. Satanath Records

Reviews: SODP027

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Питерская метал-сцена всегда выгодно отличалась по сравнению с другими российскими весями не только своим более европейским уровнем, но и особым аристократизмом. Сейчас мы имеем возможность предметно убедиться в этом, так как перед нами одна из старейших и сильнейших питерских дэт-команд, которая по праву считается одним из флагманов российского дэт-движения.

Bestial Deform активен на сцене с 1990 года, и всё это время во главе команды стоит харизматичный вокалист/гитарист Кирилл Уланенков, который все эти годы ведёт бронепоезд Bestial Deform к мировому доминированию. В данный момент мы имеем дело с альбомом 1994 года, который стал началом стремительной эскалации Bestial Deform на вершину дэт-Олимпа и ныне переиздан силами лейблов More Hate Productions и Satanath. Трудно не подивиться тому высочайшему градусу энтузиазма и первобытной решимости, которые с первых же аккордов врезаются в сознание на "Together We’ll Destroy the World".

Резкие режущие риффы и общий бронебойный стафф в духе классических релизов Morbid Angel и Deicide вкупе с мощным гроулом и превосходным сыроватым саундом уже в тот далёкий год стали основой своеобразия этой питерской капеллы и собрали под её знамёна множество дэт-адептов. "Вместе мы разрушим мир!" – громогласно провозглашает Bestial Deform, приглашая дэт-ортодоксов следовать за своим техничным и изощрённым саундом.

Ознакомившись с этим релизом, вы увидите, что уже в начале 90-х на постсоветском пространстве действовала группа, материал которой ничуть не уступал грандам флоридского дэт-металла. Но отчасти это и не удивительно, так как мастермайнд Bestial Deform Кирилл ещё в конце 80-х был участником культовой в определённых кругах группы Месса, в составе которой оттачивал свои исполнительские и композиторские навыки.

В качестве бонуса на актуальном переиздании присутствует четырёхтрековое демо "Worship to Madness", датирующееся 1992 годом, что добавляет этому релизу баллов и коллекционной ценности. Демо было записано в абсолютно другом составе, но под предводительством своего бессменного лидера Кирилла, что даёт возможность сравнить две разные инкарнации ранних Bestail Deform и ещё глубже погрузиться в недра брутальной дэтовой мясорубки той эпохи, когда дэт-металл был поистине религиозным культом.

В настоящее время Bestial Deform не только активны и полны энтузиазма, но и сильны как никогда. На подходе совершенно новый альбом, а уже сейчас группа запустила масштабный тур по городам России, в ходе которого исполняет не только свою нетленную классику, но и более новые творения.

Bestial Deform — редкий образец не только высоко профессионального и осмысленного, но и поистине вдохновенного отношения к дэт-металлу, что делает этот диск редким, ценным и желанным приобретением для всех почитателей изысканного смертельного металла.



BESTIAL DEFORM has a name that invokes images of the most brutal metal possible. I get vibes of some old school kinda thing. Perhaps even in the shape of some old school Bathory. But that is just my wish. Whatever this will be I’ll accept it. This is a rerelease of an album that I had no idea existed. So to me this is a brand spanking new record. This is chaotic to say the least. I can honestly say that this isn’t my kind of death metal. It is a bit too technical with too many tempo changes and that is more than my brain can handle. It isn’t bad in any way but it is just too much for me to take in larger doses. A song or two at a time is all I can handle but I accept the band’s intentions. This sounds like a chaotic Incantation.



One of the oldest yet still active (?) Death Metal entities from Russia is the horde called Bestial Deform, formed twenty five years ago. I do not know if it is because of that anniversary, but they re-release some of their oldest material, with professional assistance and support by two great Russian labels, More Hate Productions and Symbol Of Domination Productions. The latter is, as you might know in mean time, a sub-label of Satanath Records, and it’s on this label that Bestial Deform did release a two-tracker last year. You can find the review undersigned did on the update of September 9th 2014.

This re-release in named after the band’s first full length, Together We’ll Destroy The World, initially self-released in 1994. It was recorded at the Saint-Petersburg based Neva Studio in February ’94, and remastered in March 2015 for the listener’s pleasure. This stuff stands for traditional but, at the same time, quite technical Primal Death Metal, including every single detail that made the scene, back then (and still now) so attractive: shrieking leads, a monumental rhythm section, pounding riffs, deep grunts right from the belly, and all this covered in a mostly nasty sound. Do I have to say more? Well, actually it wouldn’t be fair not to mention the professional song writing and the somewhat progressed execution, would it?... Imagine, with some open-minded fantasy, a mixture of Possessed, Immolation, Asphyx, Death and Dismember…

As bonus, this re-release includes the remastered edition of 1992’s demo Worship To Madness. This material dates from February 1992 and expresses the origins of this band around Kirill Ulanenkov, founding member and sole remaining member of Bestial Deform. Worship To Madness might be less ‘great’ when talking about the sound quality, but hey, we’re talking about a demonstrational cassette release from more than two decades ago… From aural-executional point of view, this material lies almost completely in the most primal trend once uplifted during the eighties. Back then the band was less ‘progressive’ and mainly focusing on the darker edges of the Death scene, which I did adore a lot back then (and still now I do, but that’s another issue). This stuff surely thrashes and paints the whole experience in colors defining morbidity and primitivism, yet even back then it was sort of evident that Bestial Deform were meant to be a ‘big name’ within the (international) scene. The technical craftsmanship was inherently present, as if this release was meant to be an omen for more nastiness to come…



Bestial Deform is a Russian death metal band that really only gained any success in their homeland. Now this release 'Together We'll Destroy The World' is a reissue of an album from 1994, with a demo from 1993 added this time. The sound quality of the album, which is quite heavily influenced by bands like Incantation, is not too good. The recordings sound pretty gritty, though of course that does add something to the 'underground' and 'true metal' feeling. The band plays quite technical and the production is a bit too loose which causes the details to fall away sometimes, but that the men understand how to play a bit of good death metal is obvious. It's not all original off course, but if you like good, old-fashioned death metal, especially the American tinged death metal, then this reissue is definitely worth a listen. Think of Morbid Angel and Incantation, that combination of brutality and skill.


Bestial  Deform  are  a  band  from  Russia that  plays  a  very  blasphemous  and  evil  form  of  death  metal  and  this  is  a  review  of  their  1994  album "Together  We'll  Destroy  The  World" which  was  re-issued  in  2015  as  a  joint  effort  between  Symbol  Of  Domination  Productions  and  More  Hate Productions  and  also  contains  their  1992  ep  "Worship  The  Madness"  as  bonus  tracks.

A  dark  synth  intro  starts  off  the  album  giving  the  recording  an  atmosphere of  a classic  horror  movie  before  going  into  a  heavier  musical direction along  with  some  riffs  and  solos  that  also  use  a  great  amount  of  melody  and  when  vocals  are  added  into  the  music  they  are  deep  death  metal growls  and  the  music  sounds  very  raw.

All  of  the  songs  have  a  demo  like  quality  that  you would  of  heard  on  the  more  underground  death  metal  albums  back  in  the  early  90's  and the  songs  also  bring  in  a  great  mixture  of  slow,  mid  paced  and  fast  parts  and  all  of  the  musical  instruments  have  a  very  powerful  sound  to them  along  with  a  couple  of  bass  leads  and  as  the  album  progresses  there is  a  brief  use  of  spoken  word  parts.

A  black  and  white  horror  movie  style  soundtrack  sounds  starts  off t he  demo  before  going  into  a  heavier  direction  which  is  in  the  early  90's death  metal  style  and  when t he  music  speeds  up  a  great  amount  of  blast  beats  and  growling  vocals  can  be  heard  and  the  demo  has  more  of a  raw  and  aggressive  sound  than  the  album.

All  of the  musical  instruments  on  the  demo  have  a  very  powerful  sound  to  them  and  the  songs  also  bring  in  a  great  mixture  of  slow,  mid paced  and fast  parts  and  some  of  the  riffs  also  bring  in  melodies  and  some  of t he  riffs  still  have  a  slight thrash  edge  to  them  which  was normal for  that  time  period.  

Bestial  Deform  played  a  style  of  death  metal  that was  very  raw  for  its  time  and  having  more  of  a  primitive  approach  to t he  genre  than  some of the  more  well  known  bands  back  in  the  day,  the  production  sound s very  raw  and  old  school  while  the  lyrics  cover  Satanism,  Demonology,  Evil, Darkness  and  Anti Christian  themes.

In  my  opinion  Bestial  Deform  are  a  very  great  sounding  raw  and  blasphemous  death  metal  band  and  if  you  are  a  fan  of  this  musical  genre, you  should  check  out  this  album.  RECOMMENDED  TRACKS  INCLUDE  "Conjuration"  "Piece  Of  Flesh"  "For  the  great  Evil"  and  "Asmodeus".


Bestial Deform was a brutal, old school death metal band that definitely created major havoc and destruction with their sonic artillery back in the early to mid-nineties, in Russia.

“Together We’ll Destroy The World” has an okay sound, as the drums, vocals and guitars sound just too thin, and comes across like a low budget recording. However, the darkened and morbid spirit of the band still remained intact during this recording process, which made this album awesome to re-release some 20 years later. The playing on this seven track CD plus a bonus of demo tape “Worship To Madness” shows the quartet’s ability to play some head wrecking music, which is literally going to give you severe migraines.

Bestial Deform is a must for extreme metal heads into early Gorefest, Pestilence and Accidental Suicide.

This is how death metal is supposed to be written and played, with tons of feelings of angst and enough hatred to send our crazy world into an irreversible turmoil of an Armageddon-like event. The demo here is very underground in feel and sounds like it was recorded in a bedroom with a cheap 4-track recorder, but it too showcases the group’s ability to tear shit up…


La collaborazione fra la More Hate Productions e la Symbol Of Domination Productions ridà vita al primo lavoro della band death metal russa dei Bestial Deform. "Together We'll Destroy The World" è stato originariamente rilasciato nel 1994 tramite autoproduzione, mentre questa nuova versione è stata arricchita dall'inserimento del demo del 1992 "Worship To Madness", ancor più crudo e seminale, e dalla rimasterizzazione del suono curata presso i connazionali Black Studio da Alexander Trivien.

La proposta è un death metal senza fronzoli nel quale regnano le velocità sostenute e le influenze statunitensi dei numi tutelari del genere, talvolta talmente tanto evidenti che diviene sin troppo semplice accomunare a esempio alcuni aspetti di artisti quali Incantation e Morbid Angel alla cattiveria e alla sfrontatezza che vengono fiondate contro i nostri padiglioni auricolari. Si viene così a contatto con una serie di brani che, pur palesando strutture rudimentali, evidenziano come la formazione avesse già in dote delle più che discrete capacità, utilizzando sia una buona tecnica che un'altrettanto buona dose di atmosfera nera e maligna, come confermano "I Am Evil, I Am Death!", "Name Of The Light" e "Piece Of Flesh".

La riesumazione di questo parto degli anni Novanta potrebbe divenire una valida scusa per avvicinarsi a quanto realizzato dai musicisti di San Pietroburgo tuttora in attività, la cui ultima uscita è l'ep "Severed Pieces" datato 2014. Per quanto riguarda gli album invece ne hanno rilasciati altri tre: "Bellum Contra Omnes" nel 1996 (anch'esso ristampato tramite More Hate), "The Second Coming" nel 2004 e "Stop The Christianity!" nel 2005.

I Bestial Deform sono una delle tantissime realtà note probabilmente a pochi, per non dire pochissimi, cultori del mondo death e che grazie a operazioni simili si spera acquisiscano un minimo di visibilità in più. Le seconde linee sono sempre state ben fornite e anche questo "Together We'll Destroy The World" meriterebbe quantomeno di essere conosciuto.


I didn’t know anything about this band, supposed to be a precursor of death metal genre in Russia. This re edition contains debut album along with the demo “Worship to Madness”, and for those music palaeontologists, it must be quite interesting.

This is a very crude and morbid form of chaotic death metal, with good guitar riffs and the essence of obscured music in almost every note. All tracks are based in extremely complex guitar riffs and cathartic drums, but vocalist Kirill Ulanenkov recorded nasty gutturals which fit perfect to the concept. Also, you can feel black blood in all musical structures where inclusive bass guitar has its own space, and sounds killer. Final four tracks are for the demo, and it shows a young band recording in what seems to be rehearsal room, and I must admit that they had quite mature ideas since then. This time they added some bestiality and holocaustic atmospheres in specific moments. Although it’s not a very prolific band, it seems like they continued until now and they published some full length albums and EPs productions. As aforementioned, this is a piece of collection for those who are into extreme metal music in that part of the world.


Sommige bands of labels snappen er weinig van. In het geval van het Russische Bestial Deform en haar label is dat het geval. Wat is er aan de hand? Together We'll Destroy The World werd in 1994 voor het eerst uitgebracht en vindt nu via Satanath Records opnieuw zijn weg naar de consument. Als bonus is de demo Worship To Madness toegevoegd.

Grootste punt van kritiek is dat het ver ondermaats klinkt. Volgens de hoes heeft er een re-mastering plaatsgevonden. Nou, dat is dan door een dove goudvis op ketamine gedaan want dit klinkt echt nergens naar. De drums zijn te dof, de cymbalen te schel en beiden drukken de gitaren en vocalen naar de achtergrond. Daarnaast wordt er zo inspiratieloos gespeeld dat het nut van deze release ter discussie staat. Een potje grunten over een vervormde gitaar is nog geen deathmetal....

Zoals je kunt verwachten klinkt de demo nog slechter. Wat deze nummers voor hebben op Together We'll Destroy The World is het feit dat ze wel gedreven en bevlogen klinken. Hier wordt gewoon goede deathmetal gemaakt. Het zit goed in elkaar en er wordt gedreven gemusiceerd.

Het is nooit een goed teken als de eerste demo beter is dan het album wat erop volgt. Het enige wat (zo mogelijk) nog slechter is, is als beiden opnieuw worden uitgebracht want dan wordt op een pijnlijke manier duidelijk dat er te weinig kwaliteit wordt geboden en het geheel nog steeds nergens naar klinkt.


[1] This is the re-released debut album of this brutal Death Metal band from St. Petersburg. I have never heard of them before, but supposedly they were the pioneers of this style in Russia. "Together We'll Destroy The World“ dates back to 1994 and sounds… well, quite dated. And there is a reason for this: 1994 was the year that brought us classics such as "Club Mondo Bizarro“, "...For Victory“ and of course "In The Nightside Eclipse“, so even 22 years later, it's obvious why bands like BESTIAL DEFORM got overlooked. The music here wants to be 'technical' in a PESTILENCE kind of way and 'brutal' the way IMMOLATION did it, but it falls short in both aspects. The "Worship To Madness“ demo from 1992 is included here as well, and it's MUCH better, more vicious and raw.

[2] Twenty years ago, it was extremely improbable to predict future versions of some very underground albums. An example could be the debut album of this band from St. Petersberg, BESTIAL DEFORM. Started in 1990, they grew up during the times of the first Death Metal wave. Since the creation of the first demo songs (which appear on this re-release as bonus tracks), they were clearly influenced by American bands like MORBID ANGEL (is the name of their demo, "Worship To Madness", a sign of devotion to "Altars Of Madness"?!), DEICIDE, SADUS and IMMOLATION. In 1994 they self-released the debut album "Together We'll Destroy The World", just more than 20 minutes for six tracks, considering the intro and the outro. Maybe too short for a full-length album actually, anyway 'I Am Evil, I Am Evil' is the first song we listen to: I have forcely to mention MORBID ANGEL again because it reminds me of 'God Of Emptiness'. But it seems too much a bad imitation of that masterpiece and this is the general problem of this release. They were probably too young to know their limits, because the most chaotic they tried to play, the most inaccurate they did, like in the faster parts of 'Conjuration' or 'Re-Animator'. An exception of the average quality of the songwriting is 'Name Of The Light', with some very good bass licks on top. It's important to understand that we're talking about a young band who moved their first steps. They dealt with a very difficult style to improve, both chaotic and technical, and also the production on this album doesn't help. To say that the remastered tracks got depth without losing the old school sound. This re-release has to be evaluated in the historical context when it has been done. So if you are collectors of all the bands that populed the scene back on those days, contact More Hate Productions at www.morehate.com to buy the CD, also available on tape through Grotesque Sounds Productions.



No hace mucho tiempo atrás me toco reseñar la reedición en CD de “Bellum Contra Omnes”, aquel cassette que editara Bestial Deform en 1996. Pues bien, aquí tenemos otra reedición, en este caso la del debut de estos rusos, “Together we’ll destroy the world” de 1994.

Con el adicional del demo “Worship to madness” (1992) a manera de bonus, esta nueva versión se ha remasterizado para lograr un mejor sonido.

Por supuesto la propuesta es liso y llano death metal, en el que reinan las altas velocidades y donde la escuela de Florida muestra su influencia en Bestial Deform.

A pesar de lo rudimentario de las estructuras, se perciben luces de la capacidad de la banda y de la buena técnica que se plasmaría más tarde.

