. Satanath Records

Reviews: SAT274

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The Swedish melodic death/thrash band Carnosus are both young in age and youthful in their career, but their rapid progress has been unusually impressive. Their first EP, 2016’s The Universal Culmination (which they recorded with Tomas Skogsberg at Stockholm’s famed Sunlight Studio) opened a lot of eyes and ears, earning them an accolade from Sweden’s Close-Up Magazine as “the best unsigned band in Sweden” in May 2016. But it’s clear that there was still a lot of untapped potential in this group, because their debut album Dogma of the Deceased is a big step up over the EP, in both its songwriting and its execution


This time Carnosus recorded the album at Studio Fredman with producers Fredrik Nordström and Robert Kukla, and the record features memorable cover art by Vojtěch “Moonroot” Doubek. The album will be co-released on March 13th by Satanath Records (Russia) and Shirley Road Records (U.S.), and today we’re bringing you the lyric video for a powerful new single from the album named “Deceptive Authority“.


Consistent with the pitch-black world-view reflected in the lyrics, which are part of a conceptual tale of a totalitarian empire veiled in gloom, “Deceptive Authority” creates a grim and beleaguered mood. Threaded with bleak yet serpentine melodies which insinuate themselves in the mind ever more deeply with each passing minute, the song’s atmosphere is desolate — but it also seethes with building rage, thanks in part to the monstrous growls and scorching screams in the vocals (which are sometimes combined for added intensity).


As gloom-cloaked as the music is, however, it’s also electrifying, thanks to the darting and swirling fretwork and the jolting and jackhammering rhythms that accompany the groaning chords and savage vocals. The music soars in the choruses, but reaches its true zenith in a spectacularly scintillating guitar solo that brings the track to a close.


To get a glimpse of a different, more turbocharged and thrash-driven, side of this band’s talents, be sure to check out the first-released single from the album, “Lost To Funereal Desires” (which you’ll also find below) — and it’s available as a free download at Bandcamp.



Video review.





Mit Carnosus widmen wir uns heute der modernen schwedischen Brutalität. 2011 ins Leben gerufen erschien nach einem frühzeitigen Sängerwechsel zunächst ein Demo und eine EP bevor Anfang des Jahres das Debüt-Album unters Volk gebracht wurde. Dabei strotzt „Dogma of the Deceased“ nur vor Energie und geilen Riffs, die die dreiviertel Stunde des Albums voll ausfüllen.


Carnosus liefern auf ihrem ersten Langspieler einen ziemlich energetischen und druckvollen Mix aus modernem Death Metal und Thrash Metal, der mit kraftvoller und ziemlich gut ausbalancierter Produktion daher kommt und gleich zeigt wo die Reise hingeht. Ohne Vorgeplänkel gehts direkt in die Vollen, Progressive Melodic Death Metal nennen die Herren das was folgt. Schnell zeigt sich jedoch, dass ein Großteil der progressiven Sachen einfach moderne Core-Einflüsse, kleinere Breakdowns oder chugga-chugga-Riffs sind. Trotzdem verbirgt sich im Songwriting ziemlich oft eine komplexere Note, das die Geschichte facettenreicher macht. Kompromisslos ballern Drums und Riffs drauflos, wechseln dabei aber stets und ständig den Rhyhtmus, switchen fast manisch zwischen Raserei, Gefrickel und Groove-Stampfern hin und her ohne völlig in Djent-Gefilde abzudriften, sondern sich einen Rest klassischen Geriffes beizubehalten, das dem Gemisch einen roten Faden beschert. Immer wieder schimmern kleinere und größere Thrash-Einflüsse durch, die meist in präzisen, messerscharfen Riffsalven und Geschredder enden. Im Verlauf lassen sich dann auch immer wieder Melodien ausmachen, die sich etwas weiter in den Vordergrund drängen, aber recht schnell wieder von einer härteren Gangart abgelöst werden. Das lässt sich dann auch auf die Vocals übertragen, die hier und da ein klein wenig an Härte rausnehmen, die Großteil der Scheibe aber zwischen harschen Screams, kraftvollen Shouts und grollenden Growls wechseln und damit der Kraft und Aggression der Musik in nichts nachstehen. Das zieht sich dann so durch die Scheibe durch, die den wilden Reigen lediglich hier und da durch kurze Intros (wie bei „Totalityranny„) unterbrechen und so noch einen Hauch Atmosphäre einbauen.


Carnosus liefern also einen ziemlich sperrigen Brocken Death/Thrash Metals ab, der mit modernen und klassischen Einflüssen ausgestattet ist und sich immer wieder in proggiger Komplexität verliert. Dabei sitzen die Riffs doch jedes Mal und reißen einen gemeinsam mit starken Vocals und wildem Drumming mit. Wer also mal wieder etwas anspruchsvolleres in der Anlage will, der sollte vielleicht mal in „Dogma of the Deceased“ reinhören, lohnt sich allemal.




Despacio, sin prisas, solo así se podría construir la ciudadela. Para ello, usarían todo el tiempo que fuese necesario al engendro proveniente de las estrellas. Éste, tenía la capacidad de hacer realidad cualquier cosa que pensase. Sin embargo, cada vez que lo hacía sufría un desgaste enorme, acortándole de forma considerable la vida. Pero ¿qué importaba si seguía respirando o no?, tan solo tenía que hacer lo que se mandaba. No importaba lo mucho que suplicara, su dolor o plegarias jamás serían escuchadas. Al considerar el lugar su propia tumba, las edificaciones tenían más en común con una gigantesca necrópolis que con una urbe de aire prospero. Viendo que era imposible lograr el objetivo deseado, los dirigentes, sin ningún tipo de remordimiento entraron a sus aposentos y acabaron con él. Como era de esperar, había que retomar el proyecto, así que era el momento de usar a su hijo para el mismo fin…

Bienvenidos al universo de Carnosus.


Los Melo Death Thrash metaleros Carnosus lanzaron su primer L.P «Dogma of the Deceased» el pasado 13 de marzo de 2020 gracias a Satanath Records.




El combo sueco ha sabido aunar de forma correcta la nueva y la vieja escuela. Ahora, si os parece bien, os voy a comentar lo que para mí han sido los pros y contras del disco en sí. De entrada, durante los tres primeros cortes la estructuración sólida cual muro de hormigón le da la mano a una celeridad variable. Es aquí donde uno piensa “si todo sigue igual, estamos ante una obra maestra” Lástima que no fuese así. Mi gozo en un pozo. A partir de ‘Subjected to Cadaverous Defilement‘ hasta ‘Empire of Gloom‘ la calidad no baja, pero si la potencia, restándole enteros al cómputo final. Cuando ‘Continuum of Misery‘ vuelve a poner las cosas en su sitio dándole un espectacular final al redondo uno solo puede pensar una cosa: se han quedado a medio camino de la gloria. De la producción y el artwork no hay nada que objetar.




Para que os hagáis una idea de cómo son las seis cuerdas, imaginaos una mezcla entre los viejos At The Gates y The Black Dahlia Murder. Las dobles armonías son usuales, aunque los ataques de tremolo picking son más anecdóticos que otra cosa. Por cierto, si con los solos no os levantáis y aplaudís hasta romperos las manos es que tenéis un problema de criterio. Han conseguido la casi imposible tarea de darle alma a una técnica impoluta. Ahí es nada.


¿Cuándo dejará de estar de moda incluir dos registros vocales diferentes en las bandas extremas? Efectivamente, cataréis guturales agudos rasgados y growls de corte más profundo.


Poca broma con las bass line. Espectacular la labor de Marcus Strindlund.


Efectiva y mutable es la percusión. Lástima que no optasen por explotar su cara más acelerada.


Destacaría ‘Envenomation of the Population‘, ‘Chamber of Emancipation‘, ‘Lost to Funereal Desires‘ y ‘Continuun Misery‘ por las razones que os expliqué en el párrafo principal.


Estoy seguro que para próximos lanzamientos, el grupo no se quedará a las puertas de la gloria sin llegar a entrar. Aquí hay talento queridos lectores de Broken Tomb. Dadle una oportunidad, no os arrepentiréis.





Screen of review.





CARNOSUS – nach einem Demo, einer EP und fünf Single-Veröffentlichungen innerhalb von fünf Jahren, erschien im vergangenen Monat das Debütalbum “Dogma Of The Deceased” mit elf Titeln und einer Gesamtspielzeit von 45:23 Minuten. (huch, so viele Zahlen).


Mit “Envenomation of the Population” und “Chamber of Emancipation” beginnt die Reise in eine death und thrashlastig kreativ musikalische Landschaft, wobei diese gleich zu beginn abgefackelt wird. Atemberaubend wuchtig brachiale Schnelligkeit trifft auf exzellent gesetzte Solis und growlend/screamende vokalistische Momente, mal nebeneinander, mal parallel miteinander.


“Lost to Funereal Desires” ist ein fast reines Thrash Metal Geschoß, was einem die Haare wuchtig nach hinten fegt und sie in dieser Position belässt. Hier ist wieder Härte mit Eleganz gepaart und die 6 Saiter spielen ganz zu meiner Freude ein Soloständchen nach dem anderen. “Subjected to Cadaverous Defilement“, “An Illicit Practice” und “Insidious Saviour” gehen kraftvoll frontal nach vorne, werden gestützt von fetten messerscharfen Riffs, episch kurz angehauchten Momenten, verstörend gesanglichem Wechselspielund auch hier (und nicht nur hier) zeigt mir das Quintett ihre extrem gute Qualität in ihrer Spielweise, im Songwriting. Hätte ich vier Daumen, alle wären oben!


“Deceptive Authority” verlässt schwer die Kellergewölbe, bleibt in dieser Stellung und ist fast “balladesk” gegenüber seinen Vorgängern. Wenn du also gerne mit dämonisch stimmlicher Präsenz einen Tanz möchtest, gerne. Der Song ist okay, aber persönlich bevorzugt wird das Vorhergehende, wobei ich  auch verstehe, das die Schweden eine Atempause benötigten (vermutlich).


“Totalityranny” fängt ruhig an, aber nein es wird keine zweite “Ballade”, denn kurz danach ertönen hämmernde Double-Bass und teilweise wird die schnelle Ausrichtung wieder gewählt. “Enthroned” ist kraftvoll, voll mit Energie und von Tempowechseln gezeichnet, während “Empire of Gloom” noch eine prozentuale Schippe Wuchtigkeit mit draufsetzt. Beide Songs bewegen sich im groovenden Bereich, wobei zweiter vor allem mit gitarrenlastigen Momenten gespickt ist. Zum ende hin, wie auch zum Anfang schon, teilen die Herren aus Skandinavien mit “Continuum of Misery” noch einmal ordentlich aus.


Persönlich hätte ich mir eine bessere Verteilung in der Titelfolge gewünscht, denn man verschießt doch zu beginn ordentlich schnelle Granaten und “versinkt” dann in “ruhigeren” Gefilden. Aber hier kommt meine persönliche Lösung: Ich mische einfach die Reihenfolge neu und schon ist das “Problem” gelöst (grins).


Fazit: Ein starkes Debütalbum der schwedischen Todesmetaller, was sich ordentlich in meine Synapsen gefräst hat.




Um lançamento conjunto da Satanath Records e da Shirley Road Records: o novo álbum "Dogma Of The Deceased" da banda sueca de Death/Thrash Metal Carnosus chegou a público no último dia 13 de março!


Sendo um debut, se espera que tenha muita qualidade, além de bastante força de vontade dos músicos envolvidos, afinal, demonstrar qualidade desde o início é imprescindível para que possam evoluir constantemente.


Outro fator para que um debut seja bem visto é sobre sua produção, tendo detalhes como boa mixagem, além de demonstrar o quanto os músicos puderam criar em melodias e estruturas interessantes dentro do seu próprio universo musical.


Com uma ótima capa por Moonroot art., entregam uma ótima dinâmica musical, suas faixas consistentes passam uma boa percepção do lado denso e brutal do Metal.


Formada em Örebro, Suécia, a banda surgiu 2011 quando o guitarrista Rickard Persson, o baterista Jacob Hedner e o ex-vocalista Olof Gotting frequentavam a mesma escola.


A visão deles era criar algo que realmente não existia - não soar como ninguém.


Seus vários elementos que compõem o ótimo Metal que praticam (variando entre Death/Prog/Thrash e alguns outros similares) nos dão uma boa noção da qualidade imposta.




It’s not wrong to want a little instant gratification from time to time, especially when it comes to music. Listening to music is a pleasure activity, a luxury for some, but some of us like to find stuff that pushes the boundaries of listenability or even what constitutes music itself. That is to say, we’ve taken something that’s supposed to be fun and turned it into a harsh grind for reasons that I’m still trying to figure out. We’re stepping away from that this week and checking out an album that’s easier on the ears and the mind, something that, for me at least, immediately ticks all the boxes for what makes an album a fun listen.



Dogma of the Deceased, the debut album from Örebro, Sweden’s Carnosus, has been out for nearly a month and a half, and it’s been in my regular listening rotation since its release. It’s one of those albums that hits the sweet spot of listenable tech death, combining neoclassical-tinged melodies and dazzling leads with a splash of chunky low-end riffing and uncharacteristically (for the genre) filthy vocals. Dogma isn’t the brainiest or most innovative album ever, but it’s not trying to be, nor does it need to be, taking tried-and-true methods of song crafting and utilizing them to their fullest. It’s like a gourmet comfort food album; you go to it because you know what you’re getting out of it, you know you’re going to like it, and it’s some of the best of its kind.


Opening track “Envenomation of the Population” showcases everything the band is about in one fell swoop, kicking things off with a fairly straightforward “big” intro with that familiar imposing harmonic minor turn; an appropriate feeling for an album about the rise of a tyrannical empire in post-apocalyptic Earth. It quickly ramps up the intensity in a flurry of blastbeats and sweep picking, pulling back the speed with the introduction of the vocals while increasing in tension via some nasty chords and a riff that dances precariously around the root. Quick bursts of speed punctuate their phrases, blastbeats capping off the faster riffs and rapid palm-muted gallops in the slower, punchier sections that follow. The drummer maneuvers the band expertly through these sections, altering his pace as they revisit riffs to keep each repetition feeling fresh.




That pacing is true not just on the level of individual songs, but the album as a whole. The intro track’s followup, “Chamber of Emancipation,” might initially suggest homogeneity with its similar tempo, but this one takes a more neoclassical approach to its melodies and solos. From there on out, the album continues to mix things up, largely getting heavier and darker. “An Illicit Practice” and “Totalityranny” plumb the depths of their sound, trading the rapid-fire shreddy riffs for monstrous grooves and bleak atmospherics. “Empire of Gloom” and “Continuum of Misery” bring it back around at the end, going full bore on the speed, but keeping that gloomy air of the middle chunk of the album intact.


Dogma of the Deceased is one of my favorite releases of the year thus far. It’s a wild ride that never goes completely off the rails, and it does exactly what I want for that sweet, sweet rush that only tech death brings. Their sound is familiar, but the little touches and flourishes, the nuance they bring, makes it a standout record amongst its peers. It feels like a love letter to the genre in the best way, and it’s incredibly addictive. This is required listening for any fan of tech death.


Carnosus can be found on Facebook, and you can pick up Dogma either directly from the band or via Satanath Records. That’s all for now, so until next time, Stay Tech.





Sweden’s Carnosus recommend themselves as being “For fans of REVOCATION, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, SYLOSIS, ARSIS, AT THE GATES and RIVERS OF NIHIL“– a description that (apart from seemingly being custom-tailored to my own specific tastes) is not at all unapt.



Although there are certainly elements of Sylosis and Rivers of Nihil in play on Carnos’s debut album Dogma of the Deceased (see “Insidious Saviour” and “Totalityranny” for respective examples). The Black Dahlia Murder, however, are very much the primary touchstone of the band’s sound, and there’s a world where Dogma of the Deceased could easily have come from the Michigan veterans, rather than the Örebro upstarts. Even so, the songwriting on Dogma of the Deceased is far more varied and memorable than The Black Dahlia Murder’s has been in years, and the added progressive elements help give Carnosus the edge over any other challengers to the modern melodic death metal throne.


The band’s careful combination of melodic, technical, thrashy and progressive death meatl writing is really quite astounding – especially coming from a group of virtual unknowns. The record’s consistency is also striking as, although all cut from the same cloth, each and every one of its eleven offerings brings its own individual (if often subtle) twist to the formula, from which it’s impossible to pick highligh (although I’m currently hedging toward “Totalityranny”).


2020 has already been an outstanding year for death metal, and Carnosus have quickly, and deservedly, joined its upper ranks. The new Black Dahlia Murder album certainly has a lot to live up to.





Swedish Death Metal band Carnosus are here with their debut record entitled Dogma Of The Deceased. Listening to this record it’s very surprising to hear that this is the band’s debut record. The music cohesiveness the band has is like that of a band that has been around for decades. Instrumentally this record is blasting from start to finish. Countless catchy and ear catching riffs that make each song recognizable after just a couple listens. And the solo’s are nice addition to most of the tracks although them being on every track didn’t really add anything to the later tracks and just made the end of the record a little more predictable and uninteresting. Vocally they did something that I personally don’t hear a lot of but wish I did. They used both high and low screams on every single song. They used them both peeerfectly and didn’t layer them too much like some shitty Deathcore bands do nowadays. They are mixed really nicely together and give me a late Job For A Cowboy vibe. So despite the later part of the record becoming slightly formulaic and predictable this album is a nice solid debut. The band has an insane amount of talent and endless potential sitting in their sound so I’m excited to hear their next release.

Best Songs: Chamber of Emancipation, An Illicit Practice, Totalityranny




I've had this album on my "to-do list" for a while or more like ringing somewhere in my head reminding me that it needs a proper listening and writing few words about it. So finally I've managed to do it, put it on repeat for the last few days to catch all stuff that's been recorded or at least the most important or outstanding elements.


So, first of all - it's a melodic death/thrash production. And it's the band's first full-length. If I would have to compare it to anything, it would be a mixture of Dawn of Disease (around "Ascension Gate"), a bit of Omophagia and some of the better stuff from No Return. There are some elements that remind me of Archspire and Allegaeon, especially the more "catchy" stuff. But there's definitely a lot more to it. The album has all elements you would expect from good death/thrash album - the drumwork is very solid, we've got blast beats, double bass drum is very active and Jacob generally presents very good variety of death/thrash rhythms with notably impressive work on cymbals. The rhythm section is completed by very good bass work, if I saw it correctly, played on 7-string bass. Really impressive, you can constantly hear some very interesting melody lines played on it (although you need either headphones or play it very loud as I think it's a bit too quiet), making each track more rich and keeping you glued to your speakers. I would probably recommend trying out 'Totalityranny' to hear the most impressive bass work in last few years, but believe me, each track has a lot going on in that section.


The vocals are quite varied, you get deep growls, you get shrieks, you get pig-squeaks, whichever you can imagine as necessary for a good death metal band and the variety of vocal techniques also make this album very interesting. Guitarwork is very impressive with riffs also providing quite a lot of enjoyment for your ears. We've got one-string old school death metal melody lines, we've got 2-string riffs, chords and everything in between. But most of all, and you probably know by now that it's my favourite part, it's got so many good solos. I can't really pick my favourite one, they're all so good that the only thing I have to say is - listen to them all and admire.


To sum it up - a very impressive debut album recorded by quite young musicians and in my opinion a band to keep an eye on. Hopefully the next release will get slightly better production for the rhythm section - I would definitely put the bass more in front and drums sound a bit "plastic". But the cool thing is that after you're done with listening to the studio version, you can check out the band performing the whole album live here.





Carnosus – шведская трэш-дэтовая формация, образовавшаяся в 2011 году, однако по неизвестной причине до записи первого демо музыканты добрались лишь спустя четыре года… да и после, в общем-то, группа не очень спешила, предпочитая вместо выпуска дебютного альбома раз-другой в год постреливать синглами. На своём первенце Carnosus демонстрируют ядрёный шведский дэт-метал, органично замешанный с бодрым гарцующим трэшем. Весь этот сплав имеет лёгкий налёт техничности, да ещё вдобавок ко всему этому на альбоме бродят едва заметные призраки мелодий… но всё это лишь приправа к основному блюду. Главные цели шведов – настругать побольше нервных навороченных риффов, украсить их переливающимися, словно драгоценные камни, соляками и насадить всё это на драйвовую основу ритм-секции. Барабанщик Якоб Хеднер то и дело стремится зарядить коротенький бластбит, но вовремя приходит в себя и как ни в чём не бывало устраивает залихватскую пробежку по всей установке – вот, мол, смотрите, как я умею! И – факт, умеет, не поспорить. За оба типа вокала – рычащий низкий и орущий хриплый повыше – отвечает Джонатан с необычной для Скандинавии фамилией Karasiak, чьи голосовые данные нареканий не вызывают. Создателем отменного высокочастотного саунда выступил небезызвестный Фредрик Нордстрём, штатный гитарист Dream Evil и по совместительству опытный звукорежиссёр, работавший с Arch Enemy, Mystic Prophecy, At The Gates, Powerwolf и другими. Сразу же обратили на себя внимание три трека: самый «барабанизированный» “Totalityranny”, злобно-интенсивный “Lost to Funereal Desires” и самый мелодичный “Enthroned”. Чуть позже к ним добавились “Empire of Gloom” с эффектным соло в финале и наглый отвязный “Insidious Saviour”. А вот остальной материал при всём внутреннем разнообразии грешит однообразием внешним – проще говоря, это комплект высококлассных по исполнению, но однотипных по наполнению номеров, и если бы они не чередовались с названными выше песнями, то альбом ближе к концу просто уходил бы в фоновый режим… Наступает пресыщение. Поэтому, невзирая на прямо-таки образцово-показательную длительность в 45 минут, пару композиций можно было бы смело оставить за бортом, от этого релиз только выиграл бы. В любом случае, альбом у Carnosus получился действительно достойный – “Dogma of the Deceased” содержит массу интересных моментов, он отлично записан, его время от времени хочется переслушивать, так что своё «хорошо» ребята заработали честно.





Tras alguna demo, un EP debut titulado “The Universal Culmination” de 2016 y varios singles publicados, los suecos CARNOSUS por fin han visto editado lo que es su primer larga duración oficial bajo el título de “Dogma Of The Deceased”. Once cortes en los que el Death Metal se combina con el Thrash Metal y un toque de melodía para dar forma a la enérgica y agresiva propuesta del quinteto sueco, todo ello con un sonido plenamente actual que fue registrado junto a Robert Kukla en Obsidian Recording Studios / Studio Fredman y que luego pasó a manos de Fredrik Nordström para las mezclas y masterización en Studio Fredman. Un esfuerzo que mereció la pena pues el resultado ha quedado espectacular, de hecho es uno de esos discos que apetece escuchar a todo volumen para disfrutar de cada golpe de la batería, de cada riff y de cada grito.


“Dogma Of The Deceased” viene presentado con un artwork de Vojtěch 'Moonroot' Doubek en el que se muestra una especie de imperio sombrío en el que desfilan montones de diminutas siluetas al servicio de la tiranía. Una serie de imágenes que además de adornar la cubierta y el libreto nos dan la primera pista sobre la idea conceptual que hay detrás de los temas del álbum, presentando un mundo oscuro y sin esperanza al que le va muy bien esta banda sonora a base de Death Metal de corte sueco. Se trata de un rollo plenamente reconocible en el que hay ciertas pinceladas de Thrash Metal actual, algunas melodías y partes técnicas que enriquecen el conjunto, como un cóctel en el que metiéramos a bandas de la talla de AT THE GATES, REVOCATION, THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER, SYLOSIS, ARSIS… Y la cosa funciona, especialmente teniendo en cuenta que el quinteto sueco maneja estas influencias con maestría.


El sello ruso Satanath Records ha acertado de lleno confiando en CARNOSUS para la edición de este primer larga duración, de hecho es un disco redondo en todos los sentidos, de esos que interesan a nivel conceptual y que también dan la talla a nivel técnico, sin olvidar de la fuerza que transmiten las composiciones y la fluidez con la que se desarrolla el conjunto. Así pues “Dogma Of The Deceased” es una propuesta altamente recomendada para cualquier fan del Melodeath sueco y del Thrash / Death Metal contemporáneo en general, un disco potente que suena de miedo y augura un futuro muy prometedor para la banda. Puedes comprobarlo con el lyric video del tema "Deceptive Authority".





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É bom ver quando uma banda luta no underground até chegar ao seu álbum de estreia. Melhor ainda quando o álbum de estreia é uma bomba poderosa como esta. Os suecos Carnosus trazem-nos uma bomba de death metal meio thrash meio melódico (e atenção que quando se fala em death metal melódico, a parte da melodia deve-se exclusivamente a leads e harmonias de guitarras bem metálicas e próximas do heavy /thrash tradicional) que é um absoluto vício. Raramente temos um álbum onde ficamos completamente derreados logo à primeira e aqui podemos dizer que foi mesmo amor à primeira audição. Tudo o que deveria correr bem num álbum corre aqui. Temas que são bem construídos na forma como cativam o ouvinte (partindo-se do príncipio de que gosta de death/thrash, claro) e bem dinâmicos entre si. É tão fácil repetirmos as audições, as mesmas sucedem-se sem que se dê conta.




Orebro, Sweden's newest and blasphemous death metal sensation Carnosus is sure to make you bang your head until you bleed and pass out. The fiery energy on this repugnant release is so caustic and visceral that every rhythm and riff just comes at you like a wild, hungry pack of blood craving wolves.


Opening cut "Envenomation Of The Population" is a rabid song with its guttural and raspy vocals backed a nuclear annihilation-like double bass and snare drum assault. Not to be insensitive, but this song is the most fitting soundtrack to the COVID-19 pandemic the world is suffering through. The melodic but heavy as fuck lead runs also gives this song plenty of pent up emotions, courtesy of the band.


"An Elicit Practice" hits the head like a jack hammer on steroids, with its suffocated vocals, agonizing double bass assault, and guitars that blow the roof of off the listener's skull. Next track "Insidious Saviour" is just as brutally grueling to the auditory nerves. However, this track is pretty catchy with its explosive groove generated rhythms, definitely good for a violent mosh pit go around.


There are a total of 11 savage driven songs of total earth shattering mayhem and torturous suffering, which makes "Dogma Of The Deceased" such a repulsive release of sinister-sounding proportions. The melodic leads and riffs give this quintet a semi-unique dimension to the way they showcase their heavy as hell brutality here. Carnosus' music should appeal to fans of Grave, Edge Of Sanity, Unleashed, Dismember, and even Morbid Angel to some extent. This is definitely a very good first outing from a young band out of the Viking landscapes of Sweden. Listen to this album and let Carnosus corrupt your innocent spirit. 




Carnosus hail from Örebro, Sweden, and “Dogma of the Deceased” is their debut album released by Russia's Satanath records. Generally, I’m not the biggest fan of melodic death metal, but Carnosus is an exception, simply due to the high quality of their music and how they seamlessly strike a balance between melody, technique, and heaviness. Each song is packed to the brim with excellent riffs that also incorporate some neoclassical influence. For this kind of music, you need a proper production for the performance to stand out, and that's exactly what the band had opted for by teaming up with Fredrik Nordström (At The Gates, Dark Tranquility, Lord Belial among others) and Robert Kukla to record “Dogma of the Deceased.” Musically, they share some idiomatic traits with bands like Sacramentum, At The Gates, The Crown, etc., while also displaying their own unique sound that borrows a lot from progressive metal and thrash. The overall result is definitely something to behold, with songs that bleed passion and superb song-writing. The music is characterized by highly demanding musicianship that favour substance and atmosphere over superfluous technicality. The songs all sound fully developed and memorable, while also showing great musicianship. “Dogma of the Deceased” boasts an excellent production that really brings out the best of the band, both collectively and individually. The music also doesn't border on sounding plastic, retaining a certain rawness and pugnacious edge that gives the music just the right amount of punch to make them stand out. If you want to hear an album that perfectly balances aggression with melody, while also showing great virtuosity, then Carnosus is the band for you. Check it out if you enjoy bands like Anata, Sarcasm and Arsis.




Настоящее шведское качество в death thrash. Пятиголовый шведский дэтово-трешевый дракон родился в городе Orebro. В 2011 году. Прямо удивительно и сногсшибательно — музыканты решили сыграть так, как никто до того не играл, миксовать стили так, как никто не делал. Вот вы смеетесь, и я тоже сначала..., а ведь магическая пентаграмма CARNOSUS сработала.

Что камрады смешивали? Рецепт убойный — возьмите в разных пропорциях melodic death metal, thrash metal, progressive metal и упаковку black metal вокалов к трешевым харшевым. Варилось это долго. Реально с 2015 года начали записывать демо, ЕР (producer Tomas Skogsberg (ENTOMBED, AT THE GATES, GRAVE) на ”Sunlight Studio”), если вам такое за обычай, то я скажу, что музыканты решили не размениваться по мелочам, а работать с профи высшей категории. Потом еще сделали четыре сингла.

Своим ЕР группа привлекла внимание редакции шведского металл-журнала ”Close-Up Magazine”, и стала "the best unsigned band in Sweden in May 2016" — лучшей неподписанной группой Швеции в мае 2016. После этого формация долгое время занимается композиторской работой.

И в итоге группа заваливается в ”Studio Fredman” к продюсерам Fredrik Nordstrom (AT THE GATES, IN FLAMES, OPETH и другие) и Robert Kukla, чтобы записать полноформат ”DOGMA OF THE DECEASED”. Надеюсь, про саунд альбома больше ничего говорить не надо? Все равно скажу два слова: ОН КРУТ.

Я же говорю, нордическая выдержка. Но зато, дамы и господа, репетиции со стороны группы, ожидание со стороны фэнов - все это оказалось не напрасно. Я уже слушаю это творение в лучшем качестве с диска - и фиксирую сей факт.

Фактом является и то, что в марте 2019 Carnosus открывали концерты для PESTILENCE и BLEEDING GODS в их турне по Скандинавии. И чуть позднее в этом же году были пред-группой у CANNIBAL CORPSE в Загребе, Хорватия. Вот такая карьера - вроде бы взрывная, ан нет, годы труда, репетиций, и вот, пожалуйста - диск мирового уровня.

Микс проведен мастерски, оказалось, все это можно и нужно смешивать, и все оказывается зависит (кто бы мог подумать) от мастерства музыкантов. С этим - все путем. Индивидуальное искусство и сработанность на концерте.

Итого — блестящий MDM, трэш с сильной проговой техничной гитарой, которая отпиливает большие куски вашего внимания. Однако и другие компоненты в этом смысле очень реактивны и дремать здесь не удастся. Бешеный фейерверк мелодических, ритмических идей включается с самого начала этого 45-минутного диска. И потом без остановки - до самого финала.

И более всего импонирует то, как мне показалось, что все запчасти ни на йоту не конфликтуют друг с другом. МДМ-щик слушает: все отлично в кайф, трешер (не олдскульный, это да): в наилучшем виде, на ура!, металл-проггер: — красота струнных запилов, ажура и фирменной сварки по металлу. А уж если вы уважаете все эти означенные подстили, то это просто крышесносящий диск.

И при всем при том - это по-настоящему тяжелый, агрессивный материал, который плющит и валит, угрожает и бомбит по-дэтовому и даже по-блэковому.


Empire of Gloom — с самого начала изумительный неоклассический струнный пассаж, натягивающий жилы на кардан, харш-гроул разрывает 3D реальность и с ним соглашается блэковый скрим, и этот инфернальный диалог происходит на фоне гитарного трэшевого искусного исполнения, которое столько раз переламывается вдоль и поперек брейками, что и потеряешься считать. И тут же эксцентричный соляк, который блистает, как обоюдоострый меч. А трэш вдруг становится сказочным по сложности прог-металлом...

Не могу не отметить, что 12-страничный буклет сделан по крутому - с крупными фотками музыкантов, с текстами само собой, и прочей инфой.




Carnosus are a Swedish act that play a modern, technically intricate stripe of Death/Thrash that's somewhere between Obscura, Necrophagist, and later Death. The playing is tight and intricate, the songwriting progressive and challenging, and the songs themselves capable of seamlessly blending between moods like a chameleon, all while sporting some killer growls and shrieks from Jonatan Karasiak and some striking melodies and amazing lead work from ax wizard Rickard Persson. I do think the songs can be too complex for their own good, cramming in too many rhythm changes and leaving many of the songs confused and slightly jumbled for it. This is less of a problem when they slow down and focus on building atmosphere on tracks like "Deceptive Authority" and "Totalityranny", and I believe they'd be better off focusing on that in the future. Minor complaints aside, this is a damn impressive debut from a band that stands out by virtue of sheer musicality, and it's well worth checking out.




Cuidadito con el debut que se han marcado los suecos CARNOSUS, banda que lleva en activo desde 2011 y que tras un Ep y tres Singles graban este recomendadísimo Dogma of the Deceased. Sonido Death Metal sueco con toques de Thrash técnico (vaya riffs enrevesados de guitarra) que quitan el hipo en 45 minutos que si bien no van a inventar nada nuevo, discurren con una potencia que no tiene nada que envidiar a los clásicos del género y mérito tendrá el pulimentado que ha obtenido los Obsidian Recording Studios / Studio Fredman. Un monumento tendrían que ponerle a Fredrik Nordstrom algún día si es que no lo tiene ya... o darle la llave de la ciudad de Gotemburg o el Premio Nobel del Death cuando lo inventen. Mención especial para el fantástico artwork de Vijtech "Moonroot" Doubek con una contraportada del libreto excepcional, Pit Art y coedición entre Satanath / Shirley Road Records.



Como no puede ser de otra forma, se trata de un quinteto (si no hay doble guitarra, apaga y vámonos) donde el 80% de la brutalidad se va para una angulosa base rítmica que no para quieta un instante. La voz va desde lo gutural a lo agudo, con parones en una violencia rayana en el Brutal Death cuando los temas lo requieren. Suenan ecos a Entombed, a Carcass, a Dismember y a la madre que los parió... impresionantes los detalles que discurren en segundo plano en el monumental "Lost to Funereal Desires" o "Subjected to Cadaverous Defilement".


Imposible no sucumbir ante joyas como la técnica "An Illicit Practice" o el seco doble bombo de "Deceptive Authority" con algún guiño a Voivod y toquecitos a Death en las guitarras. Hacía muchísimo que no escuchaba un disco de Metal extremo que me apasionara tanto como estos CARNOSUS (quizás con la excepción de BLOOD INCANTATION, pero eso es otro cantar). Atentos al ritmazo At the Gates, In Flames o Dark Tranquillity que abre la épica "Totalityranny", acentuándose los dobles juegos de voces y un doble bombo que si le pones una entrada USB te carga el móvil en un plis plas.


Técnicos sin aburrir, CARNOSUS se salen en "Empire of Gloom" y sus toquecitos Black. Cierra "Continuum of Misery" dejándome con la sensación de que esta banda va a pegar un pelotazo grande si son capaces de girar el estilo hacia algo un pelín más original.


Por lo demás, MUY RECOMENDADO.





Spojení Švédska a death metalu by vydalo na vcelku objemnou populárně-naučnou publikaci, mapující tři dekády brutality a stejně tak všechny oddenky, které z původního kmenu stihly za tu dobu pod třemi korunkami vypučet. CARNOSUS, ač Švédi, moc švédsky nezní - mám na mysli ten nádherný rezavý a podladěný zvuk kytar, případně onu osobitou ultramelodiku. K této frakci mají CARNOSUS nejblíže, byť na melodiích „jejich death“ primárně nestojí. Jejich styl je zajímavě barevný, technický, ctí tradiční kořeny a krom toho bez škobrtnutí koná inspirační výlety mimo stojatější vody. Lze proto zaslechnout i podstatně modernější prvky blízké současnému deathcoru, které nekazí tu správnou smrtelnou působivost. Přístup, který může snadno zlomit vaz a roztříštit  skladby na nesoudržnou mozaiku, nikoliv však v případě těchto sympatických sekerníků. Luxusní zvuk nezahubil přirozenou sílu a duši, slyšet se každé cinknutí činelů, úder kopáku technických a na pikosekundu přesných bicích, ty nejsou příliš utopené v lomozu kytar a zase úplně obráceně kytary netrpí placatostí, jsou dostatečně ostré a hutné. Jak velké množství alb k jejich škodě trpí uniformní produkcí, CARNOSUS se tahle bolest naštěstí vyhnula a jednoduše nejsou jedni z mnoha v řadě.


CARNOSUS na sebe nijak výrazně neupozorňují, při jejich instrumentálních schopnostech je to docela i škoda. Jejich možná až civilní charakter death metalového projevu může svádět k předčasným soudům svádějícím k průměrným verdiktům, technický death metal je něco, co rozhodně není žhavou bombou sezóny a mlaďoši, zvyklí na brutální produkce a výrazné (někdy vlezlé) melodické linky (některých) deathcorových kapel, budou přec tradičnější pojetí zvuku CARNOSUS předpojatě považovat za archaismus. Nic z toho nemůže být snad více vzdáleno od reálného stavu věcí. „Dogma Of The Deceased“ je natolik dotaženým a promakaným celkem, až jsem nabyl dojmu, že řekněme „modernější“ a brutálnější pojetí zvuku by tu barevnou a variabilní ušlechtilou slitinu totálně zabilo a vznikl by onen mnou plísněný uniformní a typizovaný prefabrikát, polotovar, který Vám prodají na rohu v okýnku i v tom největším „Good Night Fox Village“. Tudy by opravdu cesta nevedla, a kdyby přece jen, CARNOSUS by byli úplně jinou kapelou.


 „Dogma Of The Deceased“ rozhodně není albem, kterému proniknete pod kůži letmým poslechem.      I když je směrem k posluchači přívětivé, obsahuje dost zajímavých poloh na to, že je „žaves“ metodou prostě není možné rychle vstřebat a náležitě si je užít. A je pak rozdíl délky parníku, jaký výsledný účinek bude „Dogma Of The Deceased“ ve finále mít. Rozsah od tradičního death metalu druhé vlny přes progresivní vrstvu se základem u art rocku sedmdesátých let, švédskou melodickou školu a konče u metalové moderny, organicky a symbioticky propojené do živého funkčního celku chtějí přece jen něco soustředění a pozornosti, aby se dostavil ten konečný „ano“ pocit.


„Dogma Of The Deceased“ je dvěma slovy debut jako prase!!! Jako debutový zápis do diskografie lze sice považovat EP „The Universal Culmination“ z roku 2016, ale to už je jen takový technický detail. Vzhledem k mládí kapely je potenciál do budoucna značný, zbývá pouze doufat, že nezasáhne nepředvídatelný osud a nerozhodně jinak. Byla by to škoda přeškoda, „Dogma Of The Deceased“ je bez přehánění vynikající.





For my second review today we have more death metal with Carnosus with “Dogma of the Deceased”, put out through Satanath Records. This is some more tech death sounding stuff with some old school themes thrown in the mix. The band did a good job at creating simple groovy riffs, with a lot of added technicality and melody thrown in as well. The chugging chords are lead by the bass, which has a strong tone making it come in front of the guitars with the production. I don’t mind this at all. Records with a commanding bass tone such as this one are great in tech death and are so fun to listen to. The melodic backdrop on heavier, faster riffs is so present and in the moment and creates almost a beautiful sound. The guitar solos are top notch and honestly some of the best I’ve heard all year. The drums are really what great the tech element. There are tons of blast beats and pedals that are constantly changing pace and tempo. The fills are wild and really all over the place, and they’ll even come in the middle of a solo or riff and it throws you off which is both good because it keeps things interesting and bad because sometimes I was enjoying a riff and it just went away. There are also some small breakdowns thrown in here and there and I thought that was kind of cool. The vocals weren’t my cup of tea. They were a mix of high screams and these weird guttural sounding mid screams. Idk just kinda odd sounding lol. This was a fun record that I’ll come back to from time to time so it gets a 7/10. Favorite songs- Continuum of Misery, Chamber of Emancipation, Deceptive Authority. For fans of- Protosequence, Wastewalker, Exocrine.




C.T.: Einfach Death, nicht weltbewegend, nicht schlecht.


K.K.: Vor einem Jahr habe ich dieses thrashige Melodic-Death-Metal-Glanzstück (vor-)bestellt – gleich nachdem ich die Band auf Tour erlebt hatte. Und danach habe ich das Album etliche Male gehört und mich jedes Mal gefreut wie ein kleines Kind. Ganz großes Kino das Album!


P.S.: Melodischer Death Metal, der gut die Balance zwischen alter und neuer Schule hält.


M.K.: Ha! Endlich ein Grund wieder in dieses Meisterwerk technischem Death Metals reinzuhören. War somit eins der letzten Konzerte vor “der großen Pause”, und live als auch im Studio räumen Carnosus einfach alles ab.


C.S.: Freunde der technischen Frickelei sind hier gut aufgehoben, die relativ jungen Schweden, die hier ihr Debut präsentieren, haben Potential.




Dogma of the Deceased. Music like a hammer blow on an anvil, it is a challenge to all the emotions that you tried to hide inside. Slap on the fire. Boldly and with character




I have seen CARNOSUS live twice. The first time they opened up for Pestilence on my birthday in 2019. The second time I only caught a short glance of their gig. To say that I have been overly impressed both times is to stretch the truth a bit too far. But then again, the first time I wasn’t there to see them and the second time we arrived at the end of the gig. So it is with excitement that I take on this new(ish) disc from them. If I have an issue with them live it is the opposite on record. This I really like. Raw and somewhat melodic death metal that makes me bang my head. Somewhat technical but not in a way that it bothers me. This new album makes me regretting not getting their first album when I had the chance. There is a string of thrash in this too. The closest I come in comparison is At The Gates, but perhaps a bit harder. This one was a nice surprise.





Carnosus is a death metal band from Sweden but they do not play like classic Swedish bands - Dismember, Unleashed or Entombed, they do not sound like them either...


...So, what is there on Dogma Of The Deceased is more technical death metal with melodic leads and solos, which is all mixed and balanced with brutal break downs - more death core style, and fast, ripping death metal shreds, where bands is reaching for their sonic extremity by playing fast and intricate riffs.

Production of the album is very pumped up and boosted so music sounds modern, but like on steroids a bit. Guttural-growls with screams attached are pretty brutal too, but it`s the most chaotic element in music of the band. Music itself, even if still feels, as if cast out of chaos also, is tidier, have many fragments that "clicks", by which brutality of music is more devastating, in your face, I got impression that music of the band is going to a right direction...Still, I do not think it`s a perfect album of the band, they play like something I already heard before, but Carnosus is not a cliché of other bands too. Instrumental skills of band members are on good, decent level which let them composed very aggressive and obliterating songs, not perfect just yet....For instance guitar solos - there is a craft in it and melodies, music structures and technicality of songs transcend their death metal into something better, or they just sound death metal predictable which however convince me to their songs too.

It`s severe and quite intense death metal album, when they play more melodic and heavier, it is even better. Many musical ideas change quickly within songs, pace too, but it is faster album than it is slow, which in case of technical and brutal band like Carnosus is my personal preference.





Kun kolme ensimmäistä fyysistä levyä kolahtivat postilaatikkooni, oli paketin avaamisen jälkeen aika päättää, mikä kolmesta levystä saisi kunnian olla ensimmäinen arvioitava. Hetken kansikuvia tutkittuani totesin, että yksinkertainen on kaunista, joten arvioitavaksi päätyi melko värittömällä kansikuvalla varustettu ”Dogma Of The Deceased”


Kansikuvan väritys, synkkyys sekä yksinkertaisuus loivat välittömästi mielikuvan siitä, minkälaista musiikkia vuonna 2011 perustetun ruotsalaisen Carnosus-yhtyeen ensimmäinen täyspitkä tuotos tulisi sisältämään; death metalia grindcoremaisilla elementeillä. Syötän levyn soittimen sisään ja odotukset ovat alhaalla kansikuvasta tehdyistä päätelmistä huolimatta.


Levyn ensimmäinen veto ”Envenomation Of The Population” maistuu kuitenkin odotettua paremmalle. Kansikuvasta luodut ennakkoluulot osuvat lähelle, musiikki ei ole täysveristä death metalia, vaan siihen on sekoitettu elementtejä grindcoren lisäksi myös deathcoresta. Tuotos muistuttaa MyGrainin, Slaughter To Prevailin sekä Wake Up Frankien sekoitusta.


”Dogma Of The Deceased” on tasapaksu veto, mutta kohokohdat ”Totalityranny” sekä ”Empire Of Gloom” lyövät matalia odotuksiani koukkuvedolla turpaan.

