. Satanath Records

Reviews: SAT149

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DEMONIC OBEDIENCE ging 2013 aus der Asche von DECEPTIVE INCARNATION hervor. "George Ntavelas" hat es sich ganz alleine zum Ziel gemacht, brutale und dunkle Musik zu kreieren. So weit so unspektakulär, doch wie gestaltet sich das Endergebnis nun tatsächlich? Gehen wir dem ein wenig auf den Grund.

Wer meine einleitenden Zeilen nicht nur überflogen hat wird schon gemerkt haben dass es sich hier um eine One Man Band handelt. Dies muss allerdings nichts schlechtes bedeuten, immerhin haben viele Kollegen in der Vergangenheit bewiesen dass man auch ganz alleine was tolles erschaffen kann. Der fade Beigeschmack liegt meist am Einsatz eines Drumcomputers. Auch auf "Nocturnal Hymns To The Fallen" kommt der digitale Drummer zum Einsatz, zum Glück klingen die Blechkollegen heutzutage nicht mehr ganz so schrecklich, doch leider immer noch zu steril. Und genau hier liegt auch eines der Schwachpunkte des Albums. Die Musik an sich ist wirklich herrlich dunkel und brutal ausgefallen, doch dieses sterile Drumming macht einiges davon wieder kaputt. Lässt man sich allerdings nicht stören von dieser Tatsache, kann man sich wirklich an einem düsteren Werk erfreuen. Einflüsse von IMMOLATION oder INCANTATION lassen sich nicht verleugnen, doch an die Klasse dieser Band kommt DEMONIC OBEDIENCE noch lange nicht heran. Der Gesang ist schön gruftig, die Gitarren sind in den Keller gestimmt und die Songs an sich wechseln schön zwischen Midtempo und flotterem Gebolze, doch das Ganze klingt einfach irgendwie bei jedem Song gleich. Wenn man sich nicht richtig konzentriert merkt man nicht einmal welcher Song momentan läuft. Es dauert bis zum abschließendem "Gehenna" bis endlich richtige Abwechslung aufkommt. Dieser Song macht den faden Beigeschmack des restlichen Materials wieder etwas wett. Denn hier kann man zum ersten mal richtig aufhorchen.

Ein richtig guter Song und Sieben eher durchschnittliche Songs machen leider noch kein gutes Album. Doch schlecht ist "Nocturnal Hymns To The Fallen" bei weitem nicht, nur etwas zu eintönig. In Zukunft währen mehr Songs wie "Gehenna" sehr wünschenswert.


Demonic  Obedience  are  a solo  project  from  Greece  that  plays  a  blackened  form  of  death  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2016  album "Nocturnal  Hymns  To  The  Fallen"  which  will  be  released  in  May  as  a joint  effort  between  Satanath  Records  and  Severed  Records.

Clean  guitar  playing  starts  off  the  album  and  after  a  few  seconds  the  music  goes  into  more  of  a  dark  and  brutal  direction  along  with  some demonic  death  metal  growls  and  the  songs  also b ring  in  a  great  mixture  of  slow,  mid paced  and  fast  parts  along  with  the  faster  sections  using a  great  amount  of  brutal  blast  beats.

Morbid  sounding  melodies  can  be  heard  in  some  of  the  riffing  while  all  of  the  musical  instruments  have  a  very  powerful  sound  to them  and when  solos  and  leads  are  utilized  they  are  done  in  a  very  dark  and  melodic  fashion  while t hey  also  have  their  chaotic  moments  and  you  can also  hear  elements  of  doom  metal  in  the  slower  guitar  riffing.

When  tremolo  picking  its  adds  in  elements  of  black  metal  and  clean  playing  also  returns  in  certain  sections  of  the  recording  and  some  of t he tracks a re  very  long  and  epic  in  length  and  black  metal  screams  are  utilized  more  as  the  album  progresses  and  while  the  music  is  mostly rooted in  the  90's  it  still  sounds  very  modern.

Demonic  Obedience  plays  a  style of  blackened  death  metal  that  is  very  dark,  heavy  and  brutal  and  mixes  the  old  school  dark  death  metal  style of  the  90's  with some  of  the  modern day  brutality,  the  production  sounds  very  professional  while  the  lyrics  cover  dark,  blasphemous  and  occult themes.

In  my  opinion  Demonic  Obedience  are  a  very  great  sounding  blackened  death  metal  solo  project  and if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre, you should  check  out  this  album.  RECOMMENDED TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Portal  Of  The  Sacred  Kan"  "Nocturnal  Imagery"  and  "Gehenna".


Sotto il monicker Demonic Obedience si nasconde la persona di George Ntavelas, musicista greco trapiantato in Scozia, mastermind unico del progetto giunto con questo “Nocturnal hymns to the fallen” alla seconda fatica sulla lunga distanza.

Le otto tracce che compongono il cd sono costituite da un death pastoso ed oscuro largamente influenzato dagli Incantation e dalle primissime incarnazioni degli Immolation (sottolineo tre volte primissime). La breve bio in mio possesso annovera fra le influenze della band i Morbid Angel, ma onestamente non vedo traccia alcuna né nel songwriting, né come ispirazione diretta ed indiretta, di riferimenti alla band del buon Trey Azagthoth. Nemmeno nei passaggi più rallentati in cui manca la fondamentale componente sulfurea.

Niente di nuovo sotto il sole mi vien da dire, ma George Ntavelas, pur essendo mastermind unico dei Demonic Obedience, dimostra di avere una buona visione di insieme e di saper costruire delle canzoni nello stile tipico del gruppo guidato da John McEntee.

Anche per quello che riguarda le tematiche delle liriche, i Demonic Obedience non si discostano dalla triade satanismo/sofferenza/occultismo puntando prevalentemente su un growl pastoso alternato a brevi momenti screaming come ad esempio in“Impermissibile irriverence”.

“Nocturnal hymns to the fallen” pur essendo un disco non malvagio, manca di quella componente in grado di fargli fare il salto di qualità, mancando di una spiccata personalità tale da farlo emergere nel mare magno delle uscite del genere. Si sarebbe dovuto osare di più, forse George Ntavelas dovrebbe aprire la band ad altri elementi per potersi confrontare e far fare alla sua creatura un deciso passo in avanti.


De Griek Georg Ntavelas zat ooit in Deceptive Incarnation. Hij verhuisde van Griekenland naar Engeland en startte daar in 2013 The Deepest, dat hij later omdoopte tot Demonic Obedience. Nocturnal Hymns To The Fallen is de tweede cd en opnieuw is Georg verantwoordelijk voor het schrijven en opnemen van het hele instrumentarium, inclusief de zang. Het ding komt half mei uit in een gelimiteerde oplage van vijfhonderd stuks.

Eigenlijk is het heerlijk als je bij een blik op de hoes en songtitels een band in een muzikale hoek kunt drukken. In het geval van Demonic Obedience is dat niet anders. Het geheel oogt als old school death metal en, het zal na het lezen van de vorige zin niet verbazen, zo klinkt het ook. Er wordt afgetrapt met een rustig gitaartokkeltje met enkele dissonante klanken en als Create The Shapeless dan echt begint, worden alle verwachtingen ingelost. Een vette, donkere en doffe sound die enkel in laagheid wordt overtroffen door de grunt van de heer Ntavelas.

De solo's slaan eigenlijk nergens op, precies zoals het hoort. En ook de riffs en zanglijnen zijn onderling uitwisselbaar. En het zijn juist deze elementen die liefhebbers van het genre zo aanspreken. Het enige verbeterpuntje dat ik heb kunnen ontdekken is dat de tempowisselingen soms wel erg abrupt zijn. Maar ook dat krijgt na verloop van tijd gewoon zijn charme.

Nergens op Nocturnal Hymns To The Fallen wordt buiten de lijntjes gekleurd maar wat dondert het? Voor degenen die Nihilist prefereren boven Entombed: aanschaffen. En snel ook, want op is op.


Demonic Obedience, c'est Georges Ntavelas originaire de Grиce qui forma ce groupe avec l'aide de George Seremetis sur les cendres de Deceptive Incarnation. Tout d'abord intitulй The Deepest, rapidement, le combo troqua son death metal progressif pour un death/black metal old school inspirй de groupes tels que Immolation, Morbid Angel, Incantation ou Deicide.

Formй dйbut 2013, le groupe ne tarde pas а sortir son premier mйfait sous le nom de 'Morbid Supremacy of Evil' courant l'annйe 2014. A peine dans les bacs, Ntavelas se remit au travail pour nous proposer cette annйe, 2016, son second album 'Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen' plus brutal que son grand frиre en 8 actes et prиs de 40 minutes.

La galette est clairement old school, Georges s'inspirant du meilleur de ses aоnйs pour produire un death/black caverneux accrocheur sur lequel l'ombre de Morbid Angel des dйbuts plane! Les titres sont assez longs (deux d'entre eux dйpassent les 6 minutes) et offrent de la diversitй tout en gardant comme feuille de route un univers sombre dans lequel s'insиre quelques plans terrifiants voire inquiйtants.

Privilйgiant le chant death sur une musique orientйe black sur les deux premiers titres 'Create the Shapeless', 'Portal of the Sacred Kan' parsemйs de riffs lents/lourds et dissonants sur un tempo "blast beatй" soutenu, c'est а partir du trиs rapide 'Forced Obscenity' que le chant black fait son apparition.

Cette approche artistique ne quittera plus le one man band qui ne cessera d'alterner les plans growlйs death et black les superposant mкme а de nombreuses reprises et c'est aussi lа que la typologie old school de la musique de Georges s'affirme.

L'ambiance alternera des nuances lourdes et tйnйbreuses avec 'Impermissible Irreverence Pt. 1' а l'opposй de son faux-frиre 'Impermissible Irreverence Pt. 2' bien plus brutal et rapide dans une atmosphиre finale terrifiante. La musique du combo greco-йcossais sait se faire volumineuse avec 'Nocturnal Imagery' aux riffs thrash sur l'intro accompagnйs de blast beat dйvastateurs et dont la rythmique dissonante confиre un univers malsain. On retrouve une nuance а la Morbid Angel sur 'Godmade Beast' par le solo intro du titre dйrapant vers quelque chose de plus lourd et caverneux а la rythmique stridente. La mйlodie se fait plus dure au fil des minutes vers une ambiance plus black.

'Gehenna' clфture la galette en brutalitй sans concession. Certainement le titre le plus rapide et le plus puissant de "Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen" et qui se radicalise au fil des minutes dйfilant vers un break dissonant et sombre sur la derniиre minute et demi servant d'outro.

Un second album de bon niveau а la production irrйprochable pour Georges Ntavelas. Avec "Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen"", Demonic Obediance monte d'un cran la brutalitй de sa musique tout en prйservant son entitй old school et associant sans fausse note l'univers du death а celui du black. Bravo pour ce disque en espйrant que Georges travaille dйjа sur son troisiиme rejeton!


Demonic Obedience es una banda surgida de las cenizas de Deceptive Incarnation, formada en el año 2013 por George Ntavelas y George Seremetis bajo el nombre de The Deepest. Actualmente George Ntavelas es el único miembro y es el encargado de las voces, guitarras y bajo, con lo cual se mantiene como un proyecto de estudio. “Morbid Supremacy of Evil” fue su álbum debut y tras dos años de espera, ahora acaba de lanzar el segundo LP, titulado “Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen”.

En este nuevo álbum nos encontramos con un Death Metal de temática ocultista en el que predominan los mid-tempos y up-tempos, sonando muy en la línea de los primeros discos de Incantation. Los riffs son muy graves y oscuros, además contiene trémolos tipicamente Black Metal, dándole un punto gélido al conjunto de las composiciones. En cuanto a los solos, los encontramos tanto caóticos, derivados del Old School más primitivo, como densos y “líquidos”, con lo que, personalmente, considero que crean una atmósfera que invita a la introspección y por tanto, ambos estilos añaden una riqueza musical elevada. La batería aún siendo programada, ha logrado que tenga muchas dudas al respecto, pues únicamente en los momentos de blastbeats o el sonido de ciertos platos, sonaban de manera más artificial, por tanto es todo un logro dadas las limitaciones que se pueden llegar a tener al usar este tipo de baterías, a mi me ha sorprendido gratamente.

Al conjunto de la música cabe destacar los múltiples registros de la voz de George Ntavelas, el cual opta por varios de ellos, por una parte profundos guturales graves y por otra, rasgados con tonos medios y más agudos.

En líneas generales, un buen disco que satisfacerá a todo fan del Old School Death Metal y a cualquiera que le guste el Metal Extremo a la vieja usanza.

[English version]

Demonic Obedience is a band that emerged from the ashes of Deceptive Incarnation, formed in the year 2013 by George Ntavelas and George Seremetis under the name of The Deepest. George Ntavelas is currently the only member and is in charge of the vocals, guitars and bass, which is maintained as a study project. “Morbid Supremacy of Evil” it was their debut album and after two years of waiting, now just released second LP, entitled “Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen”.

On this new album we have a Death Metal of thematic occultist dominated mid-tempos and up-tempos, playing very much in the line of the first albums of Incantation. The riffs are very deep and dark, also contains tremolos typically Black Metal, giving it a point icy to the set of compositions. As for solos, find them both chaotic, derivative of the more primitive Death Metal, as dense and “liquid”, so, personally, think that they create an atmosphere that invites introspection and therefore both styles add a high musical richness. Drums still being programmed, has managed to have many doubts, because only in the moments of blastbeats or the sound of certain cymbals, sounded more artificially, so it is quite an achievement given the limitations that you may have to use this type of drums, I am pleasantly surprised.

The set of the music included multiple records the voice of George Ntavelas, which opts for several records, a serious deep guttural part and secondly, torn voice with medium and sharper tones.

In general lines, a good album to satisfy any fan of Old School Death Metal and anyone who likes Extreme Metal to the old way.



Everything on that nocturnal album cover up there is either spiky, smoldering, burning, or crackling with electricity. And it well suits the music on the new album by Demonic Obedience, Nocturnal Hymns To the Fallen, which is set for release on May 18 via Satanath Records and Sevared Records. Today we bring you the stream of a song from the album named “Forced Obscenity“.

Though originally created in 2013 as a two-man group based in Thessaloníki, Greece, Demonic Obedience now continues to move forward as the solo project of George Ntavelas, who moved to Edinburgh, Scotland, in 2014. This new album follows the debut full-length Morbid Supremacy of Evil, which was released by the Mexican record label Azermedoth Records in 2014.

“Forced Obscenity” absolutely seethes with savage energy, but ferocious ripping and tearing isn’t all that Demonic Obedience delivers on this track. The music moves at a furious pace, but it twists and turns just as fast, veering from gale-force black metal riffing and blasting, to methodical, hammering chord grooves, to galloping thrash surges, to jolting tech-death derangement, with soloing that’s both searing and serpentine. Through it all, Ntavelas voices the lyrics in an abyssal growl that sounds inhuman (which is to say, reminiscent of John McEntee.) It’s a dynamic, technically impressive black/death tornado that should get your neurons firing on all cylinders.

Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen was recorded at Deception Studio in Edinburgh, Scotland, and was mixed and mastered by Achilleas at Achillman Studios in Greece. Ordering info is available via the links below — and after listening to our song premiere you can also check out another previously released track from the album, “Nocturnal Imagery”.


We're going back to some old school blasting death metal today with an exclusive premiere from U.K. one-man wrecking ball Demonic Obedience!

Forged primarily by vocalist, guitarist, and bassist George Ntavelas, the project's second album "Nocturnal Hymns To The Fallen" is coming on May 18th via Satanath Records.

With the album now due out in just a little over two weeks, we've got the exclusive premiere of advance track "Portal Of The Sacred Kan" - check it out below and let us know what you think!

If you like what you hear, the full previous album "Morbid Supremacy of Evil" is also up for streaming and digital purchase at Bandcamp here.

Band mastermind George also comments:

"Demonic Obedience is a one man band which started four years ago when I was still in Greece. So far I managed to release two full-length albums ('Morbid Supremacy of Evil' and 'Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen') with the help of support of Achilleas who is the man behind the production and Alex who is responsible for the lyrics.

"'Nocturnal Hymns' was recorded at Deception studio, my personal studio and mixed and mastered on Achillman studios in Greece. The lyrics were written by Alex for once more and the layout was created by Incense Art. The album was meant to be released last year but due to some problems with the label, it will be released by Satanath and Sevared Records on the 18th of May. The idea behind the album is a trip in the darkest places of the human mind and soul and musically I’m mainly influenced by old school death metal bands such as Incantation and Immolation.

"The new album is more brutal than 'Morbid Supremacy.' In my opinion is more straight to the point with less atmospheric parts and more aggressive guitars. Achilleas worked a lot on the sound and he impressed me once again. In general I think that I couldn't be happier with the final product and I can't wait to hear some feedback from the fans. I am already working on the third album and I believe that it will be one more step forward for Demonic Obedience. I cannot promise anything for live shows once I am the only member of the project but you never know. Time will tell."


Demonic  Obedience  are  a solo  project  from  Greece  that  plays  a  blackened  form  of  death  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2016  album  "Nocturnal  Hymns  To  The  Fallen"  which  will  be  released  in  May  as  a joint  effort  between  Satanath  Records  and  Severed  Records.

Clean  guitar  playing  starts  off  the  album  and  after  a  few  seconds  the  music  goes  into  more  of  a  dark  and  brutal  direction  along  with  some demonic  death  metal  growls  and  the  songs  also b ring  in  a  great  mixture  of  slow,  mid paced  and  fast  parts  along  with  the  faster  sections  using a  great  amount  of  brutal  blast  beats.

Morbid  sounding  melodies  can  be  heard  in  some  of  the  riffing  while  all  of  the  musical  instruments  have  a  very  powerful  sound  to them  and when  solos  and  leads  are  utilized  they  are  done  in  a  very  dark  and  melodic  fashion  while t hey  also  have  their  chaotic  moments  and  you  can also  hear  elements  of  doom  metal  in  the  slower  guitar  riffing.

When  tremolo  picking  its  adds  in  elements  of  black  metal  and  clean  playing  also  returns  in  certain  sections  of  the  recording  and  some  of t he tracks a re  very  long  and  epic  in  length  and  black  metal  screams  are  utilized  more  as  the  album  progresses  and  while  the  music  is  mostly rooted in  the  90's  it  still  sounds  very  modern.

Demonic  Obedience  plays  a  style of  blackened  death  metal  that  is  very  dark,  heavy  and  brutal  and  mixes  the  old  school  dark  death  metal  style of  the  90's  with some  of  the  modern day  brutality,  the  production  sounds  very  professional  while  the  lyrics  cover  dark,  blasphemous  and  occult themes.

In  my  opinion  Demonic  Obedience  are  a  very  great  sounding  blackened  death  metal  solo  project  and if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre, you should  check  out  this  album.  RECOMMENDED TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Portal  Of  The  Sacred  Kan"  "Nocturnal  Imagery"  and  "Gehenna".



Once in a while-and hopefully more often than that-you will come across an album that at its very core is darkness and upon listening you get a sinking feeling in your heart as if your soul is being ripped out of you. One of those such albums is Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen by Demonic Obedience. Nocturnal Hymns of the Fallen is an album that is played in the vein of blackened death metal and at the very core of this album you will find molten darkness that quickly draws you in and shreds your soul to pieces.

Nocturnal Hymns of the Fallen is played all by one man and that man orchestrates death and deals plagues. There are eight songs in total on this release and each song is blasphemous and utterly sinful as it guides you down the halls of hell only to be stripped of your flesh and drained of your blood. Each of the eight songs is entirely aggressive, poisonous and they wrap themselves around your neck squeezing tighter and tighter until you’re left lifeless.

Each song sounds as morbid-if not even more morbid-than the one that came before it, so there is no shortage of darkness in which you get to dwell and there is no shortage of blasphemy. This one man cranium blasting band does a great job right out of the gate making you feel as though you are submerged in chaos and blackened hell fire. There are brief moments within this record that provide you with a slower not so punishing tempo, but those moments are fleeting before you get pile driven right back into the maelstrom of skin ripping metal.

All eight of the songs that are present here on this record are violent hymns of death and pure demonic madness. Nocturnal Hymns of the Fallen takes you to a place that is poisonous and they submerge you in filthy, raw and soul mashing blackened death metal. Once you begin listening this monster of an album comes after you and there isn’t anywhere that you can hide as it tears you limb from limb and submerges your conscious mind molten darkness and chaos.

Demonic Obedience engulfs you in flames and hell fire with writhing and sinister riffs, bone rattling bass lines, tumultuous drumming and incredibly demonic and possessed vocals that really make you feel as though Satan himself performed them. This is an album that takes you down a path that is dark and mysterious and all at the same time, creatures emerge from the dark only to devour you and steal your innocence. Nocturnal Hymns of the Fallen is a sinister and serpentine album that forces its way into your mind whether you want it to or not.


There are so many bands in the death metal scene these days it’s unfuckingbelievable. A large majority of them aren’t even worth a second (or at times a complete first) listen. Then you have bands that are buried beneath all the ones in the previous mentioned category that are worthy of your time, but do you really want to dig through all that just to find something of enjoyment? I did.What we have here is great and solid, morbid death metal. This is a second offer from DEMONIC OBEDIENCE after debut album „Morbid Supremacy of Evil” from 2014. There is an air of the old school flying about this album, but modern influences can also be picked up which keeps interests held. The leads are what really stick out in my mind. George Ntavelas really knows how to inject some infectious and brilliant lead work as this 8 track’s shows.The vocals also puts in some fantastic growls but for the most part they stay in the lower register of things, but occasionally rasping shrieks tend to wander in from the background to give a bit of variety. I think the closest other band I could compare DEMONIC OBEDIENCE to would be DEGIAL, but mix it with a touch of US styled brutality a’la old MORBID ANGEL or DEICIDE and there you go! The songwriting is also a shining star in this release for the fact that DEMONIC OBEDIENCE doesn’t try to attack you with full out blastbeasts in order to mind fuck you or uber brutal breakdowns, but they get the job done with well paced tempo’s great riffing, the previous stated leads and an eerie atmosphere to boot.Every single song is bone crushing, the production quality is superb – Every beat, note and hit of a drum is heard with crystal clear perfection. While not being too fast and not being too brutal, DEMONIC OBEDIENCE incorporates their Anti-Christian lyrical themes with their amazing musical capabilities. The drumming is insane, the vocals are perfect, the riffage is great and the overall album is bloody awesome. Definately somehow acquire this as fast as you can – it’ll kick your arse!!!Nothing more should need to be said. If you liked DEMONIC OBEDIENCE first album, this one is the perfect logical successor and the perfect logical choice of purchase.DEMONIC OBEDIENCE is the fist in the face of Jehovah, and I don’t think George Ntavelas ever stop doing what he is doing. If the band’s values are as uncompromising as the music is, churches will mysteriously burn to the ground long after George has rotted away. Buy it or you’re a Christian. And you don’t want that, do you?


Greek death metal of the blackened variety.

Oddly, they use the harmonizer-style puke vox Entombed used on “premature autopsy”, doubled with harsh Mitch Harris-like snarl vox.

The overall effect leaves Demonic Obedience sounding quite grindcore, and they do in fact throw in some earlier Carcass-style riffs (the breakdown section of “portal of the sacred kan”, for instance) and solos (ditto), but there’s more of an atonal blackened feel hovering hereinabouts.

Thankfully, the latter syncretism appears more as an obnoxious overtone than a raison d’etre for the band’s sound, and taking this as a (one man) grindcore-leaning death metal band leaves George Ntavelas’ solo project far more listenable than it could have become had his orientation skewed more towards the modern, atonal black-death sub-subgenre.

While that sort of crap still plays into the sound far more than it ever should have, fans of earlier strains of grindcore cum death metal can listen to this without wincing overmuch.

Not too bad, has its moments every now and again.

If all of this still intrigues you, give it a listen.


Hinter Demonic Obedience verbirgt sich der nach Schottland ausgewanderte Grieche George Ntavelas, der dieses Projekt im Jahr 2013 ins Leben rief und damit bislang zwei Alben veröffentlichte, ohne sich jemals mit Demos abgegeben zu haben. Acht Songs dämonischen Black-/Death Metals werden einem hier vor den Latz gehauen, die durchweg zu überzeugen wissen. Mit fiesen Riffs, dumpfen, tiefen Gitarren und kehligem Growlgesang können Vergleiche zu Krisiun, Morbid Angel, Deicide, Vital Remains oder Angelcorpse gezogen werden. Das programmierte Schlagzeug stört in diesem Fall nicht, sondern trägt sogar zur kalten Atmosphäre bei, die sich wie ein roter Faden durch das gesamte Album zieht. Hier wird auf technisch hohem Niveau gezockt, ohne überladen zu klingen. Die Bosheit der Musik steht im Vordergrund und wird gut an den Hörer vermittelt. Fans der oben genannten Bands werden hier ihre helle Freude haben.


Ein Old-School-Brett und progressivere Arrangements sind nicht die beste Kombination, die im tödlichen Metal für Aufsehen sorgt - das muss DEMONIC OBEDIENCE auf dem neuen Longplayer gleich mehrfach schmerzlich feststellen. Die Band aus dem griechischen Thessaloniki gibt sich auf "Nocturnmal Hymns To The Fallen" betont verspielt und sieht erst gar nicht ein, lediglich die Fast-Forward-Leidenschaften auszuleben. Alle acht Songs sind durch ziemlich vielseitige, leider aber sehr hektisch konzipierte Arrangements gezeichnet, die zwar die hohen Ambitionen der Hellenen betonen, an sich aber einfach nicht zünden wollen.

Erst im abschließenden 'Gehenna' findet DEMONIC OBEDIENCE die Mitte aus verschachtelten Rhythmen, kurzen Tempovorstößen und einer aggressiven, fast schon Lehrbuch-artigen Performance. Doch bis hierhin ist auf "Nocturnal Hymns To The Fallen" schon so einiges schief gegangen. Das bösartige Doom-Gebilde, das sich speziell in der ersten Albumhälfte herausbildet, wirkt unspektakulär und gelegentlich auch langatmig; will die Band indes mehr aus ihren Songs herausholen als verschleppte Grooves, verliert sie zu schnell die Kontrolle über das Gebotene, weil sie ihre vielen Ideen nicht erst mal ruhen lässt, sondern immer wieder neue Fragmente einstreut.

Eine Walze wie 'Impermissible Irreverence Pt. 1' kommt da zwar gerade recht, um die teils wilden Gehversuche zu bändigen, aber auch hier gilt: wirklich außergewöhnlich ist der Output dieser griechischen Death-Metal-Combo eigentlich nicht. Im Gegenteil: "Nocturnal Hymns To The Fallen" bedient den Standard, das über weite Strecken auch ordentlich, letztendlich aber fernab von jedweder Champions-League-Tauglichkeit.



Otra banda de un solo integrante y en este caso se trata de Demonic Obedience, formada únicamente por el griego George Ntavelas quien se hace cargo de todos los instrumentos y de la voz. “Nocturnal hymns to the fallen” es ya su segundo larga duración en tan solo tres años de existencia, donde podemos encontrar más de 36 minutos de puro y brutal death/black metal.

Remitirnos a los más primitivo de Rotting Christ sería lógico por decantación, pero las influencias no se detienen allí sino que cruzan el Atlántico en busca de la escena de la Florida y más precisamente a Morbid Angel.

Si bien tenemos aquí un sonido por demás ortodoxo, todo se puede oír con complejidad, destreza y eficiencia, muestra del profesionalismo de Ntavelas.

Melodías duras y vociferaciones varias resultan en un álbum dinámico y muy técnico, moviéndose de lo salvaje a lo bombástico, sin dejar ningún resquicio para lo que no sea brutalmente pesado.





Aus den Trümemern von Deceptive Incarnation erhob sich 2013 eine Band, die sich The Deepest nannte, jedoch schnell zu Demonic Obedience wurde. Die Brutal Death-Wurzeln wurden beibehalten, doch fand Schwärze einzug in den Sound der oder besser des Griechen in Schottland. Unter diesen Vorzeichen wurde nun das zweite Album veröffentlicht, das den düsteren Namen „Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen“ trägt.


Das kurze Gitarren-klimper-Intro geht fließend in den ersten Song „Create the Shapeless“ über, der sofort zeigt wo es in den nächsten 36 Minuten hingeht. Demonic Obedience liefern brutalen Death Metal, mit donnernden Drums und tiefen, vor kraft strotzenden Riffs. Dem Gemisch wird durch Einflüsse aus dem Black Metal ein finsteres, dämonisches Image vepasst, was das Album nur gefährlicher macht. Zu dieser Dunkelheit gesellen sich die sehr tiefen gurgelnden Growls, die gelegentlich Verstärkung in Form von Screams erhalten, was sehr gut zum Gesamtbild des Albums passt. Die Songs wechseln immer wieder zwischen harschem Geballer und Midtempo-Parts mit verspielten Gitarren. Das wars dann aber auch schon mit Abwechslung, bis man beim atmosphärisch drückenden und verspieltesten Song des Albums ankommt: „Gehenna„. Doch danach ist das Album auch schon wieder rum.


Demonic Obedience gelingt mit „Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen“ ein düsteres und kraftvolles Death Metal Album, das einige starke Stellen vorzuweisen hat, aber leider erst beim finalen „Gehenna“ sein volle Potential ausschöpft. Wäre der Rest des Albums weniger eintönig ausgefallen, wäre daraus ein extrem starkes Werk geworden, gut ist es trotzdem.




The phenomenon of one-man bands has been on the rise ever since the advent of decent home-recording equipment. While there have been some great and notable one-man acts over the years (Dan Swanö’s Moontower, the insanely overlooked Dead Silent Slumber project by ex-Naglfar/Thyrfing frontman Jens Rydén as well as Taake and even the controversial Burzum just to name a few), the fact that anyone could do this at home meant a whole slew of pure and utter garbage was put out there.


Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen is fortunately not one of those unlistenable lonewolf-turds, but to be honest it isn’t all that exciting either. While the album has some good parts and is tight and reasonably well produced, it is still just too home-made. The programmed drums are probably the first thing to take note of. Unless you’re a huge fan of that computerized drum sound, this is going to bother the hell out of you. What with ”humanizing” and randomization of velocity and such tidbits that are standard fare of any digital drum plugins these days it is a cakewalk to make it more alive than this. Unfortunately, even the guitar sound resembles some standard metal setting straight out of your favourite effects plugin. Even overlaid with deep guttural growls and raspy blackened vocals it somehow manages to sound monotonous and dull.


But hey, the album does have some good parts too. The lone ranger of Demonic Obedience, George Ntavelas, is not unskilled when it comes to writing riffs and putting them together as songs. The opening ”Create the Shapeless” is charming as a simplistic doom/death/thrash hybrid, and the tracks ”Impermissible Irreverence” parts 1 and 2 deserve to be mentioned here too. All in all though, this is an album that would have benefited from the input of more than a single band member both when it comes to the ideas as well as the execution.




После распада Deceptive Incarnation гитарист Джордж Давелас не оставил надежду рубить олдовый брутал-дэт и в 2013 году создал новый проект. Только на этот раз Джордж не стал заморачиваться с поисками состава и решил все делать сам, в одиночку. Ну в общем-то, решение достаточно правильное, особенно если учесть опыт музыканта. Только вот в Demonic Obedience музыкант не то что бы просто рубит брутал. Здесь он очень своеобразно вкрапляет его в оккультную атмосферу и чрезмерную олдовость, отчего музыка даже слегка начинает отдавать блэк-металом.


Альбом "Nocturnal Hymns To The Fallen" является вторым релизом проекта и несет в себе еще больше черноты и ядовитого мрака, на что в первую очередь намекает обложка диска, а наполненное мистицизмом вступление конкретно дает понять то, что солнечного света в музыке не будет. Дэтовые, среднетемповые риффы со свойственными стилю соляками, перебегающие в неспешные тремоло иногда напоминают даже старых-добрых Vader, что уже радует. Брутала, который музыкант играл ранее, в общем-то, в музыке и нет, хотя какие-то редкие моменты могут иногда намекнуть. Все же олда на альбоме преобладает. Даже вокал записан в лучших традициях жанра и не имеет каких-либо дополнительных обработок. Помимо гроулинга присутствует также и шипящий, как змей, скриминг. Пожалуй, иногда палит только драм-машина, но и она прописана так, что палится только при внимательном прослушивании и в определенных моментах. Вообще музыка очень живая (если подобное слово из-за могильной атмосферы тут уместно) и лихо переносит куда-то в 90-е.


Самый большой плюс на альбоме - это, конечно же, атмосфера и красивые гитарные запилы. Все же не так много групп, которые по-настоящему могут окутывать тьмой уже привыкшее ко всему воображение. У Demonic Obedience загнать демонов в мой разум получилось.





George Ntavelas (from Greece but now residing in the UK) is the sole member behind Demonic Obedience delivering a blackened death metal sophomore that drowns you in a viscous malevolent assault. Opening with “Create The Shapeless” the gentle guitar work has a menacing aura before the track detonates into life with a furious blast that is saturated in grisly density comparable to the likes of Immolation and Incantation. His vocal emanations are guttural with each syllable spilling out in septic desecration linked to the gnarly riffs and drum work which I am not certain is programmed or not as it sounds genuine and enhances each song with its pummelling structure.


Continuing with “Portal Of The Sacred Kan” the track is awash with drum fill as the pulverising riff underpins a track intent on maximum aural damage when the riff break enters. “Impermissible Irreverence” is a two part composition with the second part being added two songs later after the first part which I thought was odd. The first part is high velocity blasting fury with multi-toned vocals being deployed as the growls are mixed with a harsh shrieks of the black metal variety. The second part is similar to the first being outright pulverising as the drums veer dangerously to being out of control and for me that teetering on the edge creates an artificial feel compared to the organic structuring of the rest of the album.


Closing is “Gehenna” which as phenomenal riff and hyper blasting drums which work perfectly for the tracks outright devastation. The drop into a relatively tranquil phase is schizophrenic as the vocals take on a whole new level of animalistic barbarity. There is a lot of top quality death metal that has been released in recent years and this sophomore stands well within the sphere of acts like Ghoulgotha, Discreation, Desolate Shrine and Sulphur Aeon with its crippling riffs and pounding rhythm section. This is repugnant death metal played as it should be with manifest disgust and palpable terror and whilst not ground breaking (hence my score) it is played exceptionally well and steers clear of the modern technical trickery that infests death metal today.






Οι Demonic Obedience είναι ένα Blackened Death Metal συγκρότημα που σχηματίστηκε το 2013 στη Θεσσαλονίκη από τους Γιώργο Νταβέλα και Γιώργο Σερεμέτη. Όμως ο Νταβέλας έμελλε να είναι το μοναδικό μέλος του συγκροτήματος και αφού μετακόμισε στο Εδιμβούργο της Σκωτίας, κυκλοφόρησε το ντεμπούτο “Morbid Supremacy of Evil”, ως one man band, τον Αύγουστο του 2014. Μετά την κυκλοφορία του πρώτου δίσκου δεν πέρασε πολύς καιρός και λίγους μήνες αργότερα ο Νταβέλας ξεκίνησε να γράφει υλικό για τον επόμενο άλμπουμ, το οποίο κυκλοφόρησε τελικά τον Μάιο, με τον σκοτεινό τίτλο “Nocturnal Hymn to the Fallen”.


57 δευτερόλεπτα κρατάει η μελωδική εισαγωγή του εναρκτήριου κομματιού, “Create the Shapeless”, και ύστερα από ‘κει ξεκινάει η καταιγίδα και όποιος πρόλαβε να κρυφτεί πρόλαβε. Και αυτό γιατί τα 8 κομμάτια του δίσκου κυριαρχούνται από γρήγορες ταχύτητες και επιθετική Death Metal μουσική, που περιβάλλεται από μία σκοτεινή ατμόσφαιρα. Στα γρήγορα σημεία του δίσκου η κιθάρα γαζώνει στην κυριολεξία τον ακροατή, με βαριά και επιθετικά riffs, τα οποία σε ορισμένα μέρη έχουν μια πιο καταιγιστική Thrash διάθεση, μία γενικότερη διάθεση που υπάρχει και σε κάποια γρήγορα ξεσπάσματα. Και λέω στα γρήγορα σημεία, καθώς παρόλη την γρήγορη και in-your-face μουσική, υπάρχουν στιγμές που οι ταχύτητες πέφτουν σε πιο Doom-ish επίπεδα, που ταιριάζουν απόλυτα με το ζόφος που τυλίγει τη μουσική, και όπου η κιθάρα αναλαμβάνει έναν πιο μελωδικό ρόλο.


Όσον αφορά τα φωνητικά, εκείνα που ακούγονται περισσότερο είναι τα brutal, τα οποία είναι λες και προέρχονται από τον τελευταίο λάκκο της Κολάσεως, δίνοντας έτσι ένα τόνο βλασφημίας στη μουσική. Πάντως τα brutal δεν είναι τα μόνα που ακούγονται, καθώς συνοδεύονται συχνά πυκνά από high-pitched φωνητικά, τα οποία είναι πραγματικά μοχθηρά και δηλητηριώδη, και ο συνδυασμός αυτών των δύο φωνητικών κάνουν τη μουσική να ακούγεται σκοτεινή και ανίερη.


Το “Nocturnal Hymn to the Fallen” είναι γενικά μια αρκετά καλή κυκλοφορία που συνδυάζει με ωραίο τρόπο την επιθετικότητα του Brutal Death Metal με τη σκοτεινιά του Black Metal, αλλά και τις γρήγορες, καταιγιστικές ταχύτητες με τις αργές μελωδίες και το ζόφος του Doom Metal. Εκείνοι που θα αποφασίσουν να το αποκτήσουν δεν θα μείνουν με το στόμα ανοιχτό, αλλά είναι σίγουρο ότι θα γουστάρουν και δεν θα μείνουν σε καμία περίπτωση απογοητευμένοι.





Tra le componenti maggiori per la riuscita di un buon disco death metal, l’impatto molte volte è l’arma essenziale, tralasciando la mera tecnica strumentale, quella in più per le innumerevoli band che si affacciano sul desolato ed oscuro mondo del metal estremo.


E i Demonic Obedience, creatura malvagia del polistrumentista greco trapiantato in Scozia George Ntavelas, di impatto ne hanno da vendere, sia per quanto riguarda la furia death/black con cui sparano queste otto cartucce imbevute di veleno, sia per la predominanza di atmosfere nere, una palude di note che affogano nella melma infernale di cui questo secondo lavoro è pregno.

La componente black è più concettuale che musicale, nei solchi di Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen si respira l’aria imputridita e umida del death metal a sfondo satanico, occulto e misantropico, convogliato in mezz’ora abbondante di blasfemie ed invocazioni al signore oscuro.

Old school nell’approccio, violento e sadico nel vedere resti umani galleggiare nell’acqua intorbidita dal sangue e dagli escrementi con gelido distacco, l’album conta sull’aura evil che il buon Ntavelas ha creato, non senza strapparci un sorriso per la buona padronanza dei ferri di un mestiere che all’inferno qualcuno deve pur fare.

Un Caronte che ci prende per mano e a colpi di pesantissime tracce (Portal of the Sacred Kan e Godmade Beast le migliori) ci accompagna nel mondo pastoso, oscuro e blasfemo dell’album, un buon esempio di death metal alla Morbid Angel , sfumato di black di ispirazione polacca e ,come scritto in prima battuta, dall’ottimo impatto evil … non male.





When I recognized that I had to deal with a Greek one man Black / Death band with a drum machine I was not thrilled about it… fortunately “Nocturnal Hymns To The Fallen” is not that bad at all. I really dig the Death Metal parts and I like the Death Metal grunts, but his Black Metal voice is definitely not my cup of tea. Anyway, that’s just a matter of taste and I don’t like Black Metal at all. The songs are rather good and the production sounds cool. So this is a solid release of dark unholy old school Death Metal with a Black Metal touch. But I couldn’t get along with the drum machine that destroys almost everything for me. As long as you are not able to play the drums you shouldn’t start a Death Metal one man band, period! My advice: find a drummer and get rid of that Black Metal voice and you’ll have a decent Death Metal band… sometimes it’s that simple.




Greco di origine, ma stabilitosi in piante stabile in Inghilterra, mr George Ntavelas ha deciso che non servono molti musicisti per fare un gruppo. Anzi, basta solo lui. Si, i Demonic Obedience sono una One Man Band, caso raro per il genere proposto, essendo esso complesso nella scrittura ma soprattutto nell’esecuzione. Fin dall’intro il progetto mi ha ricordato i Nile di “In Their Darknened Shrines”, sia nella voce cavernosa e profonda, sia nell’uso tagliente delle chitarre e della batteria. Ecco, qui siamo leggermente su territori meno “egizi” e più vicini al classico concetto di Death americano a tinte Brutal. Ma l’album è un susseguirsi di canzoni molto piacevoli, ben composte ed eseguite, dove la tematica principale è sicuramente il male in tutte le sue mostruose forme. Il tutto a comporre un disco che fila liscio dalla prima all’ultima traccia. Certo, niente che faccia gridare al capolavoro, ma l’opera in questione è assolutamente degna di attenzione. Solitari.




Metal maniacs, rejoice! The Thrasher returns to present to you: DEMONIC OBEDIENCE; signed via Satanath Records, hailing from England…performing Death & Black Metal, and on the new album entitled: “Nocturnal Hymns To The Fallen”.


I find it quite rare to find a fusion of Death / Black Metal, here in the UK. Not only that; the man behind the genius is George Ntavelas who performs everything in his own sitting. Founded by George Ntavelas, as well as George Seremetis; originating from the quintet known as: DECEPTIVE INCARNATION, and since formation in 2013 as THE DEEPEST - the man in question has released 2 records since creation. “Morbid Supremacy Of Evil” (released in 2014), and fast forward to 2016, we have this here brute: “Nocturnal Hymns To The Fallen”. I've always acknowledged the opinion that Death & Black Metal is a great combination in terms of atmospheric brutality; it intensifies the instrumentation immensely, and just creates true havoc in my eardrums. Is DEMONIC OBEDIENCE a reason to open your mind to these sub-genres? Hell to the yes it is. 8 lengthy tracks of gloomy excellence compel me to worship this powerful endeavor.


Everything can be heard with complexity, dexterity and efficiency…creating a fine elegance of vigorous musicianship in just one man. Talent credentials are very much due here; Geroge Ntavela endures a pummeling experience that requires a fit mind to perform such devastating riffery. “Create The Shapeless” begins this dark adventure in which showcases precise elements of this musical fusion; hard melodies and brilliant black screams of death entice a fascinating listen. We are dealing with a dynamic, technically impressive Black/Death hurricane that will most definitely get all Black/Death Metal fans on board of this unprecedented endeavor. Moving in a furious pace; “Nocturnal Hymns Of The Fallen” endures savage energy, transcending into bombastic Black Metal riffing to methodic; hammering grooves, thrashing motives with a hint of tech-death derangements. All is stellar and serpentine, and with that comes 8 tracks of amalgamate proficiency.


“Portal Of The Sacred Kan”, “Forced Obscenity” & “Impermissible Irrelevance Pt. I” all showcases morbid yet even more ghoulish substances to each other; no shortage of darkness evidently submerges you into an extreme fireball of blackened visions, giving you that more intense listen of rip roaring metal. “Nocturnal Imagery”, “Godmade Beast” & “Impermissible Irrelevance Pt. II” all engulf you with sinister riffery and pummeling that can only get better with each listen; this is a record that takes you down to a dark path, though it is as mysterious all the same. Tumultuous instrumentation and musicianship and fascinatingly demonic and possessed production make one feel that Satan himself may have been involved in this partaking! And so “Gehenna” end this album on an extremely fine high-note; I can wholeheartedly say that this is an album not for the faint of heart, but is a record that is most definitely worth checking out.




Now finding residence in Scotland, Greece-based one-man death/black metallers Demonic Obedience have brought their intensity and explosive fury to the forefront while trying to hold a connection to both places involving the projects’ residency. Taking a two-year gap between releases, the second full-length album was originally released May 18, 2016 in a co-release between Sevared Records and Satanath Records.


Combining their styles into one wholesale effect, this here manages to take on quite a few elements of each element here into creating a dark whole. That is primarily based around the album’s predominantly dark, churning riff-work that keeps this one charging along with plenty of ferocious death metal-styled rhythms as the majority of the tracks fall into agonized sprawling patterns or thumping chugs which keep the focus of the album firmly rooted in the death metal realm. The tighter, blackened rhythms featured here top off this effect with a stylized sense of controlled fury that accentuates the darkened atmosphere rather well as it  keeps alternating rather nicely between these variations and offers the album quite a generally positive experience by not getting bogged down in the one-note approach so many efforts who attempt this style also make. Flying between faster, more up-tempo numbers with churning riffing alongside the slower, more agonized sprawling sections does manage to give this a distinct variety within itself, but it also manages to highlight the fact that there’s not a whole lot of differentiability within the tracks themselves, which tend to focus on the same few select rhythms within here and never changes the overall rhythms or approaches here, ending up causing the album to run together quite easily here especially in the second half where it’s entirely possible to lose where you are in the running order as the tracks have already yielded their surprises and don’t really offer the surprise variations that were featured in the top half. Otherwise there’s not a whole lot to dislike here.


Though it’s quite familiar and tends to run itself into the ground without much variation throughout here, there’s still such a prominent and powerful attack at the core of the film that it manages to overcome a lot of those issues and manages to hold itself up enough to make for a worthwhile choice for any fan of the style or his previous works as well.




El reinado de la noche eterna. Suena irrisorio, pero las profecías acabaron siendo ciertas. El gobierno de manera secreta, y tal como lo hicieron los nazis en su día, comenzaron a unir brujería y tecnología. El resultado fue simplemente devastador. Aquel 15 de noviembre la humanidad lo recordaría con absoluto pavor como el día del juicio final. Los mandatarios ordenaron en aquella fecha poner en marcha su creación. Lo bautizaron con el nombre de Portal Dimensional. Este aparato serviría para traer a la Tierra aquellos espantosos seres procedentes de las estrellas. Un gran agujero, tan negro como el más profundo de los pozos se abrió ante los atónitos ojos de toda una raza. Misteriosamente los animales no mostraron ningún tipo de miedo, simplemente parecían resignados y carentes de vida. De aquel circulo macabro surgieron una serie de engendros. En tan solo unas horas la inmensa mayoría de la población mundial había sido mermada. Estaba claro que a los políticos se les había ido el asunto de las manos, trayendo el apocalipsis terrenal. Los pocos individuos que sobrevivieron crearon lo que se acabó denominando simplemente como "la resistencia". Mientras eso sucedía, todo cambiaba a un ritmo vertiginoso. Tanto las ciudades, como la flora y fauna existentes hasta entonces desaparecieron, dando paso a las terroríficas edificaciones levantadas por los monstruos cósmicos. Éstas eran angostas y alargadas, terminando en afiladísimas puntas de piedra. Estas construcciones desprendían una frialdad increíble. Por otro lado se podían vislumbrar unos puentes que hacían de camino para llegar a dichos levantamientos. Todo era como un enorme laberinto sin salida.

Asimismo, cuando los seres del más allá llegaron, lo cubrieron todo con espesas nubes que cubrían la totalidad del cielo con una actividad eléctrica constante, que hacía que solo existieran dos colores: negro y gris. El sol no volvió a brillar jamás.

Una vez más el ansia de poder y la avaricia de la que en su día había sido la especie dominante les había pasado factura.

"Ahora yo, El Hacedor del espacio y tiempo miro este microuniverso y sus realidades alternativas. Yo estuve en el principio de todo y estaré cuando llegue el final de esta metrópolis y sus submundos. Yo lo concebí, dejando ahora que todo se destruya. El fin de una era a llegado", dijo un caprichoso Todopoderoso que le dejó de importar su propia creación.


Bienvenidos al universo de DEMONIC OBEDIENCE. Todo ha terminado.


DEMONIC OBEDIENCE es una one man band de death metal / black death metal procedente originalmente de Grecia, para afincarse con el tiempo en Reino Unido. Inició su carrera bajo el seudónimo de THE DEEPEST en 2013, surgiendo de las cenizas de DECEPTIVE INCARNATION. En el mismo año cambia de nombre por el actual. En 2014 aparece el primer asalto titulado "Morbid Supremacy of Evil", poniendo de manifiesto cómo se las gasta este hombre. En 2016, concretamente el 18 de mayo, el sello Satanath Records lanza al mercado el segundo L.P "Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen". Este plástico obviamente es la razón de que existan estas purulentas esquelas.


El artífice de este proyecto es George Ntavelas (voz, guitarra, bajo). Además presta sus servicios en As I Suffer Silently, ex-DECEPTIVE INCARNATION, ex-RETURN TO LITANY, ex-THE DEEPEST.


En esta nueva obra este tipo nos presenta un trabajo simple y llanamente perfecto. Estamos ante un asalto que sin duda se convierte en un clásico del género desde su primera escucha. La fórmula del éxito se ha basado en una estructuración y ejecución francamente impecable. La intensidad no baja un ápice a lo largo y ancho del minutaje del susodicho. Estas cualidades hacen que el metalhead que se atreva a oírlo se vea inmerso en un viaje sin parangón a un universo oscuro y descarnado, donde no pierde el interés ni la atención en lo aquí expuesto ni un solo segundo. Señores, aquí no hay intros absurdas ni temas de relleno, solo calidad, mucha calidad.

Por otro lado la producción es grave y real. La pregunta que te harás es el por qué el resto de agrupaciones no suenan igual.


El escaparate de riffs es apabullante. La cantidad de éstos por tema, y los inteligentes a la par que constantes cambios que aquí se exhibe te dejarán asombrado. Los encontramos a doble armonía, a una cuerda, pesados, fluidos y con momentos en limpio. Todo ello aderezado con unos cortantes y escalofriantes solos que te degollarán sin compasión.


Las voces se basan en unos cavernosos growls que se intercalan en ínfimas ocasiones con guturales agudos rasgados.


La batería no para de destrozar cráneos con sus constantes cambios de dirección. El equilibrio perfecto entre velocidad y contundencia lo advertiréis en este disco.


Ante tal magnitud de calidad, como comprenderéis, todos y cada uno de los temas son imprescindibles y forman un todo. A pesar de ello destacaría "Create the Shapeless" y "Gehenna" por las siguientes razones:


"Create the Shapeless" te desmembrará con cada uno de los innumerables cambalaches de recorrido. Si dices disfrutar con este tipo de metal extremo, y no te lesionas haciendo headbanging con esto, hermano es que lo tuyo son las Grecas.


"Gehenna" te hará alucinar con la sección en limpio manteniendo el up tempo en la percusión. ¡BRUTAL!


Cuando llegue finales de año y me pregunten cuales han sido los mejores redondos de 2016 sin ninguna duda éste estará dentro de mi top ten. Imprescindible para seguidores del "metal muerto".




A la base, Demonic Obedience était le projet de deux personnes, George Ntavelas et George Seremetis, basées en Grèce et se nommait The Deepest. Actuellement, il ne reste plus que le premier George, qui est maintenant installé en Ecosse. Les deux compères sont quand même restés associés dans un autre projet, As I Suffer Silently.

Après un début dans un style death prog, le projet a rapidement changé d’orientation musicale vers un death plus old school et plus sombre, d’où le changement de patronyme.

Nocturnal Hymns… est un pur produit de death old school blasphématoire, comme on en entend beaucoup ces dernières années. On a droit un riffing trémolo caractéristique, des rythmiques mid tempo et des vocaux en growl avec souvent un effet double-voix façon Deicide.

Demonic Obedience est exactement ce qu’il donne l’impression d’être, il n’y a absolument aucune surprise.

Pour un projet solo, c’est plutôt bien fait. Je pense sincèrement que les parties de batterie sont jouées par une boîte à rythme, comme c’est souvent le cas dans ce genre de projet dès lors que le protagoniste n’est pas batteur de formation.

Le son, meilleur que sur le premier album, est cependant assez impersonnel : ni trop propre, ni trop crade, sans grand relief.

Au final, c’est un de ces albums dont on ne pense pas grand-chose : d’un côté, ça passe plutôt bien ; de l’autre, on n’en retient pas des masses. Si je le réécoute dans six mois, je n’en aurai certainement aucun souvenir, hélas.

Générique et pas spécialement inspiré, cet album est tout de même le résultat d’un travail honnête qui propose quelques bons moments, mais qui ne fera pas long feu dans ma platine.




Black metal has been going places since the nineties. And no, I’m not talking about the church burnings, the satanic rituals and all of those other stereotypical stories you hear that come from the genre. I’m saying that black metal hasn’t just become a strictly Scandinavian thing, for Europe has also honed some great black metal bands, and even in the United Kingdom. That being said, moving from Greece to Scotland, comes the solo project of George Ntavelas known as Demonic Obediance, where the man unleashes the eponymous entity – Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen.

From what plenty of people say that they love the extremely raw and distorted recordings, George actually focuses his sound on a digital tone that actually accents a different personality to each of the songs on this record. Though there’s not a whole lot of originality, the one-man, jack of all trades duty on the instruments makes it feel almost like a Burzum record gone in a more modern day presence.

The genre itself isn’t entirely black metal, as there’s an emulsion of that and death metal. Although, there’s not so much of a ‘blackened death metal’ sound. Even a bit of progressive riffs take place in ‘Portal of the Sacred Kan’, which also shows a little more on the diversity in the written side of things. While there are a lot of mixed moments between speed and slower components in the process, there aren’t many sections and songs of the album that feel all that lively and spark more of a droning and hackneyed angle. And it also seems that George Ntavelas has the dependency of changing the tempo every few minutes in each song. It’s not an uncommon trait, as there have been lots of musicians that have been able to do amazing things with the constant swapping of tempos, Ntavelas didn’t make it feel all that lively.

As much as I like the category of black metal, especially with Behemoth as my favourite within the brutality field, Demonic Obediance haven’t really been able to captivate that much inside this piece. But, I will give George this – him working on the writing of this album isn’t all that common, and I give him support on this creation. However, there are a few things in this record that could be changed in order to make this a better LP for Demonic Obediance to represent.




Demonic Obedience es una banda surgida de las cenizas de Deceptive Incarnation, formada en el año 2013 por George Ntavelas y George Seremetis bajo el nombre de The Deepest. Actualmente George Ntavelas es el único miembro y es el encargado de las voces, guitarras y bajo, con lo cual se mantiene como un proyecto de estudio. “Morbid Supremacy of Evil” fue su álbum debut y tras dos años de espera, ahora acaba de lanzar el segundo LP, titulado “Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen”.


En este nuevo álbum nos encontramos con un Death Metal de temática ocultista en el que predominan los mid-tempos y up-tempos, sonando muy en la línea de los primeros discos de Incantation. Los riffs son muy graves y oscuros, además contiene trémolos tipicamente Black Metal, dándole un punto gélido al conjunto de las composiciones. En cuanto a los solos, los encontramos tanto caóticos, derivados del Old School más primitivo, como densos y “líquidos”, con lo que, personalmente, considero que crean una atmósfera que invita a la introspección y por tanto, ambos estilos añaden una riqueza musical elevada. La batería aún siendo programada, ha logrado que tenga muchas dudas al respecto, pues únicamente en los momentos de blastbeats o el sonido de ciertos platos, sonaban de manera más artificial, por tanto es todo un logro dadas las limitaciones que se pueden llegar a tener al usar este tipo de baterías, a mi me ha sorprendido gratamente.

Al conjunto de la música cabe destacar los múltiples registros de la voz de George Ntavelas, el cual opta por varios de ellos, por una parte profundos guturales graves y por otra, rasgados con tonos medios y más agudos.


En líneas generales, un buen disco que satisfacerá a todo fan del Old School Death Metal y a cualquiera que le guste el Metal Extremo a la vieja usanza.


[English version]


Demonic Obedience is a band that emerged from the ashes of Deceptive Incarnation, formed in the year 2013 by George Ntavelas and George Seremetis under the name of The Deepest. George Ntavelas is currently the only member and is in charge of the vocals, guitars and bass, which is maintained as a study project. “Morbid Supremacy of Evil” it was their debut album and after two years of waiting, now just released second LP, entitled “Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen”.


On this new album we have a Death Metal of thematic occultist dominated mid-tempos and up-tempos, playing very much in the line of the first albums of Incantation. The riffs are very deep and dark, also contains tremolos typically Black Metal, giving it a point icy to the set of compositions. As for solos, find them both chaotic, derivative of the more primitive Death Metal, as dense and “liquid”, so, personally, think that they create an atmosphere that invites introspection and therefore both styles add a high musical richness. Drums still being programmed, has managed to have many doubts, because only in the moments of blastbeats or the sound of certain cymbals, sounded more artificially, so it is quite an achievement given the limitations that you may have to use this type of drums, I am pleasantly surprised.

The set of the music included multiple records the voice of George Ntavelas, which opts for several records, a serious deep guttural part and secondly, torn voice with medium and sharper tones.


In general lines, a good album to satisfy any fan of Old School Death Metal and anyone who likes Extreme Metal to the old way.




Demonic Obedience, einst als ein 2 Man-Projekt aus den griechischen Gefilden unserer Welt 2013 gegründet, wird nun vom letzten Kämpfer der Truppe George Natvelas in Schottland fortgesetzt und wirft mit "Nocturnal Hymns To The Fallen" den erste Solo-Output auf den Makrt. Das schwarz-weiße Cover lässt ohne das ganze sich anzuhören erahnen, dass es düster, kalt und brutal auf der Scheibe zugehen wird. Es brennt, überall Stacheln, Gewitter, keine Menschen Seele und trotzlose Bosheit. Genau wie die Musik. Rau, ohne Kompromisse und unnötigen Verfeinerungen und Verzierungen wird der "Old School" Death Metal hier um die Ohren gejagt. Tiefer grunzender Gesang/Growls, unterstützt mit den krächzenden 2ten Gesang im Duett, oder auch als Solovariante aus den Tiefen der Hölle. Die Gitarren riffen sich zwischen Mid-Tempo und schnellen Leaks durch den Silberling und werden dabei von dem sterilen Schlagwerg mit Blastbeats und Ufta-Geknüppel untermalt. Recht gut im Mix hörbar und für ein recht junges, jetzt sogar Soloprojekt hörbarer als gedacht.

Dennoch tauchen auf Dauer einige Schwachstellen in Sachen Sound (z.B. das zu sterile, immer gleich klingende Drumset), Ideenreichtum (der monotone Gesang) und Umsetzung (jeder Song ähnelt zu sehr dem anderen) auf. Schade, da Potential mehr als erkennbar ist und allein die Tatsache, dass alles alleine auf die Beine gestellt und kreiert zu haben mehr als einen Pluspunkt darstellt. Aber dennoch unter dem Strich nicht ganz ausreicht um auf ganzer Linie zu überzeugen, oder etwas heraus sticht, es empfehlenswert oder zum wieder anhören durchringen lässt. Nichts Halbes und Ganzes eben, sicherlich für eingefleischte Undergroundfans ein Genuss, aber für mehr wird es da wohl noch nicht reichen. Wobei sich die Betonung beim "noch" dick und fett hebt.

Man sollte die Zeit als solches nicht unterschätzen und abwarten, was aus dem Hause Demonic Obedience in irgend einer Form noch auf uns zu kommt. Erstmal 5 von 10 Punkten, mit Tendenz nach oben.






La musica dei Demonic Obedience ci getta nei recessi più neri della Terra, dove un odore pesante appesta l'aria, echi di voci cantilenanti innalzano sommesse litanie di odio verso l'esistenza, e siamo costretti a vagare nel buio con le mani avanti, ritrovandoci a tastare altari di pietra lerci di sangue raggrumato. "Nocturnal Hymns To The Fallen" quindi arriva dritto al punto con l'atmosfera fin da subito, con una certa dose di sicurezza.


George Ntavelas, l'unico membro della band, suona un gelido death metal vecchia scuola, ma con l'aggiunta di un'aura black metal che ne scurisce le sonorità, grazie a passaggi in tremolo picking e scelte armoniche dissonanti. Talvolta i punti di riferimento sono un po' troppo chiari, difficile non trovare nell'iniziale "Create The Shapeless" passaggi memori dei Morbid Angel classici, però credo questo non sottragga molto all'effetto finale. Specie se poi brani come "Portal Of The Sacred Kan" o "Nocturnal Imagery" mettono in chiaro che Demonic Obedience è una creatura che possiede la volontà di distruggere senza lasciare sopravvissuti sul suo cammino, a forza di combinare parti cadenzate pesantissime, fraseggi gelidi che tagliano l'aria rarefatta, doppia voce scream-growl e una tempestosa drum machine. Se da una parte i suoni sono un po' amatoriali, le composizioni invece sono curate al punto giusto, alternando diverse velocità anche all'interno delle stesse tracce, dando spazio all'aggressività diretta così come a melodie ipnotiche, senza perdere mai la compattezza data da quell'alone misterioso che sanno emanare.


"Nocturnal Hymns To The Fallen" soddisfa, e la durata piuttosto limitata ci dimostra quanto l'autore di questo progetto sappia quando fermarsi prima di strafare, segno di una maturità stilistica che non bisogna dare per scontato. Io suggerisco a chi è in cerca di death metal sacrilego e feroce di dare un'opportunità a Demonic Obedience





Demonic Obedience is the solo project of George Ntavelas, risen from the ashes of Deceptive Incarnation from Greece.




Sinister chord decomposition on clean guitar is emerging from the void, introducing us to an aggressive start One  can almost instantly notice a deep growl, occasionally accompanied by discreet and hushed demonic scream vocals (I am really amazed with their strength range in mixing, it has created chilling effects). The songs are like amorphous monster that constantly changes shape. The rhythms are constantly changing, not allowing the monotony. Occational schizoid solos are crawling like asps through the leaden core of songs,





'' Impermisible Irreverence Pt 1 '' stands out from the others characterized by melodic beginning, which spontaneously grows into death metal slaughter, and also I would point out the slow part before the solo on '' Nocturnal Imagery '', where in one segment of a cycle something like a flute in oriental scale is heard. However, the favorite song on the album is '' Gehenna '', especially schizoid bass lines with discordant clean decomposition, isolated and followed by aggressive drums as a contrast to dark smoothnes of background melody. However, what impressed me the most is the way that the song ends, and with it the way the whole album ends. The most beautiful and overwhelming solo melody which got stuck in my mind, burning in the background of slow doom riff and ghostly echoing to the nothingness of fade-out.


Extremely massive storm of death metal riffs, with very horrific, cold and gravely atmosphere.





We all have our demons that we carry with us. Some are worse than others. It is that DEMONIC OBEDIENCE you really want to miss out on if it is in your head. Musically I have no problem obeying anything demonic. This was just what I expected it to be. Dark, from the deepest depth of hell death metal. the kind that Incantation play. I like all kinds of death metal but I gotta admit that I really love this kind of aural blast that DEMONIC OBEDIENCE play. This is too me what death metal is all about. A total battering of all senses. You feel like you’ve been in a barrow going down the Niagara when you’ve listened to it. This is this week’s fave death metal album.




Demonic Obedience is a one-man project act formed from the ashes of Deceptive Incarnation. The band was founded by George Ntavelas and George Seremetis in early 2013 under the name The Deepest. Demonic Obedience's debut album, Morbid Supremacy of Evil, was released on a label named Azermedoth Records in 2014, limited to 666 copies (gee...How's that possible, ha!).


Mr. Ntavelas' follow-up album, Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen, followed two years later as a co-release between Satanath Records and Sevared Records. This blackened meat-and-potato Death Metal works nicely in his hands, especially considering this is a solo endeavor. Musically, the band goes into the sounds of the demo era of such bands as Incantation, Immolation' and Demigod and adds Funebrarum's utter heaviness and brutality, just wrapping it all up with some twists from the Black Metal side. The Black Metal influence is mostly vocal though, with some occasional shrieks and screeches and Xysma-esque gurgling here and there, just to make things even sweeter for all extreme metal fans out there.


Overall George has done a pretty magnificent job with his second opus, staying firmly and shamelessly in his comfort zone and just doing his shit the best he can. The result is coherent, convincing, and enjoyable all around. Diving into the depths of the murkiest waters in Death Metal has always appealed to me greatly, and that's where George has done a splendid job. Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen represents blackened/darkened and evil Death Metal in full form, basically capturing everything essential that the genre should be all about.





Продолжение греческого наступления. Чесслово, не специально, но так получилось. Сейчас познакомимся накоротке с дэт-блэковым проектом George Ntavelas, который тут решает всё.

Но говорят, что он уже переехал в Шотландию, и там собирает под свои черные штандарты кой-кого из темной музыкальной тусовки. Надо отметить, что это второй диск Demonic Obedience, и кажется он уже записан был как раз в Эдинбурге. Первый диск был красно-бело-черном оформлении, а этот — в черно-белом, если вы понимаете, о чем я (но я думаю, что врубаетесь). Одно это уже позволяет сделать наметки, что данный сабж будет из легиона труйного музицирования Во Славу.

Где-то под сорок минут обезжиривающего ужасающего землетрясения перевез из Греции в шотландские горы этот проект, а по каналам Satanath Records и Sevared Records (USA) все это расходится по миру. Собственный взгляд на стиль блэк-дэт презентует Demonic Obedience и трудно не согласиться, что этот продукт вполне самостоятелен в линейке блэк-дэта. Во-первых, мне кажется, здесь дэта гораздо больше, чем блэка, и черно-металл, когда проступает сквозь металлическую канву, то имеет несомненный признак олдового решения. И чисто дэтом это назвать трудно. Да и зачем... добротный микс, такой какой вы может быть и не слышали.

Как многие понимают, дэт-блэк в основном можно распилить на два кровоточащих подраздела, – первый кусок — на современной основе, кусок два - на старом понимании и воплощении этого музла. Demonic Obedience крепко вцепился во второй путь, грызет и откусывает от него большие обрубки. И прежде всего это доказывает гитарный холокост, что устроен здесь по воле автора, безумный и одновременно страстный, полностью подпольный и маниакальный. По скоростному обрабатывая эти обгоревшие от адового огня наделы, струнник меж диавольской быстроты умудряется вставить темные мелодийные пролеты, подходящие для фюнералист-думстеров, или чуть пободрее — но уничтожающе «мелодраматические», если здесь можно употребить это слово. При этом уже в первом траке можно найти обрывки эпического струнного звука, которые вроде хотят пробиться вверх из подземелья... но тьма все скрывает.

Два вокала спрятались здесь в чащобе терроризирующего звука, один — мощный, глубокий, сочный гроулинг, НЕРВИЧЕСКИЙ И БЕСПОКОЙНЫЙ, который, кажется, как змей лезет в каждую щель, оставляемую меж каменными глыбами гитарных риффов. И есть еще кое-что. Блэковый заговор, переговор, мелкий бес, который мечется в самых подходящих местах и вкалывает в это творение еще и яда блэкового угара.




Безуспешно покушавам избећи поређење и овог бенда са легендарним Morbid Angel. Запитаћете се знам ли још неки death metal бенд сем њих, хаха. Наравно да знам, али игром случаја сва 3 досадашња издања о којима пишем имају своје музичке корене управо у таквом звуку. Иако Demonic Obedience сами себе карактеришу као death/black metal бенд, утицаји потоњег су готово неприметни, осим можда саме тематике текстова песама. Мада, сложићете се да satanic теме апсолутно нису стране ни u death металу. Музички, Nocturnal Hymns to the Fallen је класична death metal дробилица коју карактеришу масивни бубњеви, тешке ритам гитаре, оштре солаже, гровлови из пакла. Текстуално, као што се да претпоставити, доминира антихришћанска тематика… Шта вам више и треба од једног албума? Иначе, док ја рецензирам ово издање из 2016. године, бенд је већ објавио ново под називом Fatalistic Uprisal of Abhorrent Creation. Свакако вредно пажње андерграунд публике!

