. Satanath Records

Reviews: SAT161

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Уже давным-давно как поугас мой – и думаю, не только мой – пыл и энтузиазм по поводу экстремальных команд с брутальным женским вокалом. Подобных коллективов развелось столько, что количество давным-давно похоронило качество, и даже столь любимые мной Кадаверия, Металлик Китти и Нера уже не радуют, оставляя только чувство какого-то странно-липкого и вроде бы беспричинного недоумения. Тем не менее, к знакомству с дебютным творением этой украинско-венгерской бригады я подходил с предчувствием чего-то необычного и даже волшебного (чему бы жизнь нас ни учила, а сердце верит в чудеса).


Украина… Венгрия… Обложка в лучших традициях гречанок из Astarte. Прожжённые специфической воинственной харизмой лица в буклете. Определённо, в этой Северной Ведьме (именно так переводится на язык Достоевского Nordwitch) что-то есть! Пробежался по названиям песен – “Lady Evil”, “The Call To An Ancient Evil”, “To Nord Gods”, “Messiah Of Death” – и с нетерпением включаю альбом. Вступительное интро интригует, но ничего особо не объясняет. Звучит второй трек, и утюжащая, словно танк, всё и вся канонада гитар и ритм-секции вкупе с апокалиптическими проигрышами нижних гитарных струн, расступается, словно волны морские перед Моисеем, уступая звуковые дорожки Марии Дементьевой, вокалистке.


Её голос звучит брутально и утробно. Закрыто и надсадно. Почти как у Криса Барнса во времена его пребывания в Cannibal Corpse. Так в свои лучшие времена гроулила Мария Абаза из приснопамятной российской банды Merlin, чьим творчеством в начале 90-х восхищались даже ребята из Morbid Angel. Нечто подобное можно было услышать у Рейчел во времена её недолгого пребывания в Sinister. Иногда Дементьева переходит в своём пении регистром выше и вкупе с расцвечивающими бескомпромиссные риффы мелодичными гитарами начинает напоминать Натали-Анжелу Госсоу и в целом творчество Arch Enemy классического образца.


Уже третий трек ни на шутку ощетинивается плотным частоколом северных мелодий и пиками-копьями зубодробительно-техничного блэк-дэт-шторма, а Мария начинает рычать и хрипеть, переходя на связки и напоминая уже обозначившуюся чуть выше Кадаверию. Возможно, именно так мог бы звучать и звучал бы Arch Enemy, если бы не растерял в погоне за внешним лоском и безупречностью гитарных соло внутренне-идеологической глубины и метафизической концептуальности — веры во что-то помимо аккордов, нот и тиражей проданных дисков. Если бы не превратился в безупречно отлаженную машину по производству гитарного дэта.


А вот в “Lady Evil” повеяло чем-то от Cradle Of Filth, и вокал Марии стал отдалённо напоминать Дэни Филта (естественно, без перегибов и без эффекта, происходящего от придавливания дверью мужского хозяйства, — без характерного бессильно-злобно-отчаянного скрежета-скрима). Ещё более пространное и мелодичное соло вкупе с характерной для Nordwitch северной атмосферностью делает прослушивание диска ещё более интересным и нескучным. Треки катятся друг за другом, как огромные валуны с Лысой горы. Каждая вещь приносит что-то новое и что-то своё, развивая и дополняя общую канву.


Мария свободно переходит от одной вокальной гроул-техники к другой, не давая любителям хрипов и голосового мазохизма скучать. По мере прослушивания CD вы не раз услышите и Барнса, и Кадаверию, и “кредлов” с “арч энеми”, и Merlin, и много кого ещё. А вот шестой трек “To Nord Gods” начинается с акустических гитарных проигрышей и звучит почти в духе Bathory и Amon Amarth – эпично, воинственно и проникновенно. Это, конечно, не Аркона и не Мария “Scream” Архипова с их “Русью”, но нечто весьма к ней и к ним по-своему близкое. Я не устаю удивляться и восхищаться тому, что записали Nordwitch на своём дебютном LP. Разнообразно? Да. Но скорее эклектично и синкретично.


Траурно-торжественная “No Regret” поначалу напоминает кого-то из ортодоксальной тру-блэк-метал братии, но едва появляется вокал, очень эпично разрождается всё тем же стаффом, который изначально мерещился мне в их треках ещё в начале альбома: Arch Enemy + Cradle Of Filth. Ритмичная блэковая, отчаянная долбёжка в духе “крэдлов” успешно разбавляется превосходной гитарной работой, типично эмметовскими соло и разноплановым вокалом Марии. Кстати, с группой Эммота и Госсоу Nordwitch роднит и ещё один факт: один из их гитаристов также, как и вокалистка, носит фамилию Дементьев.


Завершает почти сорокаминутную пластинку ещё одна вещь в подобном же Enemy/Filth-ключе — “Messiah Of Death”. Сокрушительные драм-проигрыши, скоростные гитарные атаки, упоительно захлёбывающаяся собственными вскриками-взрыками вокалистка – Nordwitch в своих последних двух композициях как будто решили показать всё то, что им самим более всего интересно и в кайф играть. Маска упала с опалённого сражениями лица Северной Ведьмы, и мы увидели, пожалуй, самую перспективную ветвь развития современного дэт-блэка. Впечатляет? Ещё как!


Кто-то скажет, что этот диск мог бы быть лучше, некоторые идеи ещё не вполне раскрыты, а та же “метафизическая концепция” пока ещё убедительна не на все сто. И я с этим легко соглашусь. У Nordwitch огромный потенциал, который уже сейчас пробивается словно чёрное сияние буквально изо всех щелей, но это всего лишь дебютник. Хороший, слаженный, интересный дебютник, который, наверняка, заставит каждого, кто его услышит, напряжённо и пристально следить за деятельностью этой команды. Так сделаю и я.  Что ещё сказать: очень и очень неплохо. Но пока ещё не шедевр. Возможно, вы придёте к иному умозаключению. Крайне рекомендую.





Watching the rise of Ukrainian Metal is a thing of beauty. Despite not having any major names yet in the world of heavy music, Ukraine has been growing in importance for all types of metalheads, with names such as Apostate, Sad Alice Said, Majesty Of Revival, Morkesagn and Gasoline Guns, among many others, blasting their powerful music to the four corners of the earth. Having said that, we might be witnessing the birth of a Ukrainian act that has all it takes to take the entire world by storm with their high-voltage fusion of epicness and blasphemy. That band is Blackened Death Metal horde NordWitch, who have just released their extremely heavy debut album entitled Mørk Profeti (or “dark prophecy” from Norwegian).


Formed in February 2015 in the capital city of Kiev, NordWitch are highly inspired by interesting (and usually controversial) topics like Satanism, Occultism and Norse mythology, all embraced by their mighty riffs, their intricate and crisp drumming, and the deep guttural by their stunning frontwoman Masha. The only difference from the band’s inception until today is Ukrainian drummer Eugene Hrulev, who has recently replaced the amazing Hungarian stone crusher Donets Stepan, but apart from that the band has been a solid institution ready to conquer the world with their scathing fusion of Black and Death Metal and a strong passion for extreme music.


As a great example of how powerful and melodious the music by NordWitch is, let me start by saying that they managed to make the three-minute instrumental intro Mørk Profeti truly interesting and exciting even without the vocals by Masha, with Donets smashing his drums flawlessly while Max and Leo kick some serious ass with their guitar lines a la Arch Enemy. As a matter of fact, if you love Arch Enemy you’ll find a lot of them in each song by NordWitch, obviously considerably darker and more blasphemous. Then we have Dominion, a fuckin’ devastating, robust tune (it can’t get any better than this!) tailored for lovers of modern Blackened Death Metal, where Masha and Donets are true beasts on vocals and drums, respectively; followed by Walker From The Shade,  with Masha growling deeper and deeper while Max and Leo continue their guitar onslaught, supported by the metallic lines by bassist Max Senchilo. Furthermore, the “evil Arch Enemy” offer us more of their melodious riffs and solos, not to mention the epic and menacing vibe crafted by all instruments.


nordwitchIn the top-tier chant Lady Evil, the fast and cataclysmic beats by Donets, together with the song’s great riffage and another infernal performance by Masha on vocals, turn it into one the most flammable moments of the album. Moreover, Max delivers an awesome guitar solo at the end just to make the song even more thrilling than what it already is. The Call To An Ancient Evil brings forward a brutal beginning to another sensational creation by NordWitch, where Masha seems to declaim the words in a guttural way instead of screaming them, whereas the musicality sounds very technical and progressive at times mainly thanks to the high level of intricacy found in the song’s guitars and drums. And highly influenced by Scandinavian Extreme Metal, the most epic composition by NordWitch and also one of the best of the album, the rip-roaring To Nord Gods, contains all elements we love in this type of music, including a Viking Metal acoustic intro perfect for the theme proposed by the band, a beautiful pace led by the guitar lines and solos by Max and Leo, and Masha telling a compelling story through her powerful guttural vocals.


In the last two songs of Mørk Profeti, the band’s Blackened Death Metal arises like the burning fires of the underworld similar to what the iconic Behemoth usually do, starting with No Regret, with elements of Thrash and Death Metal added to its already explosive formula, always making sure there’s a huge amount of harmony and cohesiveness amidst the sonic chaos generated by the entire band. And lastly, more Nordic sounds penetrate our ears and minds in the furious chant Messiah Of Death, where Donets is impressive with his precision and rage on drums while Masha gnarls like a female demon, closing such potent opus magnificently.


In my humble opinion, we should all follow the ascension of NordWitch through their Facebook page and VKontakte, and of course blast our ears with their demonic music through their YouTube channel and ReverbNation, because this band is definitely going places and if you love metal like I do you’ll also be very curious to know how high they can go. Mørk Profeti, which can be purchased at the Satanath Records’ BandCamp or webstore, is not only the first stone in their rising castle of darkness, but an album that will put you to bang your head and raise your horns nonstop, which is pretty much everything we want in good heavy music.


Best moments of the album: Dominion, Lady Evil and To Nord Gods.





Esordio sulla lunga distanza per questa giovane band ucraina, un quintetto che suona del black/death metal melodico dai buoni spunti e personale quel tanto per non passare inosservata, soprattutto per gli amanti del genere.


Con al microfono una gentil donzella dalle corde vocali di un orco arrabbiato, ma dalle trame chitarristiche che fanno della melodia il loro punto di forza, il gruppo proveniente dall’est è protagonista di una discreta prova, incentrata su di un metal estremo che non disdegna devastanti fughe ritmiche al limite del black, mid tempo di stampo death metal di ispirazione scandinava e tanta melodia.

Il growl è brutale e dannato, a tratti fin troppo per il mood generale del disco, un dettaglio che alla lunga pesa sulla resa generale di un album che ha tutte le caratteristiche per piacere agli amanti del death metal melodico.

Le scariche di adrenalina estrema non mancano in brani dal buon piglio come, Lady Evil e The Call to an Ancient Evil, cuore pulsante di un lavoro di genere ben congegnato ma, per i difetti dettati dall’inesperienza, non va oltre la sufficienza piena.

In un mondo come quello del metal estremo, ormai inflazionato dal numero spropositato di album vomitati dal web, un lavoro come Mørk Profeti rischia seriamente di passare inosservato anche ai fans più accaniti del genere, ma gli spunti interessanti non mancano così come una buon lavoro incentrato sulle melodie, il che lo rende comunque meritevole di un ascolto.





It seem greatness comes quick to some as the black flame burns bright on this debut album from Ukraine's Nordwitch who after only forming last year present their debut offering in all its dark glory. Having not released any demos but rarther going for the grand debut offering to present themselves upon the metal scene at large and making their bid for the throne. It was a good decision not to release any demos, judging by the sheer quality of the music on offer here, there is little doubt that they are seasoned musicians who know their craft and have a very clear vision of what they are doing. The album boasts eight songs which is perfect for a metal album, think of all those classic albums in your collection, part of their greatness was quaility over quantity and Nordwitch know this all to well and good because not a single note is wasted on this album, everything has its place and nothing is their for the sake of it which pissess me off nowadays when albums are packed full of songs half of which are throwaway, take the new Metallica album as a case in point. It seems the underground knows where it's at. Starting with a short intro "Mork Profeti" which sets the mood with its ominious and slow picked chords with quitar harmonies layered on top which creates an epic build up leading into the first track proper "Dominion" which kicks in with some go for the throat black thrash and the guttural vocals of female vocalist Masha which in this day and age has become something of a cliche perhaps because I feel Arch Enemy used it over time as a gimmick and rarther than she just happened to be a singer in the band, but the case here could not be futher from the truth as this is simply about the music and the fact that Masha can growl better than most somethimes reminding me of those deep and guttural growls of Chris Barnes form his Cannibal Corpse days. The songs are very dynamic with a lot of great parts incorporated and the lead work is phenoninal and really enhances the music and expresses a lot of emotion which is sometimes missing in extreme music. "Lady Evil" shows how extreme metal can break out of the underground into the mainstream of metal simply by writing great songs. "To the Nord Gods" is an epic homeage and is grandiose in its execution. The album mixes every form of extreme metal, there is a bit of death, thrash and a healthy dose of black atmosphere but you get the sense in the songwriting department that the band listen to a lot of classic metal bands. If the band can build and develop upon this momentous debut then they will become one of the most talked about extreme metal bands of recents times. It is hard to even find any flaws as there really are none. One of the albums of the year and the best newcomers on the scene for 2016, the underground is alive and strong and Nordwitch are the proof.





Ukranian/Hungarian blackened death metal band Nordwitch released there first release. I can say that this album has many influences as well as some tempo to it, with the melodies and solos, it is not typical blackened death metal album, it is something different.Heavy,melodic death  and thrash metal are those influences on the album combined with black metal and brutal  death metal, creating some very interesting extreme metal fusion, that in some songs is not done very well, but in the rest of the songs on the album is perfect.


With tehnical balance and compliance there are some problems with melodic parts on the album, but in some other moments on the album is just great, acoutic is solid, production can be better.


The vocals of the singer Masha are brutal as fuck, she delivers that raw, evil blackened death metal vocal, which is the most times death metal vocal, pure badass growl, which made the atmosphere on the album better. So the album is about darkeness, paganism, destruction and chaos, in each song this things were very well delivered. The crushing powerful solos will for sure be mindblowing for someone that will listen to this album.


Nordwitch has delivered as a band very solid and powerful album, with some melodic darkness ready to take over everything good in the word. Unigue atmosphere and combination of genres is the trademark of the album.





The Ukraine's NORDWITCH has only been around since 2015 and already released their first full-length "Mørk Profeti". That didn't take long. And the album sounds more like a band that's been together for a few years. To be honest, the first time listening to this, I had no idea that the vocals were by female growler Masha. Her deep Death Metal vocals are like that of a possessed Valkyrie. The almost three-minute intro to the album is an instrumental which signifies the tone the album is portraying... not too aggressive, but not too mellow. More of a mid-tempo number stuttering into the second track 'Dominion' which picks up the pace a little with its galloping rhythms. The chugging guitars of 'Walker From The Shade' lead into a building crescendo of epic proportions. 'Lady Evil' throws a little progressive elements into the mix before smoothing out into a steady rhythm of classic Metal. However, 'The Call To An Ancient Evil', while actually a good song, still sort of keeps the album moving in an even direction. Unlike bands like ARCHGOAT or other completely different genres which need that same feel to the songs, NORDWITCH's style tends to suggest more, but never really jumping into the fire. The album needs a little "umph" to it to really get our attention. The acoustic guitars at the beginning of 'To Norse Gods' leading to a solid almost Power Metal style change it up slightly. 'Infernum Manifesto' speeds it up a tad, but levels off shortly thereafter. The final track 'Messiah Of Death' kicks it into gear more than the others to wrap the album up nicely. Though not a swift kick in the nuts as I like to get while listening to Metal, NORDWITCH's first full-length is a solid presentation, though a little uneventful at times. The band does show promise. And it's nice to know there are more female vocalists who can bust our chops with the best of them.





NordWitch hails from Ukraine, and was formed in February last year. On the debut with the nifty Danish/Norwegian title Mørk Profeti, which translates to “Dark Prophecy”, we find death metal with a lot of melody and mood, as well as aggression and punch, and a whiff of sulphur and soot. The vocalist may be “a sight for sore eyes”, but don’t you worry, this lioness is throat-wise no more feminine than a bull seeing red when delivering guttural Minotaur-roars.


Surely the rest of the band is talented too. The guitars swirl like butterflies and sting like wasps, to paraphrase (or misquote) Muhammad Ali. And that gorgeous cover art…





NordWitch from Ukraine play vicious death metal with black and thrash influences. The rough quality hearkens back to the old school death metal greats around the early '90s but the execution is way faster and the outlook is different. It's the best of both worlds. There's no compromise made anywhere. 'Mork Profeti' is the band's debut and it's a varied album full of surprises. To find such a proficient death metal album these days is rare, and to top things off, they have a female growler who's doing a fantastic job with the enunciating - she's doing it with extra malice and has got variations of her own as well. Overall, this is a tight unit with detailed structures and set a very brisk pace to keep things interesting throughout.




С четко зафиксировано, украинская группа дистанцироваться от гниения преувеличены, чтобы черный / смерти больше работала в балансе между весом и мелодия.


Группа построить свой звук в инструментальной линий прямой и быстрый, которые подталкивают мощный взрыв бейте в барабаны. Но не ограничивается этим, группа разрабатывает хорошо бумы за пределами этой схеме прямо в различные группы. Кроме того, красота мелодии в целом - приглашение для поклонников Cradle of Filth Keep Of Kalessin BEHEMOTH!, среди прочих.


Группа работает хорошо их инструментал, и могу с этим сделать не только атмосферу альбом тебе подарок, но и особенностей, исполняемых каждый инструменталист. В конце концов, вы услышите на протяжении диск батарея не остановить и потребностей, помимо струнных инструментов с бесконечной приговоров и дублирования в ходе музыку и певец, который не оставляет желать лучшего.


Есть работа, которую я рекомендую от начала до конца, и последовательно! Я гарантирую вам, что не будет никакого нарушения климат / окружающей среды и звук пропал будут покрыты с легкостью и удовольствием для ушей.




При первом прослушивании дебютника украинской группы NordWitch я даже не понял, что за микрофоном у них девушка. Уж очень мощным тембром голоса обладает Мария Дементьева, извлекая из своих связок очень насыщенный гроулинг, которому запросто может позавидовать мужская половина экстремальной сцены. Но несмотря на то, что в музыке присутствует очень много дэтового влияния как по вокальной части, так и по инструментальной, благодаря мрачной и холодной атмосфере, коллектив является в такой же мере блэк-металлическим. Конечно же, тут можно поспорить, и если проводить прямые аналогии, то с технической стороны "чернухи" очень мало, но по общему восприятию это все же блэк. Очень мелодичный, хорошо сыгранный, интересно разложенный и достаточно примечательный, даже если не обращать внимание на наличие в компании представительницы женского пола. И неудивительно, что так рано начав свой путь, NordWitch уже имеют в своем арсенале много живых выступлений, в том числе с такими мэтрами как Nargaroth и Inquisition. Ну а то, что представлено на альбоме "Mørk Profeti", дает в полной мере насладиться технической стороной, злобной оккультно-ортодоксальной атмосферой, отличным материалом и достаточно хорошей записью. В то же время, вся злоба релиза то и дело разбавляется очень "ласковой" лиричностью, при этом совершенно не теряясь в дебрях слащавой мягкости. Т.е. при наличии большого количества соло-партий музыка не лишена напора настоящего экстремального жанра, без которого ни дэт, ни блэк определенно жить не могут. В некоторых вещах можно запросто услышать чуть ли не блюзовую игру лидер-гитариста, которая все-таки сопровождается довольно брутальными бласт-битами. Кстати, барабанные партии для альбома писал гражданин Венгрии, который, по-моему, очень часто посещает территорию Украины, так как он одно время барабанил в группах Castrum и Soulrest из Ужгорода. В концертной деятельности NordWich он в настоящее время не задействован, но все же, с учетом его работы над "Mørk Profeti", группу вполне можно определить как интернациональную. По крайней мере, на начало карьеры, которая, кстати, стартовала только в 2015 году. В целом, дебют у NordWitch получился очень достойным, но все же Марии следует уделить больше времени своим вокальным данным. Гроулить у нее получается отлично, но все же в голосе должна присутствовать своя, неповторимая изюминка. Также в следующий раз, группе стоит уделить больше внимания оформлению. Если обложка у ребят получилась выше всяких похвал, то сам буклет, откровенно говоря, совершенно никакой. Четыре станицы, отсутствие текстов и дополнительных артов - это минус.




Mørk Profeti is Full Length Album from Nordwitch. This album released on September 30th, 2016 via Satanath Records and Darzamadicus Records.



1st track, Mork Profeti. An instrumental Brutal Death Metal song. 2nd track, Dominion. Brutality, Darkness and Blasting. All in one on this song, Brutal song with Dark Guitar solo. 3rd track, Walker From Shade. It’s Brutal Black Metal and rather melodic. 4th track, Lady Evil. This song is very Melodic and a little bit Progressive.


5th track, The Call To The Ancient Evil. Brutal Vocal with Dark Riffs and Shredding Solo. The composition of this song still better than previous tracks. 6th track, To North Gods. Not Brutal like previous tracks, but I though it’s a cooling down song. 7th track, No Regret. Solid Riffs, Melodic and Old School Death Metal Vocal. 8th track, Messiah Of Death. An easy ending song than previous tracks. Easy, but Death.


The Brutallity of the Darkness.





Il blackened death metal è un sottogenere ben definito, con le sue regole non scritte ed i suoi topoi compositivi rigidamente delineati: una tradizione che si è andata costruendo nel corso degli anni e che proprio nelle bands provenienti dai paesi del’Europa dell’Est ha trovato alcuni tra i suoi maggiori esponenti. I Nordwitch vengono dall’Ucraina e questo “Mørk Profeti” è il loro esordio sulla lunga distanza, sotto l’egida della Satanath Records, etichetta che si sta sempre più specializzando in questo genere di sonorità aggressive e letali. Ed aggressivi e letali i nostri lo sono senz’altro, pur facendo poco o nulla per cercare di emergere in un panorama ormai affollato, nel quale si può spiccare solo mettendo in mostra una personalità rocciosa o sperimentando nuove soluzioni. “Mørk Profeti” è un disco tecnicamente ineccepibile, che lascia di stucco per la potenza sprigionata, ed a tratti anche per l’abilità strumentale dei musicisti coinvolti, ma a conti fatti si perde nel mare magnum delle molte (forse troppe) uscite simili che stipano il sottobosco underground. Le chitarre macinano riff assassini e melodici al punto giusto, la batteria è precisa e distruttiva come una macchina da guerra: tutto è come deve essere ma la band non riesce davvero mai ad evitare i consueti luoghi comuni, muovendosi su coordinate stilistiche stranote, per la gioia dei fanatici del genere e per la noia di tutti gli altri. Menzione d’onore va fatta comunque per la brava (e bella) singer Masha, dotata di un’ugola al vetriolo ed il cui timbro vocale mi ha un po’ ricordato quello di Rachel Heyzer ai tempi dei Sinister: è lei la vera “Lady Evil” dell’album, per citare quello che è sicuramente il brano migliore del lotto. Vedremo se in futuro i nostri resteranno dei gregari o saranno in grado di imprimere alla loro musica un’impronta più decisa: per ora si guadagnano comunque un’ampia sufficienza.




NordWitch  are  a  band  with  members  from  both  Ukraine  and  Hungary  that  plays  a  blackened  form  of  death  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2016  album "Mork  Profesti"  which  was  released  as  a  joint  effort  between  Satanath Records  and  Darkzamadicus  Records.


  A  very  dark  yet  melodic  sound  starts  off  the  album  and  the  solos  and  leads  also  use  a  great  amount  of  melody  and  you  can  also  hear  all  of  the  musical  instruments  that  are  present  on  the  recording  and  when  the  music  speeds  up  a  great  amount  of  blast  beats  and  tremolo  picking  can  be  heard.


  The  first  track  is  all  instrumental  and  the  songs  also  bring  in  a  great  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts  and  the  vocals  also  bring  in  mostly  death  metal  growls  along  with  some  black  metal  screams and  one  track  also  brings  in  a  brief  use  of  clean  guitars  before  making  a  return  back  to  a  heavier  musical  direction  while  a  later  song  does  bring  in  some  classical  guitars.


  NordWitch  plays  a  musical  style  that  takes  black  and  death  metal  and  mixes  them  together  to  create  a  sound  of  their  own,  the  production  sounds  very  professional  while  the  lyrics  cover  Satanism,  Occultism  and  Mythology  themes.


  In  my  opinion  NordWitch  are  a  very  great  sounding  blackened  death  metal  band  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre,  you  should  check  out  this  album.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Dominion"  "The  Call  To  The  Ancient  Evil"  and  "Messiah  Of  Death".





To stand out from this vast Death Metal populace is hard. Real hard. I usually find an endless procession of coequal black-clad Death Metal outfits of all flavors on my promo list. All of those trying to sell the same bland soup all over again. Jockeying for position in a genre that somehow lost a lot of its lustre over time. And then there are those bands that are able to just give you this trifle added spice.


NordWitch is one of them. Back in January of this year, the band already got on the RockmusicRaider radar. And a really promising radar blip it was. Only to disappear again for long months, despite the promise that a #metal record should indeed be forthcoming shortly. And by Loki, they took their sweet time delivering the goods. But now their début album Mørk Profeti – signed jointly to Dark Rituals and Satanath Records – will finally hit this very specific fan crowd with a vengeance.


NordWitch got into its unholy existence back in early 2015, still being of Ukrainian and Hungarian descent at that time. In the meantime, lineage has changed – I am told – and this is all now pure Ukraine.


And let’s talk about line-up for an instance: None of the musicians in the this band are newcomers. All of them already pursued their own projects for a few years and this really shows in the final outcome. Good stuff.


Mørk Profeti starts with a good cover already!

The devil is in the details – as always. If those details are good, the sum of all parts should be good too. Right? And this seems to play out well for NordWitch. It already shows with the album cover that I particularly like. Created by the Ukrainian artist Vyacheslav Smeshko, the art already talks prophecy in more ways than one. And is completely immersed in Norse Mythology with the three Norns present at the roots of Yggdrasil.


Same as the Swiss Stortregn and their particularly juicy 2016 piece of Blackened Death Metal, NordWitch elected to go straight for the target with a short solo intro and then they let loose. A real breather, if compared to the majority of black and other metallers with their somewhat ubiquitous intros.


This said, Mørk Profeti (dark prophecies) exudes a self-confidence and aggressive stance that is seldom found in début albums. Of course, there is no self-confidence without musical prowess. And the professionalism shows: Dark, sometimes almost epic riffs, meticulous solos galore and drum work to match every part one-by-one. All of this sprinkled with some tremolo picking here and there throughout the album.


The instrumentals are backed up by the deep, dark Death Metal growls of Masha Crematorium. Yes: The band is female fronted. Who would have thought that when listening to the male-sounding growls? By definition her style is not as exuberant as Alissa White-Gluz (Arch Enemy), whilst I still can draw some similarities. But finally the unclean vocals fully align to the theme and style.


Talking about style!

The bands calls their tune Blackened Death Metal. But not so fast. They have a highly melodic content to their Death Metal mix. Not as otherworldly as the style changers of Septicflesh have become, but not as dry-heaving and dusty as Abominator neither, as an example. NordWitch serves the melodic and hard growls just at the right temperature. And make no mistake, no clear voice is present on Mørk Profeti. None, zilch, nada. And this is very good news.


Then, they take some of their influence from the Scandinavian Melodeath crowd. Somehow I just feel some folks from Insomnium stalking around the backstage on some of the tracks. And then suddenly, they go Thrash on me, like they just met with Blynd in Cyprus. Just check out No Regret, one of the best, if not THE best track on the record. So, I would call it a thrashy Melodic Blackened Death Metal disc.









Багатообіцяючий blackened death metal гурт Nordwitch утворився лише рік тому, у 2015-му. Однак, навіть за такий короткий термін формація встигла виступити з культовими Narharoth і взяти участь в декількох європейських фестивалях. Що, в принципі, не дивно - амбітність учасників гурту разом з їх професіоналізмом дає свої плоди. І ось випускається довгоочікуване перше дітище - дебютний повноформатний альбом Mørk Profeti («Темні Пророки»).


Спочатку Nordwitch були україно-угорським гуртом, і Mørk Profeti записувався з угорським ударником Donets Stepan. Однак внаслідок змін в складі, на сьогоднішній день це вже чисто український колектив.


Альбом складається з восьми неймовірно темних, повних злоби і агресії пісень. З одного боку, звичайно, це впливає на тривалість альбому - трохи менше 40 хвилин. З іншого ж, тут немає прохідних речей - кожен з восьми треків дивує і запам'ятовується. Я вважаю, це - правильний підхід, особливо для дебютного альбому.

Тепер до музики: альбом дивує. Перш за все тим, що він дотримується чітких рамок, які музиканти самі поставили. Брутальність death metal разом зі злісною атмосферою black тут зливаються воєдино, представляючи собою чудову в своїй безмежній темряві музику. І разом з тим, тут знаходиться місце мелодійності - відмінні соло скрупульозно підібрані і ретельно зіграні. Черговий доказ професіоналізму музикантів. Знайшлося місце навіть для акустичної партії гітари - спокійний перебір вступу "To North Gods" відмінно поєднується з епічністю пісні, зробленої в стилі Amon Amarth. І ще окремо хочеться виділити роботу ударника: потужна подача, зміни ритмічних малюнків, бласт біти і кардан - відмінні партії в кожній пісні.


Ну а саме, мабуть, дивовижне - це вокал. Тобто, в альбомі це - відмінний, низький гроулінг, злегка приглушений в записі, який звучить у всіх піснях (крім однойменного інструментального інтро "Mørk Profeti"). Інша справа, що такого гроулу ніяк не чекаєш від Маші - татуйованої мініатюрної блондинки, фронт-вумен гурту. Так, зовнішність оманлива.


Пара слів про обкладинку альбому: лаконічне оформлення художника В'ячеслава Смешко цілком передає дух Mørk Profeti: чорний фон, змії, кістки і, імовірно, три Норни на коренях Іґґдрасіллю (втім, тут я не впевнений). Прекрасна робота, яку хочеться розглядати.

Єдиний мінус альбому, як я вже говорив - це його тривалість. Коли вщухає остання пісня "Messiah Of Death", ти все одно чекаєш продовження, але замість цього ставиш весь альбом спочатку. Але, як то кажуть, краще менше, та краще.


Mørk Profeti - дуже якісна і цікава робота. Музиканти чудово впоралися зі своїм завданням, одночасно поставивши собі дуже високу планку. Але я впевнений, що наступний альбом буде не гірше. А поки що можна насолоджуватися прекрасною в своїй чорноті роботою і обов'язково почути групу наживо - зараз хлопці готують тур в підтримку нового альбому.











NordWitch is a five-piece melodic blackened death metal band that was formed in February 2015. Initially they were a Ukrainian/Hungarian band, but right after the recordings for their debut album called ‘Mørk Profeti’, which translates as ‘Dark Prophecy’, were completed, drummer Donets Stepan, Hungary’s sole representative in NordWitch was replaced by Eugene Hrulev, making NordWitch an all Ukrainian band. According to themselves, the members are not new to the metal scene, they all have previous experiences with other bands, but what bands that have been remains unknown. However, judging by the skills they showcase on ‘Mørk Profeti’ it’s safe to say NordWitch is not their first project.


So who is NordWitch exactly? Well, apart from Eugene, NordWitch consists of Max on solo guitar, Leo on rhythm guitar, Max Senchilo on bass guitar and last, but not least: Masha on vocals. If I hadn’t known for a fact Masha is female, I would never have guessed based on her vocal performance. Where many female grunters can easily be identified by the lack of depth and vibration in their grunts, causing them to be higher pitched than those of their male counterparts, Masha, well, grunts like a dude and that’s a compliment. NordWitch’s inspiration comes from satanism, occultism and ancient Scandinavian mythology. Having their debut album lined up for release soon, they are now planning a European tour to support it. Let’s see if their music justifies trying to get a ticket.


‘Mørk Profeti’ starts pretty straight-forward with the title song, an instrumental, atmospheric piece of music. It’s not particularly original, but that really doesn’t matter. Not even a bit. In my opinion, every intro, apart from those that are part of a conceptual release, should be meant to set the tone for the rest of the album and that is exactly what this one does. It starts with howling guitars, giving the song a sinister feel to it, where towards the end it appears to be specifically set up to give you an idea of where this album will take you music-wise. The next song, ‘Dominion’, introduces Masha’s grunts to the listener, which are an impressive addition to the overall sound. Furthermore, it proves to be a perfect example of the sound NordWitch manages to conjure up on ‘Mørk Profeti’: Versatile, skilled, often changing pace and at times brutal, but always with a melodic and sometimes evil touch.


Masha’s grunts have already been discussed, they’re right up there with the best. She is capable of deep, soul-tearing grunts as well as more possessed sounding growls without being too predominant, very well displayed in, for example, ‘Lady Evil’. The guitar tandem Max-Leo sounds as if they have been a team since their birth, a very well attuned duo. Leo’s riffs are firm and solid, guarding the pace of the song, while Max’s solo work flies loose but fierce, always kicking in at the right moment, adding to the flow of the song. Try ‘Walker from Shade’ for size or ‘The Call to the Antion Evil’. And then there’s the rhythm section. Relentless, breathtakingly fast without ever spiraling out of control, truly a performance that deserves nothing but deep respect. Try keeping up with them in ‘No Regret’ or ‘Messiah of Death’, I’m certain you’ll be seriously challenged.


All in all, ‘Mørk Profeti’ is an awesome piece of work, with some truly great tunes. Both the songs and the compositions are equally strong and played with skill. Even the more or less mandatory oddball almost every new release has, ‘Mørk Profeti’ is no exception to that rule, fits in. In this case that oddball is the majestic ‘To North Gods’, with its relatively slow pace and more friendly atmosphere a soothing touch amidst the power of the rest of the album. This too is a great song, although it fading out at the end seems out of place. And that right there is the album’s only flaw in my opinion, be it a minor one. That and the fact it has a playing time of only 38 minutes. I really wish it would have lasted at least double that time. If they can keep this up, with the new drummer and all, NordWitch is a definite asset to a genre that is tough to be an asset to. Definitely recommended, one of the best releases I have heard this year.




I’ve not been listening to nearly as much extreme metal recently as usual – I’ve probably listened to less metal these past few months than at any point over the last five years – but Nordwitch have served up something that reminded me why the genre has been my favourite for so long in Mørk Profeti. It may not do anything too unusual, and has a distinctly European blackened death feel and sound throughout, but has a confidence and conviction that means it’s hard not to be won over by the album. Tracks like “Dominion” feature strong melodic leads combined with moments that are utterly pummeling, and this duality makes Mørk Profeti an interesting, arresting album that, at just shy of forty minutes, doesn’t risk overstaying its welcome.




Nordwitch è una band ucraina black death metal formata da Masha(vocal), Max(solo guitar), Leo(rhythm guitar), Max Senchilo(bass guitar) e Eugene Hrulev(drums). Qui parliamo del loro album Mørk Profeti in uscita il 30 Settembre 2016. System failure l’ha ascoltato e queste sono le nostre impressioni.


In questa band l’impronta black metal è davvero considerevole. Poi la voce di Masha è superba e imperiosa, è la colonna portante di questa band e Dominion è dimostrazione chiara delle nostre parole.


La cover dell’album è davvero impressionante e ispirata alla mitologia norrena. Come la cover anche la musica di questa band è proprio impressionante e dal piglio assolutamente energico e graffiante e irruente. Walker from shade, come la canzone precedente, è austera, è solenne, è oltremodo palpitante. Riff pesanti e atmosfere dark sono l’ordinario in Nordwitch. La loro musica è proprio travolgente, non c’è che dire.

Lady evil comincia in modo morbido poi la canzone prende velocità e mostra il solito ritmo indiavolato, una delle caratteristiche di questa band. Con Nordwitch si scende in un abisso stupefacente, un abisso in cui perdersi tra le melodie oltremodo affascinanti che questa band ucraina sa offrire.


Mørk Profeti è un album che non lascia scampo: questo album di Nordwitch sembra una sorta di corsa all’impazzata in lande colme di creature infernali, lande dove l’oscurità domina incontrastata.




Z širých nekonečných plání Ukrajiny ke mě doputovalo album black deathových NORDWITCH. Nejdříve jsem se lekl, protože jsem o kapele nikde nenalezl příliš informací, ale nakonec jsem dal na svůj instinkt smrtícího lovce a zkusil si postupně jejich novinku "Mørk Profet" nadávkovat do žil. Dobře jsem udělal. Z přehrávače se na mě vyhrnula solidní dávka temnoty, ledových melodií a zajímavého hlasu (ano, kapela má vokalistku Mashu, která má jinak také velice pěkné fotky jako modelka - pozn. autora). Kapela se shlédla v tvorbě BEHEMOTH, HATE, Deska je to černě vzdušná, svým způsobem atmosférická a bude nejvíc vyhovovat asi všem těm, kteří mají rádi takovou tu "hezkou temnotu".

Dodrženy jsou všechny požadavky na dobré (rozuměj lehce nadprůměrné), solidní album. Většina melodií je vcelku dobrých, krásně vstřebatelných. Na mě ale také až moc příjemných. Deska by si zasloužila ostřejší produkci, měla by víc bolet, drásat. Kapela má skvěle zpracovanou image, parádní fotky, je hodně znát, že se dost snaží a svoji smrtící práci bere vážně. Bohužel, občas to celé vyznívá jako klišé. Chtělo by to hutnější zvuk, trošku šlápnout do vrtule, pořádně se do toho opřít. Motivy jsou až příliš roztahané, songy jakoby nechtěly skončit. Pořád se ale jedná o slušnou desku. Jen se musím pro poslech oprostit od výše uvedených připomínek. Dobré black/death metalové album, které je ale moc přívětivé.

Je vlastně hrozně těžké podobná alba hodnotit. Více než kde jinde totiž platí, že vás buď smetou a chytí do svých spárů nebo se budete nudit. Novinka je určena pro všechny ty, kteří mají rádi melodický black death metal, ale nechtějí se moc ušpinit.

The album is very cold, distant, sweeping, powerful and maybe a little too long. Gentlemen (and girl - vocalist) remind  me very well-tuned machine. The melodies are dense, powerfully built, excellent production, clear like to the brilliance cleaned black heart. There is neither necessary blacks odor, excellent and perfect image. Very accessible album for all death metalheads who don't  want too dirty.




Strano, stranissimo combo, questo dei Nordwitch. Provenienti dall'Ucraina che, nel campo del metal estremo, vanta una solida tradizione, essi si propongono come una death metal band situata esattamente a metà fra il melodic e il blackened. Con, in più, pennellate di viking che, si ribadisce, anzi si specifica, trova terra fertile nel Paese dell'ex-CCCP.


Strani poiché sfuggenti. Cioè, ascoltando più e più volte "Mørk Profeti", il loro nuovo album, non si riesce a mai comprendere davvero quale sia, il loro vero stile. Ciò sembrerebbe un pregio, una manifestazione di personalità, insomma. Ma non è così. Sì, perché la sensazione che si prova, e che non ci si riesce a scrollare di dosso, è quella di una certa indecisione. Quando, anche, si scopre che il suddetto lavoro è l'Opera Prima di una formazione agglomeratasi soltanto un anno fa, ecco che i due indizi formano una prova. Prova che testimonia un fatto, a parere di chi scrive, al momento inoppugnabile: i Nordwitch sono ancora acerbi.


Indecisi, insomma, su cosa fare da grandi. Non ancora certi della direzione da intraprendere. Sia quando mantengono calmi i ritmi ('Walker from Shade'), sia quanto divergono verso i blast-beats ('Dominion'), tuttavia, i Nordwitch sanno comunque il fatto loro, risultando efficaci e concreti. Più che altro, precisi. Forse addirittura scolastici. Benché siano maledettamente giovani, come ensemble, i Nostri non sono degli sprovveduti e, anzi, le sezioni melodiche della stessa 'Dominion' mostrano che essi sono in grado di comporre con profondità emotiva e piglio accattivante.


Nondimeno, fanno capolino song assai meno riuscite, tipo 'The Call to the Ancent Evil', che non è né carne né pesce. Sempre ordinata e pulita, senz'altro, ma senz'anima. Senza quel quid che la possa far emergere dalla mediocrità che, s'intuisce, non è cosa del quintetto di Kiev. Che, difatti, viceversa, in brani quali 'To North Gods' o 'No Regret', rimarca la propria attitudine naturale per il melodic e/o viking, invece che per il blackened. In queste occasioni, emerge chiaramente una vena epica che sarebbe un peccato affossare nella banalità di canzoni violente e basta.


Probabilmente si tratta soltanto di lasciarsi andare e di seguire maggiormente l'istinto. Che, come dimostra l'eccellente festival estivo annuale Kilkim Žaibu (Lettonia), è intriso - per i Nordwitch  così come per altri tanti act limitrofi - sino al midollo dal mood che scaturisce dalle leggende baltiche o comunque tipiche delle nazioni baltiche, appunto, slave e magiare.


Per questo, nonostante i vizi riscontrati, "Mørk Profeti" può essere visto come il primo tentativo di una compagine che farà strada.


Quella giusta, necessariamente.


Postivo, infine, che al microfono ci sia una donna - Masha - che, contrariamente al solito cliché, non va a rimpolpare l'esagerato insieme delle female vocals...




The quintet NordWitch hails from Ukraine, and was formed in February last year. On the debut with the nifty Danish/Norwegian title Mørk Profeti, which translates to Dark Prophecy, we find a squirt of clean, Hungarian blood... from drummer Donets Stepan, but subsequently, he's been replaced. Otherwise, the line-up is stable.


The band plays death metal with a lot of melody and mood, as well as aggression and punch, and a whiff of sulphur and soot.


Opener Dominion quickly shows a hungry band with stand-tall posture and dominant attitude, which is also representative for the album in its entirety. With frantic Hungarian pace, lack of vehement percussion likely don't have anything to do with the replacement. The footwork speeds off at high velocity and the handiwork moves like a dancing lightweight boxer in the ring.


Max and Leo are the ones handling lead guitar and riff guitar respectively. (The last time I played “rhythm guitar” was when I bashed the guitar rhythmically and repeatedly over my guitar teacher's head.) They are fully in step with the flyweight boxing as allegory. They swirl like butterflies and sting like wasps, to paraphrase (or misquote) Muhammad Ali.

The bassist is also known as Max, and is responsible for ensuring that the airy guitars don't soar of into the sky and evaporate. As an earthy lead plumb, Max Senchilo stomps the rhythm till the soil trembles, whilst also blocking the sun to prevent the expression from becoming too bright and cheerful.


On top, guttural, elongated Minotaur-roars towers. It took a few spins before I noticed that the vocals were performed by a lioness. The band's female alibi is named Мария, but uses the pseudonym Masha Crematorium, and is throat-wise no more feminine than that she's fully capable of delivering oestrus roars, deep as a chain-smoking, ready-for-mating, moose in an oil painted sunset.


Together the instruments create a vital and massive parade of swarming melodies and sturdy moods of strength and courage. The rhythms borrows a bit from Viking and black metal, and the atmosphere also bears witness to an inspiration from folk and pagan. The technically proficient guitar works are wonderful, and the pace and drive smells scorched. A whiff of thrash is also noticeable in the expression.

It feels, perhaps, natural to compare NordWitch too female fronted Arch Enemy, but the Swedes are closer to the melody-based style and rhythms better known from Gothenburg. If we stay in Sweden but move over to Stockholm and Amon Amarth, it's at least getting somewhat warmer.

The sound is just as rich as it ought to be and with decent dynamics situated on DR8, the music becomes alive like greedy, devouring flames.


My dark prophecy is that the talented Ukrainians of NordWitch can go far, for they deliver dynamite that should be able to appeal to most folks who appreciate extreme metal with a good melodic stroke. The duration of 38 minutes is just right and all the songs are also good and exempt of unnecessary fillers. Even the cover is killer.




Das Spektrum der Songs erstreckt sich somit über harte, aber nachvollziehbare Melodien, schnelle (nicht planlos schnelle, sondern fett schnelle) Parts, die wahlweise mehr an Death oder an Black Metal erinnern und variablem Gesang, der je nach Situation zwischen Growls und typisch bösartigen Black Vocals wechselt. Auch wenn sie das Rad mit "Mørk Profeti" nicht neu erfunden haben, sind z.B. mit dem düster bösartigen "Dominiom" dennoch wahre Killer am Start. Cool und abgeklärt ziehen sie auf "Mørk Profeti" ihr eigenes Ding durch: Rotziger Black/Death Metal mit bösartigen, keifenden Vocals, ohne unnötige Sperenzchen oder Spielereien. Gerade das aber macht "Mørk Profeti" zu einer sympathischen Angelegenheit, coole Songs, bissiger Gesang und kein überflüssiges Trara. Insgesamt ein solides Album, auf dem vertraute Kost geboten wird, für welches Interessenten an einer ausgewogenen Mischung aus Atmosphäre und gemäßigtem Black Metal durchaus in Erwägung ziehen sollten, die Warteschlangen an Kaufhaus-CD-Playern mal in Kauf zu nehmen.








Prendi in gestione un album. Ok, è una piacevole routine. Noti una label conosciuta, un’area geografica (Ucraina in questo caso) che sta mietendo letteralmente vittime per violenza ed estremità sonore… ed infatti stai per ascoltare un album dichiarato ‘blackened death metal’. Dai uno sguardo alle info, alla biografia, alla line up, alle foto. Noti una ragazza esageratamente stupenda… e vedi che è pure la lead vocalist. Premi quel tasto play… Questo non è possibile! È assurdo! Quella dea non può avere questa voce demoniaca!! Eppure con un ascolto attento ed approfondito, ci senti “un timbro femminile”, ma lo devi davvero ricercare nelle viscere di un growl infernale, tremendo, feroce e putrefatto… e durante la ricerca ti trovi circondato da un’ottima divisione sei corde, un riffing coinvolgente e poderoso ed un drumming che adora in maniera carnale il rito della doppia cassa tirata. Pestata e ricca di groove “Dominion”. Infernale “Walker From The Shade”, brano con diverse varianti, un drumming disumano ed una chitarra decisamente efficace ed atmosferica. “Lady Evil” regala spazio ad una chitarra superba, mentre la batteria devasta e quella ‘Lady’ si spinge sempre di più verso il concetto ‘Evil’. Il blackned dei Nordwitch celebra un death metal d’autore e d’annata con “The Call To An Ancient Evil“, mentre si toccano territori viking con l’ottima “To Nord Gods”. Tinte epiche annegate nella brutalità emergono su “No Regret” mentre la conclusiva “Messiah Of Death” è ricca di groove, offrendo anche spazio alla vocalist per sperimentare una più ambia gamma di varianti del growl. Un po’ Behemoth. Un po’ Amon Amarth. Un po’ Suffocation con goccie di Obituary. Un mix letale e per certi versi originale, sicuramente molto ben composto e suonato… considerando che la band esiste da solo un anno. Il titolo ‘Profeti oscuri’ si abbina … divinamente con quel moniker che inneggia ad una ‘strega del nord’. E Masha, la front-lady, è una vera dea, ma anche una strega malvagia, sanguinaria, demoniaca… una creatura delle tenebre che celebra con una voce poderosa tutto quello che riguarda satanismo, occulto e mitologia nordica!




Fairly standard modern melodeath affair, until you realize they pulled an Angela Gossow on ya.


Seriously, this guy’s deep belches and growls are coming out of a young woman.


I didn’t get that with Gossow, can’t stand it with Gluz or Gossow’s followers and wannabes…but at least I can give “Masha” the credit for pulling off a very credible Gossow impression. A far better one than her replacement, that’s for sure…


Masha should have taken her spot in Arch Enemy, maybe then War Eternal would have been a much better album.


Dark, melodic and moody, with likeable lead lines and solos, and Angela Mark II on vox. In fact, just think of this one as Khaos Legions 2: The Darker Chapter.


Maybe AE’s fanbase should shift allegiances and start listening to NordWitch…Amott’s deft melodicism and soloing skills aside, these guys do it much, much better since the frontwoman switch.


Weirdness of the “WTF…that’s a girl?!?  O-kayyy….” factor aside, this one’s pretty damn good for the type, and will probably stick in the iPod for a few more spins.





Heute habe ich mich für ein durchaus interessantes Album-Review bei uns «beworben» und auch prompt den Zuschlag erhalten. In dieser Kritik befasse ich mich mit der ukrainischen Black/Death Metal-Band NordWitch. Die Truppe selbst bezeichnet ihren Spielstil als «female fronted blackened death metal». Das Debütalbum der Band trägt den Namen «Mørk Profeti» und erschien Ende September des vergangenen Jahres. NordWitch wurden am 6. Februar 2015 gegründet. In ihren Songtexten befasst sich die Truppe mit Satanismus, Okkultismus und der Mythologie Skandinaviens. Kräftige Gitarrenriffs und brutaler Frauengesang zählen zu den Markenzeichen der Ukrainer. Die Promoter bezeichnen NordWitch als Juwel, welches man bisher übersehen hat. Klingt schon einmal nicht schlecht für einen ersten Eindruck. Werfen wir nun einmal einen Blick darauf, ob der Albuminhalt mit diesen grossen Worten und Lobgesängen mithalten kann.


DAS ALBUM – «Mørk Profeti»

Mit eingängigen Riffs und heulenden Gitarren ist der Opening-Track «Mørk Profeti» unterwegs. Mit der Zeit mischen dann auch die Drums in hohem Tempo mit. Insbesondere dieses rasante Schlagzeugspiel klingt schon ziemlich nach Black Metal. Allerdings handelt es sich bei diesem Stück um eine reine Instrumental-Nummer. Sängerin Masha hat offenbar vorerst noch Sendepause. Dennoch erweist sich «Mørk Profeti» als solider Anheizer und macht definitiv Lust auf mehr. Mit etwas weniger als drei Minuten Spielzeit ist er zudem der kürzeste Track der Platte. Man könnte ihn somit als eine Art Intro verstehen.


Auch bei «Dominion» kreischen die Gitarren wieder munter vor sich hin. Das ultraschnelle Tempo des Songs spornt die Nackenmuskeln direkt zu schweisstreibender Arbeit an. Oh, und da ist er also; dieser brutale Gesang. Himmel Arsch! Brüllt uns hier irgendein Dämon oder gar der Leibhaftige selbst an? Krass, was Masha da so alles aus ihrer Kehle rausholt. Man erkennt nur stellenweise, dass sich eine Frau hinter diesen Klängen verbirgt. Die Dame ist ja ein absolutes Biest. Definitiv ein gelungener Song, bei dem mich vor allem das Gitarrenspiel und der doch etwas spezielle Gesang überzeugen. So darf es gerne weitergehen. Mit einer Spielzeit von 05:25 Minuten gehört «Dominion» zu den längeren Nummern des Albums.


«Walker From Shade» reisst eine ebenfalls von Anfang an mit. Kopf in den Nacken legen und ab geht die wilde Fahrt. Die Gitarristen der Band haben ihre Saitenköniginnen ohne Zweifel hervorragend im Griff. Frontröhre Masha growlt und screamt erneut mit all ihrer Boshaftigkeit ins Mikrofon. Die Drums gehen phasenweise ebenfalls wieder richtiggehend ab durch die Decke. Bis dahin gefällt mir das Material sehr gut. Insbesondere beim Black Metal besteht allerdings bei mir häufig die Gefahr, dass die ganze Geschichte auf lange Sicht ein wenig langweilig wird und mir dann auf den Sack geht. Mal schauen, ob mir bei NordWitch ebenfalls passiert.


Doublebass und Blastbeats werden der Zuhörerschaft auch bei «Lady Evil» wieder gnadenlos um die Gehörgänge geknallt. Ein weiterer Hochgeschwindigkeits-Song und Herausforderer aller Nackenmuskeln in der Umgebung. Die vermeintliche «Lady» brüllt und krächzt uns erneut mit vollem Elan an. Mit 05:23 Minuten Spielzeit folgt danach wieder ein etwas längerer Brocken, der auf den Namen «The Call To The Ancient Evil» hört. Die düstere Atmosphäre wird auch hier äusserst gekonnt inszeniert. Masha haut alles an Brutalität raus, was ihr Kehlchen so hergibt. Auf diesem Track klingt sie nun eindeutig nicht mehr wie eine Frau. Das Zusammenspiel zwischen den Gitarren und den Drums funktioniert ebenfalls wieder hervorragend.


Klares, harmloses Gitarrenspiel eröffnet den Track «To North Gods». Folgt jetzt etwa eine ruhigere Nummer? Es macht beinahe den Anschein. Ein Spürchen langsamer als seine Vorgänger ist der Song zwischendurch schon. Nichtsdestotrotz holt uns Mashas Stimme dann ziemlich rasch auf den Boden der Death- und Black Metal-Tatsachen zurück. Aber «To North Gods» schafft es irgendwie, ein wenig Abwechslung in die ganze Album-Geschichte zu bringen. Die Melodie hebt sich ein wenig ab und überzeugt wahrscheinlich genau dadurch. Headbangen ist auch bei diesem Song sehr empfehlenswert.


«No Regret» erzeugt dann wieder eine düstere und bösartige Stimmung und wird durch schnelles Schlagzeugspiel dominiert. An Mashas Gesang – wenn man diesen dann so nennen möchte – gibt es nach wie vor überhaupt nichts zu meckern. Ich bin gespannt, ob sie dieses Niveau auch währen einer Live-Performance halten kann. Mit «Messiah Of Death» sind wir dann bereits beim letzten Song des Albums angelangt. Track Nummer acht ist ebenfalls alles andere, als eine lahme Ente. Eine wuchtige Mischung aus Black-, Death- und teilweise sogar ganz dezenten Thrash-Elementen. Zudem wird das Ganze gerne ab und an mit melodiösen Passagen angereichert. Dies zeigt den Facetten-Reichtum dieser Band und macht «Messiah Of Death» zu einem gelungenen Album-Finale.



Brutaler, weiblicher Gesang, kreischende Gitarren und ultraschnelles Schlagzeugspiel. NordWitch sind definitiv ein bisher verborgen gebliebenes Juwel, dem dringend mehr Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt werden sollte. Die männlichen Bandmitglieder beherrschen ihre Instrumente wirklich gut und Masha überzeugt mit ihrem brutal-bösen Stimmorgan. Für künftige Alben würde ich mir dann noch eine Prise mehr Abwechslung bei den einzelnen Songs wünschen. Dass die Band ihre doch mehrheitlich «Black Metal-lastigen» Hymnen mit melodiösen Elementen anreichern kann, hat sie auf «Mørk Profeti» – was übrigens so viel wie dunkle Prophezeiungen bedeutet – bereits bewiesen. Wird dies inskünftig noch ein bisschen häufiger umgesetzt, besteht zu keinem Zeitpunkt mehr die Gefahr von aufkommender Langeweile während des Hörens. Also Freunde, setzt euch die Ukrainer doch einmal auf euer metallisches Radar.





Дебютная работа молодого, но очень амбициозного и профессионального коллектива. Темнота, мрачность, злоба и ненависть - вот четыре основные составляющие этого blackened death. Сама группа уже успела сыграть на одной сцене с культовыми Nargaroth и Inquisition. Ну и отдельно стоит сказать про вокалистку - от миниатюрной татуированной блондинки совершенно не ожидаешь такого вокала и такой подачи.




Nord Witch je jedan od onih bendova gde cura vodi glavnu reč, jedan od bendova gde žena pobija činjenicu da joj je mesto kraj sudopere. Hehe' mislim da sam ovo već napisao negde? Ali svakako nisam imao nameru, tada ali ni sada da ovo zvuči šovinistički. Jako mi je drago što je sve više metal bendova gde su cura frontmeni koji grovaju iz petnih žila i nekada zadaju domaći svojim muškim kolegama.



Ovih dana sam bio u prilici da preslušavam aktuelni album benda Nord Witch, album po imenu  ''Mørk Profeti'' što u prevodu znači Crno Proročanstvo. Ja još sabiram utiske, i čini  mi se da tome još neće doći kraj te, sam se latio penkala da što pre zabeležim sveže impresije. Jer valjda to i jeste smisao recenzije? Preneti prvi utisak čitaocu iste.


Album broji devet brzih i melodičnih death metal numera. Otvara ga brutalan ali u isto vreme melodičan intro u trajanju od dva minuta za koji se čini da je bend imao nameru da nam u ta dva minuta i kusur minuta jasno i kvalitetno predstavi ono što nas očekuje do kraja albuma. I jeste tako, veći deo albuma je protkan melodijom i klasičnim death metal rifovima. Pesme su zavidnog trajanja između 4 i 6 minuta.Jednom rečju na ovom albumu se nalazi kvalitetan aranžman što ga čini jako slušljivim. Kada je produkcija u pitanju, tu je takođe dobro odrađen posao - ne previše ispeglano, to je po meni recept za dobro produciran album.




The name of the band is not giving a clue where they from. Origin of the word NordWitch is inspired by Scandinavian mythology and it is initial idea to the band`s name which lasts until now. They were formed around February 2015 in Ukraine. They did not need much time to come up with their debut released in 2016 which is Mørk Profeti.


The length of the album is closed within 39 minutes and consist 8 songs inspired by black death metal. They have indeed a lot of Scandinavian influences which appears in lyrical themes and melodic death metal songs. Both lead and rhythm guitarists are doing amazing job to balance brutal side of the music with dark and melodic tunes they intensify in almost every song. Female death metal vocals are pretty decent. Black and Viking metal riffs feature very few times throughout the records but I find it devilishly stimulating to hear. I do not know how you would like my comparison of NordWitch to bands like Behemoth, Dark Tranquillity, Bathory and Canadian Necronomicon but it`s just says that Mork Profeti is an excellent melodic, blackened death metal album. This is a new band on the scene but their songs are composed and performed as they were there longer than they exist. I am really interested in their next step that should state their real power of sound and creativity.








Diretamente da Ucrânia, a horda NordWitch promove o seu debut “Mørk Profeti” cheios de entusiasmo e prontos para encarar a cena underground mundial. Seu Death/Black Metal de início pode parecer um tanto “clichê”, afinal têm fortíssimas referências de um Belphegor como também de um Immortal na fase “Blizzard Beasts (1997)” mas, por mais incrível que pareça, os caras conseguem criar uma identidade sonora com esse álbum.


São oito faixas que misturam doses intensas de brutalidade como também de muita técnica. Parabenizo os trabalhos de guitarra que estão de primeira ! São diversos solos espalhados que chamam muito a atenção e dão um destaque incrível dentro de toda a insanidade envolvida.


Disparadamente as faixas “The Call To An Ancient Evil” e “Lady Evil” são as mais criativas e com as melhores composições.


Disco que representa a grande qualidade do Metal Extremo nos dias atuais. Recomendo e muito !!!






"NordWitch" je ukrajinsko-mađarski bend koji u svojoj muzici kombinuje black i death metal. Petorka predvođena opakom vokalistkinjom je na svom prošlogodišnjem debiju, "Mørk Profeti" pokazala da itekako ume da napravi materijal koji slušaoca kupuje na prvu loptu. Jasne gitare, sa dobrim odabirom distorzija, ritam sekcija koja ne odskače od nekog standarda (ali koja nipošto nije monotona), dubok i hrapav vokal, kao i odlično nivelisana produkcija su ono što krasi ovih osam numera. Iako ne epohalan, ovo je zaista dobar album i jedan od onih koji mi se najviše svideo već posle prvog preslušavanja.






A Ucrânia tem sido uma boa caixinha de surpresas. Mais um exemplo são os Nordwitch, que nos trazem "Mørk Profeti", uma estreia discográfica de valor onde o death metal enegrecido pelo black metal (passe-se a redundância) é o grande foco. Temos que admitir que o tema título (a intro) conquistou-nos logo. Sempre gostámos de músicas instrumentais, e uma das melhores formas de a usar é como a intro de qualquer coisa. Neste caso específico, resultou perfeitamente. Em termos de influências, parece-nos óbvio a referência a Behemoth mas não podemos falar numa cópia barata, até porque este tipo de mistura nem é propriamente exclusiva do grupo polaco. Um álbum curto mas bastante coeso e sobretudo bastante dinâmico onde a guitarra solo tem uma importância primordial. Mais uma boa banda para se ter em conta vinda da Ucrânia, sem dúvida.



Finalmente un gruppo per cui posso esprimermi come si deve e con le giuste competenze!

Cerco sempre di essere professionale e obbiettivo nelle mie recensioni, valutando la proposta a tutto tondo ma, a volte, i generi che recensisco non sono di mio gradimento o di mia competenza; quindi devo dare un giudizio troppo chirurgico sull'operato delle band

Stavolta invece entriamo nel mio campo(o come si dice a Genova veniamo nel mio carrugio)

La band che mi appresto a recensire è un'ottimo esempio di Death Metal di stampo Europeo, con una brevissima storia alle spalle , ma con capacità degne di nomi molto più altisonanti.

Parliamo dei Nordwitch , gruppo che ha le sue origini in Ucraina (anche se il batterista è Ungherese) e che ci propone un disco dalle fortissime tinte oscure e malvagie, dove si sentono distintamente la Vena Polacca del genere nelle parti "feroci" e quella Scandinava in quelle più melodiche .

Altra prerogativa della band è che, al primo ascolto, difficilmente capirete che dietro growl e scream belluini si trova una bellissima fanciulla(che personalmente non farei arrabbiare) dall'ottima tecnica in tutte le sfumature del suo cantato estremo.

Ammetto di essere arrivato titubante all'ascolto dopo aver letto che la band si è formata all'inizio del 2015, visto che non mi piacciono le cose fatte di fretta solo per uscire, ma le competenze e il gusto di questi ragazzi ha subito messo in chiaro che si tratta di ottimi professionisti con alle spalle un background che fa sentire il suo peso nell'esperienza e nelle capacità compositive.


Bando alle ciance e passiamo al disco.


1) Mork Profeti ( Intro )

La prima traccia è un intro suonato dalle atmosfere cupe e melodiche , che fa da apripista a quello che ci dimostreranno a brevis i Nordwitch , adoro gli intro suonati perché creano quel giusto feeling che prepara a un'esibizione Live.

Nel pezzo come già detto si sente un piccolo estratto compressato di quello che ci proporranno nel disco, un ottimo mix e un bel master permettono di apprezzare ogni strumento.

Unica pecca, ma quello e per un discorso di gusti, il livello di trigger sulla cassa che rende il suono di quest'ultima un pò troppo plasticoso, anche se molte volte il mercato richiede questo, sarei andato su un mix più "acustico" della batteria.


2) Dominion

Il pezzo parte con un intro di batteria cadenzato in cui le chitarre danno quel sapore di "Marzialità" che non guasta.

Finalmente entra la voce con un growl semi profondo, e ben scandito. Le chitarre trovano spazio aprendo il pezzo a qualcosa di più melodico, con un assolo di gusto che richiama la scuola svedese.ma le cose belle devono lasciare il posto alla cattiveria, sopratutto in questo genere, ed ecco tornare le sfuriate che preparano all'apertura sul ritornello, quasi cantabile.

Pezzo di ottima fattura e orecchiabilità che in questo genere non guasta ma il finale è lasciato a un intreccio armonizzato di chitarre prima di tornare a sfuriare.


3) Walker From The Shade

Un bel mid tempo apre questo pezzo, lasciando alle chitarre il compito di creare atmosfera, la testa comincia ad andare su e giù seguendo il cantato, un pezzo dalle sonorità doom su un tappeto di doppia cassa che non ci lascia fino a un'apertura marziale in cui i nostri fanno notare che sono pronti alla guerra, chiudendo il pezzo con doppia cassa   e chitarre dissonanti.


4) Lady Evil

Questo pezzo, vuoi per la melodicità vuoi per il caso, è quello che ho sentito di più (sembrava che piacesse al mio lettore più che a me).

La chitarra atmosferica apre un pezzo che evoca visioni infernali. Sopra un up tempo, la nostra agguerrita Masha ci invita nel suo regno del male, un classico pezzo death metal che non sfigurerebbe in quel movimento death/cblack scandinavo di cui abbiamo amato gruppi ormai sciolti.

Difficile togliersi della testa le linee di chitarra che  ti si insinuano nell'anima portandoti quel brivido che tanto piace a noi brutti e sporchi metallari!!!

Si, questo è proprio il pezzo perfetto per la nostra Lady Evil Masha.


5) The Call To An Ancient Evil

Le armonizzazione delle chitarre ci riconducono nuovamente in un oscuro e maligno regno in cui ad accoglierci c'è un a batteria furiosa e le lyric evocativamente malvagie della nostra Strega dietro il microfono, quando la batteria decide di lasciarci respirare lo fa con qualche secondo di stacco che lascia spazio ad un up tempo di qualche battuta prima che la chitarra ci imprigioni in una ragnatela fatta di sweep e terrore. Quando riparte la corsa speriamo di essere usciti da un incubo, ma ci pensa il lato più nero delle chitarre a costruire un'altra riff "mortale " tra il black e il death che ormai si insinua nel cranio fino alla chiusura , in cui si riprende la furia della doppia cassa accompagnata dalle chitarre che armonizzano questo antico male che sembra sbucato da chissà quale angolo oscuro della musica!


6) To Nord Gods

Nuovamente brividi e melodia aprono questo brano, le chitarre acustiche ci portano in un viaggio nelle atmosfere del profondo nord. Un death metal di stampo vichingo che piacerà a chi si perde tra mitologia norrena e l'eredità migliore di Quorthon.

L'anima Black metal dei nostri con le reminiscenze di quello che fu a cavallo degli anni 90 in Svezia ,ci fa perde in un pezzo tanto evocativo quanto maligno ed epico.

Ho poche parole per questo brano, che va ascoltato a occhi chiusi per perdersi nelle vallate e nei boschi dove gli dei del nord vivevano e venivano omaggiati. Le chitarre a sfumare in chiusura sono un tocco di classe.


7) No Regret

Chitarre evocative e dissonanti aprono un pezzo che poco dopo lascia strisciare sotto un riffe di stampo black un doppia cassa incalzante.

L'arrivo della voce che ricama sulle chitarre accompagnandone la melodia ci distrae prima di un'altro colpo tra il black e il death , in cui i Nostri si destreggiano fin troppo bene, a metà del pezzo le aperture melodiche e la cassa cadenzata ci fanno respirare tutta l'atmosfera malignamente epica del pezzo, ma la parte più black non è mai doma e quindi si riprende la scena , anche se l'ascoltatore viene rapito spesso dalle chitarre e dal ritornello epico del mid tempo.a chiudere le chitarre armonizzate preparano ad una sfuriata di doppia cassa e del growl mai leggero della nostra Cantante.


8) Messiah Of death

Chitarre nere come la pece in apertura e una sfuriata degna della migliore scena norvegese sono gli ingredienti di cui si compone l'avvento di questo "Messia di morte" e qui l'intenzione è chiara, far capire che tra sfuriate e parti cadenzate , la scena Polacca non è troppo distante!

Le strofe sono dei veri pugni in bocca come velocità e cattiveria, mentre il ritornello nasce per essere cantato scapocciando e scagliando le braccia al cielo.

la chiusura comunque e affidata a una sfuriata death vecchia scuola e un ritornello che non delude, in cui le chitarre riprendono e armonizzano l'intro.



In conclusione posso affermare che questo è un'ottimo disco per tutti gli amanti del Death Metal Europeo e per chi cerca qualcosa di realmente " dedicato " alle atmosfere degli Æsir.

Ci troviamo difronte a un lavoro estremamente professionale e maturo , che non rispecchia assolutamente l'età della band , ma più quella dei suoi componenti.

Un prodotto Professionale e ben arrangiato a cui mi sento solo di essere in disaccordo sui suoni della cassa, ma solo per un discorso personale.

Un ascolto stra consigliato per chi ,nelle sere calde che ci attendono , vuole sentire ancora il brivido di quel gelo che Bathory Dissection ci hanno insegnato da amare.




Nordwitch started his career as ukrainian-hungarian project, now this is pure ukrainian band. However debut album „Mork Profeti” was recorded with hungarian drummer. This stuff is a extraordinary mix of black and death metal with eastern melodic flow. Interestingly talking here typical connection percussion „gunmachine” sound and rhythm guitar and female growl vocals with solo guitars taken from prog/speed/powermetal. You can hear, that Nordwitch worked hard with their debut stuff and they made really great CD! From the other side, „Mork Profeti” is not contrived, the proportions of the „slaughterhouse sounds” to the melody and tempo are the most appropriate and thoughtful. „Climate change” within all pieces on this album dotted with them and do not overwhelm here. Lyrically it is a balance between the Nordic legends and gods and the occult.






Underground death metal with limited black metal influence.  Nordwitch retains its dangerous edge even during guitar solos.  Mork Profeti is an interesting mix.






Das Debut der ukrainischen Band NORDWITCH hinterlässt mich mit einem etwas unentschlossen Gefühl. Zum einen muss man sagen, dass die Songs auf "Mork Profeti" sauber eingespielt wurden und die Produktion keine Wünsche offenlässt. Okay, das Schlagzeug klingt etwas zu sehr bearbeitet, aber ansonsten alles völlig okay. Weiterhin versteht es die Band um Sängerin Masha auch, anspruchsvolle Songs zu erschaffen, die mit guten Riffs und interessanten Arrangements unterhalten können. Auf der anderen Seite muss man sagen, dass diese Mischung aus Black-, Thrash- und Death Metal irgendwie nicht richtig überzeugen kann. NORDWITCH klingen wie die dreckige und brutalere Version von ARCH ENEMY in ihren guten Zeiten. Aber zu oft verlieren sich die Musiker in ihren Spielereien und der rote Faden des Songs geht einfach flöten. Auch haben die Songs nicht wirklich Ohrwurmcharakter, sie sind kurz präsent um danach auch wieder zügig zu verschwinden.

"Mork Profeti" bleibt ein zweischneidiges Schwert, dass polarisiert. Gute und Schlechte Aspekte halten sich für meinen Geschmack die Waage, so dass man hier nur die Empfehlung geben kann, selber ein Ohr zu riskieren.






Ukrainian blackened death metal group NordWitch may be a relatively young act having only formed in 2015, but their recent actions have been causing waves in the underground with their music and live shows. Blending together ideas of satanism, occultism, and Scandinavian mythology, this female fronted act has earned a loyal fanbase up to this point, and its bound to grow. For 2016 they have signed a deal with US based Dark Rituals Records and Russia’s own Satanath Records to unleash their debut album Mørk Profeti, and thanks to Satanath and Darzamadicus Records, as well as Grand Sounds PR, Apochs.net is proud to present the debut of “Dominion” from that very album.






Aus der Ukraine stammen die Blackend beziehungsweise Melodic Death Metaller Nordwitch und legen nun ihr neustes Machwerk „Mørk Profeti“ vor. Mit Masha hat man eine Shouterin an Bord, deren weibliche Stimmlage aber nicht wirklich auszumachen ist. Nach dem als Intro herüberkommenden, leicht atmosphärischen und instrumentalen Titeltrack, geht es mit dem Opener „Dominion“ sofort mit knackigen Riffs, Doublebass Unterstützung und abgrundtiefen Vocals sowie eingestreuten Growls los, wobei parallel verlaufende und vornehmlich durch die Gitarre erzeugten Melodiebögen die Dunkelheit durchschneiden. Mit einem Groove Faktor folgt hingegen „Walker From Shade“, ehe „Lady Evil“ doch eher mit einem leicht melancholischen Touch versehen ist. Auch die weiteren Kompositionen werden kompromisslos und ohne Schnörkel aus den Boxen geschleudert, um mit dem zudem sphärischen Finisher „Messiah Of Death“ den Deckel auf ein nicht zu rotziges und durchaus empfehlenswertes Genrewerk zu machen.        






Originally featuring members from the Ukraine and Hungary, NordWitch formed at the beginning of 2015. Although firmly selling themselves as blackened death metal, it’s only ever really frontwoman Masha’s vocal style that holds them to that, since so many of the tunes on their debut ‘Mørk Profeti’ have more variety than your average blackened death band. For starters, none of this release is blighted by the cold sheets of sound so often associated with black metal; the band much prefer to concentrate on classic contemporary death styles, but take things further by mixing those traditions with the melodicism associated with early In Flames and the more extreme elements of Soilwork.



The album’s opening instrumental builds in a way that really shows a range of the band’s talents. There are huge influences from various practitioners of Scandinavian metal throughout the three minute workout and opening with a circular riff with a huge ringing sound overlaid by some rather 80s leads and minimal percussion, guitarists Leo and Max put themselves in the spotlight from the very beginning. With the arrival of the rhythm section, the tune gathers momentum and a greater meatiness, working through a mid-chug at first and then settles a more bass drum driven black metal shred. Even at the heaviest end of things, someone in the band always strives for melody as hard thrashing techniques and a tough twin lead are brought forth for an impressive finish. It’s obvious from just this short piece not only can these guys can play, but they also understand the importance of light and shade and how this can actually make extreme metal appealing to a broader demographic. ‘Dominion’ ushers in a few harsher elements; some of the thrashier parts and soaring leads are pushed aside for faster melodic death traits, as dictated by frontwoman Masha’s devastating growl, truly impressive, in that unlike work by many of her peers (growing in number all the time) it rarely gives indication of her sex. In terms of death metal equality, she stands on a high podium. It’s not always possible to decipher the stories and messages behind those forceful noises, but it’s a powerhouse performance all the same. For the end of the track, the death elements subside and some traditional sounding metal pushes forward to allow for some faultless guitar interplay. Provided you do a little death metal and the vocal is to your liking, then this – and most of what follows – should be high in appeal.


‘No Regret’ begins with a grandiose intro that could easily be compared to a couple of others on the album, suggesting that for the more critical listener NordWitch could be labelled a touch formulaic – but that’s really not the case. Soon enough, another great metal riff bursts from the multi-layered shredfest, this time taking heavier cues from classic thrash via a world of chugging downstokes. Against the riff that finds a space somewhere between Arch Enemy and OverKill, Masha growls with intent. It’s during the instrumental breaks this number really impresses, though, as Max adopts a guitar tone that’s retro and classic as he lays down a soaring lead. Even more melodic, ‘Walker From Shade’ features a really old school riff, very much the kind you might stumble across during Slayer’s ‘Seasons In The Abyss’ peak. The lead work and arpeggios are suitably sharp, also displaying a melodic bent. The slower and darker tones throughout the track really allow the guitars to make a statement, always combining heaviness and melody throughout the instrumental passages while, as before on the verses, the vocal parts increased intensity comes through a world of growls. It doesn’t add anything new to the genre, but everything is played with passion; the way the vocals shift from deep gruffness to longer notes – occasionally evoking the sounds of extreme weather conditions – is both impressive and entirely sympathetic to the musical backdrop.


‘To The North Gods’ sets off on a completely different musical path, opening with finger picked neo-classical acoustic work, but soon enough, that moves aside for a massive power metal riff, all twin leads and bombast. With two great musical traits demonstrated to a great ability and within a short space of time, this promises to be a great track. Eventually moving into the main riff, the verse fuses death metal vocals with huge melodic riffs, with Leo’s guitar work laying down some great soaring sounds as a counterpoint to a death metal growl. With a compliment of double bass pedals adding power to a riff with folk metal traits, it just seems to get better and better with each passing mood. Masha, meanwhile, growls with ease – her voice never having the higher registers that almost all female death practitioners possess. It’s got a bit of everything…and by the time a huge solo presents itself and the track fades unexpectedly, you’ll probably wish it hadn’t. While everything is superb, the ending doesn’t feel especially natural – still, that’s not enough to stop this being the album’s best track. While the bulk of ‘Lady Evil’ is happy wheel out various extreme metal traits you’ve heard from NordWitch previously, it doesn’t stop this Soilwork infused speedfest being enjoyable. Drummer Eugene comes across as a powerhouse; Masha attacks her vocal performance with a real intent and the result – somewhere between Scandinavian melodic death and extreme thrash – works excellently and ‘The Call To The Ancient Evil’ essentially gives the album an old-school death classic, with the drums much heavier on the wrist action and the bigger riffs giving way to something more grind-oriented. Although more predictable at first, the mid-section adds some wonderful guitar arpeggios and another nod to folk metal, so it’s well worth a listen.


‘Messiah of Death’ closes the album with NordWitch at their heaviest. Their most black metal influenced riffs begin this last musical journey with passages swamped by pneumatic drums. At the point where it feels as if this will be the main musical route, a melodic riff cuts through the fug with a style that, again, almost has a lilting folk tinge within its heaviness (though with the album so entrenched in influences from ancient Scandinavian mythologies, perhaps this is not so surprising). Between these two contrasting styles, there’s a world of generic death metal where Eugene provides the real driving force throughout. While the song isn’t particularly memorable, the drums are a veritable feast of noise, underscoring a tough riff and surprisingly melodic lead work. If nothing more, it’s a solid addition to the album that guarantees that once it starts to fade, the grinding folk riff will be the last thing you remember…and the growling, of course. Always the growling.


From a genre perspective, this is a great album. Musically, here is a band that showcases various multi-layered alternative metal and thrash aesthetics throughout an incredibly focused and solid black-death oriented forty minutes. Provided you’re not put off by a semi-impenetrable growl – be it male or female – than ‘Mørk Profeti’ more than delivers the goods. Great drumming; intense vocals; taught riffing and an ear for a very heavy melody, it’s all here. If you’re looking for something to compliment those Arch Enemy and Decaptiated discs, this is pretty much guaranteed to please.






One thing that never gets old is finding a band that just popped out of the wordwork and delivers an album that blows you away. Ukranian act Nordwitch has simply done that on their debut album, Mørk Profeti. Blackened death metal that impresses with its songwriting, and sense of melody that knows how to get in at the right points without overdoing it.


Somewhere along the way, blackened death metal relegated itself off to more of a sideline position (as opposed to say, old school death metal or tech death), and it’s hard to grasp why with the strength behind Mørk Profeti. Nordwitch embrace the genre without resorting to tossing in keyboards mind you, instead enveloping the cold riffs and blastbeats into a death metal format that carefully incorporates more melodic influences as well. To that end, one almost wants to add a “melodic” to the blackened death label, but it seems like it would give the wrong impression of the band. Nonetheless, melodic splendor does indeed come into play, particularly on the mid-paced “To Nord Gods,” in which an acoustic opening moves onto a fist-pumping melodic riff. But it’s not an isolated incident, with the leadwork of “No Regret” and frantic, blackened melodies of “Lady Evil” being added highlights. And fear not, there are plenty of explosive blasts and razor-sharp riffage with tracks like “Dominion” and “The Call to an Ancient Evil.” Overall, there’s a pleasant flow to the album that pulls you in with this combo of melody and aggression. Plus, the production gives a suiting feel to the performance, not really raw but not really surgically clean either – exactly what this type of music needs.


Nordwitch have a real sleeper hit on their hands with Mørk Profeti. A classic death metal approach that’s enhanced with blackened melodies that intertwine without compromise. There’s something to satisfy much of the extreme scene here.







I have already interviewed this band just based on a demo they did. There is a hype (kinda) going for this Ukraine band. It is time now for the the band to prove that they are not just a fad but really can deliver the goods. Blackened death metal or deathend black metal? No matter what this is not as brutal and to the throat as I first thought it would be. This is much more Arch Enemy painted matte black than I could imagine. But it is just that, the darker side that makes this work. If you feel that Arch Enemy is too easily accessible you should give NORDWITCH a listen. “Mörk Profeti” proves that NORDWITCH is anything but a fad.






NordWitch es una banda de Blackened/Death Metal procedente de Ucrania. Las canciones de la banda hablan sobre satanismo, ocultismo y mitología de la antigua Escandinavia. Mork Profeti es su álbum debut que saldrá en Otoño de este mismo año (30 de Septiembre), al igual que su gira por Europa.

Su debut abre con el tema homónimo, Mork Profeti, siendo instrumental y tranquilo donde los protagonistas son las guitarras y el bajo sonando de forma intensa, a los que pronto se les une una batería ágil. A continuación, suena Dominion, donde ya se puede apreciar un sonido más áspero al inicio, que abre a la voz gutural de Masha, que suena increíble. Si algo hay que destacar no sólo de este corte, sino de todo el disco, es el sonido pulcro en un estilo tan sombrío como éste. En la misma línea se encuentra Walker From Shade, con un eco potente y, a la cabeza, la penetrante voz de Masha, que suena completamente Black dejando y te deja con la boca abierta, porque suena aterradoramente bien.

Podemos definir a Lady Evil, como una canción cruda y oscura con unas guitarras agresivas, donde el solo de guitarra está acompañado por la batería atronadora de Eugene Hrulev, creando así una sensación de caos y destrucción a nuestro alrededor. Esa misma desolación que encontramos en The Call To The Ancient Evil, con unos aires impregnados de Death sin perder la tenebrosidad que caracteriza a la banda, encontrando elementos de Black Metal.

The North Gods cuenta con una intro que en nada se parece a lo que hemos escuchado anteriormente, ya que es agradable y tranquila; pero esto se acaba pronto cuando suenan las guitarras de Max y Leo. Realmente, es el tema más blando pero el rugido de Masha sigue sonando de forma imparable.

De manera potente y lóbrega suena No Regret, su intensidad y su penetrante oscuridad, hacen de este tema que sea único.

Es increíble de la forma en la que NordWitch han cerrado su debut, destructivo suena Messiah Of Death, donde Masha saca a todo el ser demoníaco que habita en su interior con unos guturales espeluznantes. E incluso, se aprecian elementos de Death en este corte que lo hacen más poderoso, digno de cualquier criatura del Averno.












NORDWITCH rozpoczynał jako projekt ukraińsko-węgierski, obecnie jest to zespół stricte ukraiński, chociaż krążek został nagrany jeszcze z węgierskim perkusistą. Debiutancki album „Mork Profeti” to, jak na debiut, niezła i potężna dawka melodyjnego black-death metalu. Ciekawie gadają tu typowe dla nurtu połączenia brzmienia perki i gitar rytmicznych i growlującego wokalu (żeńskiego!) z mocno rozbudowanymi solówkami i tempami bliższymi speed/power/prog metalowi. Trzeba przyznać, że NORDWITCH mieli pomysł jak to sprawnie pożenić i słychać, że w osiem debiutanckich kawałków włożyli dużo pracy. Z drugiej strony materiał nie jest przekombinowany, proporcje rzeźni do melodyjności oraz tempa są jak najbardziej właściwe i przemyślane, a zmiany klimatów w obrębie kawałków urozmaicają je, a nie przytłaczają. W warstwie tekstowej jest to balans między nordyckimi legendami i bogami a okultyzmem.



Ukraiński Nordwtich wydał nie tak dawno swoją debiutancką płytę. Nie czuć jednak w nagraniach tremy debiutantów – zespół ma swój styl. Czy w konwencji black/death metalowej można jeszcze zaprezentować coś oryginalnego? Pewno tak, choć Nordwitch nie stawia na eksperyment, ale na sprawdzone sposoby. Jednak nawet jeśli propozycja kapeli jest nieco zachowawcza, to jednocześnie na tyle rzetelnie skomponowana i nagrana, że słucha się zawartych na Mørk profeti kawałków z uwagą. Riffy są tu mocne, klarowne, produkcja przejrzysta – całość wypada na tyle zadziornie, by nie mówić o zdradzie, ale i na tyle przebojowo, by nie przyciągnąć jedynie kłaniających się chaosowi świrusów.


Nordwitch umiejętnie przeplata różne pierwiastki ekstremalnej metalowej sztuki, tworząc całość zgrabną i złowieszczą, choć też nie szczególnie porywającą. Nieszablonowo pracują na albumie gitary, nie tylko sprzedając nośne riffy, ale też „rzeźbiąc” ciekawe dźwięki w tle, o czym świadczy już początek w postaci Dominion i Walker from the Shade. Deathowy growl (kobiecy!), niespieszne uderzenia gitar, ale też umiejętne zmiany tempa, które napędzają poszczególne kawałki, świadczą o kompozytorskiej wizji. Czasem odzywa się na albumie bardziej klasyczny deathmetalowy motyw (The Call to an Ancient Evil), z intensywnym, żwawym riffem (Messiah of Death). Innym razem w kompozycjach czuć większy „oddech”, całość brzmi bardziej epicko, z blackowym zacięciem (To Nord Gods i No Regret). Skutecznie udaje się połączyć kapeli złowieszczy klimat z pewną przebojowością, przy jednoczesnym braku pójścia na kompromisy (Lady Evil).


Płyta może się podobać. Każdy z utworów wziętych oddzielnie robi niezłe wrażenie, skonstruowany jest z głową, a całość opiera się na dobrych motywach. Płyta została konsekwentnie zbilansowana z wykorzystaniem atutów death i black metalowej stylistyki, które w poszczególnych kompozycjach zostały zmieszane w różnych proporcjach. Mørk profeti w kanonach stylu wypada po prostu dobrze, a Nordwitch śmiało można porównywać do najlepszych w swej kategorii wagowej. A że nic nowego i bez jakichś szczególnych objawień, które rzucałyby na kolana? Dobra płyta to chyba dość, by fani czarnej sztuki się ucieszyli.





Одна из активных металлургических российских контор по выпуску самого разного (sic!), но все более черного металла Satanath Records в этот раз присмотрела украинскую команду NordWitch. Что позволило музыкантам издать нормальный полноформат. Кстати говоря, первый в своей дискографии.

Blackened Death Metal - так обозвал стиль формации издающий лейбл, и кажется, можно добавить тэг «мелодик» перед Death Metal. Потому что гитарная отработка здесь оснащена толковыми соляками, что нередко можно принять и за специфический подход группы. Сразу же стоит отметить, МДМ в свое время мутировал из полуЭКСТРЕМАЛЬНОГО жанра в невесть что - гипер-мелодическое или бесполезно навороченное — все так же претендующее на бренд МДМ. В данном случае ничего такого бестактного не происходит из-за 1. приставки Blackened, 2. четко оформленного желания команды играть тяжелый музон, 3. мощного специфического среднечастотного гроула вокалистки. Да-да, вы не ослышались. Хотя все более женщин устраиваются у микрофона в метал командах, все-таки это не стало и не станет общим местом. По множеству причин. Главная из которых - физиология голосовых связок... так что всегда удивляемся и поражаемся женским экстремальным вокальным поливам.

В сабжевом случае примечаем у вокалистки уверенное владение материалом, и что важно, эмоциональную включенность на добром уровне - когда это необходимо. Потому что были моменты на этом альбоме, когда композер требовал совершенно холодной, ледяной отработки. И это конечно не удивительно, смотря на название команды. Еще скажу, что иногда в рамках одного и того же трака вокалистка работает выше-ниже, организуя своеобразные голосовые ступеньки, добавляя динамического разнообразия в структуру музыкального произведения. По этой же теме там стараются и струнники. И надо сказать — небезуспешно.

Соло-гитарист, о работе которого вскользь уже упомянуто, получил очевидный карт-бланш от всей формации, (или сам делегировал себе полномочия) на сооружение ажурного мелодического покрывала всей этой стальной экспозиции. И это, конечно же, приятная уху закоренелого металхэда наша метальная мелодика, корни которой растут из классического (я так думаю ) образования гитареро. Потому эти партии линкуют к образчикам векового наследия европейской музыки. Оставаясь, естественно, в рамках указанного стиля (а не, например, симфо- или прогги-дэта).

Добротный базис этого компакт-диска - это реально ритм-секция, которая шмаляет очень бодро и даже более того - мастеровито и изобретательно, сооружая стальные рельсы для паровоза, на боках которого написано NordWitch.

Этот компакт издан в сотрудничестве с македонской Darzamadicus Records, лейблом, который не раз и не два вместе с Satanath Records выкидывал на этот черный свет экстремальщину, жуть да и просто сгустки ненависти.




I have already interviewed this band just based on a demo they did. There is a hype (kinda) going for this Ukraine band. It is time now for the the band to prove that they are not just a fad but really can deliver the goods. Blackened death metal or deathend black metal? No matter what this is not as brutal and to the throat as I first thought it would be. This is much more Arch Enemy painted matte black than I could imagine. But it is just that, the darker side that makes this work. If you feel that Arch Enemy is too easily accessible you should give NORDWITCH a listen. “Mörk Profeti” proves that NORDWITCH is anything but a fad.





Ukraine's metal scene has been expanding to be compared from last time with lots of bands covering major metal genres and subgenres as well.Founded in 2015, Nordwitch released its first full length debut album entitled "Mørk profeti".5 consisting members of Nordwitch are all from Ukraine managed to create their own brand of blackened death metal music which is quite common nowadays elsewhere but with lots of extra elements added to it.


This album has all the criteria needed for a blackened death metal album, infact their arrrangement are quite different to be compared with other bands of the same genre and this is probably because Nordwitch incorporates Norse mythology in their concept and lyrics besides the normal Satanism and Occultism theme. And this has made the flow of the music more intense and full of force.Thundering drums with decent fills and constant blastbeats throughout the 38:15 playtime really an interesting musical journey and not to forget refreshing as well.


Accompanied by the atmospheric and melodic solos yet heavy guitar playing plus some acoustic parts in some songs works well without doubt, "Mørk profeti" has it all packed in one entertaining album.Masha's extreme vocals are at its best, dark and guttural at the same time blends together with the twisted and wicked arrangement which flows brutal to the core. This album has enough bass to blow those craving ears of death metal fans in particular by not overdoing it unlike other bands. The production is dirty in a clean way, a normal choice for modern day bands but still the feel and the visions are on the right path.


This is an absolute buy for all black metal, death metal and also those who dig melodic and dark music in general.Prepare for an enevitable journey into darkness and endless headbanging prophecy which is more than enough to describe the essence of Nordwitch's "Mørk profeti. Long live the "dark prophecy"!





No me canso de repetirlo: la ex- Unión Soviética (y los países que la componían) son hoy una de las mecas del metal extremo. NordWitch reafirma mis dichos con este "Mørk Profeti", su álbum debut con el que se muestran decididos a tomar el mundo por asalto.

Tienen solo dos años de formados, son de Ucrania y poseen una actitud demoledora. Los estilos abordados y los rugidos de la vocalista Masha Dementieva, inmediatamente emparenta a NordWitch con Arch Enemy y Holy Moses, ya que musicalmente las tres bandas también tienen mucho en común, o sea death melódico bien mezclado con thrash, de pura cepa sueca, aunque en “Mørk Profeti” hay un componente black que no podemos obviar. La furiosa voz de Masha es sin dudas, junto a los monstruosos riffs, el gran atractivo de este discazo.

El sonido del disco es superlativo, y sumado a la excelente presentación y el completo booklet, redondean un trabajo del cual deben estar muy satisfechos. Fans de las bandas antes mencionadas, consigan este auténtico trallazo. RECOMENDADO 100 %.





This band was formed in 2015 from the ashes of CRYSTAL NIGHT. Musically the quintet follows what they initiated with their previous band, though excluding the presence of the keyboard player and thus giving less space for that instrument too. They've decided to change their image maximally, be it regarding the lyrics or the visuals. So it was time to swap the band's name respectively. NORDWITCH represents a way darker musical approach than it was used to back in the CRYSTAL NIGHT days. As their debut album's title suggests the band deepens into the Nordic mythology and not lyrics-wise only, but music-wise as well. The 8 well-composed piece of "Mørk Profeti" displays some kind of twist between the musical heritages of DIMMU BORGIR and ARCH ENEMY. The first one comes mainly when we have a deal with guitar riffs and grandiose arrangements, while the second band's name pops-up in almost all the vocal parts of the 38 minutes and 19 seconds long CD. It is kind of very well stolen Angela Gossow-like manner, if you ask me. The informative musical part on "Mørk Profeti" was supplied by lead guitarist Maksym Vityuk, who's a really skilled and talented 6-string shredder. The rest of the musicians are used to have a backing role most of the times. The band was even lazy to record the drums live, so you can taste some programmed drum-patterns on the album, which in fact sound pretty good, but still they aren't live at all. We'll see if they try to fix that deficiency on their second album. Fans of Melodic Black/Death Metal should take a try with. By the way, Japanese Spiritual Beast has re-released the album in 2017 with one bonus track titled "Darknet Storm".




NordWicth é uma banda que faz um Death/Black Metal muito preciso, eficaz, eficiente, muito bem composto, tocado e produzido, e com grande influência do Metal dos anos 80 nas guitarras de bandas como Metallica, Queensryche, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest e Yngwie Malmsteen, muitas melodias marcantes, esse cd você vai querer ouvir muitas e muitas vezes.


Vocais rasgados dão uma cara quase de death metal melódico ao material, baixo e bateria dão o peso necessário enquanto as guitarras, teclados e vocais dão a atmosfera e atmosfera.




Para fãs de bandas de black metal escandinavas como Bewitched, Nifelheim, Aura Noir, que tem muitos elementos do metal oitentista em sua sonoridade.


Banda que já começa com um material muito, mais muito acima da média em termos de produção, talento, composição e produção musical, com certeza será um grande nome do metal europeu nos próximos anos.





Ukrainian Blackened Death Metallers NordWitch are inspired by ancient Scandinavian mythology; you know, coldness, mysteries, myths and such things are naturally a great source of inspiration for many.


Right off the bat, it needs to be said that this extreme Ukrainian horde kicks some serious ass (for lack of better words), no matter how overused and cliché this phrase may sound to some of you. NordWitch's technical, multilayered, punchy and simply well executed Blackened Death Metal (and at times even kind of thrashy) does not just pass you by as there is plenty here to grab your attention. It's just too good to be ignored, having nearly top-notch compositions that reek of true professionalism and amazing musicianship. It's also hard to believe those ominous, low grunts come from the lungs of a woman. Masha sounds more convincing than many of her comrades in the same field, so by all means take notes and learn something from her vocal abilities.


Technically speaking, and in the musical sense of addictive and weeping melodies, Nordwitch don't falter at all, like for example the Metal giants in Dimmu Borgir and, in fact, manage to sound more inspiring and far more interesting than what the Dimmu crew has done in many years. It truly amazes me how well rehearsed this Ukrainian bunch is.


I am enjoying this band more and more with each listen of Mørk profeti. Keep your eyes out for this excellent Ukrainian act. They've got some nice things cooking up in their huge metal cauldron.

