. Satanath Records

Reviews: 054GD

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At some point in the past, I forget when, one of my NCS comrades argued within our group that we should be more careful in our description of a certain sub-genre of death metal, to make clear that it’s really not a single monolithic sub-genre at all.


If memory serves, he contended that the term “tech-death” should be reserved for bands (many of whom are in vogue these days) who rely on blizzards of frantically discharged, maniacally veering notes and hyperventilating drum work, i.e., the kind of stuff that seems mainly designed to showcase speed and dexterity, everything dialed up to 11, without necessarily producing anything coherent — and sometimes forgetting the DEATH METAL part of the genre descriptor.


On the other hand, he argued, the term “technical death metal” — or as I might call it, technical DEATH METAL — should be reserved for bands who are really death metal groups at heart, with all the gruesome savagery that term usually connotes, but accent their barbarism with technically impressive accents, and do so in service to actual structured songs rather than just putting on chaotic displays of instrumental pyrotechnics.


Which brings us to Inhuman from Costa Rica.



If we follow the nomenclature described above, Inhuman are definitely a technical DEATH METAL band, more in the vein of such groups as Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, and Malevolent Creation than the current darlings of the “tech-death” scene.


Inhuman‘s new album, Unseen Dead, powerfully proves this point, as you’ll discover from the song we’re premiering today off its eight-song track list, which is presented through a video collage from the band’s stage performances and studio work.


To be sure, “Careful What You Fear” was written in a way that requires an impressive level of technical skill in its execution. It’s accented by synchronized micro-pauses, start-stop rhythms, fleet-fingered fretwork, and sharp tempo changes. It also includes an unexpected but completely enthralling solo by bassist Kevin Moran, as well as other interesting bass permutations elsewhere. And the drumming is constantly inventive, perhaps especially noticeable in the fills that drummer David Salazar crafts when the guitars are gouging and mauling.


And yes, the guitar work of Jonathan Sanchez includes plenty of eviscerating, tremolo’d savagery, delivered with a cruel grinding tone. And Sergio Munoz‘s vocals are equally ferocious and brutally ravaging. The song is a nasty, blood-lusting assault — most definitely DEATH METAL — but unquestionably more interesting because of the instrumental technicality, which is an integral part of the frenzied viciousness of the song rather than an audition for some kind of instrumental Olympics.




Apart from our appreciation of the music, we’d also like to give a big round of applause to JL Rey, vocalist of the spectacular Spanish band Wormed, who created the album’s fantastic cover art at his Phlegeton Art Studio, and to Jonathan Sanchez, who produced, recorded, and mixed the album at Inhuman Studios, and Esteban Rojas at CISMA Producciones, who mixed the album.



Jednou jsem viděl dokument o muži, který celý život převážel mrtvá těla. Někde daleko od civilizace byl starý malý hřbitov, na kterém už nebylo místo. Musel skládat mrtvoly na hromadu za hřbitovní zdí a když jich bylo hodně, tak je polil benzínem a zapálil. Bylo na něm vidět s jakou chutí nasává vůni rozkládajících se tkání. Vypadal jako nějaký vyslanec z vesmíru, který se rozhodl zničit vše živé na Zemi. Se zaujetím vyprávěl o tom, jak kdo kdy zemřel. Neustále si zpíval a usmíval se. Rozmlouval s nemrtvými a usnadňoval jim přechod na druhou stranu.


Vzpomněl jsem si na něj, když jsem poslouchal novou desku technických death metalistů z Costa Ricy - INHUMAN. Působili na mě podobně. Také byli nehumánní, odlidštění, šílení a zběsilí. Také mi vyprávěli o vraždách a nečistých činech. Také si mě dokázali svoji hudbou podmanit.






Stejně jako u každé technicky znějící kapely i zde platí, že ji nesmíte poslouchat povrchně. Rozhodně nestačí, když projedete skladby dnes zcela běžným způsobem někde na internetu a ihned zavrhnete. "Unseen Dead" je v mnohém složitým a nepřístupným albem. Občas nepřehledným a náročným. Pro mě osobně má ale jednu obrovskou výhodu. Na rozdíl od jiných z tohoto stylu mě baví poslouchat. Progresivní prvky jsou totiž dávkovány s rozmyslem, zachována je temnota a songy neztrácejí drive a energii. Hudebně se potom jedná o hromadu mrtvol s nápisy na tělech jako SUFFOCATION, CANNIBAL CORPSE, DEICIDE, NAPALM DEATH, DYING FETUS, MALEVOLENT CREATION, VITAL REMIANS - to vše polité kyselinou a následně zapálené (nezapomeňte zasypat vápnem!). Novinka je neskutečně heavy, skladby mají tlak a sílu. Syrový, surový zvuk a nihilistický obal vše jen perfektně umocňuje. Po celou dobu si připadám, jako bych se pohyboval několik metrů pod zemí, procházel se temnými chodbami a nekonečným labyrintem. "Unseen Dead" se mi zařezává do uší i do celého těla. Mozek mi vyskočí každou chvíli z hlavy. I já budu brzy tělem na hromadě za hřbitovní zdí. Temný, ostrý a nekompromisní technický death metal, který vám urve hlavu i s páteří!




Asphyx says:




I once saw a documentary about a man who had transported dead bodies all his life. Somewhere far from civilization, there was an old little cemetery where there was no more space. He had to put the corpses into a pile behind the graveyard wall, and when there were too many, he poured them on petrol and set them on fire. It showed the taste of the decaying tissues. He looked like an ambassador from space who decided to destroy everything living on Earth. He spoke with interest about how anyone had ever died. He was always singing and smiling. He talked to the undead and made it easier for them to move to the other side.


I remembered him listening to a new album of technical death metallers from Costa Rica - INHUMAN. They were inhumane, dehumanized, mad and furious. They also told me about murders and unclean acts. They also managed to subdue me with their music.





Technically sounding band, you can't listen to just superficially. Certainly is not enough if you go through the songs today in a quite normal way somewhere on the Internet and you immediately reject it. "Unseen Dead" is complex and inaccessible album. Sometimes confusing and demanding. For me personally, it has one huge advantage. Unlike others of this style, I enjoy listening. The progressive elements are dosed with care, the darkness is preserved and the songs do not lose drive and energy. Musically, it is a pile of corpses with inscriptions on the bodies such as SUFFOCATION, CANNIBAL CORPSE, DEICIDE, NAPALM DEATH, DYING FETUS, MALEVOLENT CREATION, VITAL REMIANS - all poured acid and then lit (don't forget to pour in lime!). The new album is incredibly heavy, the songs have pressure and strength. Raw sound and nihilistic cover art make everything perfect. All the time I feel like I am moving a few meters underground, walking through dark corridors and endless labyrinth. "Unseen Dead" cuts into my ears and my whole body. My brain pops out of my head soon. I will be soon a body in a pile behind the cemetery wall. Dark, sharp and uncompromising technical death metal that will pluck your head with your spine!





Video Review




Repartons pour une production de chez Grimm Distribution et de Sevared Records, pour un combo qui nous arrive de Costa Rica.


Formés en 2011, Inhuman nous fait part de son 3ème album sans concession d’un brutal death bien sombre et technique.


Introduit par une mise en bouche instrumentale « Lors Of Beasts », c’est directement cette ambiance sombre, digne des groupes de death suedois tant par les rythmiques, le chant bien graveleux et le son des grattes qui violentent bien grassement,qui saute à l’esprit.




On se prend une dose massive de lourdeur dans l’ensemble et le groupe n’hésite pas à varier les titres, allant de brutalité totale, à d’autres passages nettement plus lourds où les breaks sont de mises.


On appréciera des titres comme « Careful What You Fear » et « The Last Prophet » où le côté technique est bien mis en avant, mention d’ailleurs bien spéciale au solo de basse du premier morceau cité.


Un autre titre comme « The Poisoned », lui, vous plaquera sévèrement au sol puis vous écrasera tel un bulldozer de chantier. Du blast, une vélocité des guitares vraiment balaise , et cette voix agressive et graveleuse sauront plaire aux amateurs de violence pesante.


Pour toute brutalisation supplémentaire (je vous vois en réclamer, vous, au fond de la salle), le titre éponyme « Unseen Dead » ne pourra que vous apporter grand joie dans cette quête. L’ensemble s’enchaîne, toujours avec des breaks dans la structure qui permettent de poser un côté encore plus bestial au carnage ambiant.




Une bien bon album proposé ici donc, et qui permet de (re)constater que des groupes de tueurs officient en Amérique du Sud. Les Costa Ricains font bien fort ici.





Unseen Dead is the third full-length studio album from this Costa Rican four-piece, and is certainly worth checking out if you like rather grey, humourless yet heavy, and technical death metal.


From start to finish this eight-track affair is aggressive, jarring and musically akin to being thrown into a meat grinder while vocalist Sergio Muñoz (who sadly passed away prior to the album’s release) barks orders to his henchmen to keep on turning the handles.


Throughout the record, the band combine grinding, scathing sections mixed with nifty passages of complexity yet all the while maintaining the utmost aggression. In fact, this is probably one of the most aggressive albums you’ll hear this year as the band charges through the throaty onslaught of tracks such as ‘The Day You Die’ and ‘The Poisoned’, both of which display brutality yet a thrashing fluency.


At times the speed of the band is dizzying as leads scurry with mayhem and drums hammer in astonishing fashion. Again I refer to ‘The Poisoned’, particularly on the closing moments. But what I truly adore about this bunch of hyper lunatics is their ability to remain so engrossing without truly bamboozling.


‘Careful What You Fear’ rakes you like machine gun fire. At times, bands such as Decapitation or even Cannibal Corpse may spring to mind, although this feels greyer, steelier, and maybe more mechanized. Earache is guaranteed even when the band begins a track such as ‘The Last Prophet’, which is so angular and sharp as the band resorts to a cutting, scathing chug, evoking images of great machines choking on their own fumes amidst great crumbling blocks of stone.


Sergio Muñoz’s harsh tone leaves me breathless, and how this guy operated through such a mire of wires and protruding grates of ash is beyond me. But the whole band deserves recognition for such a pummelling display.


Drummer David Salazar clearly is more machine than man as he muscles his way through sweat, steam and debris. On the title track the band melts all faces with their thrashing tirade, while closer ‘Devil’s Deeds’ is like Sodom, Destruction et al. deathed up.


Unseen Dead is a hard n’ fast record that hurts with every grind, beat and growl. It’s neither old or new school, but one which steamrolls with such unrelenting intensity, give or take a few of those complex shifts, but it still remains on the straight n’ narrow track with one intention… to force you into submission and to parade your corpse for the ragged, miserable, bullet-ridden sight that it is.




El miedo atenazó las almas de los pobres desgraciados que vivían en el pueblo mientras que la negra y extraña carroza pasaba por él. Se rumoreaba que el cochero era la mismísima muerte. La razón de ello era su aspecto. El hombre iba ataviado con una pesada y raída túnica negra que lo tapaba por completo. Nadie había visto su rostro. Tan solo se divisaba su macabra mercancía: una montaña de cadáveres….

Bienvenidos al universo de Inhuman.


Los Technical Death / Death metaleros Inhuman, lanzaron su tercer L.P «Unseen Dead» el 15 de marzo de 2020. Los sellos encargados de su edición fueron: Satanath Records, Sevared Records y GrimmDistribution.




La formación que grabó el Elepé fue: Sergio Muñoz (voz), Kevin Moran (bajo), Jonathan Sánchez (guitarra), David Salazar (batería). Ahora, pasemos a nombrar a las personas que componen el actual line up, ya que como vais a comprobar no es el mismo: Jonathan Sánchez (guitarra), Kevin Moran (bajo), Juriel Barquero (batería), Gabriel Martínez (voz).


Los de Costa Rica rompen moldes con su nueva obra repleta de temas sólidos cual hormigón armado. La capacidad de composición y ejecución es digna de ovación. A pesar de ello, en ocasiones les falta chispa en las seis cuerdas, haciendo que la nota no sea todo lo alta que debiera. Aunque podéis estar tranquilos. Si buscáis «ruido» radical de calidad desde luego el disco que protagoniza la reseña que estáis leyendo os la dará.

En otro orden de cosas, la producción me ha sorprendido. Ésta es crujiente y algo sucia, mas nunca inentendible. Además, el artwork agarrándose a concepto visuales típicos dentro del género en cuestión resulta llamativo.


Los riffs a veces convencionales y otras intrincados os volverán locos. Disfrutaréis de «hachas» fluidas con inclusiones de tremolo picking y dobles armonías cuando la ocasión lo requiere. Los solos, tristemente no irrumpen siempre. Al hacerlo quedaréis con la boca abierta. No podrían ser más afilados, poderosos y precisos.


Ira y odio es lo que transmite los registros vocales de Sergio Muñoz. Tan solo tropezaréis con una doble tonalidad en la final ‘Devil’s Deeds‘ .


Me rindo a los pies de Kevin Moran. Sus bass line no son de este mundo. Desde aquí, quisiera darle la enhorabuena por semejante labor. Para muestra de lo que estáis leyendo catad ‘The Day You Die‘, ‘Careful What You Fear‘ y ‘A Death Through the Mirror‘.


Peligrosamente trepidante es la percusión. Los giros de velocidad rasantes destrozan todo lo que se le pone por delante.


Mis tracks favoritos han sido ‘The Poisoned‘, ‘Unseen Dead‘ y la ya mencionada un poco más arriba ‘Devil’s Deeds‘. ¡Espectaculares!




Tan solo les falta un leve empujón para que este humilde redactor los considere perfectos. ¿Recomiendo el plástico que me he dedicado a comentaros hoy?, por supuesto que sí.




Costa Rican horde Inhuman have been peddling their brand of Technical Death Metal since 2011, becoming something of a remarkable player in the underground scene during that time. One listen to their latest opus, Unseen Dead, will make it very clear why that is the case. Unsurprisingly, the playing on here is technical and precise, but unlike many other bands of their type, Inhuman never go overboard with showboating musicianship. Frankly, they're more comparable to big names like Kataklysm and Cryptopsy, sporting songwriting that's varied in pace and able to give you neck problems from headbanging whether they play it fast or slow. This is all backed by the crisp guitar work of Jonathan Sanchéz, which adds plenty of heaviness and brutality to the proceedings. The rest of the band aren't slouches either, whether it be the bass wizardry of Kevin Moran, the ass-kicking skin-bashing of Juriel Barquero's, and the hateful, ugly grunts of Gabriel Martinez, all of which together create an album that's filled to the brim with detailed musicianship that never overloads the compositions. Fans of Death Metal with an edge of technicality will want to put this band on their radar, along with this album in their collection.





Death metal com eles no sítio. “Lords Of The Beasts” é uma intro – dois minutos, instrumental – mas desde cedo separa os meninos dos homens, com uma violência metálica que até dá gosto. E essa é a toda ao longo de todo o álbum, uma brutalidade sem fim à boa maneira do death metal. Isto não implica que seja uma proposta que seja old school. Talvez ali por volta do início do século, quando o género estava a apostado em ser cada vez mais violento e técnico. A parte boa é que o groove nunca fica esquecido e este é um trabalho que apesar de unidimensional, consegue manter o interesse do ouvinte sempre em alta.





Costa Rican Technical Death Metal band have recently released their third album, “Unseen Dead”. With a whole new line-up, their result is quite interesting.

Starting straight into the action with the instrumental “Lord Of Beasts”, you soon realise how, besides being a Technical Death Metal band they sound a lot like a classic Swedish band, especially in the way of singing and the drums. It may remind you of the supergroup Firespawn, with and added technicality of the likes of Atheist that doesn’t contaminate the essence of the music. The song that reminds more of Swedish Death Metal may be or “The Day You Die” or “The Last Prophet”.

Besides the elaborate guitars, the bass guitar is really notable, with some incredibly good solos that no common bassist may be able to perform, especially the one in “A Death Through The Mirror”.

This band is much better than your average Technical Death Metal band that only focuses their music on their talent, these actually remain faithful to the original violence of Death Metal and perfectly makes it fit within their songs.

I definitely recommend this album if you’re a fan of Technical Death Metal or of classic Swedish Death Metal. This band is very talented and deserves more attention, especially with their newly acquired strength with the new members.




Creo que en seis años en Subterráneo Webzine no había comentado nunca un trabajo de origen costarricense, pero nunca es tarde si la dicha es buena, como se suele decir. A no ser, claro está, que la dicha sea cagar en tu váter, pero te llevas aguantando tanto tiempo que acaba siendo demasiado tarde.


La formación que ha provocado que entre en contacto directo con la escena de Costa Rica no es otra que INHUMAN, nacida en 2011 en Heredia y cuya discografía cuenta con un EP y tres discos en larga duración entre los que se encuentra Unseen dead, su más reciente lanzamiento, el cual comentamos hoy.


Este año estoy escuchando más música que en toda mi puta vida, tanto por variedad como por cantidad, cosa que ha provocado en cierto modo que me vuelva mucho más selectivo a la hora de dilucidar qué me engancha de verdad, qué me produce indiferencia y qué no me ha gustado nada. En el caso de INHUMAN y su Unseen dead lo tengo fácil: indiferencia. Incluso se me ha antojado aburrido.


Es cierto que llevo muchos discos de death metal escuchados en lo que va de año y puedo decir que este es de los que menos me han gustado. Ya no porque la ejecución o el sonido sean malos, sino más bien por culpa de la monotonía en la que se desarrolla tanto la instrumental como las líneas vocales. Las guitarras, en muchas ocasiones, parecen estar repitiendo el mismo riff, a pesar de que se sepa que efectivamente sí habían cambiado, lo que se puede achacar a que las partes más rápidas no terminan de sonar demasiado definidas.




Death metal muy en la vena de FLESHCRAWL, PAGANIZER, GRAVE o AEON, pero que no ofrece mucha variedad compositiva, pues las canciones se suceden de manera tediosa y plana, como si se hubiera confeccionado sin muchas ganas. Y ojo, soy consciente de que no es así, pues sé de buena mano lo que cuesta componer un álbum de metal extremo, pero es la sensación que me ha dado, sobre todo porque Unseen dead es uno de esos discos en los que muchos temas se parecen demasiado entre sí. Es decir, no ha habido interés por la variedad. Se puede aportar variedad sin salir de tu zona de confort o modificar un estilo al que se es fiel.


Las líneas de voz, por su parte, tampoco es que colaboren a que esa sensación repetitiva se disipe, pues poco o nada varía el registro de Gabriel a lo largo del redondo, cabalgando a medio gas entre el gutural grave y frecuencias medias que emplea sobre todo para modular un poquito y dejar entrever un recurso vocal quebrado. No es que lo que hace lo haga mal, pero se echa en falta algo más de versatilidad en los registros o incluso a la hora de exponer la métrica.


Poco o nada se puede hacer cuando todos los ámbitos en un disco te parecen monótonos, salvo esperar a que las próximas obras de INHUMAN sean un poco más variadas y definidas, pues con este planteamiento se perderán en el infinito mar de bandas que ofrece un género como el death metal.




Костариканский дэт-метал-акт Inhuman был основан в 2011 году, записав за время своего существования всего три полноформатных альбома, включая этот. Все музыканты Inhuman, как бывшие, так и действующие, не новички на тяжёлой сцене, они отметились участием в таких формациях, как Corpse Garden, Deep Underground, Requiem of Malediction и Carnosity. «Инхьюманов» этих, кстати, по миру обретается десятка полтора – и, что любопытно, больше половины из них играет именно дэт-метал. Предыдущий диск костариканцев “Conquerors of the New World” (2015) был весьма неплох, но всё-таки больше воспринимался как очередной этап в поисках своего пути, тогда как на “Unseen Dead” группа, похоже, вплотную подобралась к формированию своего оригинального «лица». Альбом посвящён экс-барабанщику группы Эдуардо «Тато» Чавесу, игравшему в Inhuman на предыдущем лонгплее – и, похоже, заодно он стал эпитафией для вокалиста Серджио Муньоса: на «Метал-Архивах» у него значится статус R.I.P. Вот такой печальный дуплет… Релиз приятно лаконичен – восемь песен на 38 минут, все композиции имеют продуманную сбалансированную структуру, без перекосов в брутальный забой или, наоборот, чрезмерно сложные навороты. Вообще, техникал-компонента здесь имеет весьма скромный вес – в большей степени это просто профессионально сыгранный и записанный разнообразный дэт-метал с мощным орущим рёвом Муньоса, украшенный некоторым количеством нестандартных ходов, сбивок и риффов, но без особо мозголомных запилов или неприличных размеров. Достаточно необычно выглядит саунд – поначалу казалось, что просится более сухой и чёткий звук, а не рыхлая низкочастотная трясина, но по ходу действия понимаешь, что именно такое звучание наиболее выгодно подчёркивает все достоинства музыки Inhuman, позволяя отслеживать «развитие событий» каждого инструмента. Откровенно проходных номеров нет – практически в каждой песне есть какой-то интересный момент, какая-то, пусть и короткая, но цепляющая фишка. Наиболее сильными в общем ряду выглядят “A Death Through the Mirror”, сочетающая в себе нервный среднетемповый кач, скоростной проход и неожиданно мелодичный коротенький пассаж, впечатливший отличным соляком “The Day You Die” и жёсткий ритмичный “The Poisoned”. В общем и целом – хорошая крепкая работа, интересная, прежде всего, своим материалом, а не экзотическим местом дислокации группы. Не для широкого круга слушателей, но ценителям стиля ознакомиться определённо стоит.




Video review.





Коста-риканский Technical Death Metal монстр вновь вырвался на свободу, круша окружающую инфраструктуру.

Издающий лейбл, правда, уточняет так - Technical Brutal Death Metal, что имеет свой смысл. Впрочем, послушаем внимательно.

Это третий полноформат тяжелейшей группы, которая зажигает с 2011 года, как сообщают метал-архивы. Про второй INHUMAN - Conquerors Of The New World, я уже как-то писал. Вот цитата: «Да и ритм-секция начала сооружать такую структуру, что стало издалека видно: ребята думают о сложном, великом и все-таки забойном. В намерении не упустить своего шанса позаботиться о слушателе и повоевать за его внимание. Туда же и гитары вплескиваются неудержимым потоком».

Имели место еще и сингл да ЕР. В команде сейчас четверо человек, но в целом через INHUMAN прошло около десятка музыкантов. Надо заметить, что все они прошли еще через какие-то тяжелые локальные команды, соответственно имели опыт профильной работы. Что, конечно же, очень важно, имея в виду тэг #Technical.

Под 40 минут дэтового вулканического извержения от INHUMAN. И начинают музыканты с самого начала очень резво, круто и бестиально. С первых же секунд раскрывая все карты. Не теряя времени, да и что тут скрывать — все очень тяжело и технично. «Кто не спрятался, я не виноват», - словно бы утверждает этот творческий коллектив. И тут с самого старта вспоминаешь тэг #Brutal от лейбла, и, кажется, начинаешь соглашаться...

Формация делает трэки от трех до семи минут игрового времени. В каждом из них максимально сгущая время и массу, а особенно - гитарные виртуозные партии, которые как искусно изготовленные буравчики проникают под черепную коробку испытуемых. Как при средне-темповых, так и в быстрых локациях, струнники создают фирменные плотные, далеко не облачные, завалы гитарного звука. Технично? Конечно, без современных технологий такой бурелом просто невозможен)). И само собой, есть там особый специалист по извлечению артистичных соло-эскапад, смотрим буклет, Jonathan Sanchez (играет еще в Carnosity, ex-Katharzys). Ну он-то как видно - из творческих отцов-основателей этой славной бригады. Кстати он и продюсировал этот диск.

Вокалист Sergio Munoz, как на прошлом диске, так и на этом известен жестоким и резким гроулингом, который буквально ведет этот диск (за руку). Его манера отработки мало того что экспрессивна, почти как у грайнд-кор-вокалиста, так еще на выходе создает полноценный эффект живого выступления. Ну, такое не часто встретишь. Really!




The last time I came upon INHUMAN they impressed me with their technical death metal. I hope that they will do so this time around too. I don’t get to hear too many technical death metal albums, come to think of it, I don’t get to hear too many death metal albums at all. As strange as it may seem I haven’t heard an INHUMAN album since 2015. But back then I liked what I heard of their technical death metal. And I don’t see any reason to not like this new one too. If you like you death metal on the more brutal side this is one to check out. I don’t know if it is because I listen to this on my computer but I also get an old school feel to this, especially in the guitar sound. This is really cool death metal.





This Costa Rican horde has been devastating the technical Death Metal scene since 2011. Over the last years they developed from a secret tip in the underground scene to a quite important player in the higher ranks. Everyone who will listen to their third record “Unseen Dead” will surely understand.


What particularly stands out is the fact the even they are a techdeath band and their brutality and timing is very on point, they don’t have the urge to show their wonderful musicianship all the time. I am very aware that there are a lot of people exactly like that about technical Death <etal, I do as well, but sometimes it’s nice to have a band that’s makes techdeath easy to listen to. It’s not always necessary to wank a guitar’s neck to the ultimate climax.


The songs on this record are wonderful brutal and fast and the deep growls work perfectly. All in all, a really cool Death Metal record that deserves a place in every metal collection.





It`s unbelievable how some bands that come from other side of the world can sound like those European ones that I have been listening to, for decades. After Conceived By Hate from El Salvador, there is another band from Costa Rica named Inhuman who has songs on this album that are produced almost like Swedish bands do, and they play music in the vein of old school death metal like Carnage, and very much like Grave – heavier tracks like The Day You Die, Careful What You Fear and vocal growls there, surely has something from Soulless album by Grave. I do not believe that Inhuman deliberately plays songs to sound like other bands, but I am okey that they remind me music from other albums. Inhuman`s  old school death metal with low tuned, crunchy distortions of guitars and  bass have always been my favourite death metal features. Unseen Dead is heavy album with crushing death metal riffs, quite good rhythm guitars and few attempts with harmonies that all gave them foundations to solidify their songs and sound. The band has 2-3 tracks (A Death Through The Mirror, Unseen Dead) with more speed and faster fingers-play by guitarists, where they may sound a bit chaotic (Devil's Deeds), but for most of time, brutal and melodic-some death metal riffs are about to crush your skull like it was nothing. Te band keeps simple formula for their songs, only few times they made their music sounds more structured (The Last Prophet, Devil's Deeds). I think growl vocals on this album sound brutal but more like rough-brutal-authentic and I like when singer takes time to articulate his words and empower meaning of his "no bullshit" lyrics. Beside many intriguing and technical bass moments in music of the band, there is not much of modern death metal approach (if any) in their tracks, which I consider their advantage, because old school death metal made by Inhuman sound very concrete as it is now.

Unseen Dead as  for 100% death metal record works for me pretty well, and I do not need anything else to enjoy music, just like I hear it.





Inhuman from Costa Rica has been around for eight years, but I've got in close acquaintance with them only now as their third album the “Unseen Dead" has been released. Well, the eight tracks they perform there were pretty much influenced by the Swedish death metal elite, even their guitar sound is alike, but song-structure-wise there's a very big difference as most of the time their patterns are modern. To me they sound like the last few albums of Kataklysm, just with Swedish guitar sound. Plus, the vocalizing manner of Sergio Muñoz (R.I.P.) is also way close to the vocals of Maurizio Iacono. The other members on this recording were Jonathan Sanchéz (guitar), Kevin Moran (bass) and David Salazar (drums). The quartet did a decent release and that's for sure, but as I stressed it before, they lack of good, really memorable and original ideas. Let's hope they're going to fix this small, but really important factor on their next release. Still I can recommend the material of “Unseen Dead" for fans of Kataklysm, Dismember and Grave!!!

