. Satanath Records

Reviews: 020GD

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It’s not uncommon for albums that have hit the ten year mark to get a re-release of some type, especially if it has been out of print for a few years.  But what’s a little more unusual is a band making significant tweaks to that release.  This is what Poland’s Manipulation has done with the re-release of their debut full length from 2007 ‘The Future of Immortality’, as not only is the recording remastered but the vocals have been completely redone by the group’s new vocalist Kret.  While these guys may be a death metal band you hadn’t come across before, they’ve put out an EP and two full lengths since ‘The Future of Immortality’ came out originally, and with another album on the horizon this new version of their debut is a great way to discover what they’re all about.  With the December 24th release on GrimmDistribution fast approaching, today we’re premiering the track Loading The Language.


One of the reasons that this particular song grabbed me is the amount of variation present over its six minute run time.  Death metal’s always had a tendency to gravitate towards particular niches, with bands often displaying prominent old-school, technical, or groove influences that make them comparable to specific bands.  But even this early on in their career it’s clear the instrumentalists were pulling in a lot of different influences into their songwriting as Loading The Language weaves between brutality and softer, introspective melodies.  The first minute or so lets the softer instrumentation hover over the recording in a melancholic manner, giving off a very different vibe than listeners might be initially expecting.  But it doesn’t take long from this intro for the distortion to kick in, where Manipulation delivers both speed and slower grooves.  It reminds me a bit of mid-period Decapitation with a little bit of Cattle Decapitation’s blasting added in for good measure.  The variety doesn’t stop there though, as around the halfway point the aggressive instrumentation fades out and the melodies pick back up, this time with a slight hard rock influence coming through.  Even with how often this song changes the transitions feel natural, and the interplay between somber melodies and intense death metal riffing gives Manipulation a broader appeal than is sometimes typical for the genre.


The original version of ‘The Future of Immortality’ doesn’t seem to be easily accessible on the Internet, so I’m not sure how Kret compares to Manipulation’s previous vocalist that performed these songs.  But he definitely makes a strong first impression, launching right into low growls and higher shrieks that sound genuinely unhinged.  Kret’s range is formidable, with the highs and lows hitting just about every range you can think of.  When the instrumentals mellow out the vocals head towards clean singing, and this is where some of the previously mentioned rock vibes really come into play.  The singing reminds me of a number of different 90s/2000s hard/alternative rock, and while that may be alarming to some death metal fans I think it fits the style Manipulation is going for here.


‘The Future of Immortality’ has a lot of variety to offer listeners, and the balance between melodic passages and aggressive riffing/grooves stands out.  The songs may be ten years old at this point, but the change in vocals and remastering makes them feel just as fresh today and leaves me excited to see what direction the new material heads in.  Check out the full album when it releases via GrimmDistribution on December 24th.






It’s our pleasure to ruin your eardrums, splinter your spine, and leave your mouth open in a ghoulish, drooling smile with our premiere of a track by the Polish death metal band Manipulation.


The band have been around since 2001. Their debut album The Future of Immortality was released a decade ago… but it is now getting a facelift and a reissue, courtesy of the Belarusian label GrimmDistribution. And by “facelift”, I mean that it has been remastered, with new artwork and fresh vocal insanity by the band’s new frontman.


The reissue of the album is kind of a paving-of-the-way toward a new Manipulation album next year, but it is also very much worth hearing wholly apart from that, as the song we’re premiering will vividly demonstrate.


“Confession” takes a sharp change of course at about the 1:45 mark, a change that grows increasingly surprising. Before then, however, it’s a huge megawatt jolt of electricity — an assaulting combine of vicious drilling and swarming riff-work, pummeling and pile-driving drum attacks, and a maniacally deranged assortment of bestial howling, hate-filled growling, and strangled shrieking.


When the change happens, the pace slows and the lead guitar issues dismal moaning and wailing sounds over a grim bass pulse and a methodical, cranium-cracking drum rhythm. That turns out to be the beginning of an extended guitar solo that lasts until the song’s end — a beautifully nuanced, emotionally evocative, thoroughly engrossing solo conceived and performed with great skill.




The Future of Immortality is a reissue by Grimm Distribution and Satanath Distro. It features eight powerful songs. Starting with a clean melodic strumming and then punching you straight in the gut. Listening to songs like "Sacred Science" and "Doctrine Over Person" will definitely get your blood pumping. The production is great. Heavy double kicks, aggressive guitar tones and massive vocal attack. Lets talk about the solos. Well executed, not over the top, but just enough to keep you interested. A lot time was taken to be sure everything flowed with precision.


In conclusion, powerful and relentless music is served up with pure velocity and never let's up.





Death metal of the Polish kind has to come in the form that is Manipulation. An album to be called "The Future Of Immorality", is quite the re-issue as it may seem. For this Poland act was founded quite some time ago, does not deny what they are capable of upon this release that is rightfully their own. That said, death metal could not sound more intense than it does right here. Having this re-issue be the debut album that was released way back in 2007, for the time lots of freshness of aggressive tons with even intense vocals was put into effect. Whereas the instrumental portions were clean cut, brutalizing and downright entertaining. If energy driven death metal is what calls to you, then this fast paced embrace of an album is surely it. You get hit with such aggressive numbers as "Demand Of Purity", "Confession", "Sacred Science", and "Loading The Language". These hand selected numbers are quite cunning, in terms of their quality. The way the sound and production value was taken into accordance was nicely done. Everything sounding in tune with one another, while the material just flooded the entirety of this whole album really. In case and point, "The Future Of Immorality", re-issue was  a blast from the past, that was a total blast!





Dieses Album der polnischen Death-Metaller ist aus dem Jahre 2007 (30. April) und damals selbst released worden durch die Band. Nun zehn Jahre später, erschien es am Heiligabend des Jahres 2017 remastered und überarbeitet (Vocals wurden auch komplett überarbeitet) und kehrt zurück. Ich dachte es wäre ein neues Album einer mir bis dato unbekannten Band, aber im Zuge meiner Recherchen wurde ich dann eines besseren belehrt.


Mit knapp 34 Minuten doch sehr übersichtlich und kurz gehalten, gibt es trotzdem von Beginn an die Breitseite und voll auf die Mütze. Der Opener “Millieu Control” eröffnet akustisch, um dann schwer und stampfend in Fahrt zu kommen. “Mystical Manipulation” beweist mir nun meine oben erwähnte These eindrucksvoll, denn hier gibt es auf die Kappe und das ohne Gnade. Drum-Attacken im Hochgeschwindigkeitsrausch wechseln zwischen Gitarren Solos, Scream – und Growl Vocals geben sich die Klinke in die Hand. “Demand Of Purity” setzt diese Geschwindigkeit zu Beginn fort, wechselt dann kurzzeitig in Richtung Melodic Death-Metal, um dann wieder das Infernale aus sich herausbrechen zu lassen. “Confession” gibt zu Beginn ordentlich Gas²,  so das dies kaum noch zu übertrumpfen ist. Dieser Song ist mein Favorit, denn er ist in zwei musikalische Teile untergliedert und daher gefällt er mir am besten. Vernichtung, gefolgt von düster verträumte Klängen, Growls, Screams und einem wunderbaren Gitarrensolo zum Ende hin. Der “Abgesang” in Form von “Dispensing Of Existence” ist mit fast sechs Minuten einer der längeren Titel auf dem Album und hört da auf, wo vor knapp 28 Minuten begonnen wurde. Aber auch hier sind unterschiedlichste Momente gepaart. Grindcore trifft auf Melodic, Screams auf Double-Bass, Solis auf Death-Metal und Growls. Ein würdiger Rausschmeißer.


Wer auf Melodic Death Metal oder die Härtere in Töne gebrachte Gangart steht, gerne auch gemischt wie hier dargeboten, sollte mal die Ohren spitzen. Im unteren Teil findet ihr das komplette Album. Ich kann es uneingeschränkt empfehlen.




O  Manipulation é uma banda de Death Metal formada em setembro de 2011 na Polônia. A banda tem 03 álbuns lançados e esse “The Future Of Immortality” de 2007, o primeiro deles,  ganhou esse re-lançamento 10 anos depois.


São 8 músicas muito rápidas e doentias regravadas com a nova formação da banda que traz o vocalista Kret como novidade, o álbum foi remasterizado no Metalblasting Studio e tem a distribuição no mundo todo pelos selos Grimm Distribution e Satanath Records.


Fortemente recomendado para os fãs de Anaal Nathrakh, Morbid Angel e Cattle Decapitation, temos aqui um Death Metal bem desenvolvido, incluindo várias passagens melódicas, mas sem deixar a brutalidade cair um único segundo, o álbum começa extremamente forte com “Millieu Control”. A segunda faixa é de cair o queixo, “Mystical Manipulation”, se tornou minha favorita e virou “hit” aqui por casa, toca toda hora, “Sacred Science” é outra que ti conquista logo de cara.


Enfim um álbum perfeito pra bater a cabeça, altamente recomendado.





Alguns álbuns ditam os novos rumos que determinados estilos musicais tomarão a partir daquele momento, acredito que esse material “The Future of Immortality” carrega essa missão, de trazer novos elementos, produção moderna, técnica musical muito apurada, são alguns dos elementos que criam a monumentalidade sonora da banda Manipulation.


O som futurista não é apenas na musicalidade, mas também em seu conceito lírico traz uma considerável, empolgante e cativante perspectiva do momento atual, do passado e do futuro da humanidade, da mente humana, da ciência, dos paradigmas psicológicos.




O álbum tem tudo para ser um clássico dessa década, que será sem sombra de dúvidas uma forte referência no futuro para o estilo, mantendo a tradição do estilo, mas com olhos atentos para o futuro, um clássico contemporâneo com certeza.





Questa è una pubblicazione davvero necessaria. Non che i Manipulation ora siano dei brocchi, assolutamente no, anzi Ecstasy di tre anni fa aveva segnato un grande progresso rispetto allo scialbo Passion. È che in The Future of Immortality, riportato alla luce da Grimm Distribution, c’è l’essenza più brutale e genuina della band polacca, che solo in un esordio poteva avere questa potenza e ispirazione irruenta. Se però nei primi dischi di solito ci sono produzioni e artwork discutibili, oppure cantanti poco maturi, stavolta non possiamo lamentarci di questo: c’è un nuovo artwork, è avvenuta una rimasterizzazione e le voci sono state riregistrate dall’attuale cantante Kret. Volete un paragone col vecchio urlatore? E chi può farvelo? Non io, li ho conosciuti quando c’era già lui e non saprei dove trovare la vecchia versione del disco. Tornando appunto a The Future of Immortality, la faccenda è molto più seria di quanto pensiate, si viaggia sulle frequenze dei primi dischi dei Decapitated, ma resi in modo spontaneo e virulento. Non vi fate sorprendere: ci sono degli stacchi deathcore e dei frammenti con voce pulita. A me sono piaciuti un sacco questi Manipulation della prima ora, erano davvero un gruppo completo e competitivo su tutti i fronti. Ora sta per uscire un nuovo disco, ma la copertina mi fa cadere le braccia e aspetto di sentire qualche estratto.




The following is the re-release of MANIPULATION's debut album from 2007. The eight songs of "The Future of Immortality" have been carefully re-mixed and re-mastered by drummer Kriss, plus enhanced by new vocal parts of Kret, the current vocalist of the band. Thus the final result is just astonishing. As one can conclude this Polish Death Metal quintet has been strongly influenced from its very start by the ever-growing success of the Deathcore subgenre. So that vibe is there. Most of the time it's about a technically played compound that pairs with monumental guitar melodies, rapid-fire patterns of the drums and precisely worked out vocal lines. But in turn, the rest of the time, they simply go nuts, it's like when berserkers from the ancient Norse reincarnate into their bodies & souls, and believe me those moments are freaking awesome. The extremeness of Death Metal and the twisted experimentalism of the future are definitely there, so do not expect some plain or primitive music there! The impact of their domestic legend, which is VADER, could be heard in tracks such as "Confession" and "Dispensing of Existence", but that is totally fine if you ask me. As a whole it is a great material!!! By the way, this re-release comes with new artworks and a nicely designed booklet.




Vaya que si existe gente enferma en este planeta y de hecho los hemos de tener concentrados aquí en nuestro sacro santo estilo musical.

En la total enfermedad y brutalidad se desenvuelven estos deathters polacos, guturales hasta el tuétano, agresivos, poderosos, abrasivos y bestiales.

Aunque no lo crean, este discazo (editado originalmente en 2007 y ahora regrabado con su nuevo vocalista) tiene sus melodías distorsionadamente pensadas, acostumbran la velocidad y hasta generan uno que otro ritmo que no disgustara a los oyentes de los estilos más modernos. Los ocho tracks apenas superan la media hora de duración, tiempo suficiente como para conocer lo que traen musicalmente ¿se necesita más?

Temas por resaltar: “Demand of purity” (violencia pura), “Sacred science” (breakdowns a morir), o la muy deathcore “Loading the language”.

Razones para tenerlo: que seas un deathcorer puro, que estés algo enfermo, o que seas amante del más extremo del metal moderno.




This is MANIPULATION’s debut from 2007 that has been given a rerelease. I first got in contact with them when I reviewed their 2015 album “Ecstasy”. I liked that one. It was some really cool death metal of the more brutal kind. This debut album kinda laid the ground for the sound on that third album. It is cool to get to hear where it all started so to speak. What years of writing songs and demoing them led up to. As much as I liked the “Ecstasy” album as much do I like this. in hindsight you can hear that they are still trying to find their place but this is still a really cool debut album.




I'm not a big fan of re-releases, especially nowadays when there are so many new materials popping out every day, but if an album is self-released at first, with low promotion and in low quantity, I can of course understand the need of the band to display their work to a wider audience. I think that's the case here, too, as Polish Manipulation first released this debut album in 2007 by themselves, which I don't know what impact had back then, but I guess not so much, so here they are re-releasing it under the Satanath wings, with vocals totally re-recorded by the current vocalist. To be honest I wouldn't think this is recorded back in 2007, there's nothing to betray the fact it's composed 10 years ago, to me it sound as fresh as any modern material, reminding me of a mix between Behemoth and Cattle Decapitation; fast, merciless rhythms with occasional respiro moments, a fantastic visceral vocal, with production bringing vocals upfront most of the time, giving the whole even more of a ferocious attitude, and with an instrumental part that doesn't refuse any influences and manages to blend them successfully into a form of modern Death Metal recommended to fans of any Extreme Metal fanatics out there, it's a really good material that deserved the backup from a label like Satanath, hopefully the band will come up with something new soon.




Here at Metallian Towers we are not fans of re-releases. Let the underground remain the underground is the (correct) thinking. Having said that, Satanath has picked up this ten-year-old demo that has been given newer vocals and artwork and it is quite impressive in its form.

This is brutal and chaotic speedeath and thrash metal enhanced by bestial vocals. The band and label reckon it is pure death metal, but at this end it does seem to nod at the better moments of Malevolent Creation with its extreme death and thrash metal elements. This album is only let down by the clicky bass drums and perhaps the clangy bass sound, but both are audible and omnipresent at the very least.

The record begins with acoustic strumming a la Seasons In The Abyss before drifting into Mystical Manipulation with its licking solo. This songs blasts and grinds. Demand Of Purity alternates between fast and slow, but remains convincing. The slapping bass is prominent. Confession does the same and is haunting during its slower moments. The lead work is delightful and the anxious vocals are animalistic. Sacred Science kicks the album up a notch. It is violent, harsh and cruel. The chants add to the general pandemonium. Loading The Language – note the thematic titles – is up next and the clean chanting and slow parts are interspersed with high gain guitars. The clean vocals become tacky quickly. Doctrine Over Person has a conventional construction and an unfortunate synthesized backdrop perhaps, but the riffs are very good either way. The vocals are again reminiscent of Sylvain House of early Kataklysm. Dispensing Of Existence is a godly song that unleashes a fury upon the listener that does not break even during the melodic guitar parts because the drums surge forward regardless. There are two styles of vocals on this song: screaming and brutalizing growls. The album unmistakably ends on a high note.

The band has not only put effort into the music, but also gone out of its way lyrically. The Future Of Immortality is a concept album based on a book called Thought Reform And The Psychology Of Totalism, which is about… manipulation! The book is a research tome about brainwashing in China by psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton and its chapters correspond to the titles and tracks of this album. Buy the album before the book though.




The Future of Immortality is a reissue by Grimm Distribution and Satanath Distro. It features eight powerful songs. Starting with a clean melodic strumming and then punching you straight in the gut. Listening to songs like "Sacred Science" and "Doctrine Over Person" will definitely get your blood pumping. The production is great. Heavy double kicks, aggressive guitar tones and massive vocal attack. Lets talk about the solos. Well executed, not over the top, but just enough to keep you interested. A lot time was taken to be sure everything flowed with precision.


In conclusion, powerful and relentless music is served up with pure velocity and never let's up.





Death metal of the Polish kind has to come in the form that is Manipulation. An album to be called "The Future Of Immorality", is quite the re-issue as it may seem. For this Poland act was founded quite some time ago, does not deny what they are capable of upon this release that is rightfully their own. That said, death metal could not sound more intense than it does right here. Having this re-issue be the debut album that was released way back in 2007, for the time lots of freshness of aggressive tons with even intense vocals was put into effect. Whereas the instrumental portions were clean cut, brutalizing and downright entertaining. If energy driven death metal is what calls to you, then this fast paced embrace of an album is surely it. You get hit with such aggressive numbers as "Demand Of Purity", "Confession", "Sacred Science", and "Loading The Language". These hand selected numbers are quite cunning, in terms of their quality. The way the sound and production value was taken into accordance was nicely done. Everything sounding in tune with one another, while the material just flooded the entirety of this whole album really. In case and point, "The Future Of Immorality", re-issue was  a blast from the past, that was a total blast!




Польша известна своим дэтом, есть одна команда - самая крутая и штук несколько - очень известных, которых котируют в международном сообществе металлистов. Названия оглашать не буду, вы их сами прекрасно знаете. А мне две блэковые группы нравятся, именно их ранние альбомы. Вы их тоже знаете... но вернемся лучше к MANIPULATION.

С 01-го года ребята собрались вместе и решили играть тяжеляк. Тогда последовали две демки и первенец — сабжевый альбом — 2007 года. Стоп, стоп...

Внимательно рассматриваем буклет. Это РЕМАСТЕР того полноформата, который был выпущен как независимое издание, и С НОВЫМ вокалом. Так что это нечто новенькое. Вне сомнения. Формация решила сделать так... и это ее право. А право меломана получить качественный продукт. Именно об этом и идет речь... ну, насчет вокала не могу сказать - хуже он или лучше... Новый хорош и это факт.

Еще бригада выпустила два полноформата. MANIPULATION регулярно выступают на фестах и других концертах. И видно в фб, что публика поддерживает эти акции.

Да, конечно это дэт, в меру брутальный и в меру техничный, и думается даже, что группа соблюла интересный баланс между артиллерийским обстрелом и техническими монструозными вылазками гитарных дел мастеров. Которых двое в группе. Кстати, самое время подметить, что нынешние участники работали или работают еще в иных польских группах - Empatic, Deathbringer, Sinful Souls, Deathbringer, Disloyal, Empatic, Saw, Prafuria. Как вы несомненно догадались, половина этих команд это актив ударника.

Это, напоминаю, дебют группы, а уже в первом же треке композер обнаруживает претензии на реальный конструктивизм и солидный дэтовый риффинг. Хотя и начиная полуакустическим гитарным перебором и истерическим вокальным экспрессивом. Да уж, струнная работа монтируется на ура! безбашенно и крайне апокалиптично. И тут же мы замечаем, что драммер не зря приглашен, а точнее исполняет в нескольких группировках... Но это все только начало...

С трэка 2 - Mystical Manipulation - команда открывает свое истинное лицо, и я вынужден предупредить, что это жуткое лицо должно понравиться экстремальным меломанам, которые котируют дэт. И дОлжно приуготовить слушателя, да всех в округе собственно, что MANIPULATION способны на скоростные припадочные пилорамные куски, на мидтемповые качевые манифестации, где в первых произрастает харш-вокал, а во вторых среднечастотный гроул. И судя по буклету, это один и тот же человек. Нас таким не удивишь, но все - рОвно - истребительно и тяжко. Один из вокальных маневров, применяемых детстерами. Кто-то из гитаристов время от времени скидывает вериги брутал-дэта и бросает как гранату классный недлинный соляк.

Трэк 4 Confession. Неистово и тотально работают музыканты в поддержку жестокого харш-вокала, и катятся массивные колеса колесниц армагеддона, грозя раздавить присутствующих, разметать все, что выше травы. Перед серединой скорость отключается и главенствует думовый императив - грозовой и черный, как штормовое облако. В этих тучах медленно скользят вдохновенные солmyst партии струнных — это как раз вторая часть композиции. Однако опытный меломан знает, что скоро волки будут спущены с цепей - Sacred Science.

Сюрприз и в Loading the Language — начиная как софт-фри-джаз, (я даже не понял, куда я попал), музыканты продолжают реально дэт-трэшевым мега-забоем, который, уверен, на 111 процентов воспринимался на концертах. К тому же вокалист показывает ЧИСТЫЙ ПАВЕРНЫЙ МОЩНЫЙ ВОКАЛ. Подарки еще будут. И альбом не так прост, как может показаться с самого начала. Ну GrimmDistribution (лейбл-партнер Satanath Records ) не зря на него запал. Стопудово.

В 8-страничном буклете есть и тексты, и масса фоток набросана в олдовом стиле на развороте.



The Future Of Immortality was released in 2007 for the first time. Grimm distribution re-released the album in 2017. What`s significant, the vocals for the record has been done again by Kret, while I believe, the music stands the same. So, it`s not typical album re-issue but quite special release if you will.


I do not know what were the previous vocals on the original version of the album but the ones in this record are highly aggressive, energetic, guttural, just damn good. Kret (voc) also uses clean vocals which opens more dimensions for the music itself. Manipulation is balancing intensity of death core and raptures it with speed of death metal. The moments when drum blast beats interact with technical work of guitars are most blistering. They don`t just base the music on playing it fast but also very heavy, almost like slam death metal bands do which, I think, quite fits to this band.  You can find some space in music as well,  when they bring some melodies in, and some guitar solos as well. The songs also have an industrial and hard core twist which now means that you need to approach this album more than once because songs hide a spectrum of very good instrumental solutions, like; shredding, guitar break downs, diversified pace and complexity of some arrangements-really appeal for moments of your attention.


The Future Of Immortality is a very dynamic album but also brutal, intense with very sick but well performed vocals. If I were you, I would have this record of Manipulation which is a band from Poland.





Video review.

