. Satanath Records

Reviews: SODP025

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Die saarländisch-bayerische Formation GOATTHROAT gründete sich im vergangenen Jahr und kürzlich ist mit „Rites of Blasphemy“ das Debütalbum erschienen. Das Trio, welches sich aus Sänger Golzarath, Saitenschwinger Necromancer und Schlagzeuger Zdrobitor zusammensetzt, ist tief im örtlichen Untergrund verwurzelt. Vor allem Golzarath könnte dem einen oder anderen bereits über den Weg gelaufen sein, ist seine Bandbeteiligung eine fast schon endlose Liste ‚obskurer‘ Untergrundgruppen wie etwa GEYST, MOLOCH, THE UNSPEAKABLE CULT OV GOATPENIS, nur um ein paar wenige zu nennen. Man kann ihm wohl getrost eine Vorliebe fürs Perverse, Primitive und Rohe attestieren.

Bei GOATTHROAT macht er jedenfalls eine verdammt gute Figur, überdies macht er den Bandnamen hör- und spürbar. Sein Gesang ist wahrhaftig ein bösartiges und kehliges Gegurgel. Seine Intonationen klingen herrlich morbide und finster, sind dabei aber nicht maßlos übersteigert. Auch wenn seine stimmliche Darbietung intensiv ist, so gehen GOATTROAT musikalisch einen eher gemäßigten Weg. Sicher, das Trio spielt dreckigen und satanischen Black Metal der den Gehörnten preist. Aber das tun GOATTHROAT vorwiegend in mittelschnellen Tempi, schleppend darf es auch gerne mal sein. Schnelle Schübe sind auch zu vernehmen, aber nicht besonders häufig und dann eher verhalten.

GOATTHROAT beziehen ihre Schwärze und morbide Atmosphäre aus kranken Gesang und tief tönenden Gitarrenläufen. Die tief gestimmten Gitarren geben drückende, schwere Riffs zum Besten, die manchmal eine Brücke zum Death Metal schlagen. „Rites of Blasphemy“ ist einfach ein derbes Black-Metal-Album, welches schlicht alles Negative und Hässliche in sich vereint, egal welchem Genre das auditive Unheil entsprang. Mit Ästhetik und feingliedrigen Kompostionen haben GOATTHRAOT absolut nichts zu tun. Stattdessen gibt es Kotze, Blut und Satan satt.

Wenn man so etwas mag, dann sind GOATTROAT genau das Richtige. Die Scheibe ist in dieser Hinsicht mehr als ordentlich. Verfechter des kompromisslosen Untergrunds können hier also bedenkenlos zugreifen.




Goatthroat are a band from Germany that plays a very raw and bestial mixture of black and death metal and this is a review of their 2015 album "Rites Of Blasphemy" which was released as a joint effort between Symbol Of Domination Productions and Tribulacion Productions.

A very dark horror movie sound track sound starts off the album along with some demonic growls a few seconds later and after the intro the music gets a lot more heavy along with some black metal screams and a great amount of death metal elements which also includes a great amount of morbid sounding melodies.

When the music speeds up it brings in more of a raw style of black and war metal along with a small amount of blast beats and the songs also bring in a great mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts and the bass guitars also mix in a very heavy and evil sound at times while some of the slower riffs add in a touch of early 90's doom/death metal and a later track also brings in a brief use of melodic guitar leads.

Goatthroat plays a style of black/death metal that is very raw, bestial and blasphemous sounding and manages to make every minute and second of the recording sound very hateful and evil, the production sound s very dark and raw while the lyrics cover Blasphemous and Satanism themes.

In my opinion Goatthroat are a very great sounding raw and bestial mixture of black and death metal and if you are a fan of those musical genres, you should check out this band. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Drowned in The Black Vomit Of the Goat Throat" "Rites Of Blasphemy" "Sodo0my And Ecstasy" and "The Final mass".



In black metal there is a lot of goat symbolism. The goat symbolizes the opposition of the church and the praise of the devil. But sometimes it is taken a bit too far. I have no idea what the idea behind the name GOATTHROAT is. Musically this is easier to understand. This is death/black metal that almost drags itself forward. This is heavy as hell. But not in a way that makes this a pain in the butt to listen to. No, this is instead some cool shit. I like the primitive approach. It gives this an edge that often is lost when you add to much to it.



A beszédes nevű Goatthroat nevezetű német formáció, mi mást is játszhatna, mint istenkáromló mocskos, föld alatti moraj - blacket. A Rites of Blasphemy a tavaly alakult banda debüt lemeze, 10 éjfekete gyalázattal megpakolva.

Az albumot hallgatva úgy gondolom, hogy a triumvirátus feltett célja volt egy olyan ortodox, régisulis black-death förmedvény világra okádása ahol a zenei, hangzásbeli minimalizmus volt a kiindulópont. Ennek az album teljesen eleget is tesz. Tompán, túltorzított basszus-domináns összképpel morajlik, amibe a gépdob ridegen, idegenül kattogva teljesíti ki a totális elembertelenedést. A tempó ritkán kúszik középlassú fölé és a blackre jellemző blastolás is ritkán kerül elő. Így az összkép zeneileg valahol a nagyon korai Warhammer, Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Venom, Darkthrone vonalra lőhető be. A minimalisztikusan stílushelyes sátános külsőségeken és ebben a közegben elfogadható, mi több direktnek és koncepciózusnak is mondható megszólaláson felül, már csak a daloknak kellene bizonyítaniuk. No, itt érzem talán azt, hogy van még hova előrelépni, mert bizony ezen a téren sikerült a legkevésbé megugrani azt a bizonyos lécet. Az általánosan groteszk és taszító hangulaton felül viszont nem igazán jelennek meg karakteres nóták, markáns megoldások. Ezen a korai Impaled Nazarene-t idéző elmélyített sátánmorgás megjelenése sem sokat lendít.
A kiadvány és a matt, erősen erezett papírra készített booklet ismét csak dicséretet érdemel, tényleg tök autentikus és hiteles. Olyan, ez a bemutatkozó lemez, mintha minden külsőségbe, hangzásba, koncepcióba sok előkészülettel iszonyat sok energiát toltak volna bele, csak a zene lett még elnagyolva. Vagy nem is tudom. Talán ezzel a primitívséggel, hányaveti minimalizmussal pontosan ennyit akarnak elérni. Egy minimál, hányaveti, mocsok pusztulatot a világra okádni. Ez sikerült. Azonban kizárt, hogy 3-4 év múlva szóba kerüljön, hogy "emlékszel, hogy a Drowned in Black Vomit of the Goat Throat mekkora állat dal? Jaaa, vágod? Didüdüdüm - didüdüdüm" és megy a közös vasvillázás miközben a capella felhánytorgatjuk a szám vezérmotívumát...



Goatthroat are a very young yet, at the same time, experienced trio from Germany, with members from Old Skull and As Light Becomes Shadow. After having joined forces in 2014, the members soon recorded ten pieces of purest Evilness and Grimness, gathered under the banner of Rites Of Blasphemy. And for sure these ‘songs’ are rites of blasphemy. The material and the artwork do fit (look at the cover painting and you’ll understand), and so do the sound and atmosphere.

After a short yet ominous evocation, Goatthroat perform a mostly evil, filthy, grinding, necrotic, morbid and ugly form of Black Metal, somewhat mechanical in sound, and enormously primal and minimally / nihilistically old styled in execution. It results in a like-it-or-not opinion, with both possible extremes definable.

Cons might be the dense, mechanical and forced sound quality, the lack of variation, the use of both throaty screams and deadly grind-grunts, or the primitive song writing.

Pros, at the other hand, could be the revival of the minimal Old School, the purity of the grimness / evilness / darkness / filthiness, and the extremely misty, horrific atmosphere.

Guess what: I am going for the happy, positive side of the whole experience J (smiley indeed!) (what else should you expect?). I do really think the primal, primitive and, at the same time, ultimately rusty and grouse sound + approach are a surplus, for this specific execution is way too rare lately. It reeks of the glorious First Wave current from Brazil, Finland, Greece, Germany and Holland, and since I do adore that specific smell… J (damn, did I add a smiley once again???)…



Sorry, but I always have to stifle my laughter when I see yet another band name with the word ‘goat’ in it. That was also the case with Goatthroat and to insult to injury they called their album ‘Rites Of Blasphemy’. Just as a two-year-old could intuitively tell this German band is a satanic combo. Ah well, many such a band treads the face of the earth. It is after all about the music and that aspect is more than satisfactory. Boorish and blunt death metal which grabs back to the days of Hellhammer, Beherit, Necro Schizma, Goatlord, those sorts of bands. Original? Far from it. Does it go down well? Absolutely Are you a fan of the aforementioned bands? Be sure to give ‘Rites Of Blasphemy’ a chance.



GoatThroat---Rites Of Blasphemy cd {Tribulacion Prod.}
Germany's raw and violent black metal has never sounded or been performed better then with GoatThroat's debut cd.Rites Of Blasphemy is ten tracks of barbaric raw black metal.The music is well written and delievered going from a mid paced range to a all out fast assult on the eardrums.The drumming is top notch with some very well done mid paced drum patterns to all out blasting drum patterns.The vocals are grim black metal shrieks and screams if you are a fan of raw black metal that is short and gets to the point then Rites Of Blasphemy is a release you will want to pick up today.


Shit! What a piece of satanic death/black metal I have here!! This sounds primitive, bestial and sharp like hell, and I’m sure many of you will recognize the ancient roots.

Coming from Germany, these guys are veterans in black metal genre, and they don’t need to demonstrate anything to the world; they just sit on the road and spit blood in painful guitar riffs, holocaustic structures and abysmal vocal lines. Of course this band knows about chaotic miasmas, but they added old school elements to the tunes, and definitely this sounds like a death machinery crushing skulls in hell. Also, recording is direct to the bone and crude like a piece of flesh. All tracks are based in sinister guitar lines and cathartic sections, with good taste and dark influences in ancient gods like Ungod, Desaster, old Sodom, etc. If you ask me, the track “End Time Prophecy” represents what this new entity wants to tell to the world. This is massive destruction with perennial guitar riffs, poisonous vocal lines and grim atmospheres. The passion for black metal genre here is remarkable, and I’m sure soon we will hear more news from this Germanic beast.


Goatthroat aus dem schönen Saarland sind erst seit 2014 existent und legen hier ihr Debüt vor. Sie spielen finsteren Black-/Death Metal der alten Schule und machen ihre Sache richtig gut. Bei dumpfem, leicht schwammig, nicht aber schlechtem Sound, rumpeln sie munter drauflos. Allerdings stechen sie doch etwas aus der Masse hervor. Wo die meisten Bands dieser Sparte stumpf Archgoat oder Beherit kopieren, haben Goatthroat tatsächlich so etwas wie einen eigenen Sound. Denn sie machen keinen auf hohes Tempo oder Untightness. Sie klingen fast wie eine Doom-/Death Metal-Band, wie es sie Mitte der Neunziger oft in Holland gab, mit Blasphemy-mäßigem, schwammigem Sound und fiesem Gesang, der auch mal an Order From Chaos oder Revenge erinnert. Alles zusammen ergibt diesen diabolischen Cocktail, der zwar alt, aber nicht retro klingt. Goatthroat schaffen sich aus Altbewährtem eine eigene Nische und setzen Akzente. Kann ich nur empfehlen!


Germany’s old school black metal terrorists Goatthroat know how play real black metal, which made the good old days of black metal so vicious, violent and Satanic in spirit.

“Rites Of Blasphemy” is heavily influenced by the likes of Celtic Frost, Sodom and Hellhammer, as it is total old school black metal worship. The guitar rhythms are dark as the night sky and the vocals sound as if a goat with its throat slit is possessed by its inner demons. The demonized vocals is not the only thing here, which is purely evil and savage sounding, the guitars and drumming come at you like a spirit in distress after being chased by the ghouls and zombies of desecrated grave sites.

What I like about Goatthroat is their ability to convey such blackened moods in an ear-splitting delivery of their unholy black metal makes them a very sincere band.

From listening to this ungodly trio’s evil songwriting talents and lyrical themes, you’re in for the kill, and it is you who is being murdered on “Rites Of Blasphemy”. This band is as blasphemous black metal could ever be, and Goatthroat is not willing to slow down or stop at anything, because if you get in their way, you’ll be violently crushed to death with their Devil horns.

These guys are very tight and play with strong convictions about the dark side and all its bloody rituals from the depths of fire and brimstone.

For the death and bacl metal guitarists and songwriters, Goatthroat is a great influence to have in your own style of playing such extreme styles of heavy metal. Moreover, if you want to learn how to play guitar rhythms like the black and death metal masters from the late eighties and early nineties, Goatthroat is a damn good example of how it all should be executed, without any hesitation.

Check out “Rites Of Blasphemy” and sacrifice yourself to the horned almighty. Symbol Of Domination    


“Raw and morbid Black/Death Metal from Germany”. Asi reza el Facebook oficial de Goatthroat, y aquí está el primer larga duración de este combo oriundo de Bavaria e integrado por Golzarath en voz, Necromancer en bajo y guitarra, y Zdrobitor en batería.

El estilo elegido por estos muchachos queda más que claro al ver el arte de tapa, nombre y títulos de sus canciones, estos es liso y llano black / death blasfemo y sin atisbos de bondad.

Como no podía ser de otra manera, el sonido no es el mejor (seguramente eso ha sido buscado con la intención de ser aún más true), pero esto no impide darnos cuenta que estamos en presencia de una banda que sabe muy bien a donde apuntan sus cañones. No le pierdan pisada.


Ehy! Fermi tutti! Che succede qui? In che anno siamo? E che ci faccio nella mia cameretta, con l'ettagramma dei Celtic Frost ed il disegno fatto a mano da mio fratello della copertina di “in The Sign Of Evil” dei Sodom sui miei rispettivi giubbotti di jeans? Siamo nel 1986? E soprattutto che esce dal mio giradischi? Ah no, aspettate, non è un vinile, è un CD , in edizione limitata di 500 copie, ed è dei Goatthroat. No, non siamo tornati indietro nel tempo e no, siamo ancora qui nel 2016, almeno fisicamente.

Come avrete potuto intuire, i Goatthroat di “Rites Of Blasphemy” non vivono musicalmente ai giorni nostri, proprio no. Il loro primitivo e sulfureo Black/Death Metal si rifà alla vecchia scuola, quella degli Hellhammer, dei Sodom più primordiali di “Obsessed By Cruelty” e tanto, tanto “veleno” satanico dei primi Rotting Christ e Samael. Insomma, il Black Metal di una volta, fatto di mid-tempo, velocità controllata, doppie voci con pitch- shifter quasi costante ed attitudine e devozione al Maligno totale ed assoluta. Pezzi praticamente ridotti all'osso, con il massimo di 3 minuti scarsi di durata e volutamente grezzi ed “ignoranti”, quindi per questo fruibili senza troppo impegno da parte dell'apparato uditivo.

Tedeschi e fuori tempo massimo per qualunque capolavoro estremo, i Goatthroat ci deliziano le orecchie e ci incuriosiscono, sia come proposta musicale che di concetto. Tracce ed iconografia identificabili al più oscuro underground e devozione totale ad un old-fashion style che va da metà degli anni 80 e finisce nei primi degli anni 90, anche grazie l'avvento dell'ondata putrida di Death Metal di stampo americano, che pose fine a quella “golden age” tutta europa, ora molto in auge nei paesi dell'America latina e del sud-est asiatico. “Rites Of Blasphemy” non brilla di qualche particolare hit, e l'omogeneità della proposta nonchè lo stretto minutaggio, fa si che il lavoro sia un compatto blocco di metallo satanico e malevolo, pure discretamente registrato, ma che non lascia molto di sé al suo passaggio. Se fossimo veramente ai fasti di un tempo, questo lavoro sarebbe su tape ed idolatrato da un' esigua cerchia di adepti, sussurrato a mezza voce e duplicato su piastre di scadente qualità, per essere poi passato di mano in mano ai concerti, tra l'entusiasmo di 'zine cartacee e flyers in bianco e nero in allegato, od in mistiche buste rinforzate, spedite alla posta del paese il sabato mattina. Purtroppo il tempo è passato e ad ascoltare ora i Goatthroat, almeno al sottoscritto, da un pò di tristezza e tanta nostalgia per un'epoca che giustamente non può ripetersi, e che suona straniante riscoprire.

Non essendoci nulla di nuovo sotto il Sole Nero del Black Metal più ortodosso, nè come plot e né come sonorità, non mi resta che considerare “Rites Of Blasphemy” un doveroso omaggio/tributo alle radici più occulte e sinistre del genere, un modo genuino di riscoprire chi siamo, da dove veniamo e soprattutto perché lo stiamo facendo, cosa che molte bands di oggi ad album finito, stampato e distribuito, non sanno neppure. Quindi, bando alle ciance, si va ad evocate il Maligno con l'eyeliner, la croce rubata alla canonica del paese giustamente invertita e il libro dei Grimori comprato sulle bancarelle dell'usato, ma con i Goatthroat a volume stadio, mi raccomando. Il perché lo sapete fin troppo bene, altrimenti cotonativi e capelli e mettetevi il rossetto, posers del cazzo! Horn' up and let the Evil begin!


I Goatthroat sono satanicamente beceri e incrostati di nero, suonano e sanno di vecchio, rifacendosi a quanto prodotto dal mondo black metal ai suoi albori, attingendo sia dal panorama anni Ottanta di Sarcófago ed Hellhammer che da quello anni Novanta di Beherit e Goatlord. Il trio tedesco composto da Golzarath (voce), Necromancer (chitarra e basso) e Zdrobitor (batteria) forgia così venticinque minuti scarsi di musica morbosa e astiosa.

"Rites Of Blasphemy" è l'esaltazione del cliché: le note che vanno a comporre i pezzi, i titoli assegnati e l'iconografia attraverso la quale il gruppo esterna il proprio elogio al male sono un omaggio pedissequo a quel periodo d'oro. Nell'intera opera non c'è traccia alcuna della personalità di questi musicisti teutonici, ma non nego il fatto che siano comunque riusciti a coniare un lavoro atmosfericamente oppressivo e nebbioso, totalmente imbevuto di rozzume e nichilismo, la cui marcescenza ha il gusto di una piena devozione al verbo dell'underground.

La brutalità e la cupezza della prestazione si allontanano dalla crescente voglia di esplorare e ripulire il suono nero fattasi strada nel corso degli anni. Al contrario il passato ne regge le sorti e pertanto esclusivamente chi ancora oggi coltiva con intramontabile dedizione l'interesse per uscite di stampo old school dovrebbe avvicinare i Goatthroat e "Rites Of Blasphemy".


My brother introduced me to GOATTHOAT's music a few months ago. It's a general rule that just about any band with the word "Goat" in the title is something I'll listen to (ARCHGOAT, GOAT SEMEN, GOATBLOOD, SADOGOAT, etc...). But  GOATTHOAT? I'm not even sure what that means other than simply referring to the throat of a goat. But I gave it a listen. And it's a little different than other goat bands. "Rites Of Blasphemy" is this German band's first release. The intro 'Evokation' is, to be honest, a little too silly (which could be their intention, actually. I mean, they are called GOATTHROAT). But then 'Drowned In Black Vomit Of The Goat Throat' kicks in with no apologies. An almost ominous, steady rhythm permeates through my ears. Vocals by Golzarath are buried a little bit, but instill the anguish and pain we all know and love in our Black / Death Metal. The same tempo continues through 'Howling Winds Of Pestilence And War', 'Rites Of Blasphemy' and 'Proclaiming The Rise Of The Black Goat'. Actually, the same tempo resonates throughout the whole album. Individually, the songs are headbangable (if that's a word). However, I feel that each song feels like it jumps right into it, with no real build-up or song changes throughout. But if you're looking for consistency, this album does have it. And the song titles... 'Incidents In The Impious Chamber', 'Sodomy And Ecstasy', and the ones listed above... I will say they know how to name their Metal.


Het Label Satanath overspoelde de redactie afgelopen jaar op een bepaald moment met releases. Uiteindelijk werd deze stapel zo groot dat er nu nog resten van te vinden zijn. Niet alles was kwalitatief even hoogstaand maar toch waren er ook positieve uitschieters te melden. Met het Duitse Goattroath ben ik dan ook benieuwd welk lot mij ten deel valt.

Het lekkere ouderwetse artwork zorgt in ieder geval voor een goed begin en doet mij direct denken aan bijvoorbeeld Worship Him van Samael. Bij het beluisteren valt eigenlijk al heel snel ook de black metal stijl van eind jaren 80 op. We horen er bijvoorbeeld Hellhammer in terug. Makkelijk verteerbare mid tempo black metal zonder al teveel pretenties. De vocalen zijn vaak dubbel uitgevoerd met een scream en een diepe grunt om nog even extra de nadruk op het kwaadaardige karakter te leggen en de riffs en ritmesectie simpel maar doeltreffend.

Al met al is dit een album geworden dat voor de liefhebber best aantrekkelijk is. Het springt er niet bovenuit maar volstaat prima voor een aantal draaibeurten.



Приверженцы темной или просто черной стороны из Германии Goatthroat выступили со своим полноформатом на конторе Symbol Of Domination, сублейбле Satanath Records. Метал архивы сообщили, что эта группа из блэково-дэтового легиона, что троица музыкантов где только не переиграла в андеграундных формациях Дойчланда. НО. Я увидел главное, что их горлодер прославился еще и в команде PESTKULT, про альбом которой я уже писал, и еще тогда подметил, что «вокалист … такой же анархист, как  все остальные демоны группы, и потому его витийства имеют характер аудиального разнонаправленного кризисного управления. Он то бесовски спокоен и рыгает огнем приказов и доктринерства, то ангельски неистов, поливая хрустящей жестью благочиний и атеистической разнузданной проповеди в стиле маркиза де Сада».

Это одно уже дает основания полагать, что GOATTHROAT сочинил и исполнил поистине бездушные гимны Хозяину реальности. Об этом, собственно говоря, намекает уже и обложка, даже не любимая трехцветная — красно-черно-белая, а просто черно-белая. Тут уже видно и кровь засохла и почернела.

ВИА GOATTHROAT начинает с минутного органного вступления, где вокалист разминается с низкого гроулинга. И вскорости банда монструозно доказывает свое блэково-дэтовое происхождение, предъявляя мандаты, которые котируются ВЕЗДЕ. Это безумная страсть, хаотическое вдохновение, пещерное объемистое звучание, звериное холодное «размышление» и дикий напор.

Во-многом это заслуга струнника, который в данном воплощении отвечает и за бас, и за семиструнку. Как это он все записывал — его секреты, но в итоге мы имеем абсолютно фирменный блэк-дет, который выкопан из потаенных мест баварского леса, весь обугленный и изувеченный, покрытый гнилостными остатками подозрительных жидкостей, воняющий соответственно и имеющий притягательность электромагнита мощностью около киловатта. Но только по его медным проводам бегает далеко не ток, а пущена тонкая энергия человеческих душ. Вот он и тянет, и притягивает: с инфернальной мощью.

Струнник создает истинно гулкое, почти трансовое звучание, разломанное брейками драммера, заправленное кровавым кетчупом вокала. Сумрачное бесноватое музицирование не сходит с рельсов этого диска, каждый раз все глубже и дальше втягивая слушателя в свои личные каверны в скальных породах, в шахтерские ходы в залежах каменноугольного месторождения… а иначе откуда вся это мракобесная чернота, весь этот аудиальный объем и временная транзакция в глубины подвальных 90-х.

Плещет скользкая жидкость из-под бойкого медиатора, который мечется по струнам. Жидкость эта накипает на пальцах и на грифе, и корпусе гитары, передавая свои эманации в трак, который прозвучит у вас на диске. Потому-то он так напоен ужасом, паникой, вивисекцией и вонью пыточной комнаты. Атмосфера исключительно душная и одновременно бездушная (ну вы поняли). Адское трио — завзятые мастера по созданию жуткого аудиального закрытого пространства, где сердце колотится чаще, прихватывает и проч. И понятно: никакого милосердия, никакого взаимопонимания, о чем вы…

Я бы поступил совершенно неправильно, если бы не сказал пары слов о луженой глотке этого проекта. (Теперь знакомый) Golzarath на этом диске вокалирует в низком дэтовом регистре, расщепленном гроулинге, местами накладывая на него же слой еще более низкого вокала, давая поистине каннибальский результат. А вот (track 7) вокал подработан и кажется извергнутым в какой-то адский мегафон – будто для особо непонятливых. Однако, уверен, таких бестолковых к 7 траку здесь не будет. Мастерская работа, отлично вписывающаяся в контекст диска.

Надо бы еще заметить, что этот компакт издан в сотрудничестве с колумбийской (!) фирмой Tribulacion Productions. И еще. Много видел всякого. Но чтобы буклет и вкладыш диска были напечатаны на тисненой бумаге — это впервые. Лого коллектива выполнил Кристоф Шпайдель, если вам это что-то говорит.

