. Satanath Records

Reviews: 017GD

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After releasing demos in 2009 and 2011 the Argentinian thrash metal band Bastardös released their self-titled debut album in 2015. That album is now about to be re-issued (on November 24) by GrimmDistribution (Belarus) and Morbid Skull Records (El Salvador), and today we bring you a song from the album called “Apocalipsis Thrash“.


To get straight to the point, “Apocalipsis Thrash” is a big flood of adrenaline — venomous, electric, and lethally infectious.


A hard-charging drum drive and a hard-punching riff kicks the song into gear right away, and then after a brief pause, Bastardös intensify the experience with an assault of swarming guitar and rough, raw, howling vocals. After another small pause and a catchy-as-hell bridge, the song transforms into a big headbang trigger, and then discharges a flurry of insectile leads that skitter and skewer. Every good thrash song deserves a strong solo, and this one has a pair that, although brief, are damned cool.




GrimmDistribution and Morbid Skull Records will release the album in a jewel-case, vinyl-style CD format with an 8-page booklet, limited to 500 copies. To pre-order, check the links below. And along with “Apocalipsis Thrash”, we’re also including streams of two previously released tracks, “Horror Celestial” (a free download at Bandcamp), and “Agonía“.



This is a reissue by Grimm Distribution and Morbid Skull Records. Here we get ten songs striking with full thrash metal ambition. With songs like Horror Celestial and Apocalipsis Thrash, they pack a lot of strength in their composition. Powerful bass lines

and sharp detailed solos are strung about from song to song and it is very easy to enjoy if you like the thrash metal genre. The album also comes as a vinyl pressing that looks very nice and should make it into your collection.


In conclusion, the energy and potency of the music comes across in clear and powerful production. If you like the old pillars of thrash metal like old Destruction, Overkill and Kreator then you will definitely want to check this out.





Thrash metal act Bastardös had released their self-titled album back in 2015 but after 2 years they went on to re-release the album because why not? That said, this album is nothing different than its prior release, the quality of it may have been enhanced a bit, otherwise it is still as thrashy as it ever was beforehand when it first came about. As far as Bastardös' themselves as a thrash metal act, their style is very reminisce to the classic thrashers of the 80's to 90's era like Destruction, Slayer, and even some Sodom. When listening in to get some of those acts dashed in for good measure of account, because that's the flare of ability that is going on. Lots of fast paced energy, loads of momentum, with tons of fun! All in all Bastardös self-titled re-release of an album that is this one, is by far a decent quality of effort and is surely one to hear time and time again.




Gli argentini Bastardös con il loro thrash metal d’assalto mi colmano di gioia ed entusiasmo. Il loro disco di debutto è uscito nel 2015 in versione autoprodotto e solo due anni dopo è riuscito a trovare degna pubblicazione grazie agli sforzi di GrimmDistribution e Morbid Skull Records, etichette che hanno unito gli sforzi per rendere una giusta ribalta a questa band dal notevole potenziale.


Bastardös è un disco che prova agguati e attacchi, lo fa ripetutamente e senza sosta alcuna. Il thrash metal di questi argentini scorre fluido e “bisbetico”, inserito al meglio dentro un percorso capace di passare da tematiche horror ad altre incentrate sul fattore protesta. Tutto verrà urlato e sfogato attraverso lo spagnolo, lingua che i nostri riusciranno a far risaltare a ridosso di strutture dal taglio scavato e nervoso.


Appena 35 i minuti, ma vivi e pronti a mostrare ogni ferita procurata anzitempo sul campo di battaglia. I Bastardös venivano così baciati dalle necessarie motivazioni, dalla voglia di saltare alla gola del fortunato malcapitato di turno. E l’appetito salirà con lo scorrere di una tracklist a dir poco furente e assassina, abile nel maneggiare al meglio i pericolosi equilibri di un genere che ci mostra ancora una volta la sua capacità di rigenerazione.


Slayer, Exodus e Destruction assolgono i sensi durante l’esecuzione della introduttiva Agonía, primo brano di questi 9+ una strumentale. Quasi “scorretta” l’impronta vocale che va a cercarsi linee scorbutiche e rozze, piene di quell’incedere spezzato che è buona usanza del Sud America.


I Bastardös fanno trasparire una certa ispirazione da un riffing che certamente non appare eclatante per quanto concerne la freschezza. Ma sono proprio lavori come questi che ti fanno passare oltre e accettare con un sorriso sulla faccia la solita formula più e più volte riciclata. E quando riesce così bene da non dare mai (proprio mai) fastidio bisogna prendere e farne tesoro. Mi piace il sound delle chitarre e pure la produzione in generale si fa voler bene, fra l’altro mi mette in evidenzia un basso intento a zappare e falcidiare a più non posso (roba per cui gioire!).


Almas combativas, Apocalipsis thrash e Siniestra cultura de poder vanno a firmare un pacchetto di pezzi da stima e headbanging immediato. I Bastardös ti tengono in tal modo sull’attenti e in piedi sulla scivolosa corda, il tutto mentre si prodigano nell’affondare armi e “sudate prelibatezze” con sicurezza attraverso fendenti che ci faranno sballottare solo nel giusto modo.


Bastardös è quell’esordio che più spesso dovrebbe venir evidenziato o notato. Noi nel nostro piccolo ci mettiamo lo zampino.




Argentinian thrash. Aggressive to the point of falling off the rails.


Production’s a bit odd, with a thin toned, snappy drum sound (obviously thin dish snare, but the whole kit sounds rather “wet”) and guitars that sound almost bass string crisp. I guess closest analogues would be Massacre’s The Second Coming or Suffocation’s Breeding the Spawn…


Vocals are a bit unusual, in that they come off somewhere between Tom Araya, a young Max Cavalera and the guy from Devastation circa Idolatry – the only common denominators there being “Latin heritage” and “thrash acts”. Who the hell knows. Still works for ’em, so good enough.


I was reasonably happy with this one, yeah – not exactly a thrash classic for the ages, but definitely stronger than a lot of bands in the genre releasing material nowadays.


Who knows, it may wind up another killer sleeper like Idolatry, given time and exposure.




Confesso que não dou muita atenção a cena Latina do metal, essa banda argentina, Bastärdos, por exemplo, eu só passei a ter conhecimento a respeito quando esse álbum chegou em minhas mãos. A banda foi fundada em 2009 por Tomás Doglioli (guitarrista) com a intenção de tocar um Thrash Metal rápido e agressivo em uma cena local onde nenhuma outra banda fazia esse gênero. Eles lançaram duas demos “KM 24” (2009), que abriu as portas para muitos shows em Buenos Aires e “Descraneados en las Calles” (2011) que levou a banda a países vizinhos como Bolívia e Peru.


Em 2015 saiu o primeiro full-length chamado “Bastardös” que não foi distribuído e promovido de forma correta fora da Argentina, por isso agora este álbum é re-lançado com a intenção de obter uma melhor distribuição e promoção, a diferença que desta vez a banda conta com o apoio do selo Satanath Records que não vem medindo esforços pra fazer um belo trabalho de divulgação deste álbum.


É claro que um álbum assim merece ser apreciado pelo maior número possível de pessoas, a formula sonora do Bastärdos é Thrash Metal da velha escola, com influencias de Sepultura (bem do inicio), Hirax, Exumer e R.D.P. A banda nos brinda com um primor de violência alucinante com letras que se mantem atuais sobre religião, drogas, sociedades e as crises politicas argentinas.


Destaque para as faixas “Apocalipsis Thrash”, “Horror Celestial” e “La Masacre” que mostram que mesmo a banda não sendo antiga esse resgate da raíz do Thrash Metal é feito de forma honesta e com conhecimento de causa. A personalidade dos caras são de profissionais, com riffs marcantes o efeito de cada nota distorcida é severo, sem dúvida um bela surpresa a se ouvir.




Sometimes you  just need to let loose and go old-school. But you’ve heard all the old-school stuff before. So you need new old-school. Or retro-school. Is that a term? It is now. Or how about retro-thrash? Whichever, this is the territory ably inhabited by Argentinian thrashers Bastardös. No translation of the name needed.


Bastardös is their 2015/2017 (depends which source you read) album and it’s a cracking ten tracks of old-fashioned, tinny, echoey thrash. It sounds like it was recorded on a budget, but so was Bestial Devastation with which it shares many stylings. OK, so Sepultura’s release was in Portuguese and this is in Spanish, but beyond that there’s a lot of similarity – the most important part of which is the sheer breakneck violence of the damn thing.


Almost every vocal outburst is backed by a shredding guitar lick for emphasis. Those vocals have noticeable echo on them. The sound is treble-licious so you get the harsh effect of each distorted note, but that doesn’t distract from the thunder of the bass and the drums.


I can’t really comment on the lyrical content, but I’d assume that titles like “Apocalipsis Thrash”, “Horror Celestial” and “La Masacre” pretty much mean what I’d guess they do. They sound destructive and they’re backed by a soundtrack which is every bit as devastating. If you know the track “Crucificados Pelo Sistema” in its cover incarnation (rather than the more punk original by Ratos de Porão) and liked it, then this is an album of similar sounding grass roots thrash metal.


Highly recommended for burning off the stress of a bad week at work.




This is a band that I recognize, if only by name. This is an Argentine thrash metal band. As much as I love the Brazilian, Colombian and Chilean metal scenes, as little do I know about the Argentine. That scene is a blank to me. So it is great to get to hear what the Argentines are up to. This is a rerelease of their 2015 debut album. if you like your thrash in the early Sepultura school this is for you. Not with the same youthful aggression but still with that same bite. What I like about this is the relentless thrashing that is going on. You can almost picture how the band simultaneous bangs their heads while playing. Cool stuff.




Аргентинская трэш-бригада с откровенным названием Бастардос, что значит— Ублюдки. Такая самоидентификация совсем неудивительна в олдовом трэше, который практикуют, пропагандируют и мессиански несут в массы музыканты из Буэнос-Айреса. 10 лет жестоко работают на подмостках, две демки, компиляция и альбом 15-го года. Вот он-то и перезаписан. Для лучшего саунда и всеобъемлющей любви фэнов трэш металла.

В пресс-релизе указано «For fans of Sodom, Deathraiser, Toxic Shock...»... и кажется не промахнулись, ибо олдовым трешем заклинают BASTARDOS меломанов, которые с радостью и криками прутся на их концерты. А в Аргентине, скажу вам по секрету, не дремлют. Вот например, собрались три команды, имеющие признание фэн-базы — объявляется конкурс на кафе, или любое другое пригодное помещение. И вперед. Так и было 8 декабря прошлого года. Народ, знаете, жаждет зрелищ... откатали по полной программе, в воздухе запахло даже паленым. Это горели медиаторы у гитариста.

Потому что ребята предпочитают адский напор, давление по низам и неистовый вокальный резак певца. Все это - слагаемые успеха музыки, которая на этом диске представлена в высоком качестве и буквально с приличной непосредственностью. Ребята умеют играть и исполнять так, чтобы публика входила в раж. А это показатели настоящего металлического мастерства. Все делается именно для этого.

10 трэков, переполненных бурлящим трешевым месивом, резким и мощным по воздействию. Все традиционно, НО работает, и будет срабатывать всегда — просто рецепты выдаются отличным музыкантам, которые кроме указанных ингредиентов могут вложить кусочек души.

Из любимых это, конечно, девяточка - Fabrica del Terror. Музыканты здесь разворачивают небольшую систему ПВО с помощью которой надежно закрывают небо любимой столицы. Раздумчиво в мидтемпо нагнетается давление, и тут же ритм-секция вдаряет в барабаны войны. Вокалист наш с приличным трешевым харшем здесь как раз как скальпель хирурга, его разрезы точны, локальны и оттуда буйно бьет фонтан красного. Очень быстро. Мид-темпо куда-то пропадает, оказывается, незаметно мы пришли к скоростному музицированию, когда зенитки дают могучего огня, ... а потом опять к качевому, басистому.

Сильный альбом, полностью в тренде, доставит море удовольствия фанатам забойного стиля, да и всем металлистам. Звук отработан на хорошем уровне, инфа сто процентов.

Format: Jewel Box, Vinyl-Style CD (это означает, что диск сделан под пластинку виниловую, можно ощутить даже дорожки)), это накатано сверху, само собой)

Совместный релиз с большой конторой Morbid Skull Records (Сальвадор).




In the year of 2009 in the land of Buenos Aires (Argentina) a trio called BASTARDÖS was born. It releases two demos before recording the same-titled debut album in 2015. It was so well-received by the underground community that 2 years later it was re-released by GrimmDistribution in co-alliance with Morbid Skull Records. The 10 songs these 3 bastards perform are about the old-school vibe of Thrash Metal, which was reigning triumphantly at the end of the so-called golden 80s. Their main musical influence is coming from Brazil, yes I am talking about SEPULTURA. They learned and feel SEPULTURA's early albums so well that some of their songs could easily get a place on one of the untimely records by the mighty Brazilians too. Despite this tiny fact, the Argentinian thrashers do everything properly and sound awesome, the way it has to be. Pure Thrash Metal is what you'll get there, but I would definitely advise them to try injecting something of their own on their next release. Until then, all the fans of Thrash Metal are encouraged to enjoy their debut record and don't forget to bang your heads on!




Originalmente editado de forma independiente en el año 2015, nos llega a través del sello ruso Grimm este álbum de mis paisanos Bastardös. Realmente no sé si tiene sentido reseñar un disco que ya lleva 4 años en la calle, pero justo es agradecer la buena onda del sello en enviarnos el CD.

Bastardös es un trio compuesto por Damián Alfaro en bajo y voz, Tomás Doglioli en guitarra, y Tomas Creatini en batería, quien dejo la banda en 2016. Musicalmente se suben a la (moribunda ya?) moda del thrash pero con una visión más actual del estilo, donde se puede apreciar una similitud a bandas como Municipal Waste o Gama Bomb, o yéndonos más atrás en el tiempo digamos que bandas como D.R.I. o Ratos De Porao no le son ajenas a estos muchachos.

El disco está integrado por nueve temas propios más un instrumental donde por momentos creo que abusan del tupa-tupa y la velocidad (que no está para nada mal), pero al finalizar la oída deja con ganas de querer escuchar algunas variantes y no algo tan lineal o monótono.




Bastardös - Bastardös [re-release] (2017) | Argentina | Thrash Metal | 017GD


Alun perin vuonna 2015 julkaistu Bastardös-debyytti sai uusintajulkaisunsa vuonna 2017, vieläpä ihan ansaitusti. Vaikka kyse on argentiinalaisyhtyeen ensimmäisestä ja samalla ainoasta levystä, poppoon elinvoimainen thrash metal on yhä kuranttia kamaa.


Rapiat puolituntinen rässilevy ei juhli omaperäisyydellä tai vaihtelevuudella, vaan laskee kaiken yhden arvan varaan. Monipuolisuuden puutteesta huolimatta riski on kannattanut, sillä raskassoundista rässitykittelyä kuuntelee ilokseen, ainakin siihen asti, kunnes saman kohdan polkeminen käy tylsäksi.


Levy ei juurikaan vaihtelua tarjoa, vaan räimii koko kestonsa pitkin tuttuja latuja. Periaatteessa porukka on matkinut jenkki- ja sakemannibändejä oikein ja onnistuneesti, mutta käytännössä suuret hitit uupuvat ja siinä mielessä levy onkin ehtaa b-luokkaa. Se ei kuitenkaan ole paha moite, sillä ainakin bändi on siinä luokassa kärkipäätä. Hieman monipuolisemmalla satsauksella ja astetta mieleenpainuvimmilla riffeillä yhtye olisikin vertailukelpoinen maailman isojen nimien kanssa.


Tällaisenaankin Bastardös on mukavaa kuultavaa, eikä levystä ole paljoakaan pahaa sanottavaa. Soundit ovat hyvät ja laulu menettelee. Vielä kun yhtye saisi aikaiseksi jotain oikeasti muistettavaa!




Video review.




Another very good 2017 re-release of the original 2015 album with new art work design.


The band comes from Argentina and plays purest and best thrash metal that you can imagine.

I do not understand Spanish words of the vocalist, but the way he sings and how his voice sounds, it`s what other bands can be really envy about. I am not. I just wanted to hear kick ass thrash metal album and some guys brought it to me as they could read my mind.


The band wrote 10 striking old school thrash metal songs, making sure that the sound is loaded up with uranium to fuck up with your speakers. Every instrument sound really perfect and of course, the music is energetic, aggressive, fast and you just won`t stop banging your head to it.


Bastardos measures guitar shreds with periodic melodies but constantly keeping up intensity of songs which is breathtaking of how they put it all together. They prepared some top notch guitar solos for the songs and drumming is so great and distinct. Song writing quality of the entire album is incredible, you must hear how violent they can play.


Everything sounds organic and for me, it`s just brilliant example of how thrash record should be produced and mixed.


It`s hard to find album where 10 out of 10 songs give you so much enjoyment but no shit - this album has it. So, no weak tracks here and no time wasting for you at all, just non-stop thrash metal adrenaline and mosh. Killer Bastardös!


Similar bands: Messerschmitt, Red Razor, Terminattor, Destruction, Exodus, Whorehouse, Dekapited, Freakings.

