. Satanath Records

Reviews: SAT141

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Es ist so weit, dass Jahr 2016 bricht an und die Tage sind kurz, kalt und dunkel. Perfekt also um mit Black Metal aus dem Underground zu starten. Auf dem Tablett wird heute das Debüt Album "Human Pathomorphism" der Leipziger HUMANITAS ERROR EST serviert. Was ist das Neue daran und lohnt es sich? Tja das ist schwer zu sagen, auffällig zu nennen ist der abwechselnde Gesang zwischen der Sängerin S.Caedes und GHOUL. Eine bemerkenswerte Leistung im Black Metal und gerade bei Songs wie "My Sexual Benediction" und dem folgenden Song "Raping Religions" ein perfektes Stilmittel. Hut ab!

Weiter geht es dann mit den restlichen Bandmitgliedern, die auch in ihrer Geschichte schon so einiges an Erfahrung sammeln konnten und schon in der ein oder andere berühmten Band, wie unter anderem ROGASH und ENTRHONED gespielt haben. Es sind also keine vollkommenden Neulinge am Start und das zahlt sich musikalisch auch zu 100% in diesem Fall aus. Songs wie "Pain Feeder" und "Die Macht deines Glaubens" untermalen und beweisen es auch auf CD gebannter Form. So kann das Jahr gerne weiter gehen, besonders da es im Black Metal schwer ist zu überzeugen, hört man so ein Debüt gleich zum Anfang doppelt so gerne.

Dies war aber auch noch nicht alles, da sich die Band auch einige kleine Raffinesse einfallen lassen hat und ihre Musik mit einigen Effekten und zusätzlichen Einspielungen verzieren. Das lässt die Stimmung einfach steigen und gezielt zu speziellen Emotionen hin lenkend untermalen. Beispiele dafür sind "One Piece Human", "Skinning Alive" und "Bestial Penetration". Einfach Klasse! Die Produktion und Qualität der Aufnahme unterstützt dann noch zusätzlich die musikalischen Kompositionen. Genau so wird es gemacht, bzw. besser kann man ein Debüt eig. gar nicht mehr gestalten. Als kleines I Tüpfelchen sticht dazu auch noch das Intro "Destroyer Of Worlds" und der folgende Track "Quod Homo Appellatur Morbus Est" provokant hervor. (Was im deutschen übrigens etwas Ähnliches bedeutet wie:" Was sich Mensch schimpft ist eine Krankheit".) Sodass das ganze auch einen perfekten Start hinlegt und die ganze Aufmerksamkeit für die restlichen 9 Tracks auf sich zieht.

Bei der Combo sollte man definitiv den Leuchtstift drauf setzten und die Karriere verfolgen. Wenn der Zufall es zulässt, die Band wie bei der Produktion und dem Songwriting sich genau so ins Zeug legt, so kann daraus sehr schnell was Größeres am Black Metal Himmel werden und aus dem Underground im nu Richtung Oben entspringen!!!



Humanitas Error Est is a new German black metal band with ties to Enthroned and Necroblaspheme amongst other bands. ‘Human Pathomorphism’ is their debut and with quite some experience within their ranks this it is no surprise the playing and production is very tight. Stylistically Humanitas Error Est falls in the same category as Marduk, Negator, Dark Funeral and many others. Fast and furious, blasting their aggressive hatred towards the listener at breakneck speed, the band doesn’t let off. Relentless speed, vitriolic riffs and snarling black metal rasps are the main ingredients of ‘Human Pathomorphism’. The execution is spot on and even though they bring no innovations their delivery is of such high quality that this is easily discarded as an irrelevant point of criticism. Humanitas Error Est simply provides a basic need for many black metal fan: a fast and extreme, hateful exercise in brutality that sounds like they actually mean it.




With black metal being the current diversifying genre that it is, far more often today we hear bands that are incorporating new elements, melodies, or atmosphere into the mix. But what of those who still want to hear something that is primal and completely sinister in nature? Humanitas Error Est has you covered in this regard.

Cut from the same cloth as full-speed ahead, brutal black metal bands such as Dark Funeral or Marduk, Human Pathomorphism has one thought in mind: total destruction. The intro, “Destroyer of Worlds,” builds up a war march that “Quod Homo Appellatur Morbus Est” quickly accelerates to maximum velocity. From there, most of the tracks follow this similar level of intensity. When the band isn’t blasting away full-throttle, there are some death metal elements that are involved, enhancing the brutality. Along with this, the vocals often switch between a rather upfront and intense black metal rasp to some lower guttural roars. The type of album that gives you no quarter, don’t expect any ethereal atmosphere or flashy melodies – but every once in a while you can find some subtle ones, such as the slowdown during “Raping Religions” or the gradual build up to the album’s longest track, “One Piece Human.”

There’s no denying the frenetic rush that Humanitas Error Est provide on Human Pathomorphism. Razor sharp riffing and a visceral wall of sound provide the band with ample support to keep the proceedings interesting from beginning to end, which is a strong suit for the band considering the number of bands that cannot sustain this level of intensity and keep things fresh. Barbaric, yet solid musically.




Nein, Musik für Gutmenschen darf man auf "Human Pathomorphism" nicht erwarten. Ganz im Gegenteil: HUMANITAS ERROR EST haben sich ganz und gar einem misanthropischen Zugang zum Black Metal verschrieben, der sich dann auch in einer straighten Herangehensweise äußert. Viel Tempo, bedingungslose Härte und ordentlich Hass - so, wie es Fans von MARDUK, DARK FUNERAL oder ANAAL NATHRAKH am liebsten haben.

Die 2013 gegründete Band aus Leipzig setzt dabei auf präzises Riffing, wo auch schon einmal die eine oder andere Gitarren-Melodie ziemlich gut ins Ohr geht ("Quod Homo Appellatur Morbus Est", "My Sexual Benediction"), massig Blast Beats und auf ein gesangliches Duo, das dem Genre eine kleine Nuance an Innovation gibt, als dass sich Ghoul im leicht tieferen Growl- und S Caedes im höheren Kreisch-Bereich bewegen. Böse klingen beide.

Der Abwechslungsreichtum der Tracks hält sich in Grenzen, als dass das Markenzeichen der Band eine Art Ursprungszuwendung zum Black Metal zu sein scheint. Nur selten drosseln HUMANITAS ERROR EST durchgehender das Tempo ("One Piece Human"). Innerhalb der einzelnen Tracks kommt es dagegen schon öfters vor, dass sie nach rasantem Einstieg kurzzeitg Fahrt herausnehmen, um dann wieder Gas zu geben. Das wiederholt sich etwas gar oft und wird durch den höheren Sound-Mix, für den im Übrigen Déhà (MALADIE) verantwortlich zeichnet, auf Albumlänge etwas monoton.

Dennoch ist "Human Pathomorphism" ein respektables Debütalbum, als dass HUMANITAS ERROR EST musikalisch kaum Schwächen erkennen lassen und ihr Black Metal-Handwerk verstehen. Die fehlende Abwechslung im Großen mag dabei beabsichtigt sein und fällt dabei nicht einmal so negativ ins Gewicht, als dass das Album einen gewissen Durchzugs-Charakter hat.



Humanitas Error Est are a band from Germany that plays a very heavy and aggressive form of black metal and this is a review of their 2016 album "Human Pathomorphism" which was released as a joint effort between Satanath Records, Black Plague Records and Abstruse Eerie Radiance.

Dark sounding synths along with some militant beats start off the album as well as a brief spoken word part before going into a very fast, heavy and raw black metal direction that also utilizes a great amount of brutal blast beats and after awhile grim and high pitched screams make their presence known on the recording.

Melodies can be heard in the music at times and the songs also bring in a great mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts and the album also goes for the more modern and aggressive approach to black metal while still being rooted in the 90's style of the genre and the vocals also get deep at times.

When guitar leads are utilized they bring in more of a dark and melodic atmosphere to the songs as synths also make a return briefly while they are done in more of a dark and sinister fashion as well as never being utilized as a lead instruments and the main focus remains more on a heavy and aggressive musical direction and spoken word samples are also brought back on a few songs.

Humanitas Error Est plays a style of black metal that is very raw and aggressive and also updates the style for modern days as well as demonstrating a great amount of talent and skill as musicians, the production sounds very dark yet heavy at the same time while the lyrics are written in a mixture of German and English and cover Satanism, Anti Christianity, Death and Sadomasochism themes.

In my opinion Humanitas Error Est are a very great sounding fast, heavy and aggressive black metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Pain Feeder" "Raping Religions" "One Piece Human" and "Skinning Alive".



Dass Irren menschlich ist, sollte ja weitestgehend bekannt sein. Dass aber die Menschlichkeit an sich der eigentliche Fehler ist, soll uns wohl der Name der deutschen Black-Metal-Band HUMANITAS ERROR EST sagen, die mit “Human Pathomorphism” soeben ihr Debütalbum vorgelegt haben. Ein Blick auf die Songtitel lässt bereits erahnen, mit welcher Art Black Metal der Hörer hier rechnen muss. Bedient werden genretypische Themen wie Religion, Misanthropie und ganz generell, wie doof die Welt doch ist. Okay. So weit, so unspektakulär. Selbiges haben ja schon unzählige Bands zuvor von vorne bis hinten durchexerziert.

Nach einem dieser seit einigen Jahren scheinbar als Genrestandard geltenden, nichtssagenden Ambient-Noise-Intros beginnt mit “Quod Homo Appellatur Morbus Est” ein aggressives Black-Metal-Gewitter, das zielgenau die Richtung des ganzen Albums vorgibt: hart, düster und völlig desinteressiert an experimentellen Ausflügen. HUMANITAS ERROR EST wissen genau, was sie wollen und liefern stark an die Boshaftigkeit von Marduk und die Harmoniearbeiten von Dark Funeral erinnernden Black Metal ab. Das könnte man im Jahre 2016 durchaus langweilig finden, jedoch bringt die Truppe das Ganze mit einer schwer beeindruckenden Genrekompetenz und instrumentalem Können über die Bühne, sodass man sich im ersten Moment fragt, ob man hier nicht gerade tatsächlich die neue Mardukscheibe hört.

Dass diese hörbare Erfahrung und Professionalität nicht von ungefähr kommt, verrät ein Blick auf die Website der Band: Abgesehen von Sänger Ghoul war beziehungsweise ist jedes der Mitglieder in weiteren Bands aktiv, mit Schlagzeuger Ahephaïm befindet sich sogar ein Ex-Mitglied der bekannten Black-Metal-Band Enthroned in der Besetzung. Weiterhin fällt auf, dass hier Black-Metal-untypisch zwei Hauptsänger am Werk sind. Neben eher tiefen Growls von Sänger Ghoul werden die Texte von Co-Fronterin S Caedes mit wiedererkennbarem Screaming zum Besten gegeben. Das kommt der Vocalperformance des Albums durch Klangabwechslung sehr zugute.

Insgesamt sind die Nummern auf dem Album überwiegend schnell gehalten und meist klassisch mit Blastbeats und Doublebassteppichen unterlegt, mit “One Piece Human” und “Skinning Alive” befinden sich allerdings auch teilweise gemächlichere Nummern auf der Platte. Bei “My Sexual Benediction” wird dann sogar doch ein wenig mit Dynamik und Tempoänderungen experimentiert. Zwar bietet das Album ein bisschen zu wenig musikalische Abwechslung und Eingängigkeit, um mit mancher etablierter Genregröße mithalten zu können, jedoch sind die Songs qualitativ auf durchgehend hohem Niveau angesiedelt. Punkten kann zudem die klare, moderne, kraftvolle Produktion, die der Musik die nötige Härte und Aggressivität verleiht anstatt in peinliche Trve-BM-Soundgefilde abzurutschen.

Dass HUMANITAS ERROR EST mit ihrem Erstling keinen Innovationspreis gewinnen, dürfte klar sein. Tatsächlich machen sie mit “Human Pathomorphism” aber innerhalb seines Genrekontextes so enorm viel richtig, dass Fans von schwarzmetallischer Aggressivität im Stile von Marduk bedenkenlos zugreifen können. Bei all den traurigen Black-Metal-Versuchen vieler Bands, die nicht verstehen, dass für eine gnadenlos fiese Atmosphäre mehr dazugehört als ein paar chromatische Mollakkorde zu Sägegitarrensounds zu schraddeln, ist ein so durch und durch kompetentes Werk ja dann doch irgendwo immer eine große Freude.



Six German individualists, with misanthropy and lack of respect for any religion as common ground, brings a powerful discharge, about as explosive as a high voltage short circuit.

The idea is to give society the finger simply by holding up a mirror, for a world ruled by power-hungry sociopaths, incompetent leaders, corrupt advisers, narcissistic bureaucrats and square, authoritative and often sadistic enforcers in all positions, deserves nothing but unadulterated hatred in return!

The band plays black metal of the fast and aggressive sort, where straight-in-your-face, foaming and furious loathing in it selves crafts the necessary mood. Now, don't get me wrong, cause that doesn't mean that the songs are simply straight forward.

The band tread in the footsteps planted by Gorgoroth, Marduk et al., and in an era marked by divergent sub-genres, it actually feels fucking fresh.

The intro more than suggest an industrial direction, but besides an expression free from human values on the agenda, it doesn't smell distinctly mechanical of Human Pathomorphism. That the guys are performing with an inhuman drive, and that the drummer is a machine, an animal, a beast, or simply possessed by the devil, is another matter.

The band does everything by the book, without any kind of plagiarizing. That genre-fans gets what they want, while others will do without it. I, for one, will gladly take this album for a new spin.

What to the greatest degree makes Humanitas Error Est differ from similar acts is their two singers. Sure, that'll probably not sound so outstanding, until you learn that none of them wield either four- or six-stringed axe. The highest pitched vocals can become a bit screeching, but it helps to create a frantic expression. Intro, outro, nine solid and coal-black songs distinguished by disgust and brutality, all spread across 40 minutes. It definitively gives me a taste for more, and when the play time isn't any longer, it is easy to be tempted to replay this delightful album.


Hello, Metalhead. Are You Metal? I hope You still Metal. Ok, for this time. I’ll reviews Humanitas Error Est Album, Human Pathomorphism. This Album Released via Satanath Records, Metal Label from Russia. Ok, let’s go.

Destroyer of Worlds, the combative intro. This intro can make you spirit and this’s good opening. Quod Homo Appellatur Morbus Est, fast blasting Drums, easy listening Guitar Riff and powerful Growl and Female Scream. This’s easy listening Blackened Death Metal song. Pain Feeder, dislike previous song. Changeable Tempo from fast to slow and fast again. This song have an epic drums part on 02:14 02:21. Like a Machine Gun :v

Jagdzeit, Good Guitar Riff, Powerful Drums Blast, and Powerful Growls and Scream. My Sexual Benediction, started with Industrial sound and Erotic Rustle. Continued with Dark Brutal Music and Powerful Growls and Scream. This song have a solid structure than previous songs. Raping Religions, Drums structure on this song more solid than previous songs. And, this song have a good ending part.

One Piece Human, Remember this’s One Piece Human not Ecchi Cartoon, One Piece. This song started with Ambient sound until 00:51. This song have a Doom Metal element. From 04:09, tempo changed to fast until 04:52 and Doom again till end, 06:23. Die Macht Deines Glaubens, I just wanna say, this’s Good Blackened Death Grind song.

Skinning Alive, this’s song have a Good Beat and simple Guitar Riff. Bestial Penetration, Fast, simple Guitar Riff and Drums like a Machine Gun. Human Pathomorphism, Raw Instrumental song.

Human Pathomorphism, Excellent Blackened Death Metal Album with simple Guitar Riff, Powerful Growls Vocals and Female Black Metal Scream, Powerful Drums like a Rambo, Changeable tempo and Excellent Album without Guitar Solo.

My Favorite Track: Quod Homo Appellatur Morbus Est, One Piece Human, Die Macht Deines Glaubens, and Skinning Alive.


 Auf ihrem Debütalbum „Human Pathomorphism“ spielt die 2013 gegründete Band HUMANITAS ERROR EST schnellen Black Metal, der irgendwo zwischen DARK FUNERAL, MARDUK UND DARKENED NOCTURN SLAUGHTERCULT anzusiedeln ist. Die Einflüsse die sich heraushören lassen sind mannigfaltig. Ebenso unterschiedlich sind auch die fünf Musiker. Schlagzeuger Ahephaim sammelt(e) unter anderem mit ENTHRONED, ROGASH, LENG TCH‘E und GRABAK Erfahrungen. Bassist Rogan ist ebenfalls mit ROGASH unterwegs, während Sängerin S Caedes bei LEBENSSUCHT tätig ist. Gitarrist Tzar war auch mal bei GRABAK und Sänger Ghoul und Gitarrist Void114 scheinen bisher zwei unbeschriebene Blätter zu sein.

Auch wenn die stilistischen Einflüsse und vorherige Beteiligungen unterschiedlich sind, eint sie unter dem Banner HUMANITAS ERROR EST der bedingungslose Wille schnellen und aggressiven Black Metal spielen zu wollen. „Human Pathomorphism“ ist ein Album auf dem das rasende Schlagzeug und kalt sägende Riffs federführend sind. HUMANITAS ERROR EST kombinieren unter starkem skandinavischen Einfluss kompromisslose Raserei und dezidierte Melodik. Die beiden Sänger sorgen mit ihren unterschiedlichen Stimmen für Abwechslung. Während der tiefe Gesang von Ghoul oftmals tief und kehlig ist und in Richtung Death Metal tendiert, ist das giftige Gekeife von Sängerin S Caedes wesentlich schwarzmetallischer und erinnert mich immer wieder an DARKENED NOCTURN SLAUGHTERCULT.

„Human Pathomorphism“ ist ein handwerklich gut gemachtes Album. Allen voran Schlagzeuger Ahephaim leistete hervorragende, teils unmenschliche Arbeit. Sein Spiel mag manchmal etwas arg technisch sein, doch das ist angesichts der rasanten Geschwindigkeiten nicht verwunderlich. Wer seinen Black Metal lieber etwas roher und rumpelnder mag, der könnte das Album etwas glatt finden. Doch wer den schnellen und aggressiven skandinavischen Black Metal schätzt, der findet mit „Human Pathomorphism“ eine gute Alternative.


 Look to your left: dudes doing windmills. Look to your right: more dudes doing windmills. Glance over your shoulder: even more dudes doing windmills. Why? Because in front of you is the unholy display of furious power a.k.a. Humanitas Error Est! Human Pathomorphism is exactly the album you’d expect to hear from an album titled Human Pathomorphism. Whatever “pathomorphism” is, I want it (probably).


Vi piace il Black Metal senza compromessi di Dark Funeral (soprattutto) e Marduk?

Si?Allora "Human Pathomorphism", belligerante esordio dei tedeschi Humanitas Error Est, è un album che fa per voi. Decisamente!

Qui, infatti, non troverete alcuna sperimentazione, nessuna commistione con altri generi, nessun ammorbidimento. Solo pura e semplice violenza che viene espressa attraverso un suono brutale, tagliente, devoto a Satana e mai disposto a scendere a compromessi.

Un suono, badate bene, incanalato all'interno di canzoni (su tutte la magnifica "Raping Religions") scritte, arrangiate ed eseguite con grande qualità e, dunque, non fini a se stesse o, peggio, noiose.

La proposta del gruppo di Lipsia risulta essere, dunque, perfetta per il genere: i riff sono semplici ma dannatamente efficaci, la batteria costantemente in blast beat, i momenti di "calma" ottimi nel creare quella tensione emotiva che viene poi spazzata via dalla furia strumentale, e poi ci sono le voci dei due singer, una ragazza ed un ragazzo, che si alternano incessantemente, nelle loro diverse tonalità, nell'urlare la loro rabbia ed il loro disprezzo per l'umanità intera.

Proprio questo tipo di disprezzo è il filo conduttore di un album davvero distruttivo che farà la gioia di chi ama la musica senza compromessi e senza nessuna velleità di modernità.

Certo, i nomi citati in apertura fanno sentire in maniera MOLTO evidente la loro influenza, ma va dato atto agli Humanitas Error Est di essere dei validissimi interpreti di un modo di intendere il black metal che, se non può certo dirsi originale, può tuttavia fregiarsi di una convinzione fuori dall'ordinario e di una forza dirompente di difficile reperibilità nell'odierno panorama estremo.

Tra atmosfere demoniache, suoni gelidi e cristallini, scream urticante, velocità assassine, intrecci epici e dissonanti di chitarra, "Human Pathomorphism" ci sprofonda nel buio più assoluto dandoci il più classico dei benvenuto all'inferno!


Non tutti possono chiamarsi Endstille e vantare la stessa classe del combo di Kiel. Prendiamo ad esempio gli Humanitas Error Est, recentemente affacciatisi sul mercato con il debut album “Human Pathomorphism”: diversi i punti di contatto tra le due formazioni, dalla nazionalità al genere di competenza (un black metal tiratissimo di chiara ascendenza Marduk/Dark Funeral), eppure, invalicabile, ecco ergersi un muro a separarne la bontà delle proposte, con i secondi ben lungi dal conquistare le vette presiedute dagli autori di “Verführer” e “Kapitulation 2013”. Detto che ai Nostri non mancano né i mezzi né tanto meno la convinzione per cimentarsi con certe sonorità, bastano pochi ascolti per accorgersi di come – dietro all’azzeccata produzione e alla fiumana di odio sprigionata dalla tracklist – si nasconda un songwriting ancora piuttosto acerbo e confusionario, all’interno del quale riff e cambi di tempo si inseguono senza mai venire al dunque, senza mai trasformare i vari brani in autentiche carneficine, come una mitragliatrice MG-42 inceppatasi nel mezzo di un brutale scontro a fuoco. Non a caso, molti episodi ricorrono ingenuamente alla formula del collage, con sezioni di diversa natura (rasoiate ai limiti del parossismo, digressioni macabro-atmosferiche, ecc.) accostate e legate tra loro secondo uno schema compositivo piuttosto azzardato, che inficia giocoforza sullo scorrimento dell’opera e sul suo livello di presa sul pubblico. D’altronde, a che serve imbroccare il riff giusto se un istante dopo si vanifica il tutto con un cambio di registro improvviso e poco fluido? In futuro, il sestetto teutonico farebbe bene ad organizzare meglio le proprie idee, dato che le potenzialità per migliorare e produrre qualcosa di veramente significativo non gli mancano di certo. Staremo a vedere.


Human Pathomorphism is the first release from German black metal outfit Humanitas Error Est, the one thing I’ve noticed, like most German Black Metal is the pure savagery of their playing technique. It’s like a wall of pure barbaric death coming towards you “Quod Homo Apellatur Morbus Est“ is a perfect example, the song is a blast beat hail storm of anger and rage, which I think is actually the stand out track for this album.

 This is almost war metal-like black metal that explodes at high speed blast beats and tearing guitars from the very beginning and never really stops, well that is aside from the German black metal tradition of an intro track; this time called Destroyer of Worlds and yes you could have guessed from the title alone, it includes air raid sirens and the oft sampled J. Robert Oppenheimer quote.

The drumming on this album like I said, is almost pure blast beating with little tom or snare work, it’s par for the course of the German black metal scene; I’m not going to say it’s bad when Marduk does it, not saying it’s bad when Humanitas Error Est does it.

Bestial Penetration is another is another stand-out, not only for the timing signature of the song; but also because it features another sample intro, this time however, it’s a sample about Gandhi.. and how violence isn’t an answer.

It’s definitely strange to hear and then be jolted into a time changing blitzkrieg of war. In all honesty, I enjoyed this album, I’m looking forward to seeing where Humanitas Error Est goes from here, will they keep the same sound; or will they change it up, Bestial penetration shows they can handle more than the simple German style, and I’m just wondering what will come next.


Humanitas Error Est ist ein junges Sechsergespann aus Leipzig, welches 2013 das Licht der Welt erblickte und nun, 2016, mit “Human Pathomorphism” ihr Erstlingswerk unter die schwarze Masse bringt.

Der Sound ist soweit recht gut, leicht kratzende Gitarren, aber das hält sich im Rahmen, bzw gehört ja auch dazu. Musikalisch bietet die Band Black Metal der 2. Welle, der kraftvoll und stürmisch nach vorn drängt, aber auch etwas ruhigere Parts zulässt. Soweit nichts was man nicht schon gehört hat, trotzdem gut. Interessanter drängen sich da schon die Vocals ans Ohr, die sich aus männlichen und weiblichen zusammensetzen, welche entweder als Duo oder einzeln, bzw sich ergänzend auftreten. Dabei sind die weiblichen deutlich aggressiver und kühler als die männlichen, die dafür düsterer ausfallen. Das passt auf der gesamten Albumlänge super zusammen, harmoniert sogar und sorgt vor allem beim ersten Hören für einen großen Aha-Moment.

Humanitas Error Est bieten Black Metal wie man ihn kennen und lieben gelernt hat, bei dem vor allem das Zusammenspiel der unterschiedlichen Vocals die ein oder andere Überraschung bereit hält, allerdings auch auf instrumentaler Ebene zu gefallen weiß.


German black metal band Humanitas Error Est has produced a convincing debut album that is up there with the best in the genre.

Humanitas Error Est was formed in Leipzig, Germany in 2013 and now their gloriously brutal debut album, “Human Pathomorphism”, has been released by the very interesting Russian metal label Satanath Records.

The band was founded by drummer Ahephaïm and vocalist S. Caedes. They soon teamed up with second vocalist Ghoul and, subsequently, guitarist Tsar and bassist Rogan. Humanitas Error Est really took off when guitarist Void114 joined in late 2014 as a replacement for the original guitarist Azogarr. Their early gigs have seen them perform in Europe and they have been getting some great live reviews and made a name for themselves on the black metal underground scene. With this album they are ready to take on the world.

The album has a fantastic opening with the intro “Destroyer of Worlds” and an equally good outro in the form of the title track “Human Pathomorphism”. “One Piece Human” is just majestic. A dark, gloomy and glorious piece of music. It just might be the album’s best track. Another favourite is the very fast and angry “Skinning Alive”. Fantastic stuff!

The album has a great production. It is a very busy sound landscape with lots going on in it. This is in-your-face, brutal black metal which combines fast parts with slower, doomier sections. It’s pitch-dark music performed for those who can see the beauty in darkness.Humanitas

It is an album you want to listen to in the dark. I detect quite a few echoes of Belphegor on this album (and that is a very good thing as it is one of my favourite bands). At times some of the vocals on the album remind me of Norway’s mighty Abbath and at other times it sounds like Belphegor’s Helmuth Lehner.

This is a very convincing debut album from a very talented bunch of musicians. These bad boys will no doubt go places and continue to produce great, brutal music for lovers of extreme metal.


Humanitas Error Est ist höllisch guter Black Metal, Die emotionsvollen Gitarrenriffs, das treibende, punktgenaue Schlagzeug und der genial Gesang. Die Stärken liegen vor allem in den schönen Gitarrenlinien, der abwechslungsreichen Atmosphäre und den Gesangsleistungen,  Der Wechsel zwischen den melodischen Midtempo Parts und den, teilweise ebenso melodischen, Uptempo Abschnitten, die sich nicht gegenseitig im  Weg stehen, sondern prima miteinander harmonieren. Die Songs werden durch eine druckvolle Produktion bestens unterstützt. Flirrende Leads, wandernde Basslinien, treibendes Drumkit, dynamische Songs, gekonnte Arrangements - alles da. Die Platte hat alles, was ein gutes Black Metal-Album braucht.


Saksalainen brutaalia black metalia esittävä viisihenkinen orkesteri Humanitas Error Est on perustettu vuonna 2013. Debyyttilevy Pathomorphism julkaistiin tammikuussa 2016 venäläisen Satanath Recordsin toimesta.

Levyn aukaisee industrialmainen instrumentaali, jonka jälkeen alkaa todellinen tykitys. Quod Homo Appellatur Morbus Est on varsin ripeätahtista ja äkäistä bläkkiä muistuttaen melko paljon Dödheimsgardin Satanic Art-minijulkaisun pariminuuttista rykäisyä nimeltä Symptom. Siinä missä DHG pyrki jo tuolloin kallistumaan kokeellisempaan suuntaan, Humanitas Error Est tyytyy perinteisempään black metal-paahtoon. Tuleehan tästä kovasti mieleen myös Ruotsin Dark Funeral ja siitä loistava esimerkki on seuraavana soiva Pain Feeder. Samaa sarjaa edustaa myös äkkipikainen kolmeminuuttinen Jagdzeid.

Tämän vajaan 40 minuuttisen kokonaisuuden kappaleista suurin osa on pituudeltaan radiosoittoon sopivia, mutta muutama pidempikin veto on saatu mukaan. Vaikka yhtyeen tyyliin ei turha koreilu kuulukaan, niin kyllä hieman yli viisiminuuttiseen My Sexual Benedictioniin on saatu ihan hyvin vaihtelevuuttakin mukaan, kun tahtilajiakin maltetaan hidastaa välillä. Uhkaavalla synaintrolla alkava levyn pisin ja hitain, melkein kuusi ja puoli minuuttia kellottava One Piece Human on omaksi edukseen erottuva hidastelu vauhdikkaamman mätön välisoittona. Levyn viimeinen metallieepos Bestial Penetration on myös keskivertoa pidempi ja oikein maittava kappale. Jotenkin albumin vähäisissä elektronisissa pätkissä on tieteishenkisyyttä mukana, ja juuri johonkin Dead Spaceen sopivaan ambient-outroon levy päättyykin. Olisihan sitä voinut olla enemmänkin mukana.

Siitä on jo jonkun aikaa, kun olen viimeksi kuunnellut levyllisen brutaalimman puoleista black metalia, joten kyllähän tämä ihan tarpeeseen tuli. Pathomorphism muistuttaa Dödheimsgardin viimeistä oikeaa black metal-julkaisua Satanic Artia sekä Dark Funeralia ynnä muita vastaavia. Kaikkine kliseineen albumi on ennalta-arvattava kuin mikä, ehkä itseään toistavakin, mutta siitäkin huolimatta se toimii kiitettävän hyvin.


Straight out of Germany, the same country that the greatest nihilist philosopher Nietzsche is from, the Nihilistic Brutal Black Metal band Humanitas Error Est with its two vocalists (female S. Caedes and male Ghoul) is taking the spot of the most interesting Black metal band coming out of Germany so far in 2016.

With a sound that only early Marduk and Dark Funeral fans can relate to, their hyper fast and almost as brutal metal is widely satisfying. Add to that a contempt for melody and softness. There is no time to take a break or a breath.

Behind the drum kit, ex-Enthroned, Ahephaïm delivers a performance of high precision and at thunderous velocity. His blast beats are brutal and they bring a vehement feeling to the misanthropic vision of Humanitas Error Est. His fast tempos are technical but what I like more are his fillers in slower transitions.

The band makes uncompromising music and has a bold disgust for humanity and its presence on Earth. The duo of vocalists of S. Caedes and Ghoul makes more dynamic in the vocal section and it even reminded me of old school hardcore bands of multi vocalists. Also worth noticing is how few women are central in Black metal acts and I like that S. Caedes is not just doing clean back vocals or is relegated to a muted bass behind the torrent of guitar and drumming. As male as the Black metal world wants to be there should be more female into the genre and I think that sometimes they can be as prolific and bring another layer to the whole picture.

As much as the velocity and aggression of Human Pathomorphism is interesting, the slower parts and slower songs like ‘’Pain Feeder’’ are the ones that have the most meat around the bone and that are potential classics for live performances. In fact, Humanitas Error Est is rapidly making a name for itself and word is that their live performances are delivering even more than their studio material.

In conclusion, this is an album I’ve been listening for the past three weeks and I spin it at least once a day since I received it from the promo people at Satanath Records. Honestly can say that it will stay in the playlist for a good while after I post this review. Despise the obvious negativity in the lyrical themes of Humanitas Error Est’s debut album I must say that there are not many negative comments to write about it.


Очень неплохой дебют от немцев? Слабо сказано. Очень мощный дебют, причем вся мощь заключается буквально во всем, начиная от марширующего интро и заканчивая нойзовой релаксацией, что уж говорить о самом материале. Также интересно то, что в группе присутствуют два вокалиста. Причем вокалисты эти разнополые, т.е. мужчина (Ghoul) и женщина (S Caedes aka Anett Hauzu).

В общем-то их партии и являются самой интересной и выделяющейся чертой коллектива. Конечно же, в музыкальном плане тоже есть, на что обратить внимание, но все же первое с чего начинаешь получать восхищение, так это вокал, потому именно ему и уделю больше внимания. Голос Ghoul'а действительно очень демонический и хорошо поставлен, что позволяет ему свободно варьировать между скоростными запилами, атмосферными притормаживаниями и всевозможными слайдами. Войс не идет фоном к музыке, а очень хорошо ложится на каждую ноту и с каждым новым ходом делает свой эмоционально-настроенный, неповторимый хук. Такую манеру вполне заслуженно можно назвать пением, а не просто скримингом или рычанием.

Anett Hauzu в свою очередь имеет очень надрывный, немного примоченный вокал. По сути, это крик доведенной до отчаянья и ненависти ведьмы, устроившей перекличку с Темным Властелином. В моментах, когда музыка приобретает более лирический оттенок, чувствуется настоящее страдание и отречение. Прекрасно слышно, что материал очень хорошо проработан и отточен, а музыкантов вполне заслуженно можно сравнить с профессиональным оркестром, ведущими музыкальную дорожку к какой-то драматичной и ужасающей оперетте с двумя актерами из Преисподней.

Очень советую альбом любителям качественного Black Metal. Пять с плюсом, однозначно! Беги за диском или диджипаком, не то разберут.


Human Pathomorphism album released on Satanath Records January 11th 2016. With a haunting intro, "Destroyer of Worlds", the band quickly sets us up for total annihilation. The blazing double kicks are tremendous and deliver high doses on intensity. Heavy tremolo guitar riffing and high screams send chills to the bones. It is good to here two sets of vocals doing some complex inter-changes, mid-low growls and high screams of intense brutality. I am reminded of bands like Bathory, Gorgoroth and Samael.

A sonic wave of enormous proportions continues to weave its tentacles from song to song. Some of the more notable compositions would be "My Sexual Benediction", "Skinning Alive" and "Bestial Penetration", are all well executed and express the memorable arrangements, but overall, I enjoyed listening to all their songs.

In conclusion, an atmosphere of complete darkness and chaos. An album full of energy and intensity. Heavy blasting and demonic infestation is presented in the highest manner.


Ik weet niet of u het weet, maar in Zweden loopt er sinds 1993 een blackmetalband rond onder de naam Dark Funeral, eentje die snelle Satanische black metal maakt met hier en daar wat melodie. Ze verkopen shirts aan de lopende band, ik heb er zelf een stuk of drie/vier van denk ik, en ze hebben evenveel haters tegen als fans die hen adoreren. Humanitas Error Est vond het blijkbaar een goed idee om ze te imiteren, op alle vlak.

Nu, er zijn bijlange niet zoveel "Satan"s of "666"-verwijzingen te vinden op deze plaat dan op Vobiscum Satanas of Diabolis Interium, maar voor de rest is het een copieuze bedoening. Die twee Dark Funeral-platen draai ik overigens met veel plezier, hoe fout dat ook moge zijn. Deze Duitse band heeft echter met de Belg Arnaud Vansteenkiste een prima drummer in huis, die de boel spannend weet te houden, iets wat niet evident is in een constant demonische gezwindheid op volle snelheid. Ook tijdens een gematigder en sfeervoller nummer als One Piece Human blinkt hij trouwens uit.

Nu, ben je bezeten van Dark Funeral, Setherial of Enthroned (de Belgische link), tel dan gerust tien punten bij het totaal op. Niet dat ik niet hou van desbetreffende bands, het mag voor mij gewoon net ietsje anders klinken, na vijftien jaar.

http://www.zwaremetalen.com/recensie/34066/Humanitas-Error-Est-Human-Pathomorphism.ht ml

Online magazine review: http://www.french-metal.com/chroniques/humanitaserrorest.html#.VxZarEyLQdX

(Satanath Records) L’intro scelta dal gruppo tedesco non deve fuorviare. No, non siamo di fronte a degli emuli dei Marduk, bensì ad un combo che fa del nichilismo la parola d’ordine: dieci tracce più la sopracitata intro con una lunghezza media di un paio di minuti o poco più, con una batteria comandata da un individuo che evidentemente non pensa ci sarà un domani. Le chitarre sono sfruttate a dovere, per un Black veloce e tagliente, vecchio stile ma non troppo. La particolarità del gruppo sta nell’uso di due distinte voci nel cantato, affidate ad altrettanti cantanti. Uno dei due ha la classica vociona da Black, mentre il secondo si avvicina di più ad un cantato stridulo ma diciamo pure che questa peculiarità è forse uno dei punti a sfavore della formazione. Se da un lato infatti la struttura dialogica dei testi impostati ad hoc per la formazione dona una certa dinamicità alle composizioni, dall’altro lato questa caratteristica sembra stridere con il genere proposto, ossia il Black nichilista, che è un sottogenere molto chiuso nonostante le credenze generali. Resta comunque un valido esperimento, riuscito però a tre quarti. Parziali.


Si vous aussi vous avez grandement envie de détester l’humanité en ces temps troubles et sanglants, alors ce premier album de HUMANITAS ERROR EST tombe à point nommé. Rassemblé en 2013 autour d’une même idée, le sextet allemand retransmet son dégoût de la race humaine et des religions qu’elle a créés à travers un Black Metal brutal et haineux qui décroche les mâchoires.

Démarrage en trombe après une courte intro militariste, "Quod Homo Appellatur Morbus Est" déballe tout l’attirail du Black tapageur par excellence, du riffing vicieux aux blasts-beat infernaux en passant par les éructations sonores des deux chanteurs. Un critère original pour un groupe de Black Metal et qui le devient davantage lorsque l’on s’aperçoit que ce duo vocal est mixte, Ghoul étant le démon féroce et S Caedes la succube vénéneuse. Ainsi, aucune redondance n’est à déplorer au niveau du chant, leur prestation se traduisant par une joute verbale impie et sanguinaire, parfaite dans le rôle de porte-parole misanthropique. Car oui, HUMANITAS ERROR EST part en guerre contre le monde de la manière la plus frontale qui soit, porté par une production puissante et incisive, la première partie de ce Human Pathomorphism ne laisse aucune chance à l’auditeur tel la Division Panzer de MARDUK ("Jagdzeit" mes aïeux !). Pour autant, même si le batteur Ahephaïm (ex-ENTHRONED tout de même) se complaît, la plupart du temps, dans le torpillage rythmique, la formation de Leipzig n’occulte pas les mid-tempos funéraires entre deux accélérations redoutables ("One Piece Human", "Skinning Alive", notamment).

Il est vrai qu’il n’y a rien de très original dans la musique de HUMANITAS ERROR EST, mais l’efficacité redoutable de certains riffs ("Die Macht Deines Glaubens", 2 minutes de bonheur dément) ou lignes mélodiques ("Raping Religions") donnent à ce Human Pathomorphism une stature solide dans le Black brutal et blasphématoire. Si vous cherchiez une réponse allemande à MARDUK et DARK FUNERAL, la voici, et elle n’est pas là pour enfiler des perles !


Cattivo, cattivo, cattivo!!!

Un debutto al fulmicotone per i teutonici “Humanitas Error Est” (anche se il moniker non è che mi convinca tanto…). Formatosi in quel di Lipsia nel 2013, il sestetto germanico ci propone con “Human Pathomorphism” una mazzata micidiale di black metal anti umano, incazzato, nichilista e misantropico. Siamo in presenza di muri di suono impenetrabili che richiamano alla mente i nostrani Handful of Hate (tanto per dire che non c’è bisogno di andare a cercare in Germania roba di spessore), con il loro incedere da schiacciasassi.

Tante mazzate dunque, e pesanti. Ma non basta mazzolare per suonare black metal (e nessun altro metal…direi), bisogna farlo con cognizione di causa. In questo i Nostri sembrano avere un buon talento unito a delle ottime doti tecniche. L’uomo dietro le pelli è un panzer corazzato che avanza inarrestabile. Blast-beats alla velocità della luce creano un tappeto ritmico da scala Mercalli richiamando alle orecchie il buon vecchio Zbigniew Robert "Inferno" Promiński, che dei ritmi serratissimi ha fatto il proprio biglietto da visita, lavorando alla pari di una drum-machine.

Le due chitarre, dal canto loro, tessono trame di buio, da cui trasudano solo odio e rabbia. Non c’è nemmeno spazio per un po’ di malinconia, solo gelo e rasoiate affilate, tremolo picking e un rincorrersi frenetico delle sei corde che, a sprazzi (ma solo a sprazzi) riescono a regalarci anche dei riff più “orecchiabili” (“One Piece Human”) per quanto il termine possa suonare ossimorico all’interno di questo contesto.

Il punto forte dei ragazzi di Leipzig è senz’altro  la nota innovativa che ci propongono: due singer (che non fanno altro che spaccarsi le ugole…nel senso che non sono armati di alcuno strumento…nemmeno di tortura), un signore e una signora che si fanno vicendevolmente da completamento. Ghoul – il signore – più tendente al growl con un timbro bello pronunciato e profondo, e S Caedes – la signora – più indirizzata sullo screaming classico ma con quel tocco femminile, un po’ acuto e graffiante a tratti fastidioso, che regala alle composizioni sfumature inaspettate e sicuramente innovative – seppur assolutamente contro tendenza – all’interno del genere di riferimento.

Tirando le somme “Human Pathomorphism” è un album di indubbio valore con delle piccole perle che si distinguono all’interno delle 11 tracce (compresi  intro e outro) che, nelle ripetizione di una formula collaudata, rischiano di trovare il proprio punto debole; penso, ad esempio, a “Quod Homo Appellatur Morbus Est” o a “Skinning Alive” dove la violenza sembra più ragionata o, per lo meno, meno fine a se stessa.

Assolutamente sopra la sufficienza anche se tutt’ora continua a sfuggirmi l’utilizzo del latino da parte di popoli reputati, da noi di nobile stirpe, barbari. Ci starebbe bene il famoso adagio: “quando voi stavate sull’alberi (romanesco) a Roma eravamo già froci!”


Quel enchantement lorsque j'ai йcoutй les premiers riffs de cet album fraichement sorti dans les bacs en ce dйbut d'annйe 2016. HUMANITAS ERROR EST est un groupe de Black Metal allemand originaire de Leipzig. Ces 6 adeptes du satanisme ont formй le groupe en 2013 pour dйlivrer leurs textes sur l'anti-christianisme et autres douceurs littйraires. On y trouve 2 chanteurs, Ghoul et S Caedes, 2 guitaristes, Tzar et Void 114, le dйfourailleur de fыts, Ahephaim et le bassiste, Rogan.

Point de dйmo, de EP ou autres split, les allemands nous offrent lа leur premier album direct dans la tronche comme leur musique puissante et brutale.

'Human Pathomorphism' ne fait pas dans la dentelle et crache son venin en 11 actes sur prкt de 40 minutes de pur black metal old school aux influences trиs nordiques (il faut dire que la frontiиre avec l'Allemagne n'est pas loin).

Hormis l'intro d'une minute aux effets sonores indus ('Destroyer Of Worlds'), on sent trиs nettement les riffs inspirйs de MARDUK, ou DARK FUNERAL, pour ne citer qu'eux, et ce, dиs le second titre 'Quod Homo Appellatur Morbur Est'. Riffs cristallins hyper rapides, forte dominance de blast beat mкme si quelques blasts au tempo plus lent sont lа pour varier le rythme et reposer le sextиte. Chose rare en black metal, la prйsence de 2 chanteurs black au timbre lйgиrement diffйrent apportant du volume aux compositions et accentuant l'effet tйnйbreux et macabre de la musique. Le batteur s'en donne а cњur joie avec la double caisse genre mitrailleuse, je dйgomme tout ce qui bouge et les titres vont s'enchainer de la sorte sans transition, sans concession !

Les morceaux sont de durйe variable avec 6'23'' pour le plus long 'One Piece Human' et son ambiance lourde et sinistre et le plus court, 'Die Macht Deines Glaubens', qui sur moins de 2 minutes agresse l'auditeur avec une violence inouпe.

Les allemands arrivent avec brio а changer d'atmosphиre brutalement sans pour autant perdre l'auditeur. 'Pain Feeder' а l'odeur malsaine alternant lourdeur et rapiditй laissant place aux riffs acйrйs et aux blasts dйvastateurs de 'Jagdzeit'. On est sans cesse bousculй, repoussй dans nos derniers retranchements comme avec 'My Sexual Benediction' aux riffs dйrangeants et pйnйtrants ou 'Raping Religions' au texte clairement satanique sur riffs dissonants et blast beat assommants.

Les 3 derniers titres ne vous laisseront pas indemnes : 'Skinning Alive' semble vous faire souffler par sa premiиre minute lente et puis c'est l'avalanche de riffs sordides et de cris terrorisants sur les trois minutes suivantes. 'Bestial Penetration' sera du mкme acabit avec un tempo saccadй et les voix scandйes а l'unisson des deux chanteurs accentuant la monstruositй des paroles et l'horreur de l'atmosphиre.

Le titre йponyme clфture ce disque fort bien produit sur 2'02'' d'effets sonores indus.et torturants.

Pas de concept novateur avec cette premiиre galette du combo allemand HUMANITAS ERROR EST mais un Black Metal old school bien brutal et clairement satanique et sadomasochiste. Ca a le mйrite d'кtre clair, вmes sensibles, s'abstenir.


Human Pathomorphism, debut Album from Humanitas Error Est, Black/Death Metal Band from Germany. Lyrical themes about: Satanism, Anti-Christianity, Death, Sadomasochism. This Album Released on January 11th, 2016 via Satanath Records. Check my reviews. Check it out.

Destroyer of Worlds, the combative intro. This intro can make you spirit and this’s good opening. Quod Homo Appellatur Morbus Est, fast blasting Drums, easy listening Guitar Riff and powerful Growl and Female Scream. This’s easy listening Blackened Death Metal song. Pain Feeder, dislike previous song. Changeable Tempo from fast to slow and fast again. This song have an epic drums part on 02:14 02:21. Like a Machine Gun :v

Jagdzeit, Good Guitar Riff, Powerful Drums Blast, and Powerful Growls and Scream. My Sexual Benediction, started with Industrial sound and Erotic Rustle. Continued with Dark Brutal Music and Powerful Growls and Scream. This song have a solid structure than previous songs. Raping Religions, Drums structure on this song more solid than previous songs. And, this song have a good ending part.

One Piece Human, Remember this’s One Piece Human not Ecchi Cartoon, One Piece. This song started with Ambient sound until 00:51. This song have a Doom Metal element. From 04:09, tempo changed to fast until 04:52 and Doom again till end, 06:23. Die Macht Deines Glaubens, I just wanna say, this’s Good Blackened Death Grind song.

Skinning Alive, this’s song have a Good Beat and simple Guitar Riff. Bestial Penetration, Fast, simple Guitar Riff and Drums like a Machine Gun. Human Pathomorphism, Raw Instrumental song.

Fusion between Darkness and Brutality & Fusion between Old School and Modern with simple composition, made this album can enjoyed easily. Great Blackened Death Metal Album without Guitar Solo. Fast, Dark, Simple and Great.


Human Pathomorphism, a perverted or abnormal morphology (or study of the human form), is not only the debut full-length opus by German Black Metal horde Humanitas Error Est, but a cutting statement that mankind is nothing but a failed experiment in this sick world we live in. Furthermore, the name of the band translated from Latin already means “humanity is a mistake”, a pivotal detail that shows you the band is not fooling around, sending their sad but true message to everyone that somehow still believes our society has a promising future ahead even after all the shit we’ve been witnessing lately.

And this deranged army from the city of Leipzig, also known as the “boomtown of eastern Germany”, vehemently spills their venom against any type of religion throughout the entire album, which according to the band can be considered the first chapter of their pandemic hatred against mankind. Evidently, there couldn’t be a better sub-genre of heavy music to perfectly represent all their negative feelings and thoughts than our good old Black Metal, and due to the highly developed skills by each band member what we have is an extremely well-crafted sonic assault that achieves its main goal hands down.

The intro Destroyer Of Worlds gives you about a minute to get ready to be destroyed by the band, which is what will happen to you when you face their heavy artillery in Quod Homo Appellatur Morbus Est (or something like “that man called disease”, translated from Latin). What a fantastic massacre generated by those six musicians, sounding like a rawer version of Dimmu Borgir with a merciless approach. Their bursting Black Metal keeps crushing our minds in Pain Feeder, where Ahephaïm is a lunatic fringe on drums while the band’s own succubus S Caedes and the barbarian demon Ghoul provide us their most nightmarish growls, and despite the second half of the song slowing down a bit it ends up getting even more demonic than usual.

HEE-Band2-printOne interesting fact in Human Pathomorphism is that there isn’t a single second of silence between songs, and the insane fury emanating from the guitars by Tsar and Void114 in Jagdzeit (or “hunting season” in German) from the very first second of the song only corroborates that, leading to an important question: how can a band sound more violent than this? It’s a gargantuan level of devastation without a shadow of a doubt. Then we have some eerie sounds kicking off another boisterous chant entitled My Sexual Benediction, an ancient Black Metal tune with a disturbing musicality tailored for fans of the genre, followed by Raping Religions, a Black Metal hymn with hints of brutal Death Metal where S Caedes and Ghoul keep spewing their dark words upon humanity. Well, I guess the name of the song says it all.

In One Piece Human the listener will probably face the most disturbing rhythm of all, never getting too fast but always being deeply dark. In addition, all vocal lines are as hellish as possible (including some sick howling), with some blast beating moments adding more complexity to the overall result. Humanitas Error Est are back to their “wrecking mode” in Die Macht Deines Glaubens (“the power of your faith”, from German), with Tsar, Void114 and Ahephaïm becoming unstoppable music machines firing endless amounts of darkness through their instruments; whereas in Skinning Alive, a thrilling Blackened Death Metal tune, the guitar lines sound more metallic than ever. It’s four minutes of sheer savagery led by S Caedes (what a voice this woman has!) and Ghoul, or in other words, a spot-on ode to human violence. And why not closing the album with more inhumanity in the form of music, starting with a track fondly named Bestial Penetration? Albeit being a decent song, it lacks its own identity to differentiate it from the previous tracks. Nothing that damages the high quality of the album, though. And lastly we have the title-track Human Pathomorphism, which might not be exactly a full-bodied song, but it is definitely one of the most disquieting outros you’ll ever listen to.

Now that you have finally become aware of the soundtrack to human extinction crafted by Humanitas Error Est, go pay a visit to the band’s Facebook page and listen to their blatant music at their YouTube channel, SoundCloud and ReverbNation. And in order to truly show your support for this amazing band, you can buy your copy of Human Pathomorphism at their BandCamp page, at the Satanath Records’ BandCamp page or official webstore, or also at Discogs.com where you can find the regular version of the album as well as the digipak version including the official video for “Raping Religions”. Do you still believe humanity is not a mistake after listening to the music by Humanitas Error Est?


In edizione limitata a cinquecento copie per la sempre più attiva Satanath Records, esce questo “Human Pathomorphism”, bestiale esordio dei tedeschi Humanitas Error Est, band di recente formazione, qui per farci capire a colpi di furioso ed insano black metal che, appunto, l’umanità è un errore ed andrebbe debellata dalla faccia della terra come un pericoloso morbo. Odio indiscriminato e misantropia a go-go trasudano da ogni singola nota di questo album, che fa della violenza e dell’impatto devastante i propri indiscussi punti di forza, mettendo anche in evidenza una certa capacità di rivisitare le più classiche influenze, provenienti in egual misura da Norvegia e Svezia. I nostri sei baldi araldi della negatività non fanno altro che riproporre gli stilemi più noti di quell’old school black metal veloce, gelido ed assassino che in terra di Germania, come altrove, continua ad avere validi esponenti (penso ad esempio a Negator e Wolfthorn) ed una rocciosa base di fedeli ascoltatori. E lo fanno costruendo un pazzesco muro sonoro, grazie ai taglienti intrecci chitarristici di Tsar e Void114 e all’indefesso e sfrenato drumming di Ahephaim, ben supportato dal basso di Rogan: su questa base musicale brutale ed inumana (ma per nulla cacofonica) si stagliano le urla torturate e laceranti della coppia di singer formata da Ghoul e S Caedes, due veri demoni impazziti, che cantano in modo leggermente differente ma con identica furia omicida. Tutto come da copione e tutto già sentito molte volte ma, almeno in questo caso, tutto maledettamente efficace: non si potrà restare indifferenti di fronte alla barbarie ed alla rabbia antiumana sprigionata da pezzi letali come “Quod Homo Appellatur Morbus Est”, “Raping Religions” e “Skinning Alive”, per citare quelli che a mio giudizio risultano gli episodi migliori di un lavoro che riesce comunque a mantenere alta la tensione per la sua intera durata, senza particolari cedimenti. Impetuoso, aggressivo e belluino, ma non privo di atmosfere oscure ed inquietanti, “Human Pathomorphism” di certo saprà saziare la vostra brama di sangue.


Progetto nato nel 2013 in Germania, con membri di gruppi come Lebenssucht e Goatfuck e Valgaldrar.

La missione è fare un black pagan metal il più possibile spinto verso la misantropia e le peggiori pulsioni anti religiose e direi che ci riescono molto bene. Il suono è molto aggressivo, con forti legami con la seconda ondata del black metal. La loro potenza è notevole, ed in alcuni passaggi si scorgono con piacere i migliori Satyricon. Ogni musicista qui è coinvolto per fare male, per essere lupi fra le pecore, per tradurre in musica l’odio che muove i passi di certi persone. Gli Humanitas Error Est però non sono solo questo ma molto altro, perché hanno un’ottima capacità di composizione che permette loro di tenere molto alta la tensione per tutto il disco.

Un ottimo disco di nera misantropia.


Online magazine review: https://view.publitas.com/p222-6832/beneath-the-surface-issue-6/page/18-19

This German band play the most vile-sounding black metal hell unleashed upon human ears, and it’s brutal enough to make you go into wicked contortions of unholy exorcisms. Humanitas Error Est take the best elements of Cirith Gorgor, Endstille and Dark Funeral, to come up with their most lethal weapon in the form of “Human Pathomorphism”. The 50 minutes of raw, rabid and soul skinning black metal here is so stealth in its delivery, it will not leave any evidence behind, after your demise has been fulfilled from listening to the 12 toxic shots featured on this CD. The fact that these guys play with utmost disgust and twisted feelings makes them one hell of a supreme black metal contender.

“Raping Religions” is a depressive track with sudden outbursts of snare and double bass assaults and downward spiraling guitar riffing that is corrosive enough to burn a hole through the varied sound spectrum found on “Human Pathomorphism.” This track along with the others features unsuspecting drum avalanches mixed with extreme guitar arrangements that’ll leave even the most seasoned veteran of extreme metal with their head spinning out of control. “One Piece Human” features a horrific wall of drums, guitars and rotted raspy vocals in a unified approach, suffocating the listener’s inner being with total hatred and angst-ridden emotions.

And for a black metal band, the musicianship and songwriting on this album is surely awesome, as the decent production does not take away from this band’s sinister vibe, all the while keeping the music and the dual vocals onslaught as bestial as fuck. With 12 songs of utter sickening black metal at its most primitive and savage, Humanitas Error Est is sure to suck the listener into the speakers and take them to the deepest depths of hell.



In the unrelenting vein of Marduk, Inquisition and Mayhem is German black metal outfit Humanitas Error Est- with their monochrome assault of a debut, available to only 500 CD grabers.

This is an orthodox black metal attack. Everything about this album is loyal to what has come before, but the spiteful attitude and relentless battery of tracks such as ‘Quod homo appellatur orbud est’ and ‘My Sexual Benediction’, which allows the Liepzig six piece to flaunt their perverted side with an intro of a dirty mumbling, make the listener certain of their conviction.

A stereo attack of vocals leaves me with two thoughts. Firstly, the guttural growls sound very good, secondly, the high pitched, overdriven cries sound shoddy. Structurally the songs have been written with almost militaristic efficiency, but a somewhat diverse range of tempos towards the latter half of the album helps to avoid blast beat monotony.

At times, the music edges towards more modern death metal influences as shown by the mean pinched harmonics paired with explosive cymbals on ‘Raping Religions’, but the adrenaline and amphetamine fuelled style which the band display as their hallmark is one that staunch black metallers will appreciate. This is an unoriginal effort, but a respectful one that I will gladly be revisiting. Recommended for fans of Enstille, Marduk and Belphegor.





Humanitas Error Est, hailing from Leipzig, Germany, debut with Human Pathomorphism, an eleven-tracker that lasts for fifty-six minutes. The band, with former and current members of e.g. Rogash, Goatfuck and Grabak, was founded in 2013, and recently they signed to Satanath Records to have this debut released and distributed (once again in an unholy partnership with Abstruse Eerie Radiance and Black Plague Records). The material was recorded in the German Nautilus Studio, and mix + mastering were done by no one else but Déhà (think: K.F.R, Imber Luminis, Yhdarl, Suicidal Madness, Sordide and many, many more). Once again there was a pressing of 500 copies, which include a twenty-page (!) booklet).


With Human Pathomorphism, Humanitas Error Est (which means something like ‘humanity is an error’, and who am I to disagree?!) bring quite fast and energetic Black Metal, strongly influenced by the trans-European scene in general, and the Swedish one more specifically. As from Quod Homo Appellatur Morbus Est, my thoughts often dwell towards the likes of Dark Funeral, Setherial, Sorhin, Thy Primordial and Marduk, if you know what I mean. It’s quite barbaric, full of war-lust and hatred, with those melodies and structures that breathe venom and devastating fire.


Despite a very energetic performance and quite cool song writing, I do miss two important things: originality and variation. When talking about the latter, I am rather referring to the lack of truly memorable moments. Even after some listens I am not sure whether it was this or that song that I was just listening to before. Indeed, it goes for the variety in between the tracks, for most pieces inherently do have a modest dose of diversification in, for example, speed or structure. Only Die Macht Deines Glaubens and Bestial Penetration are remarkably different from the other hymns because of the slower execution in most excerpts, and the more ominous and abyssal atmosphere. And when coming back to that ‘pitying’ in originality (my second remark of missing-something), well, I usually do not care about it. Now I do not deeply mourn either, but I do not mind missing an own face when the final result stands out. With Human Pathomorphism I am not always convinced about that level of superiority, especially when comparing to the Swedish colleagues I did mention before. Humanitas Error Est are quite cool, but they do not reach the level of, let’s say, Dark Funeral or Marduk (at all).


But overall, Humanitas Error Est do what they have to do, and that is performing ‘true’ (yeah, whatever) Black Metal with a timeless ‘heart’. Never they do fail, never they irritate or bore – but once again, seen the ‘overdose’ on releases lately, I wonder whether this band will… Whatever, I did (and do) enjoy this album!


I must add, though it is not that unusual, that one of the vocalists, S Caedes, is a female human entity, but then again, this remark isn’t but informative and totally objective. That’s a positive element, by the way, that this band makes use of two complementary singers (though ‘singers’, well, you know, it isn’t the most appropriate description, is it…).


The CD comes with a bonus video-clip for Raping Religions, by the way, which actually has quite a decent sound and visual quality…





Humanitas Error Est wurden im Laufe des Jahres 2013 in Leipzig gegründet. Nun, Anfang 2016 erscheint deren Debüt – Werk Human Pathomorphism. Soviel zur derzeit noch kurzen offiziellen Geschichte der Band. Konzerte wird es schon gegeben haben. Und untätig wird die Band auch nicht gewesen sein, um sich auf irgendeine Art zu publizieren. Naja, jetzt sind sie hier.


Der Stil der Band ist ganz klar definiert. Black Metal. Rasend schneller, beinharter, extrem brutaler und kompromissloser Black Metal. Von der ersten bis zur letzen Sekunde. Natürlich mit äußerst bösen Vocals, ausgeführt von 2 Leuten, einmal männlich, einmal weiblich, die ihre besten Schreie geben.


Ihre Vorbilder sind ebenfalls klar: Marduk, Gorgoroth, Dark Funeral usw. Melodie hält nur sehr wenig Einzug (z.B. “My sexual Benediction”) und sowas wie Midtempo gibt es eh nur bei “One Piece Human”. Melodie und Abwechslungsreichtum – pfff, wer braucht das schon, wenn ich meine ideellen Werte der Misantrophie und des blanken Hasses verbreiten will? Richtig. Niemand!


Und gute Songs braucht in diesem Fall, bei all unseren Hasspredigen auch niemand! Hauptsache, live treten die Arsch, denn der Laie checkt das eh nicht und wenn ich 10x denselben Song spiele…


Leute, Marduk, Gorgoroth und Co. machen das um Hausecken besser! Da herrscht trotz durchgetretenem Gaspedal Abwechslung. Und bei euren Richtungsgebern erkennt man die unterschiedlichen Songs. Bei euch klingt´s  doch kacke. Setzt euch hin und plant mal eine ordentliche Komposition mit Wiedererkennungswert. 08/15 Getrümmere… Ich halt das nicht mehr aus. Mich halten die Songs einfach nicht bei Laune.


Das mag bei den Konzerten (immer schön das Black Metal Image prägen, sonst verkauft ihr genau 0 Alben) funktionieren, aber sonst… Nein Danke! Rock on





"Human Error Is". That's the rough Latin / English translation for the name of this band. Also, morphology is a branch of biology dealing with the study of the form and structure of organisms. Pathomorphism is an abnormal morphology. So, if I can make ends meet, it would be safe to assume that HUMANITAS ERROR EST relies on misanthropic / nihilist themes for their lyrical concepts, paired with a really aggressive form of Black Metal. I got stuck in the first generation of Black Metal. And I dig some of the second generation bands. But besides that, this is not a genre I dwell into that often. That said, I do think that "Human Pathomorphism" is one solid album. After the fourth time I listened to this album, I started to get hints (that may be obvious to the Black Metal connoisseurs) of their influences. To my ears, there is an early CRADLE OF FILTH vibe to the clean / slow passages, then some DIMMU BORGIR epic parts and a lot of blast beats and tremolo riffing à la old SATYRICON. The best part of all is that you can actually pinpoint these influences, but HUMANITAS ERROR EST remains an identity of its own. I liked the dual vocal attack the most. S Caedes and Ghoul's performances are top notch and they add a lot of variation throughout the album. Surprisingly, some of the song structures are really complex for this genre. Or at least they seemed so to me. Production wise, the album sounds huge. Long gone are the super Lo-Fi crappy paper thin "kvlt" productions associated with this genre. The guitar and bass tones are heavy as hell, the drums pound their way across the 8 songs (plus 2 short instrumentals and an intro) and the vocals are really present. That is a detail I really welcomed since the usual Black Metal mix push the vocals back a lot. So, yes, "Human Pathomorphism" is a really solid Black Metal album. They are not re-inventing the genre, but their attitude and their take on this savage style of music deserve a lot of respect. HUMANITAS ERROR EST should be getting some buzz for this one, specially since this is their debut album and they have a lot to work with and improve.




«I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds» says the incipit with the words of Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb. Humanitas Error Est doesn't feel any guilt at all as the physician did; on the contrary, the band seems to use that phrase as a declaration of intent. So hey, I'm sorry: there will be a day when Aristocrazia is filled with flowers, butterflies, peace and love... But that is not today!


Humanitas Error Est comes from Germany and plays a kind of Black Metal inspired to the one played by Dark Funeral and Setherial in the Nineties, so it's quite clear that the band likes quite a lot blast beat, fast rhythms and perverse speech against mankind. Each song blows like a cluster bomb, bursting sharp guitar shreds in every direction, in a whirl of very quick and incisive riffs played by tireless musicians. There's no pause between each track: the listener must suffer from the beginning to the end, also when rhythm gets more marked and the atmospheres get even darker, becoming truly evil (as for example in "My Sexual Benediction" and "One Piece Human"), without causing the band to lose cohesiveness, not even once. Did you want to take one breath, didn't you, huh? You just push the «pause» button or you pass through these forty minutes and, trust me, it's not that many.


"Human Pathomorphism" hurts: from its production, which shines like a fresh blooded sword, to the musicians who recorded it, that undoubtedly possess the right mindset to work on such strenuous rhythms. The compositions are direct and focused on their purpose, and because of this strictly working towards their goals which makes the album so good.


Those who love supersonic fast Black Metal, probably they'd have already clicked on the links above. For those who doesn't always feel sure about these kind of sounds and enjoys them just sometimes (as I do), taking a listen won't be that bad: this could possibly be a worth shot.





«I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds» recita l'incipit affidato alle parole di Oppenheimer, il padre della bomba atomica. Di certo gli Humanitas Error Est non soffrono dello stesso senso di colpa che attanagliava il fisico teorico, anzi si può dire che per loro questa frase sia una dichiarazione di intenti. Quindi mi dispiace, anche questa volta niente fiori, farfalle, pace e amore su Aristocrazia!


Gli Humanitas Error Est vengono dalla Germania e suonano black metal ispirato a quello che band come Dark Funeral e Setherial hanno proposto al tramonto degli anni '90. A questo punto dovrebbe essere chiaro al lettore che ai Tedeschi piacciono i blast beat a cascata, i ritmi veloci e le invettive perverse contro l'umanità. Le tracce esplodono come bombe a grappolo, facendo schizzare rasoiate chitarristiche in ogni direzione, in un turbinare di riff velocissimi ed efficaci eseguiti da una band che non conosce fatica. Nessuna pausa tra un brano e l'altro: l'ascoltatore deve soffrire dall'inizio alla fine, anche quando i ritmi si fanno più cadenzati e le atmosfere si rabbuiano ulteriormente, diventando profondamente maligne (ad esempio alcuni momenti di "My Sexual Benediction" e "One Piece Human"), dove il gruppo riesce a mantenere la coesione dei pezzi senza perdersi per strada neanche un attimo. Volevate un momento per respirare? Premete il tasto «pausa», oppure arrivate in fondo a questi quaranta minuti scarsi. Fidatevi, non sono poi così tanti.


"Human Pathomorphism" fa male, sin dalla produzione brillante, che risplende come la superficie di una lama sporca di sangue fresco, fino ai musicisti che possiedono la tempra adatta a sopportare la prova dei ritmi serrati. Le composizioni sono dirette e focalizzate sull'obiettivo, ed è questo andare dritti a tutti i costi senza l'ombra di alcun dubbio, senza un attimo di ripensamento, ciò che rende il lavoro così valido.


Chi ama il black metal sparato a velocità supersoniche dovrebbe aver già aperto uno dei collegamenti qui a fianco incuriosito. Chi al contrario invece riesce a farsi conquistare da questo tipo di sonorità solo una volta ogni tanto (come il sottoscritto), potrebbe darci un ascolto, magari è proprio questa la volta buona.




Pure misanthropy and negative energy! (c)

Интенсивные блэкарьские немцы запустили дебютный полноформат. Группа мощно выступает на германских фестивалях, имея за спиной огромный опыт работы музыкантов в иных формированиях. Например, только ударник (а он, кстати, один из основателей этого ВИА) барабанил в двух десятках ансамблей, среди которых - черная мегазвезда — бельгийцы Enthroned, колотил там три года. Так что совершенно понятна вовлеченность в андеграундную металлическую жизнь страны.

Тут еще вот в чем дело, в команде Humanitas Error Est - два вокалиста, которые исполняют на пару, создавая поиcтине горячую бешеную голосовую линию, да какую там линию, - это две окровавленных колючих проволоки, которые красной нитью )) проходят сквозь этот инфернальный кусок угля. И гитариста два, они создают динамичный и искрометный ураган звучания, подходящего для любой вечеринки неподалеку от Хеллканцелярии.

И вот представьте себе, Сатанат рекордс подписали этих безумцев, взяв себе в подмогу Black Plague Records (Винланд) и бельгийцев Abstruse Eerie Radiance. Среди крестиков (+) этого релиза - 20-страничный буклет, заполненный жуткими образами (реально). На эту тему постаралась пара участников формирования. И знаете, не всякий выдержит этот арт-дизайн. Ну, это так, к слову пришлось, не каждый раз такое встречается...

Шесть саксонцев из Humanitas Error Est ритуально точат свои топоры для начала, и после небольшого разбега бросаются в самый адский ад блэкового чертовращения. Создавая наличными силами крутой охват по давлению и беснованию, включая быстрый и ультрабыстрый драмминг. Гитары формируют очень крутой спуск, по которому со свистом проносится рифф за риффом и скупое мелодическое оформление, вполне в духе мракобесного блэкового экшена. Впрочем, иногда среди этого темнопада всплывают треш-блэковые куски, для того, чтобы скорейшим образом исчезнуть в енном коловороте струнного запоя. Отметим, что иногда композер команды задумал специально замедлять ураган, дум-блэка в результате, конечно, не получилось, но намек мы поняли — контраст для наилучшего восприятия.

Ну а чтобы вы не подумали, что это не только черная мясорубка, доложу вам о самой длинной компо Humanitas Error Est на этом компакт диске - это «One Piece Human». Настоящий тру-эпик-блэк, с претензией на репрессив и депрессив блэк-дум, заторможенный, раскрытый для восприятия в свое лоно греховных душ, обращающийся на время в содрогающийся от натуги пулемет и обратно. Апофеоз тьмы и террор ночи.

Траки здесь не особо длинные, по 4-5 минут, а в целом это 40-минутный апокалипсис, который, между прочим, доступен каждому, но далеко не каждый сможет его вынести. Рекомендуется истинным фанатикам черного искусства. Они поймут и оценят.

Надо ли сказать о том, что этот кусок угля Humanitas Error Est блестяще записан и прописан, со всеми доступными в настоящее время технологическими изысками и извратом? Конечно, надо! Работа германских звуковиков выше всех похвал. Really!





Chequeen el arte de tapa, los títulos de las canciones y lean un poco las letras y no hay dudas: Humanitas Error Est hace black metal.

Estos alemanes (Anett Hauzu y Ghoul en voces, Clemens Coenen y Exil en guitarras, Rogan en bajo y Arnaud Vansteenkiste en batería), debutan con un álbum lleno de odio y misantropía, derramando su veneno con vehemencia contra cualquier tipo de religión, mostrando sentimientos negativos en pos del caos musical

Puede una banda banda sonar mas violenta que esto? Es posible, pero el combo funciona de maravillas para que esto no suceda, con dos vocalistas que vomitan sus palabras oscuras contra la humanidad toda y una sección musical que es un pandemónium.

Sin más, este “Human pathomorphism” está destinado a las hordas más aguerridas del metal negro, aquellos que crecieron al abrigo de luminarias como Marduk o Dark Funeral.




Humanitas Error Est, toen ik die bandnaam zag begon het spontaan een beetje te kriebelen. Mijn Latijn is behoorlijk roestig, maar ik heb zo'n onderbuikgevoel dat dit niet helemaal klopt, Error is toch geen Latijn? Nou ja, boeien, het gaat hier om de Duitse black metalband met deze naam. Een nieuwe band, die sinds 2013 bezig is, en vorige maand met hun debuutalbum op de proppen kwam: Human Pathomorphism. Ik zei wel een nieuwe band, maar de leden hebben al wel de nodige ervaring. Vooral de Belgische drummer Arnaud Vansteenkiste heeft al een aardig c.v. opgebouwd, maar ook andere leden hebben ervaring in bands als Grabak en Rogash.


De (waarschijnlijke) vertaling van de bandnaam, de mens is een vergissing, en die van de albumtitel, abnormale menselijke bouw of vorming, duiden er al wel op dat deze band geen vrolijk wereldbeeld voorschotelt. Dat vertaalt zich dan ook rechtstreeks naar de muziek: overwegend snelle, evil black metal van de oude school. Verwacht een spervuur aan blasts, venijnige riffs en al even scherpe vocalen, die worden afgewisseld met morbide gekrijs en gemeen gefluister en gerasp. Ik vind overigens die vocale variatie wel een enorm pluspunt. Humanitas Error Est heeft dan ook twee vocalisten in dienst - waarvan nota bene een dame! - dat betaalt zich blijkbaar uit.


Na de donker-sferische opener Destroyer of Worlds (lekker dan) horen we vooral korte en felle nummers, die de nodige onheil over de mensheid uitstorten. In een waas van razende snelheid vliegen de blasts en riffs je om de oren. Ik neem aan dat menig black metal-purist zich verlekkerd zal laven aan deze boosaardige klanken. Evengoed biedt de band geen enkele muzikale vernieuwingsdrang; een kniesoor die daar echter op zal letten. Sowieso is de uitvoering zo strak dat je er gewoon eng van wordt; dit zijn echt wel goede muzikanten!


Ik vind het zelf pas echt interessant worden wanneer de band een momentje het ziedende tempo los laat. In One Piece Human wordt bijvoorbeeld het gas even terug genomen, een welkome adempauze, en wordt er een wat meer mysterieuze sfeer neergezet. Persoonlijk zou ik dan ook wel wat meer afwisseling willen horen, naast de al genoemde vocale variatie. Maar goed, ik ben dan ook geen pure black metal liefhebber. Hij of zij die wel raad weet met nietsontzie(de)nde, mensonterende, rauwe black zullen ongetwijfeld raad weten met Human Pathomorphism!

