Reviews: SAT046
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Milicia Oscura are a band from Mexico that plays a very raw and blasphemous form of black metal and this is a review of their 2013 album "Anti-Christo" which was released by Satanath Records.
Sytnhs and ritualistic sounds start off the album and after a few seconds the music starts getting more dark and heavy along with some black metal screams and demonic growls and when the music speeds up it brings in more of a 90's influenced raw second wave style along with some blast beats being utilized.
Throughout the recording there is a great mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts and the solos and leads are very dark and melodic while classical guitars along with a small amount of clean playing can also be heard in certain sections of the recording and a great portion of the tracks are very long and epic in length and synths also return in certain sections of the recording along with all of the musical instruments having a very powerful sound to them while a later track brings in a brief use of melodic chants which also gives the music more of an occult atmosphere.
Milicia Oscura plays a style of black metal that is very raw, old school and blasphemous sounding and also has a 90's occult atmosphere at times and also avoids sounding modern, the production sounds very dark, raw and old school while the lyrics are written in Spanish and cover darkness, blasphemy and anti christian themes.
In my opinion Milicia Oscura are a very great sounding raw, and blasphemous, old school black metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Eterna Crucifixion" "Christo Murio" "El Despertar Del Demono" and "El Anticristo".