. Satanath Records

Reviews: SODP161

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Almost three years after its last album, the Polish black metal band Czarna Magia is returning with a third album named Morbid Affection To Darkness, proudly presented as an uncompromisingly evil reflection of its sole creator Balrog‘s sickness and hatred.


The album will be co-released on December 13th by Symbol Of Domination and The End Of Time Records, and today we premiere its disturbing title track.


This song is a changing experience, but unsettling and chilling through and through. As its title portends, it’s morbid and dismal but it’s also menacing, miasmatic, and misanthropic.


In a mid-paced procession, the drum beats seem to skip and jump, and the bass to moodily moan, while the scratchy riffing emits both a dismal throb and a wretched squirming whine, and the voice stridently expels the venomous words in cold, vicious snarls and tormented howls.


Intermittently the bass grows more heated, and the riffing torques into feverish convulsions. Balrog also executes a guitar solo that intertwines the distressing sensations of the riffage — miserably wailing and seeming to boil over in pain — and his vocals find the reach of screams.


But as the drums and bass bound about, the riffing also whirls, like some hungering feral presence, and it fiendishly sizzles. The music begins to sound haughty and diabolical — the other side of the gradually turning coin from the miseries in the music.


As the labels portray, “Morbid Affection to Darkness contains 42 minutes of grim and sinister Black Metal soaked with evil, madness, dark magic and hatred.” They offer it as a “great feast for the fans of Darkthrone, Burzum, Isengard, Leviathan, Mayhem, Bathory, Hellhammer and early Celtic Frost.”


It was recorded and mixed in the home studio of Balrog and features artwork by Hellcatfairy Art, and layout by Aleksey Satanath.


You’ll find pre-order links below, along with two previously released songs from the album, “Chaos Devotion” and “The Black Reaver of the Underworld“.

