Reviews: SAT320
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Greece's Archemoron has returned with a new recording which shows the music going for more of an epic style of black metal and this is a review of their 2021 album "Flagellum I' which will be released on April 21st as a joint effort between Satanath Records and Pluton's Rising Productions.
Dark soundscapes start off the album before going into a very fast and raw musical direction which also uses a great amount of tremolo picking and blast beats. Vocals are mostly grim yet high pitched sounding black metal screams while all of the musical instruments on the recording also have a very powerful sound to them.
Clear vocals can also be heard in some parts of the recording while the growls are also done in a very demonic style when they are utilized. The songs also add in a decent mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts and when guitar solos and leads are utilized they are also done in a very dark yet old school style.
Some of the tracks are also very long and epic in length along with the guitar leads also bringing in a more modern approach on later songs. A brief use of semi melodic vocals can also be heard as well as some clean playing also being added into certain sections of the music, spoken word parts and whispers are also introduced on a later song.
Some of the album also shows an influence of the classic Greek style along with some influences from other parts of the world, synths and horn instruments are also added on the closing song. The production sounds very professional while the lyrics cover Occultism, Esotericism and Philosophical themes.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Archemoron and if you are a fan of epic black metal, you should check out this album.
The track Uranos pays respects to classic black metal while also intertwining heavy metal tropes in as well.
The vision of Archemoron came into form around 2008, which after several changes in line-up they released the first album Spiritual Transcendence in 2011. The second album Sulphur Dnd Fire came in 2015. The third album was called Year Of The Harvester in 2017 gained favorable reviews from the press and established the band as one the most unique acts in the genre. Flagellum I it is the first part of the band’s most prominent work and a hymn to the spirits of the past and the forgotten magic and wisdom.
21 апреля 2021 года на нашем питерском лейбле «Satanath Records» вышел четвертый студийник греческой блэк-дэт-метал группы Archemoron.
Под этим названием команда существует с 2008 года, но почти целых десять лет, с 1999 по 2008 год, ребята выступали под вывеской Ancestor.
На обложке рецензируемого диска изображена гравюра Ханса Бальдунга, ученика Дюрера и одного из выдающихся художников так называемой верхнегерманской школы, «Шабаш ведьм» (1510). Уже по ней можно понять, что основные темы лирики этого альбома – древние традиции и ритуалы, магия и т.п. вещи.
Материал, представленный на данной пластинке, представляет собой достаточно атмосферный блэк-метал с небольшим налетом прогрессива, изобилующий красивыми и мелодичными гитарными соляками.
Меланхолическая атмосфера буквально пронизывает весь релиз насквозь. Музыка очень мрачная и воистину зловещая. Собственно, как и многим другим коллективам из Греции, ей присуща эпичность.
Ставку на скорость и брутальность эти парни определенно не делают, поэтому никаких сверхскоростей и бомбардировок из бласт-битов вы здесь не услышите. Среднетемповые и медленные вещи – вот главный конек команды.
Структура всех семи композиций тщательно продумана, определенно, музыканты наделены большим композиторским талантом.
В песнях чувствуется влияние таких классиков норвежской блэк-метал сцены, как Satyricon, Mayhem, Darkthrone, Immortal, Enslaved и Ancient, а также классического хэви-метала. Наряду с экстремальным, также используется чистый вокал.
К саунду лично у меня нет никаких претензий. Конечно, «Flagellum I» значительно превосходит работы своих учителей по качеству записи, но какого-то стерильного вылизанного звука вы здесь тоже не услышите.
Рекомендую ознакомиться с данной работой всем поклонникам олдскульного блэка и не только.
Greek band Archemoron is out with their album "Flagellum I", presumably with a Flagellum II to follow at some point, and this is quite the tasteful morsel of extreme metal. Many of the songs are dynamic to the point of meriting a description as progressive, and the instrumentalists gets to showcase expressive sides also in the more intense sections, with the drummer in particular doing a very fine job indeed in that department. From doom-laden sections to majestic plain metal and on to extreme runs, with gentler atmospheric laden interludes and intermissions tucked in here and there, those who like dynamic albums will get a lot to enjoy here. The raspy, twisted vocal style is also used in more expressive manners at times, and while perhaps not groundbreaking or anything major the vocals are a tad more dynamic and expressive than the average for sure. An album for extreme metal fans and presumably black metal fans with a taste for a band that does go that extra mile or two in terms of expressing themselves and adding content for the listeners to enjoy.
Greece never seems to disappoint when it comes to black metal. Archemoron presents us their fourth full length album, Flagellum I. Its fierce tones and aggressive bewitching melodies truly captures the listener in its magical trance.
The first half of the album is an intense and chaotic fair. Aggressive blast beats and furious riffs that don't let up until the end, where it stretches out and the guitars bring out their solos, which are very hectic and evil sounding. With the very clear and high quality production alongside the crunchy reverb and hellish vocals are something that get trapped in your head. Especially the second track, When Blades Shape our Feelings, the melodies on there are infectious.
Its after the fourth track where the album begins to take a different turn. Incorporating progressive and other traditional heavy metal tendencies, the band are then able to build an interesting and mystical atmosphere, especially when they're able to slow down and show off their skills. The guitar work all through out is just fantastic, with time changes that blend seamlessly with one another. Clearly they intended for the guitars to be the main attraction to the album, and it works very well. On top of that, how the songs are structured, its like each one is a tale on its own. Having progressive metal influences mixed with the black metal hatred makes for a very interesting listen.
This album truly require multiple listens to get its entire being. Its not just your average melodic black metal act, it truly pushes its self and creates a very unique and somber album with a very hard bite to it. Just giving it one listen will not do it full justice as the intricate song writing and the small details in the drumming and bass playing as well as the vocal melodies make for a full and robust listen.
Honestly the sixth song on the album, Red Eyes in the Mist, is a great example of what the album has to offer. It incorporates the fierce blast beats, mid-tempo melodic sections, even the atmospheric ambient sections that are strewn through out the album. If I were to pick a single from it, I'd choose that one since its my personal favorite off the album.
All in all, this is a fantastic album with unique qualities to it that makes it stand out compared to the other Hellenic black metal hordes. This is another recommendation for those looking to get into black metal as a whole, but are already familiar with more progressive style metal acts.
La question du jour : peut-on être grec, faire du black metal et ne pas être original ? On pense immédiatement à Hail Spirit Noir, Necromantia ou autre Aenaon et on se dit que non. Un groupe de black hellénique a manifestement une difficulté congénitale à pratiquer un art pur et traditionnel. Se présente alors Archemoron à nos oreilles, vil chapardeur et âme subversive en diable. Le rendez-vous de nos promesses maladroites ?
Ce qui frappe d’entrée de disque, c’est la volonté impériale de la horde : blast. On marque son territoire. On croit alors à une incarnation brutale et bas-du-front qui va nous emmener tranquillement dans nos zones de confort favorites. Certes "Uranos" donne cette impression. Pourtant des détails dénotent. Des mélodies inattendues, des attaques frénétiques de guitare, du mid tempo ou un chant… pour le moins étrange. Voici ce qui vient pourtant perturber l’écoute pas plus tard que "When Blades Shape our Feelings", en position deux sur l'album pour celles et ceux qui ne daigneraient point regarder la liste des chansons. L’interrogation introductive devient alors un fil conducteur, à défaut d’un réel leitmotiv. Car si la volonté de surprendre s’affirme, elle ne prend pas le pas sur l’orientation globale des compositions (quoique... vraiment ?). Se détache alors cet entre-deux. Entre extrémisme somme toute presque banal bien que teinté de death, et intervention inattendue. C’est ici un riff et un solo maidenien qui nous attendent. Archemoron… le nom devient dès lors source d’inspiration onirique. Rappel du grand passé, du temps des Titans qui dominaient la Terre. Des penseurs grecs encore frais dans leurs réflexions.
Archemoron réussi un tour de passe-passe en nous proposant des rappels évidents aux temps anciens tout en se rapprochant furieusement du présent et pourquoi pas un peu du futur. Il convient de saluer cet état d’esprit et cette qualité dans l’exécution et la réalisation. Car si Flagelllum I (j’ai d’ailleurs honteusement oublié de faire un jeu-de-mots masochiste) va se faire une place au soleil dans cette année déjà chargée en belles sorties noires, ce sera grâce à cette prédisposition mentale résolument libre. Les Hellènes embellissent nos mornes journées répétitives d’une musique bien moins austère qu’elle n’apparaît au premier abord. L’avantage supplémentaire d’une telle démarche est la progressivité (le mot est intentionnellement utilisé) de l’appropriation de l’ensemble. Les détails semblent se découvrir par l’expérience, et le signe est indubitable tout autant qu’excellent pour nos esgourdes. Le titre le plus fleuve de l’ensemble, "Thronos", se dépeint de manière assez subjuguante de surprises en inattendu sur plus de dix minutes qui resteront à coup sûr comme un temps fort de l’année metal.
Alors oui, décidément la Grèce semble fatalement fâchée avec l’idée de productions conventionnelles. On y verra le souffle de leur proéminence culturelle passée ou la loi heureuse du hasard. Pour l’amateur de bon metal, et extrême, et noir, c’est un casus pacifica : nous pouvons y aller l’esprit tranquille. À condition de s’épanouir un minimum dans l’inattendu.
Video review.
Cuando el ánfora se abrió, miles de diablos consiguieron liberarse. Fue entonces cuando el rumbo del astro azul y todos los seres vivos que la poblaban cambió para siempre. Los demonios sin esfuerzo alguno se introdujeron en el interior de cada ser mortal del planeta, corrompiéndolos desde dentro en el mejor de los casos y enloqueciéndolos por completo en el peor. Al fin, el señor del Averno consiguió su propósito: trasladar el Infierno a la Tierra…
Bienvenidos al universo de Archemoron.
Madre del amor hermoso, que gusto toparse de vez en cuando con discos como el que protagoniza la reseña de hoy. Básicamente, se trata de uno de esos redondos únicos que se salen por completo de la mediocridad imperante dentro de la escena del metal extremo en cualquiera de sus variantes. El «Metal Negro» que crean y ejecutan los griegos es sublime. Cada nota de cada tonada, está repleta de personalidad y buen hacer, demostrando con creces que el equilibrio perfecto entre brutalidad y delicadeza se puede conseguir sin que por ello se pierda ni el más mínimo ápice de intensidad o credibilidad. Además, y por si fuera poco, no sienten temor a la hora de realizar escarceos con… Ahora no os lo cuento. Seguid leyendo.
Las seis cuerdas se caracterizan por ser gélidas y fluidas. No obstante, existen pinceladas puntuales de sosiego, incluidas con un gusto exquisito. Con las dobles armonías vais a alucinar. Yo personalmente me quito el sombrero ante la labor de Melikertiis y Typhonas. Ojo a la lead guitar. Hacía muchísimo tiempo que no disfrutaba con los solos de una agrupación. Por cierto, increíble sorpresa en forma de elemento prog el que se marcan en ‘Red Eyes in the Mist‘. Asimismo, de seguro que a más de uno de vosotros se le caerán los palos del sombrajo ante los instrumentos de viento y el toque a lo Baroness de la final ‘Utter Tranquility‘, saliéndose por completo de la línea de composición imperante, y poniendo el broche de oro al embiste.
El apartado vocal lo domina los shrieks. Mas, estad preparados que cuando menos lo esperéis irrumpen barítonos macabros o clean vocals susurradas de corte funesto.
Las cuatro cuerdas dan un golpe en la mesa al sonar ‘Still in Sadness‘. Si os gusta dicho instrumento, no dudéis en catarla.
La percusión arrasa con todo. Los giros de dirección rasantes y eternamente dinámicos no son ni medio normales. Señores, aquí no hay lugar para el aburrimiento.
Cierto es que no puedo sacar pega alguna a la acometida, aunque sí que os puedo comentar que mis canciones favoritas han sido ‘When Blades Shape Our Feelings‘, ‘Thronos‘ y ‘Red Eyes in the Mist‘. ¡Qué barbaridad!
Este é um bom nome do black metal grego. E quando se fala de black metal grego espera-se sempre um som específico. Peculiar. Tendo em conta que a banda começou com uma componente death metal integrada, o som que trazem agora é puro black metal – e com isto refiro-me a tradicional, com aquele toque grego. Poderá soar como uma proposta pouco excitante e inovadora e até será provavelmente no entanto a forma como os solos são encaixados aqui e trazem uma carga melódica que até não estaria desajustada a um álbum de Iron Maiden (vá, com alguns limites, é apenas para marcar uma posição) e que resulta na perfeição – “When Blades Shape Our Feelings” é um excelente exemplo. Um surpreedente álbum que vai para além do black metal sem ter intenções ou ambições de fazer isso.
Greece never seems to disappoint when it comes to black metal. Archemoron presents us their fourth full length album, Flagellum I. Its fierce tones and aggressive bewitching melodies truly captures the listener in its magical trance.
The first half of the album is an intense and chaotic fair. Aggressive blast beats and furious riffs that don't let up until the end, where it stretches out and the guitars bring out their solos, which are very hectic and evil sounding. With the very clear and high quality production alongside the crunchy reverb and hellish vocals are something that get trapped in your head. Especially the second track, When Blades Shape our Feelings, the melodies on there are infectious.
Its after the fourth track where the album begins to take a different turn. Incorporating progressive and other traditional heavy metal tendencies, the band are then able to build an interesting and mystical atmosphere, especially when they're able to slow down and show off their skills. The guitar work all through out is just fantastic, with time changes that blend seamlessly with one another. Clearly they intended for the guitars to be the main attraction to the album, and it works very well. On top of that, how the songs are structured, its like each one is a tale on its own. Having progressive metal influences mixed with the black metal hatred makes for a very interesting listen.
This album truly require multiple listens to get its entire being. Its not just your average melodic black metal act, it truly pushes its self and creates a very unique and somber album with a very hard bite to it. Just giving it one listen will not do it full justice as the intricate song writing and the small details in the drumming and bass playing as well as the vocal melodies make for a full and robust listen.
Honestly the sixth song on the album, Red Eyes in the Mist, is a great example of what the album has to offer. It incorporates the fierce blast beats, mid-tempo melodic sections, even the atmospheric ambient sections that are strewn through out the album. If I were to pick a single from it, I'd choose that one since its my personal favorite off the album.
All in all, this is a fantastic album with unique qualities to it that makes it stand out compared to the other Hellenic black metal hordes. This is another recommendation for those looking to get into black metal as a whole, but are already familiar with more progressive style metal acts.