Reviews: SODP092
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Disorder from El Salvador began the first stirrings of life in the mid-90s as its principal creator Jorge Montesino (M.Q.) began recording songs with an acoustic guitar on his tape recorder at home. The first demo was released in 2001, and the first album the next year. More than 10 years passed before Disorder‘s second album was released (by El Salvador’s Morbid Skull Records), and now the band’s third album is primed for release on April 21 by Symbol of Domination Productions (Belarus) and Morbid Skull. The album’s name is Fuego Negro, and today we premiere a song from the album called “Existencias Paralelas“.
This is the kind of music that ought to appeal mightily to thrash purists. It doesn’t aim to push the boundaries by incorporating progressive flourishes or throwing other genre styles into a blender. But it’s fast, it’s aggressive, and it delivers a big adrenaline surge — and if you like your vocals raw and vicious, Disorder satisfies those tastes as well (the album features guests on vocals and lead guitar, in addition to the talents of the band’s two main members).
Obviously, thrash stands or falls on the power of the riff, and “Existencias Paralelas” is a turbocharged riff machine, with a high guitar pulse matched to a deep bass thrum, the song driven with classic thrash-rhythm-punch by M.Q.’s drum partner V.K. And the solo in the song is a hot-as-hell fret burner that rockets the music even further into the red zone.
So in a sense this is straight-for-the-throat, “no frills” thrash, but it’s so well-executed and so damned addictive that who needs frills?
So… are you still on a Hispanic metal high after the Brujeria’s last album? Well, you are in luck! The death metal band from El Salvador known as Disorder can fill that void with Fuego Negro which came out through Morbid Skull Records. Right from the beginning “Carroñeros de Justicia” gives you some thrash similar to that of Slayer but angrier and harsher on the vocals and in Español! “Bajo El Yugo De La Ignorancia,”“333” and “Tiempos Violentos” has the band, especially front man Jorge “MQ” Montesino, tap into the spirit of Death and will make you feel like you’re blasting lost Death tracks that were re-sung in Spanish. The last track of the album “Fuego Negro” sounded more like if Obituary had collaborated with Schuldiner. This album was the tits and it will definitely be worth getting your ears on this.
Taking retro crossover thrash, “Fuego Negro” literally cranks EVERYTHING to 11. From super-powered guitars that go beyond the sharp slicing of thrash guitars and add low end heft it operates those punk inspired chunky riffs to sneak in a few chords. D-beats stomp at inhuman speeds, and the harsh sandpaper barks that somehow split the difference between a death metal bark and black metal spit vitriol in Spanish. Blink for a moment and you might miss those nasty little melodies and harmonies that sneak in!
"Fuego Negro” manages to be both retro and modern at the same time due to the sheer amount of power, speed and fierceness that pours off at all times!
I disorder sono un gruppo Thrash metal formatosi ad "El Salvador".
Hanno avuto il primo input di vita a metà degli anni 90.
La prima demo è stata rilasciata nel 2001,e nell'anno successivo era in uscita il primo album. Dopo 10 anni di inattività della band Jorge va alla ricerca di membri per tornare alla carica e, ad anni di distanza hanno pubblicato il loro ultimo lavoro, ovvero l'album che vado a recensire "Fuego Negro" uscito il 21 aprile di quest'anno.
Questo è un album in cui troverete potenti riff in un'atmosfera piú black/thrash colma di ritmiche "oscure".
Ha uno stile vecchia scuola, gli amanti di quel suono "grezzo" lo ameranno, e la produzione é ottima il che giova all'intero album durante l'ascolto.
Fuego negro riesce a miscelare il retró ed il moderno allo stesso tempo grazie alla mera potenza e velocità che percorre l'intero album.
Sin dall'inizio del disco con "Carroñeros de justicia" offre un thrash molto simile a quello degli Slayer anche se più agguerrito durante le parti vocali. "Existencias Paralelas" é una macchina da riff che ha come fulcro il suono netto della chitarra.
"Tiempos Violentos" e "Misantropica Barbarie" non danno pausa per un respiro e non lasciano spazio per una strumentale soave.
Per chiudere nel migliore dei modi questo album in puro stile Thrash abbiamo la title track "Fuego Negro" che si presenta imponente ed ha uno dei migliori riff che possiamo trovare nei lavori della band.
I temi principali che troviamo in quest'album sono le guerre e la morte e con questi esso vi trascinerà in una condizione emotiva in cui vi sentirete più morti che vivi nonostante i suoni forti e caratteristici dei brani.
L'album presenta ospiti alle voci, e alla chitarra oltre i nostri due talentuosi membri fissi.
Questa band è adatta al pubblico di "puristi", anche perché puntano sulla velocitá ed aggressività.
La breve durata di Fuego Nero non deve essere motivo di negatività anzi, invoglia a riascoltarlo più volte proponendo un ottimo black/thrash senza troppe pretese anche se qualche traccia in più non avrebbe di certo guastato.
A banda Disorder, liderada por Jorge Montesino (pseudônimo de M.Q), é oriunda de El Salvador e iniciou sua carreira na década de 90. Em sua biografia, a banda relata que houve dificuldades em se firmar como grupo devido à falta de músicos com os mesmos gostos musicais e a cena Grunge, dominante na época.
Após um longo hiato, a banda voltou em 2011 lançando novos materiais e passando por mais mudanças de formações. Para “Fuego Negro”, terceiro disco da banda, M.Q. gravou a voz, baixo e guitarra deixando V.K. a cargo da bateria. O resultado é um puro álbum de Thrash Metal sem frescura alguma.
As músicas são rápidas, com bastantes riffs ao longo das músicas. O vocal cantado em castelhano, é rasgado e sem exageros de gutural ou berros. Os solos são o grande forte aqui. Com muita inspiração, eles encaixam desde técnica/velocidade até partes com mais alavancas (ao estilo de Sepultura e Slayer).
Destaque para “Carroñeros de Justicia” e “Tiempos Violentos” que se iniciam quebrando tudo. Afora isso, o disco todo é muito linear, pois se mantem no mesmo ritmo música após música.
Em minha opinião faltou um som mais cadenciado para tirar a impressão que as músicas se continuam uma na outra. De qualquer forma, é um ótimo disco e corram para garantir o seu pois só existem 666 cópias disponíveis.
Carroñeros de Justicia & Existencias Paralelas lay down the marker for the album early on. Both are super intense, played at a breakneck speed resulting in a seriously satisfying thrash sound.
It’s got an old-school vibe, fans of that rough & ready sound will love this (the production makes for a more enjoyable listen though). It invokes images of a small, sweaty venue & the crowd losing their absolute shit to this.
333, Tiempos Violentos, Misantropica Barbarie…there are no breaks, no pauses for breath, no soft melodic moments. This is a ‘balls out’ metal album that piles on the riffs & solos (Bajo El Yugo De La has two killer ones) & if you don’t like it, go somewhere else!
It ends on the title track, Fuego Negro, an absolute rip-roaring song with some of the albums best riffs & some serious rhythmic bite.
Fuego Negro is over almost as soon as it begun & while it leaves you wanting more it definitely doesn’t overstay its welcome which it may have done had it been 10+ tracks long. Instead we get a short but very satisfying thrash/black metal album that pulls no punches & is unashamed in it’s lack of imagination.
Em El Salvador 1993/1994, Jorge Montesino começou a escrever músicas para seu primeiro projeto musical com um violão acústico gravando-os em um gravador em casa. Ele começou a procurar membros da banda, mas era tão difícil encontrar pessoas que possuíam instrumentos e o mesmo gosto musical principalmente porque a cena local estava podre na onda de bandas grunge e alternativas.
Em 1994/1997 várias músicas estavam prontas, mas não foi até o final deste período que a primeira formação estável estava pronta para tocar ao vivo e ensaiar. Alguns membros não foram totalmente dedicados ao gênero Metal, mas foram recrutados por falta de opções.
Em 2001, o primeiro ensaio de demonstração foi gravado e distribuído, algumas cópias em formato de cassete e algumas outras cópias no formato CD-R.
Em 2011, dez anos depois que Jorge Montesino reativou a banda como projeto de estúdio sob o pseudônimo MORBID e junta forças com seu sobrinho Kevin Orellana, que toma seu pseudônimo HELLBASTARD. Morbid começou a compor novos materiais e a ajustar as músicas antigas gradualmente.
Em 2014, o segundo álbum oficial completo da banda foi lançado em outubro em CD pelo selo Morbid Skull Records e chamado “En El Rio Del Olvido”.
Em 2015, Morbid expulsou Hellbastard da banda por diferenças pessoais e começou a gravar o novo álbum. Morbid mudou o nome para M.Q. E bem-vindo V.K. Como membro permanente na bateria.
Em 2016, M.Q. Gravou todos os vocais, guitarras e graves para os novos lançamentos. Um Split de fita K7 profissional com a banda sueca TOTAL INFERNO foi lançada pela MORBID SKULL RECORDS, limitada a 100 cópias numeradas a mão e intitulada “Ina Etuti Asbu”, esse Split também foi lançada como 7 “s por DEATHGASM e MORBID SKULL RECORDS limitado a 300 cópias. A banda terminou as gravações e produção para o novo álbum chamado “Fuego Negro”.
Em 2017, o terceiro álbum completo chamado “Fuego Negro” é confirmado para ser lançado em formato CD pela SYMBOL OF DOMINATION Prod. e MORBID SKULL RECORDS limitado a 666 cópias.
“Fuego Negro” é um álbum no qual você vai encontrar muita velocidade e raiva em uma vibração de metal mais Thrash / Black como no último “En El Rio Del Olvido”, não há arranjos complexos, apenas um simples e reto riff, para ritmos obscuros e combinados com vocais ásperos e agressivos.
Algo muito importante a mencionar é que nesta gravação também decidiram ter contribuições especiais de alguns grandes artistas que interpretam vocais e guitarras, contribuições que certamente enriqueceram esse esforço. A banda se sente satisfeita com os resultados e verá o que está por vir …
Cuidado! Mantenha o fogo negro imolando suas almas!!!
L’obstination paie. En tout cas, c’est le genre de leitmotiv tout fait qu’on assène à ceux qui semble relâcher leurs efforts, et qui ne se vérifie pas toujours.
Parfois. Rarement. Mais il est certain que dans des cas très précis, cet adage s’avère plein de bon sens, pour peu que les individus concernés soient dotés d’une motivation à l’épreuve des balles, genre caractère blindé en vitres teintées sans jeter un coup d’œil à la pression qui s’exerce à l’extérieur.
Et c’est le cas semble-t-il de notre ami de l’après-midi, le Salvadorien Jorge Montesino, qui depuis presque vingt-cinq ans suit une feuille de toute très personnelle dont il n’a que très rarement dévié.
Jorge a commencé la musique en 1993, en composant ses propres chansons sur une guitare acoustique, qu’il fixait sur les bandes fatiguées d’un vieux magnétophone. Dépité de ne trouver aucun musicien pour l’accompagner dans sa quête extrême, ces derniers préférant exprimer leur créativité en jouant un Grunge très en vogue à l’époque, il lui fallut attendre 1994 pour enfin réunir un line-up digne de ce nom afin de répéter et de jouer live. Bien évidemment, pour ce faire, il dû accepter à ses côtés des instrumentistes ne faisant pas partie de la galaxie Metal, la condition sine qua non pour arriver à ses fins. En 2001, la première démo de DISORDER vit donc le jour, Voces de la Tumba, aussitôt suivi d’un premier LP baptisé du même nom un an plus tard.
Las, cet accomplissement signifia aussi un arrêt presque définitif des affaires courantes, et DISORDER sombra dans un long coma, avant d’en être extirpé par Jorge en 2011. Affublé du nouveau sobriquet de Morbid, Jorge s’acoquina avec son neveu Kevin Orellana, autrement surnommé Hellbastard. L’union fut de courte durée, puisque le pauvre Kevin se vit intimer l’ordre d’aller ranger ses shorts dans un autre tiroir juste avant la sortie du second LP du groupe, En El Rio Del Olvido, publié en 2014.
Depuis, Morbid est devenu M.Q, travaille en duo avec V.K (Iosif Najarro, membre des CONCEIVED BY HATE), a collaboré à un split en compagnie des Suédois de TOTAL INFERNO en 2016, et sort donc cette année son troisième longue durée, qui affiche toujours de belles prétentions extrêmes, sans faire de mystères sur son message interne et profond.
A savoir, jouer la musique la plus viscéralement brutale possible, sans fioritures, en se basant sur des riffs simples et des rythmiques puissamment violentes et rapides. Et si le Thrash à forts relents Black est votre canette de Lager préférée, réjouissez-vous, car Fuero Negro va vous en mettre une bonne derrière la nuque.
Musicalement, l’affaire est aussi simple qu’elle n’est efficace. Jorge se fie donc à ses instincts primaux, et se consacre corps et âme à un Blackened Thrash de première bourre, qui toutefois – et malgré ses précisions, auxquelles il tient – se permet quelques fantaisies mélodiques de bon aloi. Ne vous attendez donc pas à une charge ininterrompue singeant les IMPALED NAZARENE ou les premières exactions de WARHAMMER, puisque DISORDER joue autant sur la franchise de ses thèmes que sur les extrapolations légères qu’il imprime aux morceaux, qui finalement, sont beaucoup moins basiques que sa philosophie ne le laissait croire. Nous sommes donc en présence d’un Thrash très efficace, et dont la patine Black est surtout conférée par le chant sombre et sourd de Jorge, qui outre la guitare et les vocaux, s’occupe aussi de la basse, assez linéaire il faut l’avouer.
Si parfois ses motifs rappellent une version très dark de GRIP INC, SLAYER ou même DESPAIR, et si le tempo insufflé par V.K est assez souvent statique et speed, la musique proposée sur Fuero Negro est à l’image de son nom, et brûle d’un souffle ardent dont les braises s’envolent tout autour de vos oreilles assez malmenées. Il est certain que si les variations vous sont indispensables pour apprécier une musique aussi extrême soit-elle (mais celle de DISORDER est quand même assez pondérée), vous risquez de trouver l’écoute un peu décevante et les accès de rage relativement roboratifs, puisque de « Carroñeros de Justicia » à « Fuego Negro », les altérations et modulations sont plutôt rares, et les chansons calquées sur le même moule, incassable cela dit.
Sympathique, mais répétitif, telle pourrait être la sentence prononcée à l’égard d’un disque qui ne dévie jamais de sa trajectoire, et qui se cale sur un certain nombre de BPM, quitte à reproduire les mêmes breaks au même endroit.
Et si le travail de V.K au kit est admirable de régularité, gageons que l’homme aurait aimé varier un peu plus ses mouvements pour apporter aux titres le dynamisme qui parfois leur fait défaut.
On note quand même un semblant de déviance sur le final « Fuego Negro », qui débute par un mid tempo accrocheur, soutenu par un riff plus joyeux que fonceur, mais bien sûr, c’est un leurre destiné à nous écraser le nez sur une rage Thrash encore une fois soutenue.
Même croches égrenées au même rythme, même chant raclé, même riff rebondissant et purement Thrash, la boucle est bouclée, et finalement, un peu trop serrée pour nous permettre de respirer.
Non que la tentative soit dénuée d’intérêt, loin de là, mais il est certain que Jorge aurait gagné à diluer son propos dans un peu de nuances histoire de proposer des idées un peu plus aérées. Une accélération soudaine, ou au contraire quelques passages en down tempo, un break un peu moins calqué sur les précédents, ou un changement atonal au chant eurent été les bienvenus, mais après tout, c’est la vison de Jorge, et il convient de la respecter.
D’ailleurs, l’homme est un très bon instrumentiste aux soli très affutés et précis, qui savent se montrer harmoniques et suffisamment rapides pour le style sans tomber dans le fouillis ou la démonstration stérile. Il aurait tout intérêt à varier son chant comme il varie ses interventions, pour conférer à ses morceaux plus d’épaisseur et moins de prévisibilité.
Mais en l’état, et si vous cherchez un album qui justement ne cherche pas la petite bête sans vous prendre pour de gros bourrins sans tête, Fuero Negro fera parfaitement l’affaire dans un cadre Thrash teinté de BM light, qui tient la route, mais ne prend pas assez de risques de peur d’une éventuelle sortie de piste.
Saluons tout de même l’acharnement d’un homme qui n’a jamais renoncé. Comme quoi, l’obstination…Mais je l’ai déjà dit.
El Salvador’s Disorder release their new album “Fuego Negro” (Black Fire) and once again prove, whatever the language, heavy metal can be enjoyed by all. They have unleashed a phenomenal thrash album. Fuego Negro slams your brain with a mix of thrash/speed and black metal brilliance. They have an early Slayer and Kreator feel to them. They have a stripped down old school metal sound that is enhanced by the awesome leads and evil sounding vocals that are somewhere between death-cookie monster growls and nasty thrash style. Over all this is an awesome album. Every song just rips your face of. So once aging I say heavy metal is a universal language and Disorder proves that. You won’t be disappointed in this one no matter where you are from or whatever language you speak.
O Disorder é, atualmente, um duo de El Salvador. O trabalho nos remete à primeira geração do Thrash/Death/Black Metal. Agressividade em arranjos mais simples, porém não menos poderosos para quem gosta e conhece o estilo. Em alguns momentos, lembram a ‘thrasheira’ do Vio-lence (excelente banda da Bay Area! altamente recomendável para quem não conhece!) e o Death Metal do Possessed, entre outros. Os vocais são característicos de bandas extremas, porém não tão guturais.
O resultado final do “Fuego Negro” ficou interessante, pois a criatividade do grupo está bem distribuída na clássica ‘tríplice aliança’ do Thrash, do Death e o do Black Metal. Liricamente, há uma vertente narrativa da situação política do país de origem. Impossível, mesmo se alienando da vida real, desassociar a arte de acontecimentos políticos e históricos perversos.
Isso não quer dizer ‘tomar partido de A ou B’, mas sim narrar as atrocidades de governos totalitários e/ou fascistas. Escrever sobre dragões, castelos, fadas e afins é interessantíssimo e tem lugar ‘sagrado’ na temática de várias bandas de Metal, mas a realidade do terceiro (quarto, quinto, sexto... risos) mundo é bem outra...
A concepção da banda começou a ser criada em 1993 por Jorge Montesino com as demos caseiras. Ele segue como o ‘mentor’ do projeto, agregando músicos em formações diferentes. Discografia: “Voces de la tumba” (2002) , “En el río del olvido” (2014 ) “Fuego negro” (2017). Nota mais que positiva: cantam em castelhano!
O inglês é a língua do Metal/Rock em geral (nada contra, muito pelo contrário, profissionalmente e musicalmente está presente praticamente o dia todo na minha vida), mas é muito bom ver a preocupação em ser entendido primeiramente pelos ‘pares’! ‘By the way’. (risos)
Apesar de falarmos português, o “exemplo do país tropical abençoado por Deus e bonito por natureza’, somos tão latinos quanto os outros países das Américas do Sul e Central. A latinidade não é tão latente como nos países colonizados (invadidos, na verdade) pelos espanhóis, em especial.
No entanto, somos e temos de ter orgulho (não confundir com nacionalismo barato!) da nossa condição e identidade culturais. Quantas bandas latinas – de Metal, especificamente – as pessoas conhecem? Por que não há um intercâmbio maior? Para as bandas brasileiras, que querem expandir o território, há um terreno fértil para se conquistar na América Latina, antes da travessia do Atlântico (risos) e viva os ‘hermanos’! não o Los... aff (risos).
The weirdest thing about these El Salvador thrashers is that they self-identify as blackened thrash.
In reality, what you get is straight up old school thrash metal, with vocals that vary between a Phil Anselmo/Kyle Thomas meets later Chuck Billy gravelly aggro shout (“carroneros del justicia”) and a more snarly thing that feels more inspired by the likes of Morbid Saint.
Despite that, they’re perfectly workable and don’t distract much from all the headbanging-worthy (if apparently solo-minimal) guitarwork that drives the band.
Not a touch of black metal in this affair (or at least no more than, say, Kryptos), and given the absolute plethora of complete and utter shit piling up in that arena of late (you can’t escape the omnipresent smell of Bard flesh burning…), that’s a very good thing.
Some of the riffing gets busy and fast at points (the last quarter of “existencias paralelas”, for example), so you may be able to draw some skewed lineage to Grotesque or their inferior progeny Liers In Wait (or for that matter, Necrophobic), but that’s about it on the “blackened” anything here.
The riffing’s got plenty of crunch and falls right into the old comfort zone, and the drumming, while overly simple (and terribly overmixed on the snare – feels blastbeaty and in your face even though that style is seldom if ever used herein) is far from incompetent – you can hear plenty of fast trills and gallops on the foot pedal(s) at the very least.
The production’s a bit mixed – not bad by “extreme metal” measures, but hardly up to pristine thrash standards. To be a bit more precise, slower and less crowded parts sound good, but when they all join in and kick into high gear, it gets overly hissy and a lot noisier than you expect to hear from a thrash band. Not “bad”, really, just not quite up to snuff either.
Walk in expecting an oddly-vocalled classic thrash band without the funds for the expected crisp studio production and you’ll be happy here.
I was. Good band overall.
January 16th 2017 went down in history as the first day in two years that went by without a homicide in El Salvador. Information such as that would normally mainly be interesting to people living in or travelling to the country in question, but it somehow feels fitting when reviewing a brutal piece of black/thrash from the nation’s violent capital – San Salvador. Disorder have been around on and off since the mid 90’s, but were on a major hiatus for ten years after 2002. In the last five years or so, things have picked up, and front man Morbid is back behind the strings with a new drummer at his back.
The first thing to note, since it is evident already from the track list, is that the band sings, or rather screams, in their native tongue. My Spanish is shaky, to say the least, but it must be said that it is a language that works surprisingly well with extreme metal. Stylewise, they are on the deeper side of black metal vocals, or the higher pitched side of death metal vocals, and they sound pretty damn great.
The music is rough, D-beat driven thrash metal with a strong flavor of black/death. The riffing is extremely energestic, and at times very creative in a way that is difficult to define. In the great melodic and screaming lead guitar of “Tiempos Violentos”, the chugging down-tempo riff starting off the title track, and the relentless intensity of “Bajo el yugo de la ignorancia” there is something – certainly not original per se, but straight-forward and extremely powerful. The production has a lot of flesh – heavy and dynamic, but in no way overdone or sterile.
As noted above, my Spanish is not good enough to determine the contents of the lyrics. Throughout their history, Disorder have been influenced by the violence of the civil war in El Salvador, and such influence may very well still be here. At the very least, there is a metric ton of violence in the music. If you want to drive too fast and endanger the life of yourself and others at some point, this may be an album you want to look into. If you’re fond of ruthless thrash metal with a blackened, deathened edge, that is an even better reason.
Disorder are a band from El Salvador that has been featured before in this zine and plays a mixture of black, death, and thrash metal and this is a review of their 2017 album "Fuego Negro" which was released as a joint effort between Symbol Of Domination Productions and Morbid Skull Records.
A very heavy and old school thrash metal sound starts off the album along with some rough yet semi melodic vocals that are very heavily rooted in the 80's and when the music speeds up a decent amount of blast beats can be heard and after awhile growls are added onto the recording.
All of the musical instruments have a very powerful sound to t hem while the solos and leads add even more of an old school thrash style along with the riffs also using a decent amount of melody and back up gang shouts are also utilized at times and on later tracks black metal screams make their presence known and the album also remains very heavy from beginning to ending of the recording as well as making a retro style more modern.
Disorder creates another recording t hat remains true to the black, death and thrash metal mixture of previous releases, the production sounds very professional while the lyrics are written in Spanish and cover violence and the horrors of the Salvadorean Civil War.
In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Disorder and if you are a fan of black, death and thrash metal, you should check out this album.
Beherzte Vorstellung einer kämpferischen Combo!
Würde TESTAMENT sich auf ein einheitliches Tempo beschränken und hin und wieder auch noch mal in den Todesbleisektor schielen, könnte man vermuten, dass das Ergebnis eines weiteren Songwriting-Prozesses ähnlich aus den Boxen krachen würde wie das neue Werk von DISORDER aus El Salvador. Die Band aus Zentralamerika bringt eine Menge Aggression auf und brettert auch mit relativ hohem Tempo durch die eigenen Riffstrukturen, könnte sich aber in Sachen Abwechslung noch einmal beraten lassen, denn hiervon ist gerade in der ersten Hälfte von "Fuego Negro" nicht allzu viel zu spüren.
Seit 1994 krebst die Truppe schon durch den heimischen Underground, hat aber erst recht spät damit begonnen, das eigene Material im Studio festzuhalten, weshalb die neue Platte auch erst die dritte im Bunde ist. An Erfahrung mangelt es DISORDER aber definitiv nicht, davon zeugen unter anderem auch die handwerklichen Fertigkeiten, die zum großen Bedauern aber erst in 'Misantrópica Barbari' und 'Fuego Negro' konsequent ausgespielt werden. Mit einem Mal sitzen die Soli, es gibt ein paar entscheidende Breaks, und aus der zeitweise recht eintönigen Riff-Show wird mit einem mal Songwriting der gehobenen Klasse, das sich durchaus als international konkurrenzfähig bezeichnen darf. Warum nicht vorher so?
Fakt ist schließlich, dass "Fuegro Negro" aufgrund seiner qualitativen Schwankungen noch nicht die Berechtigung einer uneingeschränkten Empfehlung verdient. Allerdings muss man den Jungs von DISORDER zugute halten, dass sie seit mehr als zwei Dekaden unermüdlich um Anerkennung kämpfen und trotz der eher bescheidenen Umstände des Metal-Undergrounds in El Salvador nie das Handtuch geschmissen haben. Das neue Album mag zwar kein echtes Genre-Highlight sein, aber durchaus eine solide Sache, die mit mehr Variation sicherlich noch viel mehr reißen könnte!,30966.html
DISORDER from El Salvador is an interesting project I follow since their last album “En El Río Del Olvido” which I really enjoyed a lot so I was more than curious to hear their new tunes. The opening track ‘Carroñeros De Justicia’ is a destructive Death / Thrash Metal tank with fast tempo, even faster guitars and drumming, very aggressive Death / Thrash vocals and a really cool middle-section. ‘Existencias Paralelas’ comes up with rougher vocals but also with very thrashy and fast guitars and another fine aggressive solo. Compared to the predecessor, the direction in general is a bit more classic Thrash Metal than Death Metal and it seems that the guys are angrier than ever about what is going on in their country, which we only notice over here for their high rate of murder. Even though the lyrics are again in the Spanish language and I only translated the song names, it is clear what the guys are complaining about and their anger and frustration is caught pretty well in their music, just try ‘Bajo El Yugo De La Ignorancia’ as taster, a real highlight of this short album and an absolutely outstanding track. Again considering the fact that these two guys play all their instruments on their own, the album is very powerful and bursts of anger. The production is clear and powerful again. All instruments are perfectly mixed and balanced and even the basslines are always present. The drumming is very technical and fine and also the vocals always fit perfect to the songs. Everybody into fine underground Thrash Metal with a good doze of Death Metal and the anger of old SEPULTURA should lend this nice diverting album an ear. The CD version is limited to 666 copies, so better be quick.
They may share a name with a legendary punk band from Bristol, but El Salvador’s Disorder are a very different kettle of death/thrash fish. Perhaps they have one common link – they’re both very angry at something. Or lots of things.
Our Latin American Disorder released Fuego Negro (“Black Fire”) in April, limited to 666 copies on CD, and it’s a devastating piece of no-frills death metal which rips through the speakers at a blistering pace. There’s nothing technical or melodic about it. It’s a wall of shredding, visceral noise designed with one purpose – destruction.
The titles and lyrics are in Spanish, but with translations such as “Scavengers of Justice” and “Under the Yoke of Ignorance” you can get the feel of the anti-authoritarian direction the band have taken. The music is wonderfully primitive. Simplistic in execution, it belts along with basic thrashy riffs and throaty death growl vocals. I love this – it’s not trying too hard to be anything it isn’t. Fuego Negro is pure, raw El Salvadorian thrash metal.
Production is good, too. The guitars are crisp and clean, the drums pound and the cymbals crash. Even the bassline throbs nicely throughout with the mix being superb. With such an overwhelming onslaught of audio, it’s almost expected for lower-budget releases to end up a bit “mushy” in places, but that couldn’t be further from the case here. Even more impressive is that the music side of things is the output of only two people.
If you’re looking for something noisy to work out kinks in your neck to then look no further – we’ve found it for you. You can grab the album via Symbol of Domination’s bandcamp page.
Os Disorder são mais um bom exemplo de como a cena sul-americana evoluiu bastante de uns anos para cá. Essa própria evolução está evidente na carreira da banda de El Salvador que iniciou uma segunda vida no início da presente década. O seu thrash metal é bruto e forte, a fazem lembrar em alguns momentos os Testament quando estes estão zangados - nada que não nos importamos de presenciar. Bons riffs, bons temas e excelentes solos. Talvez a abordagem vocal pareça demasiado primitiva para o que o resto do som transmite, no entanto, a soma de tudo é bem satisfatória para quem procura um bom thrash metal bruto dos queixos.
Ancora non mi son abituato a recensire gruppi death e black provenienti da questa parte del mondo. Eppure ho una teoria: secondo me questi micromondi musicali sono in così poco contatto con il resto del pianeta che la musica da loro prodotta è incontaminata dalla modernità. Pura, senza influenze esterne. Sicuramente chi suona nei Disorder ascolta tuttora le MC dei Nihilist e degli Entombed, probabilmente i cd manco arrivano, per lo meno non quelli riguardanti il metal appena al di fuori del mainstream. E quindi cosa ci si può aspettare da gente così se non un marcescente agglomerato di death e black suonato nel modo grezzo degli anni ‘90 e registrato così come esce dalla strumentazione, senza aggiunte o aggiustamenti… ma il fascino di queste pubblicazioni, non mi stancherò mai di dirlo, è proprio questa nostalgia inconscia, un essere fuori da tutte le mode musicali del momento e tributare una scena che magari lì da loro è ancora viva, ma che qui è morta da due decadi. Sette tracce che offrono uno spaccato di una realtà musicale che probabilmente non capiremo mai fino in fondo ma a me va anche bene così, perché questo tipo di musica è sempre più rara, perché fatta solo di genuinità e di voglia di suonare. Cosa sempre più rara qui in occidente…
Disorder es una banda de Death/Thrash Metal formada en el año 1994 en San Salvador, El Salvador. En el año 2001 lanzaron su primera demo, llamada “Voces de la Tumba”, y un año más tarde vio la luz su primer álbum de larga duración, de mismo nombre que la demo. Trece años tuvieron que pasar para que saliera a la luz su segundo álbum, titulado “En el Rio del Olvido” y en el año 2016 lanzaron un split junto a Total Inferno. Finalmente, el 21 de abril del 2017 lanzaron su tercer disco “Fuego Negro”, a través de Symbol of Domination Productions y Morbid Skull Records, limitado a 666 copias.
La formación de Disorder está conformada por M.Q. (voces, guitarra y bajo) y V.K. (batería).
“Fuego Negro” es un álbum devastador, primitivo y crudo en sus formas. La velocidad y los riffs pesados y punzantes, en una linea absolutamente Old School Thrash Metal, son sus señas de identidad principales. Además, tambien encontraremos solos caóticos y melódicos a partes iguales, dando un dinamismo muy notable al conjunto de las siete canciones que forman “Fuego Negro”. Por otra parte, el conjunto rítmico presenta pocos cambios, siendo el blast beat la característica principal, pero aún siendo así, no llega a cansar o resultar monótono en ningún momento, gracias al buen equilibrio entre las melodías de guitarra y las voces.
Vocalmente nos encontramos ante un registro rasgado que emana mucha violencia e ira, tratándose de un registro muy similar al de bandas como Venom o Possessed.
En definitiva, “Fuego Negro” es un disco que hará las delicias de los seguidores del Death Metal primigenio y del Thrash Metal. Aquí no nos vamos a encontrar con ningún tipo de experimentación, con lo que si eres una persona muy purista, deberías hacerte con una copia de este trabajo cuanto antes.
El Salvador's Disorder returns with their third full length album "Fuego Negro" and these guys really hammered it right away when the first track started. It's a quite common genre of metal in the South American metal scene but like their counterparts, Disorder offered the most intense and fast paced death/thrash metal with a little bit of black metal somewhere within the album and it feels good.
7 tracks of continuous headbanging experience is what " Fuego Negro" has to offer with its typical death/thrash composition with extra flavors added in the arrangement. All the lyrics are in Spanish which adds up the elements of anger and rebellious mood in each and every song and to be precise it's an antidote for stress. And of course the concept of Disorder really does the trick to the maximum and the feel of being in the middle of a conflict or war, one should have no problem imagining and get themselves strayed a while from reality.Primitive as it is, "Fuego Negro" is a well produced material with lots of great criteria to look for. Well balanced clean sound but dirty in the same time, they managed to record and mix this album well without throwing away the old school vibe in the guitar works and drum parts. As for the vocals, the angry side of it really does shine with enough dosage of extremity needed for a release like this.
It looks like being a two man band doesn't stop Disorder from delivering their music to the world and they're not stopping for nothing. By keeping it simple and heavy, they can go further with their music regardless the boundaries, Thrash Till Death!!!
This El Salvadorian DISORDER is not to be confused by the UK punk crew or any other DISORER out there. This is deathrash in an old school way. Total chaos. Very basic. Raw as hell. But at the same time so bloody cool. I find it highly entertaining that there are still band today that sound like they are stuck in a different era, even a different millennium. The contrast between what I feel when I hear this and the time I live is not as strange as it should be. This is timeless extreme metal. But you gotta appreciate the kind of extreme metal that feels samey and repetitive. There are not too many contrasts in this. But that is what makes this cool. That it feels like one long punch to the face.
Dat ze daar in Zuid- en Centraal-Amerika gespecialiseerd zijn in de extremere vormen van metal is uiteraard geen geheim. Ook de uit El Salvador-afkomstige herrie-duo Disorder heeft met een reeks releases, waaronder twee langspelers, bewezen het kunstje meester te zijn. In het voorjaar is de derde langspeler, ‘Fuego Negro’, van de heren verschenen, die onlangs ons hoofdkwartier heeft bereikt.
Op deze plaat gaat de duo op dezelfde lijn verder als op hun voorgaande releases. De heren laten er geen misverstanden over en gaan vanaf de eerste seconde als bezetenen tekeer met ouderwetse, typisch Latijns-Amerikaanse, zwartgallige thrash en death metal. Denk maar aan Latijns-Amerikaanse bands zoals (oude) Volcano, Holocausto, Anal Vomit, Dekapitated, maar ook bands zoals het Zweedse Mordant en talloze soortgelijke agressievelingen, en u weet in welke richting u het moet zoeken. Van originaliteit en vernieuwing is hier dus totaal geen sprake, maar verdomme, dit is wel een lekkere brok pure agressie. De nummers zitten bomvol pakkende riffs en solo’s, blastbeats en hoogst opgefokte vocalen, waardoor de nekspieren automatisch aan het werk gaan. Wat meteen opvalt is dat men op gebied van songwriting en techniek hoorbaar vooruitgang heeft geboekt. Daarnaast is men nóg agressiever en ouderwetser te werk gegaan als voorheen. In nog geen halfuur tijd raast men door zeven songs en een rustpuntje wordt je geen moment gegund. De plaat heeft een goede, en vooral passende productie meegekregen, waardoor het geheel goed tot haar recht komt en de juiste impact heeft.
Mijn enige “probleem” met het album is het gebrek aan afwisseling, waardoor de nummers moeilijk uit elkaar te houden zijn, en daardoor niet snel een blijvende indruk maken. Maar goed, dat is iets waar vele bands in dit genre aan “lijden”, en dat verandert niks aan het feit dat ‘Fuego Negro’ een goede plaat in haar soort is. Dus als je van ouderwetse, compromisloze (typisch Latijns-Amerikaanse) en agressieve thrash/death metal houdt zit je bij deze band goed. Wees er echter snel bij, want deze release is gelimiteerd tot 666 stuks.
Внимание, дамы и господа, представляю вашему драгоценнейшему взгляду незаурядную (ну, это мягко сказано) работу в стиле блэк-треш, одном из самых угарнейших стилей в металле, в том стиле, от которого стены ходят ходуном, а крыша улетает, а потом уходит в крутое пике. Да уж, если заслуженные мастера взялись за дело, то этому миру - в вашей локации, где играет этот компакт — ну не сдобровать, а исключительный элитный слой (я имею в вид металлистов) нашего недостойного человечества получит истинное наслаждение.
Заслуженные мастера? Я так сказал? Ну и не ошибся, протрите танковые призменные приборы наблюдения, эта сальвадорская суперкоманда начала свой творческий путь в 1994 году. еть! Но это исторический факт. Был записан один компакт с обложкой полной угрюмых скелетов, сидящих за столом.
У команды были тяжелые времена и она складывала инструменты в стальной сейф. На цельных 9 лет. НО. Все течет, все меняется, и тык скыть, где-то должен проплыть труп нашего врага... поговорка такая есть в юго-восточной Азии.
Я к тому, что в 11-ом году группировка опять вытащила под звездные сальвадорские ночи свои инструменты и начала неистово репетировать. Результат воспоследовал. Два сингла, два альбома. Крайний как раз шикардосовый сабж, который беснуется у меня в колонках.
Блэк-треш это очень олдовый кластер металла, можно сказать, что один из центров зарождения блэка был как раз трешевый угар. С соответствующим вокалом.
Каким же? Здесь у нас — хрипатым, воистину нечеловеческим — а все от того, как M. Q. тянет ноту(?) (какую еще ноту на). Тянет свой рвотный вокал (не зря себе он прописал в фб Vomits/Guitars/Bass). И как это у него получается, - надо только слышать. Неимоверных возможностей человек. Окромя того еще и струнные на себя навьючил. И знаете, тут не скажешь, типа - «не доиграли». Куда там. Я был свято уверен, что там, как всегда в блэк-треше играет три музыканта. А их - два.
По гитарной работе — отъявленный олдовый трэш сочиняет маэстро, залихватский, убойный, несущийся вдаль на упряжке с сумасшедшими быками, дико и красиво (здесь это одно и тоже), акцентированный... такое, как кажется, может поднять с лежки любого зомбаря. Так же начинается - с места в опор. Удивительно то, что ребята используют наработки стиля так органично и главное, креативно, что есть полное ощущение, что это вот они в 17-ом году прямо так и изобрели этот драйвовый отрыв.
Заявлю и о том, что слаженность дуэта на высоком уровне, когда каждый трек, каждый кусок компо собран идеально. Да, для этого есть специалисты в студии, но мне кажется - это случай особый — музыканты не только отлично знают свое дело, но и буквально одержимы музыкой. Это чувствует и слушатель.
Меломан получит свою порцию олдовых кайфов в вокале, драйве, атмосфере кромешного ада. 100 пудов.
Этот диск выпустили такие конторы как Morbid Skull Records и Symbol Of Domination. Тираж странный - 666 штук — все лимитированые)). 12 страничный буклет наполнен настоящей впечатляющей темной графикой, связанной с темами неумолимой смерти.
P. S. Формация выпустила еще и кассету, как замечаю, для андеграунда это было, есть и будет настоящим трендом. Для истинных ценителей такого продукта.
Visualmente este tercer álbum full-lenght del dúo salvadoreño compuesto por V.K. en las percusiones y M.Q. en las cuerdas y voz es una compilación de ilustraciones excelentes, y tiene algunos detalles que lo hacen ver todavía más interesante como los nombres de las canciones escritos en una forma de cifrado en la contraportada y todo un párrafo escrito de la misma forma en el interior. Ambos integrantes tienen ya bastante experiencia a sus espaldas en otros proyectos y, ésta vez, crean una descarga de thrash/death metal que se apega a los cánones clásicos de un género que ya tiene sus límites bien establecidos desde hace tiempo. Igual que con otras mezclas de géneros que han surgido a lo largo de los años, quien se arriesga a hacer ésto en la actualidad corre peligro de caer en la mediocridad. Fuego Negro es un ejemplo de cuando se tiene éxito al tomar estos riesgos.
Las letras están escritas en español, como en las anteriores producciones de la banda, ésto es ya una característica de identificación en Disorder.
"Carroñeros de justicia" es el primer track y tiene la colaboración de un vocalista de thrash metal argentino, Guillermo Romero de la banda Serpentor, para dar una bienvenida violenta. Cuando pasamos a "Existencias paralelas" apenas hay espacio para darse cuenta que lo que importa es mantener una ejecución contundente de canciones de composición elemental. "Bajo el yugo de la ignorancia" y "333" son piezas veloces del mejor death/thrash que se ha hecho en éstas tierras en años y "Tiempos violentos" muestra además una ejecución vocal sobresaliente.
Con la excepción de "Misantrópica barbarie" y "Fuego negro" existe poca diversidad en cuanto a elementos progresivos como cambios de tempos que puedan resultar protagónicos. No hay novedades o sonidos frescos, pero ¿Quién necesita novedad cuando se tiene media hora de brutalidad musical de buena calidad? El álbum -como un todo- es uniforme, cada canción tiene solos de cuerdas ejecutados por músicos de El Salvador, Perú y Colombia que agregan melodía a la velocidad salvaje de los riffs y D-beats. Destacan fácilmente piezas como el track 2 y los últimos tres cortes.
Recomendado para quienes gustan del metal veloz con sonido clásico, pero con una excelente producción que deja escuchar todos los instrumentos con claridad sin comprometer la crudeza que viene de la composición sobria.
Visually this third full-length album by the Salvadoran duo formed by V.K. on percussions and M.Q. in the strings and voice is a compilation of excellent illustrations, and has some details that make it look even more interesting as the names of the songs are written in a form of encryption on the back cover and a whole paragraph written in the same way on the inside. Both members already have enough experience behind their backs in other projects and this time they create a thrash / death metal bomb that adheres to the classic canons of a genre that already has its limits well established since a while ago. As with other mixed genres that have emerged over the years, whoever risks doing something like this nowadays is in danger of falling into mediocrity. Fuego Negro is what happens when you succeed in taking these risks.
The lyrics are written in Spanish, as in all the previous productions of the band, this is already an identifying feature in Disorder. "Carroñeros de Justicia" is the first track and has the collaboration of an Argentine thrash metal vocalist, Guillermo Romero from the band Serpentor, to give a violent welcome. When we go to "Existencias paralelas" there is hardly any time in between the tracks to realize that what matters here is to maintain a powerful execution for songs with primitive composition. "Bajo el yugo de la ignorancia" and "333" are fast pieces of the best death / thrash metal that has been made in these lands in years and "Tiempos violentos" shows also an outstanding vocal execution.
With the exception of "Misantrópica barbarie" and "Fuego Negro" there's little diversity in terms of progressive elements such as tempo changes. There are no new or fresh sounds, but who needs that when you have half an hour of good quality musical brutality? The album - as a whole - is coherent, each song has string solos performed by musicians from El Salvador, Peru and Colombia that add melody to the wild speed of riffs and D-beats. Pieces such as track 2 and the last three cuts are highlights.
Recommended for those who like fast metal with classic sound, but with an excellent production that lets you listen to all the instruments clearly without compromising the rawness that comes from the sober composition.
El Salvador is not the hugest country when it comes to Extreme Metal, but it houses some interesting bands for sure. One within quite an impressive list must be Disorder, band that was formed almost two and a half decades ago. The band was active, especially in their local scene (Latin America), and in 2002 they independently released their great debut Voces De La Tumba. Unfortunately, some members decided to form a new act (Dreamlore), so Disorder split up short after the release of their first full length. However, in 2011 frontman Jorge ‘M.Q.’ Montesino (you might know him as well from e.g. Conceived By Hate or Morbid Stench) decided to reform the band. This resulted in En El Rio Del Olvido (, which was released via Morbid Skull Productions. Via the very same label, a split-tape with Swedish horde Total Inferno followed in 2016. Together with Iosif ‘V.K.’ Najarro, Jorge’s colleague in e.g. Conceived By Hate or Morbid Stench, Jorge wrote and recorded a third full length studio album, Fuego Negro. Once again it gets released via Extreme Metal label Morbid Skull Productions (also from El Salvador), this time in co-operation with Russia’s finest Symbol Of Domination Productions.
Fuego Negro (which means ‘black fire’) is a powerful seven-tracker that clocks half an hour. The compact disc (regular jewel case) comes with a twelve-page booklet, which contains explicit artwork. The CD version was printed in an edition of 666 copies – does it mean something, this number?
Compared to the past, in all honesty, Disorder did not evolve that much. Still this project creates quite ‘traditional’ Death / Thrash Metal with a distinct approach in the vein of the era late eighties / very early nineties and many hints of D-Beat violence and blackened terror. And that somewhat disappointing, for everything sounds so predictable. It’s great stuff for sure, but you might have heard it before. But anyway, it is clear that the skills of song writing and performing, both of them, are high, and then I am referring to both musicians involved. The essence is based on a heavy-rhythmic structure, with a full wall of guitars, basses and drums as basement. All this gets brutally raped by piercing riffs and brain-with-a-rusty-axe-penetrated guitar solos, and of course the raucous, blood-spitting throat of Jorge. He’s talented when talking about technical craftsmanship for sure, and he able to create decent hymns of morbidity and brutality. Nothing more, yet nothing less either.
But as mentioned, I do miss some ‘spirituality’. It’s great to pay tribute to the origins of all sonic evil. It’s fine to notice such crafted and skilled attitude. I am sort of disappointed in the predictability for most of the tracks. You just feel when a next solo will show up, or another break or tempo-change. Yet still there are so many comparable bands that are not able to write and perform at this high level, so I can’t destroy this result either. On top of it, the actual song writing has improved, and the sound quality is so great – I thought the production of the former release was too clinically produced, but Fuego Negro sounds correct. So let’s head-f*cking-bang your (ugly) head and enjoy some uncompromising Death / Thrash Violence from El Salvadorian soil!
It’s just amazing what two like-minded fellows can create together with synchronized mindsets. M.Q. (aka Jorge Montesino) and V.K. (aka Iosif Najarro), both from El Salvador, have together created a punishing sounding Death/Thrash Metal act that is meant to cut you in half .
Fuego necro is their second album together, and third in the history of the band. The music played here is a fast-paced mixture of Death and Thrash Metal, in which no sleepy moments are allowed. It’s heavily riff-driven also, which in my book makes things just a little bit sweeter. The guys’ musicianship is amazingly good; they truly know their shit and what Disorder is meant to sound like: vile, ripping and aggressive as hell. I really like M.Q.’s (who also handles all other instruments on this release, expect drums) raw and vicious vocal delivery, which goes nicely along with the band’s old school Death/Thrash Metal assault.
The album is loaded with some truly enjoyable kickass moments, so there’s no reason for you not to check them out.
Tres años se hicieron esperar estos monstruos para editar este tamaño disco que es "Fuego negro". Nada menos se podía esperar de este dúo salvadoreño integrado por Jorge Montesino y Iosif Najarro, el cual cuenta como invitado a un paisano, nada menos que Guillermo Romero, vocalista de Serpentor.
Yendo a lo más importante, "Fuego negro" es una auténtica muestra de speed/thrash/death amalgamados de forma tal que es imposible no comenzar a sacudir la cabeza. En un álbum que no tiene desperdicio, las velocísimas "Carroñeros de justicia" y “Bajo el yugo de la ignorancia” se llevan los aplausos, pero en síntesis, casi media hora de riffs, baterías a los palos (Najarro descolla) y la corrosiva voz de Montesino para redundar un trabajo impecable.
La espera valió la pena, Disorder está en plena forma para seguir mostrando el camino, y "Fuego negro" se perfila para clásico. Thrash 'til death!