. Satanath Records

Reviews: SAT179

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Originin aiheuttaman pettymyksen jälkeen ei autistin nälkä brutaaliudelle ollut ollenkaan tyydytetty. Niinpä oli välttämätöntä kääntää katse muualle. Mihin sitten epätoivoinen dödisfanaatikko katseensa kääntää, kun vanhat, tutut ja turvalliset pettävät? No tietenkin Kolumbiaan! Koska allekirjoittaneella on jatkuva ja kylttymätön nälkä fressiin soundiin, ei mikään ole fantsumpaa kuin törmätä johonkin näin tuoreeseen. Mouldered on nimittäin yhtye, joka sai ensimmäisen demonsa pihalle vasta runsas vuosi sitten, ja nyt yhtye pääsee itse asiaan debyyttijulkaisullaan. Taas ollaan siis vuoden 2017 kovat debyytit kategorian kimpussa. Auttaako aito kolumbialainen sitten brutaalin puutteeseen sitä, joka ei kestänyt edellisen soittolistalaisen liioiteltua ja laboratoriomaista perustuuttausta?


Chronology of a Rotten Mind käynnistyy genrelle tyypilliseen kauhuelokuvamaalailuun. Näiden kanssa kuulija lähes poikkeusetta tietää millaista tavaraa on tulossa. Super-raskaat slam-tyypin yhtyeet ovat erittäin usein soundinsa ja lähestymistapansa suhteen poikkeusellisen kasvottomia ja kaavamaisia. Tästä syystä allekirjoittanut usein suhtautuu jo lähtökohtaisesti koko genreen hienoisen skeptisesti. Moulderedin kanssa helpotus oli välitön, kun ensimmäisen biisin ensitahdit kertovat mikä on tilanne Kolumbiassa. Soundi ei ole ollenkaan tyypillisen kliini, kompressoitu ja robottimaisen ylitarkka. Kielisoittimet jyräävät todella muhevaa riffiseinää ollen samalla hyvässä tasapainossa rumpujen ja vokaalien kanssa. Mitä soundiin ja mixiin tulee, allekirjoittaneella on  oikeastaan vain kaksi biiffiä, joista kumpikaan ei ole mitään deal braker osaston juttuja. Ensinnäkin, vaikka kitarasoundi on kokonaisuudessaan todella hyvä ja hyvässä balanssissa kokonaisuudessa, ovat kitarasoolot jotenkin ihmeellisesti kaiken pohjalla, osin jopa kuulumattomissa. Itseasiassa itse soolot ovat muutenkin jollain tavalla hippasen väärässä paikassa ja väärään aikaan, mutta koska en ole kovinkaan suuri soolomies, ei asialla ole merkitystä. Kyse voi olla ensiaskeleitaan ottavan ryhmän kitaristin epävarmuudesta, taikka esim masterin hienoisesta epäonnistumisesta, tiedä häntä. Toisekseen rummut ovat kaiutetut jotenkin hiukan eri tilaan muun orkesterin kanssa. Tämä ei kuitenkaan haittaa muualla kuin siellä missä rummut soivat ilman kitaraseinää.


Jos mixissä on jotain pientä nokan koputtamista, ei sellaisesta ole tietoakaan soiton ja biisien suhteen. Yhtye on juuri niin raskas kuin genressä kuuluu, mutta sen soitossa on monia hyvin vastustamattomia elementtejä. Kokonaisuus kuulostaa erittäin paljon siltä, kuin suurin osa albumista olisi vedetty livenä putkeen. Biisit pysyvät elävän ja ihmisten soittaman kuuloisina, eikä esim rumpuja ole kvantattu epäinhimillisen tarkoiksi, vaan tälläisenään saavat aivan erilaista eloa ja akustisuuden tuntua komppiosastoon. Sama tilanne jatkuu kitaroissa. Soundi on elävä ja ilmava ja sisältää juuri niitä persoonallisia vivahteita, joita tämän tyylisuunnan edustajilta tahtoo aina puuttua. Tästä esimerkkinä käy vaikka sormella soitettu nauhaton basso, joka riffiseinässä ei kuulosta ollenkaan erilaiselta, mutta kaikenlaisissa juoksutuksissa ja siirtymissä se tuo miellyttävää kuminauhamaisuutta ja jälleen, eloa kokonaisuuteen.


Biisit koostuvat pääasiassa monsteri-osaston riffeistä, joita siirrellään eteenpäin jako- ja tempomuutosten saattelemina. Musiikki on näennäisen yksinkertaista, mutta sisältää runsaasti siellä täällä olevia koukkuja ja kikkoja. Tämän kaltaiset asiat ovat nimenomaan parhaimmillaan, kun niitä ei ole liikaa eikä jatkuvasti. Ne jäävät riffien raivokkuuden ja riehakkuuden taustalle, eivätkä millään tavalla johda harhaan taikka vie musiikkia pois itse asiasta. Ja ne riffit, ne ovat maanjäristyksen lailla vyöryttäviä järkäleitä joita on paljon ja sitten vielä vähän. Soitossa on jotain trash-tyylistä riehakkuutta, jota ei yleensä tässä genressä kuulla. Kun mukaan lasketaan tuo aiemmin mainitsemani livemäisyys ja kotikutoisuus, ei kokonaisuus ole pelkästään trash-henkinen, vaan välillä suorastaan punkkia. Albumista tuleekin tässä suhteen mieleen aiemmin keväällä käsittelemäni Crippled Beggar debyytti. Soitossa on samaa riehakkuutta ja ytimekkyyttä, mutta Moulderedin tyylisuunnassa tämä on vielä poikkeuksellisempaa ja saa näin ollen orkesterin selkeästi erottumaan massasta. Erittäin raskaiden kilpailijoiden joukossa onnistuu Mouldered takomaan ilmoille todellista circle-pittin räjäyttäjää joka groovaa vastustamattomasti menettämättä tavarajunan raskautta ja vääjäämätöntä etenemistä. Crippled Beggarin debyytin lailla albumi on myös erittäin lyhyt ja ytimekäs. Tämäkin on usein virkistävää, kun samaa juttua ei tarvitse kuunnella tuntikausia, mikäli kuuluu allekirjoittaneen edustamaan kategoriaan musafanaatikkoja, joiden on aina kuunneltava albumit kokonaan.


Chronology of a Rotten Mind onnistunut ja virkistävä albumi äärimmäisen brutaaliuden ystävälle. Albumin puutteet on helppo antaa anteeksi, kun ottaa huomioon yhtyeen lyhyen elinkaaren sekä onnistumisten runsaan määrän albumilla. Mikäli Kolumbian metalliskene ei ole tuttu, kuten oli tilanne meikäläisen kohdalla, lienee nyt korkea aika perehtyä asiaan. Ties vaikka sieltä löytyisi muutakin yhtä fressiä, koko perheelle, vauvasta vaariin!


Tue tiukkaakin tiukempaa ug-shittiä, ja ennakkotilaa Chronology of a Rotten Mind täältä!





Colombian death dealers Mouldered have recorded a notable debut album, Chronology of a Rotten Mind. Stream a new song from Mouldered now, called “Prision,” to get a taste of what they have to offer: putrid vocals, an abundance of grooves, riffs and guitar solos, plus a crushing rhythm section.





The dictionary tells us that “mouldered” is the past tense of the word “moulder” (or molder), which means to slowly decay, rot, putrefy, or disintegrate. And Mouldered is the name chosen by a brutal death metal band from the north coast of Colombia whose album Chronology Of A Rotten Mind will be jointly released on July 13 by the trio of Satanath Records (Russia), More Hate Productions, and Butcher Entertainment (Ukraine). What we have for you today is the title track, along with streams of two previously released songs from the album.


Mouldered was initially created in late June of 2013, drawing influence from such bands as Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Vader, Morbid Angel, Cryptopsy, and Death, and Chronology Of A Rotten Mind is their first album, following the release of a self-titled demo last year.


“Chronology Of A Rotten Mind” (the song) is more violently destructive than it is slowly rotting, though it does have a festering and gruesome atmosphere while ripping, racing, and pounding with murderous intent.


The song runs roughshod through your head for less than three minutes, but the band nevertheless pack a lot of electrifying changes into that compact space of time. The song is anchored by the turbocharged piston drive of the drumming and a deep bass pulse, while the guitarists alternately jab at high speed, swarm like a hornet nest, jackhammer with the force of a pile-driver, and set off bombastic detonations.


On top of all that, the lead guitarist works an eerie little melody into this head-hammering and gut-eviscerating barrage, while the vocalist’s guttural expulsions provide a suitable match for the music’s ruthless ferocity.




Esta metralhante banda colombiana vêm lançar o seu primeiro álbum de estúdio e já começam com o pé direito no mundo underground. O Mouldered, formada em meados de 2013, trabalha o seu Brutal Death Metal de maneira única e sem adentrar nos clichês do gênero. Posso já adiantar que o seu trabalho lembra quase que 100% a forma que o disco “The Bleeding (1994)” do Cannibal Corpse foi concebida. Em outras palavras, é algo que ninguém imaginaria o direcionamento sonoro, e simplesmente surpreendeu.


Seguindo uma premissa de faixas altamente cadenciadas nos quesitos de bateria e baixo e com guitarras ora alternantes e ora incisivas, a banda procura estabelecer um link entre um Decapitated na fase inicial e de um Obituary também em início de carreira.


A riqueza de detalhes brutalizantes que este disco oferece é para não deixar nenhum fã de Death Metal insatisfeito. Destaco as faixas “Succubus” e “Mind Control” pela sua excepcional técnica instrumental e peso desenfreado.


Um excelente lançamento para 2017. Altamente recomendado !!!





This is the debut album from Colombian death metal band Mouldered.


Mouldered play violent, gruesome, brutal death metal. It’s uncompromising and ugly, just as you would want from this kind of thing.


The tracks are short and aggressive, taking influence from the classic jackhammer death metal style, alongside a healthy groove/slam influence. Chronology of a Rotten Mind smashes together elements of Cannibal Corpse, Cryptopsy, and Dying Fetus to produce an album of belligerent homicidal intent.


Thick chunky riffs crash and crush, while blasting speed is never too far from the front lines. Slices of melody appear in the form of the occasional lead or solo, but for the most part it’s a mercilessly brutal affair.


The songwriting is decent enough that you easily get the impression that the band know their source material well. Theirs is a song-based approach, meaning that their verse/chorus structure is appropriate and effective for what they’re doing.


Lasting only 21 minutes, Chronology of a Rotten Mind is a solid slab of brutality. Check it out.





Mouldered  are  a  band  from  Columbia  that  plays  a  brutal  form  of  gore/death  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2017  album  "Chronology  Of  A  Rotten  Mind"  which  was  released  as  a  joint  effort  between  Satanath  Records,  More  Hate  Productions  and  Butcher  Entertainment.


  Horror  movie  samples  start  off  the  album  before  going  into  a  very  fast  and  brutal  direction  that  also  utilizes  a  great  amount  of  blast  beats  while  also  adding  deep  death  metal  growls  onto  the  recording  along  with  all  of  the  musical  instruments  having  a  very  powerful  sound  to  them.


  When  solos  and  leads  are  utilized  they  are  done  in  a  very  chaotic  fashion  and  also  having  their  melodic  moments  while  the  music  brings  back  the  brutality  of  the  mid  90's  but also  adding  in  modern  elements  along  with  the  tracks  also  bringing  in  a  great  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts  and  high  pitched  screams  and  grindcore  elements  are  also  used  at  times  as  well  as  the  riffs  also  adding  in  a  small  amount  of  melody  and  the  music  always  remains  very  heavy  and  brutal.


  Mouldered  plays  a  style  of  death  metal  that  is  very  brutal  and  has  a  lot  of  American  influences,  the  production  sounds  very  professional  while  the  lyrics  cover  gore,  death  and  sadism  themes.


  In  my  opinion  Mouldered  are  a  very  great  sounding  brutal  death  metal  band  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre,  you  should  check  out  this  album.




Sapete qual è la cosa più bella del Brutal Death? La durata.

Dischi di solito suonati a 250 bpm sarebbero “pesanti” se di una durata media di 40-45 minuti. Ed ecco perché, la maggior parte delle band decide di rilasciare dischi da massimo 35 minuti, in cui però trovano spazio degli intermezzi e delle intro che non fanno altro che aumentare l’atmosfera marcia e il senso di pericolo provocato da questo particolare ramo del Metal.

I colombiani Mouldered hanno preso questa “regola” e la hanno estremizzata, presentandoci un album dalla durata di appena 20 minuti.




Giunti al loro debutto con “Chronology of a Rotten Mind” dopo una demo autoprodotta nel 2016, la band ci presenta un Brutal Death di stampo classico, senza infamia e senza lode.

Dopo una breve intro (un audio di una persona posseduta mentre viene esorcizzata), il disco parte con “I’m Legion” per proseguire poi sulla stessa scia per il resto dell’intera tracklist . Tracce come “Death” o “Prision” sono delle schiacciasassi, e ho preso in considerazione solo 3 delle canzoni presenti nell’album, in quanto il resto viaggia sulla stessa corsia. Ciò potrebbe essere un difetto, ma non in questo disco: la sua poca durata non rende pesante l’ascolto, ma anzi lo rende facilmente riascoltabile.

Ci sono ovviamente anche delle tracce un po’ più “lente” come la penultima “Genocide” e la conclusiva Titletrack, ma in generale siamo davanti a un carro armato che avanza inesorabilmente e senza tregua verso di noi.

Tecnicamente la band è eccelsa, i riff sono articolati e velocissimi, la batteria alterna sapientemente blast beats a parti molto più complesse, con il basso che rende tutto marcio e disturbante, soprattutto quando esegue delle linee molto distorte e quasi “stonate”, il tutto amalgamato da una produzione che rende giustizia ad ogni singolo strumento e rende il tutto omogeneo.

Breve recensione per un disco breve, un disco che regala 20 minuti di ottimo Brutal Death all’ascoltatore accanito, e che per la sua durata potrebbe essere perfetto anche a chi il genere non lo mastica ancora. Unica pecca è proprio la durata, forse un altro paio di traccie non avrebbero assolutamente guastato, ma che va comunque bene per i motivi che vi ho spiegato sopra.


Una band sicuramente da tenere sott’occhio, questi Mouldered, nella speranza che il prossimo disco possa essere più lungo e leggermente più articolato.





Não queremos saber se nos estamos a repetir. Gostamos da fruta sul-americana. Os tempos já não são o que eram e hoje em dia é possível termos um underground pulsante vindo de países como a Colômbia de onde nos surge esta estreia dos Mouldered. Em abono da verdade, não é nada que não tenhamos já ouvido antes. Death metal brutal a convidar ao slam - algo que apanhámos um fartote no início do milénio. Mas há algo neste conjunto de faixas que faz com que o que nos surge consiga cativar sem grande dificuldade. Bom death metal, a fugir à falta de dinâmica do slam - ouçam lá a "Mind Control" e digam lá se conseguem resitir a todos aqueles solos adoráveis.






"Mouldered", kolumbijski death metal bend, je svojim debi albumom "Chronology of a Rotten Mind" odradio sasvim korektan posao. Nema tu nekog preteranog filozofiranja, niti eksperimentisanja: samo reski death/gore rifovi koji deluju kao satara koja ravnomerno i brzo seče sve što se pod njom nađe. Kod ovakve muzike ne očekujete previše, već samo dobru zabavu (da se tako izrazim), a ovde toga ima sasvim dovoljno. Kao jedini minus bih naveo vokale koji mi nikako nisu legli. Jednostavno ne volim taj growl koji vuče kao pig-squeelu, kao ni "promukli" harsh. Sem toga, sve drugo je i više nego OK.





South America has a rich history of producing some excellent metal music. Though the only band from Columbia that I have come across are Inquisition, there are over 1400 other bands which cover almost every sub-genre of metal music that one could imagine. Mouldered aren’t anything too separate or original but they have created a beast of an album with ‘Chronology Of A Rotten Mind’. Straight up brutal death metal with some titanic riffs, growls, blasts, leads and all the components that are necessary for building and releasing a solid album of this genre.

Formed in 2013, the band from Barranquilla released a short demo last year which has a couple of songs that have made it into the polished final article that we have here. With eight songs on the album, we only get a little bit over twenty minutes of music. The songs are fast and powerful with some pretty fine production too.

The album opens with ‘Legion’ which kicks things off with what sounds like an excerpt from ‘The Exorcist’ film in German. The brutality takes over as Mouldered waste no time in blowing you away with well measured chops and hooks that get the blood flowing. It’s all straight up brutal death from the getgo. Even a few slam breaks squeeze their way through like in the brilliant ‘Zombiefication’. It’s all highly infectious and exceptionally assembled and delivered.

The finer details such as the use of a fretless bass  sneak in and change the dynamic somewhat. The opus is all killer no filler as each track after each track slays incredibly. Songs such as ‘Succubus’ and ‘Prision’ are absolute smashers but so are the rest. The leadwork is also a talking point as they heighten the sensationalism of the songs, just adding that extra bit of icing on the brutal cake that is this album.

The only issue I have is that the album isn’t long enough. I want way more than twenty minutes of Mouldered. Their next release  better be a two hour double album or I’ll find out where they live and take a shit in their kettle. Failing that, I’ll just have to deal with the disappointment whilst saving a ton of cash for flights to Columbia. They have thoroughly entertained with this blinder of an album and I’m looking forward to any future releases.




Colombian death metal. I cannot seem to remember the last time I heard that combination. Technical death metal can if done wrong be the most unbearable thing in the world, unless you yourself am a musician. Technical death metal done right can be bloody brilliant, like latter day Death. This is the kind of technical death metal that I can tolerate. Simply because it ain’t too technical. It doesn’t twist and turn more than a ship in rough sea. It is relatively easy to follow. And that helps a hell of a lot when it come to liking it. I still don’t think of this as a Colombian band when I listen to this album but that is what it is. But no matter where they come from this was a decent enough death metal album.





Nous ne présentons plus le label russe Satanath Records, véritable habitué de nos pages, qui fera de chaque auditeur un véritable globe trotter de l’underground. La production sur laquelle nous nous attarderons aujourd’hui a vu le jour en collaboration avec More Hate Productions et Butcher Entertainment.


Nous nous rendons en Amérique du Sud et plus particulièrement en Colombie, accueillis brutalement par Mouldered.


Déjà, dans un premier temps, la pochette attirera l’oeil des afficionados du death metal old school. Effectivement, quelque chose n’est pas sans rappeler la pochette du très culte « Scream Bloody Gore » de Death. Le style proposé, quant à lui, brutalisera l’audience sans répit.


La puissante volée viendra vous coller au mur par le biais de riffs dégoulinants, de blasts frénétiques et de grognements affamés à l’odeur de chair fraîche qui se profile.


« Mind Control » marie un groove dès son départ empli de lourdeur et alterne sur des breaks où assomment les blasts.


On retrouve également du solo de gratte à l’ancienne puis des variations de passages sacrément bonnes.


On retrouve une touche américaine dans les titres proposés avec cette petite ambiance à la Suffocation par exemple.


On se prend un impact important également sur « Genocide » avec toujours cette alternance entre passage massif et parties plus rentre dedans et brutales. La basse, bien en avant, ne sera pas sans rappeler Mr Di Giorgio. Le chant, lui, s’avère répugnant et putride et il est accompagné ici et là de choeurs plus criards.


Mouldered tape sec également avec un titre comme « Succubus » où tous les éléments du brutal death old school sont rassemblés pour vous faire passer un instant des plus douloureux, notamment au niveau cervical.


Mouldered propose donc sa sentence en huit morceaux pour vingt cinq minutes de molestation, allant droit au but, sans détour pour quelconque émotion sinon le désir de vous faire passer un cruel (plus d’un) quart d’heure (sud) américain.


Les vieux briscards apprécieront pour sûr.





Что ещё за хронологию имели в виду эти колумбийские маньяки, когда назвали свой последний альбом “Chronology Of A Rotten Mind”? Ответ ждёт вас на обложке, и это, конечно, религиозный дурман. Как говорится, “философия – история человеческих заблуждений, религия  — история человеческих неврозов”, и именно таким неврозам и посвятили свою новую работу Mouldered, подразумевая масонов и другие тоталитарные религиозные организации.


Безумные жрецы, дилеры бесчеловечного угнетения и суккубы (!) стройными рядами выйдут из тени, едва начнёт звучать “I’m Legion”, а заковыристые крючковатые риффы напомнят Cryptopsy и Vader, помноженных на Deicide и Cannibal Corpse. Mouldred играют как выходцы из ордена иезуитов, способные наплести такую словесную и музыкальную казуистику, что даже желаниям ангелов станет стыдно перед своими возможностями, не говоря уже о нас, простых смертных.


“Death” на самом деле напоминает ранний Death (гм, уж не с ранних ли пластинок этой команды срисовывали Mouldered персонажей для своей обложки?), а попутно становится понятно, почему Анастасия Самотыя с таким жаром утверждала, что никакой не дэт-метал исполнял Чак Шульдинер, а вовсе даже экстремальный трэш (кстати, сравните “Death” в исполнении Mouldered и, скажем, ранний Pestilence – занятно, как различаются трэш-дэт у одних и у других!)


Больше трэша вперемешку с дэтом в “Mind Control”, скоростной шквал ненависти в “Succubus”, ритмично-шредирующим ураганом сметающий всё на своём пути (это такие пигвойсы у них или вокалисту на ногу кто-то роняет усилок?), а затем перед нами разразится безумная свистопляска “Prision” всё с тем же характерным притопом топчущихся в дверях зомби, упырей, вурдалаков и прочих религиозных извращенцев, воскрешённых музыкантами из глубин истории и памяти.


Вслушайтесь внимательнее в “Zombiefication”, и весь этот хор разноликой средневековой нечисти, пританцовывая, ворвётся в ваш дом и потянет вас в отчаянный хоровод безумных инквизиторов. А там уже и до геноцида недалеко (“Genocide”) с его жалящими обоюдоострыми плевками проклятий, чиркающими словно спичкой у костра, сложенного в подножии всех благих начинаний, что никогда не приводят никуда, кроме как к адским раскалённым котлам.


Призывно-триумфальные взрыкивания титульной вещи, которая оказалась задвинута на самое последнее, восьмое место, снова напомнили мне агрессию ранних трэш-н-дэтовых первопроходцев, которым было ещё трудно и странно представить себе тяжёлую музыку вне типично трэшевого риффинга и соответствующего темпа. И, кстати, лично для меня именно такие элементы в стиле и почерке колумбийских пророков апостасии оказались самыми лакомыми и приятными.


Такие альбомы как “Chronology Of A Rotten Mind” в 90-х мы глотали пачками, словно это витаминки “Ревит”, и сейчас полчаса такого звукового холокоста от колумбийских коммандос — это как подорожник на сбитую коленку нашей юности: страшно? — Не особо. А где-то в желудке тёмным пивом разливается заветное тепло и желание поблагодарить этот дьявольский мир за то, что такие диски до сих пор создаются, выпускаются и доходят до наших ушей и глаз.





Колумбийский ответ американским Каннибалам (вот странно, буквально полчаса назад пришлось включать культовые фильмы «Каннибалы» и «Ад каннибалов» и «Съеденные заживо»). Но дело не в кино, хотя и в кино тоже. Mouldered садистически ухайдакивает этот мир с 13-го года, доводит людей до рвотного состояния, а нелюдей металлистов до экстатического. Только я еще допишу, что к каннибальскому ответу колумбийцы еще добавляют особенной гулкости звучания. Благодаря чему эта антимузыка становится настоящим «лекарством» для означенных выше членов общества.

Mouldered, ввиду собственной геолокации, ребята горячие и соответственно ведут себя, нарепетировав себе достаточно опыта на своей точке, при всяком удобном случае рвались на сцену и тотально рубились, устраивая там настоящий армагеддон, Zombiefication и Genocide. Два крайних — это, кстати, названия трэков с актуального альбома. И хотя он вышел ростом на 21 минуту, это нисколько не уменьшает мощь, агрессию и доисторическую любовь к насилию, из тех пасторальных времен, когда оно было нормой жизни.

Mouldered начинает свою пластинку с допроса индивида, одержимого демонами. Как многие видели (в кино) в таких потрясающих случаях существо разговаривает не обыкновенным человеческим голосом, а типа блэковым скримом (откуда собственно и блэкари позаимствовали свой вокал). И трак называется I'm Legion. Ну вы поняли, откуда цитата. Тут я хотел рассказать еще про один фильм, который смотрел недавно - Split, но вовремя опомнился. Потому что подумал, - такую музыку, которую исполняет Mouldered, нужно почаще вставлять в ОСТ аналогичных фильмов, они бы там органично и живо смотрелись.

Гитаристы Mouldered разрабатывают шикарный объемный звуковой замес, одновременно компактный: «немногословный» и жуткий, заполняющий все пространство массами упругого сталепроката. Риффовый лес здесь на зависть, куда приаттачены сольные пулеметные очереди, раздраконивающие профильных меломанов нажимать кнопку плай раз за разом. И в самом деле, этот горячую «хронологию гниющего ума» хочется перечитывать вновь и вновь.

Заслуживает нашего самого дикого одобрения и вокалист этого ВИА — с низкочастотным расщепленным гроулом!!, причем, как истинный артист, он вокалит свободно, уверенно, отрабатывая разные голосовые коллизии, которые необходимы для альбома, где замедляясь, где убыстряясь, а где просто переходя к свободному и безбарьерному повествованию. Тут же замечу, что в некоторых местах наш горлодер выступает вместе с ритм-секцией, как на демке Деисайда, если вы понимаете, о чем речь.

Кстати, самое время вспомнить, что на своем facebook ребята рассказали о своих влияниях, а это как ни странно )) Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Death, Morbid Angel, Vader. Это не лишняя строчка для того, чтобы получше охарактеризовать этот колумбийский бронепоезд, увлеченно летящий В горизонт.

Если вы дочитали до этих букв, то придется узнать и про то, что это первый полноформат Mouldered. А до того пятерка отважных музыкантов запускала демку, которую она апробировала на ушах поклонников тремя трэками с этого диска.

Chronology Of A Rotten Mind включает в себя дополнительную полиграфию - OBI. Я о ней рассказывал ранее, если вы забыли - это вкладыш под целлофановую обертку диска - на торце компакта с двумя краткими резюме на инглише и по-русски.

Лейбл MORE HATE PRODUCTIONS выпустил этот диск, как это водится иногда, — на троих с Satanath Records и Butcher Entertainment.

Отличный подарок на Новый год самому оголтелому дэтстеру.





Hier hebben we het debuut album ‘Chronology of a Rotted Mind’ van de Colombiaanse death metal band Mouldered. Vier jaar geleden begonnen deze heren met het verspreiden van hun rottend metaal, vorig jaar was er de 3-track demo ‘Cronologia de una Mente Podrida’ en nu dus een heel album, dat via het Russische Satanath Records wordt uitgebracht. Acht brute death metal tracks die in totaal slechts éénentwintig minuten duren en redelijk standaard brute death metal te bieden hebben. Sterk veréénvoudigde Cannibal Corpse-Suffocation-Dying Fetus-achtige composities, dertien in een dozijn. Niet echt iets om over naar huis te schrijven en dat doe ik dan ook niet.





I colombiani son qui al debutto con un disco che strizza l’occhio al brutal con tinte death gore per la gioia degli addetti ai lavori, visto che comunque parliamo di un sottogenere di un sottogenere. Partiamo quindi con il presupposto bene chiaro in mente che già l’uscita in sé è anacronistica e forse proprio per questo risulta interessante. Si perché ormai questo è un genere morto e praticamente mai risorto se non fosse per i timidi vagiti avanzati da gruppi come i Mouldered appunto. Da un punto di vista tecnico siamo su livelli piuttosto alti (non è mai stato un genere facile da suonare) e la voce è potente al punto giusto da suscitare l’interesse dell’ascoltatore se non altro per la ‘stonatura’ di sentire un disco proponente un genere anni ‘90 ma con i suoni delle moderne registrazioni digitali. Questa discrasia è a mio avviso piacevole, come se un album di vent’anni fa fosse stato riregistrato ai giorni nostri senza snaturarne l’anima . Sembra un paradosso, tant’è che la cosa più interessante di questo album di roba vecchia è la sua modernità nel suono. Un suono pulito e avvolgente che se fosse stato usato per la stessa iniziativa da un gruppo più importante ora si starebbe qui a discutere sulla resurrezione del genere stesso. Misteri della discografia. Insomma, l’album funziona, se ancora non si fosse capito; va dato credito a questi sudamericani che hanno dimostrato di credere fino in fondo alle proprie convinzioni. Assidui.




Look at the cover artwork of this "Chronology of a Rotten Mind"! Isn't it truly fuckin' amazing? Done by the Venezuelan artist John Quevedo Janssens, it reminds me of the works of Edward Repka for Death, especially regarding the cover artwork of "Scream Bloody Gore". So, this is already an excellent premise for this debut album of Mouldered, a band from Colombia that, before it, released only a demo (containing three songs then re-recorded for this full-lenght) in 2016 after their foundation in 2013. But shame because, despite its cover artwork, the music isn't so amazing but, fortunately, these guys have some very promising ideas. Let's start to discover them!



Released by the prolific Russian label Satanath Records along with More Hate Prod and Butcher Entertainment (these ones comes, respectively, from Russia and Ukraine), "Chronology of a Rotten Mind" is very short to be a full-lenght album since it last only 20 minutes per 8 songs. These ones are introduced by "I'm Legion", that starts with a scene of exorcism. After that, Mouldered show all their obsessive love for a raw brutal death metal mainly played in an old-style à la Cannibal Corpse/Suffocation but with frequent slamming slow/mid-tempos typical of a more modern way to conceive this genre. What I best like about Mouldered concern the lead guitarist Hermes Martinez that, besides playing simple riffs along with the other axeplayer Hammer Quintero, spew forth at least a guitar solo a song; and, above all, the bassplayer Jhonatan Ariza, able to surprise the listeners with some strange solutions, as you will see soon.


I have to say that I largely prefer the second side of the album that starts with "Prision" to the ending titletrack. In fact, the first part is a little bit anonymous and has nothing interesting (apart the basswork), and don't forget that it contains a not so effective 1 - minute instrumental track called, simply, "Death", considered by a me as a filler. Instead, the best comes with the second side, and this is due to numbers like the same "Prision", that has some very good riffs and ultra-violent moments; and, especially, to "Genocide". This one is truly particular if compared with the other songs because of its more atmospheric passages where there is not only a guitar solo but even a real bass solo, surprising definitely the listeners! Useless to say, "Genocide" is my favorite track of the entire album.


So, this album isn't surely a masterpiece, also because it is too short and I think that Mouldered could record, at least, other 3 tracks while there are too many slamming mid/slow tempos throughout "Chronology of a Rotten Mind" but, anyway, we are talking about a band that plays death metal with dedication, also considering that Mouldered shot a simple videoclip for "Prision", a good choice for a promotional video since it is one of the better songs of the album. Said that, I suggest to these 5 deathsters to make more violent their music but, at the same time, also to develop, for the future productions to come, the excellent ideas present in "Genocidio", so to offer a better mix between brutality and a more atmospheric approach, as expressed perfectly in this song.






Se puede seguir facturando death metal de vieja escuela, sin reinventar absolutamente nada, y ser capaces de aportar algo de frescura al actual panorama. Mouldered son un buen ejemplo de ello y hay que felicitar al sello especializado en metal extremo Satanath Records por haberse fijado en ellos. El sello ruso sabe por dónde se anda y con su fichaje le dan a este grupo colombiano un empuje internacional que por nivel merecen, aunque tan solo estemos hablando del debut de una banda formada en Colombia en 2013.


Tenemos 8 cortes que no eluden clichés y tópicos del metal extremo, pero es que eso es lo que le da un gran encanto. O mejor dicho, lanza sobre ti una maldición en la que caerás, porque si te gusta el estilo ya desde la portada vas a comenzar a caer. Y para abrir a modo de intro un exorcismo que da paso a “I´m Legion”. Un tema con aplastantes riffs, un sonido grueso y sucio sobre el que se impone una voz gutural. Con estas premisas podrían ser cualquier banda del estilo, pero os aseguro que Mouldered lo saben hacer muy bien.


Tal vez en el primer corte eche en falta un desarrollo mayor del tema que es la tónica general del disco. De hecho, la banda tiende a temas de corta duración, pero dan mucho de sí. En los 20 minutos de duración de la obra podrás apreciar detalles técnicos muy enriquecedores, tanto de guitarras como de un bajo muy marcado que tiene un protagonismo en esta avalancha sonora al lado de guitarras, voces y una batería cruda y cambiante. Todo empastado perfectamente para disfrutar de cortes como “Death”, un interludio a las primeras de cambio que da paso a otros 6 cortes mortales de necesidad, como son “Mind Control”, conciso pero a la vez detallista, un mugriento “Succubus”, el agónico “Prision”, un “Zombiefication” donde aumenta si cabe la esencia old school, el trepidante “Genocide”, donde la batería es demoledora, y el homónimo tema de cierre que se torna un poco más ambiental.


Aunque como digo, la banda elude dibujar demasiados paisajes y va directa al grano, a hincar el diente en la carne sin demasiados rodeos, dejando que las guitarras a nivel solista aporten pinceladas muy sueltas, pero sin solos excesivamente largos. Mouldered funciona como un bloque que cae sobre nosotros en un instante de devastación, dejando abierto el futuro para la hecatombe absoluta.





For decades now death metal acts from South America, specifically Brazil and Columbia, have had their own brand of brutality that would make a melo-deth fan shit their pants. MOULDERED on the other hand opted to forget their roots and go straight to being another bunch of children of CANNIBAL CORPSE. Of course as I'm writing this, Corpsegrinder and company are set to release another unexciting release.


I really have no need to listen to the new one by CANNIBAL CORPSE this month since MOULDERED do a real by the numbers job of channeling them. Think of thick chunky riffs, triggered drums with pounding snare runs and of course the brutal cookie monster vocals. There's even the occasional searing guitar lead that breaks the monotony. Also you gotta love the exorcism soundbite as an opening bite.


MOULDERED's full length debut might not be the most original beast on the extreme metal block, then again what is? But with that note aside it's still a good release.




Are you into slamming Death Metal? Well, I really hope so, 'cause the following nearly 21 minutes long material has an adequate portion of slam and groove elements incorporated. And to my surprise this fine gore-filled kickshaw comes from Colombia. 2013 marks the birth of this 5-piece Death Metal horde and before this actual release the band managed to record a 3-song demo in 2016. Those demo tracks were successfully adapted and featured on "Chronology of a Rotten Mind" plus expanded with 5 newer tunes. At first sight their songs sound pretty much like a slowed down CANNIBAL CORPSE stuff, but with more groove and DYING FETUS-like slam parts. But after a few listens one can easily notice we have something more going on there. Just listen to those tricky bass lines for example. Really masterful execution and all the guitar solos are also worth ones to listen to. Then we have a bunch of ultra heavy razing-like riffs accompanied by extremely sick growls. MOULDERED's debut album is all the way about the old-school times and interpretation of Death Metal. You won't find there any widely and/or commonly used modern garbage elements of the 21st century. It's definitely about gloominess not fanciness. So watch out! The overall sound production is fat and massive the way it should be. Really recommended stuff, moreover it comes with the right cover artwork! This CD was released by a cooperation of 3 underground labels, thus you have multiple options to order it.



Okay, gute 20 Minuten für ein Voll-Album kann man mal machen, dachte ich mir. Erstmal nach Infos der Band gesucht. Aha, Death Metal aus Kolumbien, 2013 gegründet, ein Demo und jetzt dieses Voll-Album. Cover und Schriftzug haben schon erahnen lassen was auf mich zukommt. Somit habe ich voller Vorfreude die Playtaste betätigt.


Und dann ging es erstmal mit einem kurzen Intro los. Keine Ahnung welcher Film das ist, anscheinend irgendwas Deutsches. Dann pfeffert einem der Song „I’m Legion“ durch das Gehirn! Überraschend perfekter Sound für diese Art von Brutalo Death Metal.


Ihr kennt sicherlich alle jeweils die ersten zwei, drei Alben von Suffocation, Cryptosy und Cannibal Corpse, oder? Mouldered schaffen es hier drei Bands in 20 Minuten zu vereinen. Kaum habe ich jemals eine Band gehört die das hinbekommt. Alles zwar in modernem Gewand, aber sehr erfrischend. Anspieltipps? Bei 20 Minuten schwierig. Aber ich kann jeden einzelnen Song empfehlen. Gebt euch einfach das komplette Album!


Fette Riffs und brutale Hochgeschwindigkeits-Double-Bass zerquetschen einfach alles was sich in den Weg stellt. „Chronology Of A Rotten Mind“ ist ein kurzes, aber angenehm kompaktes Album. Sicherlich nichts weltbewegendes, aber auch kein überproduziertes,  neumodernes Gefrickel-Death-Metal-Geschepper. Oldschool as fuck!




I colombiani Mouldered esordiscono in maniera energica quanto semplice. La formazione proveniente da Barranquilla piazza una prima prova che randella in maniera goduriosa, sanguinolenta e marcescente: poco più di venti minuti per otto composizioni di brutal death metal che non lasciano dubbi sulla paternità altrui del proprio modus operandi; la derivazione dai maestri del genere made in U.S.A. è talmente evidente che è veramente inutile tirare in ballo i soliti nomi.


"Chronology Of A Rotten Mind" dura quanto il tempo di pronunciarne il titolo, è una prestazione breve e proprio questa caratteristica rende il disco compatto, evitando cadute di stile e inceppamenti vari ed eventuali. Il lavoro offre brani discretamente articolati, alcuni dotati di quelle fasi allentate, colme di groove e malsane che tanto ci piacciono; altri adornati con gusto dall'ingresso in scena della chitarra solistica, da un approccio più melodico e sinistro o più frenetico e sghembo.


La produzione è apprezzabile, poiché conferisce definizione all'intera strumentazione, potrete così udire come il basso distorto faccia da collante con buoni risultati.


I Mouldered sono uno schiacciasassi dal suono moderno che non ha bisogno di particolari descrizioni, essendo piuttosto eloquente. Una band che pare non possegga veri e propri difetti, se non quello di navigare acque solcate in lungo e in largo negli anni Novanta, destreggiandovisi con gusto. Inserite "Chronology Of A Rotten Mind" nello stereo e vi sembrerà di incontrare qualcuno a voi noto, gradito e del quale sono quasi certo non rifiuterete la compagnia.





In Zusammenarbeit mit More Hate Productions und Butcher Entertainment wirft man dem Hörer dank Satanath Records nun dieses Ballerwerk vor den Latz, für welches Mouldered Rechnung tragen zu haben. Die Jungs kommen aus Kolumbien und zocken derben Death Metal, haben bislang ein Demo bewerkstelligt, und legen nun mittels "Chronology Of A Rotten Mind" (interessante Titelgebung) ein erstes ordentliches Lebenszeichen von sich. Jenes birgt amtliche Blastausbrüche, wobei neben der Intensität auch kernige Riffwände ihre Umsetzung finden. Der daraus resultierende Groove und die gegebene Eingängigkeit verhelfen dem Teil zu einer feinen Durchschlagskraft, wobei aber ebenso angemerkt sei, dass Mouldered keinesfalls einfach nur stupide losbolzen. Man versteht vielmehr die spielerischen Fähigkeiten zu bündeln, und auch wenn "Chronology Of A Rotten Mind" keine lange Spieldauer vorweisen kann, so macht das Ding dennoch irgendwie Laune. Melodie und Lebendigkeit ist es letztendlich, was das Album am Leben hält und dafür, das es sich dabei im Grunde genommen auch um den Einstand der Band handelt, ist mit Mouldered in Zukunft unbedingt zu rechnen.


"Chronology Of A Rotten Mind" ist auf 500 Silberlinge begrenzt, und wenn die Jungs den hier eingeschlagenen Pfad weiter ausbauen, dann könnte da mal was ganz Großes durchstarten. Die kräftige Produktion flankiert dabei das Geschehen und wer nun Appetit verspürt, der sollte sich das Teil ruhig mal einverleiben, wobei aber wohlgemerkt vielmehr das Spektrum des derben Death Metal angesprochen wird. Für Unvorsichtige droht ansonsten vielleicht Hirnerweichung.




A Colômbia com certeza é o país que mais se produz bandas com temática Horror/Gore na América Latina, acredito que boa parte das bandas mais podres desse continente venham desse país.


Você que gosta dos primeiros do Dying Fetus, de Sinister, Malevolent Creation, Monstrosity e Cannibal Corpse com o Chris Barnes no vocal, você não pode mais perder nenhum segundo da sua vida sem ouvir essa banda chamada “Mouldered”.





É muito fudido isso aqui! A banda está de parabéns, espero que em breve essa banda seja grande, que faça grandes turnês no mundo todo, pois profissionalmente falando eles já estão mais que prontos.


Eu estou verdadeiramente viciado nas guitarras desse material, lembram também as guitarras do Aborted, é tudo muito bem tocado, executado, intenso, insano, é de encher os ouvidos do fã de death metal.




As this is a pretty short album I will also keep my review similarly short. Normally I am more a fan of Old School Death Metal and not so much of Brutal Death Metal but as “Chronology of a Rotten Mind” is something like a hybrid of those genres I gave it a shot. Overall I have to say there is a lot to like here.


Those guys from Colombia sound a bit like slightly slowed down Cannibal Corpse or more streamlined Cryptopsy to me. This does not mean that this album is not fast in places – not at all. There are a lot of high speed sections with blast-beat attacks where the listener feels like getting overrun by a bulldozer. However, there are also a lot of passages where the music is crawling and creeping out of the speakers not faster than the zombies in TWD.


Mouldered somehow managed to create a sound that distinguishes them a bit from other bands. For example they excessively use the bass sometimes and also the guitars have a very individual tone. With the fuzziness and sometimes dramatic sections Mouldered have created a lot of tension and dark and brooding atmosphere. The vocals underline this impression as they are monstrous and totally evil sounding like some ancient demon has been upset and is now roaring in anger.


The production is surprisingly great finding a good mixture of providing the instruments with the pounding sound needed for this musical concept but also give them room to breathe. Not seldom such kind of brutal music gets drowned in a much too filthy sound production.


I have been talking about the album being quite short and with only 20 minutes of music I guess you will agree it is. On the one hand this is not really what I would call value for the money as the album is sold as “full length”. However, Mouldered knew exactly that they had written enough quality material for just this length and did choose not to add any filler material. This is something I can respect as I am of course also of the opinion “quality over quantity”. With maybe 1 or 2 more songs I would probably give them an even higher rating the next time.




Mouldered es una banda colombiana (de Barranquilla más precisamente) iniciada en el 2013 y que no esperó demasiado para tener en las bateas su primera producción titulada “Chronology Of A Rotten Mind”.

El trío, compuesto por Mauricio De La Rosa, Jamer Quintero y Hermes Martínez, más el agregado de músicos de sesión, se orienta musicalmente hacia un death metal brutal y agresivo, cantado en inglés, y muy bien ejecutado.

Las influencias están a flor de piel: Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, Brujeria, Morbid Angel y la lista sigue. La premisa del álbum parece ser el arranque furioso, continuación a todo riffs y combinación de los solos de guitarra y la base, con eventuales pisadas en el grind.

El conjunto creo que ha hecho una muy buena primera producción, con una atrayente propuesta, la cual considero que, para que sea más interesante a mis oídos al menos, en una segunda placa, me encantaría que busquen la originalidad ya que la brutalidad está claro que pueden alcanzarla. Para el final, una mala: el Facebook de la banda no existe, por lo cual fue imposible conseguir alguna información oficial de la actualidad de estos colombianos.




During last year, I heard many 20 minutes long materials as this one that  gave me fun and satisfaction from listening to them. I think Chronology Of A Rotten Mind is kind of the release where there is enough good music to fulfill my needs but if it was 10-15 minutes longer material, things could go differently and maybe it would not be a good album anymore. But in the end, as it is now - it is.


Mouldered is a brutal death metal band from Colombia which sounds a bit like bands from the 90`s (Baphomet-US, Miasma). The production of the album is neither polished nor too modern. I think Mouldered came to the essence of DM with the sound of this album, and they stop at nothing to deliver as much brutality and abhorrence (Intro in I am Legion) as possible.


The most of the songs have extremely heavy sounding guitars. Vocals are very low tuned growls that give death metal what it really needs to earn its well deserved name.  I like when they do play tracks in mid-tempos, then, music speaks more to me in the form of sounds that suit me better, which is what the band serves on this album quite often. The songs are in style of both - brutal and slammy death metal (tracks 2,3,4,6...) in which Mouldered seems quite comfortable as a band. The album has many moments where the sound-wall is crushing like a beast and they mix it with fast death metal, which is where you can hear little guitar tapping a-la Cannibal Corpse at some points. They also play some fine blast beats to speed up process of head-banging with the flow of the music, which takes only 20 minutes of good-music- time to do so. Mouldered is balancing different paces for their songs which is something that they do very well. I also think that technical bass variations (usually more suitable for bands like Cryptopsy) that they occasionally melt into songs are fresh breath of quality for the songs.

It`s very death metal album and there is nothing more to it. The strength of the album are very interesting ideas that make this album, a brutal epitome of music. And of course, as brutal as this album comes first, nothing melodic off this record can harm your fan`s extreme ego.


I recommend Chronology Of A Rotten Mind for people who have no mercy for themselves but they actually would like the music for what it is, which for this release, is a death metal decency.




Краткость - сестра таланта, как известно, но в случае с сабжем, хочется спросить: неужели настолько? Дебют этих колумбийцев длится почти 21 минут, причем это полноценный альбом. Хотя с другой стороны, упомянутой поговорке он не противоречит. В последнее время южно-американский брутальный экстрим стал в большой степени формализованным и шаблонным конструктором. Т.е. у каждой тамошней группы вроде бы есть свой стиль и лицо, но все они действуют по давно известным калькам, просто собирая материал из кусков, и это прекрасно слышно. Взять тех же Internal Suffering, которые несмотря на всю их бескомпромиссность и брутальность очень предсказуемы, пусть и очень хороши, но это скорее в силу своего опыта. У Mouldered вроде бы те же грабли, но здесь свою роль сыграла именно краткость. Смешав в своих 8 треках качевый слэмчик, немного техно-дэта в духе Sadus и Dying Fetus и даже обычного олдового дэт-металла наши колумбийцы просто не успели ошаблониться и пуститься в самоповтор, выдав в меру разнообразный и интересный материал, от которого минимально веет тем самым конструктором. Запиши они 40-минутный альбом, степень крутости альбома явно бы пострадала. А так получился пусть и не крышесносящий и в чем-то весьма стереотипный для европейского слушателя релиз, но слушать "Chronology Of A Rotten Mind" очень приятно. Альбом за свои скромные 20 минут просто не успевает наскучить, даже если его прогнать 2-3 раза подряд. Хотя на 4-й начинает приедаться.

