. Satanath Records

Reviews: SAT181

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“Fierce” and “frigid” are by-words of Nordic black metal, and in their debut album Wintergedanken the German black metal duo Tyakrah have embraced the cold and unforgiving white-outs of winter in forested and craggy northern climes. But their music is also solemn, and also glorious — achieving the kind of reverent and soaring spirit that justifies that well-worn term “epic”.


Wintergedanken will be co-released by the Russian label Satanath Records and the U.S. label Slaughterhouse Records on October 21. It consists of four songs interspersed with three instrumental pieces that begin, end, and divide the album in the middle. Today we present the first track that appears after the opening instrumental, a song called “Gefrorne Tränen“.



In a genre that is so often thought of as harsh and heartless, the lead guitar performances that appear and reappear throughout this song peal, echo, swirl, and soar in displays of inspiring and even breathtaking beauty, sometimes as gleaming and crystalline as ice and sometimes a blaze of incandescence. Yet, their appeal is made even more dramatic and powerful by the abrasiveness and wintry bleakness of the music and the voices that provide the setting for them.


Slow, stalking, and chilling at first, the drumming and the anchoring riffs become hard-punching, though still cold, and the vocalist’s venomous rasps and snarls manifest the ferocity of mountain wolves. More than once, a different (and addictive) thumping drum drive provides the foundation for those wonderful displays of guitar soloing, as do raking riffs and long, grand chords. As mentioned, there is also reverence in the music, a solemnity and grimness reflected in part by the appearance of somber clean vocals.


I would think it’s impossible not to be moved by this multifaceted song. It has stayed with me, and has become a kind of refuge as well.




Wintergedanken is a due on October 21. Ordering information can be found through the following links. And lest you think “Gefrorne Tränen” is a fluke, I’ve also included a stream of the previously released title track, which is also amazing.




In its most pure form, black metal is cold, the musical equivalent to winter. It is fitting, then, that Tyakrah have titled their new song “Fährten im Schnee.” Translated into English from German, it reads “tracks in the snow.” On “Fährten im Schnee,” Tyakrah pull from a variety of tempos and influences, going from blast beat-powered segments to slower sections that incorporate dissonant melodies and half-spoken half-sung lyrics.


The variety gives “Fährten im Schnee” the feeling of a complete story told over the course of seven-and-a-half minutes.




In Kooperation mit Slaughterhouse Records veröffentlichte das russische Label Satanath Records am 21. Oktober dieses unauffällig erscheinende Debüt-Album des noch jungen Duos TYAKRAH aus Münster, Deutschland. Die beiden Protagonisten J.R. (Gesang, Schlagwerk, Texte) und I.XII (Gitarren, Tasten, Bass) gründeten ihr Projekt im Jahr 2016 mit dem Vorhaben atmosphärischen und intensiven Black Metal zu spielen.







Etwas woran sich schon etliche andere versucht haben, die meisten jedoch dran scheiterten und die Essenz des Black Metal doch eher meist nur ankratzen und eher Genre fremde Klänge einfließen lassen. Doch wie verhält es sich im Fall des Erstlings der beiden Münsteraner? TYAKRAH machen nach dem der instrumentale Einklang "Auf kalten Wegen" mit seinem eindringlichen und melancholischen Klavierspiel verklungen ist, gleich deutlich, um was es ihnen hier geht. "Gefrorne Tränen" beginnt direkt mit einem sehr getragenem Stil, der voller epischer Sphären und gleichzeitiger Eiseskälte steckt. Für die andachtsvolle Reise durch melancholische Winterlandschaften sorgt dabei das erhabene Schlagwerk, welches nach dem einleitenden Part eine treibende Kraft bekommt und im Endpart gar noch einen, wenn auch kurzen, brachialen Solo-Einsatz erhält. Für die epischen Passagen zeichnet hingegen die sehr melodische Gitarre verantwortlich, die einen langgestreckten Solo-Part nach dem nächsten raushaut. Dazu passend auch der Klargesang in der letzten Hälfte. Einfach grandios und mehr als nur eine runde Sache. Man merkt bereits, dass mich das Album mit seiner Magie bereits fest in seinem Griff hat. Doch erst einmal weiter. "Wintergedanken" wäre wahrlich nicht das erste Werk, welches seine Magie bereits nach einem Song versprüht hätte und anschließend nur noch vor sich hin dümpelt. Doch beim darauf folgenden Titel gebenden Lied wird man schnell gewahr, dass diese Befürchtungen absolut unnötig sind. Dabei zeigt sich "Wintergedanken" etwas schleppender und düsterer als der Vorgänger, bis er dann zur Mitte hin noch einmal ordentlich Fahrt aufnimmt und Zähne zeigt. Ein eisiger Wirbelsturm aus düsteren Gedankenströmen und tiefer Verlorenheit. Hier finden sich im letzten Teil des Stückes auch ambiente Anklänge, gefolgt von einem erneuten Black Metal-Part mit einem tiefen Klargesang. Nach dem ambienten Zwischenspiel "Eisige Andacht" samt Glocken und Chören sowie erhabenem Klargesang aus jenseitigen Sphären geht es auch gleich weiter mit "Fährten im Schnee", dem persönlichen Favoriten der Band, wie es auf ihrer Visagenbuch-Seite vermerkt ist. Und beim hören, wird einem auch relativ schnell klar werden, warum das so ist. Es ist vielleicht der schnellste Beitrag des Albums, die Drums peitschen Sturmes gleich nach vorne, die Gitarren zeigen sich auch hier wieder sehr episch und erhaben. Zur Mitte hin wird dann die Geschwindigkeit gedrosselt, ein Klargesang setzt ein, dann ein Gitarrensolo, bis es dann in einen rhythmischen Midtempo-Black Metal weitergeht, bei dem sich der Gesang mal sehr grimmig zeigt. Das letzte Viertel ist dann rein instrumental gehalten und man darf einfach nur das perfekte Zusammenspiel zwischen Gitarren und Schlagzeug bewundern. "Erstarrende Nacht" schlägt in die gleiche Kerbe, es verhält sich bei dem Album also eher so, dass nach hinten hin sogar noch richtig drauf gelegt wird. Der Song hat eine gewisse Brachialgewalt, ist dabei aber gleichzeitig sehr machtvoll und erhaben, wie man es auf diesem Album erwarten darf. Auch lassen sich hier einige Parallelen zu anderen deutschen Kapellen wie RIMRUNA oder DRENGSKAPUR finden, als direkter Vergleich fallen mir auch die Österreicher HĀG ein, die jüngst ebenfalls mit ihrem Debüt glänzen konnten. Mit "Ende des Weges" findet das Werk dann einen würdigen Abschluss in Form eines sehr atmosphärischen Dark Ambient-Stückes mit Klavier, düsteren Chören und Samples.



Ein Album wie ein kalter, eisiger Sturm in einer kargen schneebedeckten Winterlandschaft. Die perfekte Symbiose zwischen traumhaften und epischen Atmosphären und grimmiger Finsternis. "Wintergedanken" klingt für ein Debüt-Album bereits sehr ausgereift und ich bin daher sehr gespannt, wie sich TYAKRAH in Zukunft noch entwickeln werden. Ja, es ist vielleicht nicht gerade neu, was hier geboten wird, doch bemüht man sich redlich um einen individuellen Klang und tut dies mit derlei viel emotionaler und spielerischer Hingabe, dass man sich vor den Herren nur verbeugen kann. Auch Leuten, für die es nach BURZUM's "Filosofem" kein gutes Black Metal-Album mehr gegeben hat, empfehle ich dringend eine Hörprobe! Die CD im Vinyl-look kommt im Jewelcase mit OBI und 8-seitigem Beiheft. Für Interessenten aus Deutschland empfiehlt sich der direkte Kontakt zur Band zwecks einer Bestellung.


Grim, Dark & Epic Atmospheric Black Metal. Ein Album, welches die Winterszeit vertont wie lange kein anderes mehr. Total Support!




When black metal is put into perspective, the genre of the metal genre is always well displayed. In the case of Tyakrah's debut album "Wintergedanken", it's a mash-up of black metal met with some elements of depressive black metal, with some stunning melodic working's, to that of atmospheric proportions. With that said, the album as a wholesome truths, is quite impressive, with a solid craft, yet cunning premise. The instrumental work with vocalization throughout, is well played, each doing their share of material angst, like the guitar work, really shows up at points, within not just the melodic pointers, but within the writing aspect as well. A lot of work put into just the guitar portions alone, it makes up for the rest of the material quite well. In other words, the writing in the instrumental side of the album is really thought out, whilst the vocalization keeps you interested, yet on your toes with glee. It's an album that has such glace, it has an aspect of something more thrown into it, for instance, influence taken from not just black metal and depressive black metal, but even some rock/metal influences can be heard, within the guitar work, the leads, solos, with some slight vocal work too. Mixing things up just makes the album that is "Wintergedanken" a more interesting yet solid piece of craft of work. Surely Tyakrah's best debut releases by far, if not perhaps best to date, it is at least a start for them.





Aus Münster erreicht uns diesmal eine junge Band, die erst 2016 gegründet wurde. Ein Jahr später erscheint nun das Debüt WINTERGEDANKEN. Die beiden Musiker von TYAKRAH vertonen die kalte, trostlose Jahreszeit recht angenehm. Vier epische Metal Songs, die grundsätzlich Black Metal zur Basis haben.

Aber auch Doom und Post Metal finden sich immer wieder in den anspruchsvollen, abwechslungsreichen Liedern.

Meist spielen die Stücke im Mid-Tempo Bereich, mit dezent gesetzten, kurzen Blast Beat Attacken. Melodien haben einen großen Stellenwert, Keyboards sind nur selten zu hören. Gesanglich orientiert man sich klar am Black Metal. Typisches Gekrächze alter Schule. Einige wenige Passagen kommen als klarer Sprechgesang daher, der mir leider missfällt. Ich kann mir ein Grinsen nicht immer verkneifen. Hin und wieder klingt es doch sehr komisch, die Art und Weise wie die Worte ausgesprochen und betont werden.


Musikalisch gibt es aber absolut keinen Grund zur Kritik. Sehr deutlich wird das bei ERSTARRENDE NACHT. Eine perfekte Mischung aus Epic, Doom und Black Metal, der mit schönen, traurigen Melodien punktet, der meist mit Vollgas aus den Boxen ballert und einfach nur Spaß macht.

Zu den eigentlichen vier Songs gesellen sich noch drei instrumentale Stücke, welche die Songs auf harmonische Weise verbinden. Das Outro POSTLUDIUM – ENDE DES WEGES geht sogar als Dark Ambient Stück durch.

Ein überraschendes Debüt, an dem Fans von Bands wie “Enslaved” durchaus Gefallen finden werden. Wenn die beiden Jungs so weiter machen und etwas am klaren Gesang arbeiten, werden sie auch mich vollends überzeugen können.





2017 foi um ano especialmente rico. Não fossem as nossas limitações e conseguíriamos apanhá-lo todo antes desta edição de Janeiro mas infelizmente, nem que tivessemos um exército de colabores conseguiríamos. E, felizmente porque apesar de tudo, não somos máquinas e precisamos de nos sentirmos motivados, também foi rico em termos de boas propostas e, principalmente, boas estreias, como a apresentada pelo duo Tyakrah. Sem ser deslumbrante ou original, o seu álbum de estreia consegue cativar-nos graças a um elemento melódico e melancólico muito bem explorado. Com melhores condições estes temas poderiam ter um impacto ainda maior - mesmo sem deslumbrar ou serem originais - mas se desta forma crua, o resultado é este, é algo que nos dá que pensar. Boa estreia, bom trabalho, nomeadamente de guitarra lead (particularmente inspirada). Queremos ouvir mais.





Wintergedanken is one of those albums that serves a specific purpose. It exists to bring you into a certain headspace, one of hypnotic cold contemplation. As the initial release of German duo Tyakrah, Wintergedanken serves to thrust them onto the overlap between the atmospheric and depressive black metal scenes. They quickly prove they belong, but they also handily stay in their lane, so to speak. That is to say that the duo does a nice job of depressed atmospheric black metal that doesn’t push beyond that field. They set out to make a certain type of album and they do so successfully, without shaking anything up.


Made up of I.XII (guitars, keyboards, and bass) and J.R. (vocals, drums, and lyrics), Tyakrah bring the listener into a land of sad beauty. There is much to love, but little to enjoy. Imagine a soft snowfall covering the corpses littering a battlefield at the end of an epic struggle and you’ll have some sense of the esprit of the album. Though Wintergedanken doesn’t stand out as an exceptional new piece of metal, it is a solid entry into the ranks of the more atmospheric side of black metal, and one worth having if that is your interest.





We all know how unforgiving black metal can be. Whether we’re talking it’s uncompromising belief that the only way to reach the listener’s core is to blast and shred away at it with a ferocious sonic assault, or the no-excuses stance that “you’re with us, or you’re against us”. It would explain why so many black metal bands, namely those who peddle a more modern take, are shunned by the elder statesmen (and the keyboard gremlins when they venture forth from the dark). Whether the latter attitude plays on the minds of any new act as they prepare a new release, is definitely up for debate. Enter, TYAKRAH.


Hailing from Germany, this duo has existed since 2016, so have wasted no time at all in producing a debut full length in the chilling “Wintergedanken”. What’s delightfully apparent is the care given to the production: clear, precise and with just a pinch of rawness about the edges that nods to the genre’s scratchy origins. The and again, bands opt for the latter in a worrying shift to style over substance. TYAKRAH, opt for the former.


From the opening prelude – the aptly-titled “Praeludium – Auf Kalten Wegen” – it’s clear that the band have eyes firmly on the grandiose. Lush orchestrations compliment an icy barrage of arpeggiated riffs, fiery tremolo and powerhouse drumming – it sounds every bit the soundtrack to the oncoming winter. From the outset of the album’s true curtain-raiser, “Geforne Tränen” grinds along like a trudge through a worsening blizzard, with a keen eye for songwriting and atmosphere very much demonstrable. It’s encouraging to see newer bands taking into consideration the slower elements to black metal, rather than lumping straight for the tremolo riffs and shrieking. It’s the little shot in the arm that the genre needs every now and again.


This attention to songwriting is present throughout and none more so than on album highlight “Fährten Im Schnee”. Drawing on the cold climate to build a slow-burning and atmospheric cut of black metal, it journeys through dissonant chords and snowy woods to terrific effect. Its Arctic, harsh focus proudly presents the track as TYAKRAH at their absolute best – a howl atop the mountain top.


There’s even time for brief spoken word passages from vocalist JR, which adds an eerie if slightly odd turn to proceedings. Odd in the sense that it doesn’t seem to add much in the way of drama to the flow of tracks – it’s just there, really. The three instrumental tracks, whilst a delight to listen to, could perhaps have been swapped for an additional black metal blast as there’s only really four on offer here. Arguably a bit short-changing for a full-length…


Nevertheless, “Wintergedanken” is an enjoyable listen and TYAKRAH can dutifully pat themselves on the back for a job well done. It’s laser-focused songwriting and strong production makes for a hell of a listen, whilst some of the playing on display is phenomenal (some of I.XII’s guitar work is sublime, especially the melodic lead parts). Some would argue that there’s not a whole lot new on offer, but sometimes that’s not what you need. Sometimes you need a nice, refreshing blast of cold to blow away the cobwebs. Take a trip to Germany and enjoy.





Любопытный релиз, выдержанный в атмосферном и мелодичном ключе. Прогуливаясь по данному зимнему саду обнаруживаешь в музыке изобилие вдумчивых гитарных соло (что для последней волны лесного блэка редкость), сочный вокал (как экстрим, так и загробный клин) и немецкоязычную лирику. Депрессивный материал в первую очередь для ценителей жанра.





A German band called Tyakrah presents us Wintergedanken. What can be said? SOLID! Doom/black metal written, played and recorded with mastership. Slow melancholic songs with enough rhythm changes as for keeping you attentive, with a few occasional speed bursts or even blast beats. The vocals sound mainly shrieking with a few “clean” voices put there at the right moments. The sound (specially on drums) has just the right amount of rawness, making the album sound organic and powerful at the same time. You can even find an interlude and a creepy outro that let you “breathe”. Not a single weak aspect.





Let's have some frosty thoughts about winter along with the German Black Metal duo of TYAKRAH. Their debut release counts 7 songs that have a total playing time of 37:24. The members are enigmatically named as J.R. (vocals, drums, lyrics) and I.XII (guitars, synths, bass). The soundscapes they've managed to achieve are all about the coldness of the winter ambience. They've elegantly crystallized the winter nature in sounds and enwrapped it with the grimmest atmospheres possible. The keyboard parts here and there worn an ethereal character, thus those moments are something really astonishing to listen to and experience. The guitar harmonies are pretty relaxing most of the time even if the drums storm with fast blast-beats or double-bass assaults over them. By the way, you can find there lots of folk vibe as well as parts reminiscent to depressive Black Metal bands. The booklet was filled by the noteworthy paintings of Thomas Moran. I've counted 9 in total. Each of his work was superbly-designed with a well-thought-out idea. This release is pretty good for meditation, so I would definitely recommend it for fans of ambient, but I am sure that fans of orthodox Black Metal will like it as well.





I’ve already mentioned German epic BM duo Tyakrah on these pages; this is only to serve as a reminder to seek out their debut album ‘Wintergedanken’ if you haven’t as yet. Last time I said it was “…a wonderful and chilling ode to the cold season. Solid compositions with some seriously great raw melodic leads, interspersed with moving atmospheric and ambient passages” and my opinion hasn’t changed; this is probably ever-so-slightly more rough than the average Epic BM fan will be used to, but the use of melody and guitar work is far above the average.


Refreshingly, tracks like ‘Geforne Tränen’ and ‘Fährten im Schnee’ forge a great wintry atmosphere without the use of overdone synths or minutes of drawn-out wind noises throughout, almost solely creating the mood through the guitars, drums and vocals (although there are still the great aforementioned ambient/melodic interludes included). Highly recommended, and keep an eye out for the fantastic ‘Erstarrende Nacht’, it’s an absolute stormer. Can’t wait to see what these guys do next.








Tyakrah are a German black metal band and this is their debut album.


Tyakrah offer up 37 minutes of black metal. Their musical vision is raw and harsh, but not without its atmospheric moments. Melodic and depressive aspects of the blackened style can be heard in this epic music too.


Wintergedanken is imbued with the chill of the mountains and a bleak, wintry core. With music that feels as cold as the album album cover looks, this is a collection of songs that can freeze the listener on sight.


Tyakrah have created a multifaceted beast here. They successfully merge the Cascadian atmospheric style with the Norwegian traditional one, mixing in a decent amount of depressive black metal as they do this. Unusually though, the band also manage to incorporate a classic rock/metal feel to parts of the writing, which mainly manifests in the lead guitar work.


This is an aspect of the songs on Wintergedanken that I particularly enjoy. The classic rock/metal influence in the leads and solos adds a certain something special to the frozen music; splashes of colour across the largely dark, icy delivery. Keyboards and piano add occasional highlights here and there, but it’s these lead guitar parts that are the stars of the show in many ways. Whether they consist of blistering solos or engaging melodies, the band’s guitarist clearly knows his way around a fretboard.


An enjoyable and satisfying slab of chiefly icy black metal, replete with some unexpected depressive moments and red-hot solos.





Tyakrah are a black metal duo formed in the year 2016. They hail from the country of Germany, a place where many of the premier black metal acts preside. Wintergedanken is Tyakrah's first release. As far as first releases go, Tyakrah have absolutely blown me away with Wintergedanken.


Wintergedanken starts off with the calm, sorrowful piano piece "Auf kalten Wegen". This prelude sets the tone for the album; a cold, melancholic, nostalgic walk through the winter forest. What follows is the slow paced, sorrow-driven "Gefrorne Tränen", the first track that to me, really captures the essence of the winter season. It's a melancholic glimpse into what we feel as we look out the window on a gray, snowy winters day. The guitars shriek and howl, like a wolf lost in the forest. The drums provide a steady rhythm, almost like a clock on it's never-ending march of time. This track sets an impressive precedent for the rest album, which I can gladly say is followed up by more beautiful tracks that paint stunning imagery for your mind and soul.


The title track "Wintergedanken" is a more unforgiving, fast-paced impression of winter. This track is more frantic than the previous, perhaps the sonic equivalent of a snowstorm. The vocals featured on this album are harsh, raspy and hoarse. It's almost as if old man winter decided to record vocals for this album. It definitely fits the atmosphere that comes with this album. While winter may be beautiful in most ways, in some ways it is a harsh mistress. Wintergedanken does a terrific job of displaying both sides of the spectrum. You'll be engrossed in the more nostalgic aspect of this album, but also drawn in by the grim and dark undertones Wintergedanken provides. I must say, the keyboards on this album are also paramount in providing the grim, frostbitten atmosphere. I feel cold just recalling the sounds of this release.


The interlude "Eisige Andacht" is the eye of the storm in Wintergedanken. It provides a calm, but albeit, brief break from the winter chill before sending you off into the blizzard of black metal yet again. The bells and choir section on this track really pound the whole "winter vibe" into your head. It's a beautiful interlude that you will not want to skip over. I can't help but feel sorrowful and nostalgic while listening to this, but I'm not even sure what I'm nostalgic about.


"Fährten im Schnee" is what follows after the interlude, and to me this is the track that really displays what this German duo is really capable of. Everything comes together so well on this track. The guitars are beautifully spliced together, providing awesome melody, and the howling guitar solos will send a chill down your spine. The guitar riff is also incredibly catchy, it is stuck in my head as I write this. The drums are played with master precision. They are an overwhelming presence, but not so overwhelming that it takes over the other sounds. This track also really reminds me of Lunar Aurora, another German band that I fell in love with almost 3 years ago.


"Erstarrende Nacht" is perhaps the most relentless, fast-paced track on the album. The drums are pounded and played with an intense power. The howling guitar is ever-present on this track too, like the whistling winds. This is probably my least favourite track on the album, simply because it just isn't as good as the others. It is still a good track nonetheless. "Ende des Weges" finishes the journey, similar to the way we started. A beautiful, almost crystalline piano piece, with some sharp, frightening moments being a ever-present reminder that you are never out of the storm.


Wintergedanken is an absolutely impressive first effort from Tyakrah. I was engrossed in this album from start to finish. I can safely say that this is perhaps one of the best releases of 2017. Hail Tyakrah!





Ah, the diversity of Metal! The beauty of the many subgenres and creativity of Metal musicians. If you come to think of it, Black Metal was in the beginning synonym of awful musicians and depicable music. I confess I avoided Black Metal for a long time. In my time, that was the truth. The music was raw, poorly played, and aggressive beyond the limits that made it inaudible. It’s been a while this isn’t certainly the truth. Musicians, bands, and the music evolved in a way that can’t be explained with words. Black Metal, and extreme music are now the avant-garde of Metal music. So it’s such a pleasure to hear a band like Tyakrah.


I can’t hold myself to say that this “Wintergedanken” is a masterpiece. The most amazing thing is how Tyakrah deal with dissonances. The talent and skill of guitarist I.XII are remarkable. Most modern Black Metal guitarists are using high tuned guitars to build their leading phrases, and forget to add some aggression to their instruments by also using full powerchords. That’s not the issue with I.XII. The guy also construct his riffs with powerchords and full chords. Not to mention the leading phrases every now and then he plays. And above all, the correct use of orchestral instruments. I say that because the intent in using orchestras, in Black Metal music, is to give a sick, twisted, or sometimes some perverted beauty to songs. They are never intended to be boring. Tyakrah were able to avoid all that building an album that pleases. Yeah, that’s absolutely right, “Wintergedanken” pleases the fan.


The piano arrangement to “Praeludium – Auf kalten Wegen” is absolutely beautiful. It makes a perfect bridge to next song, “Gefrorne Tränen,” whose guitars phrases embellish all the song giving the right dose of emotion. The desperate and strong vocals do all the magic to mantain the Black Metal intent. The only problem with “Gefrorne Tränen” is that the mixing cut the end right in a guitar phrase.


Maybe some old shool Black Metal despise efforts like Tyakrah’s “Wintergedanken.” Just maybe, because its magnificent quality may conquer all haters. Ah, and “Wintergedanken” is only the debut album of this sick duo. Let’s wonder how the forthcoming efforts will be. I’m crossing my fingers to more Tyakrah. “Wintergedanken” goes right to my personal favorites.





I Tyakrah provengono da Münster, città natale anche degli ottimi Helrunar, e come loro sono un duo, composto dai misteriosi J.R. e I.XII.


Mai come in questo caso l’artwork ci fornisce un’indizio riferito a quanto ci dobbiamo attendere: l’aspro scenario invernale, infatti, viene trasposto in musica con grande cura e fedeltà, offrendo un’interpretazione del black metal tutto sommato neppure troppo convenzionale e decisamente più aperto a sonorità nordamericane rispetto alle abitudini delle band tedesche.

Così, oltre alla solennità e al glaciale rigore che caratterizzano le uscite black metal in terra germanica, rinveniamo anche quel senso di inquietudine e malinconia che non viene confinato solo alle tre tracce strumentali (Praeludium, Interludium e Postludium) ma trova un suo sfogo nelle notevoli e frequenti incursioni di chitarra solista di I.XII, il quale non si limita al solo tremolo come gran parte dei suoi colleghi ma si lascia andare lunghe ed efficaci progressioni dal tocco più morbido e diluito.

Wintergedanken (anche il titolo dice molto sullo spirito che aleggia sul lavoro) è a suo modo anomalo, in quanto disco non di facilissimo ascolto nonostante una propensione melodica piuttosto spiccata, nel senso che le partiture non appaiono mai banali ma frutto di una ricerca sonora da non sottovalutare: il risultato sono quattro brani di lunghezza media sui sette minuti dotati di una buona profondità e, soprattutto, molto focalizzati sul lato emotivo del sound.

Forse proprio l’utilizzo corposo della chitarra solista potrebbe non essere una buona notizia per i puristi del genere, ma lo è invece per chi vuole provare qualche brivido che non sia provocato solo dalle basse temperature evocate dalla copertina: a tale proposito è interessante notare come l’unico essere vivente, un cervo, sia raffigurato in una dimensione minuscola, quasi a voler rimarcare come tutte le forme di vita (uomo incluso) siano insignificanti di fronte alla maestosità della natura. Non so se effettivamente questo corrisponda all’intento dei Tyakrah, ma mi piace pensare che sia così, anche perché il sound della band tedesca si confà perfettamente a questo tipo di sentire.





The winters where I live are fairly unpredictable. For a few days in could be freezing cold then later on in the week it can warm up enough to see people wearing shorts. Yeah it's different from what most others are use to but we like it. Kinda like this debut album from TYAKRAH. This is a German duo who do push pass the edges of the black metal template. On here these Germans produce seven icy cuts which basically consists of four proper songs with three instrumental pieces that are blended in the opening, closing and in the very middle.


As far as the instrumentals go the opener has a classical elegance about it. The middle one has a more traditional pagan/folk feel from it. While the closing instro is a chilling nightmare. Song wise TYAKRAH throw more twists at ya then twisting mountain road. Early in "Gefrorne Tranen" the sound is atmospheric black metal which turns into straight up rock with raspy vocals and plenty of lead guitar theatrics. There's also some folksy spoken word parts.


The other cuts follow suit with the guitar lead work taking the forefront. This is definitely something different, at least for me, in black metal circles. Overall the songs stay in that atmospheric BM vein. Personally it's not my cup of grim but worthy for anyone else who wants to venture beyond the horizon for their black metal.





More palatable by far comes Germany’s Tyakrah, who cross the more contemplative and introspective yet expansive feel of the “cascadian” and French Canadian movements with a more direct, very German black metal feel.


Think Belphegor gone epic and nature-focused and far less pointedly blasphemous, or a more aggressive and melodic, less depressive Empyrium), and you may get the general idea.


As the comparisons may imply, this isn’t what I’d consider exciting or top shelf black metal…but compared to the monthly truckloads of utter shit that get dumped on listeners of late under that overall banner, you can see how Tyakrah really stands out in the crowd, and in a positive way.


Take it for what it’s worth – may well be worth a spin to see if it grabs ya, if you’re sick of the subpar bullshit passing for black metal these days as well.





Tyakrah  are  a  duo  from  Germany  that  plays  a  very  epic  and  atmospheric  form  of  black  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2017  album  "Wintergedanken"  which  was  released  as  a  joint  effort  between  Satanath  and  Slaughterhouse  Records.


  Nature  orientated  soundscapes  start  off  the  album  along  with  some  tragic  sounding  keyboards  a  few  seconds  later  before  going  into  more  of  a  heavier  direction  while  also  introducing  melodic  guitar  leads  onto  the  recording  and  after  awhile  grim  black  metal  screams  start  to  make  their  presence  known.


  A  great  portion  of  the  tracks  are  very  long  and  epic  in  length  while  melodic  vocals  are  also  added  into  certain  sections  of  the  recording  and  when  the  music  speeds  up  a  decent  amount  of  tremolo  picking  and  blast  beats  can  be  heard  which  also  gives  the  songs  more  of  a  raw  feeling.


  Throughout  the  recording  you  can  also  hear  a  great  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts  while  the  riffs  also  bring  in  a  decent  amount  of  melody  along  with  keyboards  also  making  a  return  on  some  of  the  later  tracks  and  as  the  album  progresses a   brief  instrumental  can  also  be  heard  before  returning  back  to  a  heavier  direction  as  well  as  introducing  acoustic  guitars  onto  the  recording.


  Tyakrah  plays  a  style  of  black  metal  that  is  very  epic  and  atmospheric  sounding,  the  production  sounds  very  powerful  while  the  lyrics  are  written  in  German  and  cover  winter,  darkness,  and  death  themes.


  In  my  opinion  Tyakrah  are  a  very  great sounding  epic  and  atmospheric  black  metal  duo  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre,  you  should  check  out  this  recording. 





Οι Τyakrah είναι μια σκοτεινή μπάντα από τη Γερμανία. Οι νεοσύστατοι black metallers, με το πενθιμο, αγνό αλλά κυρίως χειμωνιάτικο ύφος τους, μόλις ένα χρόνο μετά τη "γέννηση" τους κυκλοφορούν το ντεμπούτο τους, "Wintergedanken".

 Tyakrah - Wintergedanken




Με μια απαλή εισαγωγή από πιάνο, μπαίνουμε δειλά δειλά στο κλίμα του δίσκου. Η ατμόσφαιρα αμιγώς χειμωνιάτικη ξεδιπλώνει με τη μουσική μια μελαγχολία η οποία πηγάζει διάχυτη και στην πορεία του δίσκου.

Κομμάτια σαν το "Gerfrorne Tranen", ή το ομώνυμο " Wintergedanken", μπορεί ναι ακτακλίζονται από αργά, συνεχόμενα και ψυχρά riffs αλλά οι μελωδίες δεν είναι λίγες. Τα leads  παραπέμπουν σε αυτήν την μελαγχολία και τη νοσταλγία που προανέφερα, ενώ τα ξεσπάσματα των drums συνδυάζονται υπέροχα με τα καταθλιπτικά και πονεμένα φωνητικά.

Το ιντερλούδιο της συνέχειας σπάει αυτή τη θλίψη, προβάλλοντας ένα μυστήριο με μερικές καμπάνες και κάποιες παραδοσιακά κατευθυνόμενες μελωδίες στα synths. Μετά βέβαια από αυτή την τελετουργική κατεύθυνση, σε πιο grrove-άτες κατευθύνσεις έρχεται το "Fahrten Im Schnee" συνδυάζοντας την πολυπλοκότητα των τυμπάνων με τη σκοτεινή μονοτονία της κιθάρας και τα βασανισμένα growls.


Από την άλλη το "Erstarende Nacht" ακολουθεί πάλι τα πιο θλιβερά μονοπάτια με τον ήχο να γίνεται πιο μονολιθικός και παγωμένος, ενώ ο επίλογος έρχεται κι αυτός το ίδιο σκοτεινός και μυσταγωγικός με την ίδια αύρα, σαν αυτή της έναρξης.


Οι Γερμανοί black metallers με τον κρύο τους ήχο και το σκοτεινό τους περίβλημα μπορούν να δημιουργήσουν εικόνες. Δε φέρνουν κάτι επαναστατικό μέσω της μουσική τους, αλλά σίγουρα είναι συγκινητικό και ανατριχιαστικό το εγχείρημα τους. Όσοι δηλαδή θέλετε να νιώσετε το ψύχος του ακραίου metal  με πολλές μελωδίες, σπεύσατε να τους ακούσετε!





Когда каждый день становится днём сурка, когда потоки информации и задач сбивают с ног, когда общение с окружающими по делу и без давит на виски, когда серые краски шумного бурлящего города сводят терпение и выдержку к нулю, когда каждый шаг, ведущий к людям равносилен подъёму мешка с кирпичами, когда телефон хочется разбить о стену, когда вместо обычного тона сквозь зубы прорывается шипение, когда закрываешь глаза и проваливаешься в пустоту, когда груз ответственности не скинешь, как якорь за борт и не убежишь от обязательств…

Тогда я, возомнив себя доктором, спешу дать рекомендации по приёму вполне действенного комплексного лекарства.

Recipe: Tyakrah – Wintergedanken (Зимние мысли) 2017, Epic Black Metal.

Da tales doses numero: Full-Length album 37:22

Signa: Принимать чрез наушники по траектории движения из точки А в точку Б либо на сон грядущий.

Препарат относится к седативным, с лёгким обезболивающим эффектом посредством охлаждения раздраженных рецепторов.

Tyakrah – немецкая группа, созданная в 2016 году двумя музыкантами. J.R. отвечает за вокал, ударные и тексты песен, I.XII – за гитары, синтезатор и басс.

Им хватило года, чтоб через нотный ряд нарисовать в мельчайших деталях длинный путь по заснеженному зимнему лесу со всеми эмоциями и чувствами, присущими холоду, рациональности и покою. Чудной красоты мелодии именно там где надо покрываются словами. J.R. то шипуче скримит, то поёт с налётом некой ритуальности, чистым вокалом, слегка отставая от общего темпа. И, даже не зная языка, кажется, что всё так кристально, прозрачно и понятно. И тревожные пики сглаживаются в плавные волны, несущие куда-то далеко, где сияют пушистые снежинки под иссякающими лучами заката.

Конечно же, есть и острые моменты жалящей тревоги и колючего стенания, а где-то даже и злости. Но это лишь эффекты раздумий и фантазий - они никак не нарушают целостность картины, а лишь добавляют полутонов, иначе не было бы объема.

По инструментальной части: гитарные соло то кричат вдали, то приближаются нос к носу, как игра в «холодно-горячо», то грозно порыкивают, то заискивающе подлизываются. Ритм-секция особых эмоций не вызывают, воспринимается, как само собой разумеющееся полотно для картины. А вот клавиши добавляют глубины и индивидуальности, раскатистости и полноты звука, они в данном случае являются изюминкой в кексе.

На здоровье




“Fierce” and “frigid” are by-words of Nordic black metal, and in their debut album Wintergedanken the German black metal duo Tyakrah embraced the cold and unforgiving white-outs of winter in forested and craggy northern climes. But their music is also solemn, and also glorious — achieving the kind of reverent and soaring spirit that justifies that well-worn term “epic”.


The album track “Gefrorne Tränen” is one that we premiered, and it’s one that I’ve remembered many months later. In a genre that is so often thought of as harsh and heartless, the lead guitar performances that appear and reappear throughout this song peal, echo, swirl, and soar in displays of inspiring and even breathtaking beauty, sometimes as gleaming and crystalline as ice and sometimes a blaze of incandescence. Yet, their appeal is made even more dramatic and powerful by the abrasiveness and wintry bleakness of the music and the voices that provide the setting for them.


I would think it’s impossible not to be moved by this multifaceted song. It has stayed with me, and has become a kind of refuge as well.





Sądząc po wyborze Tyakrah, w rosyjskiej wytwórni Satanath Records nastąpiła subtelna zmiana. Nic z karykaturalnych zespołów, o których zdarzyło mi się wcześniej pisać. Debiutancki album niemieckiego zespołu, wydany jesienią 2017 roku składa się z siedmiu utworów trwających około 37 minut. W sam raz, by nie zanudzić, i tego na pewno nie można im zarzucić. Płyta naładowana jest ogromną ilością patentów, w jaki sposób z czarnego metalu wydobyć atmosferę zimowej zawieruchy.


Na początek nie sposób nie wspomnieć o oprawie płyty, która wydaje się stworzona dla kolekcjonerów winyli. Wystarczy rzut oka na okładkę, by się przekonać, że muzyka to hołd złożony zimie. Przechodząc do zawartości,przy pierwszym utworze totalne zaskoczenie – z Praeludium – Auf Kalten wegen emanuje wprost świąteczny nastrój. Utwór wyłącznie instrumentalny, składający się z gry na klawiszach. Poza wymienionym Praeludium, na płycie znajdują się jeszcze dwa podobne utwory, które przeplatają się pomiędzy tymi typowymi dla black metalu.


W Gefrorne Tranen objawia się ich uwielbienie do piskliwych solówek, które pojawiają się w większości kawałków, dzięki temu płyta wydaje się dość spójna. Wprowadzenie bełkotliwego wokalu przyspiesza tempo, jednak wciąż nie jest ono ekstremalnie szybkie. Ten sam utwór wzbogacono ponadto czystymi, niskimi wokalami, właściwie melorecytacją, która jest interesującym składnikiem Gefrorne Tranen. Całość zmierza w kierunku dość melodyjnego black metalu, kto więc nie znosi takich kompozycji, może przejść do tytułowego Wintergedanken, skomponowanego w mroczniejszej i bardziej depresyjnej konwencji. Momenty, w których wokalista charczy, brzmią dość pokracznie, tak jakby w każdym wersie powtarzał sekwencję tych samych wyrazów. Jak widać, nawet w blacku używanie języka niemieckiego jest ryzykowne. Następnym utworem jest Interludium, czyli jeden z tych instrumentalnych utworów, w których użycie instrumentów i natłoku dźwięków jest ostatecznie ograniczone, a wychodzi im to bezbłędnie. Ambientowy spokój oraz chóralnie brzmiące fragmenty przepełniają kawałek duchowością. W utworze Fahrten Im Schnee postawili na bardziej surowe i agresywne granie, choć ciągle jest to kontynuacja stylu, w jakim powstała płyta.


Ogólne wrażenia są raczej pozytywne, jednak najmocniejszymi momentami Wintergedanken są kolejno Praeludium, Interludium oraz Postludium, i choć daleko im do metalowo brzmiących pozostałych utworów, to jest w nich najwięcej tajemnicy.







Mit „Wintergedanken“ meldet sich das Münsteraner Duo Tykrah ein erstes Mal zu Wort. Erst 2016 gegründet gibt es über die Band noch nicht viel zu berichten und doch haben sie musikalisch bereits verdammt viel zusagen. Das zeigt zumindest ihr Debüt-Album.


38 Minuten und 7 Songs umfasst das Material, das auf „Wintergedanken“ zu finden ist und setzt sich aus 4 langen, mit Vocals versehenen und 3 kurzen instrumentalen Songs (Intro, Interlude, Outro) zusammen. Thematisch richtet sich das Album nach der Jahreszeit, es dreht sich um den Winter, Dunkelheit und Tod, was sich auch in einer kühlen, aber doch ziemlich epischen Spielweise des Black Metal bemerkbar macht. Harsche Riffs mit Blasts treffen auf episches Songwriting mit ausschweifenden Gitarrensoli und dunklen Bass-Tupfern. Dazu schweift das Songwriting nicht selten in Atmospheric-Gefilde mit dichtem Gitarrenteppich ab. Alles in allem sehr kraftvoll, düster, frostig und bedrohlich und zugleich doch episch und schön. Immer wieder wird das Tempo etwas rausgenommen und innegehalten, da darf dann auch gerne das Keyboard mithelfen und die 3 Instrumentals auch gleich allein tragen. Musikalisch lässt sich an dem Album wenig meckern, es ist ein verdammt starker, abwechslungsreicher und interessanter Black Metal-Mix, gesanglich geht das nörgeln schon leichter. Allerdings nicht bei den Screams, denn das frostig-harsche Keifen von Sänger/Drummer J.R. passt sehr gut zum Gesamtbild und dämpft die Temperatur noch um einige Grad, der Klargesang will dagegen nicht so recht hierhin gehören. Tiefer Gothic-artiger Männergesang, der noch dazu oft ziemlich stockend, verklemmt und etwas schief daher kommt, ist hier einfach etwas fehl am Platz. Da hilft es auch wenig, dass er nur in den ruhigen Momenten zum Einsatz kommt, denn da kommt er ja auch noch besonders zu Geltung. Glücklicherweise ist das aber eher die Ausnahme als die Regel, wodurch das Album nicht gänzlich ruiniert ist


Tyakrah - Wintergedanken (2017) | Germany | Epic Black Metal | SAT181


I have had my fair share of Black Metal (or related to Black Metal) in the German language, in the end of 1990s / early 2000. Bought the glossy Ablaze Magazine with the compilation and every time you got something from the Last Episode rooster to listen to. Bands like Dunkelgrafen, Cryptic Carnage, Grabnebelfürsten, Dies Ater, Andras…and the one that tops it all; Mystic Circle…to name a few of that label which was very active in those days. And nowadays, lyrics sung in the German langue are still a part of the Black Metal underground. This time it is Tyakrah, founded by 2 individuals called I.XII and J.R. in 2016. Tyakrah plays their mid-tempo Black Metal with despair and sorrow, along with calm (ambient) soundscapes. The purpose was to create something cold and atmospheric as well as melancholic and depressive. Like the Winter itself, of which the lyrical concept and beautiful artwork of  “Wintergedanken” is based on. Can’t say they haven’t achieve that, but after a couple of spins I also can’t say they have created something out of the ordinary although the leads are a nice addition. But if you spin an album of Wigrid, Strid, Ellende or Wedard once in a while, feel free to check “Wintergedanken” of Tyakrah out.





TYAKRAH is a two-piece hailing from the unholy area of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. Active since 2016 but unknown to me so far, the project has released their first ouput "Wintergedanken“ via Satanath Records. Currently Black Metal has not so many releases, which managed to catch my attention for more than one or two spins, so I was curious to hear some new underground stuff from that style and already the intro, 'Praeludium - Auf Kalten Wegen‘, sounds quite interesting, as the keyboard immediately reminded me of older EMPYRIUM or my secret love OCTOBER FALLS. The first real track 'Gefrorne Tränen‘ heavily reminds me of FORGOTTEN TOMB during their "Songs To Leave“ era before turning to a more melodic approach. Similar to old FORGOTTEN TOMB, TYAKRAH mostly slows down the tempo and comes up like a Black Metal version of old KATATONIA. This is not negative at all, as their interpretation is mixed with some raw Black Metal but especially the lead guitar and its melodies sound fantastic and matured. They manage to capture the dark and melancholic beauty of doomed Black Metal similar to KATATONIA until their "Sounds Of Decay“ EP. Also the idea to use clear, nearly spoken passages as vocals here and there is very good and would fit very well to the songs but unfortunately it is effected a little bit thin. Anyway the talent to write fantastic songs and having a clear vision of how their music and vocals should sound like is definitely there. Especially the mentioned lead guitar and the drum-work are both fantastic and the atmosphere is very unique and cold. I was quite impressed how far the project has developed within the short period of time, the guys are working together. "Wintergedanken“ continues with raw and grim vocals taking the listener into a cold and frozen world while the guitars again spread this freezing melancholy before they increase the speed in favour of a raw Black Metal inferno. 'Interludium - Eisige Andacht‘ is a little well-done instrumental break with church bells and choral chants. 'Fährten Im Schnee‘ again appears very grim but with this certain special melancholy, only the above mentioned bands manage to create, same goes for 'Erstarrende Nacht‘ before 'Postludium - Ende Des Weges‘ closes this well-done debut. Bands like TYAKRAH are the cause, that I still like to check underground material because there are these few talented bands out there, creating small little treasures like "Wintergedanken“.





Uitați-vă un pic la copertă: un peisaj tipic de iarnă, ușor kitsch, parcă smuls din ramă de pe peretele de lemn al unei cabane de la munte. V-ați întrebat vreodată: oare la ce se gândește pădurarul, sau șeful ocolului silvic, sau salvamontistul, sau drumețul solitar care se trezește față în față cu o tăcere rece, nemișcată și albă? Lasă că s-a gândit J.R. Nu, nu J.R. Ewing, petrolistul din America, ci J.R. și atât, tobar și vocal la Tyakrah din Germania. Și și-a imaginat pentru început cărările reci (Praeludium – Auf kalten Wegen) unde bate un vânt care-i îngheață călătorului lacrimile pe față (Gefrorne Tränen). Normal că omului îi vin în minte tot felul de gânduri de iarnă (Wintergedanken), din care se scutură cam după vreo șapte minute, își face vreo trei cruci (întoarse) rapide, că e frig, și spune o rugăciune, înghețată și ea (Interludium – Eisige Andacht). Nu trece mult și apar urme pe zăpada (Fährten im Schnee) care îi mențin atenția până se lasă seara; iarna, la munte, seara se lasă devreme, dar cerul e senin și curat și noaptea se văd o puzderie de stele (Erstarrende Nacht). Și, în sfârșit, ajunge la capătul drumului. (Postludium – Ende des Weges). Cam asta îmi spun mie coperta și titlurile pieselor.


În ceea ce privește muzica, trebuie să recunosc că prezentarea făcută de Satanath Records e de o rară acuratețe și onestitate. Surprinde în câteva cuvinte esența acestui disc, adică îmi face mie cea mai mare parte din treabă. Ia fiți atenți aici: "a spirited black metal journey through winter landscapes conjured up by dialogue between sorrowful vocal performance and haunting guitar work". Nimic mai adevărat! 


Faptul că e o călătorie spirituală prin peisaje de iarnă nu mai e un secret, dacă ați citit primul paragraf. Că e black metal încă nu apucasem să vă zic. E din ăla oldschool, dar pe ritmuri medii, ușor aplecat spre doom, cu traforaj mai degrabă așezat, dar cu accese ocazionale de blast beat furios. În general, structurile sunt simple și repetitive, dar nu ajung să fie plictisitoare, o să vedeți mai încolo de ce, e surpriză. Fährten im Schnee, hitul incontestabil al albumului, reușește să treacă prin multe schimbări de ritm în cele șapte minute ale lui, la un moment dat se enervează și scapă într-un riff aproape thrash, dar rămâne epic și cursiv. Sunt patru piese de câte șapte minute și trei interludii instrumentale scurte cu tentă dark/ambient; în total, o plimbărică înviorătoare prin zăpadă de vreo 37 de minute.


Dacă e ceva ce îi dă aripi albumului ăstuia, apăi "haunting guitar work" e chestia aia și dacă e ceva care i le taie, ceva-ul ăla se rezumă în sintagma "sorrowful vocal performance". Satanath Records sigur nu a vrut să spună că e "o prestație vocală regretabilă", dar vă zic eu că asta e traducerea corectă. E o voce tipică de black metal, care devine rapid monotonă. Bineînțeles că nu am înțeles nici un vers, nici un cuvânt barem, cei 12 ani de germană nu mi-au ajutat la nimic. Am început să mă rog (cu mult înainte să vină piesa Interludium – Eisige Andacht) ca J.R. să schimbe ceva și când J.R. chiar a făcut-o, și a început să cânte cu voce clean, am regretat imediat. E adevărat, am început să mai prind și eu câte un cuvânt, câte o propoziție, dar cu ce preț! În sfârșit, J.R. e un tobar bun, ar trebui să se concentreze pe tobe. 


Am păstrat ce e mai bun la sfârșit: așa chitară nu ați mai auzit în viața voastră la o trupă de black metal. De-asta am și vrut să scriu despre album. Gefrorne Tränen începe cu un riff lent și zdrăngănit a la Bathory și când după 12 secunde a intrat I.XII cu chitara și a început să se tânguie, am încremenit. La început, pentru că am fost surprins, dar pe urmă, pentru că era atât de frumos. Ați zice că o chitară solo melodioasă, cu un ton cristalin și melancolic, care rezonează bântuitor, nu își are locul în black metal. Ei bine, la Tyakrah nu numai că și-l are, dar e definitorie și transformă o trupă mediocră într-una specială. Atmosfera e atu-ul albumului ăstuia și părțile de chitară sunt esențiale din punctul așa de vedere. Wintergedanken își are defectele lui, dar marchează debutul unei trupe care poate deveni remarcabilă.





Una intro sognante segna l’inizio dell’opera del combo tedesco, foriero di un black metal piuttosto atipico. Si perché una volta ogni tanto capitano gruppi come questo, capaci di essere davvero black nel suono e risultare comunque freschi ed inediti. In qualche modo i tedeschi hanno deciso di mettere un bel po’ di ingredienti sul fuoco e hanno mischiato black atmosferico con black vecchio stile e donato al tutto un’aura mistica e potente, quasi epica. Le chitarre sono stranamente molto tecniche, soprattutto nei lunghi soliloqui intrapresi in quasi tutte le tracce dell’album, un lavoro molto completo risultante da una summa di elementi molto diversi tra loro. Il risultato è un’aggressività mista a magia, una sorta di slancio evocativo misto a silenzi strumentali riflessivi, il tutto mischiato e connotato in un ambito sinistro tipico di quel black che si rifà alle atmosfere nordiche, glaciali e solitarie. La sensazione è quella che questi tedeschi abbiano voluto fare un disco col botto mettendoci dentro solo le idee migliori e soprattutto con l’intento di ricordare quanto questo genere musicale possa dare all’ambiente metal in termini di qualità, atmosfera e innovazione. Portentosi.




VERDIKT: Tyakrah je začínající kapela a Wintergedanken slušným debutem, ale své poklady si zatím nechává ukryté hluboko v dutinách představivosti. Občas by potřeboval učesat, vyladit, něco vynechat nebo naopak přidat. Uvidíme příště.

Z nabídky desek ruského labelu Satanath jsem si k recenzi mimo jiné vybral i dílo německého dua Tyakrah Wintergedanken, které se nese na vlnách epična a černě mrazivé poezie. Na sklonku roku jsem omylem klikl na píseň Gefrorne Tränen, která album otevírá. Letmo si pamatuju, že se mi líbila a tak jsem nyní neváhal a CD si nechal poslat. Ptáte se, zda Wintergedanken naplnilo má očekávání? Popořádku.




Tyakrah existují zhruba dva roky a od toho by se měly odvíjet vaše nároky na kapelu. To však neznamená, že kluci nahráli špatnou desku. Jen by občas potřebovala učesat, vyladit, něco vynechat nebo naopak přidat. Ale stále předbíhám. Pojďme se podívat mladé smečce Tyakrah na zoubek trochu blíž. Pro ty, co si pořídí nosič, budiž lákadlem poutavý, 8-stránkový booklet s obrazy Thomase Morana. Pokud v některých případech platí, že vizuální stránka vylepší dojem celku, je to i případ Wintergedanken. Nořím se do namalovaných vizí básnivého umělce a lépe chápu, o co v díle jde. Německy neumím, musím si proto vystačit s představivostí a intuicí.





Wintergedanken je dílo o sedmi skladbách na ploše sedmatřiceti minut. Z toho pouze čtyři z nich jsou regulérní dlouhé písně. Zbytek vyplňují Praeludium, Interludium a Postludium. Nutno dodat, že se svou ambientní náturou představují silnější stránku nahrávky. Tu bez hluchých míst a možnosti označení coby výplně. Tyakrah je však blackmetalové těleso. Byť se nechává unést melodramatickými náladami, stále mají prim havraní vokály a kovové kytary. Tempo zůstává povětšinou valivé, až doom metalové. Mnohokrát dává vzpomenout na první desky Katatonie, která kdysi podobně koketovala s oběma styly. Jenže tam kde byla Katatonia i přes začátečnické chyby naprosto svébytná, drásavá, jsou Tyakrah zatím nevyrovnaní, neoriginální a občas dosti tápající. Zejména v místech, kde se mění riffy v sólové hrátky a vyhrávky. I. XII se zdatný sólista, ale když preluduje, nevyplní spodek dostatečně silnou doprovodkou. Vše supluje basa s bubny. Bohužel tyto plochy jsou nekonečné a je vidět, že mají být pýchou desky. Tyhle aspekty podtrhují i pokusy o čistý zpěv, respektive deklamaci. Jenže zpívající bubeník J. R. se svým nižádným rozsahem není zlatým slavíkem a shazuje album o několik tříd níž.







Jak už jsem psal na začátku, k Tyakrah se musí přistupovat jako k začínající skupině a ta si nevede špatně, i když své poklady si zatím nechává ukryté hluboko v dutinách představivosti. Nejsilnější v kramflecích jsou pánové ve zmíněných instrumentálkách. Ze zpívaných skladeb je nejlepší ona Gefrorne Tränen. Být v takové síle i zbytek Wintergedanken, je moje spokojenost patřičně vyšší. Nelámu nad Tyakrah hůl, protože jsou teprve na počátku kariéry a už nyní vykazují dostatečný potenciál. Takže nashledanou příště.




Dalla città di Münster ecco arrivare i Tyakrah, fautori di un suono che richiamerà di sicuro l'attenzione dei fan degli Agalloch. 'Wintergedanken' è un dischetto infatti dal forte sapore invernale, che vanta parecchi rimandi alla band di John Haughm e soci, in particolare a quel 'The Mantle' che fece sognare tutti gli amanti del black doom folk e non solo, compreso il sottoscritto. E quando "Gefrorne Tränen" entra nel mio stereo dopo la timida intro, ecco avvertire quelle stesse sensazioni positive di quando ascoltai per la prima volta il capolavoro della band americana. Certo, sono passati 16 anni dall'uscita di 'The Mantle', eppure c'è ancora chi sogna di trovarne un seguito altrettanto bucolico, magari partorito nelle campagne della Renania. E quindi perchè no, non raccogliere la sfida e pensare che i Tyakrah possano rappresentare quel seguito virtuale, questo perchè a parte l'asprezza della componente ritmica, la song si lancia in lunghe progressioni strumentali, dilatazioni cariche di pathos e profonda malinconia che mi convincono appieno. La title track non tradisce e prosegue con questo tipo di approccio, miscelando il classico sentore black (limitato essenzialmente solo alla voce) doom (per quel riffing lento e sinuoso) con splendide fughe chitarristiche pregne di una emozionalità strappa lacrime, legata all'uso sfrenato di un tremolo picking estremamente efficace, anche nelle parti più violente. L'intensità crescente del disco viene amplificata dalla solennità dell'interludio "Eisige Andacht". Tocca poi a "Fährten im Schnee" ripristinare il flusso sonoro con la prima parte del cd, sebbene sembra essersi perso quel tocco di magia iniziale. Sia chiaro, la song non è brutta però sembra deprivata di quella forte emotività caratterizzante i primi due pezzi e maggiormente focalizzata sulla brutalità di un black glaciale. Ci prova prima una voce pulita a ripristinare il corso delle cose, con risultati non del tutto convincenti, poi una chitarra decisamente più ispirata. "Erstarrende Nacht" prosegue mostrando il lato più collerico del duo germanico tra sfuriate black, harsh vocals e splendidi solismi che alla fine premiano la proposta di J.R. e I.XII, i due musicisti fautori di questa interessante proposta. Rimango ora in trepidante attesa per il futuro dei Tyakrah, godendomi intanto le gradevolissime atmosfere di 'Wintergedanken'.





Jakiś czas temu, przy okazji którejś z recenzji, pisałem, że mam już po dziurki w nosie tego całego atmosferycznego black metalu. Mierzi mnie już słuchanie po raz kolejny nużącej muzyki z jednym riffem w utworze i samobójczymi krzykami jakiegoś zmęczonego życiem nastolatka, który właśnie walczy z trądzikiem i jest to dla niego powód do przyzwania pana ciemności. Na domiar złego takich zespołów, czy też jednoosobowych projektów, powstaje ostatnio bardzo dużo. Nie wiem skąd taki trend, na szczęście nikt nie każe mi ich wszystkich słuchać. Bo i tak bym nie słuchał. Czasami jednak pojawiają się twory godne uwagi, choćby przez kilka czy kilkanaście minut. Jednym z nich jest niemiecki Tyakrah. 





Pod tą enigmatyczną nazwą kryje się duet muzyków, którzy do tej pory nagrali tylko jeden album, debiut Tyakrah - „Wintergedanken”. Płyta miała premierę w październiku 2017 roku, co oznacza, że mam lekkie opóźnienie, ale dopiero niedawno przywędrowała do mnie od Aleksa z Rosji. Nie mam zamiaru nikogo oszukiwać, że jest to dzieło wybitne w swoim gatunku, bo nie jest. Dostajemy tu wszystko co niesie ze sobą łatka „atmosferycznego black metalu”. Średnie tempa, smutne melodie, zimne riffy i dużą dawkę monotonii, tak bardzo wyróżniającej ten gatunek. W tym wszystkim Niemcy się sprawdzają, na szczęście potrafią zrobić jeszcze dwie rzeczy. Po pierwsze przyspieszyć, co powoduje, że nie zasypiam w fotelu. Nie robią tego często ale chwała im za to, że w ogóle porwali się na takie szaleństwo. Po drugie, mają dobrego gitarzystę z zacięciem do solówek i patentów heavy metalowych. Tak sobie teraz myślę, że gdyby nie ta gitara, która wyskakuje w każdym utworze i tnie bardzo fajne solówki, to pewnie bym o tym materiale nie pisał, bo nie widziałbym sensu w promowaniu płyty jakich setki. A pan I.XII (taka ksywa) naprawdę potrafi trzymać instrument i zrobić z nim ciekawe rzeczy. Do tego te jego wygibasy są fajnie wyciągnięte przed wszystko inne a co za tym idzie bardzo wyraźnie słyszalne i tworzące zaskakująco ciekawy efekt i atmosferę. Na plus można zaliczyć także klawisze (odpowiada za nie ten sam muzyk), których nie ma tu bardzo dużo, ale jeśli już są to w odpowiednich momentach i w odpowiedniej tonacji. Niestety, kiepski jest wokalista, którego krzyk jest monotonny jak pustynia i często sprawia wrażenie jakby bełkotał ewentualnie seplenił. To teoretycznie powinno wspomóc jeszcze efekt krzyku, ale jednak tego nie czyni i momentami brzmi żenująco bądź komicznie. Na miejscu obu panów mocno pomyślałbym nad zmianą wokalisty. „Wintergedanken” trwa trzydzieści siedem minut, co na szczęście jest długością do przeżycia, bo czasami twórcy parający się tym gatunkiem potrafią nas katować przez co najmniej godzinę. Znajdziemy tu siedem utworów, z czego cztery trwają około siedmiu minut. Pozostałe trzy są instrumentalne. Niestety, wszystkie teksty są w języku niemieckim, więc nie podejmuję się analizy zawartości lirycznej albumu, bo po prostu nie znam języka naszych zachodnich sąsiadów. Jest tu jednak na pewno sporo o zimie, na co wskazuje okładka i tytuł albumu.


Jak już pisałem, nie jest to dzieło wybitne, nawet w swoim gatunku. W moim mniemaniu pan I.XII marnuje swój potencjał grając w takim projekcie, bo najwyraźniej ma papiery na konkretniejsze rzeczy. Jeśli jednak już musi, to niech czym prędzej pomyśli o zmianie wokalisty, bo to duża bolączka Tyakrah. Słychać, że są tu perspektywy na ciekawszy, bardziej złożony kompozytorsko materiał, bo naprawdę potencjał w gitarze jest. Mam nadzieję, że niemiecki duet kolejnym albumem pokaże, że się rozwija i ma świadomość swoich błędów z debiutu. Tego panom życzę.





Grande horda alemã, com sua sonoridade gélida, depressiva, crua... Influenciada por grandes hordas dos anos 90 como: Darkthrone, Gorgoroth, Nargaroth, Graveland, Judas Iscariot, Immortal.


Todo o sentimento, toda a melancolia registrada nessa obra, são magníficos, são esplendorosos, harmonias de guitarra que dão todo o toque melódico e marcante deste negro artefato germânico.




A gravação é exatamente o que esse tipo de sonoridade, de intenção musical pede, black metal épico, congelante, atmosférico, recomendável para aqueles que sabem que o espírito underground do black metal dos anos 90 não morreu e nem nunca morrerá.





It is no secret that I like my black metal atmospheric and/or melancholic. Well, I like all my metal/music atmospheric and/or melancholic but apart from doom black metal has a propensity to work well with the atmospheric and melancholic. This German band are more melancholic than they are epic. I am not gonna lie, I have heard better atmospheric/melancholic black metal bands, but not many. TYAKRAH do most things correct. It is just that I have high standards for my atmospheric/melancholic black metal. This does feel like a grower even though it right now is bloody good.




Young duo from Germany founded in 2016, Tyakrah present themselves to the World through this debut full-length album, a 7 tracks effort clocking close to 40 minutes of melodic, introspective, melancholic and at the same time cold and abrasive Black Metal. The main attraction point of this material is definitely the lead guitar work, from leads to solos all is done with good taste and plenty of imagination and competence, so from this point of view we've got a winner in Tyakrah, but the rest isn't that good unfortunately. The vocals are ok when on the Black Metal shrieks mode, pretty vicious and cold as ice, but when they venture into clean tonalities it's almost a disaster. The drums are programmed, so expect synthetic sounds and feeling, and the guitar riffs are nothing special although nothing to be ashamed of either. So all in all we've got a mediocre release, but one that shines through the lead guitar work (really worth a listen from this perspective) and also one that offers good atmospheres, I forgot to mention three tracks from the 7 featured here are keyboard based, they remind me of the '90's when keyboards were still used to enhance the atmosphere, not mellow down the music. Hope they'll manage to fix some things for the next opus.




Прекрасные мелодисты эти TYAKRAH. Германская блэк команда из Мюнстера. А вот вы скажите, нужно ли это блэк-металлистам? А вот нужно — в том случае, если это эпический блэк металл. С лирическими темами Winter, Darkness, Death. Ну тут, к слову, можно было форест блэком обойтись... Ан нет. Если композер реально силен в мелодике, то верно ее куда-то надо девать. Так что музыкант под кодом I.XII - (Guitars, Keyboards, Bass (2016-present)) к тому же сильный гитарист. Которому подвластны мертвящие ноты, и оные с нежным шелестом опадают с пюпитра.

Тут уже первый разгонный трек заставляет задуматься о бренном. Натурально. Потому что он пронзительный: на 2 минуты прокалывает клавишными, - это фортепиано — приглушенное и с эффектом удаленного звучания. Понимаете, этот автор незаметно так сделал линк на Траурный марш Шопена (ну вы знаете: Фортепианная соната номер 2, часть 3), очень незаметно, но гробовая сырость осталась. Вот тогда я и понял, что здесь все непросто. Многозначительное клавишное интро.

Собственно дарк-блэк начался с трэка два, трагический, меланхолический - не по-здоровому, туманный и закруживающий полынной тьмой. Автор может чертовски вгонять в транс. Слава хозяину реальности, включился блэк металл. С ядовитым скримингом. Это J.R. - Vocals, Drums, Lyrics (2016-present). Здесь (дорожка 2) вколоты большим шприцом ультрамелодические хладагенты. Бодро пришпоривая темы наглыми, резкими барабанами безумия. И кстати, видно, что это скорее всего живые барабаны. После центра трэка включился иной вокал — чистый фолкиш, нарочито речитативный, сменившийся опять блэковым, но оставивший жестокое впечатление и даже отпечаток на этой дорожке.

А гитарист все поливает соляками: длинными непотухающими... Эпическими? Пусть так. Лесного черного пафоса здесь хватает. И причем фолковых мелодий напрямую здесь нет, это неоклассика: струнная и выдержанная - как раскаленный клинок роняют в масло. По-моему - так закаляют металлоизделия.

Трэк три - это горячий форест блэк с медленным вокалом и струнным выжигом. Там же в середине что-то лопнуло в перегородках и вывалилась борзая, резкая, звериная чернота, которая напомнила мне лучшие работы шведского Арканума, и там же вокал, бесноватый, как у Шамаате.

Вообще наши авторы TYAKRAH прекрасно все модифицируют, конструируют, скрещивают и спаивают. На трэке 7, например, можно найти ритуальный эмбиентальный кусок с пролетающими клавишами, средневековым духом и настроением. И как я смотрю, чем в дальше в чащобы TYAKRAH, тем интереснее и замечательнее, ибо приметить можно многое.

В траке пять появился наконец-то линк на фолкиш, который был надежно склеен с брутальным вокалом, куда гитары добавляли эпического взвара большими емкостями для эля. При том послание оставалось блэковым по музыкальной идеологии... до некоторых пор. Это непредсказуемые ребята.

Неожиданная и классная работа.




Como me gusta cuando la tapa de un disco ya me dice que voy a encontrar dentro. Y este “Wintergedanken” de los alemanes Tyakrah es por demás de elocuente: crudo y helado black metal, como el invierno que ilustra su debut.

Y sin más prólogos, nos lanzamos dentro de este mar de black metal atmosférico y depresivo, con mucha melodía por sobre la fiereza y la agresividad.

Compuesto por I.XII (guitarras, teclados y bajo) y J.R. (voz, batería), Tyakrah lleva al oyente a una tierra de triste belleza. El espíritu del álbum se percibe épico y majestuoso, sombrío y terrenal, con mucha de la tradición noruega del metal negro, y los teclados y el piano agregan puntos culminantes ocasionales aquí y allá, pero las partes principales de guitarra son las estrellas del espectáculo. Ya sea que se trate de solos o melodías atractivas, el guitarrista de la banda sabe claramente cómo manejar un diapasón.

En general “Wintergedanken” está envuelto en una atmósfera de ensueño y básicamente nos muestra una combinación de excelentes momentos que nos llevaran en un mágico viaje hacia las tierras heladas del norte de Europa.





The band comes from Germany and has 2 members who are involved in creativity of music. The album consists of 7 songs which 3 of them are sort of intros. Most interesting of them are tracks with numbers 1 - piano, 4 - dark song with bell tolls and cool atmospherics, also conveyed by medieval type of vocals. Those intros seem quite important for this record and I dig it as much as I try music. It`s the album that suppose to capture the atmosphere and aura of Winter which for this record actually means that they used epic black metal songs to try to achieve that.


For CD design there have being used paintings of Thomas Woram which show really stunning winter landscapes images that correspond with the music of Tyakrah. So, the album cover and the music are the obvious signs to your brain that maybe the coldness of music is going to bite you. But actually this album does not; it has no hooks or anything like that. Instead, Wintergedanken offers decent epic black metal songs that also sound raw and sorrowful, with little dreamy atmosphere upon the music (track 2). There are some aggressive and grim black metal moments in songs and I think the most representative of them is a third song but they always try to have some epic feeling in each song which they also bring in a fifth track. With all intros, comes a sixth song which beside track 2 is my best off song of the album. This time it`s basically combination of epic and harsh black metal which is average of what they offer on this album.

Standard black metal vocals sound OK but when they try “normal” ones for a while , it just turns out dull and unnecessary.


It`s no surprising black metal album that has not too good production but if you like time travels of your mind then perhaps this record could remind you about early era of Enslaved or Norwegian black metal which by music is often connected with attributes of nature, especially winter. The difference is that Tyakrah use German vocals.

