Reviews: SODP028
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Well, time for a little bit of old school black metal. We heading to Norway for this one, although the founding member Sina' hails from Iran. Sina used to be a member of the Iranian black metal band Sorg Innkallelse before moving to Trondheim. There he found Vegar "Vyl" Larsen (Keep of Kalessin/Gorgoroth - drums) and André "Tjalve" Kvebek (1349/Pantheon I/Den Saakaldte) and the one-man project was now a full-blown band. 'Blackhearts' is the latest e.p. with three stunning pieces of nineties black metal.
Two of the three songs on this e.p. are prime examples of Scandinavian black metal, mainly influenced by bands like Darkthrone, Immortal and countless of others. Blending sheer brutality with intense blast beats and a touch of melody, From The Vastland sounds very convincing and creates an extremely bleak atmosphere, much to the delight of my old school black metal heart. Title track 'Blackhearts' is my absolute favorite on this e.p., a fierce piece of music that will surely haunt me in my dreams.
'Abakhtaran' is a piece of epic dark ambient, an outro so to speak, but quite a dark one. So in all, if you're a bit nostalgic for the second wave of black metal, you should check out this intense gem. The genre has been evolving a lot in recent years but it's always good to see bands grasping on to that vintage evil, thrashy feel. So to end this short review, I highly recommend it to the blackest of souls out there. You shall not be disappointed...
From The Vastland are a solo project originally from Iran but now located in Norway that plays a very raw and melodic form of black metal and this is a review of his 2015 "Blackhearts" which was released as a joint effort between Symbol Of Domination Productions, Hexenreich Records and Shpera Noctis Records.
A very dark and melodic sound starts off the ep before getting heavier along with some grim black metal screams and after awhile the music goes into a very fast and raw direction along with a great amount of blast beats and the songs also bring in a great mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts.
All of the musical instruments on the recording have a very powerful sound to them and you can also hear spoken word parts at times and most of the tracks are long and epic in length and when solos and leads are utilized they are very melodic and exotic sounding and one track also brings in a brief use of clean playing while keyboards are brought into the closing song.
From The Vastland plays a style of black metal that is very raw and melodic and also brings in some influences from his home country to create a style of his own, the production sounds very raw yet heavy at the same time while the lyrics cover Zoroastrianism, Persian and Mesopotemian Mythology.
In my opinion From The Vastland are a very raw and melodic style of black metal and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this ep. RECOMMENDED TRACK "Blackhearts".
This is an EP that has passed me by until now. Gorge's Metal has followed Iranian Sina's black voyage since his second album Kamarikan. I wasn't hugely excited about it, but it was good enough to deserve an approval. His next album, Temple of Daevas were stronger, and I granted it five of six points.
As before, our Norwegian resident from Tehran have obtained some Norwegian experience to bring his aspirations to life.
Not just Norwegian forces have been involved. Vyl still exercise complete authority behind the drums, but the bass has been handled by Colombian Nul Blackthorn. We'll come back to the reason for this.
Just over a quarter gives us three tracks, two of which can be called real songs.
Astoyhads quickly shows that the sound is well taken care of. The sound is even more clear than on the last album. After a rapid opening with rhythmic machine guns, the pace calms down while dark moods seep as lethal gases into the ether. The song has admittedly a melodic slant, but is more malignant than required.
Blackhearts follows with more trigger happy rhythms and sharp primal-screams. Good variety, nice drive and a sneaky little twist just as the song seems to fade out, are among the ingredients.
Abakhtaran rounds of with three minutes of moody orchestral synth. Not exactly a significant track, but I guess it's allowed to experiment a little on an EP.
The EP is recorded in connection with the documentary film Blackhearts, that in simple terms concerns Sina, Nul Blackthorn and Greek Kaiadas (Naer Mataron), and their problematic journey to Norway, the black metal Mecca.
Blackhearts can hardly be said to be an obligatory EP, hence a small minus, but it shows where in the terrain From The Vastland is currently located, and that there is activity in the camp. The band keeps its name warm and we are served good black metal. We might very well consider that a win-win situation.
Dopo una prima ondata di gruppi più o meno buoni, scelti più che altro per entrare nel mondo del mercato discografico, ora la Satanath comincia a scremare e usare dei criteri più votati alla qualità per scegliere le band da offrire al pubblico. Tocca qui ai From The Vastland, combo muticulturale ma dedito alla lingua comune del Black oltranzista, fatto di blastbeat, di suoni ruvidi e maligni, di cantato rigorosamente vecchio stile. Pur non essendo la formazione più personale del pianeta il risultato è sopra la media, con composizioni ben articolate anche se dal minutaggio piuttosto scarso. Tecnica e produzione all’altezza confezionano un EP che lascia ben sperare per la prossima opera. Blacksters.
As you might know by now I am a sucker for bands names. I can buy an album just on the name of the band. To me the name is an indicator of what to expect from a band. And most of the time the name fits the music. Very few times I end up disappointed. FROM THE VASTLAND has a really cool band name and one that I’d buy an album from on the go. This is only a MCD and with a playing time of a little bit more than 15 min this is more for those already familiar with the band. I don’t really know how to describe FROM THE VASTLAND’s black metal. Being a collaboration between Norway and Iran there is that specific Norwegian sound to it. As somebody not familiar with this band I like what I hear.
From The Vastland are an outfit by a guy called Sina, originating from Iran’s capital Tehran. In mean time this guy moved over to Trondheim, Norway. Anyway, with From The Vastland, Sina recorded three albums before, being Darkness Vs. Light, The Perpetual Battle (Arx Productions / A5 Production) in 2011, Kamarikan in 2013 (via Indie Recordings), and 2014’s Temple Of Daevas (Non Servian Records). Now the project returns with a three-track EP, Blackhearts, which lasts for a quarter of an hour. The material was recorded, mixed and mastered in Trondheim (Skarp Studio) with producer Christian Falch.
Blackhearts indeed refers to the Nordic grimness of the Norwegian scene rather than the Arab-Oriental elements from the Middle-East, but those trusted with the scene from Iran (and hey, I am not kidding) will not be surprised either. Actually, the Iranian scene is as little and ‘hidden’ as it is great (acts like Margg or Nathorg do surely belong to my preferred ones), but in this project’s case the Norwegian influences are oh so evident. And to be honest, Blackhearts might sounds at least as inspired as many current Scandinavian acts.
Anyway, the first two pieces (Astoyhad and the title song) bring a fast, rhythmic and energetic form of Nordic-styled, gorgorothian Traditional Black Metal with inclusion of a fantastic sound quality. The outro called Abakhtaran is as hypnotic and ominous as it is bombastic, suffocative and martial. Conclusion: top!
Symbol of Domination, dat is een Wit-Russische subdivisie van het Russische Satanath Records, dus de Russen blijven ons bestoken. Deze keer zowaar met een "bekende" naam. De trendloze, blackmetallende Iraniër Sina, die nu in Noorwegen woont, bracht met From The Vastland reeds een album uit op Indie Recordings en eentje op het Nederlandse Non Serviam Records. Nu dus deze EP bij de Russen.
Net zoals op het vorige album krijg je een mix van compromisloze Noorse blackmetal te horen, met een pak Zuid-Europese, gevoelsmatige invloeden, die in de buurt komen van "melodieën". Het geeft de band een eigen karakter, zonder echt uitgesproken anders te zijn dan de rest. Niet bijzonder extreem, goed gevuld met nare tonen en een vorm van ijzige grimmigheid. Degelijk, as usual, al zijn twee nummers en een outro meer een single dan een EP.
From The Vastlands started off in Tehran, Iran as a solo project of a certain Sina. This gent moved to Norway and has gotten 1349 drummer Vyl and Den Saakaldte bassist Nul to join his ranks. Lyrically, the band deals with old Persian deities and demons, which I appreciate a lot. Musically, it is very Norwegian sounding, fast black metal with some middle eastern touches. This EP has two metal songs and an outro that make a good impression on me. Perhaps I should try and find the band`s previous output. Recommended for those inclined to Norwegian black with a twist.
Il progetto From The Vastland dell'iraniano Sinai, artista ormai trasferitosi stabilmente in terra norvegese, giunge nel 2015 alla quarta pubblicazione con l'ep "Blackhearts". I tre brani, per la durata complessiva di quindici minuti, confermano come la fonte di ispirazione primaria sia il black metal di stampo europeo, classicamente anni Novanta e privo di compromessi.
Sono trascorsi quattro anni dall'esordio con "Darkness Vs. Light, The Perpetual Battle", ma la natura gelida, epica e atmosferica della musica è rimasta immutata. Il mini contiene infatti due brani, "Astoyhad" e "Blackhearts", in cui blastbeat oltranzisti e il suono aspro la fanno da padrone, mentre l'episodio conclusivo "Abakhtaran" tira in ballo scenari dark-ambient. L'impostazione, lo sviluppo e il risultato ottenuto sono sempre e comunque riconducibili a quanto già sfornato in passato dal panorama scandinavo — norvegese soprattutto — e russo-ucraino: in pratica la storia si ripete.
From The Vastland non è un progetto originale, non brilla per genialità, tuttavia ha sinora consegnato lavori ben composti e discretamente prodotti che gli affezionati a questo tipo di black metal probabilmente troveranno graditi; è a loro che principalmente si rivolge ed è quindi a loro che ne consiglio l'ascolto.
From The Vastland is an old school black metal band with the ultra heaviness of today’s black metal bands, and their latest “Blackhearts” EP is sure to become your worst nightmare.
The music on this three-song EP is absolutely crushing and very bruising to the emotions, as it punishes in the most violent of ways. The rabid, nuclear radiant guitars are right in your face with the chaotic drumming patterns. The raspy vocals are nothing new, but they’re sickened enough to make you insane, while listening to their “Blackhearts” EP. With a total of three-songs here, the third song is a haunting instrumental of goose bump creating synths and guitars. This instrumental is surely a strong ending to this EP, but leaves the listener hanging for more auditory torture.
From The Vastland is a good starting point for a black metal group, and should release a full length album, it’s going to be even more Satanic and morbid in spirit and overall heaviness.
Holy Shit! This is an excellent piece of destructive black metal. Somehow this is one of those productions that capture the real essence of darkness, pain and holocaust.
Completely new for me, this band released a fourth production full of ominous guitar riffs and hyper-fast drum sections. There is no room for weak parts here; everything is tied in the most obscured and venomous atmosphere. All compositions have thick roots in ancient beasts from the North of Europe, and the twisted mind of a mad and lonely composer. His name is Sina, and comes from Tehran, Iran, but moved to Norway to continue this black beast, some years ago. This EP production contains two tracks full of morbidity and one track made of atmospheric orchestrations. Of course, all of them have distinctive sections full of rabid lines and amazing performance. This is an authentic gem of modern black metal, and it’s highly recommended for those old skulls who still worship one-man projects with high quality and class. I’m crushed with this band. Note: As extra info, this band has live musicians, which are members and ex members from Keep of Kalessin, 1349, Morbid Angel, among others.
Csak és kizárólag futó viszonyom volt eddig a From the Vastland-del, ám most úgy érzem, hangulata annyira átragadt rám, hogy sokáig fogom még végighallgatni a Blackhearts címre keresztelt anyagot. Az iráni egyszemélyes projekt nem bír túlságosan sok kiadott anyaggal, ám ezek mindegyike velős, energiától duzzadó, összetett muzsikának mondható.
Fehér alapon fekete betűk a borítón, illetve egy artwork. Ez köszön ránk az első találkozásnál. Dalszövegek, információk kaptak helyet a pofás kialakítású bookletben. Három szám terpeszkedik a Blackhearts EP-n; a felvétel egyszerűen elképesztően jó, a dob- illetve gitártéma már-már művészi szinten harmonikus. Norvégia adott otthont a felvételeknek, továbbá - ha minden igaz - olyan zenekarok segítették Sina-t a legelején, mint az 1349, vagy a Den Saakaldte.
Egyébiránt ez tipikusan az a fajta album, aminek a hallgatása közben a legkevésbé sem kalandozik el az ember képzelete, végig részese a tombolásnak. Enyhén visszhangosított, magas károgás csendül fel a legelejétől kezdve, mely pont annyi, amennyi kell, hogy legyen (sose szerettem az olyan előadókat, akik irgalmatlanul és nem mellesleg indokolatlanul sok szöveget pakolnak a dalokba). Nincs teketória; az Astoyhad, mint első a sorban, azonnal lerobbantja az arcunkat. Se intro, se felvezetés, se semmi, csak vegytiszta black metal. A maga hat percével abszolúte élvezhető.
Személyes kedvencemmé nőtte ki magát a kissé arabos hatásaival a második, egyben címadó tétel. Az összetettség szerencsére továbbra is megmaradt, kőkemény blast beat és agonizáló károgás a házigazda. Talán egy kicsit a korai Marduk anyagokhoz tudnám hasonlítani, némi Satanic Warmaster hatással megspékelve. Teljesen kvlt.
Utolsóként egy kisebb ambientes levezető következik az Abakhtaran személyében. Kissé középkorias, reneszánszos hatása van a tételnek, nekem nagyon tetszett.
Meghallgatva az anyagot maradéktalanul elégedett voltam, azt hiszem példamutató a kitartása és eltökéltsége Sina úrnak. Aki szeretne egy jót tombolni egy velős, sokat mondó anyagra, azonnal szerezze be a Satanath Records-tól eme remeket.
Finding out that the main member of the band comes from Iran (but now located in Norway) and that this EP is preceded by 3 full length albums is quite something. Well, this is actually Black Metal with a raw production, maybe some BURZUM and BATHORY sounds can be found here and there, probably the slower sections have a touch of MAYHEM, but that is it. The novelty of knowing the origins of the band stays there as simply I cannot find anything else. Do not get me wrong, this is well played, the drums could have a better sound, basically it is a decent recording, but I have heard things quite similar and done with more creativity to speak in a way. I think that better production values will certainly help this recording more. The vocals are also maybe a bit unidimensional, as when some spoken words are done or the tone is changed, a big difference is noticed. But, the fact is that the music has that special "incantation" that I went to listen to the previous full-length "Temple Of Daevas" which has a lot better production, and sounds more like early DARK FUNERAL with a good Thrash influence. I am sure fans of 90s Black Metal need to give this a try but maybe first look for their other material, which I liked more than this 2 song + outro recording.
Otra sorpresa! Por primera vez en los casi quince años del RRWZ me toca reseñar una banda de Irán, de la mano del sello Symbol of Domination.
From The Vastland es el proyecto de Sina, un músico iraní hoy afincado en Noruega, seguramente un lugar más apto para desarrollar su propuesta. Junto a el, Vegar Larsen en bateria y Nul Blackthorn completan el trio.
“Blackhearts” es su cuarto trabajo discográfico, enraizado totalmente en el black metal de la escuela escandinava. Las influencias son las habituales del estilo, es decir Marduk, Immortal y otras, todas ellas moldeando un entretenido disco.
Один мэн Сина из Тегерана уехал в Норвегию, и уж там решил отрываться на ниве блак металла. Вот черт, знал, куда ехать )). Понимает ли он в блак металле? Коротко — да (ибо еще будучи в Иране навыпускал несколько дисков черной музыки в группе). Потому что он в Норвегии наваял уже четыре полноформата и немало рубится на концертах, где ему помогают именитые местные музыканты. Поименно не буду, назову только группы в которых они участвовали и участвуют (ибо все течет и все изменяется): Den Saakaldte, Horizon Ablaze, Pantheon I, Alvheim, Midnattsvrede, 1349, Nidingr, Sarkom, Headspin, Keep of Kalessin, Aptorian Demon, Chton, Goat the Head, Gorgoroth, Myrkskog, Zyklon, Morbid Angel, 1349, Harm, Horizon Ablaze. Список черный на все 100, и думается, не зря все эти люди решили помочь Сине на ливах. На этом отдельно взятом компакте бывший тегеранец работает с драммером Vegar “Vyl» Larsen [это именно он колотил в Keep of Kalessin и Горгорот (предвкушайте АД на барабанах)], а на басу рубился Nul Blackthorn. Сам исполняет на гитаре и занимается вокалом.
Ну, это все теория. Перейдем к практике.
Напомню, что Symbol Of Domination, сублейбл Satanath Records, издал сабжевое угольное творение в мрачнейшем адовом сотрудничестве с Hexenreich Records (Est), Sphera Noctis Records (Бразилия). Дело в том, что Сина зачастую пишет на темы персидской мифологии и без адового сотрудничества — никак. Это тексты, а вот музыка — замечательный атмосферный, далеко северный нордический блак металл, инспирированный наилучшими музыкальными образцами скандинавской преисподней. И это нисколько не шутка. Очень акцентировано Сина решает поставленные задачи, глубоко копает, дерзновенно взрывает замерзшую породу, и выставляет как приоритет создание абсолютного сферического континуума для музыкального боя Добра со Злом. Эта эпишка прекрасно иллюстрирует его подход. За все отведенное ему время создается гигантоМАНИАКАЛЬНАЯ атмосфера настоящего праздника, когда темная империя наступает по всем фронтам и только кровавый ветер колышет черные знамена.
Как я уже намекнул, Сина увлекается атмосферными фишками, но, естественно, не в ущерб ажиотажному и экспрессивному блаку, который формируется неистовым риффингом по всем направлениям. Потому иранец заявляет себя мастером звукоизвлечения, углубленного в сумрачные и депрессивные чувства, которое неплохо у него получается и в мид-темпо, и тем паче в быстрых кусках. Только помножить его надо еще на ауру привлекаемых сил тьмы и неживых обитателей подземных каверн. Странно, что например его происхождение никак не сказывается на мелодике этого компакта, но для многих это только к лучшему. Все-таки это не фолк-метал, в конце концов.
Как вокалист Сина многопримечателен, он с удовольствием скримит характерным окрасом — хрипяще-шипящим, который не часто встретишь в этом ужаснейшем жанре. При необходимости он выруливает на дичайшее скриминговое рычание, которое впечатлит любого фэна блак металла. И этот его инструмент — голос — среди самых сильных и ударных компонентов его проекта.
Кстати, не забыть бы упомянуть, что группа From the Vastland была номинирована на «Global Metal Award» за свой альбомище «KAMARIKAN» как часть MetalHammer?овского Golden Gods Award 2014. Из последних наидобрейших новостей — ансамбль в 2016 году записал и выпустил еще один альбом.
Признаться честно, даже зная, что за музыкальный жанр представлен на диске, от EP с названием «Blackhearts» я не ожидала ничего серьезного. Как же глубоко я заблуждалась в начале! «Почему это не полноформатный альбом?» - думала я в итоге. Но обо всем по порядку.
Проект «From the Vastland» является сольным. За ним стоит музыкант иранского происхождения по имени Sina, который и пишет все тексты и музыку. EP «Blackhearts» - его четвертое по счету творение и, на мой взгляд, образец олдскульного блэка. Лейтмотивом всего творчества From the Vastland является персидская мифология и история. Не отказался от них Sina и в «Blackhearts». Уже в первой песне «Astoyhad» повествуется о войне между Светом и Тьмой и наступлении Ахримана, являющегося олицетворением зла. И наступает он, конечно же, с одной единственной целью – уничтожить все живое. Во второй, одноименной песне Sina рассказывает о пути, который должен в итоге привести его во Тьму. На этом пути есть все: и вороны, и темные леса, и укрытые снегом бескрайние просторы, и голоса, зовущие обессиленного путника. Но не спешите обвинять автора в банальности! Бешеная мощь гитарного звучания, хаотичный бласт-бит и шипяще-хрипящий скрим Sina создают непередаваемую атмосферу и увлекают за собой по этому темному пути.
Завершается данное EP мрачным инструментальным аутро, который как нельзя лучше дополняет всё впечатление от «Blackhearts» и лишний раз подчеркивает, что у сил Света нет шансов и хэппи-энда не будет.
На мой взгляд, Sina этим ЕР сказал намного больше, чем некоторые команды могут сказать целым альбомом. Все три трека дополняют друг друга и создают мрачную атмосферу обреченности и ожидания конца. В них нет слабых мест. «Blackhearts» хочется слушать и переслушивать, отправляясь вслед за Sina по темному пути в стан армии Ахримана
Sometimes material I get for review disappears into my folder and my iTunes and I lose it for years. Then I find it again on shuffle and think wow, what I missed the first time. From the Vastland’s ‘Blackhearts’ EP is one of those, from 2015 through Satanath Records. It is an intense slab of powerful black metal, and worth seeking out all these years later.
‘Astoyhad’ starts with a slow, deliberate riff leaden with dark atmospheres before charging off with poisonous intent. A howling, frostbitten chainsaw through your heart, this Iranian one man effort weaves gloom throughout this piece. Iranian black metal; what strange worlds we live in. As orthodox Scandinavian as it comes, From the Vastland don’t try to be different because of their locale, but pay homage to the vast frozen north with the icy ferocity of the title track and the cold majesty of ‘Abakhtaran’.
I need to scour deeper into this vast catalogue and see what else I can find, because if there are more hidden gems of this quality they deserve the coverage! From the Vastland is blackhearted indeed, and this EP captures them at an icy and relentless highpoint.