. Satanath Records

Reviews: SAT188

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A long eight years have passed since the Finnish black metal band Cavus released their debut album Fester and Putrefy though the French label Listenable Records. Various difficulties delayed the completion of a second album, but the work is now done… and time has clearly not diminished Cavus‘ hunger for blood, fire, disease, and death.


The new album is named The New Era, and delivers 10 tracks and more than 40 minutes of mauling savagery. We have one of those tracks for you to hear today in advance of the album’s release on April 11 by Satanath Records (Russia) and Final Gate Records (Germany). “Divine Power” is its name.


“Divine Power” channels feral passions and furious energies — sensations of depravity, lust, and chaos. There’s a heavy and malignant low-end strength to the music thanks to a deep, pulsing bass guitar and bursts of double-bass drumming, and the slashing and seething riffs are just as cold and merciless.


But the song is also as wild as wolves, erupting in clattering snare-drum frenzies and lashing chords. The vocals are also thoroughly deranged and vicious. Cavus further inject devilish, punk-like romping and strains of bleak, poisonous melody in the midst of these torrents of rumbling and ravaging mayhem.




Satanath and Final Gate will release the album in a jewel-box, vinyl-style CD edition limited to 500 copies, with a 4-page booklet. They recommend A New Era for fans of Dark Funeral, Keep of Kalessin, Gorgoroth, Horna, and Impaled Nazarene.


The track list is below, along with links, our premiere of “Divine Power”, and the stream of a previously released track named “Morphine”, which is available as a free download at Bandcamp.




Secondo full length per questa band finlandese dedita ad un black metal abbastanza canonico nel risultato finale, pur se intriso di diverse pulsioni che oscillano dal black’n’roll (Presence of Existence) a passaggi al limite del grind, almeno per quanto riguarda la velocità impressa alle ritmiche (Killtech).


E’ senz’altro apprezzabile la furia con la quale il gruppo si scaglia nell’arena, fendendo colpi senza porsi troppi problemi se, nella concitazione, vengono lasciate a terra anche vittime innocenti, ma fatta salva la possibilità di ascoltare una quarantina di minuti di musica diretta e senza fronzoli, The New Era non ha le caratteristiche necessarie per diventare qualcosa di meno rumorosamente effimero di quanto non sia un temporale estivo.

L’album non è del tutto deprecabile, sia chiaro, ma ritengo che un lavoro di questo genere possa attrarre solo chi, dal metal estremo, vuole ascoltare più baccano possibile: in tal caso le tracce citate e Calling the Flames, leggermente più articolata, al netto di quanto percepibile da una produzione che certo non aiuta, potrebbero anche risultare gradite.




Cavus  are  a  band  from  Finland  that  has  been  featured  before  in  this  zine  and  plays  a  very  fast  and  aggressive  form  of  black  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2018  album  "The  New  Era"  which  was  released  as  a  joint  effort  between  Satanath  and  Final  Gate  Records.


  Stringed instruments  start  off  the  album  and  after  the  intro  the  music  goes  into  a  very  fast  and  raw  musical  direction  which  also  uses  a  great  amount  of  blast beats  and  tremolo  picking  while  the  vocals  are  mostly  high  pitched  black  metal  screams  along  with  some  growls  also  being  used  at  times.


  A  lot  of  the  music  is  very  heavily  rooted  in  the  90's  second  wave  era  while  the  songs  also  bring  in  a  great  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts  along  with  the  riffs  also  adding  in  a  small  amount  of  melody  and  at  times  the  lyrics  add  in  crazy  shouts as  well  as  all  of  the  musical instruments  having  a  very  powerful  sound  to  them.


  Cavus  creates  another  recording  that  remains  true  to  the  fast  and  aggressive  black  metal  style  of  previous  releases,  the  production  sounds  very  raw  and  heavy  while  the  lyrics  cover  death,  evil  and  darkness  themes.


  In  my  opinion  this  is  another  great  sounding  album  from  Cavus  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of fast  and  aggressive  black  metal,  you  should  check  out  this  recording.





What an interesting and fresh take on Black Metal this is. Cavus surely made me hungry for more of their dark and soulful music.


This album starts of with probably the most disturbing intro track I have heard in a long time, it sounds so primitive and downright raw that it made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.


The intro track is followed by the ever familiar scream that Black Metal needs to be just that, Black Metal. Killtech changes the atmosphere in such a way that the disturbed feeling goes away and goosebumps of pure raw joy sets in. The drumming, the guitars, the vocals – all so incredibly evil sounding.


This album just keeps getting better the further you listen to it. Divine Power is a clear example of this. The haunting howl over the chaotic drumming sets the mood just right. I always keep in mind that Black Metal is the art form that goes against everything human, and this reminds me of that. As the song progresses, the riffs turn into what feels like the destruction of mankind – and it feels right.


The next track is my favourite on the entire album, I Watch You Die. Again the chaotic drumming opens the track, which at its end reveals the perfect melody. Combined with the vocals, this just leaves me without words. And the best part is that in the middle of the song there is a moment where it seems like the tempo will slow down a little bit. But no. It is just to make space for the chaos to return. This is incredible music.


A highlight on the album is also Calling The Flames. The riffs in this song is not what I expected it to be at all judging by the earlier tracks, and it stands out immensely. This makes me want to bang my head.


If you are looking for something with a touch brutality, The Strength of Hatred is what you need to listen to. This slower tempo adds fuel to this display of heaviness and will also let you realize that the song is perfectly named.


The album comes to an end with two songs that I think work amazingly together to close off the album. Cavus’ ingenuity is so clear in this. This album deserves to be played at all your Metal parties.


In Conlusion –

Cavus breaks free from conventional Black Metal with their creativity, but they still stay true to what Black Metal stands for. No matter which song on this album you listen to, the darkness will be there listening to it with you. This album opens my mind to a new way of thinking about Black Metal, and I like it.




Cavus definitely made a new follower with this album. Even though this is only their second album, I can see them releasing many more. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for their future releases.




Dopo anni di silenzio, si fanno avanti i finlandesi Cavus con il loro tiratissimo black-core, un feroce black metal dal drumming filo-grind ed un corposissimo suono di chitarre!

Gioia per gli amanti dei Nasum, ma anche per gli amanti del black piú violento e mortifero. Il loro nuovo lavoro "The New Era" è un calcio nelle palle che toglie il respiro e la voglia di vivere. Una versione brutale degli Hell Militia o, se vogliamo, un'evoluzione dei nostrani Eternal Funeral (RIP) che già proponevano questo livello di distruzione nel lontano 1999 con il famoso e mai dimenticato "Brixian Warriors".

I nostri non son propensi a lasciar uno spiraglio di luce né, tanto meno, un filo d'aria all'interno del loro ermetico e annichilente nuovo lavoro. L'uso di doppie voci, contrastanti ma, allo stesso tempo, allineate in una miscela velenosa, riporta alla mente un altro gruppo italiano che personalmente adoro, gli Ars Macabra, ma anche i violentissimi polacchi Goetia.

Ci son dei momenti in cui i nostri si muovono lontani dalla frangia black metal, per lasciarsi trasportare piú vicini al lato grind-core della loro proposta, come ad esempio in "I Watch You Die", o la successiva "Morphine". I nostri si avvalgono di questo boarderline tra generi spesso e volentieri e là dove la ruvidità del black non riesce ad arrivare, arrivan invece la possenza ed il nichilismo del grind. Il loro sound, riminiscente dei primi Krieg e dei Lust fa sì che il livello di sporcizia sia garantito! Ci son chiaramente delle considerazioni da farsi, questo lavoro va preso integralmente o lasciato perdere del tutto. Nella sua miscela infatti "The New Era" puó risultare a momenti una bomba, ma alla lunga risulta essere un lavoro non per tutti i giorni. Infatti i Cavus danno un colpo talmente forte che non tutti son capaci di riceverlo e sopratutto di sopportarlo, un bene ed un male che purtroppo creano uno stato di incertezza.

Il loro sound e le scelte di produzione risultano essere una lama a doppio taglio che, da un lato, riesce a colpire l'ascoltatore ma, dall'altro, taglia qualunque possibilità per la band di lasciare il segno, come invece un lavoro simile dovrebbe fare. I dieci brani proposti son tutti validi singolarmente, ma nella loro totalità si lascian andare troppo ed, invece che concentrare il lato valido di tutti in un contesto totalmente convincente, risultan essere a momenti dispersivi e fini a sé stessi. Un discorso che forse sarebbe potuto esser differente, se i nostri avessero condensato le idee magari in due brani in meno, ma creando un lavoro che potesse far centro.

Altro punto importante di questo paradosso è la produzione, corposa ma non affilata. La scelta voluta di creare un prodotto simile toglie strati di frequenze alla batteria che risulta scarna e si perde nella tempesta generata dalle voci e dalle chitarre ed in cui il basso copre la cassa per una buona misura. Una produzione alla Goetia avrebbe forse reso il disco piú tagliente e piú vicino al pubblico. Ci son delle vere e proprie perle in quest'album, ma i nostri le preservano per il finale, momento in cui il genio della band si fa avanti con brani strutturalmente più diretti, ma allo stesso tempo audaci. Entrambe "Come To Me Shadows" e "There Will Be Blood" rappresentano per il sottoscritto l'apice sul quale la band potrebbe concentrarsi, mantenendo la violenza dei generi proposti, ma allo stesso tempo la semplicità della proposta che avrebbe maggior presa sull'ascoltatore medio, con una vena quasi melodica come quella presentata nel riffing dell'ultimo brano.

A modo suo "The New Era" ha tanto da dire e riporta a galla un gruppo che forse per troppo tempo era sparito ed era stato dimenticato. Con la vera speranza che i nostri non spariscano nuovamente tra le nebbie dell'underground, mi auguro che questo lavoro marchi l'inizio di una vera e propria nuova era per il combo finnico che ha assolutamente tanto da portare sul tavolo e mostrare ai seguaci della nera fiamma.





Cʼest en 2007 que Cavus naît , dans les profondeurs abyssales de Porvoo (en Finlande), la suite est un sombre schéma bien tracé... Après un EP rapidement suivi par un premier disque et une tournée européenne en compagnie de Gorgoroth, le quintet est de retour avec un deuxième album intitulé The New Era. Voici ce que nous en avons pensé...




Bien que lʼidentité black metal nordique soit des plus visibles, Cavus se démarque de ses confrères par un apport de sonorités empruntées différents univers musicaux diamétralement opposés. Ainsi au milieu dʼune batterie dissonante et dʼun chant pluri vocal (extrêmement atypique et dérangeant lʼinstar de certains passages du titre Killtech ou encore The Strength Of Hatred) prennent naissance des riffs de guitares saturés et travaillées la manière dʼun hard rock / speed rock lourd des années 70 ( le solo -et la fin- du titre Divine Power, les passages instrumentaux de I Watch You Die ou même Calling The Flames) des introductions longues, lentes et pesantes façon Doom metal (The New Era, The Strength Of Hatred -à citer encore une fois car le titre est excellent) ou encore des chœurs clairs mélodiques et des voix caverneuses (Killtech, Divine Power). Franchissant sans finesse toutes les limites, le groupe sʼenfonce même dans des détours inspirés par la scène Black Death avec un instrumental plus punchy (The Strength Of Hatred ou encore Presence Of Existence) et des voix profondes et puissantes (parfois couplées des cris stridents aigus quasi démoniaque, comme sur -lʼexcellent- titre cité précédemment ), les plongeants à la limite dʼune étiquette quasi expérimentale.


Richesse dʼécriture et compositions complexes alternent avec lourdeur, brutalité et couplets sales et dégradants. Cavus fait preuve dʼune aisance déconcertante dʼun registre un autre. La force du groupe réside dans la sophistication de ses instrumentaux et des mélodies ainsi qu’un vaste panel vocal permettant Cavus de tisser sa toile de genre en genre sans jamais tomber dans la caricature ou le déjà vu.




Malgré une fin dʼalbum plus classique et rangée, The New Era navigue dans des travers évolutifs rendant chaque titre indissociable du précédent et du suivant. Lʼalbum est donc découvrir dans son ensemble ou alors réduire au silence.





Bon je ne vais pas vous cacher que « CAVUS » est inconnu au bataillon et tant mieux car j’ai pu découvrir leur musique, leur style ainsi que leur créativité. Avec « THE NEW ERA » dés l’intro, on attaque dans le vif du sujet une intro peu classique, car elle dégage un côté très primitif et à la fois tellement brutal.


Cavus nous propose un black metal qui pourrait être aux premiers abords relativement classique, mais les Finlandais n’ont de cesse de me surprendre, l’album se bonifie après plusieurs écoutes, « DIVINE POWER » nous le prouve avec le hurlement si atypique au black metal, il est réellement envoûtant avec la complicité de la batterie qui se veut précise et chaotique à la fois.


Le titre suivant « I watch you die » est ouvert pas la batterie qui comme sur toutes les pistes se révélera d’une efficacité chirurgicale , arrivée à son extrémité la batterie révèle la mélodie parfaite combinée avec le chant, m’apparaît comme le titre le plus fort de cet album.

Calling the flames a pour vertu un titre complètement différent de cet album et tous les titres proposés, je m’attendais à une continuité de ce qui est fait sur les pistes précédentes, mais il n’en est rien, cette tracks te fera tout simplement sauter partout et secouer la tête.


L’album s’achèvera sur deux titres incroyables pour finir l’album et c’est à ça que l’on reconnaît la différence d’un bon groupe d’un groupe moyen, CAVUS a cette ingéniosité pour vous tenir en haleine du début jusqu’au final de l'album.


Si vous cherchez quelque chose avec une brutalité tactile, la force de la haine, CAVUS représente tout ça, ils ont cette capacité à se libérer du black metal traditionnel sans déroger aux règles fondamentales du style qu’ils pratiquent.


Peu importe la piste que vous choisirez d’écouter, vous vous apercevrez de la noirceur la plus extrême de la formation finlandaise.

CAVUS m’apporte avec cet opus une nouvelle façon dont le black metal peut être pratiquée et ce n’est pas pour me déplaire.




"The New Era" - There were the seeds of hatred and fear and depression growing at the same time in every song on its emotional paths which were stronger.  For indignant can exist with hatred only, each essential dark elements tampering on another darkening, and one of Most spiritual and deadly kind of hatred album the year - hence, these are what exposing its greatest fury.


Right now, I realize that I am reviewing a Great album from a band that has Great musicality, in addition to an album that has a strangely tasteful emotional level quality. Therefore, when I listen to an album that relies on emotional sides, in consequence, I should able to determine the essence of the album.  After which, I should ascertain the important elements that build ideas for the album. Accordingly, at least I have expressed the reasons why I should review this album - with notes that, it has a peculiar impression of the tendency or style of its black metal. Furthermore, it has much emotionally paths and still displays the elements of the honest rebellion, in addition to indignation that is cannot avoid even with a thousand wishes of forbearing in the heart, or the suffering of the soul that comes without certainty or unexpected.



From Finland, 'CAVUS' have released a second full album titled 'The New Era' under the dark banner of 'SATANATH RECORDS' and 'FINAL GATES RECORDS' on April 11, 2018.  Generally, 'The New Era' is heavier, longer aggressive and stronger complicated from the first full-length album, 'Fester and Putrefy (2010)'.  Even though, I assume that they always create an emphasis of isolated darkness that actually appears not seem harmonious on every song. As well, this album assured that is darker and deeper passionate rather than its predecessor. 'The New Era' has the extra assertive way or unrefined grooving rather than 'Fester and Putrefy (2010)'.  'The New Era' has also marked the presence of the Most important emotional elements of black metal, such as; hatred, anxiety, rebellion, suffering, depression, anger, or fear - without heeding or changing riffing.


So, it can conclude that the meaningful comparisons or changes that try to apply to this new album are on how they conduct sensitive depth to each song - infinite detectable, reinforcing, and extended tasting rather than their debut album. In another sense, how do they improve or regulate grooving that seems infinite tighten or extended strenuous rather than its predecessor, accordingly, that ascertained gripping, terrorizing, scrunch, impressed rigid as if causing depression in the mind, or impressed sullen since its darkness has hurt skin.


'The New Era' is like a bruise in your mind that never goes away. You should comprehend to be careful not to undergo it where it complicates - It's always there, though.


Meanwhile, Specifically, I have two perceptions of how to respond to 'The New Era' if I listen to the emotional sides of grooving created. Firstly, if I was a beginner black metal connoisseur, thus I consider this album to be like embedding the uniqueness or oddity in the ears due to the grooves created - It is reasonable since every song has various of contradictory, dirty, and rarely combined elements with black metal; such as Grind, crust, punk, and brutal. Meanwhile, of course, 'CAVUS' retains the main or basic elements of black metal itself, such as; Raw, Old-school, blackened, progressive, depressive, and thrash - though, in reality, these basic elements are as though engulfed or impaired by such dirty elements and as if disguised. However, as a beginner black metal connoisseur, I may not need this concept yet, but I need 'The New Era' as my reference.  As a result, a reflection of a Great album is worth labeling for 'The New Era'.


Secondly, if I consider myself to have learned by heart, or quite well know how the Characters of 'CAVUS' especially on the previous album, such as raw, dirty, rotting, and isolated.  Therefore, I assume that, 'The New Era' seems to have shown that despite the dark groove that has ached so far, there is still a minor nuisance that needs to explore, and it impressed that I have attained fulfillment in hatred, delight in anger, freedom in deciding when I should annihilate excitement, and when I should relish anxiety. Meanwhile, at the beginning of the paragraph, I mentioned that grooving increased complicated rather than its predecessors - it is quite reasonable since 'The New Era' reinforces the dirty elements and unites them with the basic elements of black metal that seems confusing as it is not habitual.  Furthermore, this concept impressed quite different rather than its predecessor, although have loved 'Fester and Putrefy (2010)'. Consequently, in this new album, I can listen to the steadiness and assimilation that seem complicated to put together, but still, keep my curiosity to listen to it. Additionally, it also leads the simplicity of traditional aesthetics of black metal.  Hence, I consider this brand-new album has completed the mystery of darkness that I've wanted to achieve from 'Fester and Putrefy (2010)'.


'CAVUS' adjust this album title as instrumental at the beginning of the album, and I realized I was right that the nine songs from this album seemed to commence and complete to this instrumental - in other words, this instrument is like a magnet for the other nine songs. Additionally, this Instrumental is highly effective in the ears, even presents the idea of writing in the mind, raising the spirit to create curiosity, or just want to enjoy how to defeat the excitement, victory, and pleasure. Imaginatively, this instrument is like a hymn to escort a man who died by suicide, or like a humming to pick up dead souls.


Generally, based on songwriting, I still recognize a structure almost identical to its predecessor - a compound of crushing and solid riffs that spawned emotional elements, spontaneous blasts that generate disharmony distortion, heavy or bizarre grooves that allow you to difficulty enduring the fury of listening to it, and an isolated the Old-school power that always proffers the energies to listen to it. In another sense, there is a burden on the mind when not listening to it regularly.


'The New Era' has the constant state of anxiety, and a fight against excitement.  At certain times, It's like sleepless nights, or it's like worrying all the time - So, My real love for the album composed of agony.


As well, the excess of this album is in its presentable, evident, and even more impeccable riffs transition - proven when listening to songs as like 'Morphine', 'Calling The Flames', 'The Strength of Hatred', 'Presence of Existence' and 'There Will Be Blood'. These five songs are easy listening, in addition to exposing evidence of emotional quality which enhanced attractive than their debut album, and other songs from this album. These songs also demonstrate just how accurately to dispenses together the elements like the Grind, Crust, and Punk into their identity, authentic, and systematic black metal - though basically, I want numerous of this.


In the meantime, I assume there's a better improvisation, especially on the complex grooves of the previous album when listening to the songs titled 'Killtech', 'Divine Power', 'I watch you die', and 'Come To Me shadows'. These songs are stronger impressed with the simple and the perceptible complexity of riffs transitions than their predecessors that tend to be more rugged, complicated and out of sync - even though dirty, heavy, raw and rough marks still accompany to these songs.


What can conclude with 'The New Era' in addition to its homely and classic art - in fact, it is not as simple as its dark structure. As well, the quality of riffing and blasting still adopts the Old way of their debut album - however, this time, it reinforces the dirty elements that exist, and seems more domineering, deeper, and more punishing. Some songs are attractive, and some others are a little tricky. While the quality of sound mixing, of course, extremely convenient (neat, clean) and darker (viscous) than its predecessor - seemed to eliminate the rough, and does not eliminate the raw impression at all. 


Additionally, I still assume that 'CAVUS' tend to put forward the emotional side of black metal since their debut album (2010), and hope to keep it, even if the hatred has replaced with disgust, or anxiety has replaced by emptiness. Meanwhile, I'm a connoisseur of anger produced from black metal, and I assume that 'The New Era ' is one of the More emotional (Most outraged) albums of the year. In another impression, how closely I reached his emotions, so close I loved its hatred, and how close I followed the direction of its anxiety, so close I also comprehend its authenticity.




There has to be something in the water in Finland.. or perhaps something in the snow? Despite having a population of a little over 5 million (that’s less than half the population of New York City) this small country produces legendary Black Metal band after legendary Black metal band, Beherit,Satanic Warmaster, Horna, Behexen , Archgoat and the list just goes on and on.


Cavus has been around for a little over 10 years now with an ep and debut album under their belt. The debut came out on Listenable Records from memory. I know they went through some line up changes but we finally have a new album from them. If you are a fan of raw, uncompromising Black metal in the vein of the 2nd wave of Norwegian bands like Gorgoroth than ya gotta check out Cavus – you will love them. Fucking savage. Jump on the hate train and pick up this album You will not be sorry




Финская бригада блэк металла, которая включилась в розетку в 07-ом году. За это время взорвала эпишку и два полноформата, один из которых вы возможно имеете счастье держать в руках. Не так и много, скажет кто-то, а я просто посмотрел, что суомцы играют и без того в других командах, так что понимаю — сколько хватило времени, и главное, материала столько и выпустили. И МАТЕРИАЛА! А не просто - наброски на скорую руку, типа: раз в год мы должны выжечь альбом. Это неправильно. Альбом должен выходить тогда, когда он созреет, а не когда это кому-то нужно в виде строчки в отчете.

На данном каменноугольном диске представлен быстрый экстранормальный материал, прописанный, видимо, специально сыровато. Но при этом - все слышно и все различается, - ну это само собой, ибо задумка в том и состояла.

Трэк номер 1 - уже сам по себе тупоголовое тонное чудовище, бьющееся в стену своими рогами, и слышно, что хотя и стена массивна, но долго она не протянет. Это эмбиент-трэк, сварганенный из подозрительных финских сопелок и визжалок (а может и не финских), адовой перкуссии и еще фонового нойзового движа. Так вот, он (трэк) сильнее по громкости, чем воспоследовавшие 9 трэков. Все вместе - более 40 минут суомского хэлветти (в смысле, ада).

По первоначалу, причем, это - ненормированный чертов блэк металл, хаотичный, раскатистый, долбежный, олдскульно-финского именно оттенка. Доверху наполненный звуками, как тележка из шахты черным углем. А потом слушатель немного начинает различать, что вся эта звуковая преисподняя настояна на ультра-трешевом угаре. И все остальное добротно намотано на этот скелет - с целями создать толковый олдскул блэк треш дэт. И это прокатывает на все 666 процентов. Еще бы!

Специфическое плотное и забойное полиметаллическое литье создается по затейливым рецептам. И это нисколько не преувеличение. Качество с диска позволяет понять, что кроме гитарной акробатики в снятую кожу засунуты еще какие-то шелестящие звучки, - то ли от перкуссии разбитые тарелки, то ли намеренно созданные саунд-фишки, создающие впечатление, что в этот оживающий манекен они воткнуты специально, чтобы он выглядел страшнее и занозистее.

Вокалист реализует несколько экстремальных схем — гроулинг, харш, разнузданные партии, иногда кажется и хоровые, но есть и чистые порванные куски, только все они подчинены главному — созданию именно атмосферы полной обгашенности — до самого последнего крика на этом диске. Все это толково вработано в тело треков, так, что составляет неумолимое целое. В ряде мест вокальные личины то спорят меж собой, то впадают в смертельную истерику.

Ну и чтобы финализировать про материальное, надо сказать про струнника, который каждый раз в 9 случаях создает реальную несносимую башню рифинга - и плотнокаменную, и жестоко опасную. Работая совместно с ритм-секцией, ему удается выдвинуть с диска в реальный мир аудиального монстра, чрезвычайно бойкого, оголтелого и бешеного.

Группа с удовольствием гастролирует, и недавно по Матушке Руси прошел ее тур. Запись с фб команды: «16 августа. Next week we shall invade Mother Russia». Кто-то смог купить диск на концертах, и одновременно заценить адский прессинг CAVUS на сцене!! А в ноябре в Хельсинки состоится мощный фест на два дня, там формация будет рубить с Marduk, Impaled Nazarene, Azaghal и прочими камрадами по тьме.




Eleven years ago five Finnish musicians banded together to form a band, one hell-bent upon joining the already rising Second Wave Black Metal scene. They did so the following year by releasing their first EP, and followed suit with their first Full-length the year after that – After which the band remained silent silently working on their next release.


Said release would eventually come to pass under the name The New Era – A fitting title, considering that nearly a decade passed between this record and the one before it. Not that the sound contained inside is any indicator as such. As a matter of fact, the ten tracks present on the record are every bit as aggressive, distorted and relentless as anything that the band has previously graced us with – While still being relateable to a more modern audience through their use of three guitarists and heavy focus on riffs and power.


Musically, Cavus seems to be a very attentive band, taking their time when writing and performing a new track (based on the amount of time passed between said record and the one immediately preceding it as well as the performance within) which is always admirable – If something is wworth doing, it is worth doing well, after all. On top of that, they have a very clear idea as to what they are supposed to sound like as a band, giving The New Era a very clear-cut sound throughout – Albeit perhaps this makes it a bit stale throughout. Do not get me wrong, I liked the record, but after spinning all of it you get the feeling that you have already heard everything more than once.


Definitely a good album as well as a band that I intend to see live at some point – With tracks such as “Morphine” being a personal favourite of mine.


So if you are a fan of Keep of Kalessin or Ghaal-era Gorgoroth, I recommend giving Cavus a go.





The Finnish Black Metal band CAVUS released their debut album “Fester And Putrefy” through the French label Listenable Records more than 7 years ago. However their hunger for blood, fire, disease and death hasn’t been diminished a bit and they crawl out from the void with “The New Era” and delivered ten tracks and more than forty minutes of mauling savagery. Malignance and savagery could possibly explain the mood and transitions of the whole release where CAVUS tried to capture the new area with nods to the early masters. Finnish institution IMPALED NAZARENE could easily come to the mind while comparing the structures and underlying transitions, however the evilness of HELLHAMMER / CELTIC FROST and frostbiteness of DARKTHRONE also played its role to construct something brute yet engrossing and enchanting like “The New Era”. The initiation with 'The New Area' is something bone chilling yet thought shattering mantra which feels like straightly made for playing in an alchemical purification rituals of an Alejandro Jodorowsky movie. While ‘Killtech’, ‘Divine Power’ and ‘I Watch You Die’ all manifest pristine and crude representation of dark energy, where especially ‘Divine Power’ is an absolute invitation through uncanny howls from a world beyond comprehension. ‘Morphine’ is like a Black'n'Roll drug, directly pushed in the vain to be inflamed whereas ‘Calling The Flames’ sounds like a whirlwind of wave coiling and grasping the mind and keep pushing to be purified into the flames. ‘The Strength Of Hatred’ and ‘Presence Of Existence’ both showcase the ruthlessness and bitterness of the CAVUS souls to storm forward, truly expressed through ‘Come To Me Shadows’, where the composition is an unpleasant storm of wrath and where the wickedness of the vocal delivery surpasses the boundary of madness and also the uncanny tremolo picked transitions will certainly unsettle the minds. At the end ‘There Will Be Blood’ will spill blood through its uncompromising progression with wicked structures and modes. Vocalist Ben Pakarinen certainly deserves praise for keeping up his uncanny presence throughout the whole record like a wolf spirit. In “The New Era “, CAVUS breaks free from conformist Black Metal with their creativity, but they still stay true to what Black Metal stands for. No matter which song on this album you listen to, the darkness and sense of eerie will be there listening to it with you. Those who are always fascinated by anything produced from the depth of Finland should not skip this record.




Although CAVUS are a black metal act hailing from Finland they don't fall into that nation's traditional brand of blackened necro brutality or harshness. They're what I'd call feisty to say the least and at other times I wonder if they pounded down a few vodka shots prior to the recording. Musically I can say it's a dark brood with a hammer like touch.


After an opening intro track which I'd call subtle but sinister this act lets loose in a MARDUK punishing way. Welcome to Panzer Division Finland and the punishing cuts abound in a blackened MINISTRY fuck up. CAVUS push the thrash aspect of black metal but in a way that's invoked through reacting to the music as opposed to being blackened thrash or blackened death. Seriously I listen to this and want to jump through my window. Then again The New Era could be a party album. Blast this fucker and watch people in your house go insane.





Lights Are Dimmed...Candles Are Lit n I push Play On This Latest Release by Cavus...The New Era!!! The intro music is quite disturbing n very disorientating...Its a collection of Tribal And Ahhh...Circus Noises Thrown into the blender Full of Curses...It almost induces the helplessness of Severe Mental Illness or even...Slipping into A Coma!!! Then you Awaken and realise that your looking through the eyes of the Insane...As The First Thrusts Of Steele Pierce The Flesh Through An Utter Mesmerising N disturbing Concoction Of...Punk N Roll And Primitive Black Metal!!! The Production is Purposefully Underwhelming And This In Itself Complements This Beautiful Mess!!!


Let Me Explain, Lets Just Say, That If MotorHead Were Part Of The Inner Black Circle And Hung Out in the deep dark corners of Helvette Records Under The watchful Eye n Guidance Of Euronymous In The Early 90s Only To Escape his clutches And Jump Ship To Finland To Collaborate with...Impaled Nazarene, I think That The Results Would Undoubtedly be...CAVUS!!! Let Me Also State The Beautiful Irony In Their Latest Release Being Titled...The New Era As There is certainly Nothing More Old School Sounding Than The Rawkus Full Metal Racket That This Band Creates!!! ...Lets Break It Down Shall We...The Vocals Stab, Cut N Slice The Flesh From Your Senses. The Guitars Impale, Disect n Desecrate While Bludeoning You Within An inch of your life And The Rhythm Section Corners, Captures, Crushes And Destroys All that Stands before it...Let Me put it like this, Its As if They Are Playing The Bass And Drums While Driving tanks And Blowing Shit Up On A BattleFeild Hahaha... I have To Admit That Everytime That I receive A New release To Review That Has the...Satanath Records Stamp of Approval...I Know That I better buckle The F@ck up n Hold on for Dear Life Because This Label Never Ever Lets Me Down And Once Again They Have Dished Up Another Stunning Release That is Absoloutly All Killer And No Filler!!! In Fact, I Think That One Of Us Is The Killer And Theres No Doubt In my Mind That CAVUS Are Guilty As Charged!!! Obscene , Extreme , Brutal , Raw And Murderous!!! I Proudly Award This New Release From...Cavus (The New Era) 4 Burning Churches Out Of 5 Burning Churches Peeps!!! For Fans Of ...DarkThrone ...Mayhem ...MotorHead ...Impaled Nazarene ...Mongo Ninja And Punk!!! Cheerz And Peace





Aaargh, this has been such a long time… Finally, after a hiatus of more than seven, almost eight years, Suomi-based horde Cavus finally returns with their second full length album, after the untitled EP from 2009 and their full-length debut Fester And Putrefy in Autumn 2010 (Listenable Records) – which was, by the way, followed by a European tour with no one else but the sweeties of Gorgoroth. Their newest epos, The New Era, was written and recorded over a period of several years, as from 2015, and this during several darkest occasions in different studios. The band did take care of the final mix and mastering at the COH Studio (courtesy of band leader Ben ‘B.P.’ Pakarinen, who’s known as well for acts like Antagonist Zero, Devilish Impressions or Coprolith). The New Era gets released in an edition of 500 copies (jewel case compact disc) via Russia’s Satanath Records in partnership with German label Final Gate Records. The unique and original, little explicit cover-artwork from this so-called vinyl-styled CD (with four-page booklet) was done by guitarist Jouni ‘J.K.’ Korhonen.


The album opens with the title track, which is quite a cool introduction. It is based on different strings (cello / violin / viola), distorted in sound (excellent, truly great) and assisted by some percussions. The final part includes ultra-heavy guitars too, breathing Doom, and with Doom I do mean DOOM! Unusual it is, but is courtesy of an unusual formation for sure, so it does fit!


But then these lovely Finnish friends show their teeth – and there’s still slices of meat and drops of blood to see… Cavus perform Second Wave influenced beauty, yet from its most vile, ugly and f*cked-up side. It’s harsh, it’s loud, it’s fast and it’s f*cking Rock’n’Roll! The elegies on this album are fast, yet with an important variety in speed: from mid-tempo over fast to blasting, and the good thing is that even within (almost) each track, this variation appears quite organically. But it is a great thing too to notice that the band decelerates more than once too. In a piece like Morphine, for example, Cavus touch the slow-paced yet ultra-overpowering heaviness reminiscent of old Hellhammer and the likes. Tasteful! This collection of feral, brutal, sordid and dingy epics contains that uncompromising attitude à la old Mayhem, Impaled Nazarene, Carpathian Forest or Gorgoroth, spiced with a nonchalant Punk attitude. The riffs thunder, the drums thunder, the basses thunder, and the voices spit venom and sulphur. The rhythmic tracks have that grooving melody-basement, strengthening the obscure and oppressive atmosphere. Another interesting point is the variation in song writing, for some pieces are quite epic in essence, other rather uncompromisingly barbarous, then again abyssal dark and suppressing. …yet always uncompromising and intolerant.


A word about the sound quality: it sucks! Haha, no, seriously, the production and mix are beneath average, to my opinion – and you know: I adore a rough, unpolished sound under normal circumstances. In this case however, I think the whole is, unfortunately, under-produced. The drums often sound as if they have been recorded in an empty container, and the bass lines must have been mixed more towards the foreground. The result sounds like a mish-mash, a noisy garage-recorded rehearsal, and that’s a pity, for it devaluates the fantastic songs. But hey, that is just one opinion, and as trying to mention before, the song-writing and performance are top-notch. So don’t let the production be an insurmountable threshold.




The new era culls quite a few elements from the older era and mixes it in a puree that sounds like a cross between old Venom, Satyricon and a blender. The vocalist chimes in with his best impression of a phlegm regurgitator, Cronos and a demon drawing his last breath. Imagine if Satyricon and Impaled Nazarene influenced a punk band and came out of the mouth of hell with all the ‘fuck you’ attitude of a punk band. Say hello to Cavus.

Past a cover depicting the type of cheap hooker budget priced for a couple of altar boys back from church The New Era begins with a recording of the devil playing cello as a requiem for a world ridden with ISIS, Trump and Duterte and goes into lo-fi black punk metal howling in the course of ten simplistic, effective, raging, horrific tracks. The vocals alternate between writhing in pain and glorifying voracious omophagia depending on the track. The patterns are not that dissimilar from song to song. This is the element that brings this album down. There is also the occasionally pots and pan-ish drum sound not favoured here at Metallian Towers. Divine Power is delightfully fast. There is a momentary serpentine hiss at the 4:01 and 4:12 marks. The Strength Of Hatred highlights the delightfully distorted bass. Come To Me Shadows is again faster, reminiscent of Venom as a whole and Cronos vocally specifically. As mentioned, the vocals are tormented throughout. It all ends with the devil uttering the last rites for a planet performing even beyond his expectations. It is debatable whether Cavus and singer B.P. have actual lyrics, but the group could claim either way and no one would be the wiser. This is that kind of an album.




I nová éra nošení rakví může být plná paradoxů a nic na tom nemění fakta o zpopelňování. Nová éra může zpětně přinést nejen nošení svého vlastního kříže, ale i rakve, ve kterých si coby pohřbívaní přineseme svého pohřbívajícího. To není pokus o morbidní humor, ale tvrdá realita, pokud nechcete zůstat na pospas havranům. No a na poslední cestu si můžete nechat zahrát co chcete a ne to, co vám někdo nechá zahrát. Může to být třeba něco z nové éry black metalu. Třeba album „The New Era“, černokněžníků CAVUS. Jenomže je snad paradoxem, že jejich nová éra se krutě odráží v hodně staré škole ďábelské? V dnešní nafintěné době šamponářského black metalu je to skutečně nová éra staré špíny. Milovníci přešlechtěných černých pudlíků budou brát takhle nečistého psa nejen rodokmenem jako přežitek utracení. Vždyť by nevěděli ani jak ho krmit. Oni nevědí, že tohle zvíře se nekrmí granulemi. Tohle zvíře žere samo a nejradši kosti, kůže a hlavně maso, a je jedno, jestli je čerstvý nebo ne. A proč balená voda bez chuti a zápachu, když nejlepší je voda dešťová z kalužin, nejlépe s příchutí sražené krve. Stvůra CAVUS je finského původu a docela by mě zajímalo, kdo již na tuto, ne zrovna akční kapelu narazil. Debutové album „Fester And Putrefy“ vydali sice pod Listenable Records, ale už někdy před dlouhými osmi roky. Čerstvost „The New Era“ je jejich teprve druhý zásek, který patrně otevírá jejich novou éru, neboť sestava se od alba debutového decentně změnila. CAVUS, coby finská kapela, tíhne k norskému pojetí black metalu a skladbami „Discovering Through Suffering“, „The Eyeless Gaze“, „Possessed By The Devil's Blood“ a „Worship and Rot“ by nemuseli pohrdnou fanoušci rané tvorby Darkthrone. Ani fanoušci pozdější tvorby této legendy by nemuseli být zklamáni, neboť „Horns Of Gold“ je rock´n´roll přímo z pekla a je to asi i má nejoblíbenější písnička na albu. Zato „Scorched Flesh & Ravaged Souls“ jako by byla krvavě odkojená švédskou legendou Bathory. No a když jsem u toho Švédska, tak z tvorby CAVUS cítím jakousi death metalovou punkovost tamních kapel, akorát že bez melodické přidané hodnoty, což nejvíce pociťuji u skladby „Death Rattle“. Ono se dá také říci, že podprahově cítím všudypřítomnost Hellhammer. Veškeré podobnosti nejspíš nebudou čistě náhodné a i další podobnosti, které vycítíte z poslechu této desetiskladbové kolekce, budou ovšem samotným rohatým chtěné. Album „The New Era“ se vcelku dobře poslouchá a považuji jej za povedené. Ovšem pozor! Nenastavujte si zvuk podle antisymfonického intra. To je oproti písničkám samotným zbytečně moc nahlas a mohli byste si říci, stejně jako já při prvním poslechu, zase jedna kapela s mizerným zvukem, což není zase tak docela pravda a možná, že by bylo vcelku rozumný to intro vůbec vynechávat.




The second full-length chapter of the vicious Finnish daredevils has finally arrived. Ten songs of super raw, noisy and ruthless Black Metal are waiting for your consumption there. "The New Era" is definitely not about the fancy and polished sound productions that the so-called new generation of metal kids would dream for, but on the contrary, it is as chaotic and crude as possible. These corpse-painted gents from Finland aren't here to spread you some fake love stories, they are here to bring you death, hell, hate and agony! The unstoppably crushing drum attacks, the extremely insane screams, the rasping sound of the guitars are all about the creation of the most post-apocalyptic mess ever. As a comparison or to get a closer look what musically awaits you there I would name their goat-worshipping neighbors from HORNA and IMPALED NAZARENE here. On this record CAVUS was built from the evil forces of B.P (vocals), J.K (guitars), A.R.G (bass) & T. T. T (drums). To cut it short, this is Black Metal the way it was always supposed to be, so better get your blackened hands on this masterpiece before it's too late!




Dziwne to intro. Grają sobie skrzypki, w tle ktoś coś piłuje, skrzypią drzwi, wieje wiatr i chyba słychać morskie fale. Wszystko sprawia wrażenie totalnie rozchwianego, amatorskiego i lekko szalonego, jakby ktoś nie do końca wiedział co chce osiągnąć. Dziwne to intro ale tak naprawdę bardzo trafione, bo to co następuje po nim, jest w dużej mierze takie samo. Tyle że pojawiają się gitary i masa agresji. Ostatni album Cavus to szaleństwo, rzeź i niczym nieskrępowana kanonada.


Pierwszy odsłuch „The New Era” zostawił mnie w czarnej dziurze i wielkiej kropce, bo z jednej strony zostałem zaatakowany totalnym chaosem, nawałnicą dźwięków i wokalnym szaleństwem, jednak z drugiej udało mi się z tego całego wiru wyłowić sporo ciekawych i cywilizowanych fragmentów. Podszedłem więc do tego albumu drugi, trzeci i czwarty raz i z każdym kolejnym chaos był bardziej oswojony i przejrzysty, choć agresja i szaleństwo wciąż trzymały poziom. „The New Era” brzmi jak efekt wpuszczenia do sali prób kilku bardzo wkurzonych facetów chcących ten swój gniew wyrzucić. Ze szczególnym zapałem i zapamiętaniem czyni to wokalista, drugi w rankingu jest perkusista. Ta dwójka mogłaby wziąć udział w konkursie na szaleńca roku, ciekawe czy perkusja nadawała się po sesji nagraniowej do użytku. Gardło wokalisty zapewne nie. Momentami brzmi to wszystko jak totalna improwizacja ale przyznaję, że bardzo udana. Pewnie było to zamierzone, a więc się udało. Cavus bez wątpienia gra black metal, tyle, że nie do końca okiełznany w normach. Perkusja brzmi jak mieszanka death metalowych klasyków z punk rockowym posmakiem, trafiają się riffy czysto thrashowe czy wręcz rock’n’rollowe a skala możliwości wokalisty i natężenie jego wysiłków jest wprost nie do odtworzenia na żywo przez jednego człowieka. Zapomniałem napisać wcześniej, że Cavus jest z Finlandii, co po chwili zastanowienia może wiele tłumaczyć. Znajdziemy tam przecież sporo szalonych zespołów i muzyków i wedle ich norm ta płyta nie jest niczym szczególnym. Bo w gruncie rzeczy nie jest to żadne wybitne dzieło, nie jest to nawet ekstrema ekstremy, uderza jednak tą swoją dzikością, szaleństwem i kompozycyjnym chaosem jak obuchem i naprawdę pozostawia mocne wrażenie. Bo to nie jest płyta z cyklu „klimat przodem”, to jest album z gatunku „najpierw nienawiść potem… nienawiść”. Czterdzieści minut mija bardzo szybko i o dziwo mam ochotę na kolejny raz, bo sporą zaletą tego albumu jest nie tylko jego energia i dzikość ale także masa ukrytych w tym tornadzie smaczków a ja założyłem sobie, że odkryję większość z nich. Chcę być jak ten Kolumb i odkrywać nowe lądy wśród setek fińskich jezior… czy jakoś tak, nie wiem, rzucił mi się na głowę ten album i chyba coś mi pod czaszką pomieszał. Jeśli taka ma być ta „nowa era” to chyba lepiej od razu dajmy się pozamykać w wariatkowie.




CAVUS pochodzi z Finalndii, z jednego z najstarszych miasteczek Porvoo. 'The New Era' jest ich drugim albumem, a moim pierwszym zetknięciem z hordą. Zespół istnieje od 2007 roku i pomimo już ponad 10-cio letniego stażu nie nagrał za wielu materiałów. Poza dwoma albumami jest jeszcze Ep i to na tyle. Jednakże tak jak ilością wydanych pozycji CAVUS mi nie imponuje, tak wstrzelili się w moje gusta samą muzyką. Zapraszam do opisu zawartości drugiego albumu Finów.





40 minut i 10 utworów piekielnego uderzenia. Tak w skrócie można by scharakteryzować muzykę zawartą na tym albumie. Black Metal, bo tym gatunku tutaj mowa, który objawia się w pełni w drugim utworze tuż po intrze, jest intensywny i pozbawiony skrupułów. Chamski do bólu i bezpośredni jak cios wymierzony prosto w pysk. Bardzo często pojawia się też element muzycznego chaosu, a to za sprawą sporego natłoczenia się dźwięków. W sumie muszę przyznać, że album ten jest pozbawiony charakterystycznych cech sceny fińskiej, ale zupełnie to nie przeszkadza, bo chłoszcze do gołych kości. Z bombardującą intensywnością wdzierają się tu przede wszystkim maniakalne wokale!!! Aaarrrghhh!!! Totalny obłęd, entropia, groteskowość. I stan wokalisty udziela się słuchającemu. Tak jak przy pierwszym przesłuchaniu zadawałem sobie pytanie, czego ja właściwie kurwa słucham, tak z kolejnymi nie chcę wyjść z głowy! Gęsta perkusja siecze w resztki rozsądku, a w szczególności wysoko nastrojony werbel. Kurwa, jak to niszczy!!! Co jest jeszcze warte zauważenia, że CAVUS ma naprawdę dobre pomysły i chociażby riffy są świetne. Mamy tu trochę rock'n'rollowego sznytu niczym z późniejszych dokonań Carpathian Forest, ale są też ultra szybkie partie tremolo, gdzie dzikość wyrywająca się z Finów wręcz rozrywa trzewia słuchacza! Świetna sprawa. Materiał ma jeszcze jedną cechę, która być może udziela się tylko mojej osobie, ale mam tu na myśli panującą na 'The New Era' hipnozę. Potrafię siedzieć i słuchać z zapartym tchem Finów, album przelatuje niczym jeden ciągły utwór, a ja chcę więcej.

Moim skromnym zdaniem, 'The New Era' to naprawdę dobry album. Jest agresywny, chamski i do bólu sprawia wrażenie jakby nagrało go kilka obłąkanych jednostek. Ta cecha, której przypisuje tu somnambulizm w chorobie dźwięku jest nader wyraźna. A co za tym idzie, jest wybornie. Szczerze polecam.




Brutal death black metal from Porvoo Finland active since 2008, direct and brutal band and without mercy. CAVUS from the beginning to the end of his album The New Era is pure brutality and old school incessantly. Rapid and dry batteries, screaming without ceasing and crushing riff. A band that lacks the harmony and melody of a commercial band and that for lovers of true and old extreme metal, as our ancestors did, should love this proposal. Extreme influences and even punks anarkia in its sound and always present the driest and dirtiest black metal you can imagine. Highly recommended black metal up.




El black metal, y puntualmente el ortodoxo, el de corpse-painting, el más crudo y tradicional, goza de una salud pocas veces vista. Los fineses Cavus abrazan este estilo como si fuese una religión y lo despliegan sin concesiones a través de este “The new era”, su tercer trabajo.

Sonando perturbador, primitivo y sucio, este álbum transforma la atmósfera para que la batería, las guitarras, las voces, y todo suene increíblemente malvado, y a medida que el tiempo avanza los riffs se convierten en destrucción pura, la batería es caos total, y las voces son directamente alaridos de un ente subterráneo.

Un detalle que Cavus explota muy bien es un cierto componente thrasher que aparece en alguno de los tracks, y que en mi modesta opinión, debería asomar más seguido.

Fieles a las raíces de metal negro, Cavus se ha despachado con una auténtica obra maestra. Las diez pistas son tan agresivas, distorsionadas e implacables que dejan la sensación de que Cavus es una de esas bandas que hay que ver en vivo en algún momento.





I am not gonna use old clichés about Finland, like it is all Vodka and dark deep forests when describing this black metal band. But you gotta wonder what it is that they have put in all those 1000s of lakes to make Finland such a dominating metal country. CAVUS are kinda old school, well they are old school in their approach to black metal. They just go for the throat and leave no one spared. Nothing we haven’t heard before but still good enough to hear once more. I like all kinds of black metal but this one style is on my top 5 of great black metal styles. And when done to a 100% it is like being in hell. This one is a great soundtrack on the ascension downward.





Cavus свира традиционални, примитивни, фински black metal. Овде би већ могao да се заврши опис издања. Бенду је ово други full lenght после паузе од 8 година.


Музика је прилично хаотична, брза, режећа али некако ипак недостаје жестине, пошто је праћена константним шумом монотоне гитаре у позадини. Да се чути мало спорих деоница са примесама punkа и black ’n’ rollа, иако све песме, мање-више, личе једна на другу. Делује као да су све одрађене у једном цугу, те не бих могао да одвојим ни један фаворит.


Вокал је углавном константан scream појачан до максимума и некако се стапа у сву ту монотону атмосферу. Често се два вокала преклапају и тада се примећује разлика у стилу певања. Један вокал углавном наставља у scream фазону а други се распростире у разним другим тоновима. Када бубањ закуцава чује се неки слабашан пластични звук. О текстовима не могу ништа да кажем јер нису штампани у буклету. Можда је бенду live rital јача страна него студијски рад. Шта рећи на крају? Нисам против тога да буде објављено што више метал издања, али како све то испратити, поготово што се на Тhe New Era не може чути нешто ново.


Cavus је у свом граду Порву (како Википедија наводи, један од најстаријих у Финској) врло вероватно бенд за респектовање. Али, ако којим случајем нисте тврдокорни фан black metala који трага за егзотичним издањима, могуће је да ћете бити разочарани.




Back in 2010 Cavus has released Fester And Putrefy album for Listenable records so the band`s name must not be completely new for many people out there.  It took big time to complete The New Era by the band but this 2018 album is finally out under the flags of Satanath and Final Gate Recs.


Cavus hails from Finland and like so many albums from the frozen lands of Scandinavia The New Era represents chaotic black metal, dictated by anxiety. Songs are bit trivial, almost primitive and with connection to loud drumming and down tuned production of other instruments the music gives you a vibe of 90`s dirty and evil black metal to just mention Impaled Nazarene, Horna and such bands. Although the raw sound and the music persistence of the band to traditional black metal production is obvious, they have song like Morphine in tone of Hellhammer and old Bathory which is great to hear. Occasionally, Cavus can give you little black`n`roll` vibe at some points of this record which is just enough to break chaos of music and enjoy the songs a bit more. The band express gloominess and aggression in both fast&medium paced songs which can make your days turn into nights if you prefer black metal that is full of shadows from the past times.


The vocals represent depravity, tension and agitation the way they sound in this album with some of that grimmy shrieks known from Scandinavian countries and beyond. Several times you can hear an almost wolf howl of the singer (just like in the beginning and at the end of track 3), which sounds incredible. I am a bit unsatisfied that Cavus has not used all the potential in this regard and I mean why not do it in every song?...


The New Era is imperfectly good album which makes me hellishly comfortable few times, because Cavus brings a sense and nature of harsh black metal to its primal form. It`s because of  roughness of sound and perversion of music obscurity this album wins its spirit of damnation.


I do not know if the album will pleases many people, but you will not know it until you listen to their music. Personally, I don't think it`is the record I dislike.

