. Satanath Records

Reviews: 031GD

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Every year on this day both print journalists and scribes across the internet remind us about, or perhaps discover for the first time, the pagan roots of Halloween. This year is no different, though this particular piece today in The Washington Post is better than most. It recounts Christianity’s co-opting of Samhain and other ancient feast days, and then the gradual capitalistic morphing of such events into the entertainment of doorbell-ringing and sexy avocado costumes. But it goes further, and uses Halloween as an example of modern disengagement from imminent mortality (at least in the U.S.).


“Halloween is supposed to be about death,” the authors write. “Part of the power of these rituals is to make death into a known quantity, something to be accepted, even embraced, rather than feared,” but modern death “has been sanitized and sequestered away from the world of the living”, and our ignorance of death “breeds fear, uncertainty and avoidance”.


And with those thoughts in mind, it seemed fitting on this particular Samhain day that we would be able to premiere a song by a band named Feed Them Death, who shy away from nothing but revel in crushing and slashing the life from their listeners in a “Bloodshed Theatre“.


This UK death/grind solo project is the creation of Void, a founder of Antropofagus back in 1996 and the mastermind behind No Waste of Flesh in 1999, and Alive is Good…Dead is Better in 2001. On this debut release of Feed Them Death, the name of which is No Solution / Dissolution, he performs all the instruments as well as vocals, though he’s joined by guests such as Argento (Spite Extreme Wing D.M., ex-Antropofagus), Christian Montagna (ex-Traitor, ex-Cast Thy Eyes, BUNE, editor of Son of Flies Webzine) and Deimos (Will’o’Wisp).


There’s no fucking around in “Bloodshed Theatre“, just an immediate barrage of battering percussion, gruesome drilling riffs, monstrous roaring, and goblin-like howling. The low morbid tone of the guitar oozes disease and rises in the boiling frenzy of a serial killer on the loose. Fast-jabbing percussive assaults, maniacal drum clattering, and jackhammering body blows contribute rhythmic diversity to this chilling expression of macabre mayhem.


The music deals death, and welcomes it. What a fine way to celebrate Halloween.




It’s been long enough since I’ve covered a straight-up deathgrind band here at the Vault that I don’t remember the last deathgrind band I covered here at the Vault. It was probably the last time I wrote about Handsome Prick, which would have been…at the end of 2017? In other words, it’s been too damn long – something that became obvious the second I hit play on “First Time Dead,” the absolute skullsplitter of a song from one-man UK outfit Feed Them Death that we’re premiering today.


Of course, it doesn’t hurt that the one man in question is Void, founding member and driving force behind the first incarnation of legendary Italian brutal death metallers Antropofagus – so you know the dude knows heavy, and he definitely knows sick. There’s plenty of both on display across the brief and brutal 25 minutes of Feed Them Death’s debut full-length No Solution / Dissolution. Twelve tracks, no filler, no fucks given.


“First Time Dead” leans a little more heavily on the death half of the deathgrind designation – and a putrid, old-school style of death metal at that – before picking up both the pace and the intensity in it’s second half. Three separate voices shout over the cacophony to dizzying effect, and the end comes both suddenly and too soon. Luckily, the song is only an eyelash over two minutes long – compact enough to let it pummel you again…and again…and again…


No Solution / Dissolution will be available on November 8 from Satatath Records, GrimmDistribution, and Exalted Woe Records. Fans of Phobia, Nasum, Terrorizer, and the mighty Napalm Death are going to get on this one post-haste.



Continuo con un altro personaggio che sta in giro dagli anni Novanta. Void, bassista degli Antropofagus negli storici No Waste Of Flesh e Alive is Good… Dead Is Better, da un paio d’anni è tornato a bomba nel panorama estremo. Ricordo i disturbanti Bune nel 2017, assieme a Christian Montagna (Son of Flies Webzine, cantante dei furono Cast Thy Eyes). Forse sapete già che Christian è anche un artista: sua infatti è l’opera in copertina del primo EP, sempre del 2017, del progetto Feed Them Death. Con qualche brano in più e con copertina nuova, è uscito pochi mesi fa il full chiamato No Solution/Dissolution (coprodotto assieme a Exalted Woe Records). Veloce, polposo e ispiratissimo: è il death/grind che preferisco, pieno di sostanza e riffoni, da spararsi nelle orecchie col repeat impostato perché non se ne ha mai abbastanza. Vi rimando alla recensione di 200parole, sempre sul pezzo. Io posso solo aggiungere che è un crimine ignorare un album del genere se solo lontanamente vi piace il metal esteremo. Qua e là ci sono pure alcuni ospiti ad aggiungere pepe alle canzoni, come Argento, Deimos dei Will’O’Wisp e lo stesso Christian Montagna. Che goduria!





Stesso titolo, stesse premesse, stessa capacità di ovviare alla mancanza di una line-up vera e propria grazie all’ispirazione e alla cura nei dettagli su cui si fonda il progetto. Void, primo bassista degli storici death metaller Antropofagus, si riaffaccia sul mercato a distanza di circa un anno dall’EP “No Solution / Dissolution”, questa volta optando per un lavoro sulla ‘lunga’ distanza (25 minuti) che ne svisceri ulteriormente la concezione di death/grind muscolare e vecchio stampo. Una miscela frenetica, a tratti incontenibile, avente come nomi tutelari Misery Index, Nasum, Terrorizer e compagnia rivoltosa, spalmato su una tracklist di dodici brani che mira a fare dell’equilibrio il cardine attorno cui imbastire i propri assalti all’arma bianca. Nessuna novità dal punto di vista stilistico, quindi: il Nostro continua dritto sulla sua strada, senza ripensamenti, forte di un notevole gusto in materia di carneficine-lampo in cui rasoiate parossistiche, continui stop’n’go e virate verso territori groove si susseguono con grande dinamismo e vivacità, potendo contare su una resa sonora assolutamente all’altezza della situazione. Viste la coesione e la compattezza del materiale, il tipico immaginario ‘casalingo’ da one-man band è puntualmente spazzato via, mentre in primo piano scenari di degrado urbano e miseria vengono scanditi da un songwriting che, per quanto derivativo, riesce sempre a farsi segnalare a colpi di riff ferocissimi e cambi di tempo perfettamente studiati. In definitiva, con questo “No Solution / Dissolution” ‘extended version’, i Feed Them Death confermano le buone impressioni suscitate nel 2017 e lanciano ufficialmente il guanto di sfida ai colleghi del circuito grind europeo. Le basi per un solido proseguimento di carriera a questo punto sembrano esserci tutte.





Feed Them Flesh è la creatura di Void, bassista e cantante dei seminali Antropofagus di No Waste Of Flesh ed Alive Is Good… Dead Is Better, qui alle prese con un solo project all’insegna del più feroce death/grind,


Dopo il primo assaggio con l’ep uscito nel 2017 che portava lo stesso titolo, Void torna con una versione più lunga e completa raddoppiando il minutaggio e passando così dalle cinque tracce del precedente lavoro (tutte presenti su questo full length) ad una dozzina di mazzate estreme notevoli.

A parte il contributo di due ospiti come Argento (Spite Extreme Wing, Antropofagus) e Christian Montagna (Preda, Cast Thy Eyes), presenti su due brani, il nostro fa tutto da solo creando un sound vorticoso che prende spunto in egual misura dal death metal e dal grind.

Ne esce un’opera estrema violenta e senza compromessi in cui il songwriting, oltre a risultare costantemente di alto livello, non perde mai la bussola e le varie tracce scorrono via senza intoppi, lasciando sempre una sensazione di orecchiabilità, gradita sicuramente dai fans del genere.

Groove, velocità ed impatto brutale rimangono le armi con cui Void ci attacca al muro, con una forza sovraumana espressa da vere deflagrazioni sonore come Exposed Paradising Dissent o First Time Death.

La sete di violenza in musica degli amanti di queste sonorità viene sicuramente appagata da questo nuovo mostro musicale che, spezzate le catene, vi travolgerà con tutta la sua furia death/grind.





Wir freuen uns, euch in Zusammenarbeit mit Exalted Woe Records und GrimmDistribution das neue Lyricvideo der Deathgrinder FEED THEM DEATH präsentieren zu können. Das Soloprojekt von Void, ehemaliges Gründungsmitglied der italienischen Brutal Death Metaller Antropofagus und inzwischen in London ansässig, hat letzten November sein Debüt “No Solution / Dissolution” veröffentlicht und stellt daraus nun den Song ‘Exposed Parading Dissent’ mit einen Lyricvideo vor. Void kommentiert das Stück wie folgt:


«Der Song ist sehr wichtig für mich, weil er quasi die Vorlage für folgende Songs war. Es war der erste Song, den ich komponiert habe und der letzte, dem ich einen Text gegeben habe, demnach sehe ich ihn als These und Antithese für den gesamten Schreibprozess des ersten Albums. Im Hinblick darauf, etwas direktes, oldschooliges und no-bullshit-mäßiges zu schreiben, hat er die Benchmark gesetzt. Auch der Text ist mir sehr wichtig, es geht darum, wie jede Form von Widerspruch und Dissens unbedeutend und offenkundig geworden ist. Jene, die für sich beanspruchen, gegensätzliche Ansichten zu haben und stolz auf ihren Protest sind, stärken letztlich nur den Status Quo und passen sich ihm an, weil sie nicht in der Lage sind, selber zu denken, sondern nur abgelaufen Inhalte, die ihnen eingetrichtet wurden, um sie harmlos zu machen, wiedergeben.»




J’ai toujours une petite affection pour les formations old school pratiquant un Death/Grind dans sa tendance la plus old school et de préférence crust. Nouveau venu sur la scène extrême, Feed them Death, formé en 2017, a la particularité d’être un one-man-band dont la tête pensante, le dénommé Void (Bune, Rising Bear Flottilla), était également celle d’Antropofagus, qui nous avait sorti en 1999 un album, No Waste of Flesh, sur lequel on se rappellera d’une certaine reprise de “Necrophobic” de Slayer !


Depuis deux ans, le projet aura vu sortir un EP de cinq titres, No Solution/Dissolution, qu’on retrouve sur cette version full length d’à peine vingt-sept minutes réparties sur douze titres d’une violence absolue. Plus teigneux qu’un Deicide, comparaison qu’on peut effectuer de par les deux chants – l’un grave, l’autre plus criard à la façon d’un Glenn Benton bon pour un contrôle antidopage –, Feed them Death nous renvoie à nos chères études en brutalité pour nous rappeler que des formations comme Brutal Truth, Terrorizer, Repulsion, Napalm Death ou Nasum ont su nous apporter notre lot de douceurs il y a maintenant presque trente années de cela… et surtout nous prouve que le genre n’a pas pris une ride !


Avec quelques guests en les personnes d’Argento (Spite extreme Wing D.M., ex-Antropofagus), Christian Montagna (ex-Traitor, ex-Cast Thy Eyes, Bune) (avec qui Void a déjà joué ou joue encore) ou Deimos (Will o’ Wisp) qui viennent pousser quelques gueulantes sur l’album, on se retrouve avec un album d’une pure boucherie qui fracassera bien des tympans et autres cervicales tant en live que lors des écoutes sur format CD ou digital !


Trois, deux, un… headbang that head that doesn’t headbang !!!!




I Feed Them Death sono una one-man band dedita al death/grind dietro alla quale si cela l’italiano Void, ex membro degli Antopofagus. La proposta musicale di questo progetto è un death/grind fortemente legato all’underground e alla vecchia scuola sullo stile degli Exhumed.


Le dodici tracce che compongono No Solution/Dissolution scorrono via abbastanza agevolmente, grazie ad un songwriting solido ed essenziale ed un’esecuzione senza sbavature. La produzione risulta un po’ spartana, comunque sufficiente a garantire la resa del disco. Tuffandoci nell’ascolto incontreremo “Cadavoracity I”, che inizia con atmosfere mefitiche e sferzate di basso assimilabili a rintocchi di morte, poi dopo poco ecco arrivare l’aggressione in-your-face a base di ruvido death/grind primoridiale. In generale tutti i brani seguono questa falsariga proponendo tracce relativamente di breve durata e fortemente legate alla vecchia scuola. In “Bloodshed Theatre” troveremo stop ‘n’ go al fulmicotone ed alcuni mid-tempo rocciosi, mentre in “Terrific Gods Caravan” faremo i conti con un riffing maggiormente elaborato e più death metal-oriented. La doppietta conclusiva composta da “Divide + Conquer” e “Cadavoracity II” ci riporterà alla mente i primi Carcass puntando su up-tempo terremotanti, riff di chitarra e basso decisamente abrasivi, il tutto condito da un growling selvaggio spesso farcito di grida belluine. È bene spendere alcune parole sulla drum machine, programmata sicuramente bene anche se la mancanza di un batterista in carne ed ossa non tarda a farsi sentire dato che alcuni pattern risultano un po’ scialbi e ripetitivi. Stesso discorso si può indirizzare sull’esecuzione vocale, che ben si sposa con gli stilemi del genere, tuttavia a tratti risulta un po’ piatta e potrebbe stancare dopo ripetuti ascolti.


Questi sono aspetti migliorabili sui quali i Feed Them Death hanno buona possibilità di manovra e margini di crescita. In conclusione possiamo definire No Solution/Dissolution un’opera solida seppur non particolarmente personale, decisamente indirizzata verso coloro che si nutrono solitamente di queste sonorità.




Based in London, UK, the one-man-band, Feed Them Death, is here with their newest full-length album, “No Solution/Dissolution”. This album is the complete version of their 2017 EP by the same name, which was also a one-man project headed by Void (Bune, Rising Bear Flotilla). This album was released under Exalted Woe Records and is in a rough middle ground between grindcore and old-school death metal.

Running roughly a half-hour, “No Solution/Dissolution” wastes no time in getting into the action. Right from the intro track ‘Cadavoracity I’, Void leads us into a pit of anger and primal rage – complete with classic vocals, blasting drums, and sick guitars. He follows this up with ‘Exposed Parading Dissent’, three minutes of 90’s throwback death metal. Seriously, this track reminds me of a mixture between Morbid Angel circa “Domination” and early Dying Fetus.


My favorite track, ‘The Horrific Balance’ is an absolute treat. It’s regimented, it’s explosive, and it’s energetic. This track has a mix of higher and lower vocals, varying guitar riffs and tempo, and it just tells a story with both instruments and lyrics. This track is, hands down, an instant classic for me. It is the highlight of everything this album gets right.


That said, I can’t give all my time to ‘The Horrific Balance’. I should also mention ‘Doctrine Of Approximation’ and ‘Divide And Conquer’. ‘Doctrine Of Approximation’ is a faster paced, more technical sounding piece. It focuses less on the vocals, but it showcases Void’s guitar playing and drumming incredibly well. I tell you, this man can make a drumbeat sound like a machine gun. For ‘Divide And Conquer’, it really reminds me of Dying Fetus. Its got the aggression, the speed, the playing prowess too – and the breakdown in the middle will smash your face in.


I love its throwback style, but the 90s were still twenty years ago – that style has been done well and is well done. That said, this album is definitely worth a listen. This piece is worthy of your full attention, but you don’t lose much if you throw it on in the background. Here’s to Void, Feed Them Death, and more throwback metal!




Alright, you want to get severely punished and beaten 'til your ears start bleeding? Well, then try this. Feed Them Death is a one-man grinding death metal crusade from London, England, run by a fellow named Void. He describes his stuff as follows: "This is old school death/grindcore, recorded and executed as if it was still the fucking 90s". That basically everything about his debut album, No Solution/Dissolution.


Twelve songs in +25 minutes are on offer, and Void's grinding death metal torpedoes are basically hit-or-miss. Either you like this stuff, or you dump it after hearing the first 5-10 seconds. One can hear glimpses of later era Napalm Death, Rotten Sound, Cannibal Corpse etc. in the band's nobody-will-be-spared type of devastating sound. As you can expect, grindcore never has a tendency to sound slow, but then, on the other hand, you cannot find any blast beat ridden mayhem here either. I really like the bass' sound on the top of the mix. It's clear and it can be heard throughout the album.




Last week I was sent a newer release by Dave Wolff. I listened to the music, but did not get a chance to write a review until now. Today, I am listening to ''No Solution/Dissolution'' by FEED THEM DEATH for the second time, and to be honest, I am enjoying it even more than my first play through. FEED THEM DEATH is ''Void'' on guitars, bass, vocals, and drum programming, though he has made a handful of collaborations on this album. The vocals range from deep gutturals to higher pitched shrieks and wailing vocalizations, the guitar work being more than ''on par''. My speakers are not the best on my laptop, so I cannot pick out the bass with full clarity. This is not a fault of Void, merely a case of me needing external speakers. Still, what I can hear is played very well. The drums are vicious, pushing forward with a violent onslaught of blast beats and other delectable styles of percussion. This is the first offering of FEED THEM DEATH, so having this knowledge allows for the assumption that this guy will continue to put out great music. This release is fantastic, even more so for a first attempt. As stated on Bandcamp, this is ''New chaos from the old depths of extreme music. No intros, no outros, no solos, no bullshit. This is just pure fucking Death–Grind. A must for fans of Terrorizer, Brutal Truth, Napalm Death, Phobia, Nasum and Misery Index.'' Featuring twelve stunning tracks, I highly suggest checking out this musical abomination... I mean that in a good way, of course. Great job, Void and friends!




Армагеддон заказывали? Он уже здесь!

В настоящий момент - это уже британский проект одного человека Void – все инструменты, вокалы. Этот музыкант играет еще в Bune, Rising Bear Flottilla, и когда-то не так давно исполнял в итальянской группе Antropofagus. Там пять лет оттрубил, набирался опыта. И вот сейчас в Лондоне. Зачем, почему? - нам это неизвестно.

Уж на что Antropofagus играл брутал дэт, так нынешний проект Воида исполняет вдохновенно Death Metal/Grindcore, а это сами понимаете, музыка особенно настроенная на дестракшн, на разрушение - иными словами говоря. В 17-ом году издана эпишка под таким же названием - только покороче по времени. И что-то подсказывает мне, что та эпишка со своими трэками здесь внутри утрамбована.

Вот тебе и итальянский музыкант. В Италии тоже разные музыканты бывают. И тема дэт-грайнда им тоже интересна и раскрыть ее они могут с большим потенциалом. Во всяком случае Воид на такое способен. У него там еще три вокалиста подтянуты на три трэка, но сами понимаете, это только небольшие красные сливки с этого мощного, изуверски сильного альбома FEED THEM DEATH. В одном месте я уж подумал: вот наверно приглашенный — First time dead – ага . там ночевал, это сам Воид, оказывается организует суб-вокалы, причем оригинальные и злобные.

А в остальном - все сам. И доложу вам камераден, что этот музыкант не просто дэтовый боец металлического фронта, а сам может заменить целое отделение на передовой. All music written, arranged and performed by Feed Them Death.

В известном смысле Воид делает всеразрушающий экскурс в олдовые времена, к старошкольному пониманию дэт-грайнда. Композер раскрыл свои таланты в создании плотного звука, скрепного звучания инструментов и прессинге эмоциональных неординарных состояний.

Все это заботливо и тщательно упаковывается в один заряд и выстреливается из большого артиллерийского орудия. А когда прилетает с реального диска, то - ловите игрушки..., мне кажется, что реальный диск или максимально высокое качество с бандкампа будет в помощь меломану, увлеченному бруталитетом.

Doctrine Of Approximation — в галопирующем темпе начинается компо, и вскоре вокаллер начинает доставать публику своими двумя ножеточными голосами, внедряя их в бетон инструментальной поддержки как опорную арматуру. Самый большой эффект музыки FEED THEM DEATH и каждого отельного трэка — все связано-завязано в итоге очень монолитно и искусно.

Почему-то иным людям кажется, что в высоком качестве нужно слушать симфонии. Куда там! Наоборот, не очень сложную композицию в исполнении симфонического оркестра можно прогнать в 320 кбпс на ура!, и все будет слышно, все инструменты. А вот именно такой тугой закрученный саунд, как делает FEED THEM DEATH, нужно слушать в максимальном качестве, ибо динамический диапазон достаточно широк, а уровень громкости всех инструментов (гхм!) хороший (дэт-грайнд все-таки), частотка от 50 гц (может и ниже) и до 23 кгц (это - что у меня показывает великолепный foobar2000).

Но что-то я погряз в технических деталях. Право, это приятно фиксировать, когда у тебя лупит такое чудо - кстати саунд-инжиниринг проведен на достойном уровне. И все экстатические тяжеленные волны звука и их детали отображены на компакте просто шикарно.

Совместный релиз с Exalted Woe (США). 8-страничный буклет, само собой пит-арт.




Une sortie de chez Grimm Distribution, il y avait un petit moment que nous n’en avions évoqué dans nos pages et pour l’album en question, le label s’est allié à Exalted Woe Records.


Concernant le groupe, nous avons à faire à un one man band basé en Angleterre Feed Them Death formé par un ancien membre d’Antropofagus qui déjà ne proposait pas dans la dentelle.


Car sur les 12 titres proposés (dont une intro et une outro), c’est un grind/death brutal et bestial qui est offert dans la plus pure des traditions.


Blasts à gogo et mélodies assassines font bon office, et vocalement le chant hurlé et furieux s’associe aisément à un chant guttural bien death.


La brutalité s’exécute déjà dès l ‘intro avec la rythmique qui mitraille, pas mal de breaks accentuent le côté hystérique de l’oeuvre. Les chants eux se disputent férocement le bout de gras et du gras, il y en a.


Les mélodies sont agressives et s’enchaînent naturellement dans la pratique du massacre.


L’ensemble est balancé directement sans détour et le death grind est puissant.


On appréciera pleinement un titre comme « Terrific Gods Caravan » qui démarre presque, par rapport au reste de l’album, en mid tempo avec les vocaux parlés avant de repartir dans une vélocité de riffs violents, une double pédale qui se démène puis les variations de chant grassement vociférées.


« Penance In The Wrong Direction » est aussi bien fournie en matière d’alternance dans la violence. Entre les passages ou la double assomme et ceux plus lourds où les riffs tranchent puis ce chant aigu qui ici accentue pas mal le côté éraillé, nous avons ici encore une bonne forme de démence plaisante.


L’album laissera pour sûr des traces et il sera sans doute apprécié des amateurs de formations comme Terrorizer ou Brutal Truth (avec un côté death plus prononcé).


Encore une bonne bande son à se mettre après une journée peu reluisante ! Fort !




El 8 de noviembre de 2018, la One Man Band de Death Grind FEED THEM DEATH editó mediante el sello Exalted Woe Records su primer L.P «No Solution / Dissolution».


El artífice del proyecto, y encargado de todos los instrumentos y las voces, no es otro que Void.


Por el amor de Odín, como disfruto con propuestas así. Agresión sónica en estado puro, sin florituras ni elementos innecesarios. La velocidad es una constante en unas tonadas que no dejan un solo segundo de respiro. Por supuesto, y a pesar de lo breves que son todas y cada una de ellas, la cantidad de giros que exhiben son dignos de ovación. Desde luego, no creo que ningún fanático de la vieja guardia del género mencionado algo más arriba ponga la más mínima pega. Por otro lado, otro gran punto a favor y a pesar de ser… digamos un monstruo controlado por un solo hombre, ha sido la producción. Os aseguro que el disco suena completamente real y orgánico. Da gusto cuando la gente se dedica a aprender a tocar instrumentos en vez de lanzar samplers de emulación.


El recurso más usado en las seis cuerdas, sin duda es el tremolo picking más siniestro. También degustaréis riffs fluidos, muteados e instantes Hardcore a la antigua usanza. Este hombre tiene unas buenas cuerdas vocales. Lo mismo os revienta con guturales agudos rasgados que con growls bajos y letales. ¿Hay clean vocals violentas? Sí, en «Terrific Gods Caravan». Curiosamente, las cuatro cuerdas no pasan completamente desapercibidas. Si no me creéis, poneos «Exposed Parading Dissent», que se os van a caer los palos del sombrajo. ¿Cómo van los tambores? Pues como era de esperar a la velocidad de la luz. Que no falten los «golpes relámpago» y los up tempos.


¿Temas a destacar? Para mí todos, pero puestos a elegir, la mencionada con anterioridad «Exposed Parading Dissent» me ha dejado k.o.


Si lo que buscáis son emociones fuertes, FEED THEM DEATH os dará más de las que podáis soportar.




Strong elements of Suffocation rub shoulders with bits of Malevolent Creation and bobs of Necrophobic in this grindcore-leaning (more lyrically and in terms of short tracks than anything further) death metal act out of London.


Ah, Merrie Olde London. Gee, hope they didn’t have to pay all those congestion rates just to get to the damn studio! Not to mention being tailed by camera everywhere you walk…yeesh!


Anyway, bottom line here, it’s a lot of buzzing bee guitars with those “brutal death” punch in the mouth rhythms, but more death metal proper than either “brutal” or “grindcore” implies.


Not exciting to these ears, but it breaks the established molds, so I didn’t mind it, either.




Crushing full speed ahead death/grindcore is what waiting you on Feed Them Death's debut full-length material. Void (all instruments & vocals) the sole composer of the twelve-chapter assault labeled as "No Solution/Dissolution" has a very strict vision towards how his repertory should be built up and sound. Thus he managed to come maximally close to the 90s attitude and to record his songs with that kind of exceptional mood. The 25 and half minutes long CD turned out to be purely devastating! It is uncompromising and extreme to the core! The album features a few guest vocalists like Argento (Spite Extreme Wing D.M., ex-Antropofagus), Christian Montagna (ex-Traitor, ex-Cast Thy Eyes, Bune) and Deimos (Will'o'Wisp). All of them did a great job by adding a merciless dose of brutality there. There are no intros, no outros, no solos! This stuff is about the pure fucking brutality of death metal & grindcore. A must for fans of Terrorizer, Brutal Truth, Napalm Death, Phobia, Nasum and Misery Index. If you claim to be a diehard old school death/grind fan, then go straight ahead and order this piece of extreme art right away! The solution is simple and it's called Feed Them Death!!!




VERDIKT: Death i grind krásně pospolu a moc jim to sluší...

K pitvání No Solution / Dissolution mě nalákala přítomnost představitele Feed Them Death, multiinstrumentalisty Voida. Tento řízek skoro před dvaceti lety rozjížděl slibnou brutal deathovou řezničinu Antropofagus, kde prvních pět let působil v roli řvoucího basáka. Kapela se poté rozpadla a před pár lety dala znovu do kupy. Už ale bez Voida. Ten se naráz objevil ve třech projektech. V experimentálních Rising Bear Flottilla, ještě experimentálnějších Bune a recenzovaném Feed Them Death, což je brutální mix deathu s grindem.





Grindová řezba v podání Feed Them Death mi dává vzpomenout na dávné časy, kdy se mi tento styl líbil. Hehe. Nechci tady liskat pojmy, které znají i babičky v kostele. O tom, co hrají (li) Napalm Death, Terrorizer či Nasum si cvrlikají i vrabci na střeše. Je hloupé, že já v tomto stylu zamrzl kdesi kdysi a k zprofanovaným jménům jsem schopen přihodit jedno dvě jména a hotovo. Když už se mi nějaké novější grindové album deathového charakteru dostalo do rukou, většinou mě nebavilo, nebo jsem na ně časem zapomněl. Na Feed Them Death asi taky zapomenu, ale přiznávám, že od prvního seznámení je to přitažlivost jak řemen.




Void se s ničím nepáře. Nahrne do nás své vize hlava nehlava. Zhostil se všech nástrojů i většiny vokálů (plus hosté) a na to, že se jedná o one-man projekt, nezní fošna vůbec blbě. Jak nástrojovka, tak řevy, vše je velice příjemně rozmanité. Je vidět, že je původně basák, protože i tento instrument funguje skvěle. Palcová technika se mísí s trsátkovou, pumpuje, přitvrzuje sound, i rozvíjí ostrou hru divokých kytar. Nechci ze sebe dělat blázna a tvrdit, že poznám bicí automat nebo živou hru. Ať tak či tak, bubny jsou vymyšlené dobře. Nejsou pouze nasypané, ale dočkáme se přechodů a změn tempa do aleluja! Je vidět, že i pěvecky to pánovi myslí a řve hlas přes hlas. Hluboký growl i křičený řev… Moc pěkný!







Základ stylu Feed Them Death netvoří death nebo grind. Jsou to oba styly, co zde spolu krásně koexistují. Brutalita soundu i patřičná porce vzteku je rozmělněna ďábelským nadšením starého mazáka, který po letech dostal chuť si opět pořádně zablbnout. No Solution / Dissolution je přímočará pětadvacetiminutová jízda, která si na nic nehraje. Feed Them Death nemá tendence si hrát na revoluci. Chce pouze posluchači urvat hlavu. A to se mu podle mého názoru na No Solution / Dissolution opravdu povedlo. Nic víc ani nic míň!




Feed Them Death resgata muito daquela insanidade dos anos 80/90 na área do Grindcore/Death Metal de bandas como Napalm Death,Terrorizer, Brutal Truth, Cannibal Corpse,  Phobia, Nausea, entre muitos outros,só que com muita personalidade, como uma sonoridade própria.





Esse álbum é com certeza é um dos mais intensos, insanos, desesperadores dos últimos anos, é uma experiência única sua audição.


Tudo aqui é muito Brutal, rápido e sem frescuras, altamente recomendável pra quem sente falta daquele grindcore que chega muito próximo do death metal que era praticado lá na melhor década do estilo, os anos 90!





Debiutancki krążek jednoosobowego projektu Feed Them Death ma już dwa lata i dorobił się także następcy, ale mimo opóźnienia poświęcę kilka słów na jego temat. Album nosi tytuł No Solution/Dissilution i wypuszczony został z logiem Exalted Woe Records przy wsparciu Grimm Distribution i Satanath Records, trwa niecałe 30 minut i jest w tym czasie w stanie wbić się w podświadomość.


Bez zbędnego owijania w bawełnę stwierdzam, iż jest to krążek z gatunku „love it, or hate it”. Twórca tej muzyki kryje się pod pseudonimem Void i z premedytacją celuje do konkretnej grupy odbiorców. Nie ma tu mowy o jakiejś koniunkturze, modzie czy komercyjnych zakusach. Mamy do czynienia z dosyć obleśnym, prostolinijnym death metalem, który momentami zahacza o grindcore spod znaku starego Napalm Death czy Lock Up. Riffy chwilami bardzo mogą się kojarzyć z załogami Shane’a Embury, a że tempa dominujące na płycie należą do szybkich, to nie znajdziemy tu za wiele miejsca na oddech. Płyta posiada jakby duszny klimat, brzmienie wykręcone w Twilight Studio wypycha powietrze z pomieszczeń, gdzie wybrzmiewa Feed Theam Death i szczerze nie jestem w stanie ocenić, czy to dobrze, czy źle. Muzyka jest napisana, nagrana i zmiksowana w sposób dosyć chaotyczny. Mnogość ścieżek nałożonych na siebie jest spora, w połączeniu z ekstremalnym charakterem utworów czasami męczy, a na pewno utrudnia wyłapanie wszystkich niuansów. Wiele dobrych riffów ginie gdzieś w odmętach ogólnego hałasu, i gdyby to ode mnie zależało, to bym trochę „odchudził” sam miks.


Poza tym minusem raczej nie ma do czego się przyczepić. Młócka prowadzona jest bezlitośnie, bez oglądania się na trendy, za to z poważnym ukłonem do lat 90. (choć brzmienie płyty raczej utrzymuje standardy nowoczesnych, silnie zdigitalizowanych produkcji). Utwory od początku do końca nastawione są na parcie do przodu i raczej rzadko spotkamy się ze zwolnieniami, niecałe pół godziny trwania płyty mija szybko, aczkolwiek przez wspomniany ładunek nojzu niekiedy nuży i będę do No Solution/Dissolution wracał tylko w momentach, gdy będę pewny, iż mam chęć na kontakt z totalnym zniszczeniem, a co ważne po rozliczeniu się z tym materiałem wreszcie mogę z czystym sumieniem wziąć się za wydany w kwietniu Panopticism: Belong/Be Lost.




Just recently I received this album, released in November 2018, but it should not prevent me for giving it a couple of spins. First a few words about the band, one-man act named Feed Them Death. He call himself ‘Void’ and he’s responsible for guitars, bass, vocals, and drum programming, though he has made a handful of collaborations on this particular release. His latest album is the complete version of his 2017 EP by the same name, No Solution/Dissolution.


No Solution/Dissolution consists of 12 tracks (running about half-hour) that are in a rough middle ground between grind-core and old-school death metal. The vocals range from deep gutturals to higher pitched shrieks. The guitar and bass work are more than just decent as there is this old school brutality within his guitar/bass work that appeals to me. Initially, prior to listening to this record, I was worried what to expect from drums, but I must admit that the drum programming generally avoids sounding mechanized – which is obviously a very good thing. Thus, the drums are really vicious, violent and an assault of blast beats.


Briefly I’ll mention here a couple of my favorite tracks off the No Solution/Dissolution. The opening intro track “Cadavoracity I” will please all the fans of grind-core and the likes of Napalm Death, being an anger and raging opener with classic vocals, the aforementioned blasting drums and vicious guitars. Apart from this I find “The Horrific Balance” to be the highlight of this record with varying riffs, a mix of higher and lower vocals and interesting lyrics and song-writing.


Finally I’ll also mention “Divine And Conquer”, a track that is more a throwback to the 90s death metal and the likes of Dying Fetus. It’s aggressive, speedy and with numerous breakdowns and tempo shifts.


No Solution/Dissolution, which also includes 8-page booklet, is definitely worth a listen – a must for fans of Terrorizer, Brutal Truth, Napalm Death, Phobia, Nasum, Misery Index and similar socio-political and no nonsense death/grind giants.




It might seem strange to review an album from 2018 when there is both a 2020 and 2021 album out as well as a 2020 EP but you gotta start somewhere. And I’ll start with the 2018 album and work my way up if I like what I hear on this one. As I hadn’t any expectations on this I could approach it with a clean slate. I am no greater fan of grindcore but to my ears this is grindcore with a slight death metal vibe. I don’t usually like grindcore, for example I only like one side of Napalm Death’s “Scum” album but this wasn’t too bad. Nothing I will play continuously but I am glad that I got to hear it.

