. Satanath Records

Reviews: SODP019

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Aujourd'hui, je vais vous parler d'une formation récente de black metal, Uluun. La formation sort ici son premier album intitulé "Danke dreiser !!!" qui fait suite à une première démo. Bien que le nom de l'album soit en allemand, le groupe chante exclusivement en français. Ce que j'ai trouvé intéressant chez les parisiens, c'est ce retour à un black metal (très) épuré, rappelant ces très chères années 90. Mais restreindre Uluun à cette comparaison serait réduire grandement les qualités de ce quintette. Uluun ne joue pas simplement du black metal old school, il lui insuffle des parties mélodiques lancinantes, hautement mélancoliques, progressives, proche du post-rock, de l'ambient et de la musique dépressive. On sent une ouverture d'esprit très présente chez eux, tout en restant fidèle aux bases du genre. Uluun ne dénature en rien l'esprit originel du black metal. Le style est assez lent ici, l'inspiration vient principalement du black metal norvégien que de l'école suédoise supersonique. Bien évidemment, on pensera à Burzum niveau inspiration, ou aux ukrainiens de Drudkh pour les ambiances limite folk, les disques les plus intéressants du Shining de Kvarforth ont dû aussi pas mal tourner chez eux. Mais le groupe qui m'a fait le plus penser à Uluun, c'est Judas Iscariot dans cette volonté de proposer une musique ultra-épurée. Ceci-dit, la musique des français reste bien mieux produite et mieux arrangée que celle du projet d'Akhenaten, avec toute une partie mélodique et atmosphérique moins présente chez l'américain. Là où Uluun est très fort, c'est dans leur capacité à sortir des riffs et des enchaînements super inspirés. C'est une chose de jouer du black metal atmosphérique, c'en est une autre de rendre cette musique prenante et réussie. Beaucoup se sont casser les dents à produire un black metal sans âme. Ici, le résultat est franchement super réussi, le final de "Désillusion" est absolument ahurissant de maîtrise des ambiances et de progression. Je suis bluffé à chaque fois que j'écoute cet album par ses qualités mélodiques et la diversité d'ambiances et de parties proposées. Certaines parties font directement penser à du metal atmosphérique rappelant les vieux Anathema, mais totalement intégré à leur style. On sent qu'ils écoutent aussi beaucoup de metal moderne, des trucs plus post-apocalyptiques avec des montées progressives, des parties lancinantes, longues, voire même drone. Bien sûr, le groupe est jeune et manque encore un peu de maturité, certaines parties sont un peu longuettes, "Sépulture" est quand même bien longue et peut-être un peu trop ambitieuse, l'enregistrement aurait pu être plus profond, mais pour un premier essai, c'est une réussite totale. Uluun propose pour un premier album, un disque totalement maîtrisé et inspiré. Dès que j'ai acquis ce disque, j'ai été extrêmement surpris de la qualité des compositions et du rendu final. A suivre de très près!




I wrote this review pretty recently, after I received this album from Cold Raw Records. This label did re-release the stuff on February 13th 2015. But for one reason or another, it gets re-issued as well in a collaboration in between two other excellent labels, Switzerland’s Asgard Hass Productions and Symbol Of Domination, a sub-division of Satanath Records.

What you will find right here is more or less the very same review, with some little changes in the beginning. It’s that simple…

Dank Dreiser !!! was self-released in Autumn 2014, but labels like Asgard Hass Productions, Symbol Of Domination or Cold Raw Records wouldn’t be that much appreciated by undersigned if they didn’t see the opportunity to do something additional with this material. Once again they did the right thing, i.e. offering this French band the chance to have their stuff put on CD with a proper promotion / distribution. I am glad to be part of that promotional part once again by means of this review.

Why? Well, what Uluun bring is something amazing. No, if you hope for something renewing, something original, something unheard before, then please f*ck o… I mean, please, skip this sh*t. …because what Uluun bring has nothing to do with a new way of whatever… But it’s highly qualitative stuff for sure.

So, actually, Danke Dreiser !!! is a five-tracker that lasts for fifty six minutes (!). Five lengthy tracks within the most epic old schooled tradition, combining heroism with melody, rhythmic superiority with forceful energy, that’s the core of Uluun’s raison d’être. There is a nice atmosphere and a great sound, which I will come back to right now. Both of them, sound and atmosphere, are closely related, evidently. The production causes a sonic excellence because of a specific rawness, unpolished and unclean, and that’s what this kind of Aural Art needs, of course. At the same time, and that might be the problem for several other combos, that production is decent enough, lacking of that cheap, quasi-arrogant under-produced sound, as if the whole album was recorded in some empty container of soggy cellar. No, Uluun did a good thing with entering the Studio du Père Dugras. And the direct relationship with the atmosphere has to do with the spiritual ideas behind this band’s conceptual approach. I did mention a certain epic feeling, which comes to the foreground all the time (cf. the Avitas / Desaster-alike opening riff of L’Etincelle, for example), and that does colour the whole experience whole the time. But it goes further than that, for breathing an air that is oh so Nordic in essence – and then I am referring to the Norwegian scene especially, with hints of the Swedish, Finnish, Polish, Belgian, German and, for my part, Rhodesian one too. Also the use of acoustic intermezzi lacks of originality, yet once again: seen the perfect use of these excerpts, it isn’t but appreciable. And with the last composition, Sepulture, based on the great Baudelaire, everything gets synthesised yet with even more superiority, including more than just coincidental hints of Funeral Doom and Post-Black grotesquery in addition to the glorious and melodious Black majesty that does characterise the other ballads. This very lengthy piece (nineteen minutes) isn’t but a highlight within the worldwide scene, turning many ‘big names’ into infantile pulp. What a grandiose synthesis of Sonic Darkness, for going so far, so deep, so high!

Despite the lengthy duration of each piece, there is no room for ennui or boredom. On the contrary; the well-written (and performed) structures, the cool variation in speed, and above all, the great skills of the writing process and execution, make that each single piece is an interesting piece an sich. Once again, there is no originality to be found here, just professionalism and persuasion. And craftsmanship. And excellence. And conviction. And glory and pride. And honesty, purity and power and, well, about everything a purist like undersigned is looking for.




Uluun est un groupe de Black Metal fondé par Loki en 2009. Après une demo sortie en 2011, assez Pagan/Black dans son approche, les musiciens se font connaitre en enchainant les concerts. C'est à la fin de l'année 2012 que le line up du groupe se stabilise après divers remaniements. Les musiciens officient désormais dans un Black Metal aux thématiques modernes et sombres tout en mettant un point d'honneur à ne pas s'enfermer trop souvent dans les codes du genre. Le 30 octobre 2014, Uluun sort son premier album, Danker Dreiser!!!, disponible sur Bandcamp et réédité par Cold Raw Records en février 2015.

Danke Dreiser!!! raconte les pensées et la descente aux Enfers d'un héroïnomane - Dreiser est le nom du chimiste allemand qui a synthétisé cette drogue dérivée de la morphine à la fin du XIX. siècle -, et nous allons le suivre dans sa ruine au cours de cet album de cinq morceaux conceptuels marquant chacun une progression qui mène tout droit le protagoniste vers sa sépulture. On remarque tout d'abord la qualité de la production qui met en valeur l'atmosphère à la fois triste et héroïque qui se dégage de l'album, sans toutefois aseptiser le son, qui reste assez raw dans son approche. Le sentiment épique reste présent sur toute la durée de l'album, marquant une rupture intéressante avec le discours d'Alrinack.

Malgré la durée des compositions, Danke Dreiser!!! ne laisse en aucun cas place à l'ennui, nous sommes emmitouflés dans un linceul blanc et nous descendons toujours plus bas dans l'échelle de la déchéance. Les structures des morceaux se révèlent variées, rendant chaque pièce intéressante et distincte de la précédente, tant sur le plan mélodique que rythmique. Sans chercher l'originalité, les musiciens mettent en avant pureté et puissance sans pour autant chercher à se la jouer puristes. En effet, ils incorporent à leur musique des éléments dépressifs, des intermèdes acoustiques, voire Post-Black à certains moments. On constate avec joie qu'ils ne se bornent pas au simple copier-coller, mais cherchent au contraire à affirmer leur identité, sans prétendre au coup de génie. Et pourtant, cet album respire la majesté et le savoir-faire jusqu'au bout, se terminant sur un poème de Baudelaire accompagnant le bouquet final, 'Sépulture', le plus long morceau de ce premier opus.

En bref, Danke Dreiser!!! s'adresse vraiment à un public varié, que celui-ci soit à cheval sur l'identité Black Metal ou bien l'éloignement des codes. Uluun est un groupe qui se situe vraiment entre ces deux tendances, et qui en fait la synthèse. Ce n'est pas le petit clone, la pâle copie d'un groupe légendaire, mais plutôt une entité qui recherche son identité propre, et qui semble y arriver dès son premier album. On attend la suite avec un sentiment mêlé d'impatience et de curiosité.




Without the concerns of airplay, atmospheric black metal musicians have the advantage of being able to stretch their compositions across much broader canvasses than mainstream artists. ‘Danke Dreiser!!!’ the second al bum from Uluun, for example, comprises just five songs despite being 56 minutes in length. Uluun are a Parisian metal band who have had the distinction of opening for the likes of Alcest and Anall Nathrakh and, listening to the icy roar of this album, it is easy to see why.

Opening with the powerful, Satyricon-esque surge of ‘Chere Illusion’, Uluun waste no time in introducing the listener to their bleak, powerful school of black metal. The production is raw yet powerful, capturing the white-out of the cymbals and the grinding horror of the guitars whilst the vocals sound all the better for being sung in the band’s native French, a move which adds a further layer of impenetrability to the band’s forbiddingly icy sound. There’s a progressive element here too, however, and the music ebbs and flows before drawing to a surprisingly reflective close with its rippling guitar fading quietly into the blackness. Similarly ‘Letincelle’ does not launch itself at the listener, preferring to build before finally erupting into a fountain of white-hot rage, over which Alrinack pours forth his dark incantations. At seven minutes it’s not a short track, and yet the inventive compositions of the band make them feel much shorter than they actually are and it does not seem long until the brutal ‘Desillusion’ slithers into view with its thunderous percussive blasts (Mogal) and icy guitars combining to tear into the listener. It’s an atmospheric sound the band conjure, reminiscent of the nihilistic bleakness of French arthouse horror such as ‘Martyrs’, and it sucks the light out of the room as Alrinack pours his endless misanthropy into your ears. It’s not easy listening, rather it is a ruthlessly nihilistic strain of black metal delivered without hope for humanity and the relentless thud of the drums slowly merges into the funeral march of mankind as the music slowly phases into post-metal beauty. It’s an inventive and brilliantly arranged piece of music that melds psychedelic, almost hypnotic pieces to a more typically brutal black metal framework, the result being a track that dips and soars through dark pastures.

Of the remaining two tracks, the title track is relatively short at just shy of seven minutes. A bristling black metal blast that tears and claws at the listener in familiar style, but it’s the nineteen minute ‘Sepulture (Baudelaire)’ that really makes this record something special. An epic-length blackened progressive epic that incorporates symphonic elements, doom and more, it is an intelligent and endlessly interesting piece of extreme metal art that is worth the price of admission alone. With Albino’s ominous bass leading much of the early stages of the track and a pall of Sabbath-esque dread, when the piece finally builds to a blackened fury it is not unlike having a bucket of ice cold water tipped over you. It is a courageous and deeply impressive work of black metal might with which the band close their album, and it raises this effort from the impressive to the essential.

Uluun are a powerful, passionate entity who have perfected their own unique voice in black metal. This five track record is a lengthy and intelligent study of extreme metal incorporating elements of doom, progressive and post-rock into the band’s brutal black metal sound and the results are awe-inspiring. For extreme metal fans, this is a thing of dark beauty that deserves your time and attention.



Killer!! I really like when black metal albums like this one cross my way. Coming from Paris, France, these guys created an excellent debut album of raw and atmospheric black metal tunes.

It’s quite influenced by old school from Nordic area, but they have good taste musically speaking, and added incredible arrangements in all instrumentation. All tracks sound really good and balanced between rawness and modern elements; you can hear distinctive sections and even progressive structures, which denotes musicians with eclectic tastes. In the other hand, music transmits several states of mind as everything is well-conceived through ominous guitar lines and atmospheric walls. My favorite track is “Désillusion” which is a 12 min length opus forged in different states of mind, aggressive guitar lines and progressive sections. It’s a very tasty and enjoyable piece of modern extreme music, with eclectic movements and great production. This album has superlative doses of atmospheric black metal lines, and induces your mind to drown in the deepest side of the genre. It’s highly recommended for hairy ears and mature metal skulls.



Uluun are a band from France that plays an atmospheric form of black metal and this is a review of their 2015 album "Danke Deiser!!!" which was released as a joint effort between Symbol Of Domination Productions and Assgard Hass Productions.

A very raw black metal sound starts off the album along with some grim screams and blast beats can be heard at times and the music also brings in a great mixture of both old school and modern elements and all of the tracks are very long and epic in length and the riffs also mix in melodies at times.

All of the musical instruments on the recording have a very powerful sound to them and acoustic guitars are brought into the music at times and they also give the songs more of a progressive feeling and when the music speeds up blast beats can be heard along with the riffs alternating between slow, mid paced and fast parts and the solos and leads bring in more of a melodic style of atmospheric black metal and on the last track melodic choirs and synths are brought into the music along with the slower riffs adding in a touch of doom metal.

Uluun plays a style of black metal that is rooted in the raw style of the genre and also brings in some of the modern atmospheric elements on guitars mostly to create a style of their own, the production sounds very dark and raw while the lyrics are written in French and cover winter, death and nature themes.

In my opinion Uluun are a very great sounding raw and atmospheric black metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Cheer illusion" and "Sepulture".



French atmospheric black metal terror squad Uluun drowns the listener in their depressive and mid tempo hellish inferno.

“Danke Dreiser!!!” is a five-song album clocking in at a whopping 58 minutes of solitary and melancholic charged black metal with more atmosphere than the air we breathe. The songs on here are agonizingly presented, with tons of darkened moments and a chill you’re never going to forget. Song number 2, “L’Etincelle”, which clocks in at a mere eight minutes is fueled with acidic and skin scarring rhythms and raspy screams and shrieks that are sure to make you turn to stone. This song is more deadly than staring deep into Madusa’s face and being turned into a stone statue forever. Even the riffs and leads on this song give it that funeral-like, dirge inspired sound, which would probably be used during your morbid eulogy.

“Danke Drieser!!!” is the type of black metal you’d probably suffer through on a rainy night in your haunted mansion, and watch all of the ghouls, ghosts and demons chase you to your miserable death.

The songwriting and musicianship here is good, nothing that’ll blow the roof off of your head, but it certainly fits the band’s eerie and grey image. However, it must be noted, their songs have plenty of emotion to make you sulk in your life’s saddened moments, so this is something to also consider when listening to the melancholic black metal hell found here. It’s bound to have a weird and twisted effect on your mindset, so be aware.

Experience the darkest moments in your life while listening to Uluun’s “Danke Dreiser!!!” opus, and you’ll truly understand the meaning of sadness and frustration combined.



Post-black metal dalla Francia. Sì, non suona più come una novità da anni, ma il quintetto formatosi a Parigi con il nome Uluun non ci fa caso e va dritto per la propria strada. Quest'avventura, iniziata nel 2009 per volere di Blasturbator e Loki, è arrivata finalmente all'atteso debutto sulla lunga distanza, con l'uscita di "Danke Dreiser !!!" sul finire del 2014 via Bandcamp. La versione in oggetto è però quella fisica distribuita dalla Satanath Records tramite il marchio Symbol Of Domination, insieme alla svizzera Asgard Hass Productions, nella primavera 2015.

Tutta la parte grafica del lavoro è estremamente minimale, bande nere che fanno da cornice a uno sguardo assorto nella contemplazione, mentre il logo della band e il titolo occupano due degli angoli. I testi, interamente in francese, sono inclusi nel libretto. Cinque tracce per oltre cinquantasei minuti sono numeri che in genere si incontrano nel funeral doom metal, ma solo la conclusiva "Sépulture" (ispirata all'omonima poesia di Baudelaire) si spinge davvero verso i venti minuti.

Gli Uluun si muovono in maniera molto consapevole nell'ambito del black metal più glaciale e aggressivo ("Chère Illusion"), guidati dallo scream di Alrinack (ascoltato, tra le altre cose, anche negli Ysengrin) e supportati dalla batteria di Blasturbator. Sono dell'idea che il pezzo che mette meglio insieme l'anima black e quella post- sia "Désillusion", più lungo e articolato degli altri. Ecco che si arriva infine alla succitata "Sépulture", che si apre con dei canti da messa e subito si avventura inaspettatamente in territori doom metal, prima di scoppiare in una sfuriata black intorno ai sei minuti. I versi del poeta vengono urlati, delineando l'orrido futuro che attende il corpo sepolto tra i rifiuti, alla mercé di ragni e serpenti.

"Danke Dreiser !!!" è sicuramente un disco lungo (per qualcuno potrebbe esserlo eccessivamente), che all'inizio sembra non volersi spingere troppo al di fuori dei confini del post-black metal, tuttavia, con buoni spunti qua e là — soprattutto attraverso l'interessante commistione con il doom sentita nel finale — riesce a restare impresso. Gli Uluun potrebbero rivelarsi un nome interessante negli ambienti post-black.



Post-black metal from France. Yes, it doesn't really sound as anything new anymore, but this quintet founded in Paris as Uluun doesn't seem to care about it and just keeps on walking tall. This journey — started in 2009 thanks to Blasturbator and Loki — finally reached the long-awaited full-length debut with "Danke Dreiser !!!" at the end of 2014 through Bandcamp. The version I am reviewing, though, is the physical release distributed by Satanath Records' sub-label Symbol Of Domination, together with their Swiss partners at Asgard Hass Productions, in the spring of 2015.

The entire artwork is extremely minimal, featuring black bands as a cinematic frame for the contemplating gaze of the man on the cover, while the band logo and the title are placed in two corners. The lyrics, entirely written in French, are included in the booklet. Five tracks for more than fifty-six minutes are numbers that we would usually encounter in funeral doom metal, but in this case only the last song "Sépulture" (inspiredy by Baudelaire's eponymous poem) actually pushes on towards the twenty minute limit.

Uluun move around the more glacial and aggressive black metal with great awareness ("Chère Illusion"), led by Alrinack's scream (that you might have heard in many other acts, including Ysengrin) and supported by Blasturbator's drums. I believe the track that best put together their black metal and post- souls is "Désillusion", a bit longer and more complex than the others. And in the end we reach the afore-mentioned "Sépulture", opening with some religious chants before unexpectedly venturing into doom metal territories, and then going on to explode in a black metal rage around the six-minute marker. The poet's verses are screamed highlighting the horrific future awaiting the corpse buried in the garbage, at the mercy of spiders and snakes.

"Danke Dreiser !!!" surely is a long record (it might be too long for some people), that doesn't seem to be interested in exploring areas too much different from post-black metal, at least at the beginning. However, thanks to some interesting twists — especially the intriguing mixture with doom metal heard in the final bit — this album managed to leave an impression; Uluun might become a name to follow in the post-black metal scene.



Il debutto degli Uluun parte con i migliori auspici. Il quintetto francese mette a segno un lavoro di pastoso e viscoso Black Metal a tinte depressive, già facilmente appetibile per il mercato globale. Realizzato tra il luglio 2013 e il maggio del 2014, nonostante la gestazione lunga e laboriosa, “Danke Dreiser !!!” resta un lavoro compatto e profondamente intriso di malinconia.
Il tratto caratteristico del combo francese è quello di permeare la loro proposta con un sottile ma ben chiaro mal di vivere, un costante rimando all'inevitabile peso dell'esistenza, che trasuda spesso con lunghi fraseggi ed armonie elettrificate che ben si sposano con l'umore negativo dell'album. I brani sono come nella miglior scuola del depressive black metal lunghi e reiterati, ma nonostante questo la tensione difficilmente cala, vuoi anche che i nostri mantengono alto il tiro con mid-tempo rocciosi e tessuti groove che difficilmente sfociano nel melenso, tipica trappola del cliché.

Giusto per avere dei punti di riferimento, a tratti mi hanno ricordato i Legenda (storica band di Kikko Luttinen), molto la scuola black metal finlandese, e per finire, si sente netta l'influenza degli ultimi Satyricon, in particolare nell'impostazione metrica del riff-rama. Per completare il quadro ci metterei anche un pò di flavour sludge, quello malato ed oscuro di ultima generazione, per intenderci. Quindi avrete capito che si tratta di sonorità molto aperte, cadenzate e fatte più per creare tensione ed atmosfera che per annichilire l'ascoltatore. Da un punto di vista specificatamente tecnico l'album è discretamente registrato e anche la batteria ha una buona dinamica, nonostante i tempi non siano quasi mai velocissimi. Il wall of sound delle chitarre è appunto pastoso e grasso, il timbro è medioso e squillante e deve molto all'impostazione di Satyr nella scelta dei suoni. Il basso ha un suono slabbrato e tende a rendere l'amalgama del lavoro ancora più greve, dando corpo e colore al sound collettivo. La voce è buona, un rantolo graffiante e cattivo che si sposa molto bene con il resto della band.

Fin qui i pregi. Ora invece passiamo ai relativi punti deboli: primo fra tutti l'utilizzo della lingua madre, che non rende semplice la fruibilità delle liriche, ma essendo una scelta precisa e voluta degli Uluun, va rispettata nella sua integrità. Altro difetto è la durata spesso eccessiva delle tracce, che alla lunga fa perdere un po' il filo dell'album, considerato il fatto che siamo quasi sull'ora abbondante di lavoro. Da aggiungere, purtroppo, una certa mancanza di originalità che latita in alcuni frangenti, ed il “già sentito” fa spesso capolino. Da segnalare comunque “Sépulture” che nonostante sia la traccia più lunga dell'abum, resta la più ferale e rabbiosa, un autentico blocco di Black Metal - Sludge vecchia scuola, ringhiante e sostenuto, degno dei migliori act del genere. Tirando le somme questi cinque francesi (Loki & Jean Bachir alle chitarre, Albino, al basso, Mogal alla batteria e Alrinack alla voce) ci hanno piacevolmente sorpreso con un album che comincia in sordina, ma che poi al suo interno ci regala delle soluzioni interessanti, magari non originalissime, ma che ci rende curiosi e ci spinge fino in fondo del pozzo di “Danke Dreiser!!!”.
Dove ci porterà così tanto malessere? Io un paio di idee le avrei... .


Der Name Uluun wirkt befremdlich. Aber noch befremdlicher wirkt der deutsche Albumtitel „Danke Dreiser!!!“. Oder ist das kein Deutsch? Man weiß es nicht... Bei dem Bandnamen hatte ich zunächst Finnen vermutet. Ttasächlich handelt es sich bei Uluun jedoch um Franzosen. Seit 2009 sind sie nun schon am Start. Nach nur einem Demo folgt jetzt erst das Debüt. Ursprünglich war das Album schon 2014 fertig, war aber nur digital erhältlich. Aber die Mucke ist richtig gut. Sie spielten schon vor Bands wie Alcest, Dornenreich und Anaal Nathrakh. Und das hört man auch. Sie spielen, grob gesehen, skandinavisch angehauchten Black Metal, mal schnell, mal etwas langsamer, aber immer mit undergroundig dünner Produktion, die keinerlei Trendreiterei zulässt. Aber vor allem bei den trägeren (nicht negativ gemeint!) Passagen hört man deutlich heraus, dass die Live-Konstellation passt. Bei schnellem Geprügel erinnern sie auch an ihre Landsleute von Mütiilation, Vlad Tepes oder Torgeist, aber auch an die Australier Drowning The Light. Für Depri Metaller ist hier alles dabei.


De heruitgave van het oorspronkelijk in eigen beheer uitgebrachte debuutalbum van het Franse Uluun bereikte mij via het Russische Satanath Records. Ik vermoed dat de plaat een tribute is voor Theodore Dreiser, de schrijver die de teloorgang van de mens in de stad beschreef (onder andere). Franse black is namelijk nogal dikwijls een ode aan de natuur. Het genre trekt duidelijk van de stad weg, steeds meer en meer.

Uluun brengt inderdaad een dromerige en melancholische vorm van black metal, met een realistische sound en de nodige ruwte. Veel midtempo black metal, waar vooral de gekrakeelde stembanden van de voorman in de picture worden gezet. De algemene dreiging is constant, maar zonder echt een diepe impact te maken, net zoals de opbouw en de negatieve emotionaliteit. Burzum met een gelaten beleving zeg maar, en met een bijna postblackerige uitvoering. Slecht is het niet, het is gewoon... gewoontjes. Naar blackmetalstandaarden dan, voor zover zoiets al zou bestaan. Extra punten wel voor de solo halfweg Désillusion trouwens, een nummer dat het een vermelding verdient omwille van zijn relatieve beklemmende dynamiek. Waren er maar van dit soort momenten op deze plaat, dan zou Uluun wat meer naam en faam kunnen verzameld hebben.


One has to admit that every French Black Metal band that once stood out had a certain queer element to its music, which was also what made this scene so unique. So here’s French band ULUUN presenting its debut album “Danke Dreiser!” in its disrupting atmospheric Black Metal form. An oppressive ambience stretches along its nearly one hour of dense passages that vary from mid-paced rhythms to down-tempo ones that suddenly break in. ULUUN delivers a kind of music that drags a desolating mood within it, and it most often sounds like many of the bands from the 2000s that kept the Black Metal vibe of the 90s but with a better recording. The crude guitar sound seems to blend with Alrinack’s French sung narrations really well, and I do believe they managed to give it some personal touch in this sense. The tracks ‘L’Etincelle’ and ‘Désillusion’ particularly drag my attention for sustaining this atmosphere throughout its long lengths, being the latter the highlight of the album with its ethereal like guitar passages. This interlude temporarily interrupts the whole soundtrack of anger with a very well-thought and introspective bridge. It is a good but not an extraordinary album though, and the band errs on using their evident big scope of musical influences all at once, by shifting from certain simple but unsettling passages to more elaborate rhythms that break in too unexpectedly, which occasionally sounded as a downside since it takes one out of its original flow. The opening song is an example, by introducing a misplaced triplet riff in such an intense moment of the song, and with that giving the impression the band would have a rather modern approach that doesn´t come back later in the album. Apart from that, for a band that sticks to the heavy aspect of the term atmospheric in times of bands flocking to cleaner approaches, ULUUN seems to be a promising name that, once crafting the best in their musical potential, could eventually stand out as among the oddest names of France.


Nicolas Panchout en batería, Pierrick Camus y JB en guitarras, Albino en bajo y Alrinack en voz, son quienes conforman este combo llamado Uluun, y que debutan con este “Danke dreiser!!!”.

Lo que nos ofrece esta banda francesa es una especie de black metal muy melódico y hasta diría accesible a todos los públicos.

Con estructuras muy bien ensambladas y muchos pasajes melancólicos y atmosféricos, también hay un poco de espacio para la agresión black, blastbeats y gritos incluidos, como así para los riffs pesados y "gordos", donde predominan los medios tiempos densos, y en el cual la banda no teme mostrar su costado más doom.

Si hubiese que marcar algún detalle en contra, sin dudas seria la escasa variante entre tema y tema, al punto de dificultarse la diferenciación entre uno y otro.

No es un mal debut, pero les espera un camino arduo y tortuoso, y que seguramente con el correr del tiempo le irán adicionando su sello distintivo y los resultados serán mucho mejores. No obstante, recomiendo su escucha a quienes gusten del black metal melódico sin demasiadas luces.



Как уже многие выучили, Symbol Of Domination  — это сублейбл Satanath Records, который берется за задания, которые являются или слишком прогрессивными, или совершенно грайндкоровскими, или подозрительными по каким-то другим граням. Это раньше было. А с недавних пор, как видно из релизов, Symbol Of Domination уже просто напросто перехватывает самые разные оголтелые релизы, безжалостно выпускает их у себя и наполняет мир тоской по временам до р. х. когда блак металла было еще не так много, но зато вовсю восславляли Баалзебуба, Иштар, а на широчайших просторах европы Чернобога. Естественно, блак метал был всегда, только менял обличье и аранжировки. Например, кельты Франции в исторические времена поклонялись рогатому богу Кернунносу, хриплыми голосами пели ему здравицы, и по вашему это был не блак метал?)) Я к тому веду, что как раз кельты сейчас выступают с сабжевого компакта, прямиком из города Парижа.

Хорошо архивы подсказали, что на этом альбоме трудились пять музыкантов. И надо отметить, что, например, за плечами одного из вокалистов хороший послужной список — под десяток групп, в которых он выступал ранее и даже выступает и по сей день.  А на данном диске можно вычленить такие влияния — депрессив, пост-блак, и просто мрачный блак. Все эти компоненты перемешаны в такую мракобесную консистенцию на часовой аудиальный загон, что честно-откровенно к концу уже и забудешь, в какие времена находишься, где лево, где право и куда стремить чугунные пушки )). Тогда-то и понимаешь сверхидею Symbol Of Domination, вот оно кельтское безумие, пожалуйста, вы этого хотели, получите, распишитесь в квитанции на почте. Реально.

Среди тэгов этого альбома нужно гвоздиками прибить тег фюнерал-блак. И это важно. Потому что любителей такой мертвенной экспрессии очень много. И после такой новости начинаешь понимать, что ULUUN  далеко не просты, как кажется в первые 10 минут. Особенно четко в это вникаешь, когда где-то внутри после фюнерального выхлеста включается ультра-дикий скоростной блэк, который пожирает души неокрепшие и неустановившиеся в вере — под любым красным соусом. Когда позднее происходит переход к мидтемпо и сложному музицированию, тогда понимаешь, что композер команды, не иначе, проектировал собор Парижской богоматери, в другой жизни, естественно.

А ведь началось чисто с депрессива, пост-блака, и казалось, ничего не предвещает угара. Нет, угар произошел, и вполне быстро, когда композер вытащил из кладовой перфоратор и др. музыкальные инструменты. Тут-то начался a little холокауст, и с намеком, что не в первый раз. Траков всего пять, длиной 9, 7, 12, 6 и 19 минут. Так что в каждой компо есть место развернуться на кой-какие мясные вырезки из летучих мышей. Что там за мясо? спрашивается.

Гитаристы в данном унитарном произведении — компакт-диске задались целью поучаствовать в трех коллизиях. Намбер one — мрачный гипнотический риффинг в депрессиве, мягко-мелодичный местами, а кусками шершавый и знобящий, как ночной холодный ветер в пустыне. Вторая — крипто-блаковый струнный экзорцизм, в некоторой степени похожий на действия небольшим ломиком — фомкой, ей  ..ячат по пальцам, потом по гвоздям, потом вытаскивают эти гвозди, а потом в ажиотаже колотят по невинной доске (а почему невинным больше всегда достается?). Ну и третья коллизия — это фюнерал-дум перформанс —  нечастый, однако здесь, тем не менее, весьма ядовитый и острый. На указанной территории струнники позволяют себе такие вещи, которые вроде бы не позволительны в блаковом состоянии, но разрешены в пост-блаковом. Индульгенция выдана, и мастера риффинга выдают чудесные, колдовские, чародейские и прямо-таки гибельные  мелодийки (см. 1 абзац про Кернунноса). При всем при этом гитаристы в думовой 20-минутке умудрились кроме похоронных дел выдать красивые наброски в стилистике арт-, и спейс-рока 70-х. Краев не видят!

Надо бы сказать и про вокалистов (3 шт)), которые доказывают, что и французский язык вполне употребим для блак металла, (само собой)). В данном контексте обычно мягкий кельтский прононс превращается в крик воронов, речь зверей и молву жрецов на капище. Культивируя малоэмоциональность, вокаллеры немало раз эстетически рвут в клочья человеколюбие, терпимость и любую добрую весть — именно таким образом прорывается скриминговый визг (кроме более чистого нередкого вокала).

ULUUN, между прочим, открывали концерты таких групп как Alcest, Dornenreich и Anaal Nathrakh.





Francie je plná všemožných obskurních projektů a part, ostatně na Rumzinu jsme jich za poslední dobu představili desítky. Jedním takovým jsou i jistí ULUUN, jež si to na můj recenzentský stůl přikvačili přímo z Paříže, a to rovnou s debutovou deskou (když pominu demo „The Eternal Winter“ z roku 2011). Podle emotivně laděného obalu jsem se domníval, že ULUUN budou s největší pravděpodobností o ponurém či avantgardně laděném doom metalu, avšak hned prvotní kompozice mě tak trochu vyvedla z omylu. Album totiž startuje poněkud rozpačitou obdobou sklepního black metalu, jemuž chybí v podstatě všechno důležité, na první místě pak potřebné fluidum.


S druhou položkou „L’Étincelle“ však už přichází ono předpokládané zvolnění, přestože syrově znějící kytary stále velmi intenzivně vzdávají hold blackmetalové tradičnosti, nemluvě o skřehotavém vokálu. Pokud je v této skladbě něco „francouzsky nestandartní“, pak jsou to překvapivě hodně chytlavá kytarová sóla, která sem pasují-nepasují. Zkrátka typický francouzský vzorek současnosti. „Désillusion“ následně nabízí mix dvou předchozích skladeb, a protože má něco málo přes dvanáct minut, tak v čiré nahotě představuje části zajímavé, ale také ty poněkud liché a nezáživné. Domnívám se, že v těch pomalejších sekvencích, mi ULUUN přijdou mnohem silnější v kramflecích, zvláště pak když se pustí do experimentování a vykreslování monotonních vzorců. Kompozice „Désillusion“ tedy stojí za poslech…


UluunS „Danke Dreiser“ se však opětovně vrací blacmetalový řád střední rychlosti, a především úvodní part vůbec nenasvědčuje tomu, že bychom poslouchali produkci jedné a té samé kapely. Po stránce kvality se ULUUN znovu posunuli směrem k naprostému průměru, a tak nějak mě ještě více ujistili v tom, že ten „pravý black metal jim spíš nejde“. Nicméně „Danke dreiser !!!“ není nahrávka ani tak špatná, jako spíše rozporuplná. Dokonalým důkazem budiž pohřební procedura „Sepulture“, zhudebněná báseň prokletého zlosyna Charlese Baudelaira, ke které ULUUN přistoupili skutečně s bytostným respektem a úctou. Těžko říci, jak moc se nechali inspirovat temným zaříkáváním v textu, avšak hudební podkres opětovně nabízí nebetyčně temnou strnulost a nihilisticky zkostnatělý proces hniloby s dlouhosáhlou dvacetiminutovou stopáží. Poslední track se tedy rozhodně povedl, ovšem těch dvacet minut je opravdu hodně dlouhá šichta… :)


„Danke dreiser !!!“ – občas slunce, občas trakaře. Najdete zde dost zajímavých a promyšlených momentů, ale také spoustu nepotřebné vaty, kterou byste nejraději vzali a někam zahodili. Člověk by se tak alespoň snáze dostal k tomu lepšímu, co je na tomto opusu k mání. Za poslech tohoto díla rozhodně nic nedáte, avšak přehnané čáry a kouzla od něho neočekávejte. Nějaký ten potenciál však v těchto mladících přece jen dřímá. Uvidíme, co nám předvedou na další nahrávce…

