. Satanath Records

Reviews: SODP152

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White Mare is a new melodic doom/death formation created in 2019 through the collaboration of Swiss musician D.G. (Duthaig, 3 Days Of Silence, Nightshade) and J.A. from Doomcult (hailing from The Netherlands). Later they were joined by T.W. (Nightshade), in time to perform drums in the recording of their debut album Isle Of Bliss, which is now set for co-release by Symbol Of Domination and Negre Plany on April 25th.


The new album was inspired by Homer’s Odyssey, and like its inspiration the music is epic in its scale and tragic in its moods. It’s a deeply moving and immediately memorable record that unfolds like a grand but harrowing tapestry. Even a single song from the album creates those impressions, and we have one for you in today’s premiere of “The White Mares’ Procession“.


In this new song the conjunction of ominous low-end undercurrents, heavy, scarring guitars, and a ringing piano melody quickly creates a dire and daunting mood. That union of deep, jagged heaviness and ethereal lightness is a continuing feature of the music, which uses the contrast to interweave varying moods — though all the moods are dark.


Moving at the pace of funeral doom, the music’s intensity varies, heightened by the wrenching torment of the harsh vocals, the clawing of the chords, and the vast sweep of the sorrowful high-end melodies. The words leave no doubt about the grief and misery that lies at the beating heart of the song as they narrate a tale of crushing loneliness and hopes repeatedly extinguished. But the bottomless despondency and harrowing agony of the music itself is unmistakable even without the words.


To be sure, there is beauty in the song as well, but it’s the beauty of cold alabaster, and a kind of beauty that also feels evanescent. There’s also a solemn and gloomy beauty in the ring of baritone singing that surfaces near the end of the song, when the music rises in reverence… before descending in desolation.


All in all, it’s a classic example of how a sure-handed band can create a magnificent haunting spell even with music that’s devastating in its portrayal of tragedy.


The labels rightly say that “fans of Saturnus, Doom:VS, and My Dying Bride will feel right at home here”. Check the links below, but also be sure to listen to the previously released song “Les Oiseaux De Proie”, a stream of which we’ve also included below.



Multinational band White Mare are out with the album "Isle of Bliss", and doom metal is the style of choice on this production. This is an atmospheric laden variety of the form, with long passages that have perhaps a bit more of an ambient intent and generally a gentle atmosphere, albeit dark of course, and the more guitar driven parts are generally toned down a bit and appear perhaps a bit smoother and more careful than may have been intended. It does give a lot of space for the plucked guitar details, keyboards and violin motifs to shine though, and the toned down harsh vocals are also a bit more in the limelight than what they would have been with a different production. These are aspects that may be a bit divisive, and the slightly closed in sounding production alongside it, but for those who crave a gentler, more atmospheric laden variety of doom metal with harsh vocals this is a production that will deliver just that and in ample amounts too.





Lanzamiento del primer disco de este nuevo proyecto suizo-holandés de Doom Death Metal melódico.


Un excelente trabajo lleno de Épico y trágico, e influenciado por bandas como SATURNUS, DOOM:VS o MY DYING BRIDE. La productora Negre planY edita esta primera obra llena de melancolía, belleza y lamento del proyecto WHITE MARE, el primer álbum de la banda neerlandesa y suiza “Isle of Bliss” que se acaba de lanzar en formato CD con la label Negre planY, el subsello de Negra Nit dedicado a los sonidos pesados y lentos, en colaboración con Symbol Of Domination.


Héroes trágicos que se enfrentan a trabajos épicos, pero tan comunes en esta bobina mortal. ¿Qué imágenes más apropiadas podrían ser convocadas para poblar el desafortunado mundo creado por WHITE MARE, inspirado en la Odisea de Homero? Trágico y épico son, de hecho, las palabras más adecuadas para describir esta nueva entidad melódica de fatalidad-muerte, nacida entre Suiza y los Países Bajos.


Partiendo del Death Doom melódico, esta rica y sugerente ópera prima pone música a la Odisea de Homero, así como a cualquier funeral al que pretendas asistir próximamente. Ambientaciones trágicas, lóbregos pianos, voces fantasmales y riffs luctuosos convergen en “Isle of Bliss“, un álbum que sabrán degustar aquellos paladares exquisitos acostumbrados a la melancolía.


“Isle Of Bliss” está lleno hasta el borde con fascinantes melodías de piano, riffs fúnebre y pistas desesperadas. El músico suizo hiperactivo D.G. (DUTHAIG, 3 DAYS OF SILENCE, NIGHTSHADE) unió fuerzas con J.A. de DOOMCULT (proveniente de los Países Bajos, patria del Doom Metal) en 2019, mientras que T.W. (NIGHTSHADE) saltó a bordo justo a tiempo para cumplir con sus deberes de batería en el primer disco de la banda.

