. Satanath Records

Reviews: SAT276

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Almost exactly two years ago we premiered a blood-freezing track from Progenies Ov Light, the second album by the Cuban black metal band Skjult, through which its lone member Conspirator channeled dark and devilish creative impulses. Now we have the good fortune of premiering a song from the band’s forthcoming third full-length, Lucifer Hominum Salvator, which is coming out on March 17th via Satanath Records.


While still driven by devotion to Luciferian anticosmic themes, Skjult has followed a path of musical progression, which was evident in the movement from the first album to the second, and is evident again through this third record, which Satanath correctly sums up as more melodic, less raw, impressively dynamic, and propelled more deeply into the depths of hell. The music raises memories of early Watain, Necrophobic, Valkyrja, and early Dark Funeral, and we have a prime example of these sensations in this new track, “The Sight“.


In its overarching atmosphere, this new song is perilous and poisonous, chilling in its effect, yet a musically nuanced experience that becomes increasingly enthralling.


Mid-paced and deeply menacing at first, the music pairs seething tremolo’d riffing with variable drum rhythms that are both ritualistic and crazed. After a brief pause following the song’s opening movement, the riffing transforms into an urgent, rapid pulse, with maniacal drum-bursts and a pestilential, demonic voice venting rage and cruelty.


Throughout the song, the drumming remains a vibrant and unpredictable presence, while the whirring, multi-layered chords and rapidly flickering leads channel feverish frenzy and chilling bleakness, and strummed fretwork transmutes the sound into flares of dangerous grandeur. The vocals themselves also morph, mutating between grating wolfish growls, imperious, roaring proclamations, and wild cries, further adding to the song’s frightening dynamism


Lucifer Hominum Salvator was recorded, mixed, and mastered at Profane Misanthropic Craft Studios in Havana, Cuba. The design and layout of the album are the work of Misanthropic Craft Designs.




La sangre chorreaba altar abajo mientras que la joven aún convulsionaba. Mientras tanto, el hechicero le daba pequeños sorbos al cáliz repleto de sangre de la víctima. Todo había salido según lo previsto. Un año más, la ofrenda a Satán se había realizado con éxito. Cuando terminase de ingerir todo el líquido escarlata limpiaría el lugar, se pondría de nuevo su inmaculado traje y volvería a la oficina. En unos días, fingiría primero preocupación y después tristeza por el fallecimiento de la muchacha. Ella era su secretaría. Desde el primer momento la vio como una presa fácil. No tardó más que unas semanas en engatusarla. Después de lo que parecía una velada maravillosa la drogó para usarla como sacrificio al Rey del Averno. Era la segunda que mataba, y si tenía cuidado, podría seguir honrando al Diablo toda la vida…

Bienvenidos al universo de Skjult.


La One Man Band de Black Metal Skjult, lanzó el 17 de marzo de 2020 su segundo L.P «Lucifer Hominum Salvator» gracias a Satanath Records.




Conspirator es el hombre que está detrás del proyecto, haciéndose cargo de todos los instrumentos y las voces.


Hermanos del «Metal Negro», no os podéis perder el tercer disco del cubano. Los temas, además de estar cargados con una maldad insana, demuestran un dinamismo estructural extraordinario. Sin embargo, no todo es maravilloso. Con vuestro permiso, procedo a explicarme. Es cierto que de forma individual y aislada las instrumentales ‘The Way Back to the Source‘ y ‘The Fall‘ funcionan bien. El problema llegó al colocarlas una detrás de otra, ya que acaba por restarle intensidad a la escucha del Elepé. Crean un innecesario parón que sin duda pasa factura a la hora de puntuarlo. No quiero que penséis mal, vais a disfrutar como cerdos revolcándoos en un charco de barro con la escucha del redondo en cuestión. No obstante, hubiese sido una mejor experiencia sonora con tan solo poner los tracks anteriormente mencionados en posiciones donde no sonasen de forma correlativa.

La producción es perfecta, mientras que el artwork es efectivo a la par que nihilista.




Escalofriantes y más frías que un tempano de hielo son las seis cuerdas. El escaparate de riffs por tonada es digno de ovación teniendo en cuenta del género que estamos hablando. Las acometidas de tremolo picking os van a dejar traumatizados. Las dobles armonías, sin que se abusen de ellas están presentes a lo largo del Long Play.


El registro que predomina es el shrieks más macabro. Como sorpresa, toparéis con tonos susurrantes y clean vocals en…. Descubridlo por vosotros mismos.


La percusión os volará los sesos. ¡Tremendo festival de cambios de recorrido!


Recalcaría ‘Under the Serpent’s Banner‘, ‘The Sight‘ y ‘A Star Down Below‘. Os aseguro que son acongojantes. Prestadle especial atención, hacedme caso.




Poco más puedo añadir. Juzgad por vosotros mismos. Para hacerlo solo podéis hacer una cosa: oírlo en su totalidad al Long Play que ha protagonizado la reseña de hoy.





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"Lucifer Hominum Salvator" é o título do mais novo álbum da banda de Black Metal cubana Skjult.


Lançado em 17 de março; entrega ao ouvinte uma verdadeira ambientação de caos e agressividade

Sua produção mantém um nível bom e consegue imprimir boa qualidade de melodias em sua vertente.


Em seus quase 47 minutos, despeja riffs, brutalidade e ferocidade sem moderação!


Para quem não sabe, a banda tem apenas um membro/líder intitulado de Conspirator, trazendo suas mais variadas inspirações para o som que produz.


No geral, momentos inspirados e que enriquecem o estilo, cativa rapidamente os mais adeptos aos conceitos e claro, se mantém bem durante as transições.



Ouça e recomende!





I may well be out of date with my knowledge, but I seem to remember from the Buena Vista Social Club movie that all musicians in Cuba are employed by the government. If that's still the case, it's wicked that Conspirator, the man behind Skjuld, ought to count because he sings and plays black metal, hardly the sort of music we expect from the land of Fidel. I have no idea what sort of audience he gets but all power to him for doing this to begin with and doing it for long enough to put out three albums.


Conspirator does everything on this album and it's so well produced that we can hear all of it. The wall of sound here comes from the guitars, which are right up there with the vocals in the mix. The drums are a little buried and are sometimes slower, which is intriguing, but they know exactly how to ramp up the pace when needed, such as on Under the Serpent's Banner, which truly blisters. Whatever speed they are, I should add that they're always urgent.


I liked this from the outset, with the Black Sabbath touches that kick off Lawless God, but it gets better and better. The Sight is an impressive demonstration of how black metal doesn't have to blister to carry power and weight. Here, the drums actually outpace the slower guitar for the first half, which is just as evocatively evil and paints just as much of the soundscape Conspirator is conjuring up. That goes triple for The Way Back to the Source, which is a sheer delight of an instrumental. I adore that guitar tone.


The Fall is an interlude that leads us into A Star Down Below, my other easy favourite here. It has a huge sound and it maintains a fantastic old school groove. Midway through, it almost turns into a black metal version of Agent Steel, translating the speed metal blitzkrieg of 144,000 Gone into a wildly different style. It takes its time getting there, though, building up to it magnificently. Sacred Flames follows up with more galloping speed metal with a black metal overlay. It's elevated by a second vocal at points.


That just leaves the title track, which really didn't the suffix of (Ritual) because it's clearly a ritual piece even before the chants begin, taking me back to the seventies and the shenanigans of bands like Atomic Rooster and Black Widow. The music behind them is slow, heavy and hypnotic and, in other hands with a different guitar tone, this song could be doom metal. Again, it plays as a duet, with evil vocals countering the hopeful chant, and that's a glorious way to do this.


What I've been finding lately with a lot of one man bands is that the people behind them are multitalented but often better at one thing. They may be the bees knees on guitar but their vocals are more average, or vice versa. Here, I could see Conspirator being just a vocalist or just a guitarist and being worthy of praise even restricted to one role. Hilariously, it seems that he mostly plays bass, performing in that vein for Dawn of Madness, Heretik, the Chaos Nether Silence, Darkening and presumably others.


If that isn't enough to keep him busy, I should remind that he plays every part here and also does everything for Shrine ov Absurd, who knocked out an album somewhere in between the three he's done as Skjult. Clearly there's a black metal underground scene in Havana and, if it all sounds like this, I'm eager to seek out more.




Skjult  are  a  solo  project  from  Cuba  that  has  had  music  reviewed  before  in  this  zine  and  on  this  recording  plays  a  very  raw  and  melodic  form  of  occult  black  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2020  album  "Lucifer  Hominum  Salvator"  which  was  released  by Satanath  Records.


  Dark  sounding  melodies  start  off  the  album  while  the  faster  sections  of  the  songs  also  add  in  a  great  amount  of  blast  beats.  Throughout  the  recording  you  can  also  hear  a  decent  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts  along  with  the  vocals  being  mostly  grim  sounding  black  metal  screams.


  Most  of  the  music  is  also  very  heavily  rooted  in  the  90's  second  wave  tradition  without  sounding  outdated while  the  tremolo  picking  in  the  faster  sections  of  the  songs  also  gives  the  recording  more  of  a  raw  feeling.  Most  of  the  tracks  are  also  long  and  epic  in  length  as  well  as  the  guitar  solos  and  leads  also  being  done  in  a  very  dark  yet  melodic  style  when  they  are  utilized,


  Growls  are  also  added  into  certain  sections  of  the  recording  along  with  one  of  the  tracks  also  being  an  instrumental  and  also  introducing  acoustic  guitars  onto  the  album  as  well  as  some  ritualistic  elements  also  being  brought  intro  the  music  on  a  interlude  before  returning  back  to  a  heavier  direction  and  latter  songs  also  adds  in  clean  playing,  whispers,  melodic  vocals  and  spoken  word  parts.  The  production  sounds  very  professional  while  the  lyrics  cover  Occultism,  Luciferian,  Death  and  Vision  themes.


  In  my  opinion  this  is  another  great  sounding  album  from  Skjult  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  occult  black  metal,  you  should  check  out  this  recording.




I may well be out of date with my knowledge, but I seem to remember from the Buena Vista Social Club movie that all musicians in Cuba are employed by the government. If that's still the case, it's wicked that Conspirator, the man behind Skjuld, ought to count because he sings and plays black metal, hardly the sort of music we expect from the land of Fidel. I have no idea what sort of audience he gets but all power to him for doing this to begin with and doing it for long enough to put out three albums.


Conspirator does everything on this album and it's so well produced that we can hear all of it. The wall of sound here comes from the guitars, which are right up there with the vocals in the mix. The drums are a little buried and are sometimes slower, which is intriguing, but they know exactly how to ramp up the pace when needed, such as on Under the Serpent's Banner, which truly blisters. Whatever speed they are, I should add that they're always urgent.


I liked this from the outset, with the Black Sabbath touches that kick off Lawless God, but it gets better and better. The Sight is an impressive demonstration of how black metal doesn't have to blister to carry power and weight. Here, the drums actually outpace the slower guitar for the first half, which is just as evocatively evil and paints just as much of the soundscape Conspirator is conjuring up. That goes triple for The Way Back to the Source, which is a sheer delight of an instrumental. I adore that guitar tone.


The Fall is an interlude that leads us into A Star Down Below, my other easy favourite here. It has a huge sound and it maintains a fantastic old school groove. Midway through, it almost turns into a black metal version of Agent Steel, translating the speed metal blitzkrieg of 144,000 Gone into a wildly different style. It takes its time getting there, though, building up to it magnificently. Sacred Flames follows up with more galloping speed metal with a black metal overlay. It's elevated by a second vocal at points.


That just leaves the title track, which really didn't the suffix of (Ritual) because it's clearly a ritual piece even before the chants begin, taking me back to the seventies and the shenanigans of bands like Atomic Rooster and Black Widow. The music behind them is slow, heavy and hypnotic and, in other hands with a different guitar tone, this song could be doom metal. Again, it plays as a duet, with evil vocals countering the hopeful chant, and that's a glorious way to do this.


What I've been finding lately with a lot of one man bands is that the people behind them are multitalented but often better at one thing. They may be the bees knees on guitar but their vocals are more average, or vice versa. Here, I could see Conspirator being just a vocalist or just a guitarist and being worthy of praise even restricted to one role. Hilariously, it seems that he mostly plays bass, performing in that vein for Dawn of Madness, Heretik, the Chaos Nether Silence, Darkening and presumably others.


If that isn't enough to keep him busy, I should remind that he plays every part here and also does everything for Shrine ov Absurd, who knocked out an album somewhere in between the three he's done as Skjult. Clearly there's a black metal underground scene in Havana and, if it all sounds like this, I'm eager to seek out more.





No es muy habitual recibir discos de Metal procedentes de Cuba, y menos aún de un frío y oscuro Black Metal como el que destila este proyecto creado en 2015 que recibe el nombre de SKJULT. Una banda de un solo miembro, quien responde al nombre de Conspirator, que desde La Habana ha dado forma a su segundo trabajo “Lucifer Hominum Salvator”, precedido de un álbum titulado “Progenies ov Light” que vio la luz en 2018 a través del sello ruso Satanath Records, el mismo que ahora firma este nuevo lanzamiento. Ocho cortes de lo que podríamos denominar como Anticosmic Black Metal que fueron gestados en los Profane Misanthropic Craft Studios de la capital cubana.


El título de “Lucifer Hominum Salvator” ya nos da una idea de la inspiración conceptual que hay detrás de este álbum, y tras escuchar los primeros riffs no tardaremos en identificar también la influencia del Black / Death Metal nórdico en la música de SKJULT. De hecho es casi imposible escuchar el disco y que no te vengan a la cabeza los mismísimos DISSECTION, y es que pese a la distancia geográfica y el diferente clima del país caribeño hay que reconocer que Conspirator ha sabido interiorizar a la perfección esa esencia oscura de melodías gélidas que tiene el Black / Death Metal de corte escandinavo. Esto es una ventaja a la hora de enfrentarse por primera vez a la música del proyecto cubano, ya que suena familiar desde el primer momento, pero por otro lado hay que reconocer que no sorprende más allá de su exótica procedencia.


En resumidas cuentas, aunque “Lucifer Hominum Salvator” no contenga nada novedoso ni a nivel lírico ni musical, quienes busquen un Black / Death Metal frío y oscuro, con un buen balance entre la melodía y la agresividad, sin duda van a disfrutar con la propuesta de SKJULT. Ocho temas evocadores que te envuelven con su Anticosmic Black Metal y que mantienen un gran nivel a lo largo de todo el trabajo, sin altibajos ni desviaciones, como puedes comprobar en el lyric video del tema "Lawless God". Por otro lado, el álbum viene presentado con un elegante artwork en el que sorprendentemente predomina el color blanco, en contraste con los sonidos negros que hay en su interior, y nos invita a iniciar el ritual.




Kuba ist ja eher für Rum und Zigarren als für Metal bekannt. Dass allerdings auch durchaus ernst zu nehmende Kapellen von der Insel stammen beweist unter anderem das Ein-Mann-Projekt Skjult, das seit 2015 aktiv ist und seither 4 Alben veröffentlicht hat. Zwei davon erschienen dieses Jahr und eines davon, „Lucifer Hominum Salvator„, schauen wir uns heute mal genauer an.


Das Album geht sofort in die Vollen und präsentiert dem Hörer kraftvollen, druckvoll produzierten Black Metal. Orientiert wird sich bei diesem antikosmischen Reigen an klassischen schwedischen Bands wie Dark Funeral oder Watain, heißt dichte Aura aus Schatten und dissonanten Riffs gepaart mit gut gemachten melodischen Parts. Immer wieder hält die Musik kurz inne und besinnt sich bevor der nächste Angriff an Riffsalven und donnernden Drums losbricht. Selbige sind über das ganze Album hinweg ziemlich geschäftig, wechseln häufig zwischen den Rhythmen, die dann auch noch recht anspruchsvoll sind, allerdings ohne wirklich zu überfordern oder zu viel zu wollen. Gleiches gilt für die Riffs, die ordentlich sägend zwischen Kälte und Melodik schwanken, hier und da fast zum Solo ausholen und vor packenden Momenten nur so strotzen. So bleibt die Scheibe zwar überwiegend klassisch, bietet aber stets mehr als genug um keine Langeweile aufkommen zu lassen. Selbiges gilt auch für die Vocals, die mit bissigem Keifen auf sich aufmerksam machen, hier und da etwas verhallt daher kommen, aber ansonsten ihrer Linie treu bleiben. Kratzend und gewaltig zerreißen sie die Lyrics fast in der Luft und schneiden tief in den Gehörgang. Am Songwriting scheitert es dann auch nicht mehr, dass düstere Brocken zaubert, gefüllt mit Abwechslung, Hass und Schwärze, vielen interessanten Momenten, kurzen Interludes, immer wieder kleine Spielereien und atmosphärische Passagen. Man kommt allerdings nicht umhin zu bemerken, dass man das alles schon irgendwo her kennt, das tut der Stimmung allerdings keinen Abbruch.


Skjult liefern auf ihren dritten Album „Lucifer Hominum Salvator“ mehr als nur ordentlich gemachten Black Metal mit kraftvoller, moderner Produktion, die trotzdem Luft zum Atmen und Kratzen hat. Die Riffs sägen, die Drums rumpeln hier und da, nur die Vocals zeigen weder Schwäche noch Mitleid und so entfaltet sich ein schwarzer, düsterer Reigen, der sich gewaschen hat. Wer also auf die alte schwedische Schule steht, der ist hier vermutlich genau richtig.




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Państwo Kuba. Tak, Kuba i Black Metal. Ja już na samym wstępie byłem totalnie zaskoczony, bo gdybym nie sprawdził pochodzenia SKJULT, to bez problemu wrzuciłbym go do Skandynawskiego worka obecnej sceny. Zacznijmy jednak po kolei. Jednoosobowy projekt powstał w 2015 roku i jest to jego trzeci pełen album. Za całość muzyki odpowiada jedna persona, niejaki Conspirator. Facet udzielał się w kilku innych zespołach tamtejszej sceny, ale nie będę zgrywał twardziela, że znam cokolwiek z Kuby bądź innych państw rejonu Karaibów. Czas zatem sprawdzić co też kryje się na krążku "Lucifer Hominum Salvator".


Nie będę ukrywał mojego zdumienia podczas pierwszego zderzenia z muzyką SKJULT. Black Metal jaki oferuje ta płyta jest dojrzałym kompozycyjnie materiałem, przemyślanym, ale też nie pozbawionym pasji i powiedziałbym młodzieńczego zapału. Pozornie te dwa bieguny cech mogą się ze sobą kłócić, ale odnoszę wrażenie, że Conspirator doskonale czuje muzykę, którą tworzy. Pewnie, nie będziemy się oszukiwać - to nie jest coś odkrywczego, bo Black Metal wykonany przez SKJULT porusza się dobrze utartymi ścieżkami. Sporo tu zarówno agresji wymieszanej z nienawiścią, ale pojawia się też melancholia w dźwiękach jakie towarzyszą mi w utworach instrumentalnych - chociażby w "The Way Back to the Source". Ta część materiału gdzie są już wokale, jest pełna mroku, atmosfery śmierci. I być może takie stwierdzenie wyda się komuś dziwne biorąc pod uwagę klarowność brzmienia, lecz coś w tych dźwiękach jest skryte i kreuje aurę opuszczonego cmentarzyska, dawno zapomnianego i przesiąkniętego fetorem beznadziei. Praca gitar jest tu bardzo zróżnicowana. Usłyszymy sporo riffów granych tremolo i odznaczających się pokrętną melodyką niczym w umyśle schizofrenika. Z drugiej natomiast strony mamy rytmiczne granie akordami lub nawet nieco thrashowe jak w otwierającym riffie do utworu "Sacred Flames". SKJULT wypada zarówno bardzo dobrze w szybkich partiach jaki i w średnich z wolniejszymi. Jedyne co może razić, to triggery na stopach zagłuszające szybkie partie werbla. Można było ciut głośniej sam werbel dać. Klasyczne wokale pomagają w przekonaniu, że album jest naprawdę godzien posłuchania i nabycia do kolekcji. Pojawiają się też szepty i czyste wokale, śpiewane. I o ile moja łacina nie jest zbyt zardzewiała, "Lucyfer Zbawca Ludzkości" to konkret.




English version:


The State of Cuba. Yes, Cuba and Black Metal. I was totally surprised at the very beginning, because if I hadn't checked the origin of SKJULT, I would have easily thrown it into the Scandinavian bag of the current scene. But let's start one by one. The one-man project was created in 2015 and this is its third full album. One person, Conspirator, is responsible for all the music. The guy has been involved in several other bands of the local scene, but I won't play tough that I know anything from Cuba or other countries in the Caribbean. So it's time to check what's on the album "Lucifer Hominum Salvator".


I will not hide my astonishment during the first collision with SKJULT music. The Black Metal that this album offers is a mature material in terms of composition, well thought out, but also not without passion and I would say youthful enthusiasm. Apparently, these two poles of features may argue with each other, but I have the impression that Conspirator feels the music he creates perfectly. Sure, we won't fool ourselves - it's not something revealing, because Black Metal made by SKJULT moves well along the well-worn paths. There is a lot of aggression mixed with hatred, but there is also melancholy in the sounds that accompany me in the instrumental tracks - for example in "The Way Back to the Source". This part of the material, where there are already vocals, is full of darkness, atmosphere of death. And maybe such a statement will seem strange to somebody considering the clarity of sound, but something in these sounds is hidden and creates the aura of an abandoned cemetery, long forgotten and saturated with fetor of hopelessness. The work of guitars is very varied here. We will hear a lot of riffs played by a tremolo and characterized by a twisted melody like in the mind of a schizophrenic. On the other hand, we have rhythmic playing of chords or even a bit thrashy as in the opening riff to the song "Sacred Flames". SKJULT performs very well both in fast parts and in medium with slower ones. The only thing that can be irritating are the triggers on the foot work in the fast parts which are deafening the snare drum. The snare itself could be given a little louder. Classic vocals help to convince you that the album is really worth listening to and buying into the collection. There are also whispers and clean vocals, sung. And as long as my Latin is not too rusty, "Lucifer the Savior of Humanity" is a very concrete one.





Since their inception in 2015, Cuban Black Metal band SKJULT have been busy. As of this writing, four albums have been released. Bands take note… Releasing albums on a consistent basis is a good thing. How do you think bands in the 80s and 90s got their name out there? They recorded an album, toured, recorded an album, toured, and so on. Conspirator plays all instruments and provides vocals, so maybe a tour is not always an option (as a band would need to be hired). However, at least there’s no lack of new music. The album, “Lucifer Hominum Salvator”, starts strong with ‘Lawless God’, a riveting track that brings forth classic Black Metal guitars and raspy vocals. ‘Under The Serpent’s Banner’ is another powerful, upbeat delivery. And I’ll admit, the fact it’s a one-man band isn’t obvious. The tempo on ‘The Sight’ slows down a little to a mid-paced, ever-changing track while ‘The Way Back To The Source’ and ‘The Fall’ provide instrumental tracks involving acoustic and atmospheric pieces. A somewhat plodding (in a good way) ‘A Star Down Below’ praises Lucifer as it sleeks and sneaks around in its mesmeric way. ‘Sacred Flames’ has a hint of Black / Thrash and brings the pace back up. The final track ‘Lucifer Hominum Salvator’ slows back down to a snail’s pace, but keeps the atmosphere thick and melancholic. I’ll have to say the album started off really strong but sort of lost its way a little as it progressed. Individually, each song is satisfying. However, keeping up the aggressive strength throughout the album would’ve made it more consistent and lifted it up to more memorable heights. Not to say it’s a bad album. It’s actually quite good. It simply could’ve used a little more ‘umph’ to it.




Этот проект одного человека, который скрывается под псевдонимом Conspirator, был создан на Кубе в 2015 году.


«Lucifer Hominum Salvator» - третий студийник группы, представляющий собой замечательный образец агрессивного блэка, на который повлияла, в основном, шведская школа «черного метала».


Данный релиз был выпущен 17 марта 2020 года на российском лейбле Satanath Records, специализирующимся на экстремальной музыке.


Песни не однообразны, они не утомляют своей монотонностью: в композициях присутствуют как быстрые, хаотичные, так и среднетемповые, размеренные, фрагменты, также Conspirator уделяет много внимания гитарным соло и мелодиям. В музыке используются некоторые оккультные элементы, которые вместе с мистической лирикой создают довольно мрачную атмосферу.


Выразительный скрипучий вокал лично мне напомнил Эрика Даниэлссона из Watain, в отдельных моментах используется чистый вокал.


В общем, поклонникам все тех Watain, Necrophobic, Valkyrja, Svartsyn и ранних Dark Funeral этот альбом должен понравиться.




Měli jsme tu trojici kapel z Kolumbie, ale vsadím se o tunu tataráku, že nic pocházející z Kuby tu ještě nebylo. Nečiním tak z exhibičních důvodů bych se dělal zajímavým. SKJULT je záležitost hodná náležité pozornosti, tento jednočlenný projekt totiž chrlí pekelný oheň a síru na toto slzavé údolí s takovým řemeslným umem, že na něj nelze krátkozrace pohlížet jako na relativně exotické zpestření a o hudbu se zajímat až poté. „Lucifer Hominum Salvator“ je třetím zářezem do diskografie SKJULT, nesoucí se na vlnách black metalového tradicionalismu, syrového a přímočarého black metalu vyzdobeného vynikajícím ostrým zvukem, s jasným odkazem na stylotvorné období severské scény. A tím bych v jiném případě mohl skončit a nepokračovat. Zní to totiž jako totální kočkopes, kombinace Norska a Kuby, málem podobně když by si Polynésan usmyslel, že bude Viking. To ovšem není tento případ, a to bez veškeré srandy. Základní struktura skladeb je sice jasná, to nelze neslyšet. Co se na „Lucifer Hominum Salvator“ děje dál, je minimálně co do atmosféry úplně někde jinde a dělá ze SKJULT velmi zajímavý a osobitý zjev hodný pozornosti.


Syrový, na temnou atmosféru bohatý black metal se mnou téměř vždy dokáže udělat vpravdě psí kusy. Belial s Asmodeem nechť s sebou vezmou všechnu tu dokonalost a  profesorštinu do nejhlubších pekel, tohle je úplně odlišné prostředí, kde se jede podle odlišných ukazatelů. Struktura skladeb je osekána na nezbytně to, co tam patří s ohledem maximální účelnost a účinek. Tím výraznější bývá atmosféra - onen „vnitřní démon“, temná energie, pro kterou jsou alba tohoto druhu tak magická a přitažlivá, a bez toho to všechno prostě fungovat nemůže. SKJULT se však podařilo do všech osmi skladeb (včetně meziher) zaklít tolik osobité magie, že na kopírovačku zlatého fondu severského black metalu nebudeme pro jistotu ani myslet.


„Lucifer Hominum Salvator“, jak už podle předchozích řádků tušíte, není žádné inovativní a chraň sám rohatý, už vůbec ne avantgardní album. Zde je moderna sprostým výrazem a místa pro ni není ani co by se nehet vešlo. SKJULT spoléhají na starý a bitvami prověřený zbrojní sklad a tradiční způsob boje. Znalost terénu se považuje za samozřejmost, vycvičenost mužstva lze považovat za špičkovou, morálka a bojový duch je rovněž chvályhodně vysoko. Nelze se potom příliš divit, že následky útoku tohoto bojového uskupení budou drtivé i bez podpůrných prostředků. Intenzivní příval energie a neméně intenzivní a podmanivá atmosféra se utrhává ze řetězů, s úvodní „Lawless God“  propuká promyšlená black metalová smršť a majestátní atmosférická skladba v jednom, mající všechny běsy na povel a pod kontrolou. Rovnou zapomeňte na zběsilost vybičovanou do krajnosti, SKJULT si dovedou šikovně pohrát s výstavbou skladeb a vědí, kde přitlačit a kde zase upustit tlak. „Lawless God“ je díky tomu přitažlivě členitá a velkým obloukem se vyhýbá monotónnímu stereotypu. „Under The Serpent´s Banner“ přibrušuje drápy a více cení tesáky, nemám potíže udržet pozornost, pořád se něco děje a podruhé si vychutnávám silnou magii, kterou málem až fyzicky cítím. „The Sight“ přichází pozvolna, plíživě, a spolu s ní mocný výbuch temné energie, v pomalých tempech SKJULT rozhodně neztrácí na intenzitě, spíše mám ten pocit, že se síla ještě více koncentruje a ultrarychlé momenty již pouze skladbu vypracovávají do téměř dokonalého emočního stavu. Temné emoce nepolevují – instrumentálka „The Way Back To The Source“ nechává bez vokálu vyniknout prudce návykové kytaře a decentně elegantní melodice. Přímočarost a syrová nečesanost si dává sice částečně rauchpauzu, zde rozprostřela křídla temná náladotvorná zvukomalba, kouzlení atmosféry riffy skoro až v „Galderovském“ stylu zní nechci úplně říct, že velkolepě, ale moc k tomu nechybí. Temná mezihra „The Fall (Interlude)“ uvozuje „A Star Down Bellow“, temný a působivý kus černého mazutu, pozvolna nabírající zkázonosné tempo. Závěr je opět důrazně valivý se silným citem pro mrazivou atmosféru.  Strhující „Sacred Flames“  - s blížícím se závěrem „Lucifer Hominum Salvator“ roste již tak výrazná údernost, skladba má úžasnou sílu, i přes relativně jednoduchou strukturu, kdy se pravidelně střídají dva, maximálně tři motivy dokola, s počtem poslechů skladba roste do temné krásy. Finále - „Lvcifer Homium Salvator (Ritual)“ – temnota sama, temné kytary, temná a ještě temnější nálada, hypnotické tempo, nemrtví hodují na banketu ke konci všech dní – „LUCIFER…HOMINUM…SALVATOR!!!


SKJULT, a myslím, že příliš nepřeháním pod vlivem hladiny endorfinů, zmákli velmi nakažlivé a strhující album. „Lucifer Hominum Salvator“, ač nevybočuje ani na okamžik ze žánrových mezníků, nemá slabých míst. Pokud jsem předem něco čekal, na takovou parádní sílu jsem připraven nebyl. Underground skrývá množství skvělých alb, a toto je jedno z nich.




El misantropico y talentoso CONSPIRATOR, unico mienbro de esta banda proveniente de la isla de Cuba, digamos que ha dado un paso o giro con respecto a sus anteriores 2 discos, esta vez nos presenta una obra diabolicamente dominante y acelerada que lleva por nombre "LUCIFER HOMINUM SALVATORE".

En este trabajo que en si es mas dinamico pero no menos pagano y blasfemo con ayuda de guturales y sonidos que invitan a escuchar de nuevo algunos cortes porque de verdad son buenos, y creo que las letanias paganas surtieron efecto.

Con 8 cortes convertidos en melodicas blasfemias nos hace entrega de un muy buen black metal. En la Cuba de Fidel tambien hay magia y blasfemia.

Para este trabajo todo corrio bajo la tutela de CONPIRATOR, y bien veamos que nos trajo esta vez:

"Lawless God" con la entrada remenbramos a una excelente banda de los 80's, pero con voces mas guturales, cambios y trabajo de bateria-guitarra muy ritmicos, la banda DEVASTATION, solo que esta es black empezamos bien.

"Under The Serpent's Banner", mantiene el mismo ritmo con los cambios apropiados y la serpiente del blac metal apresurando las guitarras.

"The Sigth" la que empezaron a difundir como single hace recordar o se escucha la influencia de Watain en sus inicios, sin cortapista, crudos, en fin.

"The Way Back To The Source" y "The Fall" la primera una buena ejecucuin de black metal que que hace referencia a la vieja escuela blackmetalera pero con algo mas que actualizado, la segunda es una pieza igual de instrumental y diria yo mas experimental que oscura con ese bifrontismo que tiene el black, la expancion y experimentacion en la composicion.

"A Star Down Below" oscuridad y guitarras acompasadas que hacen de esta pieza densa y antagonica a las 2 anteriores, ritmos semilentos añoranzas de la magia antigua.

"Sacred Flames" muy ritmico con algunos cambios que la hacen de las favoritas de este disco, lo dicho me recuerda mucho a DEVASTATION. El fuego sigue ardiendo en la oscuridad acompasado por la musica negra de la banda.

Y para cerrar con mas misticismo antiguo como un requien a Lucifer, cierra "Lvcifer Hominum Salvator" sin abusar de los guturales, mas bien graves que encajan bien dentro de la atmosfera luciferiana de la guitarra con una bateria que se oye mas dura en sus cambios, esta es para mi una de las favoritas, invocacion plena.

Pues en si un buen trabajo cada corte tiene lo suyo, pero, en mi opinion no hubiera juntado o mejor dicho hubiera cambiado el orden con las instrumentales y que no quedaran una inmediatamente de la otra, eso es el unico pero que le pongo, el art work, llanamente pagano blanco y negro muy sutil pero demoniacamente de acuerdo al concepto que tranmite.

Hasta la victoria con el black metal, siempre!!!




As desvantagens podem ser sempre transformadas em vantagens porquem tem o dom para isso. No caso da one-man band Skjult, ser um projecto originário de Cuba (e não, não é a do Alentejo) poderá ser uma enorme desvantagem, mas se pegarmos no chavão “Black Metal de Cuba”, a coisa já muda de figura, não é verdade? Ao terceiro álbum e principalmente neste “Lucifer Hominum Salvator”, a música fala mesmo por si só e é melhor testemunho. Black metal com uma grande ambiência e gélido que embora encaixe perfeitamente dentro daquilo que sentimos como black metal escandinavo, não deixa de apresentar dinâmicas próprias, tornando este álbum bastante interessante. Satanás vive em Cuba.




Это третья пластинка кубинского блэк-металлического проекта одного человека. Мэна кличут Conspirator и он отвечает за все инструментальные позиции и вокал в SKJULT. Кроме того он играет еще в Shrine ov Absurd (а ранее в Dawn of Madness, Heretik, Darkening, Thore, The Chaos Nether Silence, Nergal).

А насчет Кубы я не удивился, по всем слухам - это довольно горячее место, так что создание достойных команд в стиле Black Metal было только вопросом времени. Тем более, смотрите, в скольких формациях он приминал участие, они ведь тоже кубинские. Я, конечно, поразился белой обложке, но это так - частности. Для настоящего блэк метал проекта.

Вообще Conspirator весьма вовлеченный в тему черного металла человек, и в своем творчестве старается соответствовать олдовым образчикам Black Metal. Потому, например, на этом диске он выбрал мид-темповую мистерию плотного, но различимого звука, где гитары намертво и начерно сплелись с ударными, создавая эзотерический столп повиновения и поклонения, к коему и приводит своих слушателей. Даже при ярком свете в Гаване на время отключается электричество, а уж при вечернем исполнении черная магия прямо-таки сгущается — когда играет SKJULT.

Из большого арсенала средств музыкальных жрецов Conspirator выбирает самые мощные, реально атакующие, репрессивные. Иначе говоря - прямого действия. Как я понял из музыкального материала, автор предпочитает С САМОГО НАЧАЛА диска «магический меч», а не тихие заклинания у загадочного алтаря. ОДНАКО и им найдется место на этом компакте. Внятная гитарная атака и различимый темп ритм-секции - лучшие помощники для практикующего мистика. Само собой, для надлежащего оформления этого действа, необходима толковая студия. И сразу скажу: таковая в Гаване имеется - Profane Misanthropic Craft Studio. Да и сам Конспиратор приложил руку к звукопостроению. Его концепция вполне понятна — The Way Back to the Source (трэк 4) - «Дорога к Истокам». Не раз и не два внимательный слушатель уловит линки на самый олдовый блэк-дэт, блэк-трэш и даже блэк-дэт-дум. Как композитор Конспиратор прекрасно владеет музыкальным материалом, умеет держать паузу, что так необходимо всем тем в экстремальном жанре, кто отказался строить стену звука.

В принципе и сама эзотерическая тема не терпит большой суеты, а требует скорее вдумчивого распределения музыкальной энергии, трансляции ее в нужное русло. Само собой, гитарная работа отвечает за это направление в самом прямом смысле. Гитара здесь создает вначале четкую очерченную структуру — каркас блэкового здания, а потом еще и умудряется поработать над воплощением дымного или туманного содержания - риффовых и сольных потусторонних существ, вызываемых хозяином ритуала.

Как вокалист Конспиратор поет в низком харшевом диапазоне и время от времени сдвигает точку сборки выше-ниже, создавая подходящее сопровождение для своих оккультных мероприятий. В некоторых местах он поднимается почти до чистого эпического вокала. Это неожиданно.




VERDIKT: Celkem solidní black, kde není třeba hledat ukrytá tajemství a běhat za úplňku po šibeničním vrchu při hledání mandragory, natož bodat dýkou do němé tváře.


Conspirator je celkem vkusný pseudonym. Pyšní se jím jeden kubánský hudebník, mezi jehož tvorbu se řadí i projekt Skjult. Tahle kapela, či one man band chcete-li, produkuje klasický black metal. Svou třetí řadovou desku Lucifer Hominum Salvator vydává skrze Satanath Records a protože je chlapík náležitě pilný, stihl v letošním roce ještě upéct další řadovou desku The Voyage. My si však povíme něco o té prvně jmenované. Ta druhá nabízí stejně jen jednu autorskou věc a dále pětici coververzí.




Bílá obálka s několika symboly celkem dobře odkazuje na podstatu svého žánru. Můžeme namítat, že je to málo true, neboť bílá je ve velké převaze a invertování celé grafiky by možná přineslo větší důraz na zlobu a chmurnost, kterým žánr už dle svého pojmenování bezmezně oplývá. Může to však být klíč k tomu, kterak si Conspirator usmyslel, že jeho black metal bude trochu odlišný a vyzývá dotčené, aby trochu pootevřeli oči a dal na chvíli stranou dogmata svazující tento nihilistický hudební směr. Že s postupem let i v black metalu došlo k rozvolňování a osvěžování, či dokonce ke křížení (nejen v dolní úvrati) snad již víme. Přes to všechno je tato nahrávka typickým úkazem klasického blacku. Je totiž náležitě chladná a mráz i vítr se lépe vystihuje bíle než černě. Však na Kubě, aby něco takového jeden pohledal.








Možná se již daly do pohybu vaše předsudky, které při neznalosti takového materiálu mohou bez složitých výpočtů vygenerovat verdikt o další z řady podobných nahrávek a s mrzkým průměrem v hodnocení odškrtnout desku a považovat celý akt za dokonaný. Nicméně bylo by možná chybou se daným dílem více nezaobírat a takto prostě odmávnout dobrou zkušenost. Album možná má svá průměrná, či snad obyčejná dějství, má prvky, které byly zajisté ke slyšení již jinde. Ale řeknu vám, že to má tu potřebnou energii a vervu, která se u podobných záležitostí bere v potaz. Takže ano, je to black metal toho nejklasičtějšího formátu, ale má nápad a dobrý spád.




Teď by se možná hodila nějaká polemika s fanouškem z řad ortodoxnějších, který dbá na opravdovost a čistotu žánru. Odmítá barvy, odmítá propojení s jinými ne-hudbami, natož nástroji a slovo melodie používá jako nelichotivou nadávku. Je však docela dobře možné, že i takovému vnímání vjede Skjult pod kůži a rozverně jej rozšoupne. Ta síla tam je a není vůbec ukrytá. Když pak ještě připočteme takovou drobnost jako je země původu, která zkrátka není kolébkou kytarové muziky, zjistíme, že ten xicht je vážný. Žerty stranou, toleranci k naivitě však vpustit můžeme, ale pořád nesmíme povolit svraštělé čelo. Že bych zas kvůli tomu stavěl na každý roh ulice Strážnou věž, to zas ne. Ale ten hrad má svá okázalá cimbuří, a nejen díky tomu stojí za návštěvu. Co víc si vlastně můžeme přát.




Cuba is not a country I know much about in regards to its metal history, although I have managed to hear a few killer bands from there, such as Narbeleth (now situated in Spain), From The Graves, Infector, Sectarium, Combat Noise, and now, Skjult from Havana. (Most of the good ones hail from the country's capital, Havana) “Lucifer Hominum Salvator” is the band's third album and was released by Satanath Records from Russia. Skjult plays a rather pristine and straight-forward style of black metal that puts a lot of emphasis on atmosphere. It's by no means original, but it's a formula that works. The fact that it's a one-man project is quite impressive; the music is very well-crafted and is able to draw the listener in easily. Conspirator, the sole individual behind all the music, shows a knack for excellent craftsmanship. The songs are quite lengthy, yet cohesive, as each instrument is expertly arranged and implemented into the mix. It seems like the band is quite productive too, as “Lucifer Hominum Salvator” is Skjult's third album in just four years. The guitars are definitely the main focal point here, as each song is replete with somber, immaculate riffs, and an atmosphere that emanates pure antikosmic darkness. “Lucifer Hominum Salvator” is a very enjoyable album to listen to and full of great songs. I can't see how any true fan of black metal cannot enjoy this. Fans of bands like Dissection, Watain, and Urgehal will be pleased. Highly recommended.





The last time I came upon Cuban SKJULT I liked what I heard. I hope that this will be the case too this time around. I have no idea what it is like to live on Cuba today, if the repression has lightened up or if it is still the die-hard Communist state that it used to be. What I do know is that I like what I hear on this album. There is no denying the impact Norwegian black metal has had on SKJULT but I don’t mind it at all when it is done as good as it is done here. This is raw, basic black metal played with a hell of a lot of feeling. If you like me is a sucker for that era of black metal you too will like this. This is the cool stuff.





Let me tell you at once that Javier Rodríguez Prendes aka Conspirator, the only member of Skjult, is a hard-working black metal musician, he has been around in different extreme musical entities for twenty years now. "Lucifer Hominum Salvator" is Skjult's third full-length album. It consists of eight cuts and continues the well-established path of its predecessor "Progenies ov Light" (2018), which means you will get a broad variety of Nordic style guitar riffs, angry vocals and blasting drum parts there. The song-structures most of the time are mid-paced yet fast and destructive, though one would find a couple of great technical moments there as well. The album sounds very good and well-balanced. Plus, the all-around icy vibe is sort of inevitable ingredient for the music of Skjult. If you are into ferocious black metal music with anti-cosmic lyrics, then definitely give a listen to "Lucifer Hominum Salvator". By the way, there was another Skjult stuff out this year, titled "The Voyage", which besides the title track had also five cover versions included there. Oh, and there was a split cassette release with Inhottavuus too. Now you are clearly understanding what I meant under hard-working musician. Skjult is cult!!!




[a shorter review in a series to promote releases from 2020 / 2021 and to support the labels involved: Satanath Records / Symbol Of Domination Productions / GrimmDistribution]


I do not know many acts from Cuba, for it has a small yet somehow also a vivid scene. But Skjult surely is a project that I do follow since Aleksey from mighty Satanath Records once send me the Progenies Ov Light album (link for the review on that album: see below). For any additional info about the history and former discography of this one-man army, I’d like to refer to my former review too.


This new full-length album, called Lucifer Hominum Salvator, which can be translated like ‘Lucifer saviour of man’, gets released once again via former Russian label Satanath Records (nowadays located in Georgia!). It was recorded, produced, mixed and mastered during the first half of 2019, once more at the Havana-based Profane Misanthropic Craft Studio, and originally written, arranged and performed by the project’s sole spirit, Conspirator (one of the most notorious and productive (Black) Metal musicians from Cuban soil). Also all visual art was created and finished out there (P.M.C. Designs). The compact-disc, being a ‘normal’ jewel-case edition, was printed in an edition of five-hundred copies, and does come with a six-page (and three-folded) booklet. This one includes the English lyrics and is rather ‘simple’ in visuals: black-and-white, with just one picture of the entity behind Skjult. …yet also with remarkable, unique cover-artwork, referring to the (conceptual and aural) ideas behind it: dark ceremonial and necromantic excellence for the glory of the Fallen Angel – the vigorous power of the Angel-Serpent.


Lucifer Hominum Salvator consists of eight titles, amongst which some instrumental pieces, clocking not less than forty-seven minutes. For the better part, it does continue the efforts from the past. Skjult pay tribute to the Second Wave, the glorious ages that put ‘Black Metal’ on a wider scale. But Skjult trespass the sound of the Nineties, for there surely is a self-invented, recognizable approach going on. Okay, it’s quite clear that bands like Dark Funeral, Taake, Urgehal, Watain, Tsjuder, Enthroned or Dissection might have been of influence somehow. There’s nothing wrong with that, at least as 1) the qualitative result reaches that of the aforementioned ‘founders’ of the scene and 2) the effort is not a simplistic copycat-alike thing. Well, in both cases Skjult succeed. This project has, as mentioned before, an own face, despite the clear sources of inspiration, and the quality of both song-writing and performance (and sound-quality; see further) are above average for sure.


In the vein of the past, the better part is pretty fast, with quite some up-tempo parts and several well-balanced blasts. Draped around a veil of melodicism, the rhythm-section (strings and (especially) the drum-work) strengthen the fierceness behind the fast-tempo excerpts. Take the opening sequence, for example (track: Lawless God): almost hypnotic tremolo leads, thundering double basses, grooving bass-lines, a pu(ni)shing rhythm guitar section; indeed, a bleak elegance of morbid disgust translated through sonic finesse. And then I did not mention the snarling throat yet, that intensive yet apposite voice of Conspirator, which fits perfectly to the expeditious structures.


A curious effect is that, despite a certain ‘tradition’ behind this stuff, there’s also a modest Post-alike character behind several excerpts. It’s the craft of the guitar-laden melodies that creates that timeless approach, once again perfectly in balance with the universal fundaments. I think the voice too fits well to that specific approach.


What strikes me (in a positive way, for what it’s worth) is that there are more slow-paced fragments / compositions this time. I think it was a surplus in the past, but on this release, Lucifer Hominum Salvator, the doomed compositions are rather notorious and outspoken. I do not talk about ‘some slower excerpts’; I’d rather mention the deep-thought Doom-laden attitude that characterises epics like the title track, A Star Down Below and The Sight. Despite a slower tempo, these pieces do not give in to power, for they roar and overwhelm with conviction and intolerance. Oh, listen to these mighty drum-patterns, those seductive and sedative lead-melodies, and the lumbering rhythm-strings, besides the growling screams.


The sound-quality is extremely neat, full, almost saturated, yet still coarse in essence. That megalithic production gets intensified by the professional mix from this guy’s recording studio in the capital city of Cuba, balancing in between sonic dignity and audible disrespect. I mean, it lacks any über-clinical exaggeration, but it does not sound too nebulous or maladjusted either. It benefits the totality with certainty!


(haha, apparently, this isn’t such concise review at all, eventually…)




Cuban Metal scene is a scene that I have never heard of before and I didn’t even know that it exists. With Skjult, it is the first time that I get in touch with the scene from Cuba and I was very curious to listen to their music. So, Skjult is an one – man Black Metal band from Cuba, formed by Conspirator in 2015 and since then, he has released four full length albums and one split. The album that I have in my possession is their third full length album, called ‘Lucifer Hominum Salvator’ and it was released in 17th of March of 2020 both as a digital album and in CD format, limited to 500 copies, by Satanath Records. The album contains eight tracks, two of which are instrumental ones, with an overall duration of about forty seven minutes.


To be honest, I was expecting that a band from Cuba would have an element, at least a tiny thing that would make their music to stand out from other scenes from the rest of the world. To my disappointment, the music that you will find in this album is typical Scandinavian Black Metal, mainly influenced by the ’90ies. Apart from that, the music is well played and quite interesting. The riffs are dark and violent, other times fast, destructive and chaotic, while other times they are medium and slow tempo more atmospheric ones but violent and hateful as before. The atmosphere is really dark, in the slower parts it is quite drowning and thick while in the faster ones, it is more chaotic and violent, while there are some moments that you get a space feeling. The duration of the tracks is between five and seven minutes and generally the structure of the songs is good so they don’t become tedious or boring.


All the instruments and vocals, as also compositions and lyrics, are all done and performed by Conspirator, the man behind Skjult. The guitar is the main instrument, performing the riffs with accuracy and passion. The drums are also performed very professionally, with stability and power, they have interesting lines which add the appropriate variation to the compositions. The bass is inaudible and this is something that I really missed in their songs. The vocals are harsh, a little deeper than the usual ones, Black Metal vocals with nice expression, delivering the feeling of the lyrics and the compositions very well. The production has delivered a thick, dark and quite fuzzy in some parts, sound. The mixture has highlighted the guitars and managed to deliver a balanced sound between all the instruments and the vocals apart from the bass. The lyrics are included in the booklet of the cd and they speak in a metaphorical way about Lucifer, darkness and evil and their connection with cosmos.


In conclusion, I will mention again that I would expect something different by Skjult than again a typical Scandinavian Black Metal release. Apart from that, there is a very talented musician that can compose and execute his favorite style perfectly. So, ‘Lucifer Hominum Salvator’ is an interesting album which shows that the band has potential. The tracks that I liked most are ‘The Sight’, ‘Sacred Flames’ and ‘Lucifer Hominum Salvator’. I think if you overlook the lack of authenticity and give the album a chance, you will discover a nice release of the Scandinavian Black Metal sound.




Kuuban tasavalta. Tuo Karibianmerellä sijaitseva saarivaltio lienee tunnetuin Fidel Castrosta ja Kuuban ohjuskriisistä. Tavalliselle kaduntallaajalle taitaa Cuba Libre sekä sen alkoholipitoinen pääraakaine, rommi, olla vielä tunnetumpi. Eipä tainnut kenellekään tulla mieleen, että Havanan auringon alla voitaisiin tehdä myös saatanallisia säkeitä vilisevää mustaa metallia.


Kyseisen tien on kuitenkin Conspiratorin luotsaama Skjult valinnut. Tämän yhden miehen projektin musiikissa ei karibialaisia rytmejä kuulla vaan nyt mennään täysin 1990-luvun norjalaisen black metallin oppikirjan mukaan ja haistatetaan paskat omaperäisyydelle. Kyseiselle valinnalle voisi vielä antaa anteeksi jos biiseissä löytyisi riittävästi potkua ja koukkuja. Valitettavasti myös näille on viitattu kintaalla ja levyä vaivaa melkoinen monotonisuus. Näin on myös yksittäisten biisien kohdalla.


Soitannollisesti sekä tuotannollisesti Lucifer Hominum Salvator on kelpo teos. Aivan kärkeen ei ole asiaa, mutta täydeltä kuralta onnistutaan välttymään. Tosin eipä tuo juuri auta jos muutaman kappaleen jälkeen alkaa hamuta skip-nappia.


”Sacred Flames” –kappaletta sekä kelvollista soundipuolta lukuunottamatta kyseessä on mitäänsanomaton ja tylsä levy. Henkilökohtaisesti valitsen koska vaan soittimeeni klassikon ylhäällä mainitulta aikakaudelta tämän sijasta.

