. Satanath Records

Reviews: SAT143

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Malamorte  are  a  band  from  Italy  that  plays  an  occult  form  of  black  metal and  this  is  a  review  of  their  2016  album  "Devilish  Illusions"  which was  released  as  a  joint  effort  between  Satanath  Records  and  Murdher  Records.

A  very dark  and  ritualistic  synth  starts  off  the  album  and  also  gives  the  recording  more  of  an  avant  garde  feeling  and  after  the  intro  the  music goes  into  a  very  fast  and  raw  black  metal  direction t hat  also  utilizes  a  great  amount  of  tremolo  picking,  blast  beats  and  grim  screams  while also having  a  good  amount  of  melody.

A  lot  of  second  wave  elements  can  be  heard  in  the  music  and  all  of  the  musical  instruments  have  a  very  powerful  sound  to  them  and  the solos  and  leads  also  use  a  great  amount  of  melody  and  throughout  the  recording  you can  hear  a  great  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast parts  and  synths  also  make  a return  in  certain  sections  of  the  recording.

At  times  the  songs  bring  in  the  atmosphere  atmosphere  of  either  an  old  King  Diamond  or  Mercyful  Fate  recording  and  some  of  the  riffing  also brings  in  a  catchy  80's  metal  vibe  at  times  and  clean  playing  along  with  whispers  can also  be  heard  briefly  as  well as  a  small  amount  of spoken word  parts  and  some  of  the  tracks  are  very  long  and  epic  in  length.  

Malmorte  plays  a  style  of  occult  black  metal  that  is  very  raw  and  old  school  while  also  being  ritualistic  at  times  and  adding  in  influences  of 80's  metal  which  makes  the  music  stand  out  a  but  more,  the  production  sounds  very raw  yet  heavy  at  the  same  time  while  the  lyrics  cover Luciferian,  Occultism  and  Left  Hand  Path  themes.

In  my  opinion  Malamorte  are  a  very  great  sounding  raw  and  old  school  occult  black  metal  band  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre, you  should  check  out  this  album.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Devilish  Illusions"  "Possession"  and  "Lucifer's  Rebellion".


Malamorte was formed as a side-project of musical mastermind Alex Nunziati, who has been with other bands such as Nailed God, Cain and Shadowreign, to name a few. They released their debut album back in 2014, and now a couple years down the line, they’re back with their new album, Devilish Illusions. This is an album that is expressive and beautifully written, with every small detail thought out from the placement of guitar solos and drum patterns, to the sound effects placed in some of the tracks.

The album starts off with ‘Maleficium I’ which is an intro filled with electronic medleys of music that kick-start the second track. ‘Devilish Illusions’ follows through with raw vocals and hard-hitting drums, a track that is filled with fast and catchy riffs. Throughout the track dark and heavier melodies replace the faster ones to create a more “doom” sound while managing to keep the black metal sound through the vocals. A track that is heavy and raw with dark atmosphere surrounding it, and fuelled by the drums from the get-go in an explosively energetic piece of music.

‘Pactum’ is the third track on the album. Slow heavy riffs meet with fast drums and as the track progresses, slower and heavier riffs continue through instrumentals creating a track of depth and rawness which is powered through a Hellish vocal style.

Following ‘Pactum’ the fourth track ‘Dark Clouds on Golgotha’ is another catchy track on the album filled with fast riffs, thunderous drums and with dark vocals and even darker lyrics. It is a track filled with melodies from the guitars that are both heavy and beautifully written. The track ends with the placement of thunderstorm sound effects to create a dark and heavy atmosphere that helps express the track in all of its dark beauty.

‘Maleficium II’ is an instrumental track that uses a xylophone, and gives an interesting introduction to ‘Possession.’ ‘Possession’ itself is a powerful and dark track where a heavy battery meets raw and dark voices. A track that sounds heavier and darker due to the build-up from ‘Maleficium II’ with catchy lyrics, that has been beautifully executed. It also has changes in the tempo of the guitars, and at some points the vocals are not more than mere whispers, giving the track a very unique feel, one completed with the addition of church bell sound effects at the end.

‘Malamorte’ is the seventh track on the album and has more of a symphonic sound to it, mixed with the sound of a piano, and vocals that make the track almost sound demonic. Heavy vocals soon take over with the piano melody continuing throughout. It is another track on the album that is easy to fall in love with that again is both catchy with a raw sound.

‘Devoted to Self-Destruction’ again is another instrumental track with more of a thrash metal sound to it. ‘Lucifer’s Rebellion’ follows in a dark and heavy melody of riffs. Another beautifully written track that has been pulled off in spectacular fashion by the band. The album ends in a mysterious way with a symphonic way is ‘Maleficium III’.

A beautiful album that has so much to give, where heavy metal meets the sound of something much more raw and heavy in perfect collaboration. An excellent album.


Nach einer EP aus dem Jahre 2014 legen die Römer ihre erste Langrille vor und da ist das Intro „Maleficium I“ schon auf satanisch getrimmt und dann soll es bei dem titelstück auch anständig scheppern. Aber das Gute daran ist, dass MALAMORTE nicht nur auf Raserei wie zu Beginn bedacht sind, sondern auch mal so extrem abbremsen, dass man knapp vor dem Doom Sektor zum Stehen kommt und zudem im Mid Tempo auch ein paar Elemente des klassischen Metals hören kann. Mit „Pactum“ wird erst mal viel Wert auch Atmosphäre gelegt, das Stück gestaltet sich sehr verspielt und hat auf seine eigene Art und Weise auch was hypnotisches an sich und auch die düsteren, mit akustischen Einschüben untermalten Stellen kommen gut rüber. Mit „Dark Clouds on Golgotha“ könnte man sagen, dass sich die Italiener hier auf stampfenden Heavy / Black Metal festgelegt haben, der aber auch voller Facetten wie Prügelei und beklemmendem Spiel steckt. „Maleficium II“ ist nur ein ganz kurzer, auf Horror getrimmter Zwischenspieler, dem „Possession“ folgt, das eine ganze Weile sich im Black / Heavy Mid Tempo aufhält, doch plötzlich wird es rasend und durch das ganze Stück ziehen sich diese frostigen Riffs, die für den mystischen Part auch akustisch gespielt werden. „Malamorte“ ist erst mit einem Horror Flair ausgestattet und es gesellen sich immer wieder diese mystischen Key Töne mit in das drückende Spiel mit ein, auf Raserei wird hier für die Atmosphäre gänzlich verzichtet und es steigert sich ab und an nur ein wenig hoch ins Up Tempo. „Devoted to Self-Destruction“ hört sich an vielen Stellen an, als wäre Lemmy zum Black Metal gewechselt und so dauert es auch nicht lang, bis die Italiener volle Kanne ein Gaballere raus hauen, das sich gut mit diesen dreckigen, rotzigen Passagen duellieren. Mit „Lucifer's Rebellion“ sind könnten die Tempowechsel nicht besser in Szene gesetzt sein, Raserei und schleppende Kriecherei sind genau so auf dem Plan wie Venom artiges Mid Tempo, dem „Maleficium III“ als Ambient Outro folgt.

MALAMORTE lassen mit der Platte schon mal nicht schlecht aufhorchen, ein paar Baustellen sind auch sicherlich noch vorhanden, aber im Großen und Ganzen sind die Italiener schon so gut, dass 7 von 10 Punkten durchaus drin sind.


El primer trabajo de estos italianos después de su EP sacado hace dos años nos regala lo que se podría denominar como un Black Metal que no escatima en tiempo, busca llegar al oído de los fanáticos del genero obscuro enseguida sin introducciones aburridas, atmosféricas, melódicas o en todo caso épicas. Malamorte nos regala un Black Metal puro que nos recuerda a las bandas de la vieja escuela, es agresivo, es veloz y es crudo.

Su primer disco “Devillish Ilusions” tiene todo lo anterior mencionado y es claro que estos muchachos saben lo que hacen porque el material es tan preciso como medicina en una aguja, como dije antes su velocidad y crudeza hace entre al corazón de todos aquellos amantes del Black. Algo que también manejan estos italianos son ligeros toques Heavy en cuanto a la velocidad en algunos segmentos de guitarra y el Death también está presente en este material, los cambios abruptos del genero Black-Death podrían confundir a los que aún no saben distinguir ambos géneros pero esto solo le da un toque más veloz y brutal a su más reciente disco.

Si detestan a esas bandas que “endulzan” el Black Metal como al café negro con crema y azúcar (toque melódicos, arreglos sinfónicos u orquestales o sonidos atmosféricos) entonces esta banda promete darles lo que están buscando, debo admitir que los temas titulados “Maleficium I,II,II” son meramente instrumentales pero son para crear algo de tensión en estos preludios que tiene el disco pero aun así son bastante buenos y no le quitan el poder al disco ni al genero mismo.

Recomendado al 100% para quienes buscan un Black Metal crudo.


Malamorte est le side project d’Alex “LV” Nunziati (Lord Vampyr, Cain, Nailed God, Shadowsreign, Sepolcrum, VII Arcano, Theatres des Vampires) qu’il a fondé en 2009.

Après un premier EP « The Fall of Babylon » (2014) sorti chez Cold Raw Records (pour le CD) et chez Hell Division Productions (pour le format cassette), les Italiens nous envoient leur premier album full length sorti chez Satanath Records et Murdher Records.

Enregistré, mixé et masteries par SK (qui tient aussi basse, guitares et programmations) au Dogmate’s Studio entre juin et septembre 2015, “Devilish illusions” propose dix titres d’un black metal à tendance heavy très influencé à la fois par Deathspell Omega, Mutiilation, Lugubrum et par Mercyful Fate / King Diamond.

Sorte d’opéra horrifique, l’album regorge d’ambiances malsaines : d’entrée, “Maleficium I” plante le décor : une nappe de synthé très sombre, ténébreuse avant que s’enchaîne le titre éponyme avec un black metal très cru sorti tout droit des années 90. Ça blaste tout azimut et le chant haineux survient lorsque les rythmes s’alourdissent.S’ensuit une accélération à nous coller au siège, à grands renforts de blast beat intenses.

Plus heavy avec des lignes de guitares proches de Mercyful Fate, “Pactum” nous oppresse de bien belle façon avec une rythmique très lourd à l’ambiance très sombre.

“Dark clouds on Golgotha”, lui, se rapprochera un peu plus d’un Bathory époque “The return” / “Under the sign of the black mark” avec un long passage lancinant avec quelques dissonances, juste coupé par une courte accélération en guise de break.

“Maleficum II” annonce une deuxième partie d’album sur fond de bruits d’orages et “Possession” peut commencer. Ambiance horrifique à la King Diamond époque “Them” lors de l’intro avec ce son de boîte à musique, on revient à un black metal au mid tempo bien heavy lorsque la musique reprend ses droits.

Le morceau est truffé de breaks, les soli sont dissonants histoire de maintenir l’auditeur sous pression : le tout sonne malsain au possible !

“Malamorte” débute par une intro mystérieuse aux claviers de Presque deux minutes avant qu’un black metal low tempo sur lequel se greffent des notes de piano ne donne une sensation suffocante à l’auditeur.

Sorte de rituel macabre un rien teinté de gothique, le morceau voit un break au piano donner encore plus de profondeur à l’ensemble…

“Devoted to self-destruction” s’ensuit et c’est un titre de black metal bien cru et très rapide du début à la fin qui déboule à vitesse grand V, contrastant avec les ambiances générales de l’album.

“Lucifer’s rebellion”, lui, revient à l’ambiance de “Dark clouds on Golgotha” alternant avec un déferlement de black metal rapide et violent

“Maleficium III” cloture l’album sur quelques minutes d’ambiances mystérieuses aux claviers.

Old school, occulte, malsain, horrifique : “Devilish illusions” est une belle petite œuvre à se mettre entre les oreilles histoire de se raconter des histoires à faire peur la nuit !

Belle Pioche pour Satanath Records que d’avoir signé les Italiens de Malamorte qui nous ont sorti un album de black metal horrifique influence par le heavy metal, truffé d’arrangements qui donnent un réel relief à un ensemble d’une vraie richesse.

Une belle réussite !


Lord Vampyr zou je kunnen kennen van Theatres Des Vampires. In deze band heeft hij geruime tijd de zang verzorgd en is hij tot 2004 gitarist geweest. Toen deze Italiaan uit de betreffende band vertrok, is hij zeker niet stil gaan zitten, want hij startte datzelfde jaar zijn eigen band op en noemde die simpelweg Lord Vampyr. Deze band bevat net zoals Theatres Des Vampires een hoop gothic invloeden, maar blijkbaar begonnen de blackmetalroots te jeuken, want met Malamorte is het zwartgallig metaal wat de klok slaat.

Devilisch Illusions is, in tegenstelling tot wat de lelijke albumhoes doet vermoeden, absoluut geen plaat geworden met gotische elementen. Wat de luisteraar voornamelijk op zijn bord geworpen krijgt, is black metal van de oude school in de stijl van de oude Darkthrone met de black 'n' rol invloeden van Carpathian Forest. Heel af en toe is er ruimte voor keyboards, maar dit gebeurt dusdanig spaarzaam dat het enkel de ambiance extra kleurt in plaats van verziekt. De zang van Lord Vampyr houdt het midden tussen Nattefrost en Erik Danielsson van Watain en klinkt ontzettend bruut en verstaanbaar.

Malamorte is wat mij betreft de absolute knaller van dit album. Het is een sloom, pompend en vooral hard nummer met een lekker ritme en ruimte voor een angstaanjagend pianostuk in het midden. De gitaarpartijen zijn doomy en worden gedragen door een keyboardpartij die subtiel doorsijpelt in het geheel. Een track die kippenvel bezorgt.

Devilish Illusions is een zeer fraai album geworden met heel veel traditionele black metal in een zeer fris jasje. Een absolute aanrader voor liefhebbers van de latere Urgehal, Carpathian Forest en Darkthrone.


Esordio sulla lunga distanza per Malamorte (l’ep di debutto, “The Fall Of Babylon”, era uscito nel 2014), band capitanata dal romano Lord Vampyr (al secolo Alessandro Nunziati), personaggio piuttosto attivo nell’underground nostrano e già in Nailed God, Cain e, appunto, Lord Vampyr. “Devilish Illusions” è un lavoro piuttosto interessante perché unisce ad un tessuto black metal suggestioni heavy classiche ed un feeling orrorifico che lo avvicinano pericolosamente alla tradizione del metallo occulto italiano. Il rituale ha inizio con un’oscura intro di synth, che esplode ben presto nella title track, canzone che fin da subito mette in chiaro gli intenti bellicosi del nostro: unire le trame e le strutture tipiche del black metal più ortodosso ad elementi melodici ed a stacchi più catchy senza tuttavia mai scadere nella banalità plastificata di un sound facilotto. Pur non trattandosi di un vero e proprio concept album, i pezzi rivelano un andamento narrativo che li pone nella scia di bands quali vecchi Mercyful Fate e King Diamond (“Dark Clouds On Golgotha”, “Possession” e “Lucifer’s Rebellion” sono un esempio lampante di quanto appena detto). Si parlava poco sopra dell’influenza della scuola dell’occult metal italico: ed è sufficiente ascoltare la veloce ed incazzata “Devoted To Self-Destruction” per intuire quanto il progetto Malamorte paghi un significativo pegno ai Mortuary Drape, padri indiscussi di questo filone così apprezzato all’estero (ed inspiegabilmente molto meno in patria). Tra i condizionamenti stilistici, più o meno consapevoli, citerei anche Abhor e Diabolical Masquerade, indimenticato side project di sua maestà Dan Swanö. Paragoni (inevitabili) a parte, “Devilish Illusions” può considerarsi un album dotato di propria personalità, capace di coinvolgere l’ascoltatore e di trasportarlo piacevolmente in un’atmosfera musicale ottantiana, senza peraltro rinunciare ad un’oncia di aggressività ed impatto, anche grazie ad una registrazione davvero potente ed in grado di esaltare ogni singolo strumento. Gradevole sorpresa ed ascolto certamente consigliato a tutti gli amanti di questo genere di sonorità.


Italy is known for many things like its delicious food, beautiful sights and wonderful history. In the darkest depths of Rome it’s become an unholy breeding ground for black metal project Malamorte and their lethal weapon ‘Devilish Illusions’ that will give you nearly forty minutes of misery and despair. In terms of black metal that’s a compliment.

Malamorte are a black metal project that were started up Alessandro Nunziati, who has also appeared with bands such as Lord Vampyr, Cain and Theatres des Vampires. This was born in 2009 and they released their first album ‘The Fall Of Babylon’ on CD and on tape in 2014. It has been stated by the band themselves that the name Malamorte was another word for the plague, this makes a great deal of logical sense as the moment you start to listen you don’t want to listen to anything else.

‘Devilish Illusions’ is a brutal yet beautiful record that contains carnage, mayhem and destruction; this is what one can expect on a Malamorte record. For those who want to start listening to black metal, alongside bands such as Dimmu Borgir and Emperor, this record would be a great place to start. Each track is short and sweet; they contain all the elements of black metal from the high pitched screaming and rapid guitars to the sombreness and ambient music.

A great example of this can be found on the track ‘Possession’.  It starts in an aggressive manner with up tempo beats, rapid shredding and high pitched screams, then it softly transitions into a sombre, ambient track with a soft guitar riff and amibient sound effects. Not forgetting the church bell at the end, this is ironic giving that Malamorte’s themes are often about satanic horror. Another highlight on the album is the track ‘Malamorte’ as it balances the softness and aggression perfectly; its abstract use of the piano with the usual brutalities of black metal creates a beautiful fusion.

‘Devilish Illusions’ show us that you can find beauty in the darkest of places. It’s nearly forty minutes of misery and despair but it’s hauntingly mesmerising.


Italian blackmetallers released first full-length album. This stuff is very raw, I hear there not only black metal but some elements of underground punk rock and coldwave from 80th which I know from underground Polish bands of the time. I do not suppose, however, that the musicians hiding under pseudonyms SK (just for sessions) and Lord Vampyr (btw. Malamorte is a side project of him) know punk/coldwave stage from my country so I think the severity and specific melody sounds of Malamorte has different sources, he, he... I’m not a big fan of typical blackmetal but I listened „Devilish Illusions” with great satisfaction and a pleasant surprise. This is a powerfully/raw but melodic black metal closer to old Darkthrone or the beginnings of Impaled Nazarene than e.g. Burzum or other nihilistic sounds. A staple of all here are three parts entitled "Maleficium": the first is at the same time dark ambient intro, 2nd is a short solo played on school cymbals and 3rd is a strange sounds compilation stylized on old black and white fantasy movie soundtrack. 7th track called „Malamorte” is started as dark-ambient-coldwave song stylized on Joy Division and ended as typical raw black metal piece. In summary - Malamute is at any rate an unconventional idea to revitalize blackmetal and L.V. has my respect for this album.


Malamorte are a (new) project by Alessandro ‘Lord Vampyr’ Nunziati, known (currently or previously) from bands and projects such as Theatres Des Vampires, Cain, Shadowsreign, Sepolcrum, Lord Vampyr and some more. It started when Alessandro wrote and recorded some material in 2009, but that stuff wasn’t released until 2014 officially (as The Fall Of Babylon, via the semi-cult label Cold Raw Records; on December 27th 2014 we uploaded the review that I did for this EP). Malamorte now return with the first full length, called Devilish Illusions, on which Lord Vampyr aka L.V. was assisted by his Shadowsreign-colleague Sk once again. Everything was engineered, mixed and mastered by Sk at the Dogmate’s Studio during Summer 2015 (note: the Lord took care of the initial production). The result lasts for thirty-eight minutes, and it comes with artwork that surely corresponds to the Music.

I can be quite short, directive about this one. After a minimally droning / ambient introduction, Malamorte reveal their true identity, focusing on a somewhat groovy, quite modern and experimental form of (old styled) Thrash / Heavy Metal oriented Black Metal. The fine equilibrium in between the origins of the scene (Malamorte’s basic structures indeed go back to the glory days of the Second Wave tradition) and a Post-injected execution (the dissonance of the newer current more than often prevails) is a great element that characterises this album; more than before this balance is prominently present, I think. Still there is a certain catchiness in both song writing and performance, but seen the strength of the final result, this element does not bother (me).

Yeah, surely there are lots of more convincing acts around nowadays. And I think this might be a pity, for there is an overload on great material going on lately (f*cking bad stuff too, unfortunately), and therefor this specific effort might get lost in oblivion. But then again, it would be a pity if this material does not get some promotion, or at least some attention, for it surely has a couple of splendid ideas as well (besides the predictable and ‘evident’ details) – Possession or Dark Clouds On Golgotha, for example, are monsters for sure! So, no matter if there is so much material available right now; one cannot ignore the fine experience that is called Devilish Illusions. Personally I did appreciate this album more time after time when I did listen to it, for there is quite some bravery to experience. Just deny the ‘sweet’ details that do dwell around, for actually this recording is an example of the bridge in between the elite of the scene, and an upcoming, possibly new-born ‘true’ crowd as well? Purist might disagree (then again, why should you) and youngsters that seek for something ‘extreme’ will leave because of the adult ideas. So, don’t just ignore this effort, for there are really great ideas going on. Especially within the faster pieces (cf. a composition like Devoted To Self-Destruction) one cannot ignore the glory of old styled f*ckin’ mad Speed / Thrash / Black / Heavy Metal grandeur, then again…

No, let’s keep it simple:

@ Malamorte: go on, continue, but delve deeper in order to find your own, specific, characteristic identity – at least you’ve my (mental, for what it’s worth) support to do so!

@ audience: I know there is quite a lot going on lately (with indeed an overload on releases, amongst witch, sorry, which many splendid ones), but I feel a sense of glory yet to come. Keep this band’s name in mind, for I foresee a bright future…


Lord Vampyr hat sich schon in verschiedensten Projekten versucht, den Erfolg für seine beharrliche Arbeit aber bislang nicht ernten können. Bei CAIN und THEATRES DES VAMPIRES scheiterte er vor allem an der theatralischen Darbietung, die seine Bands als schwache CRADLE OF FILTH-Plagiate enden ließen. NAILED GOD und SHADOWREIGN versprachen da schon mehr, aber auch mit diesen Acts konnte sich Vampyr alias Alex Nunziati nicht etablieren. Nun folgt mit MALAMORTE der nächste Versuch, der im zweiten Anlauf jedoch wesentlich konstruktiver aufgebaut zu sein scheint als all das, was der Lord in den vergangenen beiden Jahrzehnten auf die Beine gestellt hat. Ein wenig Horror-Flair ist zwar auch diesmal fester Bestandteil des klanglichen Konzeptes, aber beim Songwriting geht die neue Truppe wesentlich fokussierter ans Werk, schreibt einfach kompakteres Material und hat beste Chancen, auch außerhalb des italienischen Undergrounds endlich mal auf etwas mehr Aufmerksamkeit zu stoßen.

Was von den älteren Projekten übrig geblieben ist, sind die melodischen Ansätze, die hier aber wesentlich dosierter auftreten und das Gesamtwerk nicht voluminösser gestalten, als es schlussendlich sein muss. Gerade im mittleren Teil von "Devilish Illusions" trifft man gerne mal auf einige quasi-Hooklines, jedoch werden diese von genügend Aggressivität vorangetrieben und nicht zum wichtigsten Punkt der jeweiligen Stücke erklärt. Eindringlicher Stoff wie 'Dark Clouds On Golgotha' und 'Devoted To Self-Destruction' zeugen von der musikalischen Weiterentwicklung des Chefakteurs. Nichtsdestotrotz liegt ihm aber die hintergründige Atmosphäre immer noch sehr am Herzen, weshalb einzelne Interludien in den Fluss der Songs gestreut werden, die diesen aber nicht weiter stören. Die 'Maleficium'-Trilogie ist mehr als nur Ergänzung, sondern ein wichtiger Baustein einer Platte, die sich von den typisch-italienischen Black-Metal-Klischees auf angenehme Weise freischwimmt und der Theatralik endgültig Lebewohl sagt.

Zweifelsohne hat Lord Vampyr hier seine beste Arbeit abgeliefert, und es wäre ihm zu wünschen, dass er an diesem Punkt seiner Karriere endlich mal den Schritt nach vorne macht. MALAMORTE und "Devilish Illusions" haben nämlich das Zeug dazu, der finsteren Pasta-Szene wieder einen deutlichen Stempel aufzudrücken und ihren zweifelhaften Ruf aufzupolieren!


If we put together the Italian words “mala” and “morte” and translate them to English, the final result would be the simple but macabre expression “bad death”. Based in the historic city of Rome, Italy, Black/Heavy Metal project Malamorte returns from its ominous crypt to ensure our death is as bad as possible, haunting our souls with more of its creepy and theatrical music inspired by the iconic King Diamond and his Mercyful Fate with a Black Metal twist, this time enfolded as a brand new opus entitled Devilish Illusions.

Although this side project by Alessandro “Alex” Nunziati, best known as Lord Vampyr and the mastermind behind several metal acts like Lord Vampyr, Cain, Nailed God, Shadowsreign, Sepolcrum, VII Arcano and Theatres des Vampires, was founded back in 2009, it was only in 2014 that the debut EP The Fall of Babylon was released. However, after the great feedback received from fans and critics, Lord Vampyr (or in the case of Malamorte, only L.V.) decided it was time to provide the world another blast of his dark compositions in 2016, supported by Italian musician SK on guitars, bass and programming.

Heavily inspired by cult horror movies and the freakish atmosphere by Mercyful Fate, the intro Maleficium I will give you the chills before the title-track Devilish Illusions explodes into extreme and obscure music. L.V. sounds like an inhuman entity on vocals, with his guitar riffs blending traditional Heavy Metal with Black Metal (and even Thrash Metal elements can be noticed in this metallic devastation). After that promising start, dissonant guitar lines kick off the hellish composition named Pactum, slower but still vile and dense. It seems like L.V. is eager to drag us to a dark den and use us for a black magic ritual, with the wolves howling (or maybe tortured souls) in the background being truly disorienting, exactly what L.V. wants us to feel inside our minds.

In the powerful Dark Clouds On Golgotha, which by the way has a beautiful name for a song, its guitars and rhythm lean towards old school Heavy Metal from the 80’s, with its keyboards and drums adding a lot of flavor to it. I’m sure L.V. and his electrified performance on vocals, sounding even more demonic than usual, will put you to bang your head nostop, before the short bridge Maleficium II and its creepy piano notes introduce you to the following track, named Possession.  This high-end Extreme Metal tune displays a similar sonority to “Dark Clouds On Golgotha”, which seems to be where this project truly thrives. In addition to that, not only guest musician SK is an excellent multi-instrumentalist who significantly enhances the level of energy in the music, but the raw sounding presented in this case effectively keeps the musicality on the dark side for our total delight.

mal-bandThe title-track Malamorte keeps up with the vileness found in the rest of the album, starting with a wicked intro with some interesting piano notes and background voices that after a while turns into modern extreme music, blending elements of Black, industrial and Symphonic Metal. There are even some distorted piano notes, which together with some boisterous riffs guide this ode to dementia. Now imagine if Motörhead went Black Metal with hints of Thrash Metal? This is the interesting mixture you’ll get in the amazing high-speed tune Devoted To Self-Destruction, a nonstop sonic demolition perfect for live performances exhibiting guitar riffs and solos inspired by icons such as Slayer and Megadeth, but with a Rock N’ Roll vibe.

And there’s still time for another devilish duo of compositions by Malamorte, entitled Lucifer’s Rebellion and Maleficium III. The first takes the musicality back to the band’s more traditional approach, with its blast beats and deranged growls transpiring obscurity, not to mention its straightforward main message (Hail Lucifer!) and its abrupt and demonic ending; while the closing track is an outro where the initial gathering of background noises return one final time to haunt our sinful souls.

The world of Malamorte can be further explored on Facebook and ReverbNation, and Devilish Illusions is available for sale at the Murdher Records’ webstore and at the Satanath Records’ webstore or BandCamp. May the dark clouds of Black and Heavy Metal by Malamorte cast a shadow over all of us, and may we all sense their ominous energy penetrating our souls and disfiguring our minds.

Best moments of the album: Dark Clouds On Golgotha, Possession and Devoted To Self-Destruction.

Worst moments of the album: Pactum.


Italian act with former Theatres des Vampires frontman Alessandro Nunziati (then going by the pseudo of “Lord Vampyr”).

As one might expect from the leading light behind the Vampyrisme through Nightbreed of Macabria-era Theatres, this is a modern black metal act, but with some quirky theatrical if not symphonic leanings.

It’s a very Italian sound in all its oddness, vaguely hearkening to earlier Cradle of Filth or even a touch of (generally overproduced and keyboard-sporting) later 90’s Nordic black metal acts like Dimmu, Ancient or Emperor, but still bearing that nasty, more idiosyncratic occult vibe you get with bands like Mortuary Drape or Death SS.

That noted, the overall sound is more listenable and melodious (though not exactly “melodic” in any appreciable respect) than most of the aforementioned touchpoints in that respect, and you can stretch somewhat to liken the feel and even some of the riffing style to bands like (earlier) Bulldozer or some ersatz BM take on Black Hole. It’s reaching, to be sure, but if you can hear what I’m trying to say here, that should give a fuller picture of just how Italian the sound ultimately is.

I dug it, and while I do have a soft spot for his Theatres work, that band seemed to really come into its own as a more melodic gothic-vampire affair under Sonya Scarlet after his departure, and Malamorte is, in all honesty, a stronger black metal act than his era of Theatres ever was.

If you have a taste for the peculiarities of Italian black metal (with a slight but far from obnoxious gothic-symphonic orientation peppering the mix), you could do a hell of a lot worse than this.

Props to the veteran’s snazzy new cruise.


Based in Rome, Italy, this is the second release from blackened heavy metaller Malamorte and the first full length album. Coming out on Satanath Records, another label with a reputation for high quality shit, this is also marked for fans of King Diamond and Mercyful Fate. I’m in so far…

The eerie ‘Maleficium I’ opens with buzzing ambience, before the blasting title track comes roaring in. If I’m honest, I’m not getting a lot of the Mercyful Fate or King Diamond link that the press release suggested, but there is definitely some weird occult noises appearing from behind solid black metal. There is a vintage heavy metal vibe lurking in there too, but this is a bit more Mayhem than the King etc.

That is in no way to come across as a bad thing. I’m in a bit of a black metal kick at the moment, and the icy riffs that spill out of tracks like the superb ‘Possession’ are excellent. The eponymous ‘Malamorte’ track is a looming, horror infected track with a killer underlying riff pattern. ‘Devilish Illusions’ is a solid black metal album, with a couple of heavy metal licks and a gloomy, occult atmosphere pervading each song. Enjoyable if not mind blowing, I look forward to hearing more!


Malamorte es el proyecto paralelo de Lord Vampyr, éste es el pseudónimo de Alessandro Nunziati, un multinstrumentalista romano de cuarenta y tres años de edad. Tiene mucha experiencia acumulada sobre sus espaldas: Theatres Des Vampires, Cain, Nailed God, Lord Vampyr…etc.

malamorte 2Es un proyecto paralelo a la carrera de este músico creado en el 2009 y que retomó este año con estos diez temas nuevos, un proyecto donde se quiere dar un gusto, practica un metal revival con toque Black, haciendo referencias constantes a los más grandes.

Maleficium I es una Intro que tan solo se encarga de introducir la atmósfera, el peso compositivo queda todo para Devilish Illusions, aceleraciones de Black raw metal que recuerdan mucho a la primera etapa de Burzum y pasajes de Black/Doom de lo más clásico, buen arranque. Pactum es el tercer corte de este buen trabajo. De nuevo se decanta por una atmósfera cargada y unos riffs de black and roll antes de pasarse al Black metal más oscuro y teatral, con todo el sabor del universo nórdico.

Dark Clouds on Golgotha sigue la buena estela. Os decía antes que este músico quería darse el gusto de hacer algo revival, y éste es el mejor ejemplo. Un tema con numerosos cambios de ritmo y aires de Heavy metal oscuro, que te hacen soñar con Mercyful Fate, Halloween, Ripper y bandas obsesionadas con el legado de los Venom y los Black Sabbath, por supuesto también habría que citar a los Death SS.

Maleficium II es una Intro de quince segundos de duración que sirve para presentar a Possession, un corte muy oscuro y más veloz, donde nos encontramos de nuevo con un Black Metal de manual, tirando a lo nórdico y con similitud con los Darkthrone, Burzum y los Pest.

Malamorte es el tema más largo de todo el álbum, tiene una duración de seis minutos. La batería en este trabajo es programada, de eso se encarga SK, un colaborador habitual de Lord Vampyr, hace un buen trabajo. Este tema tiene una intro con ritmos tribales a la batería programada y con un trabajo de piano y sintetizadores tan oscuro que es imposible no acordarse de Death SS y Mercyful Fate. La arrancada es espartana, cruel y cruda, sin lugar a dudas es uno de los momentos top del álbum. Un Black metal que si bien no añade nada nuevo, suena 100% puro.

Devoted to Self Destruction es un tema con encanto y que además aporta algo diferente al álbum. Ese toque speedico y punk que tanto necesitaba este trabajo. Lucifer’s Rebellion apuesta por una atmósfera tan oscura como épica, a golpe de redobles de batería y riffs lentos, algo que te hacen mucho las bandas italianas. Cerramos con Maleficium III, es una mezcla entre atmósfera revival ochenterera y Black metal, que es precisamente lo que nos encontramos en este álbum.

Básicamente éste es un álbum de Black Metal con momentos puntuales de Black/Punk, Black and roll, Black/Doom con las referencias básicas de toda la vida como los Bulldozer, Bathory, Venom, Mercyful Fate, Death SS… pero básicamente es un álbum de black metal de estilo nórdico, sin grandes momentos, pero muy sólido y entretenido.



Two-man-band italiana de black metal que depois do EP lançado em 2014 chega aqui ao seu álbum de estreia. Os homens por trás deste projecto são Lord Vampyr, uma figura activa no underground italiano da música extrema onde participa e mais quatro projectos e SK (com quem partilha e partilhou alguns desses projectos), portanto aquilo que é obrigatório perguntar é... "o que é que "Devilish Illusions" apresenta de diferente em relação a todos os outros projectos dos seus membros? Não temos uma resposta concreta mas o que nos parece é que aqui o foco é mesmo no black metal mais ortodoxo, embora existam aqui alguns pormenores que não encaixem bem nessa teoria.


No que diz respeito aos riffs, sem dúvida que estão de acordo com os requisitos necessários do género mas o uso dos teclados e das ambiências de sintetizador acabam por colocar outras hipóteses em cima da mesa, tais como o black metal melódico, sem chegar a ser propriamente sinfónico. Seja como for, e rótulos aparte as músicas em si, e apesar da estranheza, acabam por ter o efeito desejado, embora fique-se um pouco com a ideia de que por vezes este duo se perca um pouco pelas deambulações ambientais. Um nome que nos surge, embora não seja propriamente uma influência, são os noruegueses Ancient.


No que ao black metal diz respeito, esta obra poderá ter alguma dificuldade em agradar os fãs mais fiéis aos atributos herméticos do género, mas ainda assim tem potencial suficiente para garantir um bom par de audições a quem gosta do seu black metal cru e algo primitivo mas ainda assim com alguns pormenores de sintetizador que garantem uma atmosfera extra, mais densa - algo que não resulta a 100%, admitimos (ouvir "Malamorte"). Interessante estreia, mas ficamos a aguardar por algo mais sólido e impressionante.





Italiani sin dal nome, i Malamorte tentano di cominciare seriamente la propria carriera dopo l’EP di due anni fa. Ecco quindi che dopo un classica intro che più Black non si può, si passa alla prima vera e propria traccia. E qui cominciano le sorprese. Perché la traccia comincia come una canzone degli ultimi Darkthrone per poi virare in inserti decisamente Doom. Il cantante sa osare quel cantato in parte recitato tipico della voce dei Mayhem, con effetti più che positivi. Insomma, l’album parte col botto. Ascoltando pio il resto del platter si scopre che l’intero album si muove sulla falsariga della prima traccia, pigiando di volta in volta sulla facciata Thrash piuttosto che quella Doom piuttosto che quella atmosferica. Cosa che mi ha piacevolmente colpito è il risalto dato alla parte ritmica e soprattutto al basso. Le chitarre sono molto rock e old school, mentre la voce è la vera protagonista dell’opera, capace di coinvolgere l’ascoltatore e di mostrare molte sfaccettature, come del resto fa l’album nella sua interezza. Un’ottimo inizio quello dei Malamorte, capaci di giocare con i vari generi senza mai sfociare nel banale o nel già sentito. Voto quasi pieno.





Malamorte spielen Black Metal und das tun sie bereits seit 2009. Jetzt, nach immerhin 7 Jahren erscheint mit „Devilish Illusions“ das Debüt-Album der jungen Italiener, das bereits duch sein Artwork auffällt und Lust auf mehr macht. Dazu gesellt sich die bandeigene Genrebezeichnung „Satanic Horror Horror Black Metal“ und das Werben mit King Diamond meets Black Metal.


Das Album beinhaltet 10 Songs, wovon 7 dem Black Metal zuzuordnen sind, und jeweils eins am Anfang, der Mitte und am Ende aus Ambient bzw Noise besteht, die kurz die Atmosphäre umkrempeln, aber relativ ok in den Gesamtsound integriert sind. Dann kanns ja jetzt mit dem ersten Song und damit auch gleich dem Titelsong losgehen, der mit ordentlichen Drums zwischen Blast Beats und gemächlichen Rhythmen sowie starken Riffs aufwartet, die zwischen klassischem Black Metal und irgendwas zwischen Black Doom und ein bisschen Stoner Metal variieren, was sehr frisch daherkommt. Dazu gibt es noch klassisch krächzende mittelhohe Black Metal-Vocals. Wo ist da bitte King Diamond? Ganz einfach: Riffs und Songstrukturen ähneln an einigen Stellen derer des Kings, nur eben mit ordentlich schwarzem Anstrich. Ähnlich wie im Titelstück geht es weiter, die Songs wechseln zwischen flüssigem Black Metal und Stakkato-Passagen, immer wieder wird am Tempo etwas geschraubt und es gelingt den Italienern sogar eine ordentlich düstere Stimmung zu erzeugen, die vom ersten bis zum letzten Ton nicht gebrochen wird und nach der mittleren Unterbrechung, die wirkt wie aus einem Film wie ES, fühlt man sogar etwas vom angekündigten Horror, allerdings nicht gerade stark.


Malamorte liefern auf ihrem Debüt „Devilish Illusions“ starken, klassisch gehaltenene Black Metal, der zwar wenig mit Horror und King Diamond zu tun haben dürfte, aber dennoch ordentlich Bock macht und gerade mit seinen Ausreißern („Dark Clouds On Golgotha„, „Malamorte„) interessant bleibt. Außerdem sieht das Cover verdammt geil aus!




“Devilish Illusions” is the newest and debut CD by Malamorte, which is more in the vein of raw, old school black metal made popular by the likes of Venom, early Sodom, Bathory and Darkthrone.


The ten choice cuts of Satan’s bloody hymns here makes for a very devilish listening experience, which is 100% evil down to the last note played. The vocals are more in the high raspy vein, at times reminding of a strange mixture of Venom, Sodom and Darkthrone. The 37 minutes worth of music here is not going to create huge waves in the black metal underground scene, but it will surely numb your mind with it’s heinous, sadistic and very evil-trotting black metal hell.


The songs on this album are mid-paced, and nothing that’ll blow you away with blistering speeds and unrelenting brutality. “Devilish Illusions” rubs its misery-driven guitar rhythms, skull pounding drum arrangements, and ungod-like vocals deep within your inner most being. Again, there is nothing special about this band, as it’s just evil-buzzing black metal inspired by the good old days of black metal.


The sound and production on the ten songs found here are pretty good, as everything can be heard clearly, and definitely creates a mood of total self-destruction and pure hell. Murdher/Satanath Records.





Nach der "The Fall Of Babylon" EP erscheint nun das Debütalbum der Römer. Ein bedrohliches Geräusch startet den sauberen Black Metal Reigen in anständiger und transparenter Produktion. Die Growls haben Hall und kommen mehr aus dem Hintergrund, während blackmetallische Gitarren ihr Riffwerk aufstellen. Zwischendurch in einer der weniger monströsen Phasen erkennt man den Bass, der nach sehr dicken Stahlseilen klingt von denen man erahnen kann, wie sehr das für den Gesamtsound mitverantwortlich ist. Denn diese Scheibe klingt voluminös, tief, und ergreifend. Jedes Stück der Italiener hat sein eigenes Gesicht sich zu unterscheiden. Das treibende "Dark Clouds On Golgotha" oder das breit aufgestellte "Possession", in dessen Slowparts man deutlich den leisesten Beckenanschlag hören kann. Geil auch die Grabesstimmung zum Anthem, nach der dann sanft die warme Soundwand einschweift, einer startenden Turbine gleich, und dann in den Harmonien erhaben auswirkend auf- und abwallt. Klar, dass danach ein pfeilschnelles Stück wie "Devoted To Self-Destruction" nachgeschossen wird und sich ein griffiges "Lucifers Rebellion" mit seinen Riffs durch die Gehirnrinde bohrt. Das Intro, Intermezzo und Outro nennen sie zusätzlich römisch beziffert "Maleficium", das den Rahmen für dieses gelungene Werk bildet. Starkes Zeug ohne viel Schisslaweng drum herum.




“Devilish Illusions” is MALAMORTE's debut full length album and was released back in late March of this year. The band was actually categorized as Black / Heavy Metal which therefore made me think of something similar to BEWITCHED but unfortunately this was not the case. MALAMORTE are what is to me a pure 2nd wave Black Metal band conveying the clichés of goatees, camouflage pants and combat boots instead of denim, leather and spikes. Anyways, to generally sum up this record one can expect a very digitally and cold sounding production which is even enhanced by the use of programmed drums, varied songwriting and some weird sci-fi intro and outro tracks. The intro sounds rather like something out of Forbidden World instead of cold and grim Nordic landscapes, which I assume was something MALAMORTE wanted to achieve but I don't see the connection to the rest of the record there. The first real track 'Devilish Illusions' attacks the listener with classic 2nd wave Black Metal mixed with a nice doomy middle part. 'Pactum' continues with a slow intro that turns into an evil sounding verse-riff which I really like. Towards the end the track gets very atmospheric by adding lots of keys. Besides the first verse which is something I'd like to call half-assed Thrash Metal the fourth track 'Dark Clouds On Golgotha' is the highlight of the record. Stomping drums and a catchy chorus always work fine with me. Why MALAMORTE added these childish sounding bell-noises entitled 'Maleficium II' is something I don't understand but I guess this is another story. 'Possesion' continues where 'Dark Clouds…' started by opening up with a very heavy riff. The rest of the track is quite ok but nothing I really could worship like a maniac. 'Malamorte' is again not really my cup of tea but has a nice piano part included which is quite eerie sounding. 'Devoted To Self Destruction' all of a sudden sounds very Punk compared to the rest of the record. A bass intro and scrubbing guitars all the way. The last real track again delivers some more standard Black Metal without any big surprises. As mentioned above, MALAMORTE really have included a lot of ideas which makes the songs very diverse but I'm just not the right person for this kind of music. People who feel the same will therefore not need this record but all Black Metal, camo pants and goatee enthusiasts should definitely give it a try.





I Malamorte sono il black metal che non tradisce mai i propri adoratori e che, anzi, con dischi come questo li fa amare maggiormente il nero metallo.


I Malamorte sono il progetto balck metal di Alessandro Nunziati, già nei Lord Vampyr, Cain, Shadowreign, Nailed God, e Theatres des Vampires, che dopo l’ep The Fall Of Babylon del 2014 hanno continuato la loro avventura con questo disco, un ottimo concentrato di black metal classico, non cantato sempre in growl, con inserti di death metal , per un suono davvero convincente con ritornelli coinvolgenti ed azzeccati. Devilish Illusions è un disco che piacerà molto a chi ama il black metal, ma coinvolgerà molto anche i death metallers aperti ad altre sonorità, comunque molto simili. Il nome forse è ispirato a Malamorte, l’antico nome che veniva dato al paese di Belveglio, teatro di tantissime battaglie, e con un castello ancora infestato da misteriose presenze. E anche qui è forte il riferimento all’horror, come quello di King Diamond, che è il nome che aleggia per tutto il disco. Il black metal dei Malamorte è spettacolare e melodico, suonato e composto davvero bene, con cura e passione. Devilish Illusions ha una produzione molto puntuale, pulita il giusto, senza eccedere il nulla, con un grande bilanciamento. Nunziati, nume tutelare del progetto, è una personalità musicale molto prolifica, e con ottime idee, infatti riesce a cimentasi negli ambiti metallici più disparati, sempre con ottimi risultati. Il suono e un certo immaginario black horror qui trovano la loro naturale ragion d’essere, per un disco decisamente riuscito.





Интересный компакт издали Satanath Records и итальянская контора Murdher Records. Это, так сказать, сайд проект группы  Lord Vampyr, в которой командует сам L.V. А он здесь, на сабжевом диске, исполняет партии вокала, гитары и клавишей. Я конечно верю в абсолютную память блак металлистов, но не очень сильно. Потому напоминаю, что L.V. или  Lord Vampyr сейчас играет в командах Cain, Lord Vampyr, Nailed God. Ранее он играл в таких формациях как Shadowsreign, Sepolcrum, Theatres des Vampires, VII Arcano. Надеюсь, что хотя бы одно название вам знакомо. Я имею в виду успешную группу  Theatres des Vampires, которая на ниве мелодик блака поимела немало лаврового листа популярности. В этой команде Лорд вокалил  в 1994-2004 годах, а на гитаре рубил с 1994 по 1997 год. (Когда он ушел из группы в 2004 году, как раз Соня Скарлет и стала основной вокалисткой ТДВ.) Так что этот человек отлично знает итальянский андеграунд, и уж точно имеет понятие о том, что и как делается на профильных пластинках.

Под названием MALAMORTE в 14-ом году была издана эпишка (которая на сайте группы проходит как альбом. Прослушал один трак оттуда — олдскульно сыграно и атмосферно, и может оттуда пошла фишка о блак хэви металле. Об этом чуть позже),  а в 15-ом сабжевый диск. Поскольку Лорд Вампир в своей основной одноименной команде известен тем, что тотально валит Symphonic Black Metal (ранее) и Industrial/Gothic Metal (крайний диск формации вышел в 13-ом году), то проще всего сделать вывод, что этот многоуровневый композер свои непрофильные идеи будет складывать в металлический загашник, а потом реализовывать в сторонних проектах. И тут хочу предостеречь от мнения, которое может закрасться в головы параноидальных личностей, коими являются некоторые металлисты. Это насчет того, что, типа в сайд-проекты кидают всякий мусор, не годный в основных группах. Такое мнение абсолютно неосновательно в большинстве случаев. Ибо как подсказывает опыт, еще не всегда понятно, где основная группа, а где сайд-проект. Для нормального музыканта основная группа эта та, в которую он СЕЙЧАС записывает музыку.

В MALAMORTE Лорд Вампир записал и бешено сыграл дивный зубастый блак метал, разнообразный, увесистый, где-то мид-темпо, а где-то истерически шустрый, каждый раз энергетически мощный и взрывной как десяток (под 40 минут общего времени) противопехотных мин, расставленных опытной рукой мизантропического сапера. Хотел было написать сапера-одиночки, но в буклете отражено, что ему здесь, на этом реальном компакте, помогал наемник Sk, который отвечал за бас, программирование и кое-какие гитарные партии.

Лорд начал с жуткого эмбиентального трака, который нагоняет страха как в фильмах ужаса, полощет нервную систему слушателя и кончается (начинается новый трак) крепкими и гулкими ударами барабанщика, от чего меломан вздрагивает, но как раз готов воспринимать инфернальное происходящее. Четким и рулезным лесопильным звуком режет матку-правду гитареро, буквально через минуту сваливаясь в медленные риффы, которые одухотворенно перекидываются опять в мощное  и брутальное звукоизвлечение. Казалось бы, ничего нового, но это не так. Если вы читаете все буквы подряд, то несомненно заметили буквы про исполнителя Ск, который отвечал за программирование, и его таковая работа уже проявилась здесь. Не считая давления на подсознательный уровень, он впилил там несколько эффект-маяков, которые может и  инновативны, но точно не старомодны, и отлично цепляют внимание слушателя. Для того все и задумывалось. И еще, пока не забыл, избавляйтесь от мерзких мпз, ибо вот на этом дисочке кое-что отстроено так, что кодеком кодируется из рук вон никак. Назову через запятые: атмосфера, переходные звучки, волшебство. Последнее может показаться несколько эфемерным, но только не счастливым владельцам этого диска.

Гитарист Лорд Вампир приберегал для этого проекта свои жесткие задумки по части мелодизма и риффинга, а также разрабатывал специальные ритмические структуры. Все по уму, бразерс, и результат по сердцу. Кое-какие ритм-задумки были настолько специфичны, что позволило некоторым обозревателям обозвать траки группы блак хэви металлом. Это сколько угодно! Но Лорд Вампир вероятно для этих случаев написал на своем сайте готическими буквами «MALAMORTE plays SATANIC-HORROR BLACK METAL!!!!»

И это, знаете, очень верно, ибо далеко не каждый даже хоррор-музыкант, обладает таким чувством меры в создании потрясающих переходов и мелодических линеек в клавишном исполнении — как ласковый ветерок, — навевающих кровавую расправу, демонический ритуал и беснующийся риффинг. В основательное подтверждение этим постулатам на диске создан просто великолепный звук. Странно, да? Кристально  чистый звук для черного вулкана. Так и есть.




Dalla sua uscita dai Theatres Des Vampires, di tanto in tanto Lord Vampyr salta fuori con un nuovo progetto. Ammetto di aver seguito ben poco della sua carriera post-2004, ma il debutto dei Malamorte ci dà modo di vedere come si è evoluto il musicista romano.


Accompagnato solo dal collega SK, conosciuto già in altri suoi progetti, il Vampyro questa volta si diletta in un ibrido tra Black e Heavy Metal caratterizzato dagli estremismi sonori tipici del primo e da ritmiche spesso vicine al secondo; un po' per la musica e un po' per le tematiche legate a occultismo et similia, un nome che potrebbe saltarvi in mente è quello dei Mercyful Fate, ovviamente insieme a quello del loro leader King Diamond. In neanche quaranta minuti, i Malamorte ci propongono sette tracce effettive capaci di variegare la proposta, non solo spingendo alternativamente sul versante Nero e su quello tradizionale, ma anche aggiungendo riferimenti esterni quali il Doom della titletrack e il Punk di "Devoted To Self-Destruction". Gli inserimenti atmosferici delle tastiere sono un ulteriore tocco che riesce a donare un'impronta horror ad alcuni brani (in particolare "Malamorte"), oltre a ricreare le giuste sensazioni con inquietanti suoni sintetici nell'intro e nell'outro.


Per il resto, il disco si assesta su sonorità standard ispirate ai due generi citati in precedenza: lo si nota ad esempio dalla drum machine, in grado sia di offrire ritmiche da headbanging che di accelerare con vari blast beat; altrettanto si può dire delle chitarre che si destreggiano senza fatica tra arpeggi dissonanti e riff più orecchiabili e quasi mai intricati, fungendo così da motore trainante delle tracce: pezzi come "Pactum" e "Possession" risultano tra i migliori proprio per il lavoro delle sei corde, nel secondo caso anche grazie al buon assolo seguito da un passaggio acustico. Lo scream di Lord Vampyr è infine più o meno come lo ricordavo, anche se devo dire che in questo contesto l'ho trovato abbastanza anonimo e poco espressivo.


In definitiva, "Devilish Illusions" è un album gradevole che si guadagna la sufficienza senza troppa fatica, tuttavia viene da chiedersi se da un personaggio che vive nell'underground italiano da così tanto tempo sia lecito aspettarsi qualcosa di più: in un panorama affollato e qualitativamente competitivo come quello odierno, penso che un artista di una certa rilevanza non dovrebbe accontentarsi di aver creato un disco come questo che — per quanto comunque apprezzabile — farà veramente fatica a emergere e a conquistare il proprio pubblico.





Some of you might know Italian musician Alessandro Nunziati, better known as Lord Vampyr, mainly from his works with gothic black metal acts Theatre De Vampires and Lord Vampyr, and extreme black metallers Nailed God. In 2009 he also founded his (more or less) solo project Malamorte, with which he released the ‘The Fall Of Babylon’ EP in 2014. I’m not familiar with the EP, so the first full-length, ‘Devilish Illusions’, is my first acquaintance with Malamorte.


Let me say immediately that from everything the man has delivered so far, Malamorte applies to me the most. With this project Vampyr delivers old-school, horror-inspired black metal that most of all sounds Scandinavian. Think of a combination of bands such as early Ancient, Carpathian Forest, Darkthrone, Satyricon, Taake, Gorgoroth, Tsjuder and similar acts, combined with horror elements that pop us here and there. Due to the last part the music also frequently reminds me of bands such as Obtained Enslavement, Diabolical Masquerade, but also Anorexia Nervosa. The whole thing is molten together in such way that it doesn’t make a confusing or incoherent impression, and doesn’t lose the intensity of the total picture. Unlike many colleagues with this kind of theatrical approach the keyboards don’t play a dominant role here, but the grim atmosphere is mainly provided with the riffs en guitar melodies, and icy, diabolical black screams. The programmed drums are also not disturbing whatsoever and even sound more organic than with some modern acts. The total picture is quite catchy and manages to keep you well focused in general.


My only point of criticism is that when we leave out the instrumental, and in my opinion superfluous trilogy ‘Maleficium’ (intro, middle piece, outro), we are left with only a half an hour of real songs. All in all however ‘Devilish Illusions’ is a strong record that will apply to the fans of atmospheric, grim, old-school black metal and aforementioned bands.





Con una tapa por demás de elocuente, aquí está el segundo trabajo de los italianos Malamorte. Y digo elocuente porque lo de este dúo (SK en bajo y Lord Vampyr en voz, guitarras y programación) es liso y llano black metal, pesado y denso como debe ser pero con un par de vueltas de tuerca.

Con diez tracks redondeando los 38 minutos de duración, a primera oída me recordó a los primeros trabajos de Bewitched, es decir la rama más rockera del black, pero sin llegar al nivel de los suecos, sino que los riffs predominan y comandan las estructuras de las canciones, y muestran a las claras donde ponen el énfasis de su propuesta.

El álbum destila autenticidad, eso me gusta, y hay una cierta atmosfera old-school que lo hace aún más atractivo para los amantes del género, y en general a todo aquel que disfrute de bandas como los primeros Sodom y Darkthrone.

Una banda para descubrir. Chequéenla.





No, I am not going to write that I expect this to be black metal. I am not going to write that this could also be death metal. I think that is too obvious just by looking at the band name and the album title. They are as far from pop punk as you can get. Italian black metal can be either really cool or a total bore. MALAMORTE follows in the track of bands like Handful Of Hate by being aggressive from the word go. And as standard form A as this may be there is an edge to it that sets them apart. It is hard not to like this album.



Malamorte is a Black Metal side project of an Italian named Alessandro Nunziati a.k.a. L.V. (of Lord Vampyr, Cain, Nailed God, etc. fame). This is his first full-length album, which was co-released in 2016 by Murdher Records and Satanath Records.


L.V. being the firebrand in charge gets some background support from his special guest on Devilish Illusions, the helping hand hiding behind the alias SK, who's in charge of programming, bass, and guitar. Thematically, you get what you can expect from a downright diabolic and blacker-than-thou Black Metal act: Malamorte is all about darkness, vampirism, Satanism, hate, and other so-called 'safe' themes of the genre. In other words, there are no surprises theme-wise. I find L.V.'s side project interesting and worth checking out because they employ quite a lot of unorthodox and avant-garde elements, making the album break from the usual Black Metal mold. At best, they are able to create creepy, spine-chilling atmospheres (like on "Malamorte") by using minimalistic ingredients wisely. Also, what is great about Malamorte is that they are able to change the shade of black in a split second. By this I mean that on one song they may sound like a punk-fueled Venom ("Devoted to Self-destruction"), and on another they go for an Impaled Nazarene vicious 'fuck-you-all-hail-Satan!' route, like on "Lucifer's Rebellion." Malamorte have many rotten, black faces and many blackened colors to propose their loyal servants. Good stuff, although it's nothing revolutionary.

