. Satanath Records

Reviews: SAT184

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Dropping on 14th December is the second full-length from Armenian true black metal duo Garhelenth, ‘About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth of Tragedy’. One track is available for free download on Bandcamp now, the irrepressible ‘To Impersonal Mankind’; while another militaristic stomper ‘Self Humiliation’ is available for your consumption on YouTube here. This is exactly what it says on the tin – black metal with no bells or whistles; guitarist/vocalist and main man Hilnorgoth is vehemently against letting anything pollute the essence of his creation. Centred around mid-paced repeating hypnotic riffs and a rotten infectious darkness, this wishes for nothing more than your slow death. Be warned.







Satanath Record has been one of the better record labels out there when it comes to exposing listeners to metal from all corners of the globe, and this is once again the case with the upcoming release of Garhelenth’s second full length ‘About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth of Tragedy’.  Originally based in Iran before moving to Georgia and Armenia, the black metal group formed as the solo project of guitarist/vocalist Hilnorgoth in 2010, with second guitarist Sagroth joining in 2014.  Since that time Garhelenth has released quite a bit of material, with this year’s full length following an EP, album, and split in 2016.  With ‘About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth of Tragedy’ set to come out December 14th as a co-release between Satanath Records and The Eastern Front, today we’re excited to premiere the song Moral To Pessimist.


‘About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth of Tragedy’ takes a significant amount of influence from the Scandinavian black metal sound, but rather than going for non-stop blast beats Garhelenth switches the tempo up quite a bit.  Moral To Pessimist certainly has an air of familiarity to it, as right from the very beginning the guitar tonality delivers that icy chill and rough edge that black metal fans would expect.  Early on the speed of the instrumentals give off a slightly thrashier vibe alongside the more traditional side of the genre, but around the halfway point the band slows things down a bit and moves towards leads that have more of an epic feel to them.  The other tracks that have been released from the album so far are structured in a similar manner, as Garhelenth likes to attack the listener early on and then finish things off with a slow burning, darker passage.  But the strength of the riffs allows the songs to be distinguishable from each other despite some similar patterns, and the clarity of the production (which comes off as slightly polished but not overly so) adds to the intensity.





Satanath Record has been one of the better record labels out there when it comes to exposing listeners to metal from all corners of the globe, and this is once again the case with the upcoming release of Garhelenth’s second full length ‘About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth of Tragedy’.  Originally based in Iran before moving to Georgia and Armenia, the black metal group formed as the solo project of guitarist/vocalist Hilnorgoth in 2010, with second guitarist Sagroth joining in 2014.  Since that time Garhelenth has released quite a bit of material, with this year’s full length following an EP, album, and split in 2016.  With ‘About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth of Tragedy’ set to come out December 14th as a co-release between Satanath Records and The Eastern Front, today we’re excited to premiere the song Moral To Pessimist.





‘About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth of Tragedy’ takes a significant amount of influence from the Scandinavian black metal sound, but rather than going for non-stop blast beats Garhelenth switches the tempo up quite a bit.  Moral To Pessimist certainly has an air of familiarity to it, as right from the very beginning the guitar tonality delivers that icy chill and rough edge that black metal fans would expect.  Early on the speed of the instrumentals give off a slightly thrashier vibe alongside the more traditional side of the genre, but around the halfway point the band slows things down a bit and moves towards leads that have more of an epic feel to them.  The other tracks that have been released from the album so far are structured in a similar manner, as Garhelenth likes to attack the listener early on and then finish things off with a slow burning, darker passage.  But the strength of the riffs allows the songs to be distinguishable from each other despite some similar patterns, and the clarity of the production (which comes off as slightly polished but not overly so) adds to the intensity.



Hilnorgoth’s vocals channel Norwegian black metal just as much as the instrumentation, as his higher screams cut right through your speakers like barbed wire.  He maintains this pitch for much of the song, but what stood out to me the first time I heard Moral To Pessimist was the amount of variation present in the vocal performance.  The higher screams have some lower pitches supporting them during key moments, and the second half of the song transitions over to softer ranges that give off a feeling of madness.  Where so many other groups stick with the same vocal range to the point of repetition, this variation works in Garhelenth’s favor.


Garhelenth may be from a completely different part of the world than where black metal’s roots lie, but the group has continued to do the style justice on their sophomore full length.  They’ve channeled some familiar influences but the material does a good job of moving between blistering attacks and slower, haunting moments that are sure to capture your attention.  ‘About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth of Tragedy’ is out on December 14th.





We are told that the name chosen by the two-man band Garhelenth (originally from Iran, then Georgia, and now based in Armenia) will not be found in any dictionary, in any language. It is instead a creation that has symbolic significance in the band’s occult philosophies, and it is black metal that forms the musical channel of their communication.


Gerhelenth’s new album (their second) is About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth Of Tragedy. It will be released on December 14th by Satanath Records (Russia) and The Eastern Front (Israel), and from that album we bring you a stream of a track whose name is as gloomy as the album’s title: “Self-Humiliation“.


The song is indeed a dark and oppressive manifestation of wretchedness, but as bleak and disturbing as the music’s atmosphere may be, it attaches itself to the listener with a tight grip.


A martial snare pattern and grim strummed chords open the song, but as soon as the furious, flesh-scarring vocals come in, the riffing begins to rip and jab in a vicious frenzy. And while that torrent of savage sound does eventually give way to a funereal stagger laced by eerie, spectral leads steeped in grief and by anguished moaning voices, the music comes back to those head-nodding chords — and a cacophony of mad voices.


And so, the song proves to be both blood-freezing and blood-boiling, and it rocks as well as ravages. True to the album’s title, it’s pessimistic and poisonous music, but damned fierce as well.




Garhelenth’s new album is recommended for fans of: Gorgoroth, Mayhem, Darkthrone, Bathory, Immortal, Burzum, Nargaroth, Endstille, Leviathan, Hellsaw, and Arckanum.




El sello ruso Satanath Records nos presenta el nuevo trabajo de esta banda originaria de Irán, aunque actualmente tiene base en Armenia, que responde al nombre de GARHELENTH. Un proyecto de Black Metal iniciado por Hilnorgoth allá por el año 2010, al que posteriormente se le uniría un segundo miembro, bajo el pseudónimo de Sagroth, para colaborar en algunas partes. De esta manera en 2015 se grabó un primer EP titulado “The Entrance to the Realms of Garhelenth”, al que le seguiría el álbum debut “The Mysterious Kingdom” y un Split junto a MÖHRKVLTH bautizado como “Flammen-Dan Hollvedel”, ambos de 2016. Todos ellos precedentes del álbum que nos ocupa, el segundo larga duración del proyecto, que lleva el título de “About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth Of Tragedy”.


Tras el breve repaso biográfico toca hablar de este nuevo disco de GARHELENTH, el cual rinde tributo al Black Metal sin artificios ni mezclas de ningún tipo, solo oscuridad e influencias nórdicas que recogen el testigo de lo que han hecho grupos como MAYHEM, CARPATHIAN FOREST, DARKTHRONE, GORGOROTH… De hecho la escena noruega es la que más ha marcado este “About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth Of Tragedy”, aunque no cabe duda de la capacidad para GARHELENTH a la hora de aportar su propia visión del pesimismo, la oscuridad, los tiempos pasados y, en definitiva, de lo que representa el Black Metal tradicional. Así se sucede una colección de ocho temas en los que la crudeza y los ambientes desoladores van calando en el oyente hasta atraparlo por completo.


“About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth Of Tragedy” es un álbum altamente recomendado para cualquier adepto al genuino Black Metal, ese que busca un sentimiento oscuro y que recurre simplemente a los ingredientes básicos para elaborar su propuesta, sin necesidad de grandes producciones ni artificios. Y la fórmula funciona. Además el disco viene presentado con un sencillo e impactante artwork basado en fotografías en blanco y negro, algo que describe muy bien la frialdad y las sombras de las que GARHELENTH dota a sus composiciones, por lo que todo sigue una misma dirección que, una vez más, nos recuerda los preceptos más tradicionales del Black Metal.





It’s interesting how black metal can be simultaneously so rooted in geography and place, yet also a global genre, with adherents all across the world. Garhelenth provide a prime example of why terms such as “Scandinavian black metal” no longer refer to a place, but a sound. The band, originally from Iran yet now residing in Armenia, play black metal of cold grimness that is, sonically, rooted firmly in Norway. As this might imply, their music on About Pessimistic Elements and Rebirth of Tragedy is heavily inspired by the second wave of black metal, but there’s also a sense of melody and melancholy to it that’s not far removed from DSBM, and a sense of character that is missing from most other devotees of Scandinavian black metal.



Following the requisite intro track – which features, of all things, a cackling witch – ‘Destruction of the Will’ gets the album started properly, racing ahead to the sound of burning churches. The furious riffs and galloping rhythm recall Gorgoroth very strongly – a comparison that’s hard to escape for much of the album – and the track is a punishing listen, filled with razor-sharp guitars and an aura of blasphemous violence, especially during its mid-tempo closing movement. Likewise, ‘Foolish Conscience’ is a vicious song, its energy such that it feels much shorter than it actually is.


It’s as the album progresses that it becomes more interesting, though – sure, those early tracks are good and strong, but what helps set About Pessimistic Elements… apart from its peers are those DSBM touches. ‘Self-Humiliation”s second half sees the track change from its original, second-wave inspired form in to something much more ominous and dark, with the repetitive melodies in the background bringing the likes of Shining to mind. Similarly, the melodies of ‘Moral to Pessimist’ are tinged with melancholy, painting a picture of darkness and mental anguish. When combined with the more typical Scandinavian black metal riffs and rhythms, it makes for an effective combination.


At just under a half hour long, About Pessimistic Elements… is a relatively short record, but this works to its credit. Its seven song duration is just the right length, leaving the listener wanting more. The album largely sticks to the kind of sound that will see those who worship at the altar of the mid-90’s embrace it, yet also has enough character to lure in those who are tired of such a sound. It may not reinvent black metal (nor is it looking to); instead, it is a solid half hour of trve furious, blasphemous rage, tinged with melancholy, taking an old sound and doing enough with it to make it sound as vibrant and strong as ever.





Was soll ich sagen ? Wahnsinn ! Gigantisch ! Die Jungs von GARHELENTH haben es geschafft ein Meisterwerk vorzulegen. Hier wird tatsächlich noch ordentlich losgeböllert, so wie man es sich von einigen großen Vertretern aus Norwegen wieder wünschen würde. Der Großteil der Songs liegt im schnellen Bereich und prescht derbe drauf los. Die Gitarren sind energiegeladen und kommen spritzig aus den Boxen. Vereinzelnt wird mal auf die Bremse getreten und dann werden den Gitarren auch einige ruhigere Töne entlockt. Viel mehr Wert wird auf Brutalität und Speed gelegt. Der Gesang ist kernig und passt hervorragend zum Material, eigentlich genauso, wie man es sich wünscht.  Der Sound der Scheibe mit dem Titel "About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth Of Tragedy" klingt brachial und erdrückend und strotzt nur so vor Energie.  Außerdem wirkt GARHELENTH nicht so übertrieben hart wie manch andere Black Metal Band und man erkennt, dass die Melodien gefühlsmäßig auch aus dem Bauch kommen. Besondere “Schmankerl” der CD sind insbesondere der Opener "Destruction Of The Will" und die beiden Track´s "To Impersonal Mankind" und "Moral To Pessimist". Auf alle Fälle ist der neue GARHELENTH-Longplayer gut produziert und man hört immer wieder neue Kleinigkeiten heraus, was zur Folge hat, dass GARHELENTH auch nach längerer Zeit nicht langweilig werden.  Es geht also doch, rauen Black Metal mit guten Aufnahmen zu verbinden – GARHELENTH sind der beste Beweis dafür, dass dann trotzdem die Stimmung nicht baden geht. Das Gesamtbild der Songs ist sehr einheitlich, deshalb fallen auch keine Füllstücke heraus, die mal eben so beim Frühstück geschrieben wurden. Man hört deutlich, dass diese aus einem Guss stammen. Gerade deshalb wirken sie auf mich auch so flüssig und kompakt. Sicherlich erfinden GARHELENTH das Rad nicht neu, aber trotzdem ist die Scheibe sehr ansprechend und dürfte garantiert nicht nur mir gefallen. Dieses Album war das erfrischendste, was ich in letzter Zeit an Veröffentlichungen aus der Richtung des Black Metal gehört habe und sei jedem ans Herz gelegt, der sich nicht nur für Geschwindigkeitsrekorde begeistern kann.





Garhelenth is a duo from Iran & Georgia, now residing in Armenia. The band was formed in 2010, and has been inspired by black metal from a more northern latitude.

The album with the long title About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth Of Tragedy, is in itself rather short, with a duration of just under half an hour.

Having lent my ear to one of the best songs on-line, I had high hopes for this work. The album doesn't entirely live up to these high expectations, but after adjusting my anticipation to a more realistic level, the band more than meets my requirements.


The album opens with an intro where the volume drops, something that is quite inverted in my book. After this we turn up the volume to six hymns to the night, and the inherent nature of darkness. Parts of the material, especially in the first two songs, have a straight-for-the-jugulars approach. However, the pace is not turned entirely to the max. Gorgorot and Inquisition can be mentioned as a rough indication of expression. Particularly in Destruction Of The Will, while subsequent Foolish Conscience has a more primitive, blasphemous, thrashed touch.


Hilnorgoth and Sagroth both handles guitar and vocals. The former is however main vocalist. No one is credited for neither percussion nor programming. After a few songs where the two lads floor it, the songs Self-Humiliation and To Impersonal Mankind offer a greater degree of raven black mood. Especially the latter appeals to this nefarious individual. Moral To Pessimist becomes a small step back in this respect. It might not stay on the same glorious diabolical level, but fear not, it doesn't spoil the impression either. When the newcomers from the Caucasus finish off with somewhat peculiar Perspective Of Exorbitant, I'm altogether very pleased.


The duo offers an honest piece of good work of classical and timeless black metal crafts. The material is partly very solid and the quality is consistently high, though not everything is as captivating. Garhelenth doesn't plough new land, but rather tread familiar paths in their own way, with confidence, and heads raised proudly. Of course, the music can't be called innovative, as such. Black lamentation has nevertheless been carried out so much more generically, so many times before, that Garhelenth in no way deserves to be labelled “mediocre”. I come across new, cheap black metal reproductions on a daily basis that lack the true spirit. This is real, elitist wares, that just needs to mature. The music is thoroughly executed, but the band has a ways to go before they find them selves at the top of their (and this) game. But the potential for something greater than the sum of the members, is definitely present.





Garhelenth's most recent offering is an album that takes on the title of "About Pessimistic Elements and Rebirth Of Tragedy". This album being case and point, an address to the content of the black metal genre, and how it has like many other things in existence changed. Garhelenth's style of the genre is nothing too different than how others have done it. But in the case of their styling's of it, it does sound quite different hence the term of change. It is different in a sense due to the fact of the quality of the music. How the instrumental and vocal working's sound so much alike, they tend to clash together more than anything. It makes the music more pushy, that it sounds intense yet progressive at times as well. When listening to the music more clearly, you get a depth of other acts within this genre, sounding much like Darkthrone, Bathory, Burzum, or even Hellsaw or Arckanum. That is how this album is like, a lot of those acts work, you get that same similarity of feeling, put into it. This not being a bad thing, but a good thing, because you get an ideal situation of what is expected when listening in. So by all means, "About Pessimistic Elements and Rebirth Of Tragedy", is an album that has got similarities to a point, but it makes up for it, by being different because Garhelenth is differed by many others, their black metal genre take is more varying than it should be.





Garhelenth are a band from Iran that plays a very traditional form of black metal and this is a review of their 2017 album "About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth Of Tragedy" which was released as a joint effort by Satanath Records and The Eastern Front.

Bell sounds start off the album before going into a heavier musical direction along with a brief use of witch laughter before going into a very fast musical direction which also uses a great amount of tremolo picking and blast beats which also gives the songs a more raw feeling along with some dark sounding melodies.

Vocals are mostly grim black metal screams along with a few growls and clean vocals as well as as a brief use of spoken word parts while the songs also bring in a great mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts along with the solos and leads being done in a very melodic fashion and as the album progresses a brief use of spoken word parts can also be heard.

Garhelenth plays a style of black metal that is very melodic, raw and traditional sounding, the production sounds very dark and heavy while the lyrics cover Occultism, Philosophy, Nature, Hate, Moral, Darkness and History themes.

In my opinion Garhelenth are a very great sounding traditional black metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Destruction Of The Will" "To Impersonal Mankind" and "Perspective Of Exorbitant".




Gostamos de apoiar bandas que têm origem de sítios inóspitos em termos de metalada, como é o caso dos Garhelenth que nos chegam do Irão (embora agora estejam estabelecidos na Arménia, mas nem sempre a qualidade acompanha o entusiasmo que temos por ver o metal a espalhar-se. Nem a própria energia da banda por vezes chega a salvar a coisa. Felizmente não é o que temos com este segundo álbum. Não só o black metal é interessante, como consegue apresentar dinâmicas (principalmente em termos de fórmula) que abonam em muito a seu favor - aquela "Self-Humiliation" é sem dúvida um ponto alto - e que tornam este álbum mais interessante do que poderia supor-se ao início.





What a perfect half an hour. GARHELENTH from Armenia releasing with “About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth Of Tragedy” a brilliant second album on Satanath Records. Dirty and raw as fuck. Everything the title of this record stands for. Black Metal in its purest form. Cold guitars, bitter melodies and the stench of the 90s. GARHELENTH perfectly creating a hunting atmosphere with their soundscapes and songwriting style. They don’t go somewhere new here but they handle the old recipes so well, that it is interesting, varied and fresh. Typical screaming is mixed with growl parts and some spoken word. The sound is as raw as possible and very dark. Philosophy wise GARHELENTH deal with occultism, nature and historical themes. This record is defiantly something to check out if you into the old school darkness. For fans from RAVENCULT, SVARTTJERN, TSJUDER etc.




Eccoci di fronte ad un non così consueto album di black metal offerto da una band di origine araba.


Infatti i Garhelenth sono un duo formatosi a Teheran anche se, attualmente, Hilnorgoth e Sagroth risiedono in Armenia, nazione nella quale sicuramente il genere può essere suonato e sviluppato senza le problematiche esistenti al riguardo in gran parte dei paesi mediorientali.

About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth of Tragedy è il secondo full length per i Garhelenth e ci mostra una band decisamente a proprio agio nel proporre un buon black metal devoto alla scena scandinava, molto cupo, dai ritmi mai eccessivamente sostenuti e con una propensione verso il DSBM che affiora di tanto in tanto nel corso dei brani.

L’album è piuttosto breve ma ficcante il giusto, rivelandosi meritevole d’attenzione ben oltre gli aspetti prettamente legati alla curiosità derivante dalla desueta provenienza geografica.

Indubbiamente l’ortodossia stilistica esibita limita abbastanza le variazioni sul tema, anche se in brani come Self-Humiliation e To Impersonal Mankind certi rallentamenti, uniti a vocals più lancinanti, conferiscono come detto un’aura depressive che non stona affatto, soprattutto se poi quale contraltare troviamo una traccia incalzante come Moral to Pessimist.

Quello preso in esame è sicuramente un buon lavoro che va a collocarsi nella media, invero piuttosto elevata, delle offerte che vengono portate alla nostra attenzione nell’ultimo periodo.





VERDIKT: About Pessimistic Elements and Rebirth of Tragedy je půlhodinka (ne) dobrého násilí, ukazující Garhelenth jako slibnou začínající kapelu libující si ve druhé vlně blackmetalové temnoty. Nečekejte nic stylotvorného s dechberoucí instrumentací. Proč taky... Jste-li patřičně TRVE fans a nic, co se s blackem dělo od půli devadesátek vás nezajímá, About Pessimistic Elements and Rebirth of Tragedy může uspokojit váš apetit.

Myslím, že každému je jasné, že hrát black metal a vůbec extrémní hudbu v zemích typu Irán nebo Sýrie nebude žádná legrace a že tamní nadšenci do temné strany podsvětí si musí své místo na zemi buď těžce vybojovat, ukrývat se, nebo se odstěhovat do méně ortodoxního státu. A to je zřejmě i případ dvojice Hilnorgotha a Sagrotha tvořící svým vizím hudební paletu pod jménem Garhelenth. Dříve íránská kapela, posléze gruzínská a nyní arménská, svůj boj zasvětila černému stylu klasického střihu vzor Skandinávie léta devadesátá s příměsí jižního koření. Představte si vedle sebe např. rané nahrávky Gorgoroth a Rotting Christ. A někde mezi nimi i kus pesimistické melancholie. Ač se zdá tato představa nesourodá a mírně řečeno křečovitá, jde to. Garhelenth jsou toho důkazem.




Hlavní slovo má Hilnorgoth. Garhelenth je jeho kapela (projekt). Sagroth se přidal až časem a spíše Hilnorgotha doprovází, než aby zasahoval do vůdcových vizí. Někomu může připadnout sympatické, že ač v původu Garhelenth figurují pro nás exotické země, ve skladbách nemají výraznější stopu. Žánrově jsou ryze evropsky blackmetalové, což potvrzuje i text v bookletu, kde se vzdává hold severským bratrům ve zbrani. Je možné, že někdo by ocenil místní folklór zakomponovaný do black metalu. Myslím si však, že tento proud se stal dosti zprofanovaný a cennější je kapela neschovávající se za pomocné berličky, spoléhající jen a pouze na své schopnosti. Ruku na srdce! Nevědět nic o Garhelenth, budete si myslet, že se jedná o novou norskou smečku. A právě tak je nutné k druhému albu s dlouhým názvem About Pessimistic Elements and Rebirth of Tragedy přistupovat.




Chci-li se zbavit pokryteckého nánosu, přiznám se, že k poslechu a posléze k sáhnutí po promu Garhelenth mě přivedl fakt, že se jedná o íránskou, respektive kavkazskou černotu. O to sympatičtější se posléze jevil fakt, že se jedná o dobrý black se zajímavými melodiemi, vše zabalené ve správné špíně. Stejně tak je správné zdůraznit, že geniální album About Pessimistic Elements and Rebirth of  Tragedy v žádném případě není. Objevit se tato deska v devadesátých letech, mohla by stanout po boku toho lepšího, co tehdejší scéna nabízela. Ale jak se říká, kdyby pes nes.al, dál by došel. Dnes je dnes a včera bylo včera.




Při poslechu About Pessimistic Elements and Rebirth of Tragedy budete svědky pálení čarodějnic, ale i boje vůči pokrytectví. Energická zlost doslova čiší z každého póru nahrávky. Tempo je povětšinou svižnější, ale ne však zběsilé. Kytarové melodie jsou skvěle jedovaté a násilné. Jsou hnací silou desky. Basa se svou stvrzovací rolí nestojí za větší pozornost. Rytmus je pak pouze doplňkový, písním vládnou zpěvy. Záhrobní chropot podporovaný vstupy teatrálního vokálu. Ten není výrazně dokonalý, ale má v sobě něco, co si získá vaši pozornost. V těchto chvílích přichází na řadu depresivní nátura Garhelenth a myslím, že ta je nejsilnější. Právě když se skladby oprostí od ortodoxní nenávisti a rozezní se melodie s dávivou melancholií, stávají se Garhelenth výbornými a nejuvěřitelnějšími.







Přemýšlel jsem, co mi připadne na About Pessimistic Elements and Rebirth of Tragedy tak zajímavého, že mě nutí k opakovaným poslechům? Vždyť je jasné, že nic světoborného se neděje. Byť jsou instrumentálně Garhelenth v pohodě, nepřináší nic, co už jsme mockrát neslyšeli. Ale něco zvráceného, cosi nemocného uvnitř podstaty písní ke mě promlouvá, až si říkám - čert to vem! About Pessimistic Elements and Rebirth of Tragedy je půlhodinka (ne) dobrého násilí, ukazující Garhelenth jako slibnou začínající kapelu libující si ve druhé vlně blackmetalové temnoty. Nečekejte nic stylotvorného s dechberoucí instrumentací. Proč taky... Jste-li patřičně TRVE fans a nic, co se s blackem dělo od půli devadesátek vás nezajímá, About Pessimistic Elements and Rebirth of Tragedy může uspokojit váš apetit.





Sei tracce più un’intro vanno a formare un disco piuttosto canonico per gli standard del black metal. Un po’ tutti i cliché del caso sono presenti nella registrazione: suoni di motoseghe e spari, argomenti triti e ritriti come morte e compagnia bella, riff serrati e partiture veloci e maligne. Il cantato risulta piuttosto recitato rispetto alla media degli album di genere ma in realtà questo influisce abbastanza poco sull’atmosfera ed il rendimento generali. Purtroppo, a voler essere onesti, non vengono mai raggiunti picchi sonori eccelse; anzi l’intera opera sembra non decollare mai, come se un vero e proprio slancio qualitativo fosse sempre in procinto di divenire senza tuttavia concretizzarsi. Purtroppo alla lunga questa sensazione stanca e si finisce per restare con l’amaro in bocca per un album che poteva senz’altro dare molto di più.





Un retour du label russe Satanath Records dans nos pages qui nous propose aujourd’hui une co-production avec le label The Eastern Front, et c’est en Arménie que nous poserons nos valises avec Garhelenth combo iranien localisé dans ce pays.


Encore une fois ici, grâce à cette producion, nous découvrons encore d’autres terres où le métal underground se pratique.


Sept titres d’un black metal dissonant constituent cet opus, introduit par « Pessimistically (Abolish The Idols) », intro aux airs lugubres qui laisse présager une certaine folie maladive et inquiétante.


Toutefois, le combo arménien ne se contente pas uniquement de cette atmosphère en sachant amener une tournure décidément plus épiquement guerrière.


Ces variations s’affirment sur les riffs galopants et un peu heavy comme sur « Destruction Of The Will », « Moral To Pessimist » ou « To Impersonal Mankind ».


La rythmique est entraînante et les mélodies bien affûtées.


On perçoit cette variation également au point de vue vocal. Si principalement, nous avons à faire à un chant typiquement black et grinçant, on trouve des passages chantés décuplant l’aspect épique. Pour en revenir à l’excellent « To Impersonal Mankind », les amateurs de Shining apprécieront les vocalises bien oppressantes.


Sur « Perspective Of Exorbitant », nous retrouvons cette alliance tant belliqueuse que malsaine. Les passages alternent aisément avec ce début digne d’une marche au combat et la suite plus rythmiquement lourde et où les mélodies de grattes se font un peu plus atmosphériques, quant au chant, il revient sur deux chants clairs apportant un côté héroïque.


Mention spéciale au morceau « Self Humiliation » qui se pose comme le plus lourd, avec ces rythmiques bestiales, cette dissonance de riffs qui obscurcissent l’ambiance dès les premières notes, puis ce chant variant un aspect hargneux à un autre diabolique et hérétique à souhait.


Encore une découverte très sympathique avec Garhelenth qui se posent comme un combo savant maîtriser son black metal en l’agrémentant d’ambiances efficaces. A surveiller




Non è la prima volta che ci imbattiamo in una band originaria dell'Iran (anche se ora si è trasferita in Armenia - sarei curioso di conoscerne le ragioni): era successo con gli Ekove Efrits ed i Silent Path, riaccade oggi con questi Garhelenth, duo black metal. La band ci propina un concentrato di sonorità nere che chiamano in causa (anche a livello di artwork) alcune band del nord Europa (chi dice Gorgoroth?), miscelandone la loro efferatezza con influenze dal lontano sentore folklorico. Lo si percepisce in "Destruction of the Will", una song di sicuro malvagia contraddistinta da chitarre ahimé fin troppo lineari su cui si stagliano grim vocals e poco più in là in sottofondo, ove compare un rallentamento guidato da spoken words pulite, percepisco un qualcosa di etnico. Una suggestione forse. Con "Foolish Conscience" si torna a fare sul serio con un black metal old school che non ha troppo da raccontare di nuovo, se non un uso della voce sul finale un po' fuori dagli schemi. Sonorità marziali capeggiano in "Self-Humiliation", un brano che sfoggia un profondo rallentamento doomish che fortunatamente mette una pezza ad un cd che già mi stava stancando dopo soli tre pezzi. L'attenzione me l'hanno richiamata, ma la soluzione vincente non la riescono proprio a trovare. Forse qualcosina emerge in "To Impersonal Mankind", troppo poco però per farmi gridare al miracolo. 'About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth Of Tragedy' pur proponendo un depressive black metal risulterà, anche con i successivi pezzi, troppo scolastico e ripetitivo nella sua proposizione di un black che sembra ormai sul viale del tramonto. Alla fine, l'unica cosa che sembra davvero interessante sono i testi, che trattano tematiche legate alla filosofia e all'emozioni più viscerali dell'uomo. Poca roba però per salvare il disco dalla falce del recensore cattivo.





I don’t think I have come upon that many Armenian metal bands at all. I do think that I heard an all-female black metal band a while back but they could have been from another of the old Soviet satellites. Not that it makes any difference today where a band comes from musically but it is still nice to hear bands from places you don’t often get sent stuff from. This is the kind of black metal that I don’t really know where to place. Is it symphonic or just classic black metal? I also get an old school feeling when I listen to this. Which just adds to my confusion. But no matter where they are genre-wise this is good stuff.




This Black Metal duo was founded in 2010 apparently in Iran, then relocated to Georgia, and finally now they're based in Armenia, quite a journey, isn't it? This is their second full-length album, a 7 tracks effort clocking less than half an hour of playing time, but what's weird about it is that these tracks were written in 2010, only the lyrics were edited during 2017, even if in 2016 the band released a full-length album and an EP, so I guess they were pretty active in their first year of existence, then just focused on finding suitable labels to release their music. the music is based on simple, repetitive riffs, that remind me of the second wave of Norwegian Black Metal, but there's also a modern Black Death influence surrounding it all. The drums are synthetic and annoying at times, which is the weakest feature in Garhelenth's music, but the good guitar leads compensate, and the expressive, evil vocal section is also a very good addition to the whole. An interesting album with a few good moments, not boring, but not rising up to the expectations when you see the excellent job the labels did for this CD, starting from the cover artwork (apparently done by Satanath's owner) and ending with an exquisite pit-art CD. For fans of traditional Black Metal with repetitive riffs and occasional melodic moments.




Nei Garhelenth si annida il sapore della vendetta. Le note di questo disco trasudano di folle impeto truculento. Mi piace la scelta del combo iraniano di rivestire il tutto con un mantra gotico. I pezzi hanno un appeal sinistro e beffardo. Evidentemente la Musica può esprimere anche questi sentimenti poco nobili.


La ciurma della beneamata HEAVYMETALMANIAC.IT sa che non sono un amante del Black Metal propriamente inteso, però apprezzo qualunque band sappia tradurre in versi musicali la propria vena ribelle. Qui abbiamo una voce in scream che fa la parte sua in modo esemplare, non posso dire che risulti forzata o pacchiana, il tessuto di chitarra è presente con la giusta dose di veracità e non suona troppo massiccio, la parte di batteria mi appare animalesca e primitiva nelle sonorità. Per il basso si dica che conferisce al prodotto finale un mantello di oscurità darkeggiante. La tanto ricercata tensione non manca in questo album. Ad essere precisi nell'analisi, oltre a non risultare leziosi i nostri amici iraniani attirano la simpatia per il loro modo di suonare genuino e naturale.


In sintesi, "About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth Of Tragedy" è uno sguardo pessimistico verso la vita. Il messaggio dei Garhelenth è un'esortazione a riflettere sui falsi miti che i bacchettoni benpensanti ci vogliono imporre e trovare una giustificazione alla propria morale esistenziale.




GARHELENTH is a philosophically attached Black Metal duo that aims to support and spread the hate, the pessimism, the darkness, the nature & the morality in their lyrics. The pessimists behind this unholy alliance are Hilnorgoth (composer, guitars, vocals, lyrics, ideas) and Sagroth (backing vocals, guitars in some places). Their music is absolutely grim and raw. It features all the trademarks of the Norwegian Black Metal syndicate. Their set of songs was limited to seven, but trust me if I say each of their tracks is interesting and variegated enough. The album lasts only 29 minutes. However, I felt totally comfortable with this fact as the information the duet squeezed in there is just enormous. The info sheet says it is recommended for fans of GORGOROTH, MAYHEM, DARKTHRONE, BATHORY, IMMORTAL, BURZUM, NARGAROTH, ENDSTILLE, LEVIATHAN, HELLSAW and ARCKANUM. Well, I maximally agree with that! As a curious fact at the end, let me add you here that the band is currently located in Armenia, but their country of origin was Iran and the intermediate one was Georgia for a short while. OK, get this pure essence of true and evil Black Metal right away, right now or be cursed forever!!!





Nei Garhelenth si annida il sapore della vendetta. Le note di questo disco trasudano di folle impeto truculento. Mi piace la scelta del combo iraniano di rivestire il tutto con un mantra gotico. I pezzi hanno un appeal sinistro e beffardo. Evidentemente la Musica può esprimere anche questi sentimenti poco nobili.


La ciurma della beneamata HEAVYMETALMANIAC.IT sa che non sono un amante del Black Metal propriamente inteso, però apprezzo qualunque band sappia tradurre in versi musicali la propria vena ribelle. Qui abbiamo una voce in scream che fa la parte sua in modo esemplare, non posso dire che risulti forzata o pacchiana, il tessuto di chitarra è presente con la giusta dose di veracità e non suona troppo massiccio, la parte di batteria mi appare animalesca e primitiva nelle sonorità. Per il basso si dica che conferisce al prodotto finale un mantello di oscurità darkeggiante. La tanto ricercata tensione non manca in questo album. Ad essere precisi nell'analisi, oltre a non risultare leziosi i nostri amici iraniani attirano la simpatia per il loro modo di suonare genuino e naturale.


In sintesi, "About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth Of Tragedy" è uno sguardo pessimistico verso la vita. Il messaggio dei Garhelenth è un'esortazione a riflettere sui falsi miti che i bacchettoni benpensanti ci vogliono imporre e trovare una giustificazione alla propria morale esistenziale.




Being a black metal band in Iran must be tough. No wonder why this Iranian duo eventually relocated to Armenia. You may get your head chopped off easily in strongly Islam-orientated regions/countries if you play any kind of metal music. Playing metal music is equivalent to blasphemy in some of those countries, which is ... well, for lack of a stronger word, let's just say, sad.


Garhelenth pay black metal influenced by the Nordic countries. They cite bands like Gorgoroth, Burzum, (The True) Mayhem, Immortal and many others as their inspirations. And yes, that can be heard in their sound, which oozes darkness and smells of forests and snow-covered mountains. What makes them a bit different from many blackened Scandinavian groups sound-wise is that instead of using distorted and punk-ish riffs, they actually have real riffs here and there that at times are surprisingly thrashy. But most of the time, however, they operate in very Scandinavian sounding black metal territory, and you can rarely go wrong with that kind of sound.


Garhelenth gets my full support for doing what they love most: playing black metal and doing it without fear of being executed. Respect.




Оригинално ирански дуо је током година битисао у Грузији, док је тренутно у Јерменији. Свирају, сасвим предвидљиво, black metal, мада се на моменте да осетити и мало deatha. Коректно издање је у питању, без неких спектакуларних момената, те и више него подношљиво за слушање.





Архивы сообщают что дуэт - группа GARHELENTH был сначала резидентом Ирана, потом Грузии, а сейчас указано место проживания Армения. Я так вижу, что эти блэк металлисты границ не наблюдают. Захотели переехали туда, сюда, я еще не удивлюсь, что команда еще куда-нибудь переедет. При таких вводных это уже совершенно не удивительно.

Ну ладно, все равно начнем. Группа функционирует с 10-го года. Уже записала ЕР, полноформат, сплит и вот сабж. Красиво оформленный сплит был с французами Mohrkvlth.

Ребята позиционируют себя как реал true black metal. И даже точнее - западают на "True Norwegian Black Metal". И как говорится, почему бы и нет. В прессухе издающий лейбл указывает штук 10 команд высшего легиона, которым заслушивается формация. Но я бы выделил именно Горгорот, поздний, который кроме ударного кузнечного дела уважал и мид-темповые вещи. Вот к этому, мне кажется, идет и GARHELENTH. К тому же лидер команды высказался у себя в фб вполне однозначно. Вот цитата: не надо миксовать БМ и мелодизм, симфонизм и так далее. В этом есть, несомненно здравое зерно, потому надо осторожно вынуть диск из коробки, уложить его в воспроизводящее устройство и внимательно послушать.

Часы GARHELENTH отбили положенное количество ударов и гитары, медленно, разгоняясь начали свой инфернальный отчет, впрочем это было жутковатое интро — весьма специфическое, как бы облитое тьмой.

А вот далее музыканты включают свои гитарные компрессоры и застолбят все пространства тяжелым громоздящимся звуком, который вытесняют воздух из помещения, ритм-секция работает именно на этот результат - выдавливание смысла и расстановка новых акцентов вполне в ГОРГОРОТовском направлении.

Оба музыканта GARHELENTH поют, только один из них бэк-вокалист. И уже в первых компо реализуется диалоговая площадка вокалов, один скрим низкий, среднечастотный грубый и резкий, причем мне показалось, что к нему пристрочен слой более низкого голоса, а потом тот начинает появляться въяве отдельно. Задумка неплохая, надеюсь это были не глюки моего восприятия. Послушаю на большей громкости сейчас. Есть здесь, кроме указанных коловоротов вокалов, еще и получистый вокал, который идет в подпевки. Не надо думать, что тут металло-опера, а голоса разложены на 25 участников)), нет, просто здесь умело применено блэковое многоголосие. Эффект имеется.

В трэке 03. Foolish Conscience реализована блэк-коровая структура, в наиболее простом, как показалось поначалу, виде. А какие-то сложности и ни к чему. Но тем не менее здесь опять пара вокалов и музыканты формируют вполне трендовую и красивую в нашем понимании вещь. Разрубив ее посередине каленым гитарным риффом.

Дуэт может выдать и более претенциозную, и чуть поболее навороченную компо, эпическую по саунду — и настроению, обжатую скверным расположением духа. GARHELENTH местами добираются уже до блэк-дума, максимально атмосферного, сырого и мрачного как черная туча из грозового фронта.

И уж во всяком случае группа не дает нам скучать, меняя темпы, голоса и подходы. Уж если чего поискать более стабильного - так это может мизантропия, музыкально-пессимистический взгляд на окружающее, и может быть, в первую очередь, черная эмоциональная канва, которая ядовитым туманом залила этот незаурядный альбом.

Co-release with The Eastern Front (Israel).

Includes 8-page booklet.

Includes OBI. Напоминаю - печатная боковинка на диск с краткой аннотацией.

Includes Pit-Art CD. Если забыли, нанесение на рабочую сторону диска на свободное место рисунков и текстов. Pit-Art можно считать своего рода «водяным знаком» оригинального диска.




Grande horda de Black Metal nos moldes das clássicas bandas da Noruega e da Suécia dos anos 90, muito influenciada por Gorgoroth, Mayhem, Immortal, Tsjuder, Satyricon, Marduk, Dark Funeral entre outras grandes do período mais importante do estilo que foi nos anos 90.






A banda tem a postura, o extremismo, a atitude, a sonoridade que eu acho que está um pouco em falta no cenário black metal atual, ela tem todos os elementos que fizeram com que eu achasse o black metal algo extremamente fascinante quando eu era adolescente, era um estilo único, de atmosfera única, era sensacional.


Se você é um grande fã das clássicas hordas do black metal escandinavo, com certeza Garhelenth é uma ótima pedida pra fazer parte da sua coleção.




Si la memoria no me falla, es la primera banda iraní que me toca reseñar. Si, leyeron bien, de Irán. Esto tiene de bueno este hobbie, la posibilidad de conocer bandas de los lugares más recónditos del planeta.

Hoy establecidos en Armenia, este dúo (Hilnorgoth en guitarra y voz, y Sagroth en guitarra), despliega un auténtico arsenal de… la tapa no engaña a nadie: black metal. Y desde el vamos se percibe un sentimiento de la vieja escuela, sumado a algún que otro toque sinfónico.

Sucio y crudo, “About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth Of Tragedy” es todo lo que representa su título. Guitarras frías, melodías amargas y el espíritu de los años 90 que inundan cada uno de sus paisajes sonoros y su estilo de composición. Recomendado.





The Iranian/Armenian duo's second full-length is 29 minutes and seven songs of “pure and true” black metal. The short intro called Pessimistically (Abolish The Idols) ends with creepy witch laughter to set the tone for this album. The album features cliché artwork featuring the face of Hilnorgoth. Destruction Of The Will and all the songs were originally written in 2010 and lyrics edited prior to this release. The aforementioned description is not wrong, the songs follow the structure and riffing of many those before Garhelenth. The band throws in a few spoken word segments in the midst of mid and fast monotonous riffing to stay true to the style. Foolish Conscience starts with chainsaw sounds and a faster almost thrashy brand of traditional sounding black metal. Like Norwegian black metal on a good day. Self-Humiliation takes on a slightly different black metal route that is heavier and slower paced. To Impersonal Mankind is no frills black metal too. It is sort of a confirmation that About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth Of Tragedy is a black metal album and that the duo introduce and present relatively small or different variations to the listener. Moral To Pessimist stays on the faster pace and features a few thrashy riffs again. Perspective Of Exorbitant flies the black metal flag by showcasing somewhat atmospheric version of the genre. Not original or new, but true.




Video review (from 5:58)





Iranilaislähtöinen Garhelenth on työstänyt black metaliaan vuosikymmenen verran, jonka aikana yhtye on julkaissut kaksi täyspitkää levyä ja pari pienempää julkaisua. Albumeista jälkimmäinen, About Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth Of Tragedy, täyttää täyspitkän julkaisun mitat rimaa hipoen alle puolen tunnin kestollaan. Ulosanti on synkkää, mutta riffeiltään epätavallista.


On mahdoton sanoa johtuuko sävellystyön erikoinen riffittely yhtyeen kotimaasta vai myöhemmistä asuinpaikoista (Metal Archives -sivuston mukaan Georgia ja Armenia), mutta ainakaan Garhelenth ei kuulosta tavanomaiselta blackmetalliyhtyeeltä.


Tunnelma on hyvin kohdallaan. Levy henkii pahaenteisyyttä ja ilkikurisuutta. Soundit ovat kohtalaisen hyvät terävine kitaroineen, mitä nyt rumpukone on vaisusti naksuttavaa hipsuttelua. Ärinälaulu on perusmallin mukaisesti ihan hyvää.


Osa riffeistä on kuin lähes mistä vain koulukirjabändistä: siis synkkää, jossain määrin melodista ja monessa mielessä tyypillistä toisen aallon tulkintaa. Paikoin kipaleet kuitenkin syöksyvät omille sfääreilleen ja levy ikään kuin iskee silmää eksoottisella olemuksellaan. Tästä asetelmasta ei kuitenkaan oteta kaikkea irti, mikä on hienoinen sääli.


Lopulta levy lässähtääkin hienoiseksi pannukakuksi, vaikkakin kivalla kierteellä. Kiekko kestää kuuntelun jos toisenkin, mutta hieman suuntaa vailla oleva kappaleanti ja ankeat rummut verottavat tunnelmaa.




Garhelenth, one of the few active black metal bands in Iran, recently released a successful album called About “Pessimistic Elements & Rebirth of Tragedy” by Satanath Records. My first reaction after hearing the album from this band (members: Hilnorgoth and Sagroth) was the early Norwegian Black Metal influence on the overall atmosphere of the album; exclusively, when different -not-traditional-BM- elements are mixed to the structure of Raw / True Black Metal. Of course, this influence is not limited to Garhelenth, and this kind of influence in the composition can be heard in most of the works of successful Iranian black metal projects. Dedication to the Black Metal essence (Traditional Black Metal) throughout the 28 minutes of this album is commendable. External elements such as effects (bell tones, etc.) are always accompanied by fast guitar and drum riffs, and when the piece reaches its full shape, we listen to pure black metal (melodic/classical) music. “Destruction of the Will” and “Moral to Pessimist” are the notable songs of this album, which also happens to be the beginning and the end of this album. The important role of the vocal of this work should not be disregarded. In general Iranian BM music, the vocal is usually not praised by the listeners, and with the music not being a disaster, they get an OK; but here the vocalist powers up the melodies and push ’em forward passionately. Another important point that the vocal makes is spiting out the poetry in such a delighted way, BM wise speaking. Even a glance on  The lyrics of this album shows that there was a certain -strong- mentality behind the creation of these songs. My personal perception of the content of this album is limited to the subject of self-conflict and interpersonal conflict, which includes: truth, hatred, destruction, war, and so on. The rhythm of the guitar and the intro riffs in each piece are tempting enough to make the listener to carry on the rest of the song. I highly recommend listening to this album through Bandcamp. Support them by buying the record from Sataneth Records.





The one could be a little confused about where the band come from because a short info I have about the band states that the band is from Armenia and early from Iran/Georgia. I would be more interested to know where originally the band was founded etc. Not that it is more important than the music but 2 guys who run a band could not be born in 3 countries at the same time, unless there was a different line up in the past or circumstances that I do not know about...


This album is about black metal - misanthropic, dismal, deepressing, philosophical - inspired by German literature and Persian myth. The song Destruction Of The Will has simple rhythms that starts off to spread darkness of the band but in the middle of the song they sound almost like Mayhem (Freezing Moon) which you can recognize by the guitar riffs they play here. A similar song where you still can find obvious north black metal influences is a one called Self-Humiliation.


Vocals styles are classic black metal but with little clean chants which they use periodically throughout the album.


Foolish Conscience is totally different track. They used again – few simple riffs that last for few minutes but the nature of music is black thrash which is pretty cool how it sounds in general. They follow this path in Moral To Pessimist song which is probably the pinnacle of the album when comes to enriching the music with many interesting, melodic guitar riffs in a realm of black thrash metal.


In song To Impersonal Mankind they track down 2 independent guitar lines which really work for me. It`s good moment of the album until they changed the course of the song which probably was not best idea to do so.


The last song is composed of basic and pessimistic/deepressing guitars but they have better tracks in this album than this one which for me are songs 3,5,6.


The only thing I hate about the recording is a sound of drums – probably programmed which have a bad, artificial sound of the machine beats. It certainly has no organic or natural sound at all as they suppose to produce it which is a failure of the band that claims their purity for being a true black metal band which is what the adverts try to say so hard about them. The album have ups and downs for sure but still, it`s decent black metal album which music was written back in 2010 and I wonder how the are now with newer songs.

