Hak-Ed Damm

Совместный релиз Satanath Records и Death Portal Studio: новый альбом "Holocaust Over Dresden" канадской black metal группы Hak-Ed Damm выходит 26 ноября! / Co-release Satanath Records with Death Portal Studio: new album "Holocaust Over Dresden" of Canadian black metal band Hak-Ed Damm is out on November 26th, 2017!
Hak-Ed Damm is black metal commando founded in Quebec city (Canada). Formed in 2007. Lyrical themes about War, Asylum, Psychiatry, Torture, Suicide. In 2007 Zokvist (lead vocalist 2007-2016) was wandering for a new and intense project, something raw and brutal. Connecting with Silencer (2007-Still active), they decided to create a musical war machine concept, putting forward the pure hatred against religions, human being and general mockery. After a long quest to recruit additional members, they found Vikker (2007-2011) as the first guitarist member and Zuhrosis (2007-2011) takes the commands on the bass lines. In 2008 enough compositions was now on the table to thing about recording the first demo and it's in March 2008 that BLACK TORTURED METAL emerged from the blood fields. It's also very after the emergence of B.T.M that additional guitarist Exu (2008-Still active) joined their ranks, adding to the band a really effective and destructive weapon. Between 2008 and 2010, Hak-ed Damm gived their first gigs, spreading the plague and destruction. In 2010 Hak-ed Damm returned in studio in 2010, to record their first album. NEKROWRISTFUCKED was released during the winter, and this album really defined the sound of Hak-ed Damm: Sharpened, fast, brutal, original and very present bass lines and a good quality sounding, something that is generaly less noticable in the black metal genre. They gives many more live performence interpreting this album in its entirety, reached number of fans and had good opportunities to play in the US. Its in 2012 that things gets harder for the band because of inner conflicts, a change of point of views and motivations for some members. After some times then, Hak-ed Damm decided to split up. In 2014 after a brake of 2 years, Silencer get in contact with Exu and Zokvist to talk about the possibility to re active Hak-ed Damm. Silencer get in touch with a recent contact, Amok (Morbus Lupinus, Path ov Amok) with whom he collaborated on drum parts of other projects, asking him to join has a new guitarist, replacing Vikkers departure, thing that enjoyed Amok for sure. Another member was needed to fill the departure of Zurhosis. Zaïtsev (ex-Asgard, ex-Amenophis) was aproached and also accepted. Hak-ed Damm was five again, ready for a new wave of brutality! Between 2014 and 2015, the band worked principaly on Nekrowristfucked old compositions, to get ready to deliver a great and powerful coming back on stage, thing that didn't takes very long time, the fluidity with the original and new members going well. In 2015-2016 time for new compositions came fast with the desire to work on a new album, to push forward the brutality and to add a much more dark and cold sound than the previous Nekro. The quintuor entered the studio in mid-summer 2016 with 9 new compositions. It's a concept album touching a lot on W.W.2's historical facts, revealing the bestial nature of man and atrocities commited in this period. They decided to entitled it HOLOCAUST OVER DRESDEN - this title representing one of the most powerful, horrible and masskiller bombing of all time, during the W.W.2, in 1945. In 2017 with a big regret, Zokvist took the decision to end its participation with the band, for personal reasons, but his vocal parts on Holocaust over Dresden and also the great works done on the artwork concept will remain. But the band cannot just stop a second time the project especially with a new album in the hand, so they decided to search a new frontman. After a short research, it is Winterthrone (Endless Horizon, Dépérir) that was approached and was honoured to accept this place. Hak-ed Damm are actually working together on the new stuff to get ready for future events to come to perform album live.
Состав на альбоме / Album line-up:
ZoKvisT – vocals
ZaitseV – bass
SilenceR – drums
ExU – guitars
AmoK – guitars
Нынешний состав / Current line-up:
WinterthronE – vocals
ZaitseV – bass
SilenceR – drums
ExU – guitars
AmoK – guitars
After 7 years of wandering Canadian black metal band Hak-ed Damm launch their second full-length album just in time for their 10th anniversary! "Holocaust over Dresden", a concept album focused on truthful and horrific events of World War II, delivered with all the power, brutality and sinister ambiance that it deserves to feel immersed into the battle field. Recommended for fans of Marduk, Tsjuder, Anaal Nathrakh.
После 7 лет скитаний HAK-ED DAMM, одна из самых брутальных black metal групп Канады, вернулась со второй полноформатной бомбой. «HOLOCAUST OVER DRESDEN» - это концептуальный альбом о Второй мировой войне с 9 жестокими и быстрыми песнями, затрагивающими многие исторические факты Второй Мировой, раскрывающими зверскую природу человека и ужасы, совершённые им в этот период... Название альбома в честь одной из самых мощных, ужасных и массовых бомбардировок всех времён, в 1945 году! Для фанатов групп Marduk, Tsjuder, Anaal Nathrakh.
Трек-лист / Track-list:
01. Edelweiss
02. Holocaust Over Dresden
03. MG42
04. Blooming Grove
05. Auschwitz-Birkenau
06. Usine De Mort
07. Marea Morte
08. As Kadavers Suddenly Squirt
09. Jade With The Deflowered Scalp
Длительность / Length - 39:10
Доступно для предзаказа! / Available for pre-order!
Заказать и послушать можно здесь / Buy and listen at Bandcamp
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Лейбл-партнёр / Co-release Satanath Records (Russia) with label:
Death Portal Studio (USA) | Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.
Каталожный номер / Catalog number:
SAT183 | DPS006
Официальные сайты / Official sites:
Электронная почта / Band e-mail:
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