
Совместный релиз нашего саб-лейбла Symbol Of Domination и Caligo Arcanum Productions: новый альбом "Templo De Palabras Muertas" от мексиканской black metal группы Chaoswolf выходит 27 августа! / Co-release by our sub-label Symbol Of Domination with Caligo Arcanum Productions: new album "Templo De Palabras Muertas" of mexican black metal band CHAOSWOLF out on August 27th!
Chaoswolf started in 2007 as a pure underground project (no live shows, only demos, primitive atmospheric sound), then the music started to change into something more appropiate to do some shows. Right now, Chaoswolf are, in concrete, two members: Chaoswolf and Senectus. Band had participation of different drummers who helped recording the songs. Band - some kind of crazy drawing, without beginning and end. However, Chaoswolf is script ("s-crypt"), blood writing in the scrolls of Black Metal; lyrics are critical, wich means that Chaoswolf isn't a new version of past (or present) bands, Chaoswolf has his own concept and style.
Chaoswolf - Vocal, guitar
Senectus - Guitar, bass
Berserker and Demonizer - Drums
Is the second album, band have a "zero-album", because it was released as a compilation, but it is an album anyway, so this new one can be considered the third. The title "Templo de palabras de muertas" means "Temple of dead words", could be the metaphore of a corpse, of the living-corpse that Black Metal is. Why words? Because we are made of words, and words die, becoming ghosts (not literally) wandering around us. That's the reason of bury or cremate the dead. It is one of the most ancient matters in human history (and prehistory), how we deal with death? What if Black Metal condition of possibility is precisly to be dead? The album also explores the relationship between sexuality and death. But there many other subjects in this album like "ideology", "identity", "subjectivity", and so on, obviously, all expressed in ambiguous sense. Band have notorious influence of thinkers like Nietzsche, S. Freud, Bataille, Althusser, Lacan, e.t.c.
01. La Escisión De Ouróboros
02. Orgasmortem (O De La Libido Perpetua)
03. Irreverencia (O El Evangelio Negro De La VeraLux)
04. Tanatema
05. La Muerte De Calvarium Funestus (O El Gesto Irónico De Su Sepultamiento)
06. El Retorno De Lo Reprimido
07. El Discurrir De Un Cáncer Del Ser
08. Extraducción A Lo Inconsciente
09. Wings Of Paradox (In The Cynic Valley) [bonus track]
10. The End Of Black Metal Paradise [bonus track]
Length - 48:39
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Лейблы / Labels:
Symbol Of Domination Prod. (Belarus) |
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Caligo Arcanum Productions (Mexico) |
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