Reviews: 030GD
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A twenty-year gestation produces an unusually long wait for a new musical offspring, but in the case of Forbidden Rites it has produced some unusually good new music, rooted in the era when the early seed was planted but benefitting from the passage of time as well.
Under a different name, the band was first begun in 1996 by Mexican guitarists Carlos Martinez and Raúl Campos and drummer Hugo Olivos (Vomitile, ex-Inhearted), but two decades would pass before the band came back to life, this time joined by longtime friend Vlad Marin (ex-Xiuhtecuhtli) on vocals and bass. The results of their collaboration are encompassed by a debut album of black/death metal named Pantheon Arcanum, and in the run-up to its release by GrimmDistribution on November 7th, we’re premiering a track named “Judgement“.
GrimmDistribution recommends Pantheon Arcanum for fans of Dissection, Sacramentum, Lord Belial, and Necrophobic — and you’ll understand why when you hear “Judgement”.
The music here is a changing experience. At first it’s high-speed and white-hot, an alternating sequence of blazing riffs over a bubbling bass and battering percussion, and more bleak but still seething guitars accompanied by a less brutalizing drum rhythm. The song’s savagery is amplified by the kind of livid, barbaric vocals that conjure visions of a fanged nightmare coming for your throat. After a bridge, the music accelerates even further in an episode of jet-fast drum blasting and soaring guitar mania.
But the band make a further change, in which the music becomes morbid and melancholy before surging again, only to subside again into a gloomy, rhythmically lurching movement, which leads into an eerie instrumental finale in which bewitching crystalline guitar notes ring out over a deep, craggy bass line and skull-busting drums.
Drums for the album, which will be released in a jewel-case CD edition with an 8-page booklet, were recorded at Steel Fortress Studio in Nicosia (Cyprus), and guitars, bass, and vocals were recorded at Sound Village Studio in Toluca (Mexico). The album was mixed at Sound Village Studio and mastered in Germany by Andy Classen (Rotting Christ, Asphyx, Krisiun) at Stage One Studios.
The lyrics for the songs were drawn from the letters of Alonso Guzman (a well-known Mexican writer and a longtime friend of the band) and Sergio Campos. The cover art was created by Riaj Gragoth at Luciferium War Graphics.
Me ha llegado un cd de una banda mexicana subteterranea, desconozco de sus anteriores trabajos, investigando un poco mas resulta que Forbidden Rites se habian mantenido durante 20 años en silencio y decidieron reformular la agrupacion. "Pantheon Arcanum" es el resultado, musicalmente ellos toman de la sangre del metal de culto sueco Dissection, Necrophobic, Sacramentum, las canciones llevan un mismo registro se hace muy audible al oyente del metal y donde puedes soportar facilmente la mas de media hora que corresponde el album, las canciones tambien siguen una linea muy similar un atras otra, con Death Metal con rasgos de Black en buena forma, no suenan a metal de culto pero si frescos y con la suficiente distorsion en las guitarras que nos gustan, la voces son desgarradoras y carrasposas y hay partes de bateria realmente rapidas y de intensidad sin perder la melodia, tienen tambien un aire oscuro que expande su aura, no se donde estaban metida esta gente pero son realmente buenos en lo que hacen y lo que trasmiten lo hacen de excelente forma. Hay canciones donde se percibe una tematica ritualistica, no es un disco facil de escuchar apesar de que a simple escucha pareciera decir todo lo contrario. El disco fue grabado en diferentes locaciones, las baterias en Steel Fortress Studio, las guitarras y el bajo en los Sound Village Studio en Toluca Mexico, la masterizacion fue en Alemania por Andy Classen (Rotting Christ, Asphyx, Krisiun) en los Stage One Studios en 2018 el Art Work es de Riaj Gragoth de Luciferium War Graphics. Si te sientes identificado con material hecho no para complacer sino para contemplar y escuchar un mensaje que te diga algo sino sigue consumiendo la basura que te pongan.
Le destin est un drôle de personnage qui pose des événements et des personnes sur votre chemin quand il le décide, c'est lui le patron. Le premier album de Forbidden Rites n'aurait pu jamais voir le jour, sauf que le destin en a décidé autrement, il a décidé que celui-ci sortirait en 2018, pas avant pas, pas après. Cette précision est importante puisque les Mexicains ont eu une première vie à la fin des années 90, sans que rien de concret ne voit le jour, hormis quelques répétions. Mais la passion ne s'éteint pas comme ça, elle peut bruler des années au fond de vous pour un jour enfin se matérialiser. Pour Forbidden Rites c'est maintenant et c'est avec « Pantheon Arcanum », un album de Black / Death orienté old school comme on faisait jadis.
De l'eau aura coulé sous les ponts avec que « Pantheon Arcanum » ne sorte, mais il faut parfois être patient et laisser le destin s'occuper de tout. Forbidden Rites aurait pu s'arrêter il y a bien longtemps mais l'amour du Metal et surtout l'envie de l'exprimer a été plus forte que tout. Plus de 20 ans après leurs premières répétitions, les Mexicains balancent enfin leur premier album, d'un sens on ne peut qu'être admiratif devant cette belle histoire, quoi de plus beau que de concrétiser un rêve d'ado ? Pas grand chose. « Pantheon Arcanum » est un opus de Black / Death relativement old school qui met en exergue certains codes utilisés durant les années 80 et 90. Un son raw ('Slavery Before the Soma'), un riffing simple et efficace ('Judgement'), ainsi qu'une ambiance glaçante très occulte rappelant le froid norvégien ('We Are Your Sinister'). Pour sûr, on reconnait bien ici les influences de Forbidden Rites, et elles se situent du côté de chez nous, vers le territoire scandinave qui est une vraie source d'inspiration pour les amateurs de sensations extrêmes de tous pays. S'il est vrai que Forbidden Rites n'épate pas par sa prise de risque, on peut tout de même leur rendre justice et avouer que leur musique brille par cet aspect old school bien digéré qui ne tombe jamais dans le cliché. Le sublime 'Now That the Moon Illuminates the Remains' parle de lui-même, petite intro faite en arpèges, variations de tempo, leads guitares solides et vocaux de possédés, le côté épique est absolument génial et provoque de nombreux frissons. Les yeux fermés ont jurerait écouter un titre fait à la fin du siècle dernier tellement la production est bonne. 'The Defeat of Man by Man' provoque un effet similaire avec une touche Death Metal plus prononcée, tout comme l'excellent 'The Hope of the Abandoned Planet' dont l'attaque des riffs est d'une violence absolue.
Quelque soit le temps que cela peut prendre, chacun à droit à sa part de lumière, Forbidden Rites la vit aujourd'hui avec « Pantheon Arcanum » et nous rappelle que rien n'est joué d'avance, que parfois le destin nous réserve de jolies surprises. 41 minutes d'un Black / Death old school d'excellente facture, et une histoire peu commune, voici de quoi est fait « Pantheon Arcanum », il est plus que recommandé de jeter une oreille dessus, ça tombe bien, on vous laisse un titre après ces quelques mots.
La prima incarnazione dei Forbidden Rites risale all'ormai lontano 1996 quando i membri del gruppo si riunivano per dare vita ad un progetto di musica estrema.
Solo nel 2017, tuttavia, i quattro, a discapito della lontananza geografica che vedeva tre elementi in Messico ed un quarto a Cipro, riuscivano a dare concretezza alle proprie idee scrivendo le canzoni che poi sarebbero finite su "Pantheon Arcanum", esordio per il gruppo.
Questa breve storia ci serve per meglio capire cosa suonano i Nostri dal momento che la loro proposta non è certo "moderna".
"Pantheon Arcanum" è, infatti, un album che paga un dazio pesantissimo al black/death metal melodico di scuola svedese e che ha in gruppi come Dissection, Dawn e Sacramentum i propri, evidentissimi, punti di riferimento.
I Forbidden Rites sono letteralmente stati stregati da quel suono così misterioso, così oscuro e così melodico che i gruppi appena citati hanno contribuito a rendere indimenticabile e ci offrono, dunque, la loro personale interpretazione di quelle atmosfere fredde, evocative e devote al maligno che i grandi capolavori degli anni '90 usciti in terra svedese hanno già consegnato alla storia.
I Forbidden Rites si limitano a percorrere terreni già ampiamente battuti ma lo fanno per mezzo di una manciata di brani di certo ispirati, suonati e prodotti bene, che riescono, tra sulfurei rallentamenti ed improvvise accelerazioni, a far rivivere la magia di un suono che, evidentemente, non smette di esercitare il suo fascino anche in zone del nostro pianeta tanto lontane dalla madre patria Svezia.
Risulta difficile aggiungere altro su un disco come "Pantheon Arcanum": se avete amato album come "Nær Sólen Gar Niþer for Vvogher", "Far Away from the Sun" o l'immortale "Storm of the Light's Bane" saprete bene cosa aspettarvi dai Nostri e se, invece, non li conoscete, beh di certo avete sbagliato portale!
Se, dunque, come il sottoscritto siete dei nostalgici e se, soprattutto, amate la musica estrema ricca di melodia e di fascino dovete dare un ascolto a questo album e infischiarvene della sua mancanza di originalità perché la qualità, che poi è l'unica cosa che dovrebbe contare, qui è garantita al 666%.
“Pantheon Arcanum” comincia come dovrebbe cominciare ogni album death che si rispetti, ossia con una stecca di energia giù per la schiena, così tanto per non saper né leggere né scrivere. Le strutture ritmiche, serrate e possenti, fanno venire subito alla mente i compianti Dissection, omaggiati in questo caso anche dal cantato, simile nel gruppo messicano/cipriota. Il death proposto è imbastardito con del black violento e veloce, musica che non lascia scampo all’ascoltatore. I riff si trascinano l’un l’altro tortuosi e sinuosi, simili a una testa di Medusa e altrettanto cattivi. Per non parlare della parte ritmica, capace di raggiungere considerevoli velocità senza cadere nel suono becero e incauto di certe produzioni. No, qui si fa musica precisa e pulita, capace di livelli tecnici piuttosto alti, testimoni di una maturità compositiva che non lascia indifferenti. In fin dei conti il gruppo di cui stiamo parlando, al di là che questo sia il disco di debutto, ha una carriera di oltre due decadi alle spalle. In questo album, a conti fatti, nulla è lasciato al caso e nulla lascerà l’ascoltatore indifferente. Una buona occasione per ascoltare una seria eredità dei Dissection, portata avanti con attitudine e coscienza. Da Provare, assolutamente.
Coming directly from Toluca, Mexico, this blackdeath metal band consist of Vlad Marin on vocals and bass, Juan Carlos Martinez on guitar, Raul Capos on guitar and Hugo Olivos on drums. Mainly influenced by Necrophobic, Dissection, Satyricon and Emperor. Musically resembling early 90s Scandinavian metal, the band released their first album called ‘’Pantheon Arcanum’’ in November 2018. Forbidden Rites has existed since 2017 but the four band members have known each other since the 90s. At an early age guitarist Raul Campos was introduced to metal by his father who listened to Black Sabbath, Judas Priest and Iron Maiden. Little by little he got into metal and got interested in the subgenres like death and black metal. Playing the guitar for a little over 20 years, he uses BC Rich, Jackson and ESP. When playing live he uses Blackstar and Marshall amps and uses the Blackstar pedal for the metal sound effect.
On the album, Pantheon Arcanum, there is an instrumental track called ‘’Arcane Initiation’’ on which he uses acoustic guitar and some keyboards. Nothing like Mariachis here, but more like a movie soundtrack. This song is quite different from the rest of the album where 8 songs are more like the death/black metal sound. Forbidden Rites are aggressive and fast. The vocals from Vlad Marin are indeed very much like in the death metal genre where the harsh growls are imminent. The band states that their music is always made with the purpose of provoking different sensations in people. They seek that the music communicate a feeling in you that you can take with you somewhere in a trance, not just headbanging. The Pantheon Arcanum meaning is also well described by Raul Campos like Pantheon is the place where all the gods dwell and Arcanum refers to the most hidden knowledge. The album theme also refers to accessing other dimensional beings that some call deities, other demons, or any other entities.
As the cover portrays a dozen men entering a temple on a stormy weather day, Raul describes the cover as secret societies where occult meetings are held in ancient times when they were located in the forest far from the masses and the curious. Forbidden Rites is signed with the label Satanath Records from Russia and Grimm Distribution from Ukraine. The lyrics were written by Alonzo Guzman, a well known Mexican writer and a longtime friend of the band and Sergio Campos. Taking the lyrics of ‘’The Hope of the Abandoned Planet’’, Forbidden Rites sing about the Nibiru planet: ‘’Few remembered the name of the creators, and Nibiru became a hollow word...’’ This is where Forbidden Rites shouts out that secret societies might play a big part in the knowledge of such unexplained theories or conspiracy theories. On the song ‘’Judgement’’ the lyrics call ‘’Frantic you look in the mirror and in the reflex you find the face of a handicapped Beelzebub.” Here Beelzebub is sometimes another name for The Devil similar to Satan and he is known in demonology as one of The Seven Princes of Hell. Beelzebub was even capable of flying! Obviously a lot of research has been done for the lyrics to find Satanic themes. This song incorporates the acoustic guitar and the sound of burning fire in the end which describes both Sodom and Gomorrah well and also the two neighboring cities consumed by fire in ancient history. What a great surprise from Mexico! Hopefully in the near future they will tour The U.S. and Canada!
Viva Mexico und Zypern! Heute gehts ins sonnige Mittelamerika zu den finsteren Forbidden Rites, deren Drummer mittlerweile auf Zypern lebt und die mit „Pantheon Arcanum“ im November ihr erstes Album auf die Menschheit losgelassen haben auf dem das Quartett grimmig kühlen Black Metal und ein ziemlich interessantes Artwork für die hungrige Meute bereit hält.
Mit seinen 9 Songs füllt „Pantheon Arcanum“ eine gute dreiviertel Stunde mit kühler Finsternis. Musikalisch präsentieren die Jungs modernen Black Metal mit stattlicher Produktion, die für meinen Geschmack vielleicht etwas zu klar ist, aber dem melodischen, drückenden Gesamtpaket der Band doch ganz gut zu Gesicht steht. Denn statt auf stupides Geknüppel und rumpelnde Schwärze setzt die Band mehr auf saftige Riffs, packende Melodien und ein gute Portion an kühler Atmosphäre. Damit orientieren sich die Mexikaner vorwiegend an der schwedischen Spielweise und packen das ist ordentliches Songwriting und spielerischen Können. Denn was die Jungs hier runterzocken klingt organisch, hat keine Gedankensprünge und etliche richtig packende Riffs, die von Base-Drum-Dauerfeuer, ein paar Blasts und einem Hauch Bass unterstützt werden. Immer wieder verstecken sich spielerisch anspruchsvolle Rhythmen im Sound der Jungs, die dem Drummer wie dem Hörer ganz schön einheizen und etwas Abwechslung bringen, die auch von den sägenden Riffs durch einige Spielereien aufrecht erhalten wird. Hier und da wir innegehalten nur um kurz darauf wieder voll durchzustarten und ein paar akustische Intros lassen eine „besinnlichere“ Stimmung aufkommen. Also Sahnehäubchen auf dem durchweg geilen Instrumentalpart, gibt es grimmige, verhallte Screams durch die das ganze Ding noch ein gutes Stück frostiger wird und dem okkulten, mysteriösen der Lyrics mit einem Twist weitere Tiefe verleiht und die Themen mit in den Sound einbettet.
Wer moderneren Black Metal mit einer ziemlich stattlichen, fetten Produktion im schwedischen Stil bevorzugt und dabei interessanten Riffs und einer kühlen Brise nicht abgeneigt ist, der sollte sich die Truppe auf den Zettel schreiben und in ihr Debüt reinhören. Für ein erstes Lebenszeichen ist das weit mehr als nur beachtenswert und ich denke, da wird noch einiges folgen! Also checkt Forbidden Rites und „Pantheon Arcanum„.
Ao primeiro trabalho, os mexicanos Forbidden Rites apresentam-nos um trabalho equilibrado de death/black metal. Equilibrado e de certa forma nostálgico que parece ter sido registado numa outra época da música extrema. De qualquer forma, com uma produção bem poderosa, boa capacidade melódica sem desvirtuar o seu lado mais extremo, este é um trabalho muito bem conseguido, mesmo que no geral não consiga surpreender.
Мексикано-киприотская формация. Нечасто такое встретишь(1). Ребята как-то познакомились, видимо на каком-то ультра-брутальном фесте и решили замутить мощный дэт-блэковый проект. Почувствовали перспективу и возможности. Дали по-полной и записали первый альбом. Причем ломанули в направлении олдскул материала. Что сказалось в общей атмосфере FORBIDDEN RITES, расстановке акцентов в саунде.
В целом, самый главный среди иных основательных движителей проекта это вокалист Влад Марин. Он мексиканец, на всякий случай скажу. Обладатель мощного и вариативного голоса, типа воплей лавкрафтовских легендарных созданий, которые заставляли умирать окружающее в радиусе мили. Марин очень непосредственен в отработке, свободно интонирует, и поет в гроулинге, словно ему это то же самое, как переговорить по телефону. Скажу более, он ведет свои партии, так будто поет профессиональный певец в драматическом музыкальном произведении, но только экстранормальным вокалом. Не часто встретишь такое(2). Это откладывает сильный отпечаток на весь альбом FORBIDDEN RITES, и общую его музыкальную концепцию.
В инструментальном плане ансамбль создает объемные и плотные композиции - одна за другой — 9 в итоге, где конечно ритм-секция злобится, но вполне линейна в целом - без лишних брейков и переломов конечностей. Но есть где развернуться и остальным членам экипажа. А Влад Марин, не забывайте, на басу ломает хляби небесные, инфразвуком вызывая гром и молнии.
Два гитариста борются за свое место в эфире, но мне кажется, каждому из них определена своя полка, свой слой... пусть так, но композер практически не оставил ни какого просвета в своих трэках. Потому те смотрятся-слушаются очень бомбисто, и как летит авиаснаряд, и как взрывается на объекте — максимально заполоняя весь саунд запахом взрывчатки, пылью, осколками кирпича. Потому звук FORBIDDEN RITES получается монолитным и непрозрачным, на то и дэт-блэк...
Возвращаясь к упомянутой олдскульности, замечу, что как всегда, оказывается, имеет значение, кто за что берется и с какой целью. В нашем случае, вместо того чтобы повторять замечательные уроки старшего поколения, бригада создает свои методички, по которым можно пройтись новой поросли металлеров. Взяв за принцип старошкольные звукопостроение и тенденции мексикано-киприотские монстры металла наполнили ими солидный бассейн с жидким бетоном, добавили экстремального красного и свободно ныряют в нем, выдавая трэк за трэком, балансируя на гранях блэк-дэта, дэт-дума, и даже блэк-трэша, что конечно привлечет к их творчеству металл-меломанов, неравнодушных к любому движу в нашем жанре.
При всем при этом оставаясь ненормированно притягательными и жесткими. Хотя бы тем, что FORBIDDEN RITES имеют право и реально включают гитарные акустические интерлюдии, разбавляя мрак и ненависть фактурными кусками светлого.
Чем далее я углублялся в эти темные киприотско-мексиканские стальные джунгли, тем более я замечал, что группа очень по-своему депрессивна, ее приDOOMленная антимузыка реально гнетуща - даже на фоне охреневших от дэта и блэка коллег. От чего это происходит, не пойму, видимо саунд кумарит. И думаю, надо сделать такую сноску: поспешая - не спеши, и если довелось прослушать этот альбом, придерживай крышу...
Forbidden Rites sind ein zypriotisch-mexikanischer Zusammenschluss, der sich dem okkulten Death-/Black Metalder schwedischen Schule verschrieben hat. Dies wird schon bei den ersten Tönen sofort klar. Ihre Musik erinnert an Bands wie Dissection, Dawn, Unanimated, Gates Of Ishtar, Necrophobic, Sacramentum, Netherbird und wie sie alle heißen. Ihre Mucke ist schnell und melodisch, dabei handwerklich sehr gut gespielt, aber auch atmosphärisch und düster. Die Gitarrenläufe sind immer allgegenwärtig, aber niemals kitschig. Zudem klingt der heisere Kreischgesang richtig schön fies. Langeweile kommt hier jedenfalls nicht auf. Man fühlt sich viel mehr an die guten Mittneunziger erinnert, als die schwedische Szene florierte. Abgerundet wird alles durch eine glasklare, kalte Produktion, die perfekt zur dargebotenen Musik passt. Ein schöner, finsterer Retrotrip, der aber kein Stück altbacken, sondern immer frisch und unverbraucht klingt.
Mexican act, though a dual citizenship to Cyprus is mentioned. Don’t ask me the story here – I didn’t see any Greek monikers in the roster, so it’s anybody’s guess what went down.
Speaking of which, we’re informed that they “recorded a bunch of stuff 20 years ago, but nothing was officially released”…so this is old pals getting back together and rectifying that error.
It’s not bad, really – there’s a sort of 3 Inches of Blood sub-power metal feel to the dual lead guitars, and some of the riffing comes off more modern thrashlike than blackened, despite the snarly vox. Gallop rhythms and little flourishes and fills abound…good by this old school metaller!
At first I thought that this was death metal album but the more I listen to it I feel that it is much more a black metal album. I am not too sure about it really. What it does remind me of is the sound Dissection created with their “Storm of the Winter’s Bane” album. A sound you don’t really know is black or death metal. But whatever its sound might be this is some good stuff. I find myself banging along to it. I don’t know the last time I heard an album that has me confused where to put it. But anything that makes me remember Dissection is good stuff.
Revisando la trayectoria de esta banda que responde al nombre de FORBIDDEN RITES uno puede comprobar que se formaron originalmente en el año 1996, aunque la cosa no acabó de cuajar y el proyecto quedó sepultado en un manto de olvido durante dos décadas. Además cuando buscas su lugar de procedencia aparecen dos países tan distantes como México y Chipre. Pero, a pesar de las distancias y los avatares del tiempo, el grupo se ha renovado y regresa con un nuevo álbum bajo el brazo, bautizado como “Pantheon Arcanum”, en el que rinden tributo al sonido Black / Death Metal de los años 90 influenciado por bandas como DISSECTION, DAWN, OLD MAN´S CHILD, NECROPHOBIC, UNANIMATED, SACRAMENTUM… A esto hay que sumarle la atractiva cubierta de ambiente ocultista realizada por Riaj Gragoth (Luciferium War Graphics) para la ocasión.
“Pantheon Arcanum” cuenta con nueve cortes que suenan fríos y malvados, a medio camino entre el Black Metal y el Death Metal, e incluso con alguna influencia del Thrash Metal más crudo. Por otro lado está ese sonido underground que rememora a la vieja escuela, forjado entre Chipre y México, en Steel Fortress Studio de Nicosia y Sound Village Studio de Toluca respectivamente, para luego viajar a Alemania donde Andy Classen (ROTTING CHRIST, ASPHYX, KRISIUN) realizó la masterización en los Stage One Studios. El resultado no tiene nada que ver con las producciones modernas, aunque tiene la nitidez y calidad suficientes como para satisfacer a cualquier seguidor de la música extrema. Por otro lado está la atmósfera gélida y hostil que se respira a lo largo del álbum, con ese toque de violencia metalera de antaño, que hará las delicias de quienes añoren décadas pasadas.
FORBIDDEN RITES regresan, de la mano de los sellos Satanath Records (Rusia) y GrimmDistribution (Ucrania), con un disco a la altura de las circunstancias, no en vano sus miembros cuentan con experiencia en bandas como XIUHTEHCUTLI, ARDRA ILL o VOMITILE, por lo que el tiempo de letargo no ha supuesto una pérdida de facultades, más bien al contrario. Tampoco se puede obviar el hecho de que “Pantheon Arcanum” le debe mucho a la influencia de otras bandas, de modo que no es uno de esos discos especialmente originales. En cualquier caso, estamos ante una obra altamente recomendable para cualquier seguidor del Black / Death Metal de toda la vida.
Fairly blackened melodic death metal is what you are going to hear during the listen of Forbidden Rites' debut release. Its four members are located in Mexico and Cyprus, however the music they perform is totally based on the heritage of the Scandinavians. So let me mention just a few from their fundamental influences hereby: Necrophobic, Sacramentum, Mörk Gryning, Dissection, Old Man's Child, Vinterland, Dawn, Gates of Ishtar, Unanimated, Misericordia, A Canorous Quintet, Naglfar. The phonic production on "Pantheon Arcanum" is of an excellent quality, pretty polished so to say with razor blade guitars that cut through the drums flawlessly. The 9 tracks storm rather well, while displaying the classic Nordic black/death metal atmosphere as triumphant as possible. Their lyrical content is about secret societies and ancestral occult knowledge that are also in perfect match with the cover illustration. Thus the arcane feeling is more than guaranteed there. So, if you are in desperate search for a decent melodic black/death stuff lately then feel free to check the music of Forbidden Rites!!!
Forbidden Rites grande banda de death/black metal, lança seu primeiro e magnífico álbum, intitulado: "Pantheon Arcanum", na primeira audição o que me lembrou muito foi a escola Sueca de metal extremo, principalmente o grandioso Necrophobic, mas também fortemente influenciado por Marduk, Lord Belial, Ancient Rites, Absu, Hipocrisy e outros lendários nomes dos anos 90.
Riffs melodiosos de guitarra, bateria muito bem executada, a gravação é maravilhosa também, trabalho muito acima da média.
2018 será lembrado como um ano que teve centenas de álbuns excelentes lançados no mundo todo e com toda certeza esse figura na lista dos melhores.
Forbidden Rites are a young band from Mexico, consisting of guitar players Juan Carlos Martinez and Raul Campos, drummer Hugo Olivos (formerly in Inhearted and Hatevomit, and currently part of Vomitile), and vocalist / bassist Vlad Marin (guitar player in Xiuhtecuhtli). This quartet recorded their debut Pantheon Arcanum at the Mexican Sound Village Records Studio in early 2018, except for the drum parts, which were recorded in Cyprus (because Hugo recently moved over to this Mediterranean island). The mix too was done in Mexico, also at the Toluca-based Sound Village Records Studio with Emilio Garcia, with the mastering being courtesy of Andy Classen at his legendary Stage One Studio.
For the release of this album, Forbidden Rites signed to GrimmDistribution, which releases this album in an edition of 500 copies on ‘regular’ jewel case compact disc. It comes with a sober eight-page booklet, which includes the lyrics (in English). And FYI, but the sober yet fine artwork and layout were done by Riaj Gragoth of Luciferium War Graphics. And that cover artwork immediately refers to the secret and occult ceremonies of ancient (and not that ancient) cults and institutes, where forbidden rites were practised.
Pantheon Arcanum consists of nine chapters, having a total running time of forty-two minutes. What they bring is not exactly renewing; on the contrary, it is clear that this band focused on the Swedish scene to find inspiration. But hey, there is nothing wrong with that, of course.
Forbidden Rites’ Black Metal is fast, melodic and rhythmic for sure. The main part is guitar oriented, with twin / tremolo leads as spine. These guitar leads have a ‘traditional’, or at least a timeless character, i.e. an attitude akin the Nineties. Attention: I mentioned the Swedish scene, which means that with ‘Nineties’ I do not refer the Nordic scene (rather Norwegian in nature). And this goes for both song writing / execution as well as the sound.
Anyway, the better part, as said, is quite fast and enormously energetic. But the speed (and basic structure of each single composition) differs a lot. The changes in tempo reappear the whole of the time, including a couple of decelerations too, although these slower parts are rare and limited. All this gets supported by a very firm, coherent rhythm section, being supportive and clearly audible rhythm and bass guitar parts, and thunderous, rumbling drums and cymbals. And I need to mention the vocals, of course, for these ones are so brutal, so intense, so beastly. Don’t expect shrieking screams or sulphurous yells, but deep, malignant blackened growls.
Very few acoustics are used, but when so, like in the last sequence of Judgement or the introduction for Now That The Moon Illuminates The Remains, you just feel that they do fit to this adventurous play. Okay, there is a catchiness represented once more, yet still it works. No exaggeration, just brought in with eye for detail and equilibrium in the whole sonic package. The rather short yet beautiful outro Arcane Initiation, with gloomy, mesmerizing violin and cello, goes even further, creating an atmosphere so deep, enthralling, captivating.
The sound quality is extremely decent, with a well-balanced mix and a professional production. Purely personal – my own opinion, and not necessary the ultimate truth (yet since I am the reviewer, I can write whatever I want, of course) – I think it strengthens the catchy approach. There is a modest rawness, but I would have preferred little more unpolished roughness and rehearsing spontaneity. But hey, that isn’t but a minor detail, for actually the sound quality is very professional for sure.
In any case, if you can appreciate stuff à la Mörk Gryning, Vinterland, Unanimated, Dissection, Midvinter, Naglfar or Sacramentum, you know what to do: to order this soundtrack for mankind’s defeat!
Forbidden Rites is an internationally based Blackened Death Metal act, one that has so far been active for roughly three years. In that time they have seen it fit to grace us with their debut Full-length album, a nine-piece spanning nearly forty-two minutes long entitled Pantheon Arcanum.
Now musically, Forbidden Rites offers very little new to fans of the genre – In many ways, the quartet has managed to make a very decent musical journey not unlike what has been previously seen from the likes of Aeternum and Blasphamagoatachrist. What really makes the band stand out is their lyrical focus, which has been channeled towards decribing and discussing both secret societies and the occult – Still within the range of what has been seen before, but still with enough of a twist to keep Forbidden Rites interesting.
In many ways, Pantheon Arcanum is an excellent album to bring up if you are ever in the need of explaining to a person what a succesful mixture of, arguably, two of the biggest sub-genres of Metal sounds like. It is fast-paced, it is catchy, simplistic in its build-up yet still unrelenting. It is music made to be heard loud, preferrably with others.
Now, as I am sure that I mentioned somewhere above (I have a tendency to write these from a certain formula in order to make sure that I remember to mention everything of import) Pantheon Arcanum is the debut album of Forbidden Rites – And if it will end up serving as a prime example of what is to come, then there is no doubt in my mind that this international quartet will end up becoming one hell of a live act. For one, they have made an entire album that is consistently good and a near textbook presentation of what the genre has to offer. Second, they are clearly dedicated to their chosen profession, having taken the time to properly perform and produce the album (no doubt with help from the record label themselves, but my point still stands). And last, they are bringing a massive amount of energy to the table (very evident on tracks such as ”Judgment”), which I am sure they will bring with them onto the festivals and to gigs in the future.
All in all, a record I will recommend – If possible, see if you can pick it up at one of their gig. And make sure to come greet me, if you happen to find me there.
The entire album can be streamed below.
Meksikolais-kyproslainen Forbidden Rites edustaa äärimetallin sitä laitaa, jossa sekoittuvat black, death ja thrash. Vähän kaikkea kaikille, mutta vailla kunnon fokusta. Yhtyeen toistaiseksi ainoalla kokopitkällä on siitä huolimatta hetkensä.
Vajaat kolme varttia nakuttava Pantheon Arcanum (2018) sisältää kosolti eri äärimetallilajityyppien aineksia. Bändi osoittaa kykynsä ja halunsa nopeatempoiseen jyräykseen ja kiivaaseen riffittelyyn. Tuplabasarit nakuttavat tiuhaan ja kärisevä ärinälaulu dominoi kaiken pinnalla.
Usein riffit kuitenkin ovat yhdentekevää, helposti unohtuvaa perushuttua. Bändillä tuntuukin olevan liki pohjattomat taskut täynnä blackin, deathin ja thrashin bulkkitavaraa levylle lapettavaksi.
Valitettavasti myös levyn steriili soundipolitiikka kuolettaa tehokkaasti kiinnostusta. Rummut eivät kuulosta koneelta, mutta triggerimäisyydessään ne saavat homman kuulostamaan jotenkin väärältä. Luonnollisesta dynamiikasta ei ole tietoakaan. Kaiken lisäksi miksaus on tuonut laulun aivan turhan pinnalle.
Pantheon Arcanum ei ole missään tapauksessa huono levy, mutta siinä ei ole tarpeeksi hyvää, että se mitään vaikutusta tekisi. Siellä täällä on kuitenkin parempia riffejä toivonpilkahduksina, joten levylle suo mieluusti ainakin mahdollisuuden tai pari. Ehkä se seuraava levy sitten tulee ja tappaa kunnolla.