Reviews: SAT250
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Sweden's Golgota have returned with a new recording which continues the raw and melodic style of black metal from previous releases and this is a review of their 2019 album "Skam" which was released by Satanath Records.
Acoustic guitar playing starts off the album before going into more of a heavier and melodic musical direction. Clean vocals can also be heard in some parts of the music along with all of the musical instruments having a very powerful sound to them and the vocals are mostly grim sounding black metal screams.
When the music speeds up a decent amount of blast beats can also be heard while the tremolo picking also gives the songs more of a raw feeling when it is utilized. Throughout the recording you can also hear a great mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts and when guitar solos and leads are utilized they are done in a very melodic style.
On some of the later tracks acoustic guitars and clean playing also make a brief return along with the vocals also getting very deep sounding at times. The music also has a lot of 90's influences but done in a more modern style and as the album progresses a brief use of spoken word parts can also be heard, towards the end synths can also be heard briefly. The production sounds very professional while the lyrics are written in Swedish and cover dark themes.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Golgota and if you are a fan of melodic black metal, you should check out this album.
Technically, we’ve got a lyric video premiere here today from Swedish black metal duo Golgata, but since the lyrics are in Swedish, it seemed a bit disingenuous to have labeled it as such. Yeah, it’s a lyric video, but I still have no clue what they’re growling about. Here’s what I do know:
-The song’s title “Askes” is Swedish for “Asceticism”
-Skam, the title of the album it comes from, translates as “Shame”
-“Slå” translates as “beat”
-The video looks like fetuses doing hard labor in hell and it seriously creeps me the fuck out
-For that matter, I have no clue what that cover image is supposed to be, either – a vertebra with antlers? Teeth?
When it comes down to it, nearly everything about Golgata is kind of unsettling, including the music. One shouldn’t need to read the band’s bio to tell they’re from Sweden – their approach to black metal is very much in line with melodic aggression and chaotic blasts of the country’s best known exports like Marduk and Watain. However, there’s something in the way the album is mixed – drums forward, prominent vocals, buried guitars – that makes it seem even more violent than the norm. Listening to “Askes” is an exercise in pain. Play it five times in a row, and I think it’ll count as your 20 minutes of cardio for the day.
Il disco degli svedesi Golgata è decisamente variopinto. Il platter comincia con un adagio che sa di black atmosferico e pagano, poi invece i suoni si fanno più pesanti nella seconda traccia, con un incipit che sembra preso dalle ultime produzioni di Burzum. Il duo che sta dietro al progetto confeziona un insieme di tracce solide e solenni dove i cori di sottofondo sono usati sapientemente, mischiando suoni che ricordano a tratti i Satyricon per l’uso della batteria. Naturalmente il suono è molto più underground ma paradossalmente in alcune soluzioni sonore il gruppo potrebbe essere iscritto tra il black underground. Come opera prima direi che di più non si può chiedere a questa coppia molto affiatata…
I’ve followed the Swedish black metal band Golgata very closely since their EP Trälen came out in 2017, followed by De Dömdas Gryning last year where they took another step in the right direction. Finally though they’ve released a full-length album with Skam being their fourth offering (their debut EP Industrial Thoughts came out 2015). The Swedish duo don’t hold back at all and with Skam Golgata has put out their most complete album yet. It’s dark and sinister atmosphere, Swedish lyrics and varied songs makes it an easy album to get back to again and again. They also have their, so far, best tracks on this album with the opener “Förrädiskt Vaggas Vi Till Sömns” and “Opus IX (Lidandets Moder)” being two of my favorite black metal tracks I’ve heard this year (still quite a few months to go I know).
Golgata keeps their dirty underground, yet melodic, sound intact and throughout the album there is a red line on both lyrics and atmosphere that grabs you and never let you go. Difference here compared to their older albums, which makes this a winner in my book, is that it offers a more varied spectrum on fast, adrenaline pumping black metal accompanied with the more slow paced songs. Together with the intermission parts on spoken words, use of organ, acoustic guitar and more Skam pushes the band and is an album any black metal fan should listen to. I can’t stress this enough, Golgata is a very underrated band which just keeps on improving. Don’t sleep on them! For fans of: Skogen and Dråpsnatt
The band Golgta states on Facebook, «Who we are, are not relevant. But what we are is. What are we? We are the sound of our origin!». The band was founded five years ago, and they now recently have released their debut full-length Skam. In English Skam is Shame. The album is the essence of the depth of mankind, and the soundscape of the horror within of us all. Mesmerizing melodies mixed with chaotic blast beats and slow and majestic doom. Let Golgata free your mind and show you a musical world of insanity and despair. The track Förrädiskt Vaggas Vi Till Sömns, and in English this is We Are Treacherously Rocked To Sleep.
Golgota plays a raw but melodic black metal, and with clean vocal in some parts, but mostly there is outburst of grim sounding black metal. Actually the album starts with acoustic guitars before the music turn into much harder direction. Skam offers guitar solos in a very melodic way, and an amalgam of slow, mid paced and fast parts. This give the music dynamic and the tremolo picking adds a raw edge to the songs. A black metal album without blast beats are not common, and Skam have many blast beats when the music speed up.
The production is very nice and professional and the lyrics are written in Swedish and are about pretty dark themes. Golgata is very influenced by the 90`s but done in a modern way and they add some elements that refreshes. Some minor synths can be heard at the end of the album, and in addition some acoustic parts returns.
Aus Schweden stammt das Duo um Spokesman 1/ Guitar und Spokesman 2 / Bass, Vocals, Guitar. Verschrieben haben sich dem Melodic Black Metal in der Landessprache und nun liegt mir ihr aktuelles Debütalbum aus dem Monat Juni des Jahres 2019 vor.
Der schwermütige Opener “Förrädiskt Vaggas Vi Till Sömns” generiert bei mir eine Bathory Stimmung mit atmosphärisch düsteren Landschaften. Der Sound hat im gesamten eher Demo oder Undergroundcharakter, aber nun ja. “Vinterbarn” hält weiterhin die epische Fahne hoch und der Gesang hat dämonisch krächzendes, was musikalisch zusammen einen Gegensatz bildet wie Feuer und Wasser.
Choraler Gesang eröffnet “Askes” und im weiteren Verlauf steppt und reitet der Teufel. Definitiv ein interessanter Track, zumal aus meiner Sicht unterschiedliche Richtungen kurzzeitig bedient werden. Aber vielleicht ist dies nur mein Eindruck. Gitarre trifft auf Bass, alles kommt zusammen und “Skam” bittet ruhig aber nicht einschläfernd – eher fordernd den eintritt in meine Gehörgänge.
“Job” gibt ordentlich Tempo vor, nachdem zu beginn narrativ zwei stimmliche Gruppen nacheinander diese Reise eröffnen. Ein sehr schöner Song, der einen entführt in die dunklen Wälder, in dunkle Nächte, dir die entsprechende Atmosphäre gibt also lass dich treiben. “Skuld” ist genauso wie “Opus IX (Lidandets Moder)” schwermütig angelegt, wobei zweiter noch ein wenig mehr die klanglichen Muskeln im gesamten spielen lässt. Das Ende findet dieses Debüt nach gut 36:07 min. mit “Janus Spegel“. Dieser Song ist mein Favorit, geht er doch richtig gut geradeaus und offenbart schöne in Töne gefasste Zwischenmomente.
Fazit: Definitiv ist dies kein One-Night-Stand Album, deshalb werden wir uns des öfteren treffen und dem Black-Metal zusammen huldigen. Tack för dessa svarta minuter!
Os fãs de Black Metal melódico irão se deleitar com este grande lançamento. Os suecos do Golgata trazem o seu primeiro disco de estúdio, totalmente inspirados em hordas de alto renome do gênero. Para quem pensou que essa subdivisão do Black Metal havia desaparecido de vez, eis a prova viva de que não é verdade essa afirmação.
Com um ar bastante “Doom” e com corais ritualísticos e gregorianos de fundo, posso já lhes adiantar que este trabalho é bastante impressionante. Seu ritmo lento e altamente carregado de passagens góticas deixam este trabalho bastante completo e direcionado principalmente aos fãs de Siebenbürgen na fase “Delictum (2000)”.
Minha única crítica a este trabalho inicial é que, em certos pontos, ele se mostra um pouco “tímico” e não se permite desenvolver para algo mais extremo. Mas que o Golgata é uma grande horda e que sabe o que faz, isso não tenham dúvidas.
Trabalho indicado para todos os fãs do gênero. Não deixem de conferir. Altamente recomendado !!!!
Golgata es una banda de Black Metal fundada en Suecia en el año 2014. El pasado 17 de junio lanzaron su álbum debut, titulado “Skam”, a través de Satanath Records.
La formación de Golgata está compuesta por A. (guitarra, bajo, voz y batería) y J. (guitarra).
“Skam” es un trabajo que contiene ocho composiciones y una duración total de 36 minutos en los que el protagonismo absoluto es un Black Metal de corte melódico muy bien equilibrado entre secciones agresivas a base de trémolos gélidos y secciones atmosféricas a base de guitarras acústicas y cristalinas, las cuales contiene un aire muy pagano, con lo que si queréis haceros una idea de como suena, se les puede emparentar perfectamente con bandas como Vreid o Kampfar. Por otra parte, la producción es completamente nítida sin perder ese tono crudo que sobrevuela todas las composiciones, algo que personalmente agradezco mucho.
La sección rítmica está basada en múltiples tempos, entre los que encontramos blastbeats y mid-tempos entrelazados perfectamente a lo largo de todo el álbum.
En cuanto al registro vocal, el principal se trata de un shriek típicamente black metalero, el cual viene acompañado en ocasiones por coros limpios, los cuales enfatizan ese ambiente pagano del que hablaba anteriormente.
En definitiva, “Skam” se trata de un álbum notable y en el que se nota que ha habido un buen trabajo de composición detrás, sin prisas y cuidando cada detalle.
Шведские успехи в деле мелодического блэка несомненны. И как дополнительное подтверждение тому команда GOLGATA решила засыпать в топку Люцифера свое ведро угля.
Сейчас уже известно, что это — дуэт, скрывающийся за буквами (а то и выдающими себя за Оратор1 и Оратор2) - A. - guitars, bass, vocals, drums и J. - guitars. На фото в архивах лица размыты. То ли крайняя степень застенчивости, то ли это могут быть известные музыканты, которые не заинтересованы в такой засветке. Странно, конечно, но Музыка решает...
Мелодик блэк говорите? Сейчас посмотрим.
Как вы успели узнать из курса «Теория и практика блэк металла», МБМ бывает двух видов - причем один скорее в кавычках, если относиться серьезно к теме. Это тот вид любого металла и даже не металла с привлеченным скриминговым вокалом. Этот вид появился в пик популярности БМ, когда бешено уходил любой компакт-диск с этим тэгом. Реальный мелодик БМ - это все-таки блэк со своим специфическим угаром и звукопостроением, в котором мелодические линии намеренно акцентированы и масштабно выведены на передний план. Это было сделано по разным причинам, а в большей степени - для завоевания массового слушателя, который не мог потреблять, извините за выражение, настоящий БМ, зато: «...а-а, мелодик, ладно, ... там и лирично, и жестко». Классические адепты такого направления сохраняют в своем антимузыкальном устремлении реальную черную базу.
Что же GOLGATA? Это причудливый комплексный дарк-блэк металл с блэковым вокалом и иногда даже и с хорами. Причем эти хоры бывают как чистые, так и экстремальные. Сначала мне показалось, что где-то внутри этого подвального (и не такого уж и подвального) помещения проскальзывают нотки хорала, и торжественных песнопений, а потом я услышал, что так оно и есть.
Кроме мид-темповых и замедленных композиций здесь нет-нет да встретишь ускоренные стайерские трэки, в которых и ярости поболее, и агрессии, и блэка как такового. Некоторые из них берут за лучший образец ранний Сатирикон и это великолепно.
Вокалист, заметим, местами напряжен и ритуален, прямо поджигает пудовые свечи свои голосом, а иногда следует за быстрым риффингом как в хэви-металлическом угаре. Но уж когда он окропляет в думовых кусках (трэк 4 — Skam), то там он настоящая черная звезда с ядовитыми лучами и скребущими, извините за выражение, любой неподготовленный мозг, в думе это настоящий заклинатель червей и сколопендр.
Обязательно заявлю, что в эпических партиях вокалы сооружают чуть ли не викинг-хоры в олдовых блэк-металл традициях.
В темповых трэках музыканты близятся к холодному нордическому звучанию, которое было выковано Bathory во втором периоде своей карьеры.
Вот такое разнообразие создает шведский дуэт. И главное - с полным правом — географически и музыкально.
Да, это мелодик блэк, причем с корнями, которые уходят в 80-е, атмосферик блэк, созданный как настроением, так и умелой саунд-инженерской работой. Конечно, этим сейчас никого не удивишь. НО! - главное - музыкальный рецепт, написанный руническими знаками. А он здесь богатый, вдохновляющий, разнообразный. Дум, спид-метал, хэви, эпик, дарк металл и, само собой, блэк сплелись здесь в таком невообразимом клубке, что этот компакт не сразу будет вытащен из дископриемника. Два - три раза прогонит меломан ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО и поставит поближе на полку с чугунной табличкой «Переслушать!»
Рекомендации: трэк 8 - Janus Spegel — настоящая симфония тьмы и ужаса, разыгранная в глубоком ущелье на пути в ад.
Некоторые критики отписались в графе «похожие команды» - Hecate Enthroned, Siebenburgen. Вероятно..., но на самом деле шведский дуэт собрал собственный контейнер полновесного Melodic Black Metal .
They call themselves Spokesman 1 and 2, and say that it doesn’t matter who they are but what they are: they are Golgata from Sweden and here to deliver their first full-length Melodic Black release, “Skam”! The most prominent thing about the record is each track having a unique character while still sounding similar to the rest of the album. It’s explorative with something happening at all times, and something new emerging from it.
“Skam” is very melodic, with masterfully done yet undergroundly production that highlights that dimension. It’s dynamics are also interesting, the way they contrast and transform the music, be it from slow to fast, aggression to passivity, gruesome spoken words or chants to vocals full of emotion. All of that interpreted in a characteristically violent style. It’s just one of those attention-catching albums. Would love to hear these guys go even more extreme because they definitely showed what they are capable of!
With an ideally placed atmospheric track and a chanted melody you are taken into this mini universe of all things of the Black spectrum that give the subgenre a new look and energy. Gothic and Doom passages, synths and chants, clean playing, raw blast beats and trem picking, groovy guitar solos… And it’s not a clutter, but an admirable composition of all those elements – executed in a more modern style, while still keeping the character that defines Black metal.
My recommendation is not only to give “Skam” a listen, but to return to it after that. Golgata deserves your attention, especially as Melodic Black fans looking for something new and interesting.
Bleiben wir doch gleich in Nordeuropa, doch wechseln von Finnland nach Schweden wo Golgata vor kurzem mit „Skam“ ihr erste Album herausbrachten. Seit der Gründung im Jahr 2014 scheinen die beiden unbekannten Musiker, die sich nur als Spokesman 1 und 2 bezeichnen an diesem Werk getüftelt zu haben. Ich muss sagen, die 5 Jahre haben sich aber auch gelohnt.
Was Golgata auszeichnet ist, dass sie sich zwar auf den melodischen schwedischen Sound einlassen, ihrem Black Metal aber zum einen noch ein dickes Stück Demo-/Höhlensound zugestehen und ein paar epische Chöre a la Batuska einbauen. So verschwimmen die Instrumente meist stark ineinander und lassen sich schlecht einzeln raushören, gleichzeitig sägen die Gitarren im Hintergrund ordentlich und auch die Vocals sind selbst im epischsten Abschnitt nicht wirklich klar. Dadurch entsteht ein dichtes, finsteres Monstrum, das sich bedrohlich über dem Hörer aufbaut und in guter 90er Manier der Finsternis huldigt. Doch gibt es nicht nur pure Finsternis, denn pure Raserei findet sich selten, tremolo-Riffs und Blast Beats finden sich ebenfalls eher selten, stattdessen zeigt sich das Album überraschend melodisch, vor allem was die Riffs angeht. Aus dem Sound“brei“ erheben sich immer wieder Melodien, die einen aufhorchen lassen, mal melancholisch mal düster-bedrohlich angerauscht kommen und so die Atmosphäre noch weiter verdichten und das Album gleichzeitig eingängiger und leichter verdaulich gestalten. Auch bleibt das Album überwiegend im langsamen oder mittleren Tempo stehen, so dass die Riffs schwer und finster aus den Boxen wabern. Nur gelegentlich wird ein Blast Beat oder ähnliches Rausgehauen und das Tempo angezogen. Obendrauf legt sich dann noch ein etwas okkulter Schleier, was nicht zuletzt von den epischen, orthodox klingenden Gesängen liegt, die hier und da zum Einsatz kommen und etwas nach Batushka aber gleichzeitig auch nach Bathory’s „Hammerheart„-Stil klingen. Dadurch wird das Album zu einem kleinen Ritual und sorgt nochmal für ein paar interessante Tupfer, die aus dem Sound etwas herausstechen. Den überwiegenden Teil des Gesangs dominieren allerdings scharfe, verhallte Schreie der alten Schule, die grimmig durch die Finsternis schneiden.
Wer auf schön dreckigen und extrem dichten Black Metal mit dem nötigen Bisschen Melodie und Okkultismus, der sollte sich unbedingt „Skam“ von Golgata anhören, denn was die beiden Schweden auf ihrem Debüt abliefern steht erhaben zwischen 90s und Moderne, mixt dichte Finsternis mit orthodoxen Gesängen und schafft es trotz „matschigem“ Demo-Sound mit seinen Instrumenten Akzente zu setzen.
Det er alltid litt spennende når det kommer nye black metal-band, da det har vist seg de siste årene at det kan slå litt begge veier kvalitetsmessig. Svenske Golgata er nå aktuelle med sin debutplate «Skam», og etter første gjennomlytt var dette helt ok. Det tok med andre ord litt tid før det begynte å sette seg skikkelig, men når det førstes gjorde det så har «Skam» blitt en fornøyelse å høre på. Vi snakker her melodisk og stemningsfull black metal som like gjerne kunne kommet ut for 25 år siden. Så det kan vel trygt sies at Golgata ikke har funnet opp kruttet på nytt, men det er godt å høre at det fortsatt er noen som klarer å få til den stemningen som den gang. Så om det kunne fristet med en nostalgisk og stemningsfull reise tilbake til midten av nittitallet, så er «Skam» virkelig et godt alternativ
Golgata is a young Swedish Black Metal band with a pagan sound and a very melodic side to it. Founded in 2014, they release their first album with "Skam" (Skam means "shame" in Swedish) and the least we can say right away is that it is perfectly successful. Of course, if you're looking for inhumane screams you'll find some, as well as the usual blast-beats, but you'll find much more here. The pagan/viking inspiration (the choirs are reminiscent of Bathory in the Hammerheart or Nordland era) is omnipresent and gives majesty to the whole. Epic is the right word to symbolize the Black Metal of Golgata, both seated in tradition and open to a new era. Listening to this splendid first draft of the Swedes, we settle down, and, closing our eyes, we think we see the figures of the Aesir contemplating us, as well as the one-eyed Odin and Freya the goddess, Thor not far away and Loki in ambush.
A beautiful album that will convince both the demanding Black Metal lover and the person appreciating Metal in a wider sense.
Golgata est un jeune groupe suèdois de Black Metal proposant des sonorités d'obédience paienne, avec un parti pris très mélodique. Fondés en 2014, ils sortent avec "Skam" leur premier album (Skam signifiant "honte" en suèdois) et le moins que l'on puisse dire d'emblée est qu'il est parfaitement réussi. Bien sûr, si vous êtes a la recherche de vociférations inhumaines vous en trouverez, de même que les blast-beats de rigueur, mais vous trouverez bien plus ici. L'inspiration paienne/viking (les choeurs rappelent Bathory époque Hammerheart ou Nordland) est omniprésente et donne une majesté à l'ensemble. Epique est le mot qui convient pour symboliser le Black Metal de Golgata, à la fois assis dans la tradition et ouverts sur une ère nouvelle. A l'écoute de ce splendide premier jet des suèdois on se pose, et, fermant les yeux, on croit apercevoir les figures des Ases nous contempler, ainsi du borgne Odin et de Freya la déesse, Thor non loin et Loki en embuscade.
Un album de toute beauté qui convaincra aussi bien l'amateur de Black Metal exigeant que la personne appréciant le Metal au sens plus large.
Golgata is a young Swedish Black Metal band with a pagan sound and a very melodic side to it. Founded in 2014, they release their first album with "Skam" (Skam means "shame" in Swedish) and the least we can say right away is that it is perfectly successful. Of course, if you're looking for inhumane screams you'll find some, as well as the usual blast-beats, but you'll find much more here. The pagan/viking inspiration (the choirs are reminiscent of Bathory in the Hammerheart or Nordland era) is omnipresent and gives majesty to the whole. Epic is the right word to symbolize the Black Metal of Golgata, both seated in tradition and open to a new era. Listening to this splendid first draft of the Swedes, we settle down, and, closing our eyes, we think we see the figures of the Aesir contemplating us, as well as the one-eyed Odin and Freya the goddess, Thor not far away and Loki in ambush.
A beautiful album that will convince both the demanding Black Metal lover and the person appreciating Metal in a wider sense.
Golgata est un jeune groupe suèdois de Black Metal proposant des sonorités d'obédience paienne, avec un parti pris très mélodique. Fondés en 2014, ils sortent avec "Skam" leur premier album (Skam signifiant "honte" en suèdois) et le moins que l'on puisse dire d'emblée est qu'il est parfaitement réussi. Bien sûr, si vous êtes a la recherche de vociférations inhumaines vous en trouverez, de même que les blast-beats de rigueur, mais vous trouverez bien plus ici. L'inspiration paienne/viking (les choeurs rappelent Bathory époque Hammerheart ou Nordland) est omniprésente et donne une majesté à l'ensemble. Epique est le mot qui convient pour symboliser le Black Metal de Golgata, à la fois assis dans la tradition et ouverts sur une ère nouvelle. A l'écoute de ce splendide premier jet des suèdois on se pose, et, fermant les yeux, on croit apercevoir les figures des Ases nous contempler, ainsi du borgne Odin et de Freya la déesse, Thor non loin et Loki en embuscade.
Un album de toute beauté qui convaincra aussi bien l'amateur de Black Metal exigeant que la personne appréciant le Metal au sens plus large.
Golgata is a Swedish black metal duo that I was completely unaware of until now, it was formed in 2014 and its debut album was recently released by the Russian record label Satanath Records. The eight tracks of "Skam" are highly atmospheric, epic and induced by Scandinavian folk music. The two spokesmen as they call themselves created an enchanting cavalcade of Nordic melodies that was firmly put into the prebend of the black metal style. Their lyrics touch the themes of dark philosophy, nature and history. The 36-minute long repertory mostly has a calming effect and the tempos are marching, but of course this idyll often breaks under the storming blast beats parts of the drums. Unfortunately, the programmed drum patterns sound totally horrible, too synthetic and ear irritating, if you ask me. This type of music has to be recorded with live sounding drums exclusively! Despite this minor, but still annoying fact, which I deeply recommend to correct for the second album, I found the songs of Golgata very good. No doubt, "Skam" is a decent black metal release! Let me finish this review with words from the creators themselves: "Who we are, are not relevant. But what we are is. What are we? We are the sound of our origin!".
Boa surpresa, o álbum de estreia dos suecos Golgata, um misterioso duo composto pelo Spokesman 1 e 2 (ou seja Porta-voz 1 e 2), o que não deixa de ser algo… original. Ou então só estranho. Felizmente o seu black metal melódico não é tão peculiar assim. Poderá também não ser original mas é sem dúvida de grande qualidade. Vão buscar todos os lugares comuns mas não se sente que haja um rip off directo ou sequer falta de originalidade. Bons temas, peso e melodia em iguais medidas, tudo coisas que farão o comum fã de black metal melódico satisfeito.
Si tiro de mis recuerdos musicales en cuanto a Pagan Black Metal a medio tiempo mi cabeza se va ineludiblemente a For All Tid de Dimmu Borgir. Ni peor ni mejor que otros discos de Kampfar o cualquier agrupación de esas que pululaban por Napalm Records, es el disco que recuerdo con más cariño... ambientes crepusculares de luces cerúleas al amparo de viejas piedras monolíticas consumidas por musgo ancestral. Un estilo donde la atmósfera debe ser la que marque el paso; no importa lo técnico y bueno que seas, si la cagas en el medio tiempo, el Pagan Black Folk generalmente no funciona.
Dicho todo lo anterior, GOLGATA desde Suecia en formato duo (sin nombres ni identificación de sus músicos), baterías creo que programadas pero aceptables y un groove intenso de un grado de humedad del 80% que viene a ser lo que el granito rezuma en tierras nórdicas. Grabado y masterizado en Natas Sinep Studios, edita en jewel case Satanath Records y el artwork (con su Pit Art y todo) aun huyendo de bosques helados recoge a la perfección lo que quiere transmitir la música.... una doble imagen en espejo de una mandíbula o similar formando un casco. Aunque Skam es su debut oficial, De Dömdas Gryning es un EP previo que no está demasiado visible en las redes y bio de la banda y que por cierto tiene una portada excelente y bastante original.
GOLGATA suenan a vieja escuela por los cuatro costados; la forma de desarrollar ese Black Metal melódico tan intenso, las cabalgadas épicas horadadas por teclados espectrales y su doble juego de guitarras son parte de la historia de un sonido que se explotó en los 90 por tierras suecas y noruegas. En los 36 bombásticos minutos te subes a un carrrousel de sensaciones propio del buen Pagan Black. Nos mecemos con los subrayados e insistentes riffs de guitarra afinados en la parte aguda del mástil y tocados con rápidísimos arpegios mientras las voces llegan (no puede ser de otra manera) de forma indirecta... cánticos que hubieran quedado impresos de forma natural en el manto herbáceo de un ignoto bosque o regurgitaciones de arena en la digestión de antiguas piedras que nunca hubieran visto la luz del sol.
Así suena el potente inicio "Förrädiskt Vaggas Vi Till Sömns". Arrastrado, ambiental y plagado de cantos al más puro estilo del citado For All Tid. La producción es fantástica para un disco de estas características... mohoso pero nítido haciendo resaltar sobre todo los dos juegos de voces a lo Vintersorg. Afortunadamente, tampoco se hace excesivo uso de `lo vikingo´ y sí de esa telaraña pagana que alcanza sus puntos álgidos con la guitarra acústica. El punto flaco de la grabación sin duda es la batería que al ser programada le falta fuerza (se nota sobre todo en las partes donde el doble bombo se queda solo).. Sigue la fastuosa "Vinterbarn", tonada mediúmnica de otra era con un puntito de doom a la inglesa en los riffs de guitarra que puede recordar (a los más viejunos) a Poccolus o (salvando las diferencias) Zpoan Vtenz.
Muy buen interludio con la gregoriana "Askes", corta pero intensa con un buen despliegue de técnica a velocidad de vértigo y contrastando con la taimada/homónima "Skam", sin duda el corte que mejor representa la propuesta de GOLGATA... muy melódica y (curioso) recordando en los medios tiempos a los Rotting Christ del Triarchy of the Lost Lovers. Desde aquí hasta el final un poco de todo. Black metal sin concesiones en "Job", armas en alto en la épica y ultrapegadiza (vikinga) "Skuld" o ese riff lentísimo, doom noventero mediante que abre "Opus IX (Lidandets Moder)". Cierra "Janus Spegel" dejándome la sensación de haber viajado en el tiempo dos décadas hacia atrás.
Si te gustan estos sonidos, ya tienes tu nueva dosis.
Przyznam, że miałem spory problem z debiutanckim albumem szwedzkiego duetu, choć nie do końca potrafiłem go zdefiniować. Niby wszystko się zgadzało – spójny charakter, wyrazistość, kompozycyjna konsekwencja. A jednocześnie zgrzytała podskórna niedzisiejszość Skam, oprawiona w bardziej melodyjną formę black metalu i przyozdobiona różnymi, budującymi atmosferę składowymi.
Pisząc te słowa, mam za sobą już kilkadziesiąt odsłuchów Skam i ciągle mi mało. Po problemie nie został nawet ślad, a coś, co przeszkadzało, zamieniło się w największą zaletę tej płyty. To black metal jakiego już dziś prawie nie ma. Nie czuć tu powiewu morderczej, drugiej fali ze Skandynawii, płyta nie morduje ilością blastów czy opętanym tempem. A jednocześnie jest to do bólu wręcz szwedzkie – jednolity charakter muzyki sprawia, że nie sposób nie odgadnąć kraju pochodzenia, choć inspiracje twórców są dość mocno kosmopolityczne. W dużym uproszczeniu można nazwać Skam zbiorem black metalowych piosenek, zbudowanych na szkielecie Venom i zasilonych szwedzką melodyką. Prawie wszystkie utwory oparte są na absolutnie doskonałej pracy sekcji – mocny, klangujący bas wiedzie prym, a perkusja, mimo że zdecydowanie organiczna jest tylko dodatkiem. Nałożona na nie szlachetna melodyka riffów jest kolejnym budulcem klimatu. Próżno szukać tu skocznych przytupańców, bo korzenie melodii wyrastają raczej z bogatego środowiska post-punkowego, gdzieś po drodze odbijając się od początków greckiej sceny black metalowej. Tu i ówdzie pojawia się nieśmiały klawisz, prawie zawsze w charakterze intra wprowadzającego w odpowiedni nastrój. Zespół bardzo przychylnie patrzy również na scenę gotycką, z początków jej istnienia, wprowadzając na swoje poletko garść minorowych motywów, zalanych pierwotnym, black metalowym sosem. I brzmi to naprawdę świeżo, nie czuć żadnych ckliwych lamentów ku przeszłości.
Skam to jeden z tych albumów, które pomimo pozornej prostoty wymagają uwagi i poświęcenia mu czasu. To zdecydowanie nie jest muzyka tła, a pierwsze zetknięcie z Golgata może być wręcz rozczarowujące. Wtedy trzeba dać im kolejną szansę i pozwolić, aby wszystko samo się poukładało. A jak już się ułoży, to długo będzie trzymać w kleszczach.
„Skam“ - není švédský black metal jako švédský black metal. Švédský styl je obecně vnímán jako závan drtivé agrese, devastující energie, která se svou nekompromisností s nikým nemaže. GOLGATA na to jdou z úplně jiného konce a už vůbec to není protipól oné bezuzdné agrese, tj. přístupnější melodický, z black metalu často pouze vycházející styl, který si dle názorů mnohých už na black metal jenom hraje. GOLGATA kráčejí po cestičce mnoha temných odstínů a ponurých nálad. Nemají daleko k doom metalu, přičemž zhudebnělého zla přetrvává dost a dost, stejně jako pravidelných rychlých výpadů.
"Skam" zcela určitě nezaujme s prvním letmým seznámením, na odiv totiž nestaví zhola nic. Náhodné zvědavce zvládně odradit zvuk. Ne tedy, že by byl nějak zprasený, ale drží se té správné syroviny severského black metalu, což nestráví úplně každý a nějaký ten předchozí základní tréning slechů není vůbec od věci, přece jen do „plastového“ zvuku má tenhle stříbrný kotouček na míle daleko. Nepřipravený jedinec bude tuhle produkci zcela jistě pokládat za ryzí amatérismus a možná i za nedostatek talentu a invence vůbec. „Skam“ ovšem, a toto tvrdím s veškerou vážností a odpovědností, skrývá mnohá překvapení pro ty, co s ním dají nějakou tu námahu. Píšu tyhle slinty také proto, že jsem měl taktéž docela potíž do alba proniknout a ten pocit jednolité koule disponující minimem záchytných bodů, valící se ztěžka kupředu v jedné linii a z kopce pravidelně zrychlující. Od reality jsem v tu chvíli nemohl být více vzdálen. GOLGATA jsou jedním pohledem syroví a nepřístupní, na ten druhý jedním dechem melodičtí a náladoví. Atmosféra je velmi silná, těžko hovořit o barevnosti, pouze jen o mnoha odstínech temnoty (ne šedi, těch docílíme v pohodlí domova, když zapomeneme v pračce při praní bílého prádla černou ponožku).
„Skam“, ač album, které není zrovna pro každého a každého nadchnout nemůže, je silným albem, napěchovaným temnými náladami, mrazivou atmosférou, pro něž mají GOLGATA vytříbený cit. Nejedná se o nic, co by bylo prudce moderní a současné, stejně tak co by definovalo styl na generaci dopředu. Je to poctivé undergroundové dílko nikomu nic na charitu nedarující, ovšem těm, kteří proniknou přes zdánlivě nepřístupnou mlhu klamné počáteční monotónnosti, dokáže připravit nejeden zajímavý zážitek, skrývající se v každé z osmi skladeb.
„Skam“ v žádném případě není slabým belhajícím kusem, nemohoucí dohnat v prudké sněhové vzdalující se hlavní stádo. GOLGATA hlavní stádo nepotřebují. Nejsou ovcí, která bečí se stádem. Sami sobě rádci, sami sobě vládci, vytvořili si vlastní temný svět s vlastními pravidly chladný, temný a ponurý. „Skam“ je pozvánkou, jak do tohoto světa na třicet šest minut nahlédnout. A že tenhle výlet nakonec stojí za to, o tom žádná !!!
I had not heard of the band Golgata before, a project that consists of members Spokesman 1 (guitars) and Spokesman 2 (bass, vocals and guitars). Seriously? But you know; whatever these guys call themselves, it is of no importance. Even if their artist’s names were ‘Trump and Putin’, ‘Corona and Sars’, ‘Black and White’ or ‘Gol and Gata’ (or ‘Aleksey and Korolyev’, haha), it wouldn’t actually matter. What matters is this: Skam.
I think the duo did record / release one EP before, called Trälen, and Skam is Golgata’s official full-length debut. The duo took care of recording, engineering and mastering themself, and the album gets released via Saint-Petersburg based label Satanath Records. It’s a jewel case edition, being printed in 500 copies, which includes an eight-page booklet with the lyrics (in their mother tongue, Swedish). The artwork is quite specific and special, being black-and-white pictures of, what I think, are teethed jaws and the antlers of a lucanus cervus, some kind of stag beetle – but I can be wrong, of course. But that too, like the members’ monikers, does not matter. As said, what matters is the sonic side of Skam (which means ‘shame’, by the way).
Skam consists of eight tracks with an average / normal length (in between three and six minutes) (total running time: thirty-six minutes). Their adventure starts with Förrädiskt Vaggas Vi Till Sömns, which opens with an epic acoustic fragment, soon joined by electric instrumentation and percussion, and eventually, after about one minute, joined by a harmonious choir. Pagan / Viking glory overwhelms. Hail!
And such introduction indeed is the omen for the rest of the album yet to come. Skam brings rather traditional and timeless Pagan Black Metal, with a melodic basement when talking about the main leads. And in the vein of this specific genre, both members know how to use the necessary ingredients in a mostly effective way, to create a product that won’t bow to the vast scene.
All epics have a very varied structure. There are those pumping, pushing parts, harsh and fearless, with a great diversification in speed. The better part is mid-tempo oriented, not that fast yet not totally decelerated either. Yet more than once, things sort of burst out, like a pyroclastic eruption. As counterbalance, then again, there are quite some slow fragments too, which are at least as powerful and dauntless. Another fine detail – no, sorry, it is much more than just a detail – is the penetration with acoustic chapters. Okay, it does typify the scene, but why not anyway. These acoustic intros and intermezzos are quite varying too, with integer moments, picturesque ones, and belligerent chapters. The calm before the storm, or the introspective moments of rest in between two battles, you know.
The main vocals are grim and raspy, and they do fit to the glorious / victorious character of the concept. Actually, Spokesman 2’s voice sort of sounds like a warranted spokesman indeed to motivate his troops. Fine. There are some deeper growls too, once in a while, and a couple of fragments with spoken words, but at least as important are the choir chants. They are harmonious, epic and bonded-as-a-pact (can you imagine the picture of warriors gathered around a campfire?). Absolutely not original, but as said, this defines the scene, and when used correctly, it is nothing but respectful to experience. I do not dissect anything exaggerated nor fake, for Skam breathes something that might refer to some of the earlier bands from Scandinavia for sure (and then I am referring to Norway and Sweden especially, era Nineties).
Only appearing sporadically, yet simply attractive, is the subtle use of some keyboards – nothing I am going to delve to deep into, but listen to a hymn like Janus Spegel and you’ll understand…
The production is all right. Nothing more than that, yet nothing less either. The whole sounds unpolished, which I do prefer rather than a surgically clean sound, of course. However, I think that it could have been perfected a little more. Especially the rather ‘full’ parts come with a slightly murmurous background noise, and unfortunately the rhythm and bass guitars sometimes disappear in the whole mish-mash of sound. No, I am not going to pretend that the sound quality is beneath acceptance, for it is not bad; I am just referring to the fact that I might prefer some more balance and less ‘buzz’. But then again, this isn’t but a minor detail – yeah, I am just nagging like a frustrated aged peasant, but fair is fair.
Anyway, Skam, which means ‘shame’ as mentioned before, is nothing to be ashamed for! It represents the glorious heroism of Old with pride, conviction and persuasion – no fear, no cowardice, no surrender! Up to battle! Up to victory!
Golgata is a young Swedish Black Metal band with a pagan sound and a very melodic side to it. Founded in 2014, they release their first album with "Skam" (Skam means "shame" in Swedish) and the least we can say right away is that it is perfectly successful. Of course, if you're looking for inhumane screams you'll find some, as well as the usual blast-beats, but you'll find much more here. The pagan/viking inspiration (the choirs are reminiscent of Bathory in the Hammerheart or Nordland era) is omnipresent and gives majesty to the whole. Epic is the right word to symbolize the Black Metal of Golgata, both seated in tradition and open to a new era. Listening to this splendid first draft of the Swedes, we settle down, and, closing our eyes, we think we see the figures of the Aesir contemplating us, as well as the one-eyed Odin and Freya the goddess, Thor not far away and Loki in ambush.
A beautiful album that will convince both the demanding Black Metal lover and the person appreciating Metal in a wider sense.
Golgata est un jeune groupe suèdois de Black Metal proposant des sonorités d'obédience paienne, avec un parti pris très mélodique. Fondés en 2014, ils sortent avec "Skam" leur premier album (Skam signifiant "honte" en suèdois) et le moins que l'on puisse dire d'emblée est qu'il est parfaitement réussi. Bien sûr, si vous êtes a la recherche de vociférations inhumaines vous en trouverez, de même que les blast-beats de rigueur, mais vous trouverez bien plus ici. L'inspiration paienne/viking (les choeurs rappelent Bathory époque Hammerheart ou Nordland) est omniprésente et donne une majesté à l'ensemble. Epique est le mot qui convient pour symboliser le Black Metal de Golgata, à la fois assis dans la tradition et ouverts sur une ère nouvelle. A l'écoute de ce splendide premier jet des suèdois on se pose, et, fermant les yeux, on croit apercevoir les figures des Ases nous contempler, ainsi du borgne Odin et de Freya la déesse, Thor non loin et Loki en embuscade.
Un album de toute beauté qui convaincra aussi bien l'amateur de Black Metal exigeant que la personne appréciant le Metal au sens plus large.
Poslechový týdeník na neděli. Hledáme, pátráme, víříme hlubiny. Neboť to dobré se skrývá pod povrchem. Dnes si představíme kapelu Golgata a její album Skam.
Loni zatoulaný balíček z ruského labelu Satanath Records nakonec dorazil a protože jeho obsah skrývá zajímavé debutující soubory, rád bych je zpětně připomenul alespoň formou Nedělních poslechů. Jejich aktuálnost sice nabrala jistý skluz, ale pořád jsou to nahrávky, o kterých se moc neví a nepíše. Jedním z takových souborů je severské duo Golgata, které před rokem plivlo na svět svou první desku Skam.
Skam jsem si vybral pro jeho melodičnost a schopnost nechat tvrdé blackmetalové jadérko ochutnat víc volnosti a zahrozit víc do dálky. Album provází plechový zvuk a notně vytažená basa, která bagruje severskou náturu a nenechá ji vyletět až někam za obzor. Takže žádné folkování, vysedávání u ohýnků a nasávání medoviny. Pošli tam pivko a koukej nasekat dřevo! Golgata hrají primitivní black s pohanským spiritem, vědomi si vlastních kořenů a tradic. Zůstávají spojeni s podzemím a jeho těsným sevřením, a i když se snaží svému soundu dodat na atmosféričnosti, jejich místo je pořád v hlubinách skal.
Takže ano, black metalu Golgata nechybí rázovitá dřevnost, ale ani epické momenty, ze kterých jde cítit hrdost, což podtrhuje klasické zakomponování čistého vokálu na znamení hrdinných popěvků. Není to ale priorita, jako spíš doprovodný prvek. Čistý pagan metal tak kapela nenabízí, na to je příliš věrna uhelným kobkám a zubatému ostří sekyrek. Oni sami Golgata nijak nespekulují a nevymýšlí, jsou zkrátka věrni svému původu a po svém jej prezentují, víc vědět netřeba. A je asi jedno, kam si je každý zařadí.
Skam je slušný debut, který možná nepřináší nic světoborného, je to prostě varianta, jak se zahledět na sever od nás a být v těsném spojení s přírodou, tamním duchem tradic a přitom stále v drsném undergroundu. Takto Golgata beru a takto je představuji.
A duo Golgata is hailing from Sweden, which seems a naturist place to play black metal. Skam is the black metal record but has wider spectrum of various influences that are not only coming from metal genre. The band ventures into darker times, quite many times, by planting Viking choirs to their melodic, and sort of epic black metal songs. By doing so, Golgata has created specific atmosphere for their music which sonic-wise can be associated with Viking metal and possibly their culture and beliefs. The songs have some guitar melodies and atmosphere, rooted in Scandinavian metal that strengthen my cultural affiliation - my inner-self with Scandinavian countries through the music I have been listening to for such a long time now...
Those most heart-warming tracks of this album are 1,6...but the band does not seems to escape from more harshly sounding black metal songs and those better ones are 3,5,7...However, the climaxes of the album are well cantered between playing aggressive and atmospheric of which, that second aspect in their music is more mature and natural, surely sounds greater.
There are 2 elements of this album which I do not find particularly interesting or done to what I would expect from this black metal band. First of all, I do not like blast beats which ruin atmosphere in some parts of the album. Second, the sound of drums is a bit off – feeling that something is not as it should be, like a sound of drums in this shape does not belong there, really. So, Golgata has a little bad habit that I do not like, to wake me from my dream about the music they create, when Golgata is playing those unnecessary, very fast drum beats, which I am against in their songs. Vocals and guitars sound is quite okey, although it could still be done better...
It`s definitely a better album than it is sometimes let down. I like majority of music, I think it`s the band with potential. I send my recommendations about Golgata to fans of Bathory, Viking metal and atmospheric, melo-aggressive black metal...
Spokesman 2 and Spokesman 1 make up this Swedish duo. Skam is a full-length by these so called melodic black metallers who write a somewhat rare all Swedish lyrics. Förrädiskt Vaggas Vi Till Sömns is the opener which is mid-paced at first with typical black metal screams. The song picks up some speed but returns to a brief chant and acoustic section before it ends. There is not much that sets the opener apart from the myriad of releases before it. Vinterbarn moves in different directions, the duo manage to create a dark atmosphere with a bass line in the background of the differing sections. Askes starts with a dark church choir intro and moves to a more traditional black metal song. The song is faster and offers metal in a satisfying dose. The title track does revert to contradicting sections and is somewhat doomy. Job is again faster paced, a shorter song and more like what black metal should be. Skuld starts kind of like a power metal song, it then blends into black metal mostly aided by the screams and vocals of Spokesman 2. Opus IX (Lidandets Moder) is dark and sometimes doomy. The band manages to retain a heavy atmosphere and not fall into non-metal realms. Janus Spegel closes the album once again upping the pace. It's as if every other song provides more and in-between the duo take a break.
Rispetto alla loro prima opera, la coppia svedese ha affinato e di molto le proprie armi, soprattutto grazie ad una decisa presa di posizione verso la scelta dei suoni e dello stile da utilizzare. Ecco allora un album decisamente più monolitico e meno cangiante del precedente, ma non per questo meno interessante. Sembra quindi che i nostri abbiano deciso cosa suonare da grandi, ossia un black atmosferico ma tirato, dove la batteria picchia come una forsennata, dove le chitarre sciorinano riff come se piovesse, dove il cantato è sempre e solo funzionale alla causa dell’estremo messo in musica. Il tutto senza perdere una certa dose di atmosfera caratteristica del black della seconda ondata. Un disco deciso, come i loro autori…
Spokesman 2 and Spokesman 1 make up this Swedish duo. Skam is a full-length by these so called melodic black metallers who write a somewhat rare all Swedish lyrics. Förrädiskt Vaggas Vi Till Sömns is the opener which is mid-paced at first with typical black metal screams. The song picks up some speed but returns to a brief chant and acoustic section before it ends. There is not much that sets the opener apart from the myriad of releases before it. Vinterbarn moves in different directions, the duo manage to create a dark atmosphere with a bass line in the background of the differing sections. Askes starts with a dark church choir intro and moves to a more traditional black metal song. The song is faster and offers metal in a satisfying dose. The title track does revert to contradicting sections and is somewhat doomy. Job is again faster paced, a shorter song and more like what black metal should be. Skuld starts kind of like a power metal song, it then blends into black metal mostly aided by the screams and vocals of Spokesman 2. Opus IX (Lidandets Moder) is dark and sometimes doomy. The band manages to retain a heavy atmosphere and not fall into non-metal realms. Janus Spegel closes the album once again upping the pace. It's as if every other song provides more and in-between the duo take a break.
I don’t know why but I have been looking forward to hearing this one from the moment I got it sent to me. I could be up for a real nice treat of I can have set my hopes too high and just end being extremely disappointed. I guess there is only one way to find out. I know that there is a new album out too but since I like to start from the beginning this is the one that gets reviewed now. Now that I have had a chance to listen to this I am not sure what to think of it. I have a nagging feeling that I have heard this sound before but I cannot remember what it is that it reminds me of. At first I was about to trash this completely but the more I listen to it the more it gets under my skin. There is something to their moderately tempo black metal that appeals to me. In the end I do like what I hear.