Reviews: SODP101
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Almost exactly one year ago we premiered a song from The Age of Aquarius, the latest album by the Finnish horror-prone black metal band Gloomy Grim, and today we have yet another premiere from the band, but one uprooted from the distant past. It appears on a compilation entitled Fuck The World, War Is War!, which is a combining of the titles of the two early demos that it encompasses: The first five tracks on this new compilation come from the band’s first demo, Fuck The World, Kill The Jehova! (1996), and the next three tracks first appeared on the second demo, Friendship Is Friendship, War Is War! (1997).
When the first demo was recorded during the upheaval of black metal’s second wave, Gloomy Grim was the solo project of vocalist/multi-instrumentalist Agathon. By the time the second demo was recorded, he had drawn to his side the female vocalist Whisper Lilith as well as guitarist Mörgoth and bassist Torso. The song we’re premiering today — “Reign” — was the final track on that second demo.
The spooky symphonic introduction to “Reign” reflects one of the the band’s consistent inspirations — horror movie soundtracks — and the swirling and bounding sounds of organ and strings persist throughout the song as its leading melodic component, joined by voices both cracked and croaking, and by a deep, grumbling bass and the pumping propulsion of a pneumatic drum line. As the pace slows, the music becomes even more oppressively ominous and threatening before the track closes with a final sinister flourish.
Fuck The World, War Is War! will be co-released by Satanath Records’ sub-label Symbol Of Domination (Belarus) and the Italian label Murdher Records. Below you can also check out two more songs from the album — “Blood” (which also comes from Gloomy Grim’s second demo and is a free download at Bandcamp) and “Pope of the Black Arts” (which appeared on the band’s first demo).
Perhaps long overdue compilation of the Finnish symphonic pioneers’ early pair of demos. As you might expect, most of these tracks would appear on their subsequent (and quite recommended) debut, Blood, Monsters, Death, but there are a few that never made it to “official release” status.
As you might expect, the best tracks on said debut are almost all represented herein (ain’t that always the way?), but these are necessarily in a more stripped down, less effective form…unless you didn’t think the keyboards were in your face enough in the mix on the full length, in which case, here you go!
Bottom line here, this is Gloomy Grim in their best days…but not quite in peak form (the fuller guitars, vocal backing and production the debut demanded served the band, and those songs they carried over from here, quite well.)
If you need to hear a trio of “missing” tracks left off of Blood, Monsters, Death or really want to hear that keyboard work right up front in the mix, don’t even hesitate…more casual listeners, stick to the debut.
I was happy to see this as part of the rotation this month.
Il progetto Symphonic Black Metal Gloomy Grim nasce ad Helsinki in Finlandia, nel 1995, un periodo oscuro e malvagio in cui il genere praticato dalla band era agli albori. Gloomy Grim nasce dall’idea di Agathon, come one-man band, con l’iniziativa di creare musica a proprio piacimento. Lo stesso fondatore del progetto finlandese, nel concretizzare i suoi pensieri rei, si ispira a colonne sonore di film horror e alla vita oscura e malvagia. Nello scorrere del tempo la musica plasmata da Agathon si evolve, ed egli decide di circondarsi da altri musicisti per trasformare Gloomy Grim in una vera e propria band. La carriera musicale del progetto inizia sostanzialmente nel 1996, quando, il 6 giugno viene realizzato il primo demo, intitolato “Fuck The World, Kill The Jehova!”, composto da quattro tracce per una durata complessiva di 14:20 minuti. L’anno successivo, il 1997, arriva il secondo demo “Friendship Is Friendship, War Is War!” (quattro tracks che garantiscono un ascolto di 18:04 minuti) seguito il 15 maggio 1998 dal primo full-length “Blood, Monsters, Darkness”, 49:14 minuti di durata per dieci tracce. Lo stesso anno, ad ottobre, viene realizzata una compilation dal titolo “Reborn Through Hate” e dopo un po’ di tempo, nel 2000, Gloomy Grim creano un video comprendente tre tracce:”Born In Fire”. Nel marzo del 2000, il progetto riversa le sue idee malvage in un secondo album:“Life?” (undici tracce per 46:26 minuti di ascolto) seguito l’anno successivo, a giugno,dal terzo full-length, “Written In Blood”, le cui 11 tracks richiedenti 43:12 minuti di attenzione spingono chi ascolta in un vortice di raccapricciante smarrimento. “The Grand Hammering” é il quarto full-length creato da Gloomy Grim il 22 novembre 2004, seguito poi da un promo DVD nel 2006 e da “Tapetum Lucidum” EP realizzato il 23 febbraio 2007. Il quinto album del progetto arriva solo nel 2008, “Under The Spell Of The Unlight”, che si tratta di una raccolta di dodici tracce (durata: 53:03), realizzata esattamente il 26 maggio. Il 2011 vede poi la nascita di un single, “Grim Fate”, e nel settembre del 2014 viene creato un demo:“Grimoire”. I due lavori vengono seguiti da un’altra importante raccolta di 10 tracce “The Age Of Aquarius”, appartenente all’anno 2016 (6 giugno). Questo non breve spaccato riguardante quanto realizzato da Gloomy Grim non si chiude di certo con un punto fermo, infatti la band tutt’ora attiva, dall’alto dei suoi ventidue anni di cariera, produce il 24 giugno del 2017 una compilation intitolata “Fuck The World, War Is War!”. Questa raccolta di otto tracce che garantisce un ascolto di 33:22 minuti, include canzoni appartenenti a vecchie registrazioni (tracce 1,2,3,4,5 provenienti da “Fuck The World, Kill The Jehovah!” e 6,7,8 tratte da “Friendship Is Friendship, War Is War!”), ed inizia proprio con la macabra accoglienza di un brano strumentale: “Temple Of Agathon”. Dal titolo é deducibile che la compilation sia un “misto” tra i primi due demo creati dal progetto, come sempre i temi sono l’oscurità, la morte, l’orrore, Satana, la guerra e argomenti anticristiani, tipici del Black Metal. Molto ampia la parte dedicata alla tastiera componente uno spaccato melodico, che riporta molto alle colonne sonore horror, accompagnata da tipiche chitarre Black Metal dal tagliente suono, da un basso molto cupo e dalle sonorità profonde a cui si aggiunge una batteria molto accelerata. La voce risulta essere molto incrinata, ed insieme a parti parlate (o quasi) riesce bene a rendere l’idea di paura e terrore volutamente fornita dagli artisti. Si percepiscono parti lente in cui la musica diventa opprimente, minacciosa e spaventosa, ciò rende le tracce particolarmente ree, malvage e sinistre. E’ oltretutto riscontrabile in alcune tracks la presenza di parti verosimilmente somiglianti ad una marcia minacciosa, come se ci fosse un’esortazione alla guerra. Forse da un progetto proveniente dalla gelida Finlandia ci si sarebbe aspettato qualcosa di più secco e freddo, musica dalle tonalità più dure, mentre invece in “Fuck The World, War Is War!” vi sono delle “note di colore”, che seppur poco, riscaldano uno scenario spaventoso, distogliendo un po’ dalla paura che dovrebbero infliggere le tracce agli ascoltatori. Il lavoro di mix e mastering sembra essere decente, quanto alla fantasia delle tracce c’é poco da discutere poiché le soluzioni sono variegate, non annoiano e si combinano bene. Insomma, ci si trova d’innanzi ad un’ordalia inesorabile di malvagità pronta ad uscire in qualsiasi istante per portare la sua devastazione in Terra, tuttavia nonostante gli anni di attività, c’è ancora qualcosa che manca e che quasi lascia un vuoto, come se in un quadro variopinto vi fosse un piccolo spazio della tela in cui il pennello non é mai passato a portare i propri colori. Dopotutto l’arte é passione, e la musica é una delle più alte forme di quest’ultima, che porta con se una miriade di sensazioni facendole scaturire dalla mente delle persone per rifugiarsi in quella di altre. Certamente il talento impiegato da Gloomy Grim nel rendere vivo ciò che viene inventato dal proprio pensiero verrà premiato, la lunga carriera del progetto scandinavo esiste tuttora, perché ha ancora molto da dire di se. Questa discreta raccolta avrà sicuramente il suo successo, i margini di miglioramento ci sono, ma si é quasi sicuri che Gloomy Grim li presenteranno al pubblico in futuro.
Finland's Gloomy Grim have returned with a album that is in the symphonic black metal style while also being a collection of songs they have released over the years and this is a review of their 2017 compilation album "Fuck The World, War Is War!" which was released as a joint effort between Symbol Of Domination Productions and Murdher Records.
Symphonic sounding keyboards start off the compilation along with some grim black metal screams a few seconds later and after awhile heavy guitar riffs start to make their presence known and they also mix in with the symphonic sections of the music while the riffs also use a decent amount of melody.
One of the tracks is very long and epic in length and when guitar leads are finally added into the songs they give the music more of an old school metal feeling while also having their melodic moments and female vocals along with spoken word parts are also used briefly and all of the songs stick to either a slow or mid paced musical direction.
With this compilation Gloomy Grim brings in a mixture of both new and old material which is all in a symphonic black metal style, the production sounds very professional while the lyrics cover Satanism, War, Anti Christianity, Darkness, Death, and Horror themes.
In my opinion this is a very great sounding collection from Gloomy Grim and if you are a fan of this band, you should check out this compilation.
I Gloomy Grim, gruppo finlandese Symphonic Black Metal, uniscono sonorità cupe e momenti di elevata agonia nei testi delle loro canzoni. Formatosi nel 1995, il gruppo ha in repertorio 6 album in studio, 3 demo, un singolo, 2 compilation e due videoclip. In questa recensione andremo ad analizzare la loro ultima compilation, ossia “Fuck the World, War is War” la quale include 8 brani provenienti dai precedenti album. Questa compilation risulta essere di tiratura limitata, in quanto sono disponibili solamente 500 copie in formato CD, ergo abbastanza rare se si tratta di integrarne una nelle proprie collezioni metal oppure nelle collezioni apposite del genere, ossia il Symphonic Black.
[La copertina che introduce all’ascolto assomiglia vagamente ad una dei Netherbird (gruppo dal genere analogo) “The Ghost Collector” in fatto di colori.]
Nella tavolozza di colori della copertina prevalgono il rosso ed il nero, preludendo una carica emotiva raccapricciante e fatta di sangue ribollente nelle vene. La desolazione che si intravede nel nero opaco ed il rosso passionale e struggente invogliano l’ascoltatore ad oltrepassare un varco fatto di urla strazianti, suoni lugubri della natura, ululati e cori solenni.
Il grottesco si congiunge con la melodia, creando uno spettacolo uditivo travolgente, alla Edgar Allan Poe. I testi, trattanti nichilismo, odio e satanismo, danno un ulteriore accenno inquietante all’ album che si dimostra essere avvincente ed eterogeneo.
Le canzoni, 8 come precedentemente detto, sono state prese rispettivamente dai seguenti album:
- Blood, Monsters and Darkness: Pope of the Black Arts, Asylumn, Blood, War/Ashes, Reign
- Written in Blood: Written in Blood, Outro
- Fuck the World, Kill the Jeovah: Temple of Agathon
Ognuna di esse è diversa l’una dall’altra, non solo per il ritmo, ma anche per la sonorità; ancestrale in una ed irruenta nell’altra e via discorrendo. Un album completo, se lo si deve analizzare sotto il punto di vista del Symphonic Black, ed interessante, frutto di anni di lavoro e buona volontà.
La tecnica è elaborata, piena e melodica, così da dare all’ album un’insolita continuità nonostante i brevi spazi di tempo tra una canzone e l’altra che le separano.
Complessivamente lo si può considerare un album che rispecchia il Symphonic Black nelle sue molteplici sfaccettature, risultando ben orecchiabile e virtuoso. Una valutazione distinta rende giustizia a questa compilation scandinava che verrà sicuramente apprezzata dagli amanti del genere.
Como dissemos aquando o lançamento do "The Age Of Aquarius", os Gloomy Grim eram uma banda bastante diferente daquilo que se apresentam agora. Esta compilação das suas primeiras demos é a prova que precisamos para sustentar a nossa afirmação. Nestes primeiros trabalhos é visível uma abordagem bem peculiar, quase industrial - a bateria era programada sem grandes esforços para esconder o facto - e com músicas desconfortáveis (literalmente) e que não iam nem ao encontro da abordagem melódica/sinfónica das referências da altura (Cradle of Filth e Dimmu Borgir) nem estavam perto do lado mais extremo do black metal. Curiosamente esse era um dos seus atractivos. Como as demos já estão esgotadas há já muito tempo, esta é a única oportunidade para colocar as mãos neste temas.
Battendo il ferro reso caldo dal ritorno con un nuovo full length a otto anni dal precedente, avvenuto lo scorso anno con The Age Of Aquarius, i Gloomy Grim pubblicano, via Symbol of Domination/Murdher, questa compilation contenente i due primi demo editi dalla band finlandese.
All’epoca Fuck the World, Kill the Jehova! (1996) e Friendship Is Friendship, War Is War! (1997) erano il frutto del lavoro solista di Agathon, il quale in seguito, pur mantenendone salde le redini, ha reso la sua creatura un band vera e propria.
I Gloomy Grim hanno sempre proposto un symphonic black metal dai tratti orrorifici e dagli esiti alterni ma nel complesso piuttosto interessante: quanto proposto in questa occasione altro non è che la fotografia di un progetto ancora in embrione, con diverse idee valide ma ancora da sviluppare e suoni rivedibili, soprattutto per quelli di tastiera piuttosto plastificati.
Tra gli otto brani offerti appaiono decisamente migliori i tre conclusivi, ovvero quelli corrispondenti al secondo demo, denotando come è naturale che sia un certo progresso rispetto a quello prodotto l’anno prima ma, evidentemente, una riproposizione pari pari di musica composta e incisa vent’anni fa risulta meno efficace e meno utile rispetto a quanto avrebbe potuto rappresentarne la sua riedizione ex novo.
Massimo rispetto per Agathon ed il suo lungo percorso artistico, e per la Symnbol Of Domination, etichetta ucraina che quasi sempre porta alla luce interessanti realtà sommerse dell’underground metal, ma questa uscita può risultare appetibile solo per quelli che ritengono i Gloomy Grim una band fondamentale (immagino che non siano moltissimi), mentre per tutti gli altri direi che si può tranquillamente passare oltre.
Gloomy Grim released a compilation "Fuck The World, War Is War!" on 24th June 2017 and it's a limited edition release as well. This Finnish black metal masters released this jewel a year after their 6th full length album "The Age of Aquarius" and consists of 8 memorable tracks from their classic "Fuck The World, Kill The Jehova!" demo (1996) and also "Friendship Is Friendship, War Is War!" demo (1997).
What can we expect from this gem? Cold and horrific black metal tunes that sure will bring back good old memories from the early days of the second wave black metal era. The first 5 tracks of this compilation was the band's early recording way back when Agathon runs the band alone for the demo "Fuck The World, Kill The Jehova!" And Agathon managed to find band members to complete Gloomy Grim and recorded their second demo "Friendship Is Friendship, War Is War!". The arrangement and composition is quite minimal and simple to be compared to other releases today while keeping the horror atmosphere with its twisted synth and keyboard parts accompanied by heavy but dark guitar sound and the pounding bass together with the drum works.
Almost perfect for old school black metal fans who are looking for something nostalgic to listen to, it's worth revisiting just to remind ourselves how the scene was back in the golden days and to cherish fond memories of being isolated by society.
To be honest I am not entirely sure what it is that this albums compile. I am not that well versed in the discography of this Finnish band to be able to tell you that. I review what I think was their comeback album a while back. And even though I thought I knew of them before that it was abundantly clear that I didn’t once I heard that album. But this time I am better equipped to handle what this compilation brings to me. But I am not entirely sure what it is that I hear. To my ears this sounds like some sort of wannabe soundtrack. It isn’t the black metal that I had expected to hear. Instead it is much more symphonic-like, almost ambient in its nature. Not that I don’t like it. It just took a bit getting used to it.
“Итак, свет твой во мне, и красное пламя его как меч в моей руке, чтобы установить твой порядок”.
Алистер Кроули. "THE BOOK OF THE LAW”
Ну вы в курсе, что культовая финская блэкарьская команда Gloomy Grim с альбомом The Age Of Aquarius (2016) выпущена на Satanath Records совместно с итальянцами MurdHer Records.
Уже это событие произвело немалый фурор среди любителей «мелодичного» блэка или симфо блэка. Но этого показалось мало и Symbol Of Domination, саблейбл Сатанат рекордс, решил выпустить сабжевую компиляцию.
Точнее, это сборник из двух демок - 96 и 97 года. Самых первых артефактов команды!!!
Вот это сюрпрайз! В смысле развития музыкального материала мы отлично знаем, что на демках иногда находятся такие куски мяса, которые уже никогда не увидят свет в будущем. Да, существуют исключения — я про нынешний материал, но такие исключения только подтверждают железное правило. И потому уже нужно волноваться — что на этих пленках было записано?
А я предложу обратиться к цитате из моего отклика:
“Gloomy Grim предлагают контент апокалипсиса, создавая тренировочное поле для несуществующего пока, но грядущего будущего. Которое брутально замкнуто на себя, созданное аномальным мышлением эзотерика, извлекающего все (ну или половину) музыкальные идеи из тайного подпола, (где, вероятно, проводятся ритуалы)...”
Ага, оно самое — насчет ритуалов. Церемониальный блэк метал предлагает GG на сабжевых демках. Ритуальный эзотерический БМ, который сочится воском черных свеч, вонью сгоревшего подозрительного субстрата, тонкими эманациями существ вызываемых и обратно сброшенных в темные энергетические каверны земного шара. Но оставивших свои волновые отпечатки на этом диске.
Вообще данный ritualistic BM зримо попахивает эмбиентальным составом и дискурсом материала, при том им не являясь. Что за проблема...Истинный (true) творец ни разу не заморачивался этим. В его прицеле были совершенно другие вещи, так что - внемли...
Повторяющиеся аккорды, как из саундтрека Дактари Лоренца из авангардного рвотного кино «Некромантика 2» Буттгерайта, или более ранних образчиков, - медитативные и, прямо говоря, гипнотизирующие. Пробросы «раскрытых» клавишей, повторяющие их гитарные ответы, шаманский барабан. Колокольный звон. Да тут все настроено на ритуал. И нисколько не удивляешься уже, что харшевый вокал вдруг подменяется булькающим протогроулом ( а временами появляется макаберный (злоиронический) скрим). Мистерия прошла так, как и было задумано... в целом очень впечатляюще и торжественно. БМ? Да, ритуальный БМ. Трак 3 уже более реально набрасывается на слушателя и рвет в куски протоплазму.
Прозрачные и якобы простые клавиши обретают здесь демонические силы, словно бы скальпелем кромсают пространство, придавая компо острые грани, о которых не мудрено и порезаться до крови.
Меня вот более интересует, чем будет отличаться демо 97 года (6 - 8 траки). Переход здесь - более чем подходящий - трак 5 - прыжки по разбитому стеклу. Неприкрыто оккультный, зловещий и искрящийся саамской магией трэк. Ну а вот компо 6 — начало следующей демки. Все отлично, - в продолжение темы — злодейский, церемониальный и эзотерический БМ. Со скользящими клавишами, с думовыми похоронными прогонами, локальным высоким женским вокалом и настроением подвальной волшбы с нанесением ударов в ментальное тело. Мрачные куклы, длинные иглы, красное, мрак, корявые свечи...
Просто шикарная компиляция. Выше похвал.
Качество звука присутствует.
Finnish horde Gloomy Grim were formed in 1995 by Juha ‘Agathon’ Hintikka, who was in bands like Airdash and Corporal Punishment back then, and known for his membership (little later) in known acts like Thy Serpent, Walhalla and Soulgrind (of which he is still a member, like some other former or current Thy Serpent and Gloomy Grim members). After two demos (I will come back to them immediately), Gloomy Grim had a first studio album in 1998, Blood, Monsters, Darkness (via the resurrected French label Holy Records), followed by several others up to the year 2008. Then silence took over, and this band’s presence faded away into oblivion. But they returned, and in June 2016 mankind could meet their newest epic, The Age Of Aquarius, via Russia’s finest Satanath Records (and with shame I have to admit that I did not publish a review for that recording…). Anyway, Symbol Of Domination Productions, the successful side-label of Satanath Records, now comes up with a compilation, released in cooperation, once again, with Italian label Murdher Records. You can buy the digital format via the Bandcamp page, evidently, or you might search for the CD-edition (originally pressed in 500 copies), which comes with a twelve-page booklet.
Fuck The World, War Is War! compiles both demos I referred to in the former paragraph. Partly it’s a strange thing, for this material had been compiled before, released in Autumn 1998 via their label back then, Holy Records, under the Reborn Through Hate working title (note: that compilation did include a couple of tracks from the band’s debut album as well). But no matter, those who do not have that original collective work yet, must pay attention. Oh yes, just for your information: both demonstrational recordings were (like some ‘professional’ stuff afterwards) recorded at the MD Studios (in Helsinki) by (legendary?) Kai ‘Hiili’ Hiilesmaa, known for his assistance as producer / engineer / mixer for bands like Apocalyptica, Swallow The Sun, Moonspell, Amorphis, Theatre Of Tragedy or Ensiferum.
Both demos appear in chronological order on this compilation. The first tracks are taken from the self-released Fuck The World, Kill The Jehova! demo-tape in 1996, the other ones from 1997’s Friendship Is Friendship, War Is War! (also independently released on cassette back then). And as you can hear, Gloomy Grim already did have a unique sound in their earliest years. Like it is now, they did create a strange form of occult and mysterious Dark / Black Metal with quite some Ritual Ambient elements. Rhythmic and heavy Black Metal parts interfere with mystic keyboard-driven passages, electronic elements and much more. At that time, there were few comparable acts, like Daemonium / Akhenaton and Profanum (though the latter did not use guitars anymore as from their second album), and even Shadowcaster (though as well without bass or electric guitars), Valar, Chiva and the likes went a same-minded direction. But Gloomy Grim somehow brought this stuff to a bigger audience without turning it into some cheap and commercial pathetic would-be stage.
Anyway, I won’t go too deep into the matter, but I assure you that, in case you do adore this Finland-based project, then you will be pleased in a satisfying way with these old recordings – that’s a promise.
Hace ya un par de años me toco reseñar el último LP de los fineses Gloomy Grim, y recuerdo que me habían impresionado gratamente. Esta vez, la banda toma la saludable iniciativa de reeditar su dos primero demos (“Fuck The World, Kill The Jehova!” de 1996, y “Friendship Is Friendship, War Is War!” de 1997), como un solo CD y tomando partes de ambos títulos para renombrar este trabajo.
A diferencia de “The age of Aquarius”, los primeros cinco tracks (pertenecientes al primer demo), nos muestra a una banda bien enraizada en el black metal old-school, crudo pero no tosco, con los riffs siendo los comandantes de su musica.
En los últimos tres tracks (segundo demo), la cosa se pone más interesante aun, porque empiezan a aparecer los elementos más sinfónicos sumados a los ritmos más marciales, característicos de Gloomy Grim.
En síntesis, álbum ultra recomendado para los fans más acérrimos de la segunda oleada del black metal escandinavo. Trve cvlt!
Gloomy Grim has a long history which started off in 1995. Since then the band has released number of albums, EP`s demos, singles and such. The person who is involved in project from the beginning is Agathon who has turned this dark entity into regular band eventually with full line up. It wasn`t always like that because his very first steps he has made for Gloomy Grim was only actions of one man band.
Fuck The World, War is War is retrospective release of their two demos which one is called Fuck The World, Kill The Jehova! (released back in 1996 and Agathon has played all instruments in it). The other one was out under the name Friendship Is Friendship, War Is War!, released In 1997, this time with supporting musicians.
Originally both materials were available on cassettes, as it was typical thing to do in era of demo tapes. Now, both releases were re-released on cassette in 2017 by Carvetii Productions and on CD by Symbol Of Domination, Murdher Records which is very cool because I`ve never heard their music before, even if I mind the band` name since the 90`s.
From countries like Finland comes most evil, antichristian records of all time (...Impaled Nazarene...) and Gloomy Grim is also one of those small underground bands that has made their satanic image been seen and music being heard – not on big scale but, you must give them that they have their devoted fans and followers of black arts!
Fuck the World, War is War is black metal but very niche, cave sounding but it does not have fucked-up quality or anything like that. It`s just raw, small budget sounding records and that`s it.
They play very basic guitars and drums but the best of the band are definitely good, horror making keyboards - very atmospheric one with dose of macabre, avantgarde and those with theatrical suspense in climax of the music. Some of it could be in well use to some silent, classis B/W movies about Dracula, in my opinion. The other aspect important for Gloomy Grim are raspy, dark black metal vocals and lyrics full of vengeance, hatred against religion and weakness. These are exactly vocals and keys that are essential for this record. The darkness takes the best of shapes in songs like Temple Of Agathon (marching drums and bells), Written In Blood (hunger for blood and victims), Asylum (to my surprise the song is even little melodic, has a guitar solo and some doom metal keys). War/Ashes and Blood are ghostly haunting songs and they tracked down some fine, operatic female vocals.
No speed, no brutality of music here but very strong message in lyrics. This compilation is about atmospheric black metal and darkness –Gloomy Grim it is.