New Distros + Interesting Information

Поступления за март! / Items for March!
Новые позиции в нашем каталоге! Список ниже. Как обычно, уже можно заказывать на Discogs странице.
New distros in our catalog! List below. As usual, can be ordered on our Discogs page.
Вчера наш саб-лейбл Symbol Of Domination Productions отпраздновал свой второй день рождения. За это время лейбл выпустил 15 релизов (10 CD-R и 5 CD), и, скорее всего, единственным форматом изданий теперь будет CD. В связи с выходом Symbol Of Domination на более профессиональный уровень, коллеги из GrimmDistribution отныне перестают выступать в качестве официального дистрибьютора релизов саб-лейбла, так же как и (чуть ранее) основного лейбла. Это не значит, что у наших партнёров из Беларуси нельзя будет приобрести позиций Symbol Of Domination Prod. и Satanath Records, просто конторы теперь сами в состоянии заниматься официальным распространением. Благодарим GrimmDistribution за неоценимую помощь на ранних порах! Стоит добавить, что в ближайшем будущем SODP выпустит немало интересных релизов, следите за новостями...
Yesterday, our sub-label Symbol Of Domination Productions celebrated his second birthday. During this time, the label pressed 15 releases (10 CD-R and 5 CD), and, most likely, the only format editions will now CD. In connection with the Symbol Of Domination at a professional level, colleagues GrimmDistribution henceforth cease to act as the official distributor releases sub-label, as well (just before) as the main label. This does not mean that our partners from Belarus will not be able to purchase products Symbol Of Domination Prod. and Satanath Records, just offices themselves are now able to engage in the official distribution. Thank GrimmDistribution for their invaluable assistance in the early stages! It is worth noting that in the near future SODP will release a lot of interesting CDs, stay tuned...
• Absorbed - Reverie [compilation] (2013) | Spain | Technical Death Metal | 2 CD | Double Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 13 $
• Adramelech - Psychostasia [re-release] (2014) | Finland | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 8 $
• Aegrum - De Arrival [ep] (2015) | Indonesia | Symphonic Black Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Narcoleptica Prod. | 6 $
• Aeons Ov Frost - Cold Front (2012) | Russia | Symphonic Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Vacula Productions | 4 $
• Aeternus Odium - Tropas De Lucifer (2011) | Brazil | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Nocturnized Prod | 6 $
• Ancient Necropsy - Deformed King's Mummification (2004) | Colombia | Brutal Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Goregiastic Records | 6 $
• Aposento - Aposento (2014) | Spain | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 12 $
• Arcanum Inferi / Grimwald / Northern Tod - Saturnia Tellus... Memories From The Eternal Cult [split] (2013) | Italy / Italy / Italy | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Vacula Productions | 4 $
• Astarium - Chthonian Miasma [single] (2015) | Russia | Symphonic Black Metal | 5" Vinyl | Special Case | Narcoleptica Prod. / NitroAtmosfericum Records | 5 $
• Athanor / Winterhearth - Athanor / Winterhearth [split] (2015) | Italy / Canada | Death/Thrash/Black Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Narcoleptica Prod. | 6 $
• Avulsed - Carnivoracity [re-release] (2014) | Spain | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 9 $
• Avulsed - Ritual Zombi (2013) | Spain | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 6 $
• Being Killed - Kill Yourself (2008) | USA | Brutal Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Comatose Music | 7 $
• Burnt Offering - Беснование [demo] (2015) | Kyrgyzstan / Russia / Ukraine / Germany | Black Metal | Tape | Cassette | Narcoleptica Prod. | 5 $
• Canker - Physical [compilation] (2014) | Spain | Thrash/Death Metal | 2 CD | Double Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 11 $
• Claws - Absorbed In The Nethervoid (2009) | Finland | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Razorback Records | 9 $
• Cliteater - The Great Southern Clitkill (2010) | Netherlands | Goregrind | CD | Jewel Box | War Anthem Records | 10 $
• Cock And Ball Torture / Libido Airbag - Zoophilia / Rosebud Rhapsody [split] (2009) | Germany / Germany | Goregrind | CD | Digifile | Bones Brigade Records | 11 $
• Crystal Of Carpat - Тьма и свет (2012) | Ukraine | Melodic Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Nocturnus Records | 8 $
• Dantalion - All Roads Lead To Death (2010) | Spain | Melodic Death/Doom Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 5 $
• Death And Glory - Blut Und Asche (2011) | Germany | Melodic Death/Power/Folk Metal | CD | Digipak | Asatru Klangwerke | 4 $
• Death Vomit - Gutted By Horrors (2014) | Chile | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 6 $
• Deathevokation - The Chalice Of Ages [re-release] (2014) | USA | Death Metal | 2 CD | Double Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 11 $
• Decayed - A Feast Of Decay [compilation] (2012) | Portugal | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Nyarlathotep Records | 4 $
• Defloration - Abused With Gods Blessing (2010) | Germany | Brutal Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | War Anthem Records | 10 $
• Demilich - Nespithe [re-release] (2009) | Finland | Technical Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 8 $
• Depression - Ein Kakophonisher Lebenshauch (2007) | Germany | Death Metal/Grindcore | CD | Jewel Box | Apathic View Production | 8 $
• Desecresy - Chasmic Transcendence (2014) | Finland | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 8 $
• Détente - Recognize No Authority [re-release] (2014) | USA | Thrash/Speed Metal | 2 CD | Double Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 13 $
• Deviator - Fehu Fohat Fire (2014) | Ukraine | Black/Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Vacula Productions / Cold Northern Blood | 5 $
• Devilish - Through The Gates Of Death (2012) | Brazil | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Self-release | 8 $
• Difamator - Malefic Anticlerical And Antichristianity [compilation] (2014) | Brazil | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Voz Da Morte | 7 $
• Drauggard - Da Nobis Tenebras (2013) | Russia | Thrash/Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Terror Records | 5 $
• Eismond - As We Hide The Moon (2013) | Austria | Black Metal/Ambient | CD | Digipak | Kristallblut Records | 7 $
• Eismond - Behind The Moon We Are Looking Into The Distance (2012) | Austria | Black Metal/Ambient | CD | DVD Box | Kristallblut Records | 3 $
• Emeth - Aethyr (2014) | Belgium | Brutal Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 9 $
• Emptiness Soul - Life=Pain (2014) | Russia | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Vacula Productions / Sphera Noctis Records | 6 $
• Eruption - Lifeless Paradise [re-release] (2013) | Slovenia | Thrash Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 9 $
• Eruption - Tenses Collide (2012) | Slovenia | Thrash Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 8 $
• Esbbat - La Era De La Bestia [re-release] (2014) | Colombia | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | I Am Your End Productions | 9 $
• Exegutor - Embassy Of Hell [re-release] (2015) | Belarus | Death Metal/Grindcore | Tape | Cassette | Narcoleptica Prod. | 5 $
• Exequy - The Adversary Edict / Architect Of Subjugation [compilation] (2014) | USA | Black/Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Deathcamp Records / DFL Productions | 5 $
• Exhumer - Bloodcurdling Tool Of Digestion (2008) | Italy | Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore | CD | Jewel Box | Despise The Sun Records | 16 $
• Extremely Rotten Flesh - The End (2007) | Colombia | Brutal Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Brutalized Records | 6 $
• FollowBane - Ceremonia (2011) | Japan | Symphonic Death/Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Red Rivet Records | 7 $
• Forgotten Winter - Origem Da Inexistência (2013) | Portugal | Symphonic Black Metal/Ambient | CD | Digipak | Kristallblut Records | 7 $
• Frozen Dawn - Those Of The Cursed Light (2014) | Spain | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 7 $
• Frozen Ocean - The Dyson Swarm (2014) | Russia | Atmospheric Black Metal/Ambient | CD | Digipak | Kristallblut Records | 7 $
• Fuck Off - Smile As You Kill (2014) | Spain | Thrash Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 10 $
• Gebrechlichkeit - Glanz Und Elend (2012) | Germany | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Asatru Klangwerke | 4 $
• Gravecrusher - Morbid Black Oath [ep] (2014) | Hungary | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 5 $
• Hexenhammer's Flame - Ad Fines Nivis Aeternae (2014) | Russia | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Narbentage Produktionen / Vacula Productions | 5 $
• Holocausto Canibal - Gorefilia (2012) | Portugal | Death Metal/Grindcore | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 8 $
• Hour Of Penance - Disturbance (2003) | Italy | Technical/Brutal Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 5 $
• Hour Of Penance - Pageantry For Martyrs (2005) | Italy | Technical/Brutal Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 8 $
• Houwitser - Bestial Atrocity (2010) | Netherlands | Brutal Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Sevared Records | 6 $
• Human Mincer - Devoured Flesh (2005) | Spain | Brutal Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 5 $
• Human Mincer - Embryonized (2002) | Spain | Brutal Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 5 $
• Inexistence - Inexistence (2013) | Argentina | Atmospheric Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Infernal Hymns Records | 9 $
• Infamous Sinphony - Manipulation [re-release] (2014) | USA | Thrash Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 9 $
• Infest - Cold Blood War (2014) | Serbia | Death/Thrash Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 9 $
• Jesus Cröst - 010 (2010) | Netherlands | Grindcore | CD | Jewel Box | Bones Brigade Records | 13 $
• Jig-Ai - Jig-Ai [re-release] (2010) | Czech Republic | Death Metal/Grindcore | CD | Jewel Box | Bizarre Leprous Production | 8 $
• Jig-Ai - Katana Orgy [re-release] (2013) | Czech Republic | Death Metal/Grindcore | CD | Jewel Box | Bizarre Leprous Production | 16 $
• Kav - Kav [demo] (2015) | Germany | Raw Black Metal/Death Metal | Tape | Cassette | Narcoleptica Prod. | 5 $
• Ketelens' Brukke - Graeueltaten / Memories Of Life (2010) | Austria | Black Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Nordsturm Productions | 3 $
• Killing Addiction - Fall Of The Archetypes (2010) | USA | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 10 $
• Licurgo - Flames (2014) | Spain | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Vacula Productions / Hass Weg Productions | 9 $
• Mandatory - Exiled In Pain [compilation] (2008) | Germany | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Obliteration Records | 8 $
• Multiplex - World [re-release] (2012) | Japan | Death Metal/Grindcore | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 11 $
• Myrkvids Draumar - Forest's Revenge Breath (2012) | Ukraine | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Vacula Productions | 2 $
• Myrkvids Draumar - Кровь Земли Моей (2010) | Ukraine | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Vacula Productions | 2 $
• Necrobiotic - Death Metal Machine (2014) | Brazil | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Misanthropic Records | 6 $
• Necropsy - Psychopath Next Door [ep] (2013) | Finland | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 6 $
• Necrosound / Schipanski - Temple Of Lust / Unknowed Pleasures [split] (2014) | Brazil / Brazil | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Satanic Powerlifting Records | 8 $
• North Black - Filosofi Svart Skog (2014) | Russia | Atmospheric Black/Dark Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Vacula Productions | 6 $
• Nycticorax - Anima Tenebrarum (2011) | Latvia | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Terror Records | 8 $
• Nycticorax - Treatise Of Death (2012) | Latvia | Black Metal | CD | Digipak | Terror Records | 13 $
• Obscura Monotonia Animae - Crepusculum Aeternorum Cruciatuum (2013) | Italy | Ambient/Black Metal | CD | Digipak | Kristallblut Records | 7 $
• Onirophagus - Prehuman (2013) | Spain | Doom/Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 4 $
• Onkel Hryum - Ragnaroll (2015) | Russia | Folk Metal | CD | Digipak | Self-release | 8 $
• Orgasmic Victim / BRUD / Disentomb - In Gore We Grind [split] (2015) | Russia / Ukraine / Moldova | Grindcore | Pro CD-R | Slim Box | Narcoleptica Prod. | 5 $
• Paganizer - Murder Death Kill (2003) | Sweden | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 5 $
• Piraña - Corruption (2012) | Mexico | Thrash Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Red Rivet Records | 7 $
• Psychopathologist - Clumsy Remains [demo] (2014) | Russia | Thrash/Death Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Narcoleptica Prod. | 2 $
• Psychotic Despair - Personal Identity (2010) | Czech Republic | Death Metal/Grindcore | CD | Digipak | L'Inphantile Collective | 8 $
• Rabenholz - Akt I: Auf Welken Schwingen... (2010) | Germany | Black Metal | CD | Digipak | Helheim Productions | 6 $
• Redimoni - Standing Before The End Of Time (2012) | Spain | Thrash Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 9 $
• Rompeprop - Hellcock's Pornflakes [re-release] (2011) | Netherlands | Goregrind | CD | Jewel Box | Bizarre Leprous Production | 10 $
• Rottrevore - Iniquitous [re-release] (2012) | USA | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 10 $
• Rune Skogen - Edelfäulnis (2011) | Germany | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Terror Records | 6 $
• Rune Skogen - Wiederkehr Des Ewig Gleichen (2012) | Germany | Black Metal | CD | Digipak | Terror Records | 13 $
• Sardonic Witchery - Kult Of The Underground Warrior (2014) | USA | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Underground Longhorns Records | 9 $
• Sea Of Despair - Море отчаяния [re-release] (2014) | Russia | Gothic/Doom Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Wolfshade Records / Metallic Media | 6 $
• Seges Findere - As Wolves We Kill [ep] (2014) | Brazil | Black/Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Deathcamp Records | 5 $
• Sieghetnar - Die Hymne Der Zerbrechlichkeit² (2013) | Germany | Black Metal/Ambient | CD | Digipak | Kristallblut Records | 7 $
• Soldered Poon / Visceromegalia - A Chapter of Pornography / Abnormal Vaginal Discharges [split] (2007) | Morocco / Mexico | Goregrind | CD | Jewel Box | Last House On The Right | 20 $
• Sorcery - Arrival At Six (2013) | Sweden | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 4 $
• Suidakra - Book of Dowth (2011) | Germany | Melodic Death/Black/Folk Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Red Rivet Records | 7 $
• Suidakra - Eternal Defiance (2013) | Germany | Melodic Death/Black/Folk Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Red Rivet Records | 7 $
• The Day Everything Became Nothing - Invention: Destruction (2006) | Australia | Goregrind | CD | Jewel Box | No Escape Records | 7 $
• The Earth King - Cycling Between Sun and Moon (2012) | Belgium | Black Metal/Ambient | CD | Digipak | Kristallblut Records | 9 $
• The Kill - Hate Sessions 2000~2002 [compilation] (2008) | Australia | Grindcore | CD | Jewel Box | No Escape Records | 13 $
• The Nightstalker - Against The Anesthetist (2013) | Italy | Dark Metal/Ambient | CD | Jewel Box | Wolfshade Records | 6 $
• The Nightstalker - The Chronicles Of Natural City (2014) | Italy | Dark Metal/Ambient | CD | Jewel Box | Wolfshade Records | 6 $
• Trallery - Catalepsy (2013) | Spain | Thrash Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 10 $
• Undergang - Til Døden os Skiller (2012) | Denmark | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 8 $
• Uruk-Hai - Cirith Ungol (2010) | Austria | Ambient | CD | Jewel Box | Nordsturm Productions | 3 $
• Verminous - Impious Sacrilege [re-release] (2013) | Sweden | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Xtreem Music | 4 $
• Vetus Obscurum - Blood Revelations [ep] (2009) | USA | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Debemur Morti Productions | 2 $
• Way To End - Desecrated Internal Journey (2009) | France | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Debemur Morti Productions | 3 $
• Тиранiя - Безкровна муза (2012) | Ukraine | Gothic/Doom Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Wolfshade Records | 6 $