. Satanath Records

Reviews: 087GD

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The last time we premiered music from the multi-national band Wolfdom we emphasized “the band’s talent for interweaving black metal terror and anthemic heavy metal”: “Wolfdom manage to punch the guts, to swagger like a feral beast, to attack with unbridled viciousness, and to send their music into high-flown realms of devilish glory”.


At that time, the occasion was the impending release of Wolfdom‘s 2022 debut album Moonlight Misanthropy, and now we’re happy to spread the news that Wolfdom are returning with a follow-up full-length, this one believably named I Belong To Satan, which is set for digital release on July 31st by the Ukrainian label GrimmDistribution.


And once again, today we’re the bearer of a song premiere, a fiendish and hook-filled romp named “The Reaper“.


As a preview of what the new album brings us, GrimmDistribution reports that Wolfdom have “somewhat departed from the black/heavy metal framework, delving into the darker aspects of true black metal”: “Expect a storm of primitive rage and hellish rock’n’roll inspired by Satan. Fans of Tsjuder and Darkthrone will like it”.


Backed by bounding beats and an urgently throbbing bass, the guitars quickly set the hook in “The Reaper” with rapidly swirling riffage that sounds deliciously diabolical. Having done that, the drums begin hammering and caustic shrieks breathlessly spit fire and brimstone.


The riffing continues to swirl and soar, to pulse and scream, like an infernal soundtrack to the lustful revels of demons, accompanied by punchy grooves and gang cries that sound thoroughly deranged, with fangs bared like lycanthropes.


The music is mad but mesmerizing, feral and pulse-pounding. And as they have done before, Wolfdom make their music sound sulphurously glorious. It does indeed sound like hellish rock’n’roll inspired by Satan.


To pre-order, click the link below. And after the link, enjoy a stream of the first single from the new album, “Infected With Life“, which reveals a different side of Wolfdom‘s creativity. It’s a fiery and frantic spin, like the whirling of witches and warlocks levitating in their ecstasies above a blazing bonfire — and witches seem to sing in this one too — but it too is primal in its beats, though it also segues into a chilling gothic phase of seductive and supernatural eeriness.

