. Satanath Records

Reviews: SAT186

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Spanish death metal band Neter has been around since 2004, making a name for themselves through the release of two full length albums and prominent tours throughout their home country.  This year the group is preparing for the release of album number three, which they’ve titled ‘Inferus’.  The material continues to find Neter offering up bottom heavy, lumbering death metal that’s focused on grooves and just the right amount of atmosphere.  With ‘Inferus’ set to come out January 15th as a collaboration between Satanath Records, Cimmerian Shade Recordings, MurdHer Records, and Black Plague Records, today we’re premiering the final song The Eye of Sirius.





‘Inferus’ feels like a natural progression from Neter’s previous album ‘Idols’, as there’s a similar weight to the tonality and the emphasis is once again on grooves that lurch forward with precision and build slowly.  Where a lot of death metal bands have a tendency to focus almost entirely on speed and all-out blasting for much of their material, here there is a good balance between tempos.  The Eye of Sirius ends the album on a slower note, interspersing powerful lumbering grooves with softer melodies that add to the overall atmosphere.  Slow definitely doesn’t mean that the instrumentals don’t hit hard though, as the guitar and bass tonality have an earthier, bottom heavy feel to them while the drums consistently bludgeon the listener right in the chest.  But it’s the aforementioned atmosphere that really helps this song to stand out, as the melodic leads give off a bit of a haunting, eerie feeling in between the brutality.  ‘Inferus’ reminds me of a number of different death metal bands from years past, particularly some American ones, but Neter’s able to hold their own and avoid sounding like a clone of any particular group.




Guitarist Manuel Gestoso handles vocals for the group, and he has the type of powerful and commanding growl that adds that extra burst of intensity to the material.  It’s the type of pitch that expands outwards over top of the recording, which is exactly what I like when it comes to death metal.  There’s a decent amount of space between each verse, which allows Gestoso to deliver an immense amount of force every time he appears.  When a band places an emphasis on crushing tonality and a recording where you can feel the weight of each note, it’s important the vocals follow suit and Neter is able to achieve this.


‘Inferus’ delivers a heavy dose of groove-centered death metal that manages to shake the formula up enough to stand out.  Neter’s been honing their craft for close to fourteen years now and you can tell that it’s paying off.  Check out the full album when it releases on January 15th!






If you crave the tight death metal that bands like Decapitated and Morbid Angel were renown for, then Neter will sort you out.



While Spanish death merchants Neter are a relatively young-ish group, their music holds an odd sense of nostalgia for me. Their previous release, 2015’s Idols was my first fully fledged album review for the Toilet ov Hell, and could be viewed as somewhat analogous in that while it was not the most technical or flashy foray into the field, it was an enthusiastic display and got the job done. So of course when the chance arose to cover a new track from the band’s upcoming third album Infernus I felt obliged to…oblige? Ok, so I guess nothing has changed on my end, how have Neter progressed though?


‘Galvanize’ picks up exactly where Idols left us; the almost primal rhythmic pounding double-kicks, powerful Vogg-meets-Azagthoth staccato riffage, and barbaric roars that portend to the downfall of civilisation are all still ceaselessly working in unison to give Neter their familiar but threatening sound. Many of us will remember 2017 as a particularly monumental year for death metal, and with Infernus dropping on January 15th, there’s no reason the streak has to end.





At almost the precise mid-point of this year our own Andy Synn wrote a column in which he discussed the never-ending moan (and shriek) of people who complain that metal is dying and that nothing new under the sun compares favorably to “the good old days”, As a means of responding to such points of view (which obviously none of us here shares), he recommended that we do more than simply tell such complainers they’re dead wrong; instead, we should expose them to music from newer bands which proves that “we don’t need to make Metal great ‘again’, we just need to make more people aware of how great it already ‘is’”.


And Neter is one of the bands he gave as a prime example of metal’s current greatness.


Referring to the band’s last album, Idols, Andy described the music as “punishingly tight, hellishly hooky Death Metal from Spain”. And now a new Neter album named Inferus is nearly upon us, set for release on January 15th through the cooperation of Satanath Records (Russia), Cimmerian Shade Recordings (USA), Murdher Records (Italy), and Black Plague Records (USA). Two songs from the album have premiered previously, and today we deliver a third one: “The Pillars of Heracles“.








Those words Andy wrote about Neter’s last album ring true again in the case of Inferus, and this new song in particular. “The Pillars of Heracles” is absolutely electrifying, and mercilessly infectious. It drives hard and fast, through a combination of blazing, battering rhythmic assaults, vicious, eviscerating riff swarms, and vile, boiling vocal antagonism. It takes no time at all for the song to set the listener’s nerve endings on fire.


However, there’s more to the song than sheer, primally powerful explosiveness. There’s some really good songwriting on display here, as the band move from long, moaning chords to flickering, fiery arpeggios, all of the melodies tinged with an exotic tonality and capped by a fluid and flaring guitar solo.


Yes indeed, Neter are still punishingly tight and hellishly hooky, and Inferus promises to be one of the first outstanding death metal releases of the new year.






Inferus was recorded by Raúl Pérez at La Mina Studio (Spain), mixed by Carlos Santos at Sandman Studios (Spain), and mastered by Brad Boatright at Audiosiege Studio (US). Artwork for the album was created by Daví Orellana.





De Spaanse Death Metal band Neter timmert sinds 2004 aan de weg. En heeft ondertussen in eigen land een stevige reputatie uitgebouwd. Niet alleen met twee albums, ook menig podium heeft de band onveilig gemaakt. In januari dit jaar bracht Neter een gloednieuwe schijf op de markt Infernus. Via een samenwerking met Satanath Records, Cimmerian Shade Recordings, MurdHer Records en Black Plague Records.


Laat ons eerst een vergissing de wereld uithelpen. Neter afschilderen als puur Death Metal is de band tekort doen. Ook al liggen songs als Faceless, Rebirth of the overthrown. En bij voorkeur elke song op deze plaat. In verlengde van doorsnee Death Metal. We horen telkens eveneens elementen terug uit black metal, heavy metal en een uitgebreid pallet aan 'metal stijlen'. Wat al meteen een groot pluspunt is aan deze plaat, en band uiteraard.


Uit elk van de songs blijkt  bovendien dat de band ervan houdt zich te omhullen in walmen van intense duisternis. Je voelt telkens die putten van de Hel open gaan. Vooral als brulboei Manuel Gestoso zijn keel open zet. En door middel van rauwe tot griezelig aanvoelende vocalen koude rillingen over de rug doet lopen, waarna het angstzweet je op de lippen staat. Die allemaal aangesterkt door die opvallend scherpe gitaar partijen tot drumsalvo's als Mokerslagen uit de diepste ondergrond van de Aarde. Sommige riffs doen ons prompt denken aan een kruisbestuiving tussen Black sabbath - luister maar naar het integrerende The Eye of Sirius, met een intro die doet denken aan Tony Iommi himself. Maar ook bands als Judas Priest, op speed wel te verstaan horen we terug in de sound van Neter.


Neter slaagt er inderdaad vanaf die eerste intro de luisteraar bij de strot te grijpen, mee te sleuren naar die diepste kern van de Hel, en niet meer los te laten tot je compleet bent murw geslagen. Als een Spaanse furie gaat de band tewerk. Zonder oponthoud. Nu, dat is het portie Death Metal dat we heel graag op onze boterham smeren. In elk geval wordt de luisteraar geen moment rust gegund. Zonder oponthoudt bonkt Neter je de hersenpan in, scheurt je ziel doormidden, en laat je bloedende achter in de hoek


We kunnen dan ook besluiten:


Op Infernus worden wellicht geen nieuwe wegen ingeslagen. Echter slaagt Neter erin een wijds pallet aan metal muziekstijlen aan te bieden, binnen een Helse en duistere omkadering welteverstaan. Waardoor de luisteraar vanaf begin tot einde wordt meegesleurd in een carrousel van oorverdovende en verschroeiende vocalen tot instrumentale huzarenstukken. Die als vlijmscherpe messen recht doorheen je hart boren. Mokerslag na Mokerslag deelt de band, die tekeer gaat als een Spaanse furie, uit. Tot je compleet murw bent geslagen. Ok, dat is dus allemaal wel voorgedaan. Maar net het feit dat zowel de doorsnee heavy metal fan, liefhebbers van black en Death metal kunnen worden aangesproken met deze plaat? Dat kom je niet altijd tegen. En dat is de reden waarom wij over de streep worden getrokken door deze band en schijf.





Espanjalainen Neter ottaa aikaisen startin vuoteen kolmannella kokopitkällään, joka näki päivänvalon Satanathin julkaisemana tammikuun 15.sta. Homman nimi on konstailematon perusdödis, jossa ei olla lähdetty innovoimaan sen kummemmin, vaan lähtökohtana on puristaa maksimit ulos vanhasta hyväksi havaitusta kaavasta. Tuotannon puolesta albumilta ei paljoa valittamisen aihetta löydy. Ainoastaan rumpusoundi on aavistuksen kämäinen, muuten kokonaisuus kuulostaa hyvältä ja toimii kuin tauti. Soundipoliittisesti ollaan samoilla linjoilla kuin sävellyksellisestikin. Uutta ja ihmeellistä ei olla lähdetty tavoittelemaan, vaan yhtye on saatu kuulostamaan siltä mitä genressä vaaditaan yhtyeen uskottavuuteen. Biisimateriaali nojaa melko pitkälti kahteen dödiksen kulmakiveen. Rifiin, ja jyräämiseen. Näissä onnistutaan erinomaisesti, ja yhtyeen riffilaarista on riittänyt pahaa paskaa tuutin täydeltä. Rytmiikkapuoli täydentää kokonaisuuden erittäin groovaavaksi, ja albumi onkin todellista nyrkki ilmaan paahtoa ilman hengähdystaukoja. Parhaimmillaan yhtyeen tuotetta voi verrata genren titaanien vastaavaan miten päin huvittaa. Kuitenkaan näitä loistavia ideoita ei ole piisannut ihan koko albumin kestolle, vaan siellä täällä lipsahdetaan hiukan hohhoijjakkaa- osastolle. Kokonaisuutena albumia voi kuitenkin lämpimästi suositella perus-tuuttauksen ystävälle. Toimii erinomaisesti esim. Nilen uutuuden odottamisen soundtrackina!





From the moment I heard the first riffs I was drawn in right away. The music is well planned and delivered in a brutal form. Catchy and melodic arrangements can be heard on all the songs. Rooted in the death metal pillars of original formulas but most definitely adding their own flovor to make their own brew of catchy and moving composition. Songs like "Atlantis of the Sands", "Rebirth of the Overthrown" and "Primordial Entity"

are amongst favorites from this release. Crushing drums with blistering double bass kicks and huge guitar tone bringing all together in a devastating package.


In conclusion, the band unleashes a crushing blow with every song. Each one building higher and higher making your blood start pumping. A must for any death metal fan who wants something brutal and well executed.




Van egy közgazdasági aforizma, miszerint az utolsó patkógyártó cég állította elő a világ legjobb patkóit. Ehhez hasonlóan az eposz, a hősköltemény műfaja már a XIX. században is inkább csak stílusparódiák terepe volt (lásd Petőfi: A helység kalapácsa című művét). A spanyol death metal négyes, a Neter harmadik soralbuma január 15-én jelent meg "Inferus" címmel a Satanath Records gondozásában és ennek kapcsán elgondolkodhatunk többek között azon, vajon egy adott műalkotás, művészi teljesítmény mennyire foglya saját korának.



A művészettörténeten végigtekintve nem kell nagy tehetség annak megállapításához, hogy minden stílusnak vagy akár műfajnak megvan a maga élettartama, azaz az aranyéveket, a divattá válást óhatatlanul követik az alkonyórák. Míg a XX. század elején konkrét utcai zavargások törtek ki egy-egy festészeti kiállítás megnyitója kapcsán, ma már ez a képzőművészeti ág gyakorlatilag eltűnt a köztudatból. Egy-egy vers régen forradalmakat volt képes kirobbantani, napjainkban azonban Facebook-oldalakon kell megosztani a nagyérdeművel a legújabb műremekeket, mert a kortárs költők verseskötetei már meg sem jelennek, vagy ha igen, akkor jó esetben elmegy belőlük száz példány.


Minden zeneszám, regény, film szorosan illeszkedik és ezer szállal kapcsolódik a korhoz, melyben született: nem pusztán tárgyában, hanem stílusában, formájában és befogadási lehetőségeiben is. Csak a legnagyobb műalkotások képesek akár ezer év távlatából is releváns módon megszólítani a ma közönségét, ráadásul a technológiai fejlődés miatt ezek az életciklusok is drámai gyorsasággal rövidülnek le.


A death metal a csúcsidőszakát a nyolcvanas-kilencvenes évek fordulóján élte és a lendülete ki is tartott úgy a kilencvenes évek közepéig. Onnantól kezdve különböző stílusmutációkon keresztül termékenyítette meg a metalszínteret (melo-death, deathcore, stb.), de a klasszikus, régisulis halálfém már sosem nyerte vissza régi fényét.


Azonban ez nem jelenti azt, hogy ne alakulna számtalan, a régi szép időket visszahozni akaró, azokat sormintaként alkalmazó death metal banda. Pontosan ilyen a 2004-ben Sevillában létrejött Neter is, mely 2009-ben jelentkezett először stúdióalbummal, az "Inferus" pedig immár a harmadik a sorban. Ha végighallgatjuk a tíztételes, bő háromnegyed órás anyagukat, akkor óhatatlanul is eszünkbe fog jutni az a bizonyos, a bevezetőben már említett patkógyár.




Az "Inferus" ugyanis egy régivonalas death metal műremek. Természetesen azonnal rávághatjuk, hogy a zenekarra alapvető, ha nem domináns hatással volt legfőképpen a Morbid Angel, no meg az Immolation munkássága. Trey Azaghtothék minden nótájukban megbújnak, ez kétségtelen, de a spanyolok nem is csinálnak különösebben nagy titkot belőle: talán úgy gondolták, hogy elvégre egy stílusalapító legendától inspirációt meríteni nem szégyen. Ebben van igazság, ez kétségtelen.


A The Pillars Of Heracles vagy a Faceless című tétel például gond nélkül felférhetett volna az "Altars Of Madness" alapműre is és minden bizonnyal sokunk fel tudna még sorolni számos hasonló dalt. Átkozottul érzi a Neter ezt a főként középtempós zúzást, a gyaluló, mázsás betontömbként gördülő-guruló riffek által vezérelt darálást. Átlagosan jó ötperces nótákról van szó (az első tétel egy instrumentális, furcsa hangulatú bevezető, melynek témája és atmoszférája a záró dalban jelenik meg újra, keretet adva így az egész korongnak), van tehát hely és keret körbejárni a témákat, megspékelni azokat néhány jól eleresztett szólóval is.


A hangzásba sem lehet belekötni: arányosan, szépen, telten szól minden, az összes hangszer megszólalása korrekt. Manuel Gestoso énekes/gitáros hangja kellően brutális és határozott ehhez a kicsit apokaliptikus hangulatú anyaghoz. A Neter egyébként egyértelműen a nyolcvanas-kilencvenes évek floridai színtérének bandáit választotta példaképének: egyetlen negatívabb jellegű észrevételem ehhez kapcsolódik. Nagyon bízom abban, hogy a csapat a következő kiadványain bátrabban mer majd egyedi, csak rájuk jellemző témákat és zenei megoldásokat megvalósítani, mert - ahogy a fentiekben már céloztam rá - az "Inferus" szerzeményeit az ízlésemhez képest túlságosan áthatja a Morbid Angel hatása.




Visszatérve a bevezetőben felhozott kérdésre: mennyire van létjogosultsága egy olyan zsánerműnek, mely évtizedekkel a stílus életciklusát követően jelent meg? Ki vásárol ma még patkót, megélhet-e ebből egy patkógyártó cég? A Neter válasza minden bizonnyal az lenne erre, hogy ki a fenét érdekel mindez a meddő okoskodás? Ők azt a zenét játsszák, amelyet szeretnek, a többit pedig nagy ívben, nos, figyelmen kívül hagyják.


Meggyőződésem, hogy ha az "Inferus" mondjuk 1990-ben jelenik meg az Egyesült Államokban, ma a death metal egyik gyöngyszemeként emlékeznénk rá. Huszonnyolc év elteltével - és számtalan hasonló korszakalkotó és kiváló korongot követően - azonban nem tudom, hogy mennyire sikerül betörnie a spanyol csapatnak az európai színtérre. A képességeik és a lemezük alapján ezt megérdemelnék, ez kétségtelen.





Death metal act Neter have got a new album to their namesake, it being titled "Inferus". With this title their comes a change of pace for the death metal act, as their years of music go to a much darker sound, being very powerful and influenced by bands like Behemoth, Decapitated, Hate Eternal, and even some Vader and Nile. This being more or less what you can hear upon this album "Inferus". It is a delivery of development with an evolution of pace, that sounds both intense yet aggressive in tone. Likely the material is fast, intense as said, with loads of instrumental marking's that make the vocal chords more determined than ever to get noticed. In short, the material just sounds heavy duty plain and simple. If you are into the influential acts that Neter looks upon, than their "Inferus", album will do you just fine and dandy.





Legacy… that’s a word which I’ve been thinking about a lot lately. The legacy that some bands leave, and the legacy to which all bands belong.


And it does seem, from my admittedly limited perspective, that the idea of legacy is considered to be more important in the Metal scene than most, what with our differentiation and delineation of “Old School vs New”, and our preoccupation with categorising various genres (and sub-genres) into historical “waves”.


Not that any of this is a bad thing, by the way. If anything it always helps to know where you come from, in whose footsteps you might be following, and on whose shoulders you currently stand.


It’s why pretty much every Metal band, no matter how “extreme” they might be, owes a significant debt to Slayer or Metallica, and are part of a legacy tracing its origins not just from Judas Priest and Black Sabbath, but also from Blues and Rock and Roll and from a host of other acts and artists and musical styles down through the ages.


Spanish brutalists Neter are, of course, firmly rooted in the well-established legacy of Death Metal, producing a riff-heavy racket that recalls both Immolation and early Decapitated, while also incorporating hints of Behemoth (and through them, if not directly, a prominent Morbid Angel influence) and Nile along the way, without being overly in thrall to any of them in particular.


Tracks like “The Pillars of Heracles”, the titanic “Atlantis of the Sands”, and the brooding sturm und drang of “Faceless” (which, for better or for worse, happens to share a prominent riff with one of the first songs we’ve already written for the next Beyond Grace album) are as punishingly intense, and as crushingly cathartic, as anything that the band’s American or Polish forebears might have produced, and consistently showcase the quartet firing firmly on all cylinders and acting as a single savage unit.


And even though Inferus is perhaps not quite as hellishly hooky as its predecessor (though the hypnotically heavy strains of “Primordial Entity” might strongly suggest otherwise), the added grit and grim density of the album more than makes up for this in sheer weight and presence alone.


That being said, once numbers like “Blazing Fallout” and “Galvanize” get their teeth into you, you’ll be hard pressed to shake them, and it’s likely that the monstrous grooves of the former, and the twisted technical riffery of the latter, will be stomping and swirling around in your head for days afterwards.


It’s not all smooth sailing of course, as the superfluous introductory track “The Cords of Sheol” roundly fails to build up any of the necessary momentum or anticipation to justify its inclusion, while the rather anticlimactic finale to the otherwise stellar “The Eye of Sirius” ends the album not with a bang, but with a relative whimper. And don’t even get me started on the amusingly (but assumedly accidentally) phallic artwork…


Still, when all is said and done these are relatively minor flaws in the grand scheme of things, and the positives here far, far outweigh any minor negatives, making Inferus not only a welcome addition to the ever-expanding annals of Death Metal as a genre, but also another extremely impressive entry in the band’s own burgeoning legacy.





From relentlessly battering and brimstone-scorched black metal to crushing, beautifully orchestrated doom that palpably reeks of the grave, Dark Matter rounds up some of the Russian label’s finest recent exports…


Within seconds of hearing a disarmingly delicate piano movement being violently engulfed in a veritable deluge of madly accelerating grooves, it’s hard to imagine Neter’s blackly expansive sound once being limited to a single variant of extreme metal. Starting out in 2004 as a rather atypically Swedish-flavoured ensemble, additional inspiration from the likes of Decapitated and Nile soon began to infiltrate and transform their rapidly evolving sound into something altogether darker.




From coldly majestic lines of riffage whose snaking contortions ooze ritualistic horror to scalpel-edged flurries of arpeggios and bloodcurdling screams, latest opus ‘Inferus’ displays seamless ease in mixing and manipulating its respective dynamics. And it’s this seamlessly fluid synergy that lends to Neter a presence infinitely greater than the sum of its composite parts, with ‘The Pillars of Heracles’ being exceptionally rich with ink-black atmospherics. With its bracing stints of battering hyperblasts and gargling screams displaying a tautly engineered balance of scalding ultra-violence and meticulous pacing, it’s with bewildering speed and complexity that these nimble, knife-edged configurations leave the synapses crackling with adrenaline. And from viciously abrasive hooks to face-melting solos whose sleekly luxuriant throes abound with ancient majesty, ‘Inferus’ is as deliciously vicious as it is intelligently crafted.





Inferus è un album con ottima produzione, molto compatto nelle sonorità brutali e potenti prescelte, supportate da distorsioni vocali in predominante variegatura di growl, medio, basso e gutturale fino al Walrus. Blast beats intricati e precisi al micron nell’esecuzione alla batteria e un riffing complesso e notevole. Se la heaviness resta un focus centrale, si distende nel disco dei Neter in diluizione eccellente con l’atmosferico, la precisione tecnica quanto matematica, il groove massiccio e il bilanciamento perfetto degli arrangiamenti in variazione ritmica costante.


Siamo al cospetto di una band metal incendiaria, trainata con impeto dal tellurico e tecnicissimo drumming e lavoro di corde in devastazione sonora. L’arrangiamento di ciascun brano accoglie un’alta orecchiabilità e passaggi che aggrappano l’attenzione strappando il gradimento totale ai suoi adepti.


Il disco ospita assoli eccezionali nella maggior parte delle tracce, ciascuna delle quali apre uno scenario differente sul viaggio attraverso il vestibolo dei Neter con titoli evocativi e arcani. Melliflui e stregati intarsi del disco sono gli arpeggi, gli accompagnamenti al piano e una quantità di elementi evanescenti che confluiscono in textures dal fascino orientale e magico-rituale.


L’evoluzione di un suono temprato al massimo della blindatura e compattezza è culminata nelle dieci tracce che costruiscono cinquanta minuti di death metal allo stato più puro della materia. INFERUS.





Spanish death metal act.


Extremely in your face, fat toned guitars (they literally sound like those huge pillars from the cover art, surrounding and subsuming everything else beneath and between), machine gun riffing and concomitantly spastic drum patterns.


Yep, they’re all tech death-ified in the vein of, say, Nile, but with the throaty “manly” vocal approach of a Vader and some lead lines that come off more than a tad black metallish.


I guess if Sinister (or the renamed Neocaesar Sinister recently morphed into) lapsed into a lesser production and lost some of that veteran musician polish, you might get something a bit along the lines of Neter.


Not bad, though I’ll stick to the original acts they’re drawing from (or reminding us of) for now.


Better production, more polish, a more defined feel, and these guys could have something more than a flash in the pan here.





From the well known town of Seville in Spain, NETER are here to present you some indigestive Death Metal. The four piece is around for more than a decade right now and with “Inferus”, they just released their third full album. Behold! This one is far from being easy. Shifted rhythms, complicated beats, complex riffing and a mid to slow paced beat make “Inferus” an offering that is not simple to be swallowed. To give an at least vague description of the sound of NETER, imagine bands like ATHEIST adopting the pace of BOLT THROWER and the rhythmic extravaganza of NILE. Sounds complicated and in fact it is. But listening to songs like 'Faceless' or 'Rebirth Of The Overthrown' over and over again, the fascination of that mix slowly unveils. Yet, it is not a sound I personally like to listen to that often. But if I'm in the mood for complex stuff, NETER definitely is not the worst of choices. The more groovy approach to technical Death Metal is the special bonus point that makes “Inferus” stand out of the genre a little bit. And faster parts, like in 'Atlantis Of The Sands' or 'Galvanize', are doing a good job to the audibility of the album as well. With the final 'The Eye Of Sirius', NETER even show an epic face that makes this one the highlight of the album.





Spain again. Recently some good bands did their entrance in the annals of extreme metal and Neter are a welcomed addition as well. Their third album is a monster, taking huge influences from later Morbid Angel, Behemoth and Lost Soul with hints of Nile. So expect some dark epic atmosphere, slow-mo bangers, otherworldly blast eruptions, fat production and killer songs. Neter are good in taking various spins and turns into their songs while also resting on repeat when the it is necessary. The songs are fluent and go straight to your ears. The big classics, chorus or riffwise, are missing to consider this a genre classic, but they make a step further into the darker regions of hell`s prime extreme metal.





Neter are a Spanish death metal band and this is their third album.


I have fond memories of 2015’s Idols, so it’s good to see the band return with some new material. I very much like the striking album art for this release too.


Neter play their death metal with a mix of American and Polish influences. This results in muscular death metal that’s not without its nuance or atypical delivery, as well as some more exotic influences here and there, usually manifesting in the melodies/leads/solos.


With a lot of thundering mid-paced battering, (although certainly not exclusively), there’s probably more variety of pace and mood on Inferus than there was on Idols. Inferus is the sound of a band that have taken all of the strengths of their previous work and mercilessly slaughtered the weaknesses.


The band’s songs are heavy and threatening, taking aspects of Morbid Angel, Immolation, Nile, Behemoth, and Decapitated into themselves with skill and obvious appreciation. I like that although these influences can clearly be heard, Neter put their own spin on things and inject their music with more than enough personality of their own to avoid accusations of being derivative. Inferus is very much Neter’s own work, and it shines brightly with a dark malevolence.


I really enjoyed this. Neter write their songs with substance and weight behind them, and for all its obvious charms Inferus is an album that gets even better and more compelling after repeated listens.


Very highly recommended.





In the last six months I've written very scarcely about pure death metal. Too many bands with a steadfast relationship to the most traditional approach, can make even good albums feel generic.

Although copycats can be found within every sub-genre, differentiation seem to have a somewhat higher status in black metal; a genre with an extra draw on outcasts.

But back to dath metal. Sometimes one comes across bands that deliver their barbaric crushing riffs with so much killer mood that it becomes impossible not to succumb to the steamroller.


Spanish Neter has been around since 2004, and Inferus is the third album of the quartet. The band apparently sounded more like Swedish death metal before the Spaniards found their own identity. I'm perfectly happy living with the fact that this identity is neither ground breaking nor unique, as the quality is sturdy in every aspect, and the material appeals as much as it does.


The lethal direction the guys luckily seem to settle with, is mighty and suggestive, with good old groove, heavy weight and diabolical moods. The press release mentions such references as Behemoth and Nile. I'm not gonna argue against that, even if Neter lean more toward heaviness and punch, and don't aim for the most majestic peaks. Neter has crafted vigorous riffs for themselves, and fortunately, they don't give any direct associations as such. An occasional nifty, succinct solo also hits spot on, without rattling like borrowed feathers. (Yes, feathers from metal birds, do rattle.)


The riffs on Inferus might not be as memorable as those of said bands, but with percussion marked with aggression, infernal growls, ominous moods and juicy production, that doesn't matter all that much. I (for my part) really thrive while thundering rhythms embrace me as a threatening constrictor.





So after an unmemorable piano intro (why bother?) NETER, a four piece death metal act from Spain, kick into a gear well ground down. My first reaction was "hey these guys sound like" and then I kinda got lost. The fact is after playing this, their third full length, the bottom line is that NETER sound like a ton of DM acts. And of course the obvious link I'm thinking of is DEATH for starters as well as their subtle tech polish. The other influences in NETER's music might come from a harsh Polish act or two and because their lyrical subject matter deals with ancients then I'd toss in NILE.


NETER spends most of their time delivering rhythms bent on crushing yet technical riffs. The band has mastered the death metal art of mixing up good headbanging grooves with some head turning song structure twists. The main speed evident is left to the trigger drums. The sporadic solos are beautifully sewn in like needlepoint and yes very sharp. Good gruff bestial style vocals cap off everything.


A week ago I was listening to a release by a new USDM act which was on a major metal label. That band had a bag of prominent influences, some average ability but had no soul or attitude in order to make it real. NETER on the other hand truly bleeds metal soul. You hear the conviction especially in songs like "Rebirth of the Overthrown", "Atlantis of the Sands" and my favorite cut on here "The Pillars of Heracles". Ya know the nation is not known for it but over the years Spain has produced some decent death metal acts. But there's never really been a leader amongst em to carry the torch into battle, until now maybe.




As influências da música egípcia e de várias culturas/épocas e regiões do oriente médio, somadas a influência e produção musical no mesmo nível de grandes nomes do metal extremo mundial como Nile, Behemoth, Vader, Hate, Azarath, Maat, Belphegor, Morbid Angel, Krisiun entre outros gigantes da brutalidade ao redor do mundo.


A produção é primorosa, clara e cristalina não devendo nada as produções das grandes bandas, dos grandes produtores e das grandes gravadoras do metal extremo.


As letras são de grande criatividade, de profundo conhecimento das crenças egípcias, do paganismo, do ocultismo, de filosofia, é uma arte muito acima da média do que é feito no underground atual.


Essa é mais uma grande banda que já está pronta para desestruturar os pilares do metal extremo em todo o mundo.





Al fin llegamos al pórtico. Las orgullosas torres de piedra que hacían la función de entrada se erguían orgullosas frente a nuestros ojos. Los escritos contaban que solo los elegidos podrían pasar y obtener la vida eterna. Ambas edificaciones rocosas tenían una serie de jeroglíficos. En una se podía ver una especie de escorpión gigante. En la otra, dos aves una encima de otra. De repente, mientras intentaba interpretar correctamente esos símbolos, el suelo tembló, abriéndose peligrosamente ante nuestros pies. De la grieta salieron guerreros egipcios en enorme estado de descomposición. Armados con oxidadas espadas se nos abalanzaron. Las balas no los detenía. Los gritos de mis compañeros eran ensordecedores. Sus armas no solo nos estaban matando, sino que también parecía que nos transformaba en soldados zombies al igual que ellos. No podía escapar. Mi suerte, al igual que mi alma estaban a punto de perecer. Que irónico, vinimos buscando la inmortalidad y la hemos conseguido transformándonos algo que no es de este mundo……

Bienvenidos al universo de Neter.


Desde Sevilla nos llega el combo de Death Metal Neter. Desde que iniciaron su carrera en 2004 nos han ofrecido 2 Demos y tres L.Ps. En estas esquelas nos ocuparemos de realizarle la reseña a su más novedoso álbum “Inferus”, lanzado por Satanath Records el 15 de enero de 2018.


El line up es: Andrés Rosales (bajo), Manuel Sánchez (guitarra), Manuel Gestoso (guitarra y voz. Ex-Anvil of Doom, 8th of September, The Forge), Luis Ruiz (batería).


Por el amor de Odín, que alegría me he llevado al oír el nuevo trabajo de los sevillanos. Su anterior trabajo ya apuntaba buenas maneras, pero le faltaba un poco de fluidez en las seis cuerdas y algo más de velocidad en los parches para terminar de despuntar por completo. En este nuevo plástico, el nivel compositivo ha subido tanto como la insana intensidad de su propuesta. En pocas palabras, el conjunto ha llegado a su absoluta madurez, regalándonos un discazo del mejor “Metal Muerto” que podáis imaginar. Ni una fisura, ni un fallo, tan solo perfección. Si os queréis hacer una idea sin haber oído una sola nota de cómo se las gasta el grupo, imaginaos una mezcla de Morbid Angel en su buena época, Inmolation y Monstrosity era “In Dark Purity”, todo ello pasado por el personal filtro de estos tíos. Impresionante ¿verdad?


La producción es impoluta, añadiendo un artwork realmente evocador.


Los riffs, malsanos y putrefactos os harán pedazos. No me cansaré de decirlo, ¡cómo han avanzado! Los hallamos fluidos, pesados, a una cuerda y a doble armonía. Por cierto, atentos a sus dramáticos solos.


Respecto a las voces, Manuel tiene un registro muy similar al de David Vincent. Con esta frase os hacéis una idea de su tono vocal ¿no? Como era de esperar aluvión de growls sin tonterías ni experimentaciones.


La batería es sinónimo de dinamismo. Tened cuidado con esa ametralladora que son los bombos, y con los implacables y rasantes cambalaches de celeridad.


Personalmente destacaría “Rebirth of the Overthrown” y “Galvanize” por las siguientes razones:


El toque de técnica extra hace de “Rebirth of the Overthrown” un ataque letal.


Cuando entran esos segundos donde el bajo se queda solo en “Galvanize” únicamente os vendrá una palabra a la mente: sublime.




Tušil jsem, že se v mém sklepě děje něco podivného. Nemohl jsem spát a pronásledovaly mě šílené noční můry. Také jsem slýchával nářek a bědování. Asi ozvěny starého domu, říkal jsem si. Jenže bylo všechno jinak. Horší, bolestivější. Odhodlal jsem se až po několika měsících a pomalu sestoupil po kamenných schodech dolů. Otevřel jsem těžké kovové dveře a na protější zdi uviděl ukřižovanou mrtvou dívku. Děs v jejích očích žaloval.


Novinka španělských death metalistů NETER je plná podobných krvavých příběhů. Filozofie smrti, obestřená temnou a zákeřnou hudbou. Naléhavou, zběsilou, maniakální. Inspirovanou u kapel jako MORBID ANGEL, IMMOLATION, DEKAPITATED, NILE, BEHEMOTH. S velmi solidními nápady ve skladbách. Vítejte v pekle!





Na "Inferus" lze samozřejmě nahlížet podobným způsobem jako na většinu dnešních death metalových alb. Ano, NETER nepřinášejí více smrti ani techniky. Ale jejich práce je velmi poctivá, s dobrým zvukem i obalem. Songy vás rozleptají jako ta nejlahodnější kyselina, vokál zasáhne přímo do mozku. Komplikovanost a atmosféra jsou zde dávkovány přesně v tom poctivém poměru, který mám rád. Možná bych snesl ještě víc bolesti, klidně i špíny, ale já do toho nemám kapele co mluvit. Každopádně, jestli máte pocit, že slyšíte i z vašeho sklepa podivné zvuky a nářek, měli byste zbystřit svoji pozornost. Možná i vy jste vyvoleni a stvořeni pro poslech "Inferus". Ruce i nohy vám ztěžknou jako po pořádné dávce morfia. Tohle album chce čas. Smrt si nevybírá! Velmi dobře!








"Inferus" je velmi propracovaným albem, čerpajícím ze základů death metalu v podobě v jaké ho kdysi hrávali třeba takoví MORBID ANGEL, IMMOLATION, DEKAPITATED, NILE, ale i třeba BEHEMOTH. Pánové se nebojí ani ledových melodií a jako celek mi album opravdu připomíná nějakou hodně zákeřnou a zlou nemoc. Hudba mi kroutí vnitřnostmi, tlačí mi na mozek, dělá se mnou věci, které jste možná zažili jen v těch nejděsivějších snech. Připadám si, jakoby mi kapela vymáchala obličej ve sražené krvi. Z desky je cítit pravá, ryzí oddanost death metalu. Potkává se zde realita s krutostí. Vše je zahrané s inteligencí, syrovostí a špínou ve skladbách. Tohle je obřad, k vyvolání samotné Smrti. Death metalový buldozer, který vám rozdrtí lebky! Velmi dobrá záležitost pro všechny fanoušky morbidní temnoty!



Asphyx says:



"Inferus" is very worked on album. It is based on the death metal foundations – just like it was played by MORBID ANGEL, IMMOLATION, DEKAPITATED, NILE,  or even BEHEMOTH. These gentlemen are not afraid to play cold melodies and as a whole the album reminds me very bad and evil disease. This music twists my bowels, pushes my brain and makes my body do thing you can only imagine in your worst nightmares. I feel like the band blew my face in blood. From this album you can feel a real, true devotion to death metal. Reality meets cruelty here. Everything is played with intelligence, rawness and dirtiness in those songs. This is a ceremony to invoke death itself. Death metal bulldozer that will crush your skull! Very good thing for all fans of morbid darkness!





Neter is a Spanish death metal quartet founded in 2004. In the beginning of their musical journey the band played a swedish style death metal, but through the years their sound evolved to a darker sound with a powerful groove and influences from acts like Behemoth, Decapitated, Immolation, Vader, Nile, Hate Eternal etc.


Inferus is this Spanish combo’ third album containing 10 tracks of what I would classify as a potent mix of American and Polish death metal. Most of the songs on Inferus are very mascular, heavy and threatening. Having said that, it is not all about brutality as this is a very varied release, with some exotic nuances, numerous leads, solos and beautiful melodies. When added a lot of mid-paced thundering and dark battering Inferus becomes a varied, fascinating and diverse album.


It feels as the band have replaced all of the weaknesses from its previous releases and cut it down to the bone here.


Equally, I like the striking album art being simple yet beautiful and representative of their sound. Song-writing is also superb and there’s definitely something charming about the atmosphere they create, song-writing and production too. It is as Inferus is one of the albums that gets better and better after each new listen.


My favorite tracks are “The Pillars Of Heracles” (listen below) and “Faceless”, mostly due to its killer riffing, a crushing and punishing tunes perfectly produced. Finally, I want to mention a closing stellar track called “The Eye Of Sirius” serving as a nice album closer.


With 10 tracks and almost 50 minutes of pure death metal Inferus is exactly was I was expecting and I was not bored or disappointed at any moment. Inferus is an extremely impressive addition to band’s legacy and reputation. Highly recommended for the fans of the above mentioned scene giants.




Looking at the album art I would have guessed that “Inferus” by the Spanish band Neter is located somewhere in the Power/Prog Metal genre.


While I love this style of music as well I was not too disappointed to find out that Neter play Death Metal – in a quite traditional yet brutal and sometimes technical way. Combined with a modern and crisp production peers like Immolation, Nile or Vader came to mind. While I am a big fan of the Swedish style and cannot get enough HM2 material to listen to it is refreshing to discover newer bands following the classic US School as well. In some groovier moments I even recognized some Bolt Thrower influences which can only be a positive aspect in my books.


Not having been familiar with the band I checked out their previous albums “Nec Spe Nec Metu” and “Idols” and the jump in quality they have made on their newest output is impressive. Increasingly rare is the band that can capture the feral nature of death metal and implement great songwriting and interesting ideas without diluting the formula. “Inferus” is the type of album that handles these things with grace and power. Neter don’t shy away from faster, thrashy tempos and complex sections but also implement moody and atmospheric parts. This variety is their greatest asset. The way they weave in some more exotic sounding samples never fails to grab my ear every time I listen to the album. Particularly in the soloing the guys show that they know how to play their instruments, without sacrificing the songwriting. In the end I am a passive fan listening to this kind of music for enjoyment in my free time and not a professional musician who wants to get a lesson taught how to play the most complex arrangements and solos.


The line-up seems to be unchanged compared to “Idols” and the members come across as one single savage unit.


After the piano driven intro “The Chords of Sheol” the first full track “Faceless” is galloping through the speakers in brooding manner. Other songs like “Galvanize” or “Blazing Fallout” penetrate (in a positive way) the listener’s ears with brutal staccato riffing and pounding double-kicks. Manuel Gestoso is not only forming a harmonic partnership with second guitarist Manuel Sanchez but also delivers the trademark barbaric growling roars one had come to expect from that kind of music. Other songs like “The Pillars of Heracles” include some of those slightly exoctic sounds I have been talking about building a nice atmosphere.


Although Neter try their best to give their music an own identity the enjoyment of the record will depend on what you are looking for. In the end “Inferus” is a pretty traditional Death Metal album in the vein of what we all have heard quite a lot of times with just a few minor twists to make things a bit fresher.


However, the quality on display is immense and you can feel the enthusiasm put into the music. Together with the flawless production and the cool artwork everyone looking for another dose of intense and classic Death Metal could do a lot worse than giving Neter a chance.





Asides from the sickos in Avulsed, Spain is not really known for its death metal products. True, the country has produced some underground gems and Teitanblood is one of the leading purveyors of grimy, chaotic black/death, but Spain often goes unmentioned as a great death metal country. Neter’s third album, Inferus, may not be enough to singlehandedly change Spain’s death metal reputation, but the band from Seville sure gives it a shot.








Neter’s sound will be instantly recognizable to fans of modern Polish and American death metal. There are shades of Nile and Decapitated, especially when the band flirts with technicality, while some of the other riffs and martial drum patterns borrow from Behemoth and Vader. There’s also some of the crushing atonality that make Immolation such a punishing listen. What makes Neter interesting is that, while their sound is instantly recognizable-and the name dropping could go on-they’re not a clone of any one of these bands; everything is mixed together smoothly, producing a massive death metal juggernaut.








Despite being rooted in a particular hybrid of death metal, there’s actually a fair amount of diversity to Inferus  within the confines of this type of death metal. Tempos shift between tight blasts and pummeling lurches. The band also does a good job of incorporating some creative leads. They’re often fluid and melodic (probably to a greater degree than the influences cited above) and contrast nicely with the bruising rhythms.




One aspect of Neter’s sound that really works is the album’s mid-paced riffs. These sections have a grinding, mechanical aspect to them that gives the album an extra level of brutality. These sections mix the martial drumming of Polish death metal with some sinister American style riffing. The results are deeply satisfying. The band can also pick up the pace; the blast in “The Eye of Sirius” is the fastest the band has ever included on an album, but it’s the teeth-gnashing slower moments that steal the show on Inferus.






There’s very little too complain about on Inferus. I suppose if I had to nitpick the vocals are one-dimensional, even as death growls go, but they’re more than serviceable and intense. In any case, the positives greatly outweigh the negatives and Inferus is a treat for fans of modern death metal.





É um pouco comum termos a reacção de aceitação perante uma obra de death metal que não apresenta nada de novo. Mais raro é também termos uma obra de death metal que seja inovadora o suficiente para impressionar e tradicional o suficiente para não sair dos limites daquilo que consideramos ser death metal. Bem, considerações internas aparte, isto tudo para dizer que mal "Inferus", o terceiro álbum dos sevilhanos Neter começa a soar que temos a certeza perante um trabalho de death metal clássico ao nível daquilo que os Morbid Angel nos apresentaram na sua melhor fase com Steve Tucker. Essa primeira impressão vai-se moldando aos poucos, conforme as comparações com qualquer outra banda também vão desaparecendo. Este é um potente trabalho de death metal que deixa uma óptima impressão. Mais que isso, deixa-nos fãs da banda. Não é preciso ser original, apenas ser genuíno.








Овај шпански бенд је својим трећим албумом љубитељима death метала пружио веома фину посластицу. Комбинација брзе, технички прецизне и заразне свирке чини Infernus издањем које се не сме пропустити. Бендови који објављују оваква издања не измишљају топлу воду, не покушавају да унесу било какву пометњу "хармонији" жанра, већ раде оно што и треба да раде: разбијају! Neter гравитирају негде између техничког и класичног death метала, не правећи веће искораке ни ка једном од њих. Оштри рифови, галопирајући blast beat, харшоидни growl вокал, транзиције из брзих у спорије деонице - све је ту. Њихова музика ме подсећа на Vader, Morbid Angel и Zyklon. То говори сасвим довољно. Стога не часите часа, већ што пре набавите ово издање.




Ya hace varios meses que este disco se puso en circulación pero no habíamos encontrado el momento para hablar de él. Que mejor que hacerlo ahora con la excusa que los tendremos presentado Inferus en Barcelona. Aquí podéis leer la previa con todos los detalles del evento.


Neter se formaron en el año 2004 y hasta la fecha tienen un par de demos y tres Lps con los que han ido ascendiendo posiciones en el ámbito underground y ser un grupo a tener en cuenta en la escena de metal extremo estatal.


Lo que más me ha sorprendido de su nuevo disco es el magnifico sonido que han conseguido: atronador, potente, limpio y a la vez oscuro y malvado. Un grupo que no esconde sus influencias ya que se pueden apreciar detalles de grupos como Immolation, Morbid Angel o Incantation, buenos hacedores de death metal en la vena más oscura, aunque también encontramos otros elementos de grupos como Behemoth. Así que si estos grupos te gustan probablemente los sevillanos sean de tu agrado.


El disco empieza con una intro de piano que da paso a “Faceless” con ese aroma de los polacos nombrados antes para tranformarse en un hiriente y machacón death metal con arranques muy bestias. La voz es rasgada y profunda, algo oscura y con una tesitura bastante original. El trabajo de las guitarras, aunque algo monótono en algunos momentos, es muy bueno sonando con mucha contundencia. El bajo tiene mucha presencia junto a una batería con muy buen sonido destacando sobre todo el bombo. En esta canción encontramos un solo muy bien ejecutado con un marcado carácter épico.


Siguen con “Rebirth of the Overthrown” con un inicio mucho más rápido que la anterior, van por faena sin dilación. Saben jugar bien con ritmos acelerados, otros más a medio tiempo siendo una característica principal en su música. Sus canciones te mantienen en tensión, atento a su devenir, muy intensas en general. Los patrones que usan se me hacen a veces algo cuadriculados que con algo más de dinamismo y algún que otro cambio o detalle hubiese ganado un poco. Final machacón y muy atmosférico que me ha gustado bastante.


Menuda salvajada el inicio de “The Pillars of Heracles” con una batería desbocada y unos riffs marca de la casa envueltos en la total oscuridad. Ese carácter épico hace acto de presencia tras ese primer riff para volver a atacar de nuevo con unas geniales voces. No varían mucho pero se nota lo que quieren transmitir y a mi me llega rabia, desesperación y oscuridad, ingredientes más que recomendados para el metal extremo.


“Blazing Fallout” es más lenta, con una cadencia que recuerda mucho a los americanos Immolation que se les da de maravilla este tipo de piezas. Un poco de calma que no viene nada mal a estas alturas del disco con una canción marcada sobre todo por la contundencia y un doble bombo omnipresente que hace retumbar tu cerebro. Aunque no dudan en meterle caña con unos buenos breaks, un buen solo y unos cambios más dinámicos.


Llegados a este punto del disco empiezo a tener algún que otro deja vu. Se repiten patrones y estructuras, riffs parecidos y la misma esencia. No digo que sea malo, por supuesto que no, ya que todo el disco tiene calidad a raudales, pero personalmente en la música busco otras cosas, que me sorprendan y con “Atlantis of the Sands” no ocurre. Partes rápidas, doble bombo a todo trapo y medios tiempos que ya he escuchado antes.


Por suerte, la retorcida y frenética “Galvanize” trae algo de aire fresco pero tampoco os esperéis mucha variación. Encuentro a faltar algunos cambios de intensidad ya que todo está como muy elevado, siempre a tope todo y las dinámicas se difuminan. Es un ataque directo y frenético como he dicho, como si de una horda de orcos te acechara sin descanso. Eso si, oscura lo es un rato.


Pero bueno, que no salten las alarmas. Que solamente son mis sensaciones y posiblemente busco cosas que aquí me cuesta encontrar. En todo caso, “Primordial Entity” me parece una de las mejores canciones del disco con un riff principal que me encanta y también al random de mi coche que me la ha puesto infinidad de veces. Se repiten patrones y suenan monolíticos pero en esta canción está todo muy bien construido.


Encarando la recta final del disco nos encontramos con la veloz “Endemic Warfare”, otro ejemplo de intensidad y contundencia pero con pocas novedades a destacar. Para terminar nos encontramos con “The Eyes of Sirius”, la canción más larga del disco con más de seis minutos de duración. En esta nos encontramos con elementos antes vistos pero con otros más novedosos. Y yo me pregunto, ¿por qué esperar hasta el final para añadirlos? Más armonizaciones, partes mucho más lentas y majestuosas, tappings y partes con guitarras limpias que realmente me han sorprendido aportando un halo distinto. Al igual que al principio del disco terminan con un delicado piano.


Un muy buen disco de death metal oscuro y bien hecho pero que peca de repetir patrones y estructuras. Creo que con algo menos de minutaje o con algo más de dinamismo su escucha seria más amena. Eso si, en directo seguro que es otra historia y ya tenemos muchas ganas de verles en acción.




The stout sounding 3rd album of NETER includes 10 killer cuts into a rather riff-centric and groovy substance of Death Metal. The Spanish quartet with such members as Manuel Gestoso (vocals & guitars), Manuel Sánchez (guitars), Andrés Rosales (bass) & Luis Ruiz (drums) knows well how should a monumental Death Metal album look and sound like. Their musical ingredients or let's say influences are mainly coming from the Polish grounds, names of BEHEMOTH, VADER & DECAPITATED should be mentioned in the first instance here, but the Swedish Death Metal movement was also influential on them. The into-your-face punch of the songs and the stunning dynamism are pretty tireless through their entire, more precisely forty-six and a half minutes long, material. The unrestrained energy of the wicked ones has been executed and displayed in an absolute way there. This is the kind of Death Metal, where the forces of dark unite triumphantly! Warmly recommended stuff!!!





I Neter erano stati un piacevole incontro tre anni or sono. Per quanto derivativo, "Idols" si rivelò una mazzata death metal di tutto rispetto ed ero quindi curioso di ascoltarne il successore: "Inferus" è rilasciato in questo 2018.


Che gli spagnoli avessero una idea precisa dello stile di death metal da suonare era una cosa già chiara. Ora arriva un'altra conferma: premuto il tasto play, si viene difatti investiti da una combinazione di sonorità statunitensi ed europee, stavolta un po' più matura e rifinita ma sempre massiccia. In questa occasione trapela inoltre la volontà di non affidarsi esclusivamente alla spietatezza di un attacco dirompente, preferendo che il versante atmosferico e cupo del genere filtri all'interno dei pezzi, come avviene in "Faceless", "Primordial Entity" e "The Eye Of Sirius".


Detto ciò, non allarmatevi, i Neter non si sono rammolliti e non hanno mollato la presa, le cartellate in pieno volto non mancano di certo. Basta infatti incrociare episodi come "The Pillars Of Heracles", "Atlantis Of The Sands", "Galvanize" ed "Endemic Warfare" per capire che l'antifona non è poi così cambiata, pur se tuttavia l'ascolto è divenuto maggiormente fluido, perdendo almeno in parte la sensazione di monoliticità, a dire il vero non poi così fastidiosa, riscontrabile in "Idols".


Se i signori del genere da sempre in attività (Deicide) e rientranti in scena (Monstrosity) mi hanno fatto soffrire più del dovuto quest'anno, pubblicando album che non ho particolari remore nel definire imbarazzanti, quelle che spesso consideriamo seconde o terze linee sembra invece stiano pian piano crescendo. Di certo i Neter non inventeranno mai nulla e difficilmente vi faranno urlare al miracolo, ma ogni qualvolta avrete voglia di far girare nel lettore "Inferus" ne rimarrete soddisfatti e oggi ciò vale più di quanto ci si potrebbe immaginare.





Coming a little tardy to the party with this since it was issued in January – via Russia’s Satanath Records, which is perhaps why it turned up only recently in the promo mailbox thanks to the band’s own outreach efforts. But better late than never. And the third album from Spanish quartet Neter is worth catching up with.


Don’t let the Stonehengey, stoner-style cover artwork here fool you, Inferus offers a potent combination of death and groove metal – with an occasional hint of tech-death – that is anything but trippy and chill. Though it does sacrifice some speed for a riffier, more methodical approach, the album makes up in heaviness what it might be lacking in velocity, especially with the clear, crushing production the band has mustered here.


That’s not to say Inferus is a sluggish affair, as Luis Ruiz retains a steady double-bass gallop throughout. But all-out sprints tend to come in short, controlled bursts, though “Atlantis Of The Sands” and “Endemic Warfare” do maintain their locomotive pace throughout. The band’s beefy sound recalls more recent Decapitated, Gojira or vintage Bolt Thrower, with tracks like “Rebirth Of The Overthrown” and “Galvanize” hinting at Suffocation with their twisty, techy guitaring, punishing grooves and Manuel Gestoso’s fearsome growl and off-kilter cadence.


And though the influences can sometimes be rather obvious, this is far from an exercise in mere idol worship. Neter have taken bits and pieces from here and there and crafted it into a sound that is unquestionably their own. Indeed, for a band that have spent the bulk of their decade-plus on the periphery of the death metal underground – given Spain’s standing therein, or lack thereof, as the case may be, no disrespect intended – they are certainly an accomplished lot.


The songs here are well crafted and delivered with the confidence and authority of a band that have toured longer and farther afield than it looks like Neter have done – not sure if they’ve yet to make it out of Spain. But if practice makes perfect, then here you go, since it would seem these guys have spent a lot of time seasoning their chops and honing their songwriting in the jam room or wherever. And Inferus is worth all of the effort the band have put into it. The album sounds great, hits very hard and, most of all, deserves to be heard.






Spanish death metal is another metal genre that I am not too familiar with. I wish that I was bombarded even more than I am by really cool metal releases because there are so many bands out there that I want to hear. NETER are a new to me but this is their third full length album since 2009. So another band that I have missed out on. This is death metal with a very strong Morbid Angel vibe. If you liked “Blessed Are The Sick” you are gonna like this too. It is in that vein. I am a huge Morbid Angel fan so anything that even slightly reminds me of them gets my approval. This is groovy death metal that is full of aggression. A really cool album. Now I gotta check out the previous ones.




Tässäpä Espanjan cannibalcorpsemaisin bändi, josta et ole tätä ennen kuullut! Tai ehkä oletkin, sillä vuonna 2004 perustettu Neter on ehtinyt vuosina 2009 ja 2015 julkaista kaksi levyäkin (Nec Spe Nec Metu ja Idols). Inferus on siis bändin vaikea kolmas levy, ja tässä yhteydessä vaikeus kuuluu enemmänkin teknisenä suorittamisena kuin mitenkään muuten.


Koukeroisia ja kiharaisia riffejä suoltava Neter ei varsinaisesti uusi teknis-brutaalin kuolonmetallin käsikirjoitusta. Tempovaihtelut, äkilliset kiihdyttelyt jarrutteluineen ja äkkiväärät sovitusideat ovat tismalleen sitä, minkä varaan Cannibal Corpse jo varsin varhaisessa vaiheessa menestyksensä ripusti.


Tästä samasta kaivosta pumppaa vetensä myös Neter. Inferus ei siis ole kaikkein äärimmäisintä ääripäätä eikä toisaalta mitään djentiä tahi rässivaikutteista vanhan liiton kamaakaan.


Neter kuitenkin tekee sangen hyvin sen, mitä yrittääkin, eikä levytys totta vie jätä kylmäksi. Täysin kuumanakaan uuni ei kuitenkaan käy, sillä korkealaatuisesta suorittamisesta huolimatta levyn jälkeen jää fiilis: entä sitten? Vaikka örinälaulu on vahvaa, soundit kunnossa ja soitto tiukkaa, mitään mieleenpainuvaa Neter ei lahtauspöydälle jätä.


Ehkä ongelma on hieman poikkeuksellisesti sanoituksissa ja niiden aiheissa, sillä siinä missä verrokkibändi CC on jäänyt mieleen monenmoisista I Cum Blood- ja Hammer Smashed Face -brutaalisuuksistaan, Neterin korkealentoisempi lyriikka ei mielen sopukoihin tartu. Vaan niinhän se on: Alibin otsikot kiinnostavat suurta kansanosaa enemmän kuin metafysiikan pohdiskelut.


Hyvän levy Inferus silti on. Se vain ei ole esikuviensa tasolla.




Костоломный дэтовый ансамбль из Испании со своим третьим полноформатом. К слову Manuel Gestoso - Guitars, Vocals, является бывшим участником команды Anvil of Doom, и нынешним групп - 8th of September и The Forge. Так что можно понять, почему NETER за 15 лет существования выпустили три полноформата. Пусть три - главное толковых, качественных и оригинальных.

Посмотрим, что там я писал о втором альбоме: «Кажется, дэт метал Neter похож на технические образчики данного стиля, когда строго конкретно включается чудовищный агрегат и уж будьте уверены, он перемелет все, что было заброшено в жерло устройства. И в том порука - ритм-секция команды. Она твердо и жестко держится своей партитуры. Причем осуществляя это действие с максимально приятным выражением испанского лица - в том и эффект, собственно говоря».

А вот третий начинается с клавишного интро, может NETER думает, что мы все позабыли, какой армагеддон был устроен на прошлом альбоме. К счастью, все проходит и группа начинает Inferus, таким каким и должен быть Инферно - брутальным и маниакальным. И на 46 минут погружает слушателя в жестокие подробности древнейших легенд и мифов самых разных народов, хотя бы для того, чтобы меломаны почувствовали на своей шкуре как не сладко приходилось нашим предкам.

Техногенный дэт металл, как я и намекал в прошлом отклике (хотя испанцы не слишком педалируют эту тему) базируется на совершенной ритм-секции. Может быть, ее прецизионность и поддерживает такое понимание намерений ансамбля. Потому что гитары в своем сплошном и чудовищном давлении тяготеют к олдскулу (но это не единственная их забава), и глухой вокал туда же...

Надо обязательно сказать насчет вокалиста, да-да это тот же Manuel Gestoso. Дело в том, что его голос может показаться попервоначалу немного замурованным в стену звука гитар. Но чутка дайте громкости, дабы услышать обертоны. И вы поразитесь насколько забита его частотная характеристика вибрионами ненависти, мизантропии и самого оголтелого озверения. Исключительно по этим хирургическим показаниям его вокал не выпускают наружу, прежде всего беспокоятся за душевное здоровьем металлиста-меломана.

Бетонные, цементирующие гитары в данном произведении дэт-металлического монстра не могут быть просто такими как указано. Ибо им в указанных местах нужно соответствовать самым потаенным движениям души композера. И потому, когда солирующий мэн получает желанный карт-бланш, из ваших колонок ползут совершенные прекраснокожие соляковые змеи, а иногда даже и продолжительные молниевые удары, которые воплощают «лирический» план NETER.

Ни в коем случае нельзя обмануться, Inferus создан как мрачное видение подземного египетского бога НЕТЕР — именно: видение его империи внутри планеты, ее разных аспектов и смертоносных отражений на земной план. Оказывается, за тысячелетия ничего не изменилось и воздействие представителей пантеона богов Египта среднего царства, кстати, современников древнейших богов праславянского Аркаима, все так же сокрушительно. Что и подтверждает этот альбом.




Przyzwyczaiłem się już, że Satanath Records w wyjątkowo szerokich czeluściach swoich wydawnictw ma sporo raczej średnich materiałów odzianych w zupełnie nieznane mi nazwy. Tak było też w przypadku pochodzącego z Hiszpanii Neter. Pomny kilku perełek znalezionych w katalogu rosyjskiej wytwórni, i po szybkiej wizycie na MA po której zaintrygowana recenzją Inferusa brew uniosła się w górę, postanowiłem dać temu albumowi szansę.


Chciałbym tutaj napisać, że znowu byłem głupi i recenzje z archiwów po raz kolejny mnie zawiodły, ale nie byłaby to prawda. Nie spodziewałem się, że Inferus zaprezentuje się jak, w gruncie rzeczy, delikatnie upudrowany starożytnym Egiptem i zapatrzony w Behemotha za czasów Evangelion krążek. Bardzo porządnie sporządzony, dobrze wstrzelony w gust fana powyższej grupy i płyty, ale jednak produkt. Neter jest za mało ekstremalny i za ładny, by naprawdę przypaść mi do gustu. Fakt, ma swoje momenty, nie jest ich wcale tak mało. Intro i riffy zahaczające o melodeath na The Pillars Of Heracles, pierwsze wrażenia z Faceless i Primordial Entity czy niekiedy Galvanize są przyjemne w odsłuchu i potrafią nawet głową bujnąć.


Z drugiej strony nie mogę oprzeć się wrażeniu strasznej wtórności w motywach i schematach kompozycji. Na temat Atlantis Of The Sands lub The Eye Of Sirius mogę powiedzieć co najwyżej, że jest bardzo standardowe w ramach swojej niszy. Da się słuchać bez bólu, ale też niespecjalnie mnie kusi by to robić. Tym gorzej, że dość szybko Inferus zaczyna mnie nużyć i być zbyt powtarzalny. Riffy, nie dość, że zbyt często trudne do odróżnienia, są też mocno eksploatowane. Koniec końców miałem już ich dość i najchętniej przełączyłbym kolejne kawałki jeszcze przed ich końcem. Pewnie powinienem też wspomnieć też coś o egipskim klimacie, ale jest go za mało by zawracać sobie nim głowę. Ci szukający tu wrażeń z Nile albo Scarab muszą szukać dalej.


Niewątpliwym plusem albumu jest bardzo dobra produkcja. Wszystko tu leży na swoim miejscu, idealnie się zgrywa ze sobą i nie zawadza innym ścieżkom. Brzmienie instrumentów jest łatwe do wyobrażenia, jeżeli słyszałeś kiedyś Nergala z późniejszych ’00, więc dodałbym od siebie więcej smoły i ropy. Pochwalić trzeba też umiejętności muzyków i fakt, że nie wrzucają bezmyślnych solówek w każdą minutę.


Trochę sobie pomarudziłem, ale to nie tak że Neter gra źle. Inferus przeznaczony jest dla konkretnego grona metalowców i jeżeli się w nim znajdujesz, to na pewno ci się spodoba, dwa oczka oceny w górę. Ja potrzebuję więcej ohydztw i dziwactw, choć nawet mimo tego było całkiem znośnie.





Here is a meat and potatoes death metal band that delivers the music ideally without resorting to gimmickry or inferiority. The band’s newest album is heady, hefty and heavy. The album’s nine songs demonstrate a band capable of playing the heavy riffs and the fast parts all with a deep singer and a fat sound. The bass is distorted and the lead guitarist capable, although every single solo falls short time-wise. The band deliberately keeps its lead work short either to be a tease or unable to further them along. The Cords Of Sheol is a minute-long intro that leads to first proper song Faceless. This song, like its follow-up Rebirth Of The Overthrown, holds the line on the speed aspect, but the latter track has a dangerous riff that hits hard. The Pillars Of Heracles nicely speeds up, but tells again a pattern the listener would notice later on the disc. The music, and especially the drummer, may be speeding up, but the singer maintains his own pace. Often the guitars or the drums may opt to punish the listener with additional heft or speed, but it does not follow that their fellow musicians would follow. It is both interesting and indicative of good musicianship, but on occasion a death metal fan would wish that the whole band would charge forward. Hey, speed rules after all! It is a beast when Neter speeds partly sound is so gargantuan – inclusive of old school metal solos, nice time changes and good guitar tapping. Blazing Fallout shines the light on the chink in the band’s armour, namely the weak bass drum sound. Singer Manuel Gestoso is impressive and deep and occasionally reminiscent of Johan Hegg. Atlantis Of The Sands has a welcome velocity explosion and effective drum pattern. Galvanize is powerful and demonstrates authority, but Primordial Entity is less effective. Endemic Warfare is cool, not only for its death metal, but also because the distorted bass reveals itself for a moment as the guitars pause around it. The Eye Of Sirius ends the album on another high note and contains a haunting melody. Uncharacteristically, there is a Cannibal Corpse-ish guitar pattern on the track, which one does not encounter elsewhere on the disc.

Inferus is a genuine death metal album with interesting titles. The band deserves a bigger profile with the death metal fanatics if this album is any indication.





Spanish death metallers Neter are back with a new record full of death metal brutality and glory. ‘Inferus’ follows their great debut ‘Idols’ from 2015, and is out now through Satanath Records.


Opening with a delicate piano intro ‘The Cords of Sheol’, the beast is awakened with the ominous thrust of ‘Faceless’, a track of immense weight that takes a measured pace and brings to mind ‘Demigod’-era Behemoth. There is a wonderful depth to the songwriting here; it doesn’t just feel like a collection of cool riffs and brutal vocals, it feels like a coherent journey throughout a cohesive whole. Neter take influence from American and European death, leaving the chainsaw frozen north alone which is a welcome change at the moment. It seems that everyone has gone all Swedish, so this is a great thing! The production is warm and thick, like cloying blood, wrapping the ferocity of songs like ‘Blazing Fallout’ and ‘Galvanize’ in a smothering embrace.


‘Inferus’ is a superb album. It feels like a regal overlord of the more flailing and savage records of this year, carrying gravitas and weight rather than simple minded savagery. Neter’s work is remarkably mature and deep, and this record shows their flair for the grandiose and density. Excellent.




"Inferus" es el tercer trabajo de los españoles Neter, cuarteto conformado por Andrés Rosales en bajo, Manuel Sánchez en guitarra, Manuel Gestoso en guitarra y voz, y Luís Ruíz en batería. Los diez temas están enrolados en el más puro death metal, con las consabidas voces guturales y con una atmosfera old-school que traspasa todo el disco, y para situarnos diría que una buena comparación seria Immolation o el primer Morbid Angel.

Los riffs son directamente asesinos, y la base no se queda atrás ni mucho menos. No hay temas destacados aquí, todos los tracks son parejos y ajustados, y tal vez se extraña un poquito de gancho en las composiciones, ya que cuesta diferenciar un tema por sobre otro.

El sello Satanath ha prestado atención a esta banda y los resultados están a la vista: Neter sabe lo que quiere y lo que hace lo hace muy bien.




Neter of Spain, presents his album Inferus of the year 2018, excellent death metal album with enough classic influences a band that surprises me for its excellent execution and all its brutal staging. Here we can see part of the set list of the disc, a brutal first part that hits you immediately upon hearing it: 1.Neter - The Cords Of Sheol 2.Neter - Faceless 3.Neter - Rebirth Of The Overthrown 4.Neter - The Pillars Of Heracles 5.Neter - Blazing Fallout Recall that the band recorded on Satanath Records label dedicated to the release of extreme bands. The disc follows its course with the following subjects: Neter - Atlantis Of The Sands 7.Neter - Galvanize 04:41 8.Neter - Primordial Entity 04:25 9.Neter - Endemic Warfare 05:19 10.Neter - The Eye Of Sirius This great Sevillana band active since 2004 can get to communicate with them in this way: Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра. Neter is: Andrés Rosales Bajo Manuel Sánchez Guitar Manuel Gestoso Guitar, Vocalist A very sophisticated album that does not get out of the death metal that goes through the classic but does not eliminate its brutality.




Третий по счету альбом испанской дэт-металической формации Neter, "Inferus", был выпущен 15 января 2018 года сразу на четырёх лейблах: Satanath Records, Cimmerian Shade Recordings, Murdher Records и Black Plague Records и стал, пожалуй, самой успешной работой группы за всю историю ее существования.


Если вы вдруг не в курсе, эти ребята нарезают оккультно-мистический, мрачный дэт-метал, вдохновленный наследием таких грандов стиля, как Immolation, Morbid Angel и Nile. Музыке данной команды одновременно присущи и брутальность, и техничность и атмосферность; испанцам удалось гармонично соединить воедино элементы дэт-метала старой школы и более современных веяний.


«Мы слушаем много разной музыки, и мы слушаем много коллективов, которые не имеют отношения к металу, поэтому у каждого из нас есть длинный список групп, которые на нас повлияли. Но когда мы сочиняем музыку, мы забываем обо всем этом и фокусируемся только на одном дэт-метале. Наша музыка развивалась на протяжении многих лет, и вы можете увидеть большую разницу в звучании таких альбомов, как «Nec Spe Nec Metu и «Inferus». Мы всегда стались найти свой собственный стиль, и мы считаем, что нам это удалось» - рассказывал в интервью лидер коллектива Мануэль Гестосо.


Кроме более зрелого подхода к сочинению музыки "Inferus" примечателен ещё и концептуальной составляющей. Вот что по этому поводу говорят сами авторы:


«Когда вы пишете музыку, важна каждая деталь, и лирика не является исключением. Каждый написанный нами альбом рассказывает свою собственную историю, но главной темой является гибель цивилизаций. «Inferus» - это своеобразное путешествие по истории, в нем повествуется о том, как разные культуры столкнулись с их собственным исчезновением и, другими словами, своей собственной смертью. Многие примитивные религии поклонялись смерти, как богу, поэтому мы упоминаем о смерти и в нашей лирике. Это обожествление смерти было свойственно многим ранним цивилизациям. Мы предпочитаем не выражать эти идеи в явном виде, поэтому используем метафоры и символику.


Некоторые люди ошибочно считают, что наша лирика сосредоточена исключительно на теме Древнего Египта, видимо, из-за нашего логотипа. Но на самом деле у нас нет ни одной песни о Египте, хотя мы пишем о многих разных культурах».


Советую ознакомиться с творчеством этой крайне перспективной команды всем поклонникам дэт-метала, в том числе и любителям олдскула. Уверена, что Neter вас очень приятно удивят.




After short introduction to the album which is The Cords Of Sheol (Morbid Angel first time to mention), quickly comes next track.


This song is literally packed with some heavy as fuck Morbid Angel riffs but it`s really something to dig on. It`s the track called Faceless and I have nothing against that vocals, guitars  and everything else that sounds like Morbid Angel. At this very moment I know that the sound for this album is just like title of this record. This track, with a speed of light made me so that now, I am into it very much. They are able to bring some atmosphere to the music, just by playing on standard instruments which is often sophisticated and just incredible the way they approach this and other songs.

This track is as powerful as death metal can go and slower moments are just amazing.


Rebirth Of The Overthrown is a bit faster song with crazy technical riffs ala Decapitated but it`s also intense and brutal track.


The Pillars Of Heracles is a bit like music of Bolt Thrower but Neter version of this death metal is significantly faster. I know, I compared them to another band, but so far, this album sounds like something I heard before and I can`t help it. I just have to tell you again. Infernus, up to this point is really crushing album and it does not matter that they sound sometimes like other bands.


Blazing Fallout, oh, the build-up and atmosphere they create for the whole song is amazing. Starting off from heavy riffs to faster guitar passages and even more complex until they end the song  which is a bit as  they started it to play . What they do here is just what I want to hear which is kind of what they do in next track – Atlantis Of The Sands - another brutal track of theirs.


Galvanize, Primorial Entity, Endemic Warfare are all technical songs. Vocals they arranged here are very into type of growling vocalists and the music is wild and ferocious. These are type of songs that you can find in circles of Morbid angel, Decapitated, Nile and such but Neter is pretty much from the very same death metal league if you mind quality of music.


The album is closed by The Eye Of Sirius which reminds me song Faceless when comes to pace and their attempts to build-up ancient atmospherics that lies beneath their music.


Drumming here is over the top and guitar solos consistently very good throughout the album. I have heard barely very few Spanish bands but I think Neter is possibly best of them. I recommend to everyone this death metal record.

