. Satanath Records

Reviews: SAT119

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Narodzili się roku pańskiego 2007 w małej miejscowości Villacidro na słonecznej Sardynii, podczas chrztu przyjęli imię Gôr Mörgûl i tak rozpoczęła się ich droga po wyboistych Black metalowych dźwiękach. W 3 lata po przyjściu na świat wydali długogrającego demona "In the Sign of Blackness", a parę chwil temu 2 długogrające dziecko, dziewczynkę "Heresy". Horda z włoskiego Gôr Mörgûl, bez wątpienia dokładnie wie jak przyciągnąć i nie wypuścić ofiar, fundując bezlitosną muzyczną jazdę prowadzoną w brutalnie szybkich pogańskich rytmach, ani na moment niedających zaczerpnąć powietrza. Wypluwane z wielką czarną wściekłością dźwięki mocno, bardzo mocno absorbują całe ciało słuchającego, a złość płynąca z recytowanych przez frontmana tekstów, jak blizna, głęboko zapada w pamięci.

Wściekła 30 minutowa "Heresy" przede wszystkim urzeka wokalem, którego słucha się jak narratora czy też barda snującego swoją opowieść w rytm piekielnie opętujących blackendowych melodii i szkoda, że to trwa tak krótko. Gorąco polecam.




Sono stato ingannato. Il popolo di Internet mi ha tradito per l'ennesima volta: sì, perché durante le mie prime ricerche di informazioni sui Gôr Mörgûl mi era sembrato di capire che avrei recensito un disco Black Metal, ma a quanto pare il mondo virtuale continua a diffondere dati sbagliati. Magari la prossima volta dovrei ricordarmi di dare un'occhiata anche agli account ufficiali delle band di cui parlo, visto che la pagina Facebook riporta giustamente Blackened Death Metal.

Tutto ciò ovviamente non influenzerà il giudizio sul secondo album di questo quintetto sardo, anche perché "Heresy" è un lavoro assolutamente sopra la media; le otto tracce formano poco più di mezz'ora di musica, una mazzata (relativamente) rapida ma che colpisce con una potenza non indifferente e che si manifesta sotto forma di un Death Metal spinto e aggressivo in cui qua e là appaiono alcuni elementi Black. Il disco si mantiene su livelli di ferocia in generale alti, però sono presenti alcuni sparuti momenti di respiro, ad esempio durante gli assoli di "Abominion" e "Martyrion". Fin dall'inizio i Nostri evidenziano i propri punti di forza che risiedono principalmente nella capacità di incanalare una certa furia nella propria musica. Brani come "Indoctrination" e "Heresy" danno la possibilità al batterista Simone Piras — che qualcuno già conoscerà per aver fatto parte di diverse band, tra cui Hour Of Penance e Verbo Nero — di mettere in mostra le proprie abilità tra sfuriate e numerosi cambi di tempo.

Il lavoro delle chitarre presenta un buon gusto negli assoli, mentre nel resto dell'album è dedito a produrre riff che seguono l'andamento dettato dalla sezione ritmica, prediligendo la violenza più spietata ma accennando qualche momento leggermente più melodico ("Ruins On The Icons Of God"), talvolta andando anche a pescare dal Black Metal. La varietà delle sei corde compensa quindi lo stile del cantante, che però valorizza la propria prestazione con un growl sufficientemente profondo che ben si adatta alla brutalità del contesto in cui si trova.

Nonostante la premessa di questa recensione, non posso negare che "Heresy" mi abbia lasciato più che soddisfatto. La durata ridotta, la produzione pulita al punto giusto e la violenza sonora che non risulta mai inutilmente eccessiva sono tutti elementi che rendono questo disco adatto anche a chi — come il sottoscritto — non mastica Death Metal ogni giorno. Gli appassionati del genere dovrebbero comunque trovare questo disco interessante, pertanto un ascolto ai Gôr Mörgûl è assolutamente consigliato ad ogni amante del Metal estremo, di sicuro non vi farà male.



Good old blistering, no-frills blackened death metal. The old fashioned way. More and more bands are deciding that it isn’t necessarily for them (and moving into the modern fields). No worries on this end, as it leaves room for new talent to jump in and show the world that it’s not as dead-end of a style as many might think. There’s always room in this scribe’s CD shelf for an album that just flat out pulverizes the listener from start to finish. That’s what you’ll get from Heresy, the Italian band’s second full-length effort.

Gôr Mörgûl serves up blackened death metal in all of its full-blown fury. You won’t find much in the way of breaks or catchy melodies, but you will find utterly relentless brutality from beginning to end. Frequently moving at full speed, Gôr Mörgûl grasp the power that bands like Behemoth and Belphegor are able to pull off. Lots ‘o blast beats to be had, obviously, but they are often coupled with riffs that are injected with death metal groove. “Martyrion” slows things down to put an oppressively heavy riff into effect, giving it almost a majestic feel compared to the blistering pace of some of the other tracks. “Apostasy” and “Indoctrination” are the type of songs that exemplify that type of mindset: pure, unbridled aggression. The thing that blackened death is best at.

One could argue that it’s nothing you haven’t heard before (and yes, due to the nature of the music it will tend to blur towards the finish), but those looking for a good adrenaline rush will find exactly what they were looking for with Heresy. Nothing but musical bludgeoning here, and there’s something to be said for it to be done from start to finish like Gôr Mörgûl have done.



Friedrich Nietzsche published a controversial book in 1895, written in 1888 but delayed seven years because of its criticism and resentment towards Christianity.  The book was called 'The Antichrist' and has actually been an inspiration to countless of metal bands, mainly those roaming in the blackened region.  One of these bands is Gôr Mörgûl, founded in 2007 in Sardinia.  Besides their fascination for Nietzsche, they also obsessively work on creating decent extreme music.  

The album opens with 'Indoctrination', a furious song which immediately sets the tone for the entire album.  This is blackened death metal, brutal and technical, complicated and chaotic but always intense.  Most of this song, and the rest of the album, drives on blast beats, highly skilled riffing and guttural vocals.  The tempo is murderous and in some bizarre way the songs seem longer than they actually are.  That's probably because of the immense amount of variations in tempo, riffs and ferocity.

'Abomination' goes even further, partially nudging towards grindcore and old school death metal.  Needless to say that this is one intense work of art and we're not even through the first half of the album.  Fact is, basically the other songs issue the same elements of technical blackened death metal, something that might sound a bit negative, coming from a reviewer.  However, since the quality is very high, the album remains enjoyable for the entire duration.

That duration is about thirty minutes and that's quite enough for this crushing kind of music.  As I said, Heresy is an excellent extreme metal album, immediately grabbing your attention and dragging you in a whirlpool of intensity and ear-punishment.  Undoubtedly, many death metal fans will adore the works of this Sardinian quartet, especially if they can keep up with it on stage.  



Gor Morgul are a band from Italy that plays a blackened form of death metal and this is a review of their 2015 album "Heresy" which was released as a joint effort between Satanath Records and Death Portal Studio. 

A very fast, heavy and brutal death metal sound starts off the album along with some blast beats and morbid sounding blast beats before adding in growling vocals and the songs also bring in a great mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts and all of the musicla instruments have a very powerful sound to them. 

When solos and leads are utilized they remain true to a death metal style and you can also hear a great amount of black metal influences in the bands musical style along with some high pitched screams being utilized at times and some of the riffs also mix in technical parts and the whole album remains very brutal form beginning to ending of the recording with no soft or clean parts ever utilized. 

Gor Mogul plays a style of death metal that is very brutal and blasphemous while also mixing in a very heavy dose of black metal, the production sounds very professional while the lyrics cover blasphemous and anti religion themes. 

In my opinion Gor Mogul are a very great sounding blackened death metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this recording. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Under The Light Of Darkness" "Apostasy" and "Trinity Of Lies".




GÔR MÖRGÛL, a band formed in Italy in 2007 with the sole mission of creating good extreme metal. Well I think they have achieved their goal with much success.

HERESY is the third release from Italy’s self proclaimed blackened death metal band GÔR MÖRGÛL. This is the band’s first full length album, succeeding two EP’s. Now something that confuses me about this is that if this is not an EP, why is it only thirty one minutes long? It does not really matter to be honest because the whole disc is filled to the brim with very entertaining and some what unoriginal death metal. I also think the short album length goes in their favour because this kind of stuff does drag on big time when the album goes over the forty minute mark. I can understand some people might a little short changed but thirty minutes is just enough time for the band to do their thing and they do it well.

The songs on offer here are not going to set the world on fire, but they are worth listening to on the basis that they’re catchy and very well recorded. The band clearly have the death metal style nailed down perfectly, that much is evident listening to tracks like, INDOCTRINATION, UNDER THE LIGHT OF DARKNESS and APOSTASY. Unfortunately there is absolutely no variety on HERESY and that is quite a pity. As much as I enjoy heavy thrashing music, it is always great to hear a band throw in some melody every now and again.

HERESY is a good short burst of death metal, I enjoyed it without a doubt. Sadly the record is about as standard as death metal gets. Fans of this genre will enjoy this with no questions asked, but there is nothing here to suggest a listen from someone who’s not directly involved in the genre.



I am not at all familiar with Tolkien so I have no idea if GOR MORGUL has taken their name from anything related to Tolkien. I just kinda imagine that the name might come from there. Wherever the name might come this is death metal. I blame Behemoth for the sound of these Italians. Had not Behemoth taken off like they’ve done then I would be sitting here listening to this Italian lot turning up the knob to 11. This is death metal that put even the harshest black metal sound to shame. This is pure brutality in its finest hour.



Gôr Mörgûl, iets met Tolkien? Je zou het denken. Deze Italianen startten in 2007 met hun extreme muziekliefhebberij en brengen nu hun tweede langspeler uit. Het ziet er niet meteen fantastisch of übernecroïde uit, maar wat deert het. De wijn is in de man en tegen het feestgedruis neem ik alles in wat enigszins toonvast is en niet riekt naar Mariah Carey.

Gôr Mörgûl, ja, die met Tolkien. Ik vreesde een matig blackmetaldingetje, ik kreeg een degelijk Poolsklinkend blackened deathmetalgeval voorgeschoteld. Oude Hate en Vader-gitaarwerk, met opgefokte blackmetalpatronen en een hese grunter. Ik heb dit al veel en veel slechter gehoord in mijn carrière als afkraker. Als drummer staat hier ene Simone "ArcOndA" Piras genoteerd, maar het lijkt me toch een behoorlijke machinale interventie geweest te zijn die deze drummer naar het niveau van een Mastabah/Demogorgon-slagman tilde. Veel kan het me niet schelen, het werkt.

De beste Poolse deathmetalband uit Italië, met blackmetalneigingen weliswaar. Jammer dat ze totaal geen verstand hebben van artwork, dat ze met hun bandnaam nu al ten dode opgeschreven staan en dat de drumsound wat te onrealistisch is, want anders zou dit een dikke topper geweest zijn. Nu is het een enorme verrassing en een brute tip aan de deathmetalheads onder jullie.



Dit is het derde album van Satanath Records dat ik deze maand in handen krijg en wederom is het blackened death metal en wederom betreft het een werk dat al eerder verscheen (19 mei van dit jaar) en wederom krijg ik een album toegestuurd dat in gelimiteerde oplage verschijnt. Van het Italiaanse Gôr Mörgûl wordt kennelijk iets meer verwacht, aangezien dit in een oplage van 1000 stuks verschijnt. En dat er wat van verwacht wordt, valt wat voor te zeggen. De band straalt klasse uit. De krachtpatserij blijft intelligent en weloverwogen en de melodielijnen zijn sterk en onheilspellend. De zang is bruut en was de band eerder gesticht, dan waren ze nu wereldberoemd geweest. In de huidige tijdgeest zal het echter niet heel veel mensen meer verrassen, maar de kwaliteit is ontegenzeggelijk. Ik heb geen zwak moment ontdekt op het hele album, afgezien van het feit dat de zang de hele tijd in één stijl blijft, maar dat doen er meer en velen daarvan zijn zeer succesvol. De power, de passie, de klasse en de vibe in het album maken dit tot een hele veilige aanschaf voor liefhebbers van het genre. En daar mag u mij toe rekenen. Ik ga hem snel nog een keer luisteren. 



Finally! After five years of silence, Italian combo Gôr Mörgûl return with their second full album, called Heresy. Okay, I am sort of exaggerating, for the band released an EP in 2014 (Ruins On The Icons Of God). This quartet from the isle of Sardinia was formed in 2007, and did record this new material in very early 2015. Heresy gets released via one of my favourite labels from Russia, sorry, from our globe, being Satanath Records, this time in co-operation with the somewhat underestimated Colorado-based Death Portal Studio.

With Heresy, Gôr Mörgûl bring half an hour of fast, blackened and technical Death Metal, highly inspired by the scene from Poland. Behemoth, Vader, Hate, Decapitated, Yattering, Calm Hatchery, you know, that kind of brain-damaging beauty…

Actually, the album totally lacks of originality, but then again, seen the qualitative aspects, I do not give a sh*t about the non-original approach. Except for the machinal drum patterns, the whole experience mercilessly and intolerantly smashes skull-less brains with a rusty sledgehammer, extra supported by a monstrous sound quality. Within the high-tech execution, I can’t find any form of infantile exaggeration, and Andrea Murgia’s grunts are truly of a great level. But so, as a matter of fact, is the better part of the song writing too.

I’ll keep it short, but it’s quite simple: if you do appreciate the Polish Tech-Death / Blast scene, you know what to do. If you do not like that scene, you’ll also got the message, I guess…



Con un nome che sa di Mordor, di Lingua Nera degli Orchi de “Il Signore degli Anelli”, i Gôr Mörgûl (“Terrore Oscuro”) si fanno araldi di una musica decisamente forte, potente e affilata, col piede perennemente pigiato sull’acceleratore. Si tratta di un Blackened-Death Metal dall’attitudine più annichilente che d’atmosfera, che risulta decisamente piacevole in questo “Heresy”, primo full-length del quartetto sardo (dopo un Demo, “In the Sign of Blackness”, uscito nel 2010) rilasciato a maggio 2015 per Satanath Records.

Il disco si apre con la ferocia di “Indoctrination”, fulminea rasoiata a base di blast-beat spietato e riffing tritaossa, e per tutta la durata del disco la violenza non cala: da “Abominion” a “Apostasy”, da “Under the Light of Darkness” alla titletrack “Heresy”, fino alla conclusiva “Ruins on the Icons of God”, il combo mostra di sapere il fatto suo, con velocità e il giusto gradiente tecnico, godendo di suoni di eccellente fattura e di un’ispirazione che, pur se a tratti di chiara matrice polacca (Behemoth del periodo “Zos Kia Kultus”/”Demigod” in particolare), risulta perlopiù abbastanza personale, donandoci momenti di pura brutalità batteristica e assoli assolutamente piacevoli. Da segnalare “Trinity of Lies”, col suo outro assolutamente belligerante, dotato di un tiro invidiabile.

Per gli appassionati del genere, e di queste sonorità fredde, curate, brutalmente spietate senza risultare grossolane ma sempre coi piedi per terra, questo è disco da procurarsi assolutamente!



Gôr Mörgûl aus Italien gibt es seit 2007. Bis heute haben die Black-/Deather eine EPO und zwei Alben veröffentlicht. Und ihr angeschwärzter Death Metal macht richtig Bock. Schnell und technisch versiert, lassen sie keine Wünsche offen. Im Stil von Bands wie Morbid Angel, Deicide, Incantation oder Krisiun ballern sie alles nieder, was sich ihnen in den Weg stellt. Zwischendurch gibt es viele verzwickte Breaks, die sowohl für kleine Verschnaufpausen, aber auch für staunende Münder sorgen. Der tiefe, brodelnde Growlgesang klingt boshaft und macht gekonnt den Deckel drauf. Die Toms klingen etwas steril zwischendurch, aber ansonsten steckt in der Produktion der nötige Bums. So klang Death Metal Ende der Neunziger. Die Zeit der Klassiker war gerade vorbei, aber übertrieben hochgestapelt haben sie auch noch nicht. Wer blasphemischen Death Metal mag, der sollte hier mal reinhören.



Segundo larga duración para Gôr Mörgûl que ofrecen en este "Heresy" poco más de media hora de un sonido directo y casi que brutal que combina death y black metal. Desde el inicio "Indoctrination" dejan bien a las claras cual va a ser el sonido que va a predominar en el resto del álbum, en primer lugar aquí no hay lugar para medios tiempos ni ningún tipo de experimentación ya que el ritmo impasible y desolador de la batería junto a las voces agresivas de Mörherdir" se llevan el mayor peso en cuanto a la composición y el grueso del álbum gira en torno a ellos. Metal directo que casi no deja resquicio para nada que no tenga que ver con el death de ritmos apresurados, y que solo por momentos deja atisbar algún acercamiento a sonidos más progresivos. El líneas generales el álbum, aunque se mueve entre el black y el death, lo que si deja es una buena dosis de sonidos extremos, de ritmo imparable y continuo, tal vez más afín a bandas de death como Vader.



Inspirado en “El Anticristo” de Friedrich Nietzsche, aquí está el tercer disco de los italianos Gor Morgul, banda fundada en 2007 en Cerdeña.

De movida el cuarteto marca territorio y muestra un furioso black / death metal, brutal y técnico, complicado y caótico pero siempre intenso. Blast beats, riffs altamente cualificados y voces guturales, con inmensa cantidad de variaciones de tempo, riffs y ferocidad.

La fórmula se repite a lo largo de toda la placa y lo que a priori podría sonar a negativo aquí se agradece porque la energía no decae nunca.

La duración es de unos treinta minutos y eso es más que suficiente para este tipo de estilos y bandas. Casi siempre, menos es mas, treinta minutos es el tiempo justo para que la banda haga lo suyo y lo hacen bien.

“Heresy” es un excelente disco de metal extremo, que arrastra al oyente un torbellino de intensidad y furia metalera, pero no hay nada aquí que sugiera una escucha de alguien que no está involucrado directamente en el género.




GÔR MÖRGÛL is the obscure moniker of this Italian quartet that comes from Villacridro, a small village in the south of Sardinia. Being active since 2007, they evidently gained much experience in their practice room to develop their songwriting and instrumental skills. After two EPs in 2010 and 2014 (entitled "In The Sign Of Blackness" and "Ruins On The Icons Of God"), their first full-length album 'Heresy' saw the light in 2015 thanks to the collaboration with Satanath Records for the European / Asian market and with Death Portal Studio for the American one. There are eight songs, without useless intro / outro or sample tracks, for a total length of just thirty minutes, a good choice to get violently to the point. GÔR MÖRGÛL play blackened Death Metal in a technical way, reminding of the transformed sound of BEHEMOTH from "Satanica" on. The production is really more professional than on their previous stuff, with all the instruments noticeble to the listener. It's mainly the tremendous drumming of Simone Piras (ex - HOUR OF PENANCE) to bring the performance of his band on supersonic speed. He's really as good and fast as drummers like Inferno, Faust or Hellhammer, in fact most of the songs take advantage of his incredible bomb blast beats. The first seconds of the opener song 'Indoctrination', prove that I'm not saying bullshit! However, Piras' drumming is only one of the good elements here, the guitar work of Leonardo Lantini is also excellent, he can combine a lot a brutal riffs with a melodic sense but never too catchy. Moreover, he has also a good taste for armonies and solos. Nevertheless, the overpowering voice of Andrea Murgia and the solid bass of Marco Soggiu complete the task of producing a well compact wall of sound. Although I'm not a big fan of this kind of modern Death Metal, I can't deny that GÔR MÖRGÛL are an admirable band and they surely deserve more attention from fans of BEHEMOTH, AZARATH, HATE, ANGELCORPSE and ARKHON INFAUSTUS.




A Gôr Mörgûl története 2010-től kezdve követhető nyomon, amikor is a szárd csapat a black metal nagykönyvbe írt egy nem túl emlékezetes fejezetet In the Sign of Blackness albumával, amelynek csapnivaló hangzása, kezdetleges jellege, átlagon aluli összteljesítménye nem sok jót kínál a hallgatójának. Elképzelhető, hogy maga a csapat sem tartotta sokra azt a lemezt, vagy egyszerűen csak érezték, hogy más folyik az ereikben, mert azt követően a death metal irányába kalauzolta őket a sors. Nem kapkodták el a folytatást, hiszen a 2014-es Ruins on the Icons of God kislemezig semmi nem történt. Illetve, dehogynem! A fiúk tudás, dalszerzés és minőség terén igencsak sokat edzettek, hogy megteremtsék azt a felfrissült, átalakult és virulens bandát, amelynek 2015-ös Heresy lemezét jelenleg a kezemben tartom.


Aki csak a debütöt ismeri a zenekartól, az semmit sem sejthet a Heresy korongról. Gyakorlatilag két teljesen különböző bandáról is beszélhetnénk, ha a zenét vesszük alapul. Bár a zenekar továbbra is blackened death metalként, vagy black/death-ként definiálja saját zenéjét, én mégsem találok ebben egy szemernyi black metalt sem. Ez, kérem szépen, egy brutális, technikás death metal album, méghozzá az Origin-féle megközelítéssel, néha egy-egy Behemoth-ra emlékeztető riffel tarkítva.




Minden dicséretet megérdemel egy olyan zenekar, amely ebben az intenzív, brutális stílusban fogós és emlékezetes dalokat képes megfogalmazni. Márpedig a Gôr Mörgûl szóban forgó lemeze teljesítette ezt a bravúrt, ami nagy szó! Persze, aki egy-két hallgatás után akar kiismerni egy ilyen sűrítményt, azt azonnal lebeszélném a Heresy meghallgatásáról, mert csak az idejét fogja vesztegetni. Először át kell törni a szélvész tempójú rifforkán által felépített falat, hogy be lehessen hatolni a belsejébe, ahol már mindent hallani.


Amint az ismerkedő öt-hat hallgatáson túl van az ember, a brutális gitárörvényeknek el kell kezdeniük magukkal ragadni a hallgatót, miközben a pusztító erőnek hatnia kell, ez pedig a dalszerzés dolga. Megjegyezném, mennyire könnyű lett volna elvéteni a feladatot és beleesni a céltalan cséphadarás hibájába, azonban itt minden nüánszra külön figyeltek a zenészek. Éppen a legjobbkor jönnek a váltások, a kiállások, a meglepetések, a nem várt szólók és harmóniák. Nem kevés múlik a szintén Originre emlékeztető vokáltémákon, amely a megfelelő hangszínnel, hanglejtéssel és drámaisággal teszi végzetessé a korongot.




Igazság szerint, szinte minden dalban van valami kiemelkedő, a nyitó dal elsöprő erővel bíró, mégis fogós riffekből álló ámokfutásától elkezdve, az Abominion nyughatatlan, váltásokkal teli, fenyegető hangulatán keresztül, a Martyrion dal szárd (?) nyelven elkántált középtempós rítusain át, egészen a meglepően erős harmóniákkal, dallamokkal felruházott zárótételig, amelynek meghatározó riffje ki sem megy a fejemből.


Az albumot hallgatva, olyan zenészek képe rajzolódik ki, akik mindent beleadtak ebbe a lemezbe, amit kreativitás és minőség terén képesek voltak nyújtani. Ezt nem úgy kell érteni, hogy verejtékes erőlködés útján jutottak használható témákhoz. Távolról sem! Inkább arról van szó, hogy amit az utóbbi öt év alatt tanultak, és amiben azóta fejlődtek, az mind kellett ahhoz, hogy elérjék azt az érettségi szintet, hogy képesek legyenek egy olyan lemezt letenni az asztalra, ami kétségkívül brutális, ugyanakkor hallgattatja magát. A jelenlegi Gôr Mörgûl egy komoly gárda, amelynek tagjai tudják, mit akarnak. Sőt, ismerik a mértéket is, így nem teszik azt, amit oly sokan, hogy ötvenakárhány perces, pihenőmentes zúzalékot szórnak a zenehallgató fülébe, hanem 30 percnél megáll az óra, a rendelkezésre álló nyolc kerek dalban pedig mindent sikerül elmondani, amit egy ilyen kompakt anyag esetében el lehet várni. Egyedül a CD booklete sikerült egy kicsit szegényesre, de talán legközelebb arra is lesz lehetőségük, hogy ezen javítsanak.




Egy fiatal csapatról beszélünk, akiknek a pályafutása nyílegyenesen ível felfelé, még ha a zeniten elhelyezkedő hatásaik kiváltságát egyelőre nem is élvezhetik. Egy biztos: izgalmas idők jönnek a Gôr Mörgûl háza tájára egy ilyen vérbő lemez után.




I Gor Morgul provengono dalla sardegna e giungono alla terza prova in studio nel giro di dieci anni dalla fondazione del gruppo e per la precisione, con questo 'Heresy', arrivano al secondo album in sette anni.

'Heresy' prosegue la via tracciata dal gruppo in questi anni unendo ad una base brutal death, in cui emerge sia la tecnica sopraffina dei nostri sia il gusto per la creazione di ritmiche furenti ed intricate, accenni di melodie ed atmosfere affini alla nera fiamma.

Ne risulta quindi un Blackned Death Metal furente che travolge chi ascolta come un uragano, sorretto da una sezione ritmica che non lascia superstiti e che picchia duro con estrema perizia e cattiveria.

Brani come "Indoctrination", "Abominion"  o "Heresy" travolgono chi ascolta con una sadica violenza debitrice dei nomi sacri del genere mantenendo però una personalità forte che rende i brani vari e godibili, nonostante le velocità folli e le complesse trame chitarristiche.


Molto intriganti anche gli inserti vicini al black metal presenti in vari brani, come ad esempio la parte centrale di "Martyrion" o soprattutto "Ruins on The Icons Of God", brano molto melodico giocato su ottimi intrecci di chitarre che richiamano la scena Black/Death svedese.

Degna di ulteriore menzione è la prova dei singoli membri, in particolare ottime le prove dei chitarristi sempre precisi e puliti nelle trame chitarristiche e negli assoli ,senza nulla togliere alla sezione ritmica possente ed al growl profondo e dinamico.

'Heresy' è l'ennesima conferma della qualità della scena sarda ed è uno dei dischi più interessanti usciti negli ultimi album nel genere.




Italians with a pretty unclear for me name released the second full-format opus with a simple title 'heresy'.

Well, in some sense the title corresponds the contents, since the severe 'hellishness' of the material reveals itself from the first second. But Gor Morgul shouldn't be associated with an endless train of super brutal teams. Their metal is of course brutal, but reminds rather old-school death with black metal elements. Very similar to stuff done by Canadians Necronomicon with Polish bands Vader and Hate. But adjusted for so-called 'uncompromising stand'. Though the only 'uncompromising' thing in the album is rhyhtm-section, but too artificial drums make it clear how it was achieved. I don't challenge the skills of the drummer, but the fact that he sounds like a drum machine is obvious. In general it's blackened old-school thrash\death with plastic drums in the spirit of 'very speedy deathcore'. Interesting enough, convincing, impressive, guys still did well and went through the hassle of technique in order to look at least not bad – already mentioned Necronomicon's latest release was more boring. While here we have smth. to listen to and to headbang to. If you like many composer's floridity and tasty arrangements, you may like the album too, since it contains lots of different notes and riffs. But in other respects it's rather monotonous and straightforward 'hack and slash', far from elaborate progressive/technical death despite the musical complexity with rare and brief mood changes. In a couple of moments I heard a slight tribute of respect to Chuck Schuldiner and Mikael Ockerfeldt [Åkerfeldt], which is good for diversity. Nevertheless the album 'Heresy' is praiseworthy because of being dense both musically and conceptually. And at least it's not dull. All tracks are done in the same style and if you ultimately liked the first one, the following half an hour will be spent with pleasure. If not - you know what to do.



Прекрасный образчик итальянского блак дэта.

Группировка GOR MORGUL работает с ноль 7-го года, в 10-м записала первый полноформат, потом пропуском в ад последовала эпишка, и вот нагора выдан второй полноформат — сабжевый диск. Как видим, прошло немало времени. Ну так я еще замечу, что группа оставила за бортом более 10 человек, процесс регулировки состава был немаловажным в истории формирования и, как я уже слышу с реального диска, — все было не зря. Потому что продукт приготовлен в этом алхимическом тигле мощнейший. На что, собственно, среагировали конторы Satanath Records и Death portal studio, которые в железном сотрудничестве реализовали этот диск.

GOR MORGUL начинает жестоко и мощно. С самого начала… и такое адоизвержение продолжается все немалое время альбома. Великолепная выпуклая стена звука воздвигается на наших глазах музыкантами формирования. При чем диковинный харш-гроулинговый вокаллер постоянно вступает в музыкальную дискуссию со струнной частью ансамбля, держа в напряжении меломанов, жадных до апокалиптического звука.

Впрочем все по порядку. Струнная группа попервоначалу, кажется, включена в обыкновенное смертоносное и мозговыносящее действо. Потом прислушиваешься и оказывается что GOR MORGUL далеко не так просты. Они аллегорически оформляют проездные билеты наоборот: кто хотел на юг — полетели в нордическое заполярье, а кто — на север, угодили  в средиземноморский вулкан Везувий, во время его эксплуатации региональными хроническими божествами для нужд инфернального комхоза, как то: — котлы, горящая сера, печи для сковородок и прочие энергопотребляющие субъекты хозяйствования.

Редко да метко появляются такие коллективы, где гитарные пекельные гении в зубах держат окровавленный блаково-дэтовый штандарт, и при том руками организуют новые постановки на стезе гитарного риффа, которые выражаются собственно в широкой и открытой импровизации. Притом не бросаясь в неоклассическую схоластику. А цепко держась брутального скелета блак-дета, на окровавленные ребра и прочие кости отматывая плоти с гитарного звука, живого и даже более чем живого. Скрупулезность задачи в том, чтобы виртуозно нагоняя мрака, брутала и демонического «очарования», не съезжать с катков озверения и каннибалистического угара.

Вторая метка группы GOR MORGUL — объемность звучания, которая обеспечена как композиторской установкой прицела, так и, естественно, звукопродюсерской работой, которая мастерски выдула это адский черный чугунный пузырь прямиком из домны подземного царства. А тем не менее, в нужных местах продюсер вдруг скидывает покровы стены звука, «оголяет» инструментальный ряд, и мы ясно и четко слышим вдруг каждый отдельный инструмент. В целом саунд сделан сочно, ярко и красиво, все это, естественно, с поправкой на черно-смертельное производство, где каждый соратник работает в скафандре или как минимум в противогазе.

Пристально в бинокль наблюдая за вокалистом этого образчика потустороннего  искусства, время от времени кажется, что тот создает гигантскую пентаграмму —  как своеобразную сеть, нацеленную на максимальный охват пространства. О чем я уже намекнул в начале. Регистр исполнителя позволяет делать свое чернейшее дело без особого напряжения. Тот ведет свои партии неукоснительно плотно и завораживающе, таким образом, что окончательно укутывает слушателя в шикарно оформленный кокон мизантропического намерения. А местами его отработка напоминает странные ритуальные мессиджи, возносимые к темным божествам ночи, глубин моря и апеннинских пещер.

Ритм-секция коллектива GOR MORGUL заслуживает всяческих похвал и думаю не один раз выигрывала в местных конкурсах в номинациях «отбойные молотки». Только тяжелый труд на репетициях позволяет создавать такую ошеломительную связку в означенном тандеме. А результат, присовокупленный к общим усилиям, превосходит все ожидания.

Стальной гвоздь в обывательские будни.

Этот альбом займет достойное место в любой коллекции экстремального металлиста.



Gôr Mörgûl CD ”Heresy” and here it comes again! Blackened Death Metal band Gôr Mörgûl reminds me such bands as Hate, Vader and so on. It shows intensive sound with tremolo guitars, sometimes thrashing riffage and melodic leads. Vocal is not low growling and blends with music very good. Drums are very intensive with blasting, double bass drum and so on; it sounds slightly flat and plastic but in the total making necessary “drilling” effect. The sound of album has some lack of fat and thickness but it’s a matter of taste. Also it’s pretty short (about 30 minutes) but this fact gives a chance to your neck not to be broken while you headbanging. So, “Heresy” is not outstanding but still interesting and good album.

