno detalhe que para muitos não fará qualquer diferença.




Неизведанные глубины германского Black Metal

Первый альбом, так сказать, молодой команды HADOPELAGIAL. Которая состоит из двух участников - C.C. - все инструменты (ex-Valgaldrar, ex-Grabak, ex-Humanitas Error Est) и Ghoul — вокалы (ex-Goatfuck, ex-Humanitas Error Est). Как видно по информации из метал-архивов, музыканты познакомились в очень крутом проекте Humanitas Error Est, да и покинули его. В настоящее время как раз делают настоящий жуткий саксонский Black Metal в рамках HADOPELAGIAL (как я понял, название относится к большим глубинам мирового океана - ниже 6 километров. Жизни там, само собой, маловато, но зато БЛЭК МЕТАЛЛУ есть где развернуться). Еще доложу вам, что металлист С.С. поучаствовал (драммером) в свое время в формации GRABAK, а ведь она начинала варить черный металл еще в прошлом веке — с 1995 года. И записала 6 альбомов. Там С.С. проходил музыкальную практику под никнеймом Hell, и от этого факта уже можно немножко понять, что же на самом деле происходило на их концертах. Но, как оказалось, что ударная установка - это не единственное место, где он может музицировать. Более того, ему необходимо было только призвать (как духа - заклинанием из «Некрономикона») вокалиста, дабы создавать полноценные - мощные и забойные - блэк-металлические произведения.

Более 40 минут, восемь трэков, покрытых пеплом из печей преисподней, горячих и истовых - как раскаленные болты для адского арбалета. Для любителей музыки в духе танковой дивизии Marduk.

С легким шумом и треском выдвигается из диска музыкальный HADOPELAGIAL, но оказывается - это только предзвуки настоящего шторма на большой глубине, оформленного экстатическими ультра-скоростными ударными партиями (ага! вот оно!) и едва поспевающими за ними гитарными течениями = титаническими и всеохватными. Так понимаешь, что С.С. как гитарист не хотел отставать от себя же - ударника. Получилось реально реактивно и бомбово. Подводная лодка HADOPELAGIAL отстрелялась тактическими ракетами, и на большой скорости ушла к следующей цели.

Сразу же скажу: - вокалист был приглашен с той позиции, что он совершено четко подходит в этот новоявленный ядерный аудиальный водоворот. Ghoul со своим сиплым харше-гроулом идеально соответствует этому раскладу — это еще одна динамическая сила в штормовом звучании компакта. Иногда (постоянно) кажется, что его голос звучит более шершаво, чем примоченные электрогитары.

Не обошлось на диске HADOPELAGIAL без небольшой доли патетики — трэк For The New Path — мид-темповый и даже задумчивый поначалу, маршевый, зловеще динамичный, создает особого рода ощущение, будто слушатель оказывается среди большого войска, которое осуществляет передвижение к театру военных действий.

А в трэке Amunre (посвященном, по всей видимости, египетским старшим богам) наряду с мид-темповым асфальтовым катком ритм-секции на первый план выходит с драматическими заклинаниями вокалист, взывающий к Amunre. Далее является апокалиптический стремительный Black Metal, позволяющий себе в течении этой лавы немного притормаживать.




Just can't keep silence. This band is new for me, but it's absolutely hypnotizing effect. +1 more album to my collections of favourites albums. But pls listen in next order: Dana, Hadopelagial, then Leviathan and Helios.... Fucking adore that feeling.

Can you feel the same???!!!!




I have a hard time pronouncing this band’s name correctly. It is one of these names that you need to hear spoken to get the right pronunciation. Hopefully the music from this German black metal band will easier to understand. Musically this is easier to pronounce. This is musically along the lines of the stuff that Dark Funeral does. Intense and to the point black metal. Metal that is hard to sit still to. And with the way things are now with the pandemic where we cannot go to gigs and bang our heads we have to do it at home and to stuff like this that is up tempo. This is a true neck exercise of an album.





Pour ce jour, une autre obscure sortie de Satanath Records qui nous vient de l’empire Germain avec le black sans concession d’ Hadopelagial.


Huit titres d’un black brutal, dévastateur et cependant mélodique sont proposés dans la plus pure tradition.


Un album empli de haine et où les ambiances belliqueuses se déchaînent et martyriseront les plus frêles.


L’impact se fait terrible et la guerre est déclarée dès l’éponyme « Hadopelagial » où la rythmique mitraille, le chant sature de hargne et les mélodies se font ultra incisives à la manière des formations black des 90s.


Il y a quelques variations,certes mais l’ensemble reste, à notre plus grand bonheur agressif à souhait.


Un morceau comme « Leviathan » porte un peu plus de répit, tout au moins à la suite de l’arrosage au napalm subit auparavant, la rythmique même si elle déroule toujours autant sur un peu moins de la moitié de sa durée reste violente.


Et c’est alors que l’infernale tornade se redéclare menée par cette vélocité luciférienne et plaisamment mélodique.


« Return Of The Black Death » fait également bien son office en matière d’annihilation de l’auditeur. On reste sur une lignée brutale et sans issue, quelques variations de rythmes, les riffs toujours stridents et entêtants, les rythmiques lourdes et le chant transperce le crâne.


Un très bon album qui ravira les puristes du black metal à l’énergie furieuse et ces ambiances qui n’iront pas sans rappeler d’un côté l’aspect mélodique d’un Dissection et d’un autre l’hérésie de Marduk période « Panzer Division Marduk ».


A ne pas laisser entre touts les oreilles.






This review does not deal with the band Hadopelagyal from the German city of Leipzig, yet with the band Hadopelagial from the German city of Leipzig. Confused? Well, when I did receive two releases at around the same moment, both by a band from Leipzig with (almost) the very same name, except for one single letter, I was sort of confused as well. But as said, this review won’t focus on the split with Thorybos (Conjuring Subterranean Vortex, Amor Fati Productions; a review on this one will (probably / hopefully) follow soon), yet on the untitled (or is it: self-called) debut by two-piece Hadopelagial.


The name is based on the deepest area(s) of the earthly oceans, the hadopelagic zone(s), which finds its origin in the Greek mythology, the underworld of Sir Hades himself. The project was formed somewhere in 2017 by composer / multi-instrumentalist Clemens ‘C.C.’ Coenen and vocalist / lyricist Patrick ‘Ghoul’ Hermann after they left Humanitas Error Est. They did record a handful of songs that were gathered as Hadopelagial, being released by Russia’s Satanath Records. Besides the digital edition, there are five-hundred physical copies, coming with a four-page booklet. No lyrics are included; just some basic information and a picture of both pretty boys. Anyway, everything was produced, mixed and mastered by C.C., who took care of the sober yet intriguing artwork as well.


As Hadopelagial, the duo brings a rather ‘traditional’ form of timeless, yet also somewhat modernistic Black Metal, being a very diversified and adventurous recording for sure. The better part is enormously harsh and intense. It blasts furiously, with avalanche-like drum patterns strengthening the ravaging energetic basics. Helios or Amunre are examples of such fury, where ‘taking no prisoners’ is the main rule. About those drums: quite a big deal consists of that frenzy rabidity. But for half of the time as well, the drums + percussions follow the ‘melodic’ twist of the whole package, with truly intriguing patterns and cadences. The whole also includes a hint of Post-like elegance, especially within the string section and the sound of the guitar leads. The ‘slower’ first excerpts of compositions like For The New Path (including hints of epic Pagan pride too) or Leviathan might give you a clue.


But the varying and adventurous character I mentioned goes quite far. Take the title track, for example, which is also the lengthiest piece (7:25) on this album (which clocks forty minutes). It opens with a grim and ominous guitar riff, slowly crawling closer, but soon it explodes in an all-devastating eruption. Nice to notice is the organic equilibrium in between blasphemous aggression at the one hand (I already referred to the unstoppable drum rhythm!) and a huge melodious approach on the other. The latter has to do with the tremolo leads especially. Then comes a short semi-acoustic intermezzo, before starting all over with that lightning fastness, reminiscent of the Swedish scene especially (Setherial, Dark Funeral, Marduk, you know, that kind of raging blast). After about 3:30, things decelerate (attention: without losing any power!), while the vocals turn rather ‘narrative’ in their poisonous blackness, but do not expect mercy, for more eruptional grandeur will follow once again towards the end!


The vocals too do vary, though they are mainly raw, wretched, presumptuous and lethiferous, as if eructated from the deepest corners of one’s belly, and disgorged with gastric (to remain in that belly’y story) acid and serpentine venom. Once in a while, the tone gets deeper, towards abyssal grunting levels, or dark-ceremonial preaching (as referred to in my description of the title elegy).


The production is extremely loud, yet well-balanced in mix. All tracks, all fragments (fast ones and even faster ones), the whole of the time the listener can experience a well-thought equilibrium of all instruments; none of them overpowering the others, none of them inferior to the others either. There is that necessary asperity in the production, giving the whole a certain necrotic and gross attitude. Even the short acoustic outro (called Dana) sounds ‘full’ and mature in sound (and performance, of course).


Hadopelagial will surely be hailed by (all) fans of, well, a huge and open-minded mindset for Gorgoroth, Setherial, Tsjuder, Taake, Enthroned, Anaal Nathrakh or Dark Funeral. Yet then again, do not expect just a ‘mixture’ of those combos, for Hadopelagial terrorise us with a sound and performance that is their own.






Hadopelagial is a band formed by C.C. who is responsible for all music and instruments, and Ghoul who is responsible for the lyrics and vocals. They come from Germany and they exist since 2017 but only recently they managed to release their first full length, self-titled album in 18 March of 2020. The album was released by Satanath Records in digital and limited to 500 copies cd format and it contains eight compositions, seven Black Metal tracks and one instrumental and atmospheric, of about forty minutes of overall duration. From the first few minutes, the band makes it clear that they play a Black Metal style that, of course, its main characteristic is brutality, but it has a lot more to offer than that.


As mentioned above, the brutality is the main element of the album and it can be found in various forms such as the hyper speedy, hateful riffs with the mercilessly pounding drums or in the mid-tempo parts where brutality meets darkness and despair, as also in the fewer, slower parts where the more depressive feelings and atmosphere make their appearance. The riffs are dark, tremolo riffs, melodic and expressive, showing various influences, from Scandinavian to French Black Metal and from melodic to depressive and raw. The atmosphere is dark and chaotic creating various dark images, other times hateful, murderous and distractive while other times depressing and self-destructive. The tracks last from five to eight minutes and their structure is good with various changes in atmosphere and speed and the use of bridges and passages, while the use of choruses is absent, without having much impact to the overall quality of the tracks. So, the tracks can be characterized as interesting and quite enjoyable for the listener.


The guitars are the ruling instrument and C.C.’s performance is nearly perfect, with a lot of darkness and brutality but also feeling and passion. They are played with accuracy, without mistakes and nice technique. The bass is audible in the majority of tracks, it is massive, fast and brutal, adding a chaotic, bassy essence to the compositions. The drums are programmed but their sound is good and their lines are interesting without mistakes. The vocals are harsh, distorted Black Metal vocals, cold, hateful and expressive, giving an industrial approach to the whole album. The mixture is balanced, highlighting the guitars, while the production is clean and warm, so the final result is at the same time warm and harsh, chaotic and clean. The lyrics are not contained in the cd and they are written in English. I am not sure about what they are about, but by their titles, combined with the feeling received by the music, I guess they talk about Cosmos and Satanism.


Hadopelagial have made a decent effort and have offered an interesting album. If I also consider that this is their first effort, although both their members have experience in other bands too, I appreciate the album more. The songs I liked most are Hadopelagial, Helios and Amunre. This one is for those of you who are searching of brutal yet melodic Black Metal, inspired by the French and Scandinavian scene.





Hailing from Germany - Hadopelagial. Hell, I have to write that this is how you make an essential black metal album as a duo. The line up for Hadopelagial is C.C. who is responsible for all music and mastering of songs and Ghoul who did all vocals.


This album is a hateful satanic black metal record. I seldom praise programmed drums in music but this band fit every beat into tracks nearly perfectly. Kick drums, blast beats, cymbals, I think that production and tuning of it is very to the point - detailed, technical by which music takes you by the storm and it almost made me think that songs were played by real drummer. The album is very fast, more methodical (they knew what they wanted to achieve) than spontaneous (they did not let mistakes sound them messy). As for me, this album sounds professional in given recording conditions.

The band let themselves for some space in songs, seeking for musical craft in guitar heaviness, however, most of music is very fast, songs have freezing cold riffs and mean black metal vocals (...Satan, Lucifer in a spotlight...) as you would expect them to be. You could say that it is more merciless version of Norwegian black metal but twice harsher.  There is no wasting time for melodies here, it`s raw, punishing  black metal, hard to survive if you new to the genre - like a winter in wilderness that turns you into human stalactite.

I think songs sound interestingly overall but I have those 2-3 tracks that I like to listen to the most. For instance, Amunre is a fast, grim, pure evil black metal track with some catchy guitar rhythms that I was less expecting to hear. The other song is Leviathan, where in the beginning, the band accents bass lines, mix it with various drumming arrangements and swarming guitar riffs, which forecast another inevitable black metal storm in this album that is coming musically, and it does...Fast, blistering and ferocious riffs, blast beats, the band just plays quality songs with little surprise in the end of the album which is song Dana – just more diversity in songs of the band and  exploration of band`s musical boundaries. Solid, wild black metal release!





Hadopelagial is a 2-piece harsh black metal coalition from Leipzig. It was established in 2017. Its members are C.C. (all instruments) and Ghoul (vocals/lyrics). Their 8-song debut record was issued by Satanath Records on 18th of March, 2020. Music-wise it is fast, intense, merciless and evil, while lyrics-wise it is most likely satanic. Beginning from the first notes it destroys like a hellish tsunami. But of course, there are moments when they slow down enough for example in the second half of "The Cosmic Ocean" or in the first half of "For the New Path". By the way, the latter one sounds pretty experimental with a slight mechanical touch as for its distorted vocal parts and marching tempos. The over forty-minutes album was fully written in Scandinavian manner, I mean it has ties with the music of Dark Funeral, Marduk and Satyricon, but in the case of the track called "Amunre" there's that specific Beherit feeling one won't mix up with anything else. To cut it short, great start is it. Let's hope for the blasphemous second coming in the upcoming years. But until then, enjoy the return of the black death!!!





Leipzig-based Hadopelagial is an immediate hit at Metallian Towers. This is the duo’s debut and it already raises a black storm of hate and aggression with ease that smacks of maturity. The album itself contains a short intro and an outro, but otherwise is quality speed-oriented black death from end to end.

Having said that, the album’s rating is lowered from a reasonable eighty to seventy due to the obvious presence of the artificial sound and nuisance that is a drum machine. Always the hallmark of a lazy band taking the easy way out and a destroyer of musical feeling and power, the digital ‘cymbal’ sound is the band’s Achilles heel here. Ironically, the band has a (former) drummer in its ranks making it doubly apathetic that a computer has superseded a human on this album. The band being a duo is not an excuse to begin with, but the drummer could have and should have stepped up if a dedicated person was out of the question. This lets the act and its listeners down.

The title track, which kicks off the record, is already a harbinger of what will be. It is speedy, extreme, dynamic and welcome. As one listens through, band comparisons that spring to mind are Dawn, early Satyricon and Gorgoroth. The band often slows down for interludes only to come back with even more determination and power. Unfortunately, those moments are where the fake drums most come to the fore. The bestial vocals take a back seat to no evil and are well expressed and accomplished. The growls, wails and horrific screams are very much at home amidst the 666kph cacophony and harmonics. On occasion there an echo on the vocals rendering them a cold and inhuman feeling of occult and mysticism.

Past the aforementioned title track Helios has Satanic ritualistic vocals. Leviathan delivers gruff vocals and a simple structure. The music is more mid-paced. The Cosmic Ocean, which is an intriguing title, is fast mostly while For The New Path has chants to chill the bones. Amunre is about fast and exciting guitar work that goes mid-paced and comes back. The bestial vocals are processed through the soundboard of hell. Return Of The Black Death is Satyricon-oriented. The singer is even more bestial if such a thing is possible. The heavy riffing is dangerous. These lead to Dana, an outro.

The black and white packaging is somewhat sparse given the lack of a lyric sheet, but perhaps that speaks as much to the band’s writing than to the label. Satanath releases often do include a bona fide booklet. Importantly, the sound is good and well balanced making this CD a fine choice for underground fanatics. Others can go dance (or get tattoos while listening) to Jinjer.




Nopeaa ja vihaista mustaa metallia Saksanmaalta. Lähtökohta ei välttämättä ole se kaikkein omaperäisin, mutta ensi puraisu Hadopelagialin debyyttiin ja makunystyröitä kihelmöi mukavasti. Pidempi makustelu valitettavasti paljastaa totuuden.


Saksalaisten hengentuotosta voi verrata nykyajan Jenkki-purukumiin: maistuu oikein hyvältä ensimmäiset kaksi minuuttia. Tämän jälkeen suuhun jää vain hajuton ja mauton kumipallero, joka ei sen enempiä elämyksiä tarjoile. Harmi sinällään, sillä soitto kulkee ja potentiaalia vaikuttaisi olevan vaikka mihin. Äänimaailma on myös mukavan kirkas ja kylmä.


Ulkoisesti kaikki on siis hyvällä mallilla. Hadopelagialin suurimmaksi kompastuskiveksi nousee itse musiikki. Sama pätee moneen muuhun nykypäivän bändiin: yritys on kova, mutta sisältö kumisee tyhjyyttään. Tarttumapintaa ja koukkuja on liian vähän levyn pituuteen nähden. Vauhtia piisaa kuin Dark Funeralilla konsanaan, valitettavasti ilman tappobiisejä.


Kaikesta negatiivisuudesta huolimatta kannattaa pitää yhtyettä silmällä. Vaikka tällä kertaa ei aivan maaliin asti päästy, niin uskon, että ajan tuoma kokemus terävöittää sävellyskynää ja tulevaisuudessa saatetaan nähdä aivan eri sarjassa painiva yhtye. Ja siihen pahimpaan black metallin nälkään ”Hadopelagial” toimii tasapaksuudesta huolimatta kohtalaisen hyvin.

