. Satanath Records

Reviews: 032GD

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In the realms of extreme metal there is no assurance that the grave lays a lasting claim, no protection against the day when long-dormant musical ravagers will hungrily claw their way through unhallowed soil back to the surface, to gnash their teeth and spoliate the air waves once again. Not all such revivals of the ghoulish un-dead turn out to be welcome occurrences, but Necrospell are proving that their resurrection is one to be applauded.


Necrospell took their first fetid breathes in the early years of the ’90s and became one of the earliest extreme metal bands in southern Italy. By 1994 they had recorded a cult demo tape named As Darkness Falls, but by 1996 they had dissolved. Now, more than two decades later, they have returned with a line-up that includes the two original guitarists and new members.


Their new album, Awakening of Tyrants, will be released on November 23rd by GrimmDistribution (Ukraine) with Murdher Records (Italy), and to aid in their reanimation we have a mind-bending new song for you today, appropriately named “Restless Hate“.


“Restless” is one word for this music, but that’s an understated adjective for the exuberant twists and turns the band take as they mount this attack. Make no mistake, it’s a sharply executed attack, but it frenetically bounces around like a wounded but still dangerous beast. The tempo changes on a dime, and so do the drum-and-bass patterns as they chase the veering riffs. The guitarists generate fast, skittering tones; bursts of crazed swarming sounds; and surges of music that seem to pulsate like an engorged vein. And on occasion the entire band lock together to inflict bouts of brutish pounding.


In keeping with all this vicious lunacy (which is technically impressive), the vocalist ejects the lyrics in a mad growling bark, and you’ll also be treated to a fluid melodic solo that spirals higher and higher.


All of this is intriguing as well as savage, but what might surprise you (because you might not notice until the song is over) is that there is a melody within these fierce and feverish sensations that lingers after the song ends, catchy enough to induce a re-play, which you’ll probably want to do anyway just to focus better on what the band were doing the first time they spun your head around.




The releasing labels describe Awakening of Tyrants as “an album where Tampa old school death metal meets Sweden, where echoes from a dark past and morbid Lovecraft nightmares evoke ancient bloody esoteric cults”, and they recommend it for lovers of such bands as Morbid Angel, Mercyful Fate, Grotesque, Dissection, Monstrosity, and of course Death.


The album will be released digitally and in a jewel-case CD format that features eye-catching artwork by Dechristianize Art. Pre-order info is below, long with our premiere and the previously released track “As Darkness Falls” (which is free to download at Bandcamp).



All’inizio c’erano i Necrospell, autori della demo As Darkness Fall. Lo scioglimento avvenne nel 1996 e dalle loro ceneri (in particolare da Max Elia e Francesco Mileto) nacquero i Valgrind (intervistati qui). Il terreno in cui avveniva tutto questo era la Calabria, vorrei ricordarlo. Gli altri membri hanno avuto carriere più frammentarie, col solo Ferenc Nadasdy a trovare negli ultimi tempi una certa regolarità con i Lord Vampyr. Nel 2017 Ferenc e Andrea, i chitarristi, hanno rimesso in piedi i Necrospell e pochi mesi fa hanno registrato di nuovo i pezzi di As Darkness Fall, assieme a un’altra manciata di canzoni, e il risultato si chiama Awakening Of Tyrant (coprodotto assieme a Murdher Records). Il paragone coi Valgrind viene spontaneo, ma si capisce subito che la musica è molto diversa. Qui il death metal è rimasto alle allo stile semplice e diretto della demo, marcatamente old school, con la sola differenza di suoni molto secchi e puliti. Beh, anche troppo per i miei gusti se consideriamo la batteria, che tra l’altro nei vari passaggi è sempre squadrata e ordinata. Tante melodie prese in prestito sia dallo stile svedese che dall’heavy metal classico connotano la mezz’ora di ascolto, per un risultato che potrebbe essere di interesse per i nostalgici. E io ovviamente lo sono. Ora mi chiedo se i Necrospell, che ne frattempo hanno cambiato bassista e batterista, riusciranno a dire la loro nei prossimi anni, con un disco totalmente nuovo.




Das Quintett NECROSPELL stammt aus Italien (Cosenza / Kalabrien) und veröffentlichte im November des letzten Jahres ihr Debütalbum “Awakening Of Tyrants“, das mit acht Titeln gespickt und einer Laufzeit von knapp 30 Minuten daherkommt.


Düster werden die Tore im Intro musikalisch zur Unterwelt geöffnet, bevor “As Darkness Falls” den thrashigen Reigen in Bewegung setzt. Mal straight, mal knüppelnd, mal gediegen doomig daherkommend, galoppieren sie kreativ mit schönen Solis und den entsprechenden Riffs in mein Headset. Fakt ist die Produktion klingt sauber und macht entsprechend Spaß, sich diese in die Gehörgänge zu drücken. Genauso spannend geht es mit “Under A Dying Frozen Sun” weiter. Sehr düster vom Gesang her, Richtung -und Tempowechsel inklusive. Das Ding rockt und wer hier nicht die Rübe schwingt – egal ob mit oder ohne Haare hat selber Schuld.


“Restless Hate” beginnt ein wenig Progressive, bevor dann die Growls und die tobend hämmernden Drums mich zurück in die todesmetallische Realität holen. Aber auch hier wird nicht an Kreativität gespart, obwohl der Song nicht einfach ist aufgrund seiner vielen Facetten und Wendungen. Dies erinnert mich ein wenig an Morbid Angel.


“Submission” ist der absolute Dampfhammer. Ein perfekter Song, der mir geradlinig und ohne Schnörkel den vorher erwähnten Hammer auf die Birne donnert. “Kiss Of Death” ist ein schöner Thrash Song mit kreativen Abbiegungen. Bei “Necronomicon Gate” gibt es wieder geradlinig auf die Haube, gepaart mit düsteren vokalistischen Tönen und “Awakening Of Tyrants” schmettert mir nochmal in seichter Amon Amarth Manier das Trinkhorn aus der Hand.


Fazit: Aus Italien stammt nicht nur das leckere Risotto, sondern auch ein beindruckendes Debütalbum. Mille Grazie!




Italian fivesome Necrospell got their debut album out on Ukrainian label GrimmDistribution in November 2018 and the fusion between death and thrash metal in their sound, with a slight black-ish touch, is well made, making you show the thumbs up sign while the album's on. Vocalist Nuclearchgoat (aka Luciano Summaria) sounds very much like a cross between Glen Benton (Deicide) and Johan Hegg (Amon Amarth) when the songs are more thrash metal-based than death metal (like in Polish Vader's case, for example). The band relies on a technical and often fast playing style which has enough hooks, melody and pretty spot-on solo work. I really like the guitar work on this album: it's thoroughly riff-laden, nicely supported by insane drumming of Attilio HC. On "Kiss of Death," they tend to remind me of some of Dissection's melodic, blackened thrash heritage.


There are a lot of good moments on Awakening of Tyrants, so these Italian lads should be proud of their debut album.




Os italianos Necrospell lançaram uma demo em 1995 e depois desapareceram de cena. Entretanto voltaram em 2017 e o ano passado lançaram o seu primeiro álbum de originais. “Awakening Of Tyrants” é um álbum de death metal que não soaria desfasado em 1996, mas que hoje falha em conseguir impressionar, sem conseguir agarrar a melodia que nos cative ou a brutalidade que nos impressione. Não sendo um mau trabalho, também não é um que se mostre memorável.




Реально уникальный случай. Серьезно. Смотрите, ребята организовались (хотел буквами написать, что бы вы удивились, да потом думаю, длинно будет) в 1994 году. Нормально так? really! Записали и выпустили демо 20 июля 1995 г., которое получило по-настоящему культовый статус среди металлюг Апеннинского сапога, да и не только, а пошло благодаря фэнзинам и почте далеко в массы. К тому же NECROSPELL оказались первой экстремальной группой юга Италии. Вы еще гляньте на фотку этой кассеты (на метал-архивах есть), и если у вас не дрогнет суровое дэт-металлической сердце, то я прямо и не знаю, чем вас еще можно пронять))). И потом что-то пошло не так... Тайна сия покрытая мраком.

Прошло каких-то 22 года, и два музыканта из того достославного олдового состава NECROSPELL решили реанимировать группу и главное - записать полноформат. Я посмотрел, все трэки использованы из демо, то есть демо осталось основой диска Awakening Of Tyrants. Прошли переаранжировку, сообщает в фб команда. Я так понимаю, этих двух металлистов глодала стальная музыкальная муза, и доглодала таки. Слышали вы такое когда-то в жизни? Я — нет, хотя вроде немало насчет музла перечитал материалов, наверно, под сотню килограмм прессы.

Вопрос главный, а стоило ребятам этим заниматься? Судя по материалу, который несется с компакт-диска, - стоило, да еще как!

Ребята записали сочный, олдовый, красивый, уматный death metal. По-итальянски бесшабашно, НО с любовью к жанру и деталям оного. В какой-то миг то возвращаешься в 1995-й год, там улавливаешь старошкольные движи, тут — красивые гитарные пролеты, соляки, я уж и не говорю про забористые риффы.

Добротно отработал вокаллер Nuclearchgoat (ну вы все поняли, олдовые металлюги), прекрасно вписывается за каждую тему, отрабатывает как в олдово-дэтовом ключе, так и иногда ближе к паверному и харш-вокалу. Да-да! Это еще тот парень! К тому же Nuclearchgoat местами ярится, звереет до блэковых воплей. Кстати, уточним, что NECROSPELL явно причисляет себя к early days of death-black metal wave. Но, конечно, это не современный дэт-блэк, а самый олдовый стиль музла, из которого произросли многие иные поджанры.

В бригаде сейчас два лид-гитариста, и это очень хорошо заметно. Я уже писал про шикарную струнную работу, и можно добавить только, что эти двое хоть и не Ингви наши Мальмстины, но их отличает мощнейшее владение инструментом, особливо в скоростном регистре, и в каждом трэке есть неподражаемый кровоточащий кусок, где гитаристы показывают звезды в небесах за всю Италию, за что любят хэви и дэт-металл.

Драммер - это Attilio HC — монструозный музыкант, стучит как машина, и часто показывает свои возможности. Фишка в том, что альбом записан по-олдовому и не забит по новомодному - от пола до потолка стеной звука. Все прекрасно слышно на этом альбоме!

И собственно атмосфера! Самое ценное, кроме музла, это, конечно, она — олдскульная, риффажом, звукопостроением, особым раскладом инструментов. Специальной аурой 90-х. На самом деле, будто прослушал альбом 1996 года. Вот такой подарок через два десятка лет.

P. S. Кстати, ребята репетируют.




Italian melodeath project with strong elements of trad/power metal – think Rotting Christ, but even more mainstream in influence.


Lead lines are quite melodic and likeable, it’s as speedy as Helloween and the overall feel is more thrash/speed than death metal…even calling it melodeath is misleading in that respect.


In fact, if they’d drop the silly pseudonymed frontman and hire a soaring voiced clean vocalist, they’d be much heralded by the ProgPower crowd…it’s that degree of Euro meets USPM, with all the NWOBHM, thrash and melodic elements that implies, outside of the growly-belch death vox.


I liked these guys quite a bit, actually…






With a name like NECROSPELL I expected the music to be much more extreme than what I got. I don’t even know how to describe this. is it death? Is it thrash? What is it? It is not toally hopeless but it does leave something to wish for. And no, this is not one of those albums that will grow on me. This is and will always be a 3 in my book. I guess that not even I can like everything. Every now and then along come an album that does very little for me. this time it was Italian NECROSPELL.





The majority of the material recorded for this CD was put in a time capsule about 23 years ago, thus when you are going to listen to the songs of the "Awakening of Tyrants" you will definitely return to the golden age of death metal, i.e. to the middle of the 90s. The album features 8 songs in total with nearly 30 minutes of playing time. You can find there the tracks from Necrospell's cult and only demo "As Darkness Falls" (1995) plus a song, which is the title track itself, taken from Valgrind's demo "Through the Mists of Vigrid" (1996) and "Necronomicon Gate" that is a newer composition I suppose. So the aforementioned content was finally recorded in a rather enjoyable quality and materialized onto CDs in 2018. The actual members of Necrospell are: Nuclearchgoat (vocals), Ferenc N. (guitar), Andrea G. (guitar), Jason (bass) and Attilio HC (drums). I have to say these Italians managed to revive their old stuff in a very glorious way. Their songs include the fire and the rage in an honest interpretation that pretty much lacks from the repertoire of the modern extreme metal bands nowadays. Besides the mentioned honest attitude of the musicians, there's a big amount of catchy melodies, solos and twisted guitar riffs there, which will make your mind and soul feel happy and satisfied I am sure. Of course, Necrospell was very much influenced by the classics of thrash metal as well and that fact adds even more charisma to their music. It's a highly recommended album and a must to own for all the old school death and thrash metal maniacs worldwide!!!




Essa mistura de Death/Thrash Metal tipicamente anos 80, é sempre muito bem vinda, mas a banda não fica apenas nessa mistura típica, os solos de guitarra são extremamente bem estruturados, indicado para fãs de Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Dio, King Diamond.


No entanto o que prevalece aqui é a agressividade do Death e do Thrash Metal nos andamentos rápidos e pesados da maioria de suas excelentes musicas.




Awakening of Tyrants é um monumento de excelentes riffs e solos de guitarra, vocais certeiros, bateria agressiva e baixo acrescentando ainda mais peso a agressividade musical da banda.


Grande banda Italiana, uma das melhores que ouvi nos últimos anos.




NECROSPELL to włoski zespół wskrzeszony po latach. Zrodzony w 1994 roku wydał na światło dzienne demówkę w 1995 i się rozsypał by przebudzić się z niebytu na death metalowej scenie z albumem "Awakening Of Tyrants" wyplutym w 2018 przez ukraińską Grimm Distribution. Chociaż nie słyszałem ich wczesnych dokonań to warto skupić się na ich najnowszym wydawnictwie, o którym nieco więcej poniżej.





"Awakening Of Tyrants" to death metal pełną gębą. To czego można doświadczyć na tej płycie to dość szybkie, ale i nieco wolniejsze tempa. Wokal jak przystało na gatunek to na prawdę świetny i wypracowany growling. Doskonałe brzmienie gitar, bogate w solówki. Od czasu do czasu pojawia się gitara na czystym kanale. Jednak są to bardzo krótkie partie, które szybko umykają uwadze, ale też nadają subtelnego ciepła tej muzyce, która jest wyśmienicie podlana heavy / thrash metalowym brzmieniem. Mówiąc krótko album jest zagrany bardzo technicznie. Perkusja wyraźnie słyszalna, uzbrojona w triggery ale miło się słucha. Jak dla mnie takim poważnym minusem na tej płycie jest brak specyficznego ciężaru, który wgniótłby mnie jakieś dwa metry pod ziemię, abym mógł się poczuć jak gnijący trup. Poza tym, album jest dziwnie krótki jak na osiem utworów liczy sobie jedynie niecałe pół godziny. Kiedy melodyjne solówki na dobre zapadają w pamięci to nagle płyta się kończy. Może i ta muzyka dupy nie urywa, może nie będę nawet często wracał do tej płyty, ale na pewno jestem ciekawy, jak będzie brzmiało nowe wydawnictwo NECROSPELL. Mam nadzieję, że następnym razem jednak dołożą trochę ciężaru (lub popracują nad masteringiem) i to będzie coś na miarę przebudzenia po latach nieobecności. Chociaż nie jestem zwolennikiem melodyjnych gitar, to jednak ta płyta jakoś do mnie trafia, a to jest na pewno zasługa tego, że muzycy jednak znają się na swoim rzemiośle i mają swój styl wypracowany niemal do perfekcji.




It’s not very often during my two decades as a writer that I’ve had the opportunity to listen to as good death/thrash metal as this one. I’m talking of a debut album of Italian five piece Necrospell.


After 23 years from their cult demo tape As Darkness Falls, Necrospell are back. Their eight-tracker debut is entitled Awakening Of Tyrants and it’s a great fusion of primary death and thrash metal with additional slight black metal touches. Their overall style of playing is technical and often fast tempo, yet with numerous breakdowns and shifts in tempo and speed. Having said that, their sound still has a plenty of great hooks, nice melody (listen to “Necromicon Gate”) and spot-on solo guitar work. Riff-laden guitars, insane and hellish drumming of Attilio and the aforementioned, untypical Italian, strong vocals, makes it a listenable pleasure.


After short “Intro” comes the opening self-titled track “As Darkness Fall” and it’s also probably the most interesting track on the record, with a strong theme in the chorus woven into the composition structure, perfectly matching tempo and vocals. Interesting, though slightly different, is also “Kiss Of Death”. Much in a vein of Carcass and Hypocrisy.


One may think that after such a long break the band was not in the best shape and creative peak, but as a whole Necrospell keeps the high level. Simple measures turn out to be very effective here and Necrospell achieves quite a lot thanks to the use of proven solutions.


Thus, this relatively short album may appeal to all metal maniacs who love bands like Morbid Angel, Mercyful Fate, Dissection, Monstrosity, Vader, Death and other acts from the 90s death/thrash scene. It’s not ground-breaking nor very innovative album, but still there’re a lot of good moments on Awakening of Tyrants, so these south-Italian lads should be proud of their debut full-length.

