Reviews: SAT372
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As you can see, today we’re premiering a song from a new album, Nocturnal Dominion of Death, by the veteran Singaporean death-dealers Vrykolakas. It’s the second song from the album to be revealed so far. Together, those two tracks bring to mind the boxing terminology for the “one-two punch”, the devastating combination of blows that leaves an opponent sprawled on the canvas.
So let’s take up the first punch first.
“Foretaste the Divine Wrath” inflicts brutish beatings galore and rumbles the guts, but the swarming riffage is also poisonous and lethally vicious, and the vocals are monstrous.
It’s undeniably evil music, and the kind that gets hearts racing, but it becomes even more interesting when a reptilian guitar solo slithers through, radiating suffering, followed by an even more dismal interlude before the diabolical punishment resumes, accented by additional striking solo work.
That’s the first jab, though it lands a lot harder than a jab. Now for the right-cross, or the uppercut. Fittingly named “Bilateral Venomous Assault“, it’s the one that leaves you flat on your back, wondering what the hell just happened and where you are.
Of course, the song isn’t just one devastating punch but a sequence of different precisely timed maulings and mind-bending mutations. It begins with the kind of pounding drums and lead-weighted bass-rumbling that does feel like a heavyweight battering, soon joined by slashing and blaring chords, voracious growls, and maddened howls.
At this point you might have your fists up in a defensive crouch, but that won’t help. The filth-toned riffing furiously jabs, swarms, and throbs, while the rhythm section continue their vicious battering and deliver punishing body blows.
A feeling of lethal madness blooms in the music, augmented by the beastly come-for-your-throat vocals, but it also proves to be surprising — disorienting and dazzling the listener with eerie soloing, elegantly dancing organ keys, and buzzing fretwork that carries the melody forward in more dismal tones. And near the end, it kicks you while you’re down, because mercy is a foreign term to this hydra-headed pugilist.
To leave our boxing analogy behind, Vrykolakas have created an album that’s ruthlessly punishing and venomous, but also adventurous and frequently head-spinning, as if these veteran executioners would find themselves bored if they had just re-treaded what they were recording and listening to decades ago.
Speaking of which, Vrykolakas will be 33 years old this year. Nocturnal Dominion of Death is their fifth full-length. It will be co-released on April 21st through the unholy union of Satanath Records (Georgia), Iron Blood and Death Corporation (Mexico), Paragon Records (US), and Futhark Records (Canada). They predict it will be seductive to worshippers of Immolation, Incantaton, Grave, Seance, Funebre, Phlegethon, and other notorious American and European death metal entities spawned in the ’90s.
The album features strikingly hellish cover art by Armaada Art. It’s available for pre-order in a CD edition with a 12-page booklet, as well as digitally.
I think I made an observation in another earlier review of having a band from a region I don’t frequently get to hear too much from. So I can now add VRYKOLAKAS to my list. Hailing from Singapore they give us their latest release “Nocturnal Dominion Of Death”. Color me impressed because they have a powerful slightly War Metal approach with some Floridian Death Metal base to their sound. I mention the Florida scene because I hear a bit of OBITUARY and early MASSACRE in their songs. Especially vocalist Andi does a quite good Kam Lee impression at times. Having started as far back as 1999 and a slew of releases they have developed their sound over the years. You will hear the aforementioned bands, but they do bring some good songwriting skills to the picture. Songs have plenty of those dynamics you look for and with some very mild use of keyboards for some added nuance. I was listening to OBSCURIAL recently who are from the Kuala Lumpur region and they have a similar approach. I won’t go into too much and let the songs speak for themselves and allow you dear reader to broaden your musical scope to other regions that deserve your attention. They definitely have the attitude and sound to impress. Now all I gotta do is get there to see them live.
Singapore's death metal maniacs return with a brand new release of furious and relentless old school death metal.The guitars are played with a much faster guitar pace in the new songs.The guitarist does write and perform some well executed guitar passages and writes some memorable solo's entertwined into the songs.The drumming is top notch with some chaotic fast drums that are done with power.The drummer does slow to a more controlled drum pace in a few of the songs to give each song a nice mix.The vocals are heavy old school death metal growls that are done with powerful growls.Nocturnal Dominion Of Death is another great release from Singapore's Vrykolakas.
Vrykolakas will be 33 years old this year. To celebrate, they’ll be releasing their fifth full-length, Nocturnal Dominion of Death. The first single, “Foretaste the Divine Wrath“, is the next selection in today’s roundup.
The song inflicts brutish beatings galore and rumbles the guts, but the swarming riffage is also poisonous and lethally vicious, and the vocals are monstrous. Evil music, and the kind that gets hearts racing, but it gets even more interesting when a reptilian guitar solo slithers through, radiating suffering, followed by an even more dismal interlude before the diabolical punishment resumes, accented by additional striking solo work.
Nocturnal Dominion of Death will be co-released by Iron Blood and Death Corporation (Mexico), Satanath Records (Georgia), Paragon Records (US), and Futhark Records (Canada) on April 21st.
Vrykolakas brings chaos with their fifth album.
Entitled Nocturnal Dominion Of Death, it comes to life thanks to Andy (vocals), Khairil (guitar/vocals) and Edi (drums), who dedicate it to the Singaporean and international scene.
From the very first seconds of Darkness Consumes the Soul, the band takes us back to the 90s Death Metal scene with thick but catchy riffs, later complemented by solid vocal parts. Loyal listeners will notice a welcome improvement in the mix, conducive to devastation and bloody leads, which continues on the thick Ascension of the Knowledge, with its relentless rhythm punctuated by a few jerky parts framing the surges of rage. The howls darken towards the final, which leads into Foretaste the Divine Wrath, where blast leads the charge of raw Old School sonorities interrupted only by the occasional, very slightly calmer part. The harmonics sow chaos again into the violent waves, and then it’s on to The Forbidden Hope for Death that the musicians relentlessly stomp us, retaining that heady groovy edge while adding a touch of technicality from time to time. Hind’s Vengeance at Uhud kicks off with a foghorn to lead us into the heart of battle, closely followed by warrior choirs accompanying the bellicose riffs that lead to a more soaring finale, but the atmosphere remains heavy on Convenants Leading to Sa’ir, the next track, which this time relies on more modern patterns. Effective moshparts follow naturally in this aggressive climate, then Bilateral Venomous Assault immediately takes over with motivating and devastating riffs that regularly catch fire. A more melodic, disquieting touch appears shortly after the middle of the track, then it’s with the lively From Hellfire Comes the Spawn that the infernal trio unleash all their remaining firepower, whether with their savage double kick, volcanic vociferations or furious riffs.
It’s impossible not to be aware of Vrykolakas‘ evolution. With a thicker and more powerful mix than on previous albums, Nocturnal Dominion Of Death becomes a veritable eruption of Old School fury worthy of the monuments of the 90s!
Vrykolakas es una banda originaria de Singapur, que está presentado por medio del sello de Satanath Records, su quinto álbum de larga duración “Nocturnal Dominion of Death”, tiene una duración de 40 minutos aproximadamente, mismos que se reparten en 8 canciones, la portada no es de mis favoritas, pero habrá algunos que les llame la atención.
En sí en este “Nocturnal Dominion of Death”, solo hay existe un solo camino y es causar devastación total a su paso, el primer tema es: “Darkness Consumes the Soul”, riffs intensos que se adornan en algunos momentos con tintes de melodía y un buen solo de guitarra, la batería es la que ofrece buenas variantes. “Ascension of the Knowledge”, es un golpe directo, con constantes cambios, con esto me refiero a que no todo va a mil por hora. “Foretaste the Divine Wrath”, a diferencia de los temas anteriores, aquí todo es explosividad, son riffs hasta cierto punto sencillos pero que logran ser efectivos en todo momento. “The Forbidden Hope for Death”, tiene sus instantes donde todo su brutalidad está a tope, pero también tiene esas partes donde la baja para sonar más pesado, la batería es la única que no brinda ningún respiro.
“Hind's Vengeance at Uhud”, tiene un parte que es contagiosa ese tipo coro, que se acompaña por unos breves efectos, el resto son riffs muy afilados. “Covenants Leading to Sa'ir”, va por el mismo camino, solo que aquí no hay cambios que bajen la intensidad del tema todo está a tope siempre, hay un breve solo de toque lleno de melodía, pero en si el resto es agresividad total. “Bilateral Venomous Assault”, le da su momento al trabajo del bajo, para posteriormente liberar una rafaga de riffs, las guturales es algo que destaca de este trabajo, es un tema que cumple con su objetivo.
“Nocturnal Dominion of Death”, de Vrykolakas, es un disco que cumple, no viene a cambiar el mundo del metal, pero logra hacer metal extremo que se disfruta desde la primera escucha.
The first album I played today was “Like An Everflowing Stream” and I hadn’t heard it in a long time. My favourite track off that album is ‘Skin Her Alive’ and Singapore’s VRYKOLAKAS opener from their new album “Nocturnal Dominion of Death” instantly reminded me of that very moment. However, what we’re dealing with here isn’t Swedish Death Metal, what we’ve got is an absolutely cavernous slimy muddy Death Metal sound that belongs to the late ’80s. This is the down tuned Death Metal that we yearn for, unforgiving, relentless and uncompromising. I’ve known of this release for some time through social media. Futhark Records is one of the Metal music landmarks in Toronto and I kept following the updates closely knowing the album has just been released. And to no one’s surprise I absolutely love what I hear, swamp drenched vocals, uzi-rhythms and ack-ack influenced drumming! The best of it all is how well produced this is, this is straight out of an early INCANTATION fan’s dream. Combining the murkiness of early INCANTATION with DISMEMBER’s unfaltering sonic attack, VRYKOLAKAS approaches Death Metal the way we all love and adore, absolutely head-on. There is a method to the madness leading to the monolith of sound, the band slowly builds their approach and as they reach their destination break it all down to start building it again. A very INCANTATION’esque approach which VRYKOLAKAS make their own simply by dialling the brutality to a 10. There are clearly areas where the band looks up to IMMOLATION for inspiration and that is a great thing, track # 3, ‘Foretaste The Divine Wrath’, is a primary example, the rhythm section is unforgiving eventually breaking down to provide respite through the madness. One of the most interesting parts here is the guitarwork, the band uses both traditional and unorthodox structures, the traditional parts are where the drumming goes hand-in-hand but the sections where the band chooses to employ an unorthodox outlook towards heaviness are most interesting. The band has essentially added their own spirit to the sound of old school Death Metal that frankly more bands should take note of. This essentially results in the guitar cutting horizontally through the wall of sound which although isn’t an entirely new approach but VRYKOLAKAS personalize it enough to make it their own. Track # 7, ‘Bilateral Venomous Assault’, is an example where we have an unexpected ingestion of synth that caught me completely off guard. More than anything, the band employs an approach that sticks to the roots, but also explores the unknown in the underground which is something we rarely see these days. I suppose their songwriting borrows from the mysticism from home along with the direction of the traditional masters of the genre. All in all VRYKOLAKAS create a suffocating atmosphere throughout and they drown you within, this is fantastic Death Metal that the fans of the genre will truly appreciate. The amalgamation of the traditional approach with the current mindset of the world shows through and through in this release. Recommended!
Vrykolakas is a Death Metal band from Singapore. On April 21st, 2024, the band will release their fifth studio album, Nocturnal Dominion of Death, the spawn of faster, chaotic, darker, haunting and demonic music that would gratify fans of Immolation and Impiety (Singapore).
Vrykolakas, Nocturnal Dominion Of Death: This review will evaluate every aspect of the album, from its intricate musical composition to its production. Our analysis will provide valuable insights to help you determine if this album is worth adding to your collection.
The First Three Sins of Nocturnal Dominion Of Death
Let’s start by discussing the first three sins of Vrykolakas and their Nocturnal Dominion Of Death album.
The First Sin, The Strings/Keys: Features swarm-like riffs and monstrous melodies, are poisonous. Technically complex, featuring elements of death metal that make it sound even more brutal. Slithering solos and snake-like, adding to the overall sense of danger that permeates the music. The Second Sin, The Vocals: Involve monstrous and horrifying growls that seem to come from the depths of hell. The Third Sin—The Percussions: Heavy battering beats that are chaotic, torturous, and fast. Floor-battering beats make your heart skip, adding to the music’s overall intensity.
The Fourth Sin: Overall Discussion: The spawn of faster, chaotic, darker, haunting and demonic music
Before pressing that, play the button and review. Vrykolakas has been unleashing its dark and brutal death metal upon the underground scene for three decades. A band that is a testament to their unwavering dedication to creating murky and dense sounds that leave audiences in awe.
Vrykolakas’ new release, Nocturnal Dominion Of Death, is faster, chaotic, and darker. Its brutal, haunting and demonic undertone will leave you completely mesmerized.
As soon as the listener presses that play button, the opening song, Darkness Consumes The Soul, greets the listener with a brutal onslaught of instrumentation and vocals. As one continues their dark and brutal journey with the second song, Ascension of the Knowledge, and the remaining six pieces.…
Vrykolakas embodies pure evil and devilmanship at the helm of the music. Andy’s vocals are a force to be reckoned with. His vocal performance is intense, aggressive, and powerful, making it feel like he devours the microphone with every word he utters. Khairil‘s (Bestial Colony) brutal guitar work is equally impressive, and Edi’s drumming is a powerful display of complete control over his instrument, with well-timed and forceful beats.
At times, the music slows down, capturing some slow-doom passages that create a sense of foreboding. Sound effects are added to the mix, making it feel like something ominous lurks just around the corner. These brief moments of respite are a welcome relief from the intensity of the music, and they add an extra layer of complexity to the overall sound of Vrykolakas.
Vrykolakas brings chaos and destruction to the listener’s ears with its solidly written and well-crafted releases, which feature lyrical themes that delve into gore, mythology, and Islamic mythology. Production in sound is the most top-notch sound while keeping the music chaotic and brutal and sure to rip-open your eardrums.
Nocturnal Dominion Of Death offers a pure, extreme metal experience from Singapore that will leave an impression. It is a rotting and forbidden fruit of art that should be played at maximum volume to appreciate its enthralling qualities and sickening effect fully.
The last Three Sins
Let’s discuss the last three sins, our thoughts on Vrykolakas and their Nocturnal Dominion Of Death album.
The Fifth Sin, The Memorabilia: In line with our previous review of And Vrykolakas Brings Chaos and Destruction, I find that Vrykolakas‘ latest album, Nocturnal Dominion Of Death, is a significant improvement, particularly in terms of sound quality, production, composition, and devilmanship.
The band’s music is not to be missed, as with all their other releases. If you are seeking pure underground extreme metal, this is for you!
The Sixth Sin, The Artwork:
Designed by Armaada Art. It is brutal and hellish and has that splash of old-school. It is perfect artwork that counterbalances the brutal music.
The Seventh Sin, Disrelish:
Nothing to disrelish within the musical spectrum of Vrykolakas, and their album Nocturnal Dominion Of Death.
The scene from Singapore might never be underestimated, for it is a vivid and fruitful scene as from the earliest years. An example is Vrykolakas, an act that was born more than three decades ago. Throughout the years (and including a break during the Nineties), this band recorded and released an interesting pile of mini and full-length albums, demos and splits (and some compilations); often released via the band’s own label Vrykoblast Productions (run by Khairil and Andi).
For this new album, the trio decided to work together with Georgian label Satanath Records, in conspiracy with Futhark Records from Canada, Iron Blood And Death Corp. (Mexico) and Paragon Records (U.S.Aaaahrghhh). Nocturnal Dominion Of Death consists of eight lullabies that are like a soundtrack for peace, love and happiness. The material was written and recorded over quite a lengthy period (from December 2021 to October 2023), but now, finally, it sees the unlight, after a decent recording process by no one else by Impiety’s Nizam (who took care of studio recording work for bands like Devouror, The Furor, Infernal Execrator, Battlestorm or, evidently, his own Impiety as well). The physical album comes with mind-blowing cover-artwork by Russia’s Armaada Art (think: Pyrexia, Kraanium, Sadistic Demise, Phlebotomized, Aborted and so many others).
From sonic point of view, Vrykolakas once more offers a nostalgic vision on the bare essence of old styled, or is it timeless, Death Metal. It’s a slamming experience with a lot to discover and uncover. The band brings decently executed War Death Metal with a juicy old school attitude, and creating a perfect balance of melodicism at the one hand, and diabolic fury at the other. The members perform playing techniques that trespass international borders, with accents of the North-American and the European scenes, yet also referring to the South-East Asian area (as you do know, undoubtably, also Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Bangladesh, etc., do house extremely satisfying acts within this specific niche).
The material isn’t way too complex (at all), yet still it offers a technically high-skilled identity. The wall of strings by Khairil bring forth both fine-tuned melodies and heavy riffage, including some fiery solos, dissonant textures and resolute low-tuned passages. The extremely cool sound-quality takes care of a perfect balance in between all strings and the other instruments and voices. The latter, the vocals, are deeply growling, once again reminding of the earlier years. Andi’s vocal chords are deep and steadfast, with a couple of grinding shouts. But the most important thing is that his timbre not ever reeks of exaggeration; only persuasion and determination. Also the drum parts (by Edi) are solid yet ingenious: blasting artillery, rumbling patterns, down-tuned thundering, you name it.
And it goes further from time to time. I mean, some tracks exceed the limitations of tradition. I can’t put my finger on the exact details, but a little grooving piece like Bilateral Venomous Assault comes with those ingenious, though subtle detail that outstand averageness. It’s not only that crazy keyboard-thing, or these weird guitar-lines, or whatever. It’s just the total experience within, and behind, tracks like this one that add that ‘something more’ on top of, well, just ingeniously written and performed universal Death Metal.
All in all, Nocturnal Dominion Of Death was not created to reinvent the scene, yet to pay tribute to those times when acts like Bolt Thrower, Malevolent Creation, Immolation, Suffocation, Asphyx, Massacre, Master, Dismember and the likes ruled the world.