Reviews: SODP107
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Per spiegare un album come Tetracyclic Dominion occorre paradossalmente iniziare dalla fine. Prima di parlare delle singole tracce occorre delinearne le influenze stilistiche, al fine di poterle approfondire durante la recensione.
Dal punto di vista strumentale ogni singola canzone contiene una serie di influenze filtrate e reinterpretate dai nostri: dagli Immolation di Here in After e Failures for Gods sino ai Gigan di The Order of the False Eye, almeno per quanto riguarda il lato più vicino al Death avanguardistico di scuola Gorguts. Nonostante la forte componente ibrida e sperimentale, si nota una ferocia spiccatamente primitiva che ricorda Altars of Madness dei Morbid Angel.
La voce è ispirata a a Luc Lemay dei Gorguts, pur mantenendo una costante Death Metal vecchia scuola. Dopo una graffiante introduzione con affinità noise, i Godless Enthropia si presentano con alcuni brani che potremmo considerare un trittico raffigurante la loro poetica: Mother Of Cain, Into The Asylum e Witch Burning Princess. I primi brani del full propongono con chiarezza le soluzioni musicali estreme utilizzate: sezioni caratterizzate da ritmi sostenuti, frequenti cambi di tempo e complessi incroci di strumenti, il tutto supportato da un alto livello tecnico e virtuosistico. Unpredictable Dementia si avvicina a The Sound Of Perseverance dei Death e a Dharmata, seconda parte dell’ EP dei Defeated Sanity, band Brutal Death molto nota nell’underground. Arrivati a questo punto vi è un momentaneo stacco dal mood precedente: Erase, Delete, Annihilate ha un tocco decisamente più Progressive, a tratti quasi opethiano, che si risolverà in Dysphemic Phaenomenos. Questa rappresenta un’evoluzione armonica delle progressioni della traccia precedente, evolvendone il tema in un incrocio di pianoforte e sintetizzatori ed eliminando ogni componente estrema e Metal in toto. Torniamo dunque agli stilemi Avant-Garde Death con Third Eye, Cauterized e a quelli Progressive con Solecism, introdotta da un’inaspettata voce in clean che armonizzerà con la lead voice, questa volta ancora più acida e spietata dei brani precedenti, creando un contrasto deciso e agrodolce. Nella parte finale dell’album i Godless Enthropia ripropongono una nuova reinterpretazione delle strategie musicali utilizzate, rendendole talvolta più lineari ed omogenee, talvolta più sperimentali ed eterogenee, e lasciando l’idea di un album denso, ma dove nessuna traccia è stata pensata come riempitivo fine a se stesso.
In conclusione, è un album che mantiene alta l’attenzione e che sperimenta uno stile abbastanza diffuso altrove ma quasi totalmente assente in Italia: un album personale figlio di band come Gorguts, Gigan e, in parte, epistemologicamente, i Portal. Unica pecca di quest’album è il minutaggio, che non impedisce l’ascolto dell’opera ma scoraggia parzialmente un secondo ascolto in prossimità del primo.
The wide world of death metal is one with many turns and valleys the likes of which most bands tend to pick a lane and stick to it. Yet, there are always some acts that like to jump from one lane to the next while still maintaining a solid core of death metal to keep things from getting too crazy despite trying many different flavors in a single album. Godless Enthropia busts out their first full-length with a massive amount of flavors to culminate into a dish the likes of which has so much to go around!
I firmly believe that any band’s first step should be examined with a grain of salt because it’s but the beginning of this act moving as a single unit so there is bound to be a minor misstep here and there. In the case of Godless Enthropia, there sometimes lacks a real hook that draws the listener in, but outside of that I honestly can’t find any fault in the massacre that is “Tetracyclic Dominion”. Standing proudly with a monstrous fourteen tracks, this record decimates at every single turn as this Italian quintet leaves no stone unturned with their genre-transcendent performance of raw death metal. “Tetracyclic Dominion” somehow combines elements from progressive, technical, even a little bit of grind, and more to bring to us an oddly cohesive bloodbath knows no bounds in its immense amounts of devastation. And if the aforementioned lack of hooks sounds like something that would turn you off, then please look at the sheer high quality of instrumentation that permeates the entirety of “Tetracyclic Dominion”. It truly carries the record over the areas where Godless Enthropia tried but missed the mark, and that’s the sign of a band that has the potential to do something incredibly interesting with its blueprints that are definitely something to behold.
“Tetracyclic Dominion” is far from an album that I’d consider great, but I’ve no question calling it something that has an acquired taste about it. Godless Enthropia had a vision with this record and I feel they got pretty damn close to pulling it off, but I’ve confidence that these Italians will be able to come back with another record that will be no less than smashing! There’s no shame in what “Tetracyclic Dominion” is as a whole, and it’d be easy to become lost in these twists and turns through the realm of death metal.
Il metal estremo è un universo musicale dove se ci si perde si possono trovare creature affascinanti, molte delle quali legate alla tradizione, altre che viaggiano in territori progressivi e molte che sperimentano soluzione avanguardistiche o moderne, contaminandolo o restando fedeli alle linee tracciate dai vari generi.
Il death metal per esempio è tra i generi estremi quello che più ha subito trasformazioni e continua ancora oggi dopo decenni ad allargare i propri confini anche se negli ultimi anni il sound vecchia scuola ha ritrovato il consenso dei fans.
I Godless Enthropia sono una death metal band tricolore, fondata a Torino nel 2012 dopo lo scioglimento dei Beyond the Unholy Truth, debuttano con il primo full length dopo aver dato alle stampe un ep (Dystopian Metaphors) ed un singolo tra il 2013 e l’anno dopo.
Sistemata la line up dopo un paio di avvicendamenti, la band piemontese arriva a pubblicare Tetracyclic Dominion con l’aiuto della Symbol of Domination Prod. in collaborazione con Hecatombe Records, primo lavoro sulla lunga distanza che non mancherà di soddisfare gli amanti del metal estremo di matrice death metal, ma aperto a varie soluzioni stilistiche.
La band, che dal lato prettamente tecnico sa il fatto suo, imprime al sound una marcia in più soprattutto a livello compositivo e l’album così si presenta come un mastodontico lavoro della durata di un’ora al cui interno, oltre a meraviglie tecniche, troverete una serie di ispirazioni unite in un suono personale e dall’impatto di un carro armato.
Technical death metal, influenze old school, groove e progressive ispirano questa raccolta di brani che si rifanno alle band nobili del death metal estremo seppure, come scritto, con una propria personale visione d’insieme.
Tetracyclic Dominion è un esaustivo manifesto di metal estremo maturo, tecnico e progressivo, tra tradizione e modernità, con devastanti parti estreme in cui non mancano i classici cambi di tempo e ragnatele strumentali di scuola americana che si trasformano in passaggi atmosferici vicini al post rock (Solecism).
Mother Of Cain, la progressiva Erase, Delete, Annihilate o la devastante e brutale Cause of Disease (Sprouts of New Hate) sono parte della stessa anima musicale, sedotta dalla geniale interpretazione del genere da parte dei musicisti nostrani.
Senza fare paragoni scomodi vi invito all’ascolto di questo ottimo esempio di death metal che non trova barriere o confini delimitati, lasciando che i suoi creatori sfoghino tutta la loro ispirazione e tecnica e ci travolge con un’ora di musica estrema sopra la media.
Formé en 2012 en Italie, le quintet Godless Enthropia a dévoilé le 28 avril dernier son premier album Tetracyclic Dominion, succédant ainsi à un premier EP parût en 2013. Le groupe a choisi de sortir ce disque à l'étiquette death metal "hybride" via Symbol Of Domination Prod et Hecatombe Records...
C'est en anglais que Godless Enthropia a décidé de chanter sur cette production aux quatorzes titres. Un disque donc conséquent que l'on pourrait pratiquement classer dans l'étroite convenance du "concept album" tant les thèmes abordés sont redondants. C'est sur une base de psychologie désordonnée, perturbée et perturbante que le groupe évolue au travers de titres au lexique tranché: Into The Asylum, Witch Burning Princess, Unpredictable Dementia, Dysphemic Phaenomenons, Third Eye Cauterized ou encore Cause Of Disease (Sprout Of New Hate) pour ne citer qu'eux.
Cependant, si l'album semble s'accorder sur une seule et même vision, les titres qui le composent semblent, eux, se dissocier en deux parties aux antipodes.
Des premiers titres on retiendra surtout une voix forte qui soutient avec brio une batterie brutale et quelques solos sympahtiques. Mais au délà de la découverte, une certaine linéarité ne tarde pas à se mettre en place... Mother Of Cain est l'illustration parfaite de ce sentiment. Le titre est intéressant mais les guitares semblent dissonner du reste de l'instrumental (contrairement à Into The Asylum dont la rythmique s'accorde parfaitement au thème du moceau et crée des fluctuations particulièrement sympathiques). L'écart entre les titres est très marqué et nous plonge dans une forme de doute quant à l'impression que nous laisse cette première partie du disque.
Dysphemic Phaenomenons offre une pause à mi-album en parfaite harmonie avec l'atmosphère ambiante, son piano résonne comme un écho instable et inquiétant... De quoi souffler, effacer les hésitations que nous ont laissé les premiers titres, et se préparer psychologiquement à la claque que va apporter la seconde moitié de l'album...
La deuxième partie de l'album commence avec le titre Third Eye, Cauterized où la voix sort de sa zone de confort et semble enfin trouver un équilibre avec l'instrumental (qui pour sa part se fait lourd et plus cohérent). Ici et là se dispersent quelques brèves mises en avant de la basse (Third Eye, Adynation The Height Of Eidos), le reste des instruments explorent des univers plus vastes et donnent tout son sens au nom "hybride" qui qualifie leur style. Le chant n'est pas en reste non plus et se découvre d'avantage de titres en titres avec des passages au rythme soutenu et cassant (Adynation, Palace Of Fornication -titre le plus "death" de l'album- ou encore Cause Of Disease et son excellente intro). Solescism I (en collaboration avec Lord Jotun) sort du lot encore plus que les autres et -à l'aide de la voix claire du guest- permet d'explorer une autre facette des italiens, pas une facette arrangée pour le duo, mais bel et bien quelque chose qui leur correspond. L'alliance de la voix tantôt claire et tantôt criarde de l'invité se mêle avec aisance et complémentarité aux growl du leader italien. Revenons également sur Adynation, dont l'intro est sans aucun doute l'une des meilleures de l'album avec ce chant calé sur les guitares vertigineuses à en manquer d'oxygène.
Enfin The Height Of Eidos vient clôturer Tetracyclic Dominion de façon très intelligente, les cassures rythmiques et vocales amorçent la descente vers le silence avant un revirement de situation qui donnera naissance au solo le plus virulent de la production, avant l'apothéose finale sur sons électroniques.
Tu l'auras compris, le disque vaut le détours! Si les prémices laissent un arrière goût amer, la seconde partie de l'album quant à elle est la digne représentante de tout le travail fourni par le quintet. Entre les thèmes abordés, les influences panachées et l'exploration vocale des morceaux, il y a forcément un détails qui retiendra ton attention alors on ne t'en dis pas plus, mais fonce l'écouter!
Italy has been providing some fantastic death metal these past few years, and Godless Enthropia may be one of their best offering yet. The band errs on the more abrasive and technical side of death metal, though they’re also quite inventive and unpredictable, in all the right ways. Generous and length and rock solid in quality, Tetracyclic Dominion delivers so much more than anyone could reasonably expect from any debut album. This actually came out in late April but only just landed on my radar this week – at any rate, it’s not too late to let this talented collection of musicians throttle you into oblivion!
14 tracks long, Tetracyclic Dominion is a huge debut from the death metallers, Godless Enthropia. Through a combination of blazing riffs, ferocious vocals and mind-melting heaviness it never feels like it is dragging on though.
A raging start with Mother of Cain and Into the Asylum sets the stage for what is a brutalising listen, one that has little let-up. Godless Enthropia style of technical death metal is both familiar but unique enough to make them stand out on their own. Italy is providing some killer metal in recent years and these guys are proving they can hang with the best.
A non-stop, full throttle approach makes for an ear-bleeding listen as the likes of Witch Burning Princess, Erase Delete Annihilate, Third Eye Cauterized and Palace of Fornication deliver complex and intriguing levels of guitar wizardry. All while the harsh vocals and dirty drums put the exclamation point on things.
The will to leave their mark is strong throughout and the wide range of inventive rhythms, aggressive riffing and blasting metal depth sticks long after the album has finished. Godless Enthropia are a bright star in the sky, one that you get used to seeing until one day you look up and realise it’s getting closer and threatening to engulf all.
Accept your fate.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Palace of Fornication. Please remove your clothes, lubricate yourselves from those vats of blood you see before you, drink from the goblets of bestial desire, and prepare for action.
Alternatively, keep your clothes on, find a comfy chair, and press play below. Godless Enthropia will welcome you to the Palace of Fornication in their own way.
The song of that name is one of 14 on their fascinating debut album, Tetracyclic Dominion, on which this Italian band embellish lethal death metal with head-twisting and brain mangling displays of progressivism. The album follows two previous EPs, 2013’s Dystopian Metaphors and 2014’s Politics of Fornication. It will be released on April 28th by Satanath Records’ sub-label Symbol Of Domination and Hecatombe Records.
True to its name, the song we’re premiering today radiates a kind of carnal heat, but it’s a rough trade we’re talking about. The music is fast and vicious, a blast of blazing, battering drumwork within an enveloping boil of saw-toothed riffage and red-eyed, raw-throated howling.
The song will also keep you off-balance. Flickerings of maniacal lead guitar come and go; there’s a slowdown that makes room for a bit of bubbling basswork and dismal, destabilizing melody, followed by a hallucinatory segment made of weird guitar notes and gasping bass tones. The band also provide doses of jackhammering groove, because of course… this is the palace of fornication.
“Tetracyclic Dominion” opens up with a nice acoustic introduction with some subtle distorted chords, very subtle. They are the very few moments of rest that your ears will have listening to this effort. Yeah, I mean it. Godless Enthropia are a band which bounce moments of pure brutal death metal with some technical ones. More technical than brutal sometimes, but the band doesn’t forget to cruel at times. “Tetracyclic Dominion” is an album of fourteen tracks. Yeah, that’s right, fourteen tracks. The band doesn’t save them for the next opportunity. Well, in fact why doing so if no one knows the future and next effort could be only in a dream, or nightmare.
Most of them pretty rough and cruel as “Palace of Fornication,” but also with some moments of pure progressive delight as the intro of “Third Eye, Cauterized” and its interesting bass line. “Dysphemic Phænomenons” is a track with come jazzistic influence with its weird piano and keyboard parts. It is a track that goes completely beyond the average Godless Enthropia track in a sense. But it gives you second thoughts when you see the bigger picture. Here we have a band that really tris to innovate and bring some new, and unusual, musical influences. Jazz, unlike other genres, is not so popular among Metal musicians. From where I’m standing, this kind of interchange is healthy to Metal in a greater sense. Add to that “Solecism I” and its vocals duets which happens to be triplet with a very subtle female voice in the middle of all the sonic mess. Acoustic sections win the day.
Godless Enthropia’s intent pleases me a lot. This idea of making the most brutal and cruel death metal with jazz influences, and technique, is wonderful. Of course, it’s not everybody who will notice it, but pay close attention to the musicians. Don’t they sound a little different? Those are the jazz influences. Only a very talented band could bring up this kind of influence. Godless Enthropia’s guys are very talented musicians, undoubtfully.
I should probably not be reviewing this album as my views on most modern death metal are pretty well known to most of our readers by now. But in case its your first time here – to sum it up I feel that there isn’t much fresh in modern death metal outside of a few great bands like Blood Incantation and Beyond Creation most of it is derivative and has been done before better but the earlier pioneers of the genre.
However with all that out of the way I would not be doing this blog or the band justice if I didn’t give this album a fair chance.
So what do ya think Alex?
Well I gotta say as much as I kinda despise a lot of modern death metal – this is a a great fucking album. While the guys are more than technically competent they do not play technicality for techniques sake alone. They do not play the none more brutal game either.There is a lot of variety between songs and there are a lot of twists and turns in the songs that will keep ya coming back time and time again for repeat listens
Would I buy this album if I saw it in a record store? Probably not – however does this album give me hope for the future of the Death metal genre? yes! absolutely
Na początek lecimy z death metalem prosto z Italii. Godless Enthropia, bo o nich mowa, istnieją od sześciu lat i na koncie mają epkę oraz opisywany właśnie długograj. Po krótkim akustycznym intrze zaczyna się część właściwa czyli gęsty, duszny metal śmierci ze sporą ilością łamańców i technicznych zagrywek. Nie daje się jednak odczuć by było to robione w sposób przekombinowany. Kawałki są spójne, szybkie i konkretne. Moje skojarzenia leciały przy kolejnych odsłuchach w stronę Gorguts chociaż oczywiście trzeba mieć na uwadze, że do mistrzów ekipie z Turynu sporo brakuje. Największym problemem był dla mnie na tym krążku wokal. Dość monotonny i jak na moje ucho gdzieś ginący w całym tym natłoku dźwięków. Niemniej jednak jest to solidny, techniczny brutalny death metal, który fanom gatunku może zrobić dobrze.
Godless Enthropia is an Italian death metal quintet founded in 2012 in Turin. After several line-up changes and the release of a couple of EPs they are finally ready to unleash their long anticipated full-length debut entitled Tetracyclic Dominion.
Tetracyclic Dominion consists of 14 intense and extreme death metal tracks. Lyrical themes deal with subjects of Psychology, Chemistry, Linguistics and Politics. In other words; they perform a hybrid death metal inspired by any intense and progressive form of expression.
Tetracyclic Dominion kicks off with a nice and acoustic intro with some subtle distorted chords in “Al-Qalyah”. Some of the following tracks are cruel and nasty, best exemplified in “Palace Of Fornication” while others are progressive and technical like “Third Eye, Cauterized”.
Some of the songs are even a bit jazzy with weird piano and key elements, best shown in “Dysphemic Phænomenons”. Finally, I’ll also mention, probably my album favorite, a track titled “Solecism I”, mostly due to the inclusion of a vocal duets and a very subtle female voice in the middle of the song.
Sometimes Tetracyclic Dominion is more progressive and technical than it is extreme and brutal, but it’s exactly the way I prefer my death metal. It is an album that is diverse and entertaining and I must say it pleases me a lot. The idea of creating a melting pot of different metal and non-metal elements is appealing to me and something I’ve enjoyed listening to. Five hard-working Italian guys from Godless Enthropia are undoubtfully a bunch of very talented musicians.
Esp. recommended for fans of Dismember, Decapitated, Death, Gorguts and similar scene giants.
Arrivano al debut album i piemontesi Godless Enthropia, band formatasi nel 2012 dalle ceneri della Thrash/Death band Beyond the Unholy Truth. Dopo un EP, un demo, alcuni cambi di line up che hanno lasciato come membri fondatori il bassista Claudio Colla (ex-Corroosion anche) ed il batterista Simone Cottura (Lou Quinse, ex-Abnorma), la band torinese riesce dunque a debuttare sulla lunga distanza grazie alla Symbol of Domination Production, che licenzia questo "Tetracyclic Dominion", disco formato da ben 14 tracce in cui al Technical Death Metal di base i nostri riescono ad inserire le influenze più disparate.
Vero, forse "Tetracyclic Dominion" è un disco un po' troppo lungo (quasi un'ora di durata), ma ciò non toglie che i Godless Enthropia si dimostrano una band estremamente interessante, autrice di una prova maiuscola grazie al Technical Death Metal moderno e pieno di groove (non a caso nelle note ho citato i Devolved e gli ultimi Decapitated), in cui i nostri inseriscono fraseggi dei più disparati: dal Jazz/Fusion - "Unpredictable Dementia (Mechanical Disease)" ne è un esempio -, fino all'Ambient ed al Post-Rock - "Solecism II" -. Tecnicamente ineccepibile, con un'ottima produzione opera di Davide "BrutalDave" Billia, "Tetracyclic Dominion" è un disco feroce e rabbioso, rapido, tagliente, in cui riescono a risaltare tutti i componenti della band (ma permettetemi di togliere il cappello davanti alla prova del vocalist Davide Ponzetto). Pur puntando a strutture in cui risalta la tecnica eccelsa dei nostri, i Godless Enthropia hanno i, merito di non snaturare di una virgola la violenza Death alla base del tutto: v basta dare un ascolto all'highlight del disco, quella "Erase, Delete, Annihilate" che non a caso è stato scelto come singolo.
"Tetracyclic Dominion" è un album caldamente consigliato agli amanti della frangia più tecnica del Death Metal. La capacità di unire l'old school a sonorità e soluzione ampiamente più moderne è una scelta che paga, visto che i Godless Enthropia sia candidano come una delle più interessanti novità di quest'annata. Ma un appunto c'è da farlo: quasi un'ora di durata? Really?
“Tetracyclic Dominion” opens up with a nice acoustic introduction with some subtle distorted chords, very subtle. They are the very few moments of rest that your ears will have listening to this effort. Yeah, I mean it. Godless Enthropia are a band which bounce moments of pure brutal death metal with some technical ones. More technical than brutal sometimes, but the band doesn’t forget to cruel at times. “Tetracyclic Dominion” is an album of fourteen tracks. Yeah, that’s right, fourteen tracks. The band doesn’t save them for the next opportunity. Well, in fact why doing so if no one knows the future and next effort could be only in a dream, or nightmare.
Most of them pretty rough and cruel as “Palace of Fornication,” but also with some moments of pure progressive delight as the intro of “Third Eye, Cauterized” and its interesting bass line. “Dysphemic Phænomenons” is a track with come jazzistic influence with its weird piano and keyboard parts. It is a track that goes completely beyond the average Godless Enthropia track in a sense. But it gives you second thoughts when you see the bigger picture. Here we have a band that really tris to innovate and bring some new, and unusual, musical influences. Jazz, unlike other genres, is not so popular among Metal musicians. From where I’m standing, this kind of interchange is healthy to Metal in a greater sense. Add to that “Solecism I” and its vocals duets which happens to be triplet with a very subtle female voice in the middle of all the sonic mess. Acoustic sections win the day.
Godless Enthropia’s intent pleases me a lot. This idea of making the most brutal and cruel death metal with jazz influences, and technique, is wonderful. Of course, it’s not everybody who will notice it, but pay close attention to the musicians. Don’t they sound a little different? Those are the jazz influences. Only a very talented band could bring up this kind of influence. Godless Enthropia’s guys are very talented musicians, undoubtfully.
The cover art of this debut album from this Italian band is definitely weird. One will expect a monstrous Juanjo Castellanos or Paolo Girardi demonic cover. But no, it goes the other way in having the listener expecting the unexpected. This is brutal Death Metal done with more than a technical edge, and even some Jazz influences in their way of playing, but never letting down the intensity and brutality. It is an album that grows after more than one listening and it is a very good thing the band decided to keep a straight forward atmosphere even while using some very technical passages, but not that much that things get lost, just the very adequate amount to make it more interesting. The core sound of the band recalls heroes like IMMOLATION, SUFFOCATION and DEICIDE whilst there are some touches of ATHEIST, later DEATH and CYNIC. Something to notice is that sometimes the bands that try to play technical also add more melody than usual to their Metal. No, not this band, and that, is a good thing here. It's technical, yes it has wicked melodies, but in the right amount. As a matter of fact I would say that more than technical, they just play a bit more complex. But it never lets the intensity to go down, it enhances the music to give it a gasping horrific touch, which of all bands, reminds me of AUTOPSY (and we all know AUTOPSY and technical are in no way ever together, but it works in here like that!) and sometimes even of the mighty EDGE OF SANITY (just listen to 'Solecism I' and the references to Dan Swäno are inevitable). Yes, the band has a suffocating aura in their music, and that is what makes them different from many technical and brutal Death Metal bands. At almost one hour of length one may think it is way too long for its own good, but no, the songs are varied enough to make this enjoyable all the way. Yes, it is a debut album, and one quite impressive in fact but these musicians are no newcomers as they have been dwelling for more than 10 years. Lyric-wise it seems the band deals with all things regarding death and suffering but in a more elegant way. Although many might find the cover art way too simple of just not fitting the music, the music itself destroys that serene beauty of that image to unleash horror upon the feeble minds.
Il vasto panorama del Metal estremo è intriso, come molti di voi sanno, da diverse tipologie di influenze, piuttosto che accostamenti a quello che è il genere più spinto che l’essere umano abbia mai eseguito, sia nelle fasi di registrazione che nelle fasi live: parliamo del Death Metal, il quale nel corso degli anni ha subito trasformazioni e cambiamenti talmente radicali da riuscire ad aumentare le ramificazioni del genere stesso, ampliando cosi gli orizzonti per tutte le band pioniere e non. C’è da considerare, tuttavia, che le impronte del Death Metal degli anni ‘90, nel caso di alcune band, sono ancora facilmente visibili e che comunque sono ben apprezzate dal pubblico di ascoltatori. Tutte queste belle considerazioni, le hanno ponderate, a nostro avviso, i nostri musicisti tricolore “Godless Enthropia”, band di Torino, nata dal 2012 e che, dopo piccoli cambi di line-up e la produzione di 2 EP ed un singolo, hanno compiuto un passo importante per il consolidamento del loro sound e del loro carattere con “Tetracyclic Dominion”, un cattivissimo full length di 14 tracce che, grazie ad una collaborazione con la Hecatombe Records, ha permesso alla band di mettere in mostra il risultato del sudore e della fatica degli ultimi anni. La formazione attuale vede come protagonisti il cantante Davide Ponzetto, i chitarristi Wael Ben Halima e Simone Cavalera, il bassista Claudio Colla ed il batterista Simone Cottura. Senza girare troppo intorno ai dettagli, informiamo che “Tetracyclic Dominion” è una garanzia assoluta per gli amanti del Technical Death Metal, dato il devastante impatto sonoro che caratterizza i pezzi di questo album: il riffing tagliente delle chitarre, mescolati a gli assoli lancinanti, i quali accompagnano la velocità smodata del blast beat e del brutale tappeto di doppio pedale della batteria di Simone, arrivano ai nostri timpani come un camion in piena corsa ed il feroce carattere travolgente dei pezzi accende la nostra memoria agli esordi del Death Metal americano degli anni ‘90! Infatti basti ascoltare “Unpredictable Dementia (Mechanical Disease)” oppure “Erase, Delete, Annihilate” o ancora “Third Eye, Cauterized”. Oltre alla componente stilistica Old School, troviamo anche tracce dalle influenze di natura più sperimentale e Progressive, in cui le massicce ritmiche classiche vanno ad intrecciarsi con diversi cambi di tempo o addirittura in bridge a sfondo Ambient, costituiti da accordi chitarristici di stampo Jazz/Fusion, lasciando, quindi, trasparire la seconda personalità stilistica che i Godless Enthropia hanno saputo maturare nel corso degli anni e della loro esperienza. Di certo non si può imputare nessuna mancanza di tecnica da parte di alcun musicista: ognuno di essi esegue i pezzi alla perfezione, da notare la curatissima ricerca del sound in fase di recording e mixing su ogni strumento, specie negli sfiziosi giri solistici di basso di Claudio, il quale ha saputo mantenere un suono aggressivo quanto chiaro ed evidente (ne sono un esempio “Cause of Disease (Sprouts of New Hate)”, “Palace of Fornication” o “Witch Burning Princess” . Piena di ferocia ed atrocità è la voce gutturale di Davide, il quale utilizza solamente la tecnica in Growl in tutti i pezzi, senza mai uscire dai canoni preposti dalla band e, quindi, con l’assoluta assenza di voci angeliche e “bianche”. Insomma, cari lettori, volete un altro pezzo di Technical Death nella vostra collezione di cui voi, tutti i giorni vivete? Allora filate a comprarvi “Tetracyclic Dominion”, perché i musicisti nostrani si sono presentati al mondo underground con una grinta senza barriere e senza fronzoli, hanno dato prova della grande dedizione verso il culto del Death Metal, non solo dal punto di vista compositivo e tecnico, ma anche per il fatto di aver dimostrato che ci sono band saldamente ancorate alle strutture della vecchia scuola e che, rapportandosi con lo scenario odierno, riescono in maniera ottimale a fondere il tutto per creare un prodotto degno e suggestivo. Ovviamente, per noi della redazione a cui attribuiamo un’ottima critica nei confronti di questo album, confidiamo in un ulteriore lavoro in futuro da parte dei Godless Enthropia, impregnato della stessa essenza Death ma, magari, con un pizzico di dose in più a base di influenze Jazz, che oggigiorno non guastano mai.
You know, I love to support the rawer and most-old-school forms of extreme metal but, sometimes, you can find on these pages bands with a more technical and modern approach. For example, this is the case of Spectral, an excellent trio from Romania whose debut album was reviewed here some months ago. And today it's the case of Godless Enthropia, a promising quintet from Italy that, after being founded in 2012 from the ashes of the death/thrash metal act Beyond the Unholy Truth, released this year their debut album "Tetracyclic Dominion" under the auspices of Symbol of Domination Productions along with Hecatombe Records. Coming from Turin (surely one of the most beautiful cities of my country!), Godless Enthropia were founded with the intentions to create something creative also taking inspirations from non-metal genres, so to surpass the classic borders of the extreme metal. Now let's start to see how those ambitious intentions became reality with this debut album!
As first thing, the band dub their style as "Hybrid Death Metal". In other words, it is a definition to describe a kind of death metal in which notable technical skills, labyrinthine structures and clear influences from other genres such as jazz or post-rock collide to offer something really creative and unpredictable. At the same time, Godless Enthropia thought well to combine all these features with plenty doses of mighty violence and malice, so you have a style that, close in certain points to the most surgical forms of brutal death metal, is very balanced between its different sides. All this is completed by outstanding solos played by both the guitarists (Simone Cavalera and Wael Ben Halima), the expressive growls of Davide Ponzetto occasionally helped by the backing vocals (included some cleaner and whispered vocals) of Claudio Colla, and by unusual themes focused on psychology, linguistics and chemistry.
The most incredible thing about this album is that it lasts even 59 minutes per 14 songs but, despite this absurd lenght, listening to it is always a big pleasure since every track is a true monument to the creativity. At this point, how can you not appreciate the wicked mid-tempos of "Witch Burning Princess" or the elegant lead guitars of "Erase, Delete, Annihilate"? And how can you not appreciate also the ballad "Solecism I" (that contains surprising post-rock influences with ultra-clean vocals), or the schizoid closing song "The Heights of Eidos (Mother of Cain Part II)", that is opened with somehow epic melodies but it is closed with an absurd sequence full of demented synths? And how can I forget to mention "Adynaton", that's surely my favorite number? This song is pure madness because, for example, it starts with a hypnotizing lead guitar main riff that is obsessively repeated for more of 60 seconds through many variations also by the drummer Simone Cottura; and it ends in a more melodic way starting from a djent passage close to Meshuggah. In brief, I mentioned the most notable tracks of the album in according to my broken ears but, to say the truth, every song is good and can hidden touches of pure class.
Some of these "touches of pure class" are about the structure of the songs. For example, many songs contains abrupt and often short breaks that can be very atmospheric but they can be also integrated with the metal parts (like in "The Heights of Eidos..."). Another example is that the tracks can be structurally obsessive by repeating again and again the same riff, and this feature is great because it allows to the listeners to memorize the different riffs, even though every number is practically a maze.
As you can see, "Tetracyclic Dominion" offers many points that you can talk about but I think that it's time to end this review, or it risk to be an endless novel! So, "Tetracyclic Dominion" is a real masterpiece in which there is a technical and progressive death metal played with violence and malice, with the result that it can be surely loved by the fans of bands like Atheist, Death, Cynic, Cryptopsy but also of nowadays bands like the same Spectral or Cronaxia. Offering guest appearances coming from the Turin extreme metal scene like Lord Jotun (better known as Lord J.H. Psycho when he was in Lilyum) and Davide "BrutalDave" Billia (Septycal Gorge, Xenomorphic Contamination, Hour of Penance and many others), this album has the only flaw to have a too simple and too minimalistic booklet...but is really important this flaw for an album that, full of songs written between 2014 and 2017, last 59 minutes without never being boring?
it was a lot of time that an album didn't take a rating so high on these pages! The previous time? The mighty "Hero" by the very innovative Swiss black/death metal band Bölzer!
«Почти идеальное сочетание техничности и брутальности». (с)resurgam
Суровейшие вести пришли с Апеннинского полуострова. А именно супер-дэтовый альбом Tetracyclic Dominion команды Godless Enthropia. Доложу вам сразу: еще в неблизкие времена, в 12-ом году три чела, а именно Claudio Colla, Stefano Momo и Simone Cottura, все в прошлом наигравшись в death/thrash metal бригаде Beyond the Unholy Truth, собрались в нашу сабжевую формацию. И надо отметить, что в 13 и 14 гг. записали два мелкоформата — эпишку и сингл. Потом сосредоточились на написании серьезного материала (по объему). Получилось. Серьезно.
Вот ведь штука. Хотя все (или почти все) называют стилистику Godless Enthropia death с влияниями, можно заметить, что на самом деле музыканты играют трэш/дэт, только с еще большим креном в дэт. Реально. С влияниями. Это очень важное слово в этом альбоме. Надеюсь, вернее уверен, что вы знаете о большом вкладе итальянских музыкантов в техно-дэтовоую сцену.
Так это очередной увесистый блок в стену музыкального ужаса, террора и угара, что иначе называют death металл. Причем я сразу побежал на архивы в надежде найти в каких еще крутых бандосах строгали медиаторы музыканты. Увы мне. Всего-то в пяти не очень известных группах. Ну тогда это музыкальное чудо. Пять металлюг выполнили на этом альбоме сильную, конкретную работу, создав техно-детовый полигон, который или уже наделал шума в спец-тусовке, или еще только наделает.
Тут урагана на цельный час, и каждый дэт-металл-маньяк найдет себе уголок, весь в красном, по своему вкусу. Но по-моему, лучше этот ад воспринимать целиком. Начиная с трэка 1, странного, покореженного куска металлолома, где пробивается поросль колючей проволоки, а поливают ее машинным маслом. Эта дорожка сделана для того, чтобы вы забеспокоились, в ту ли палату вы попали. Все нормал, далее вы окажетесь в треше-дэтовой местности, где императорствуют буйные гитары, заливающие окрестности дэтовым бетоном и ритм-секция устанавливает стальную арматуру. Вроде все отлично. Убойный метал-боевик. Так бы и продолжай далее: и аплодисменты, и стейдждайвинг на концертах обеспечены.
Однако уже скоро ударник вдруг начинает усложняться, а за ним, само собой, пускаются гитары и ритм-, и соло-. И в треке 3 уже к середине технари берут власть в свои руки и предлагают нам изысканно возделанные электросваркой дэтовые структуры, которые ценились со времен Паганини.
Причем надо заметить, что вокалист так и остался более трешевым по своей идеологии, низкий харш — резкий, нервный, злобарьский. Надо обязательно сказать, что вокаллер создает несколько линеек вокалов и внедряет их умело и безупречно. А вообще в буклете прописано, что были привлечены дополнительные вокалисты. В частности, «чистый» вокалист Lord J. H. Psycho — это звезда итальянской металлической сцены. Да еще басист кое-где подпел. Ребята умеют.
Композер(ы) немного вливают в это сталелитейное дело атмосферы, но очень уверенно опираясь на базис истинного дэта. В некоторых отрубленных кусках группа работают по олдскулу, и там же взрезает его, и льет на рану прихотливый соляк как йодную настойку. Ритм-секция очень хорошо знает свое дело и реально создает очаги нестабильности, которые в итоге превращаются в шикарные участки техно-дэта.
Большие баллы и технарям-звуковикам, которые обеспечивали и запись в студии, и все остальное.
Совместный релиз с испанской Hecatombe Records. 8-страничный буклет с лирикой и инфой. Includes OBI. Includes Pit-Art CD.
Italians from GODLESS ENTHROPIA define their music as Hybrid Death Metal. Indeed, the material collected on their 14-song debut album is a mix of classic Death Metal along with elements coming from avant-garde, fusion and progressive music. To all this you should add a modern sound-production plus a little Deathcore vibe and the musical formula of GODLESS ENTHROPIA seems complete. Their lyrical themes have been inspired by psychology, linguistics and chemistry. Not the usual Death Metal topics, right? Well, those lyrics are fine to me, but I really can't say the same regarding their songs, which I found super boring and what's more the album lasts almost 60 minutes. I hear the talent and professionalism of the five musicians there, but what's up with the originality and creativity? In lack of those 2 ingredients their music sounds just like a big uncontrolled mess full of meaningless guitar, bass & drum parts. OK, there are patterns, which I can easily compare to GORGUTS, DEATH, CYNIC, DECAPITATED and MESHUGGAH, but even those are so weak in general that I'll definitely not going to give a listen to their stuff again. I really hope the future will add some genuineness to their music!
Un disco come Tetracyclic Dominion chiede molto all’ascoltatore, una caratteristica che va presa in considerazione al di là del valore intrinseco della musica proposta dai Godless Enthropia. Questo perché bisogna essere in grado di dedicare la giusta attenzione alle quattordici tracce di death metal schizofrenico racchiuse in un debutto molto ambizioso.
L’album può risultare estenuante, se non avete la presenza di spirito per sopportarlo. Se al contrario invece siete abbastanza fortunati da provare piacere nel farvi travolgere dalla furia progressiva messa sul piatto dalla band, sappiate che vi ritroverete di sicuro a riascoltarlo una seconda volta, poi una terza e via dicendo, finché non ne scoprirete tutti i dettagli.
Il perché è semplice: anche se i Godless Enthropia ci propongono musica impegnativa, la loro idea di inglobare la potenza del death metal vecchio stile in un contesto che vira al progressive, tenendo sempre d’occhio la cattiveria, è espressa con una tale fierezza da lasciare senza parole. Durante l’ascolto siamo colpiti da brani che si susseguono tra il rapido vorticare furioso di “Mother Of Cain” e “Third Eye, Cauterized”, le parentesi più tecniche come “Erase, Delete, Annihilate” e momenti di calma apparente, quasi ballate, come “Solecism I”, incastrando il tutto in una scaletta che conosce pochi momenti di pausa, come l’intermezzo di pianoforte di “Dysphemic Phænomenons”.
La follia dei Godless Enthropia è controllata, un martellamento disumano con frequenti cambi di tempo che lascia interdetti, messo in pratica da una band che sa cosa sta facendo. Le influenze sono tantissime, ma l’unica che mi sento di segnalare in quanto più evidente delle altre è quella dei Gorguts, con particolare riguardo verso la prima parte della carriera, fino al loro capolavoro Obscura.
Come ho detto, credo che Tetracyclic Dominion sia lontano dall’essere perfetto, complice qualche sparuta lungaggine qua e là. Stento tuttavia a fargliene una colpa, dato che non deve essere stato facile concepire musica ad altissimo tasso di difficoltà, cercando di mantenere nella propria formula una certa dose di impatto diretto.
Tetracyclic Dominion è un disco da scoprire, che non potete mettere sul lettore una volta e pretendere di capire. Se gli darete una possibilità, rimarrà con voi per molto tempo.
Queda lejos aquel EP “Dystopian Metaphors” de 2013, tal vez por eso los italianos Godless Enthropia hayan tenido tanto tiempo para dejarnos una hora de su música en un debut en largo que debe mucho a Immolation o Deicide, además de dejar infinidad de detalles técnicos que nos pueden recordar a Atheist, Cynic, los últimos Death o los Pestilence de “Spheres”.
Y es que después de una breve intro “Mother of Cain” es una apisonadora sonora donde cada instrumento tiene su parcela, sin ocultar al resto, sonando cada parte muy limpia, incluso los momentos en el bajo eléctrico. Además en la siguiente “Into the Asylum” ya podemos empezar a escuchar esos riffs que juegan con las escalas y exigen cierta técnica para no tropezar entre las cuerdas.
También esa extensa “Unpredictable Dementia (Mechanical Disease)” condensa bien la esencia de lo que pretende Godless Enthropia, con una buena mezcla de intensidad sonora, tecnicismo y unos solos melódicos que se van distribuyen a lo largo de la composición. Ya solo el comienzo de “Erase, Delete, Annihilate” merece escuchar todo el tema, con unas guitarras llamativas y unos cambios de ritmo que son realmente complejos. Llegados a este punto se hace un parón, un descanso para nuestros oídos en forma de interludio solo con teclas y sintetizadores al que han llamado “Dysphemic Phænomenons”. Un tema colocado estratégicamente a la mitad de la grabación, que no se hace pesado y que da paso a “Third Eye, Cauterized”, un Death Metal en la línea ya descrita y con algunas partes con pinceladas progresivas que quedan muy bien en el conjunto de la composición.
También en “Solecism I” rompen un poco la linealidad del disco, pues invitan a Fabrizio Prelini (músico de In Corpore Mortis o Phenris) en las voces limpias en lo que es la única colaboración del álbum, dejando una composición muy melódica y pausada, si bien también tiene sus arremetidas más brutas. Así que después de ese nuevo descanso “Cause of Disease (Sprouts of New Hate)” y “Adynaton” son otros dos temas brutales, aunque con ecos jazzísticos, hasta la llegada de “Solecism II”, que es justo lo contrario a la primera parte, pues aquí se dejan de melodías y entregan una pista de intenso Death Metal con esos devaneos en las líneas del bajo y elementos técnicos en las guitarras, pues también hay espacio para mostrarnos esos coqueteos que tienen con el Jazz.
Reconozco que hay mucha tela “Tetracyclic Dominion”, uno de esos discos en los que vas sacando cosas según lo escuchas, detalles en el bajo, sonidos y riffs que se te pasaron la primera vez, por eso es mejor disfrutarlo sin prisas, que además merece sus buenas escuchas gracias a todo el trabajo que hay en él. Sin duda un lanzamiento muy recomendable para los amantes del Death Metal que incluye tanta técnica como elegancia en las composiciones.
O Death Metal italiano continua surpreendendo com excelentes bandas, é incrível o nível técnico, a brutalidade,o peso e a produção musical insana do Godless Enthropia, esse álbum é maravilhoso, é único, é um grande acontecimento musical na cena underground mundial .
Tem muita personalidade, é com certeza uma das bandas de death metal mais originais surgidas no mundo todo nos últimos 10 anos, as influências são muito diversificadas e eu diria que agradará os mais variados fãs dentro da musica extrema.
Um trabalho musical muito polido, de ótimo bom gosto nas composições, de uma complexidade musical absurda, não deixem de conferir o monumental "Tetracyclic Dominion", simplesmente imperdível.
Más death metal, mis amigos. "Tetracyclic Dominion" es el LP debut de los tanos Godless Enthropia, un quinteto que se las trae. Como dije, aquí tenemos una banda que propone momentos de puro death metal brutal con algunos más técnicos, pero sin por eso perder ferocidad. Y cuando decimos “técnicos” hablamos de momentos progresivos mas algunas influencias jazzísticas de la mano de un piano, lo cual contribuye a que el sonido pierda monotonía y conserve la atención del oyente.
“Tetracyclic Dominion” no escatima riffs ardientes, voces feroces y pesadez alucinante, al tiempo que niveles complejos e intrigantes de magia de guitarra, y hasta algunos toques modernos para terminar de darle “sabor” a este conglomerado. O sea, todo lo que un fanático del death metal espera de un disco de Godless Enthropia.
Grindcore albums are becoming more and more scarce, but here is one and it is a special one. This is a technogrind band that does everything just right. The band's music is brutally grinding so much so that playing this and, say, a Death album makes this sound like heavy metal to Death's pop/rock. The grind is accentuated by diversions and variety, but one instance of lame clean vocals aside never at the expense of the heaviness. The band is just adept and uses it to create a variety of riffs and time signatures. The drummer can blast and the singer can hurl vokills, but then the guitar tapping and acrobatics kick in and propel this album a notch.
The band's monicker and more obviously the album title hint at the technical nature of things. In that sense the band could be described as a cross between Man Must Die and Desecravity, but not quite as fast as the former or as clean sounding as the latter, but quite close. Here is the bottom-line: Godless Enthropia is all upside in the heaviness and speed sweepstakes and there is not one dull moment on the album. Just dispose of the clean vocals next time, boys.
Do you know the Italian death metal band Beyond the Unholy Truth? Me neither. But apparently this band was formed from the ruins of that band back in 2012. Not that I care that much but it is nice when a band comes to life. Having released an EP and a single prior to this album. Nothing that I have heard. A shame really as this is some good old slamming death metal. A bit on the technical side but nothing that makes it worse. This is a cool piece of death metal I am glad I have had the chance to hear.
Први дугосвирајући материјал у историји бенда. Италијански death метал. Под италијански сам хтео да асоцирам на углађеност, финоћу, моду - на коју ме асоцирао омот албума. Ово је један школски death метал бенд. Све увежбано, усвирано, добро снимљено и продицирано. Вокал довољно снажан и убедљив. Једино што нисам осетио ништа спектакуларно док сам преслушавао овај материјал, који траје скоро сат времена. Неспорно је да се бенд трудио да осмисли што раноликије песме и то није споро јер је у томе успео. Тек још једно издање у великом низу истих и сличних.
Desde Turín os presento al quinteto GODLESS ENTHROPIA, formados en 2012: tras una demo (Dystopian Metaphors) y un EP (Politics of Fornication) traen su larga duración llamado TETRACYCLIC DOMINION, tremebunda apisonadora de Death Metal con muchísimos retazos Avantgarde, técnicos y progresivos dentro de una base de Brutal Death bastante clásico. Edita SYMBOL OF DOMINATION y HECATOMBE RECORDS en cd, y el artwork es obra de Simone Cavalera.
Tras la intro atmosférica de "Al - Qalyah", construida a base de acoples disonantes de aires orientales, nos estalla en toda la cara "Mother of Cain", suerte de mezclar a los MORBID ANGEL con DEICIDE, IMMOLATION y bestias pardas del estilo; un doble bombo apretado como los vaqueros de Michael Knight en El Coche Fantástico y algún que otro detalle Thrash.
Más extraña y técnica es "Into The Asylum", igualmente violenta pero con riffs de guitarra enrevesados que pueden recordar a ATHEIST, CYNIC o PESTILENCE. La verdad, es impresionante el sonido conseguido por los italianos... si no me equivoco, y viendo el libreto, el disco ha sido masterizado al menos un par de veces siendo su última parada el toque analógico de Hertz Studio en Bialystok, Polonia.
Por cierto que a más de un oyente los parones y arranques del final del tema le recordarán al Black Death de cosas como GOD DETHRONED por ejemplo.
Sigue la oscurísima "Witch Burning Princess", híbrido alucinante entre Brutal Death americano con un pie en el Grind y ritmos vertiginosos del bajo, que no para quieto un instante. Fantástico el interludio con solo de guitarra incluído a lo VEKTOR. Las voces en general guturales, con algún repunte más agudo y bien ejecutadas, por lo que pocas pegas podemos poner.
Parecidos parámetros en "Unpredictable Dementia (Mechanical Disease)" solo que la estructura de esta última se retuerce varias veces sobre sí misma, ralentizando o acelerándose (hasta rozar el Death Sueco) según va marcando un extraño riff de guitarra. Con todo, para mi gusto es de los temas más flojos del disco. Mucho mejor es la retorcida "Erase, Delete, Annihilate", versión Death de los VOIVOD y cosas así. Cuesta no pensar también en cosas como AT THE GATES de su primera época, sobre todo por la brutalidad de la música o esos lánguidos y flotantes riffs de guitarra que se asoman con una facilidad pasmosa.
Cogemos aire con el piano y sintetizadores de "Dysphemic Phaenomenons", bastante normalita y que podrían haberla omitido porque no aporta mucho. Hubiera quedado mejor seguir del tirón con "Third Eye, Cauterized" dentro de una estructura de Death bastante clásico que lo mismo puede recordar a GORGUTS que a DISMEMBER o los mismísimos DEATH.
Destaca otro pedazo de solo épico de guitarra antes de meternos con "Solecism I", con voces adicionales de Fabrizio Lord Jotun Prelini, y de aromas sin duda a lo OPETH. Es tal el contraste que lo mismo estoy ante un tema perdido de los SEPTIC FLESH y aquí quizás esté uno de los defectos del disco... ha entrado todo y no ha habido cribaje colándose temas muy buenos con otros más estándard que se parecen demasiado. En mi humilde opinión yo habría reducido minutaje pero a veces cuesta tanto sacar un largo que uno arremete con todo lo que tiene.
"Cause of Disease (Sprouts of New Hate)" ahonda por un Death más melódico y atmosférico. Toques Crust irrumpen en una vorágine a lo VALLENFYRE para que os hagáis una idea, alternándose pasajes letales en cuanto a brutalidad (la base rítmica es una ametralladora) con otros que demuestran que la banda tiene una técnica bastante elevada. Se recoge "Palace of Fornication" de su Single de 2014 donde destaca una bajada radical de tempo a mitad del tema a niveles Death/Doom (voces susurradas aquí y allá como es de rigor) y luego vuelta a acelerarse con una cabalgada a la sueca.
El tramo final lo forman "Adynation", mezcla perfecta de bilis y melodía a lo FEAR FACTORY de su etapa primera (muy buenos los detalles de samplers, efectos y el maravilloso riff de guitarra que finiquita el tema), la vuelta del doble bombo brutalísimo en "Solecism II", plagado de ritmos entrecortados y bizarros, y la final "The Heights of Eidos (Mother of Cain)" ya sumergiéndose en terrenos suecos sin complejo alguno.
En resumen, un muy buen disco de Death técnico que se habría beneficiado de destilarlo un poco más en duración y quitando algún que otro corte (14 son demasiados).
There can be many reasons why it`s not always easy to follow the music in this album if you are not focused. I had been, but even so I still needed few more CD spins for better understanding this record.
The music of these Italians throws you in many detailed arrangements with twists and turns, into cacophony of drums and vocals that are just so brutal and hideous. This is very fast death metal release with just few slower moments (maybe to just keep you alive). There are songs in this album with some guitar disharmonies (Both parts of Mother Of Cain, Into The Asylum and Erase, Delete, Annihilate ). The other tracks are arranged with strange, instrumental dyshrythmia (Witch Burning Princess, Solecism II, Unpredictable Dementia (Mechanical Disease) ). However, the band`s music is more archaic than perfect.
Not once, the songs are very much into technical death metal style. I think here about songs like Cause Of Disease (Sprouts Of New Hate), Palace Of Fornication and Adynaton which tracks seem to be aimed to just blow up Earth out of its orbit by sonic-destructive waves.
Tetracyclic Dominion holds few less intriguing moments - a short instrumental songs (1, 7) which may give you a break from the cacophony of this album.
A Solecism I is generally different song because they also try to sing here with clean vocals and it does not feel much like death metal song, music and sound wise.
The album`s production is not remarkably good, so be prepared, because it`s exhausting, intense and brutal technical death metal record that seek ways to twist your mind and make you weirder than you already are. If you are persistent listener; then music of Godless Enthropia should become clearer for you over time.
I am a fan of technical metal since I remember but let`s say that I have already moved on and I know what I think is a good album and what is not, in my mind. That`s why I suggest you to give Tetracyclic Dominion a try but it`s not that I think everyone of you is capable to survive 60 minutes by playing music from this album.
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