. Satanath Records

Reviews: SODP097

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Being unfamiliar with the previous recordings of Agonia Black Vomit (aka Agonia Blackvomit), my expectations about the band’s new album Cosmosatanic Wisdom were shaped largely by the band’s name and by the phrase “raw antichristian black metal” used in passing to describe the band’s earliest work. Yet whatever stylistic markers may have branded this Italian project’s previous recordings, its sole creator’s musical explorations have led him along interesting pathways, with results that are much less easily classifiable.


Before today, two songs from Cosmosatanic Wisdom have been revealed, and I’ve included streams of them below, but we also have the premiere of a third one for you in advance of the album’s June 20 release by Satanath Records’ sub-label Symbol Of Domination (Belarus) and Murdher Records (Italy). This one is named “Parallel Descanting Visions“.


This new song reveals surprises as it unfolds. The cracked-ice vocals and fiery riffing have an edge of gloom and despair as well as fury in their sound, but even when the song is racing with a murderous mien, the swirling, scintillating guitar lead (or is it a keyboard?) that rises in the music isn’t quite what you would expect. And then a further distinction manifests itself about halfway through, when the song slows and heaves, with the melody carried by an organ and ultimately by a beautiful though sorrowing dual-guitar harmony.


The other two songs prove to be just as gripping. The more prominent keyboard presence at the beginning and end of “Departure From Degrade” brought to mind horror movie soundtracks from decades past, adding to the drama and darkness of the song. It possesses a compelling melodic core and somber, gritty clean vocals that accompany the caustic harsh ones. It has an atmosphere that’s ominous and depressive, yet a stately infernal grandeur shrouds the music as well — until it catches fire near the end and begins to gallop. And here again, you’ll find another scintillating guitar lead which begins to seem like a hallmark of Agonia Black Vomit’s music on this album.


The third song, “Engines of Hate“, is different again from the first two discussed above, driven by a dark and swarming melody with an occult air and reaching heights of mental frenzy and deranged exultation (as I hear it). It’s unerringly grim and unsettling, but gripping — and yes, there’s a striking lead-guitar motif that pulses through the riffing and adds to the song’s appeal.


The diversity among just these three songs makes me eager to hear what else the album holds in store. I hope you enjoy them too.



Cosmosatanic Wisdom is Agonia Black Vomit’s second album, following Satanic Black Vomit in 2011 and a four-way split release in 2014 named Operazione paura, which was inspired by the Italian horror cult movie La casa dalle finestre che ridono, and another split in 2015 with the band Under. All music on the new album was created by Agonia.



Jako jeden z velkých problémů na dnešní blackmetalové scéně vnímám tendence přeceňování sebe sama, ať už v hudebním slova smyslu nebo co do hloubky svého sdělení. Ať už se kapely chvástají individualismem, esoterismem, okultismem, satanismem nebo čímkoliv podobným (jiným), dost často to bohužel bývá jen plané přání samotných hudebníků, bezobsažné plácání prázdných frází, sypání floskulí, opakování toho, co již řekli jiní, aniž by cokoliv z toho bylo podloženo tím, co je ke slyšení na výsledných nosičích. Myslím, že ani v našich končinách není problém nalézt hned několik podobných případů, které ve finále černému kovu dělají spíše ostudu.


Celou dobu tím vlastně směřuji ke sdělení, že pokud někdo svou desku nazve „Cosmosatanic Wisdom“, budu očekávat, že nepůjde o povrchní a prázdnou záležitost. Když jednoduše do titulu zvolíte slova jako „moudrost“, automaticky se chce předpokládat, že vaše hudba nebude hloupá. Dokáže si italská formace Agonia Black Vomit takový název obhájit? Uvidíme. Obal se po mém soudu tváří zajímavě a nebojí se na poměry stylu ne úplně tradiční barevné kombinace, tak snad se v podobně slušném světle prokáže i vlastní hudební náplň…


Odpověď není nutno hledat dlouho. Stačí jen několik málo jednotek poslechů, aby člověk přišel na to, že Agonia Black Vomit nehraje (pouze jeden člen kapely, Agonia – proto jednotné číslo) žánrovou extraligu. Úvodní „Departure from Degrade“ dá ještě svým pomalým tempem a klávesovými melodiemi nostalgicky vzpomenout na melodický black metal z druhé poloviny devadesátých let, což nakonec není nic, co by mi bylo nepříjemné či mě to obtěžovalo. Poté už se ale rozjede standardní blackmetalové hoblování, jehož vyznění je – skrz naskrz průměrné.


Skladby jako „Engines of Hate“, „The Acid Soil“ či „Alone“ prostě nejsou ničím jiným než zcela standardním cvičením na téma obyčejného black metalu. Tu a tam sice vykoukne nějaká nadějnější pasáž, ale oproti ní se klidně staví riffy, které po pár posleších začnou spíše obtěžovat a straně rychle se ohrají – příkladem obého může být třebas „Engines of Hate“. Asi nejsolidněji ze středu vyznívají „Parallel Descanting Visions“ a „The Peaceful Solitude“, ale ani ony nejsou nic zásadního a rozhodně bych je neřadil k nějakým pamětihodným příspěvkům do žánrové pokladnice. Jen mi připadají o chlup lepší než výše jmenovaná trojice… ale jen o chlup.


Zvláštní pozornost pak poutá poslední kompozice „Symphony of Suffering“, jejíž délka přesahuje úctyhodnou čtvrthodinu hrací doby. To samo o sobě budí jistá očekávání, možná i naděje, avšak trochu i obavy, neboť… když někdo valí průměr ve čtyřminutových písních, proč by měl v patnácti minutách najednou stvořit dech beroucí opus? Agonia Black Vomit snad může jen překvapit, ale… zázraky se nekonají. Nemetalové intro „Symphony of Suffering“ sice patří k tomu nejlepšímu, co lze na „Cosmosatanic Wisdom“ nalézt, ale poté se spustí blackmetalový standard, jehož úroveň se od předcházejících stop zpočátku nijak zásadně neodlišuje. Poté přijdou pokusy o oživení daného receptu, krátké ambientní intermezzo a dokonce industriálně-ambientní závěr, ale ani v jednom v případě se nejedná o nic natolik strhujícího, aby došlo k uhranutí, neřkuli aby to zvrátilo dojmy z celé nahrávky.




Vzato kolem a kolem se tedy na „Cosmosatanic Wisdom“ nenachází nic lepšího než slabší průměr. Samozřejmě jsem nebyl tak naivní, abych od druhého alba Agonia Black Vomit čekal zázraky nebo snad žánrový převrat, přesto určité zklamání cítím, jelikož jsem přece jenom doufal v trochu poutavější záležitost. Tu jsem nedostal, tudíž „Cosmosatanic Wisdom“ velmi brzy upadne v zapomnění. Přesně ten typ desky, u níž si už za týden nevybavíte jediný motiv a už za měsíc nevíte, že jste to vůbec slyšeli.





Weird Italian black metal band. As usual for the Italian scene, it’s far from template of any sort and hearkens back to first wave aesthetics* in its very uniqueness if not outright strangeness, which is a definite plus.


* well, as it turns out, more latter-90’s second wave…but you get the general idea.


I’d have liked to have heard a split promo materials note the mainman behind this generally one man band (there are two different bass players involved, otherwise…) was involved with called Operazione Paura, supposedly inspired by one of my favorite modern era Italian horrors, House With the Laughing Windows…


In any case, the release in hand marries late 90’s/Norsecore-level crisp production and Gloomy Grimlike vocals (again – second one after Astarium this month!) and occasional keyboards to an Ancient-style approach to black metal (and “the peaceful solitude” actually feels more than a touch Cradle of Filth, so you see what general ballpark he’s playing in here.)


It’s far from my ideal or one of my stylistic go-tos when it comes to black metal, but as noted at the start, it’s quirky and quite Italian in that respect, while hitting a few recognizable and respectable scene/band markers along the way.


More than listenable, all told…and a few tracks like “alone” and the aforementioned “peaceful solitude” actually push the bar closer to “damn good stuff”.


If only it were that consistent throughout.





Il progetto italiano Black Metal Agonia Black Vomit scaturisce nel 2010 dalla mente di Marco Rosati, in arte Agonia, curioso musicista che sembra inseguire novità ed innovazioni ricercando evoluzione in sonorità e tematiche. Sin da subito, il 2 novembre dell’anno di fondazione, Agonia Black Vomit riversa la sua perfidia, malvagità e cattiveria in un primo demo self-production, dal titolo “Rites Of Unholy seed”, nella quale vi sono presenti sei tracks di puro Raw Black Metal che garantiscono 27:40 minuti d’ascolto. Il primo album non tarda ad arrivare, infatti solo un anno dopo, nel 2011, il duo italiano rilascia un full-length oscuro ed occulto, dal titolo “Satanic Black Vomit”, avente in se dieci tracce di pura cattiveria, crudeltà e distruzione durante 47:14 minuti. Il 22 maggio 2014, Agonia Black Vomit collaborano ad uno split insieme ad altre tre band italiane: Tundra, Soulstalker ed Under. Il titolo della raccolta é “Operazione paura”, contiene ben quindici tracce ispirate al film horror italiano “La casa dalle finestre che ridono” ed ha una durata complessiva di 56:41 minuti. Nel 2015 il progetto romano produce un altro split in collaborazione con Under, dal titolo “A-U.7983”, un concept basato sullo spazio e sul suo lato oscuro. Ciò che però interessa veramente é il presente della band, che da poco, il 20 giugno del 2017 ha creato un nuovo full-length intitolato “Cosmosatanic Wisdom”, contenente sette tracce che garantiscono un ascolto di 42:15 minuti. Questo ultimo album di Agonia Black Vomit é incentrato sull’oscurità che annovera tra l’universo e la vita presente nel globo terracqueo denominato Terra. “Cosmosatanic Wisdom” parte subito con il suono reo di tastiere, che si amalgama poi a parti ben più pesanti per passare all’oscurità di un potente Black Metal, che presenta una voce molto sinistra, malvagia, glaciale e riff di chitarra taglienti come lame affilate che affondano in carni umane. Il mix e mastering sembra essere ben fatto, e si presenta un Black Metal  simile a quello che ha dato i natali al genere, proveniente dagli anni ’90. La batteria è autorevole, e le parti lente miste ad altre più rapide portano nell' anima dell’ascoltatore un forte senso di smarrimento nel vuoto infinito, grazie a ciò le tracce possiedono anche una certa melodia. Il tremolo piking si fa ben sentire durante i riff di chitarra, e dona un tocco molto crudo e maligno alle tracce, tipico del Raw Black Metal. Questa novità scaturita dalla mente di Agonia Black Vomit risulta essere ricca di sorprese, l’andamento delle tracce non è mai quello che ci si aspetterebbe, le soluzioni non mancano di fantasia, e riportano ai vecchi fasti del primo Bleck Metal. Si sente un po’ di tono arido emergente dall’ impronta mediterranea, non si sente la glacialità secca tipica dei paesi scandinavi o comunque é poco chiara, ma in se il lavoro sembra essere discreto. Tuttavia ogni vittoria va sudata da chi vuole ottenerla, Ci si deve allenare costantemente nonostante la bravura e le capacità che si hanno. Agonia Black Vomit é sicuramente un progetto che merita e che può competere per essere premiato, ma ci sono ancora alcune cose da imparare e perfezionare prima di raggiungere vittoriosi il traguardo. Continuare il percorso intrapreso é un obiettivo nobile, e continuando con questo passo il duo italiano riuscirà sicuramente a scalare la vetta. Per ora un bel richiamo agli amanti del Black Metal, questo album merita attenzione!!





Black metal molto poco ortodosso dall’Italia, pubblicato da una delle migliori etichette della scena.


Se quanto sopra non vi ha convinto, ascoltate direttamente in disco, che merita moltissimo. Il black metal proposto dagli Agonia Black Vomit ha un taglio fortemente mediterraneo, infatti si rifà alla scena italo/greca, che ha le sue belle differenze rispetto a quella scandinava. Qui non troviamo solo velocità, ma molta incisività e ricerca di un giusto equilibrio tra potenza, marcezza, il tutto sotto la nera egida dell’unico Signore possibile. Questa one man band italica, avvolta dal giusto mistero, è debitrice dell’ortodossia black metal, ma si stacca quasi dal nero sentiero per esplorare personalmente le tenebre, e trova efficacemente una via personale. La voce è un growl marcio ma intelligibile, la produzione è molto precisa e rende giustizia della bravura dell’unico membro Agonia. Non vi sono rilevanti novità sonore, e non erano nemmeno richieste, poiché questo è un solido disco di black metal, strettamente per gli amanti del genere. Una delle proprietà migliori del genere è che si può declinare in molti termini e questo è uno dei migliori. Ascoltando Cosmosatanic Wisdom si entra in una visione del mondo che, man mano che si procede, diventa molto chiara e condivisibile, poiché il peggiore satanismo lo abbiamo sotto i nostri occhi tutti i giorni, mentre quello qui contenuto è di livello molto più elevato. Nelle canzoni di Agonia Black Vomit vi sono tante cose e Cosmosatanic Wisdom è tutto da scoprire, con la sorpresa e la gratificazione dei dischi che vanno oltre la musica e che disegnano altre traiettorie, così poco comuni di questi tempi. Per i neri amanti o per chi volesse sviare, ma si sappia che non è la follia di un attimo, bensì una filosofia ben definita e soprattutto difficile e dolorosa.





Agonia Black Vomit is an Italian one-man black metal band and this is his second album.


Ostensibly raw, occult black metal; the brains behind Agonia Black Vomit has surprised by managing to produce and album that recognisably plays the classic blackened style, but offers a lot more depth and variety than you normally find in something of this nature.


Part of what makes this album a bit different from the norm and provides great texture across the tracks is the use of keyboards and melodies. Even when the keyboards/synths are at their grandest and most majestic, they still don’t overpower, but are used to add further layers and substantial emotive weight to the music. As for the guitar melodies, these act as defining features of the music in some ways. There are so many stand-out melodies on this album that almost every part of each song contains something that grabs your attention and holds it firmly until it passes.


Different speeds and methods of assault are employed, with the a harsh atmospheric approach being favoured for the most part. Keyboards, melodies, and lead guitars provide a rich musical tapestry for the listener to absorb and explore. As well as the music’s obvious attributes there’s also subtlety and nuance on display here too. As I say, this is an album of great depth, and the music is extremely rewarding and satisfying.


Although Cosmosatanic Wisdom undeniably has a feeling of the 90s in some ways, in others it sounds utterly timeless due to the sheer quality of the music this album contains. The songs are written and delivered in such engaging and compelling ways that the album really is something quite darkly special.


I have to say that Cosmosatanic Wisdom is hugely impressive and not at all what I thought I was going to encounter from Agonia Black Vomit. I was expecting scathing second wave black metal, and although this can certainly be viewed as this record’s base, what’s been accomplished with the style is unexpected and worthwhile. These songs are varied, show great depth and substance, are surprisingly infectious and memorable, and the whole album is just a huge achievement.


If you’re a fan of underground black metal, and are looking for something with emotive, textured content that can grab you and shock you out of your jaded existence, then look no further.


Essential listening.





Agonia  Black  Vomit  are  a  duo from  Italy  that  plays  a  very  atmospheric  and  satanic  form  of  black  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2017  album  "Cosmosatanic  Wisdom"  which  was  released  as  a  joint  effort  between  Symbol  Of  Domination  Productions  and  Murdher  Records.


  Evil  sounding  keyboards  start  off  the  album and  also  mixes  in  with  the  heavier  section  of  the  music  while  ritualistic  spoken  word  parts  are  also  used  briefly  before  adding  grim  black  metal  screams  onto  the  recording  and  the  guitar  riffing  also  brings  in  a  great  amount  of  melody  along   with  the  music  being  heavily  rooted  in  the  90's.


  When  the  music  speeds  up  a  great amount  of  blast  beats  can  be  heard  while  the  songs  also  bring  in  a  great  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts  along  with  the  solos  and  leads  also  being  down  in  a  very  melodic  fashion  and  when  the  riffs  utilize  tremolo  picking  it  gives  the  music  more  of  a  raw  feeling  and  all  of  the  musical  instruments  have  a  very  powerful sound  to  them  and  the  last  track  is  very  long  and  epic  in  length.


  Agonia  Black  Vomit  plays  a  keyboard  style  of  satanic  black  metal  that  is  very  heavily  rooted  in  the  90's,  the  production  sounds  very  professional  while  the  lyrics  cover  Blasphemy,  Satanism  and  Anti  Christianity  themes.


  In  my  opinion Agonia  Black  Vomit  are  a  very  great  sounding  atmospheric  satanic  black  metal  band  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre,  you  should  check  out  this  recording.




Jako jeden z velkých problémů na dnešní blackmetalové scéně vnímám tendence přeceňování sebe sama, ať už v hudebním slova smyslu nebo co do hloubky svého sdělení. Ať už se kapely chvástají individualismem, esoterismem, okultismem, satanismem nebo čímkoliv podobným (jiným), dost často to bohužel bývá jen plané přání samotných hudebníků, bezobsažné plácání prázdných frází, sypání floskulí, opakování toho, co již řekli jiní, aniž by cokoliv z toho bylo podloženo tím, co je ke slyšení na výsledných nosičích. Myslím, že ani v našich končinách není problém nalézt hned několik podobných případů, které ve finále černému kovu dělají spíše ostudu.


Celou dobu tím vlastně směřuji ke sdělení, že pokud někdo svou desku nazve „Cosmosatanic Wisdom“, budu očekávat, že nepůjde o povrchní a prázdnou záležitost. Když jednoduše do titulu zvolíte slova jako „moudrost“, automaticky se chce předpokládat, že vaše hudba nebude hloupá. Dokáže si italská formace Agonia Black Vomit takový název obhájit? Uvidíme. Obal se po mém soudu tváří zajímavě a nebojí se na poměry stylu ne úplně tradiční barevné kombinace, tak snad se v podobně slušném světle prokáže i vlastní hudební náplň…


Odpověď není nutno hledat dlouho. Stačí jen několik málo jednotek poslechů, aby člověk přišel na to, že Agonia Black Vomit nehraje (pouze jeden člen kapely, Agonia – proto jednotné číslo) žánrovou extraligu. Úvodní „Departure from Degrade“ dá ještě svým pomalým tempem a klávesovými melodiemi nostalgicky vzpomenout na melodický black metal z druhé poloviny devadesátých let, což nakonec není nic, co by mi bylo nepříjemné či mě to obtěžovalo. Poté už se ale rozjede standardní blackmetalové hoblování, jehož vyznění je – skrz naskrz průměrné.


Skladby jako „Engines of Hate“, „The Acid Soil“ či „Alone“ prostě nejsou ničím jiným než zcela standardním cvičením na téma obyčejného black metalu. Tu a tam sice vykoukne nějaká nadějnější pasáž, ale oproti ní se klidně staví riffy, které po pár posleších začnou spíše obtěžovat a straně rychle se ohrají – příkladem obého může být třebas „Engines of Hate“. Asi nejsolidněji ze středu vyznívají „Parallel Descanting Visions“ a „The Peaceful Solitude“, ale ani ony nejsou nic zásadního a rozhodně bych je neřadil k nějakým pamětihodným příspěvkům do žánrové pokladnice. Jen mi připadají o chlup lepší než výše jmenovaná trojice… ale jen o chlup.


Zvláštní pozornost pak poutá poslední kompozice „Symphony of Suffering“, jejíž délka přesahuje úctyhodnou čtvrthodinu hrací doby. To samo o sobě budí jistá očekávání, možná i naděje, avšak trochu i obavy, neboť… když někdo valí průměr ve čtyřminutových písních, proč by měl v patnácti minutách najednou stvořit dech beroucí opus? Agonia Black Vomit snad může jen překvapit, ale… zázraky se nekonají. Nemetalové intro „Symphony of Suffering“ sice patří k tomu nejlepšímu, co lze na „Cosmosatanic Wisdom“ nalézt, ale poté se spustí blackmetalový standard, jehož úroveň se od předcházejících stop zpočátku nijak zásadně neodlišuje. Poté přijdou pokusy o oživení daného receptu, krátké ambientní intermezzo a dokonce industriálně-ambientní závěr, ale ani v jednom v případě se nejedná o nic natolik strhujícího, aby došlo k uhranutí, neřkuli aby to zvrátilo dojmy z celé nahrávky.




Vzato kolem a kolem se tedy na „Cosmosatanic Wisdom“ nenachází nic lepšího než slabší průměr. Samozřejmě jsem nebyl tak naivní, abych od druhého alba Agonia Black Vomit čekal zázraky nebo snad žánrový převrat, přesto určité zklamání cítím, jelikož jsem přece jenom doufal v trochu poutavější záležitost. Tu jsem nedostal, tudíž „Cosmosatanic Wisdom“ velmi brzy upadne v zapomnění. Přesně ten typ desky, u níž si už za týden nevybavíte jediný motiv a už za měsíc nevíte, že jste to vůbec slyšeli.




Wenn das der Papst wüsste! Black Metal aus Rom. Aber damit muss der gute Mann wohl leben. Nach dem Debütalbum “Satanic Black Vomit” aus dem Jahre 2011, erschien im Juni 2017 das zweite Album “Cosmosatanic Wisdom” der Römer von Agonia Black Vomit.


Agonia (Vocals, Guitar, Drum Programming) und Pesten (Bass) bieten mir musikalisch schwarze Blasphemy im Midtempo mit keyboardlastiger Untermalung an und dies mit einer Gesamtlänge von 42:12 min. Ein wenig erinnern mich Passagen, Spielweisen an Cradle Of Filth mit dem entsprechendem Sprechgesang und dem dargebrachten Sound (“The Peaceful Solitude”). Bei weitem kommen sie aber an die Erwähnten mit nichten ran. Qualitätiv bewegen wir uns im Undergroundbereich und ich denke, aus dem wollen sie auch gar nicht raus.


Das Album würde ich eher im “zahmen” Black-Metal einordnen, was die Titel, die Geschwindigkeit angeht. Textlich mögen sie ja wie ein Pitbull sein und beißen wollen, musikalisch bewegen wir uns aber eher in Richtung schwarzer Pudel. Trotz alledem kann ich als Fan dieses Genre sagen, dass mir das Album gut gefällt, vielleicht weil auch ein Hauch Gothic über den Titeln schwebt und die Jungs doch kreativ zu Werke gehen. Jeder mag dies für sich selber entscheiden. Im unteren Bereich findet ihr das komplette Album im Anhang.





Hailing from Rome, Italy here comes Agonia Black Vomit with its second full length album release "Cosmosatanic Wisdom". Looking at the band's name it's obvious that they play something raw and traditional black metal stuff but it seems that Agonia Black Vomit is not a band stucked somewhere between that period particularly.


"Cosmosatanic Wisdom" is an album that's essential in the sense that its existence is refreshing and worth venturing by old and new black metal fans. Enchanting keyboards parts together with the melody creating a new but not that surprising element added to black metal music itself. All of the arrangements are made brilliantly and does stand out from other bands. It's not a new thing to the black metal scene actually but the fact that Agonia Black Vomit really delivered their music to the fullest with lots of new and unchartered parts of elements to be found and enjoyed. Their music flows quite well with fast and slower parts plus the harsh but conventional and sometimes clean vocal lines really fits in and blends perfectly. Guitar works are almost atmospheric all the time and played well, creating a certain mood with thick texture of emotions in it. With enough bass on this album accompanying the drum parts in an interesting with a variety of techniques but the sound is quite monotonous due to its nature of being a one man band.With all the atmosphere in this album, black metal fans should have no problem digesting without even knowing that they've been sucked into the realm for real.


"Comsosatanic Wisdom" is an interesting release and exotic to be honest but still it's a strong one and waiting to be discovered and it's totally worth it! Get ready for the journey into Agonia Black Vomit's realm of darkness!





I have had some really cool Italian black metal meetings over the years. One that comes to mind is Handful of Hate. A band that I discovered by chance but turned out to be really cool. I have the same kinda hope for AGONIA BLACK VOMIT. This album did not start on a high note for me. I thought that this was perhaps going to be some sort of doom black metal but that was just the first track. By the second the pace picked up and it became a much more interesting entity. This is still by no way ultra fast black metal. The tempo is moderate at best but there is enough energy in the music to make me interested. In a way it reminds me of a slightly more extreme Ancient. Not a new Handful Of Hate for me but still a decent enough album.





Канон итальянского блэка собственного производства представляет Agonia Black Vomit. Для этой формации это не трудно. Как минимум 7 лет ваяют высококлассный блэк — в 10-ом делали демку, 11-ом полноформат, потом в 14-ом сплит, и вот еще полноформат — на 43 минуты космосатаническая обойма из семи снарядов.

А вот что сообщают метал-архивы про участников Pesten - Bass, (Tundra, ex-Lost Reflection, ex-VII Arcano) и Agonia - Vocals, Guitars (Nailed God, Zedher's Coffin, ex-Zedher). Так что будьте уверены, что эти знают, какие цели перед собой ставить. Кстати, в буклете указан еще один бас-гитрист. Maleun. Значит, так надо. А Agonia там еще указан как клавишник, да за синт-пассажи в ответе.

Хоррор мидтемпо блэк металл - это самое краткое описание этого сгустка тьмы под названием Cosmosatanic Wisdom. И в самом деле — не быстрый ритм, клавишная секция со спецэффектами, космические гитары, вокал каркающий и хрипящий. Куда это может привести меломана? Да только в такие дебри вселенной, где царствуют темные силы, где центром притяжения является черная дыра, и где разум находится в полевой форме и потому очень неприязненно относится к материальным воплощениям.

Ну и нужно обязательно сказать, что некоторые замедления в этом материале доводят чуть ли не дум-блэка. И похоже, что музыканты очень свободно бы чувствовали себя в этом поджанре, см. например трэк Departure from Degrade. Тут же, кстати, получили свое развитие синт-куски, аморфные, облачные, зловещие - как черный дождь. И клавишные побеги — драматические, почти режущие, неумолимые.

Здесь мне показалось, что направление команды - блэк-думовый Limbonic Art. И вскорости выявилась становая жила ансамбля — энергетически насыщенный, вспененный, рвущий в клочья эмоционально, блэк метал постоянного тока, на линии которого случаются намеренные пики напряжения.

Струнные на этом диске виновны в создании жесткого и мягкого подклада, и ряда риффовых структур и развернутых соляков, не частых и оттого ожидаемых, более медитативных и в контраст ведущих неземную космическую линию.

Трак за треком идет развитие музыкального содержания, характеризуя композера как мастера выдержанного, почти нордического блэк металла. Как только я это написал, так раздался второй вокал (трак 5) именно почти чистый викинг-вокал, хорошо известный нам по северным блэк-викинг ВИА. Жаль, что он произнес только несколько фраз и потом еще раз появился вновь в этом же треке. Мне кажется, он мог бы сыграть и более значимую роль на этом диске.

Основной вокал уже обозначен, добавлю, что он внутри альбома приобрел определенную «размытость», как будто приплавленный на большой адской сковородке. Понятно еще, что ему наметили задачи специфические, информационные , и потому вокаллер старается в своем тембре быть не только убедительным, но и разборчивым. И в какие-то моменты даже напоминает своего коллегу из Satyricon, и даже не частотным диапазоном, а вовлеченностью в музпроизведение, особенно в его ритм-секционную составляющую.

Трак 7 Symphony of Suffering замечателен не только своей протяженностью, 15 минут - треть общего времени, но и самой разработкой эпической и неоклассической составляющих. Это значительный кусок тьмы, предельно космический, эмбиентальный, с ритм-синт пассажами. На 4-ой минуте он подрывается черным ураганом в общем контексте альбома, далее перекидывается по-шамански опять в медитирующего жреца, и так несколько раз.

Сильный и ровный альбом.




Agonia Black Vomit are dwelling around for about a decade. This duo, being Marco ‘Pesten’ Bomboi (also in e.g. Tundra) and Marco ‘Agonia’ Rosati (think Zedher / Zedher’s Coffin or Nailed God), created a first album, called Satanic Black Vomit, which was released in 2011 via Mexico’s Black Cult Records (hey guys, are you still around?). After some silence, Slava Satan Records, co-founded by Pesten, released a four-way split which included three other Italian projects (amongst which Tundra), though this one being extremely limited. Once again three silent years passed by, but Pesten and Agonia now return, assisted by colleague Maleun, with their second full length studio album, intelligently called Cosmosatanic Wisdom. The compact disc gets released in an edition of 500 copies via, once again, an unholy collaboration of Symbol Of Domination Productions and MurdHer Records. It comes with a four-page booklet, including the lyrics at the inside, and very bombastic, expressive artwork that surely fits perfectly to the album’s title.


Cosmosatanic Wisdom was initially recorded in 2015, but apparently it took some time… Never mind, here we have it. The album, being a seven-tracker that lasts for forty-two minutes, is very rich, multi-faceted and orchestral in sound and execution, once again fitting perfectly to the album’s title and the artwork, as mentioned in the former paragraph. There are no drums – it’s drum programming being used. In most cases, when a project uses a drum computer, the percussions sound forced, mechanical, even imbecile. In Agonia Black Vomit’s case, then again, that’s not the case. On the contrary; most of the time, the drum patterns sound organic and ‘real’. There are, of course, blasting-fast excerpts, but they lack exaggeration, and that’s nothing but a positive aspect. The interplay is, as said, quite ‘rich’ and overwhelming, with several layers of synths, basses and electric guitars. The material is very melodic and dramatic, even theatrical in essence, with many changes in tempo and structure, and expresses an astral atmosphere with an epic attitude. Gloomy tremolo guitar melodies and sharp-edged solos are multio, supported and uplifted by pounding, deep-toned bass lines and the aforementioned drum programming. The keyboards are permanently present, yet in a shifting performance. Sometimes the keyboards take a leading role, presenting a cosmic or symphonic passage, then again they act as a fine entity on the background, supporting the string-based heaviness. For sure they often define the astral touch and occult approach of the band. Vocal-wise, screamer Agonia delves into the darkest pits of his being. His voice is raw, icy, gurgling, with some spoken phrases, cleaner passages and choirs.


The production is rough and unpolished, with a great mixture - no irritating effect of the programming and a fine equilibrium of all instruments involved. Nothing more to add on this matter…


There is one single remark for my concern, and that’s a lack of adventure. Seen the artwork and the concept, I was expecting an audacious, temerarious album. To a certain extent, that’s true, but not as intense and intriguingly as I might have hoped for. Don’t get me wrong: I have not been bored one single time by Cosmosatanic Wisdom, and a couple of songs (or chapters within a composition) truly impress me. But the result somehow leaves me craving for something more to come – but it never came.





Agonia Black Vomit è un nome che desideravo approfondire sin dai tempi dello split underground "Operazione Paura", rilasciato nel 2014 insieme a Tundra, Soulstalker e Under. Di conseguenza ho colto al volo l'opportunità offerta da Satanath Records di mettere le mani su "Cosmosatanic Wisdom", il secondo album della band, rilasciato dalla sotto-etichetta Symbol Of Domination in collaborazione con MurdHer... e non me ne sono pentito!


Il gruppo romano ha compiuto enormi passi avanti nei tre anni trascorsi fra le due uscite, mantenendo salda la volontà di plasmare un black metal articolato e intenso, ortodosso e ragionato senza essere pretenzioso. Gli Agonia Black Vomit del 2017 hanno conservato ed enfatizzato l'aura epica e narrativa che permea i pezzi, i quali si muovono coesi, fieri e saldi. Il passo ritmico si alterna fra il moderato e il veloce, rifuggendo gli estremi, guidato da una drum machine stavolta dignitosa, pur se dal leggero retrogusto meccanico. Lo scream di Agonia, deus ex machina della band, possiede una cadenza moderata, che contribuisce al respiro glorioso generale. Nel lungo brano conclusivo "Symphony Of Suffering" (ben quindici minuti) si sperimentano infine innesti elettronici, sia nelle percussioni che nelle atmosfere ambient, inseriti fra continui cambi di tempo in una sinfonia diabolica.


In conclusione, pur senza gridare al miracolo, è giusto annotare la maturazione artistica degli Agonia Black Vomit, che hanno abbandonato i panni della volenterosa formazione amatoriale per indossare quelli di un solido progetto professionale, finalmente dotato di suoni al passo coi tempi. "Cosmosatanic Wisdom" è un album black metal che gli appassionati troveranno gradevole e sincero.





I confess: I decided to review the sophomore album of Agonia Black Vomit mostly because they comes from Rome Caput Mundi like me! Another reason is that Agonia Black Vomit is really a fantastic name, so, before to listen to this "Cosmosatanic Kingdom", I expected a blasting massacre of nuklear proportions able to kill all your fuckin' neurons! Instead, this CD released by the Belarussian label Symbol of Domination along with Murdher Rec (from Rome, too) show a strange and interesting approach to conceive the black metal music, also if it isn't so effective, as you'll read very soon.


In fact, "Cosmosatanic Kingdom" starts in a bad way with its first three songs. The problem is that they repeat basically the same things from start to finish and without offering a good intensity because they aren't characterized by effective climaxes able to seriously move the listeners. In addition, you have to consider that there is no human drummer but a drum-machine, so the songs sounds a little bit weak but this is also a personal taste of mine because you know that I hate so much the drummer that I prefer to hear, at its place, a bad drummer.


In exchange, the musical visions of the mastermind Agonia deserves attention already starting from the opening track "Departure from Degrade". The pace of this song is mostly very slow (it becomes fast after 5 minutes but only for 30 seconds circa), the guitars are raw but melodic, the atmosphere recreated is depressive also thanks to minimalistic and funereal keyboards while, here and there, there are space sounds, so don't expect a kind of black metal easy to classify. The following song "Engines of Hate" is more furious also due to the presence of blast-beats but always offering some slowdowns with space vibes this time produced by a psychedelic lead guitar. At this point, it's important to underline that the same lead guitar is very used by Agonia but, for me this, this another particular feature is exploited better in the other tryptich of song into this album.


I think that Agonia, in tracks called "Parallel Descanting Visions" (watch its video below), "The Peaceful Solitude" (here the basswork is great!) and "Alone", shows many of the potentialities of his project. These songs develops thorugh unpredictable plots towards also very emotive climaxes. Often, these climaxes are caused by the brilliant and inventive interaction between the two (but sometimes even three!) guitars, that, in certain cases, chase each other to create original layered riffs while playing also some solos in tracks like "The Peaceful Solitude". The result of all this is that the three aforementioned numbers are amazing but...


...but, at the end, there is the ambitious final track "Symphony of Suffering". And I said "ambitious" because it lasts the beauty of 15 fukken minutes! But, unfortunately, this tour de force, for me, sounds too disjointed and confusing without the touches of real genius, unpredictability and intensity of songs like "Alone". Despite this not so good result, there is need to appreciate the courage of this black metal musician to play a track with a lenght to not undervalue in every way as "Symphony of Suffering".


So, this "Cosmosatanic Kingdom" is really fuckin' strange. On a hand, we have three disappointing tracks like the first three ones. On the other hand, we have other three songs that are really remarkable. But finally, the final number could be decisevely better than now. Hence, the rating, unfortunately, is low but without forgetting that we are talking about a one-man black metal band with many ideas and courage...hoping, anyway, that the future new stuff will be in the vein of "The Peaceful Solitude" or "Alone". And meanwhile, watch below the promotional video of a very new song called "The Time's Flies"!




Otra banda que no deja dudas con respecto a su estilo musical. Los italianos Marco Bomboi y Marco Rosati conforman Agonia Black Vomit, un combo con casi 10 años de formado.

“Cosmosatanic wisdom” es su segundo larga duración, y nos trae toda una andanada de black metal, melódico pero áspero al mismo tiempo.

Las canciones son más bien atmosféricas que rápidas, con varios arreglos de teclados y sintetizadores, muy tradicional en su concepción, y muy efectivo por cierto.

Independientemente de los marcadores estilísticos, las exploraciones musicales dan como resultado una propuesta no tan fácil de clasificar, con una atmósfera ominosa y depresiva, infaliblemente sombría e inquietante, y que tal vez requiera un esfuerzo extra para tomarle el punto. El black es uno de los géneros que más ha evolucionado en los últimos tiempos, y Agonia Black Vomit es parte de esta evolución. Chequéenla.




If crafting music and finding inspirations for making the albums is a universal thing (nobody actually knows for sure where certain ideas comes from)...Then maybe, this band from Rome has made one. It is not anything innovative or shocking in this album but it has 2 or 3 elements I like in it.


The music is drifting on the ground of black metal which are low tuned guitars and vocals with crispy-raspy tone that make black metal so interesting genre. The songs are rather atmospheric than fast and another element I prefer the most are simple arrangements of keyboards and synths which sounds quite original. If there is a sort of dark and satanic energy or intelligence out there, not in our planet, then maybe those melodic and sometimes creepier music ideas are part of it. I do not know, just want to mind you that even if it is  black metal album, when comes to style of singing, guitar wise or by any other meaning...Without keyboards and samplers, this CD would not be the same. At most, the songs sounds just like traditional black metal but often, this band seeks for darker areas in music, mixed with melodies and instrumental experiments. Agonia Black Vomit gave me many reasons to enjoy parts of this album my own way, so do I.


There are 7 songs on Cosmosatanic Wisdom which is composed by one person named-Agonia. My favorite tracks are: Departure From Degrade and Engines Of Hate. During recording session, the album has been supported  by other guys but this band, most definitely, sounds more like one man band.

