New Distros

Поступления за январь! / Items for January!
Новые позиции в нашем каталоге! Список ниже. К сожалению, с декабря мы не успеваем во время добавлять позиции в раздел Distro, красиво оформив подробную информацию о релизе. Связано это с тем, что сначала товары добавляются на нашу Discogs страницу, где и так есть все нужные данные, а главное, что там почти сразу же многое и заказывают, поэтому добавление на сайт становится ненужным. Однако всё всегда добавляется в раздел Shop и регулярно обновляется. Но в будущем постараемся исправить эту ситуацию - может, расширим штат наших сотрудников. Надеемся на Ваше понимание!
New distros in our catalog! List below. Unfortunately, since December, we do not have time during the add positions in section Distro and make beautiful design details about the release. This is due to the fact that the first products added to our Discogs page, where and so have all the necessary data, and most importantly, that there almost immediately and bought a lot, so adding to the site becomes unnecessary. However, all always added to the Shop section and updated regularly. But in the future will try to remedy this situation - perhaps to expand our staff. We hope for your understanding!
• Abazagorath - The Satanic Verses (2014) | USA | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Eternal Death | 5 $
• Abort Mastication - Orgs (2008) | Japan | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Bloodbath Records | 15 $
• Anachronaeon - The Ethereal Throne (2012) | Sweden | Melodic Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 6 $
• Anachronaeon - The Futile Quest For Immortality (2010) | Sweden | Melodic Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 5 $
• Ankhagram - Neverending Sorrow [re-release] (2010) | Russia | Doom Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 5 $
• Anthro Halaust - Triumph of Satan! (2013) | Ukraine | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | The Ritual Productions | 3 $
• Antiquus Scriptum - Ars Longa, Vita Brevis (2013) | Portugal | Black/Viking Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Pesttanz Klangschmiede | 4 $
• Antiquus Scriptum - Conclamatum Est (2010) | Portugal | Black/Viking Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Talheim Records | 5 $
• Antiquus Scriptum - Recovering The Throne [tribute] (2014) | Portugal | Black/Viking Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Pesttanz Klangschmiede | 5 $
• Ataraxie - Project X [compilation] (2011) | France | Funeral Doom/Death Metal | 2 CD | Double Jewel Box | Weird Truth Productions | 12 $
• Black Bodies - Abnormalia Sarcastic Zoomorfa [ep] (2014) | Peru | Brutal Death Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Lower Budget Records | 5 $
• Blunt Force Trauma - Vengeance For Nothing (2012) | Japan | Brutal Death Metal/Goregrind | CD | Jewel Box | Macabre Mementos Records | 8 $
• Bog of the Infidel - To Corrupt Your Sons and Lust After Your Daughters [ep] (2013) | USA | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Eternal Death | 4 $
• Burial Mist - December (2009) | Russia | Black Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Satanarsa Records | 14 $
• Catacumba - Kratos [re-release] (2014) | Brazil | Black/Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Fallen-Angels Productions | 5 $
• Catacumba / Abigail / Taekaury / The True Endless - Region Of The Underworld [split] (2014) | Brazil / Japan / Italy | South Korea | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Fallen-Angels Productions | 6 $
• Cold Grave - Infernal (2007) | Germany | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | NS Propaganda | 5 $
• Comatose Vigil - Not A Gleam Of Hope (2005) | Russia | Funeral Doom Metal | CD | Jewel Box in Slipcase | Marche Funebre Productions | 5 $
• Dark Plague - Perverse Devotion (2014) | France | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Fallen-Angels Productions | 5 $
• Deviator - Mighty Black Inner Flame [re-release] (2010) | Ukraine | Black Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Satanarsa Records | 12 $
• Deviator - To Forgotten Path / Triumph Of The Will [compilation] (2014) | Ukraine | Black/Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Pesttanz Klangschmiede | 3 $
• Diathra - Fascinating Impulses (2014) | Belarus | Doom Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 5 $
• Diathra - My Endless Sorrow (2008) | Belarus | Doom Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 6 $
• Disfigurement Of Flesh - Promotional [demo] (2013) | Russia | Brutal Death Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Rebirth The Metal Productions / Morbid Generation Records | 5 $
• Disgorge - Gorelics [re-release] (2011) | Germany | Grindcore/Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Obliteration Records | 6 $
• Disgorge - Live Germany (2006) | Germany | Grindcore/Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Obliteration Records | 6 $
• Draugûl - Tales of Loot and Plunder (2014) | Malta | Epic Viking/Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Pesttanz Klangschmiede | 7 $
• Draugûl - The Voyager (2013) | Malta | Epic Viking/Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Pesttanz Klangschmiede | 5 $
• Ease Of Disgust - Black Flame (2014) | Russia | Deathcore | CD | Digipak | Self-release | 10 $
• Eviscerate - Beneath Dying Skies [re-release] (2013) | USA | Black Metal | CD | Digifile | Eternal Death | 3 $
• Evoke Thy Lords - Escape To The Dreamlands (2008) | Russia | Gothic/Doom Metal | CD | Digipak | Stygian Crypt Productions / Backfire Productions | 5 $
• Exterminio - Homicide In First Degree [re-release] (2014) | Argentina | Brutal Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Rebirth The Metal Productions / Grindhouse Music | 7 $
• Feskarn - Östra Aros (2014) | Sweden | Viking/Folk Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Pesttanz Klangschmiede | 5 $
• Feskarn - Raise Your Swords (2012) | Sweden | Viking/Folk Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Pesttanz Klangschmiede | 5 $
• Fetal Autopsy - Collection Of Dead Flesh [demo] (2014) | USA | Brutal Death Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Lower Budget Records | 5 $
• Flegethon - There Is No Echo Of Reality (2003) | Russia | Black/Funeral Doom Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Satanarsa Records | 10 $
• Folkearth - Balder's Lament (2014) | International | Epic Folk/Viking Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 5 $
• Folkearth - Fatherland (2008) | International | Epic Folk/Viking Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 4 $
• Folkearth - Minstrels By The River (2011) | International | Epic Folk/Viking Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 5 $
• Folkearth - Rulers Of The Sea (2009) | International | Epic Folk/Viking Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 4 $
• Folkearth - Valhalla Ascendant (2012) | International | Epic Folk/Viking Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 5 $
• Folkodia - Battles And Myths (2012) | International | Folk/Viking Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 5 $
• Folkodia - The Fall Of The Magog (2013) | International | Folk/Viking Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 5 $
• Funeral Art - El Reflejo De Tu Ausencia (2014) | Guatemala | Ambient Black/Funeral Doom Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Satanarsa Records | 9 $
• Funeral Art - Semper Altus (2014) | Guatemala | Ambient Black/Funeral Doom Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Satanarsa Records | 9 $
• Funeral Art - Susurros De Una Noche (2014) | Guatemala | Ambient Black/Funeral Doom Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Satanarsa Records | 9 $
• Funeral Tears - The World We Lost (2014) | Russia | Funeral Doom Metal | CD | Jewel Box in Slipcase | Marche Funebre Productions | 7 $
• Funeral Tears - Your Life My Death (2010) | Russia | Funeral Doom Metal | CD | Jewel Box in Slipcase | Marche Funebre Productions | 5 $
• Funeralium - Deceived Idealism (2013) | France | Funeral Doom Metal | 2 CD | Double Jewel Box | Weird Truth Productions | 11 $
• Funeris - Funereal Symphonies (2015) | Argentina | Funeral Doom Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Silent Time Noise Records | 9 $
• Germanen Blut - Wandelnd In Der Einsamkeit Abgrundtiefer Gedanken (2008) | Germany | Pagan Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Drolingsvarst Phänomen | 4 $
• Gesewa / Utter Bastard - Rising Sun Fuckers / Kusottare Yankee [split] (2007) | Japan / USA | Death Metal/Grindcore | CD | Jewel Box | Bloodbath Records | 16 $
• Gods Of Grind / Gate - Gods Of Grind / Gate [split] (2007) | Japan / Japan | Grindcore | CD | Jewel Box | Bloodbath Records | 14 $
• Grue - Casualty Of The Psychic Wars (2013) | USA | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Eternal Death | 4 $
• Gut - The Cumback 2006 (2006) | Germany | Grindcore | CD | Jewel Box | Obliteration Records | 5 $
• Hunaz - Unser Wald (2008) | Germany | Pagan Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Drolingsvarst Phänomen | 4 $
• Infested Blood - Demonweb Pits (2013) | Brazil | Brutal Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Gormageddon Productions | 5 $
• Infested Blood - Interplanar Decimation (2009) | Brazil | Brutal Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Gormageddon Productions | 6 $
• Infested Blood - The Masters Of Grotesque [re-release] (2008) | Brazil | Brutal Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Gormageddon Productions | 3 $
• Kai Grimmsberg - Retrospective: From My Window [compilation] (2012) | Sweden | Noise | Tape | Cassette | Drop Of Blood | 15 $
• Khaospath - Synagoga Obscura (2014) | Sweden | Black Metal | CD | Digipak | Pesttanz Klangschmiede | 8 $
• Kimaera - Solitary Impact (2010) | Lebanon | Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 5 $
• Kimaera - The Harbinger Of Doom [re-release] (2013) | Lebanon | Atmospheric Doom/Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 6 $
• Krigere Wolf - Sacrifice To Valaskjàlf (2014) | Italy | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Fallen-Angels Productions | 4 $
• Kvalvaag - Noema (2014) | Norway | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Fallen-Angels Productions | 6 $
• Last Wail - Memories (2013) | Russia | Folk/Melodic Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 5 $
• Last Wail - The Tale Of Endless Night (2011) | Russia | Folk/Melodic Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 5 $
• Lunar Portals Of The Astral Mirror - Под шёпот и пение природы ночной (2011) | Russia | Ambient/Depressive Black/Doom Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Satanarsa Records | 10 $
• Mandíbula - Sacrificial Metal Of Death (2012) | Portugal | Black/Thrash Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Caverna Abismal Records | 8 $
• Meridian Pain - Far East Barbaric Black Deathrash [ep] (2008) | Japan | Death/Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Black Work Records | 15 $
• Nied - Nied [ep] (2014) | Russia | Atmospheric Black Metal | Pro CD-R | Digipak | Self-release | 5 $
• Nihil Obstat - Disintegration (2010) | Colombia | Brutal Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Gormageddon Productions | 5 $
• Nordverg - Багровый Рассвет (2011) | Russia | Folk/Viking Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 5 $
• Numenor - Colossal Darkness (2013) | Serbia | Epic Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 5 $
• Oceanwake - Kingdom (2013) | Finland | Progressive Death/Doom Metal/Post-Rock | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 5 $
• One Master - The Quiet Eye Of Eternity [re-release] (2013) | USA | Black Metal | CD | Digifile | Eternal Death | 3 $
• Parasitic Ejaculation / Traumatomy / Intestinal Alien Reflux / Gorepot - Four Formidable Forms [split] (2014) | USA / Japan / USA / Taiwan | Brutal Death Metal/Grindcore | CD | Jewel Box | Rebirth The Metal Productions | 9 $
• Parricide / Incarnated / Reexamine - The 3 Ways Of A Brutality [split] (2008) | Poland / Poland / Japan | Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Obliteration Records | 14 $
• Perverted Dexterity / Human Decomposition / Human Carcass Crop Circle / Putrefy The Living / Anomalistic - Rotten Bowels: 5-Way Split [split] (2013) | Indonesia / Mexico / Turkey / Australia / Brazil | Brutal Death Metal | Pro CD-R | Slim Box | Lower Budget Records | 3 $
• Pest - Nekrolog [compilation] (2014) | Germany | Black Metal | 2 CD | Double Jewel Box | Fallen-Angels Productions | 13 $
• Profetus - As All Seasons Die (2014) | Finland | Funeral Doom Metal | CD | Digipak | Weird Truth Productions | 12 $
• Sahsnotas - Creator Of Chaos [compilation] (2012) | Germany | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Pesttanz Klangschmiede | 4 $
• Satanic Holocaust - Raw Black Metal Holocaust (2008) | Germany | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Satan Fights Humanity Records / Pesttanz Klangschmiede | 3 $
• Shambless - Menra Eneidalen (2011) | Bulgaria | Atmospheric/Death/Black/Folk Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 6 $
• Sieghetnar - Bewußtseinserweiterung [re-release] (2013) | Germany | Black Metal/Ambient | CD | Jewel Box | Pesttanz Klangschmiede | 5 $
• Skoll - Grisera [re-release] (2014) | Italy | Viking/Pagan Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Fallen-Angels Productions | 6 $
• Taekaury - Spirit Of Koguryo (2014) | South Korea | Pagan Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Fallen-Angels Productions | 7 $
• Tender Pain - Second Winter (2009) | Moldova | Progressive Death/Doom Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Satanarsa Records | 6 $
• Terdor - Levi II (2013) | Netherlands | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Hass Weg Productions / Pesttanz Klangschmiede | 3 $
• The Liquescent Horror - A Funeral For Things Undying (2009) | USA | Funeral Doom Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Satanarsa Records | 7 $
• Unperishable Fall - A Letter From Perish To Suicide (2008) | Russia | Doom Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Satanarsa Records | 8 $
• Vietah - Smalisty Žah (2010) | Belarus | Atmospheric Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 5 $
• Vietah - Zorny Maroz (2008) | Belarus | Atmospheric Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 3 $
• Vigrid - Throne Of Forest (2009) | Finland | Folk/Viking Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 5 $
• Virulent Vasectomy - A Rehabilitation Centre for Homicidal Psychopaths [ep] (2014) | Mexico | Brutal Death Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Rebirth The Metal Productions | 6 $
• Wulfgar - Heidenwahn (2014) | Germany | Black Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Pesttanz Klangschmiede | 8 $
• Асмодеевы Крылья - Невыносимая искусственность материалистического бытия (2014) | Russia | Funeral Doom Metal | Pro CD-R | Jewel Box | Satanarsa Records | 8 $
• Лешак - Чертоворот (2009) | Russia | Folk/Death Metal | CD | Jewel Box | Stygian Crypt Productions | 6 $
• Лихолесье - Видения (2007) | Russia | Ambient/Folk | CD | Digipak | Stygian Crypt Productions | 5 $
• Patch - Antiquus Scriptum (Logo) | Pesttanz Klangschmiede | 3 $
• Patch - Draugûl (Logo) | Pesttanz Klangschmiede | 3 $
• T-Shirt - Hell Spirit | S, M, L, XL, XXL | 10 $